suffix -i -_- idris bahtiar (kki112.11.020)

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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A Slide submitted as fulfillment of assignment for TIFL The lecturer: Mr. Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed.


a. To get the meaning of the “many times”, suffix -i should be affixed stating action verb .

Ex:Pencuri itu mereka pukuli sampai babak belur.

Pukuli that is to say (pekerjaan) hit for many times.

b. To get the meaning of the “place” suffix –i should be affixed the verb that states place.

Ex:Jangan duduki kursi itu.

Duduki that is to say “sit in the chair”.

c. To get the meaning of the “felt something on” suffix –i should be affixed the verbs that express an inner.

Ex: Hormatilah gurumu!

Hormati that is to say “feel respect for your teacher”.

d. To get the meaning of the “give or sprinkle” suffix –i should be affixed the noun which states an act of grace.

Ex: Tolong nasihati anak-anak itu!

Nasihati that is to say “give advice on children’s”.

e. To get the meaning of the “become atau consider“suffix –i should be affixed the some particular noun known characteristics.

Ex: Jangan kalian budaki anak itu!

Budaki that is to say “consider to be a slave”

f. To get the meaning of the “caused so” suffix –i should be affixed the adjective

Ex: Lengkapi dulu syarat-syaratnya!

Lengkapi that is to say “made complete in…”


Suffix–i commonly used in conjunction with the prefix ME to become ME-I used in the active voice transitive and also with the prefix DI-to become DI-I that is used in passive sentences transitive.

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