suffragettes -€¦ · suffragettes were sent to prison for their actions....

Post on 23-Sep-2020






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Suffragettes Lesson 2- Diaries of Imprisoned suffragettes


Last lesson, you learnt about how the suffragette movement began and what they were campaigning for.

You then researched one of the more prominent women who helped lead the fight in electoral reform.

This week, we will learn some more about their treatment in prison and write a diary account. (watch this video for a quick recap)


• As their campaigning became more militant, more and more suffragettes were sent to prison for their actions.

• The WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union) actively encouraged women to take action and get arrested. Many were given a ‘heroes welcome’ as they were released.

What happened to suffragettes while they were in prison?

Life in prison for many suffragettes was difficult. They had to endure:• Cold, damp, cramped and dirty

prison cells. • Poorly ventilated cells (causing

some to break windows)• Many were isolated for up to 23

hours a day (only allowed out of their cell for church and exercise).

• Basic food (bread, milk, potatoes- no fruit or vegetables)

However, not all women were treated this way and, once again, a person’s social standing had a impact a woman’s experience in prison, as we saw last lesson with Lady Constance Lytton.

Hunger Strikes• The suffragettes were unhappy with their treatment in prison and felt

that men convicted of similar crimes were given privileges like letters from home and visitors.

• The responded by going on hunger strike and refusing to eat. They argument was, ‘if we’re not going to be treated as first class prisoners then we will refuse to obey the rules and we will refuse to eat.’

• In response, many were force fed food by guards through tubes in their throat.

Why do you think prison guards would not want suffragettes to starve to death while in prison?

Inequality among prisoners…

Not all women were treated like this, as we heard last week in the story of Lady Constance Lytton.

Many women like Lady Lytton, with high social standing, were provided with more comfortable cells, better food and even visits from their family.

Let’s find out what happened to Lady Lytton when she returned to prison under the new name of Jane Warton

Task: Write a diary account

Taking on the character of one of the suffragettes, you will write a diary account. It may include a day which involves:

• Being part of protests (perhaps being arrested)

• A day being incarcerated in prison.

• The day they were released.

Read some of the following examples to help you.

August 1912

I had rather a bad night. My bed I was sure was stuffed with stones and my poor bones ached terribly. When the Doctor came I asked if he could not send us all to hospital. He said, as a matter of fact he was going to send me there but I must take some nourishment.

At a little after 12o’clock, just after dinner had been thrust in, the Hospital Matron and two prisoners with a carrying chair came for me and carried me to the hospital. They put me to bed and gave me a hot water bottle and brought me jelly, milk, bread and butter etc which of course I refused. The Doctor came and talked and talked but I said I wouldn’t budge.

Then he came and asked me where I wanted what was left of me to be sent at the end of the month. I said I did not think there would be any to send anywhere. I gave him Clements Inn and Miss Jones’ address. They brought me library books, the other Doctor came, I had a footbath and then the wardress who was very nice, settled me for the night.

At 6.20 the Governor came with the Matron and said, “Are you feeling miserable?”

I said, “Not at all. I’m very comfortable.”

“Are you still obstinate?”


“Well, I have some news for you, you are to be released.”

Summer 1913Dear Diary, I have just been released from prison. I am back at home with my husband and he is doing a wonderful job looking after me. I feel quite weak and unwell I must say. I refused food once again while in prison and so of course they forced it into me. They are barbaric. This is torture, nothing less than torture. They will not stop me though, they make me more determined to fight for our rights!My husband has had to endure many insults from his so-called friends at the mine. They say I am a criminal and 'deserve all I get'. He takes this very badly I am afraid. But he still goes to work everyday, putting up with it, killing himself down there to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies! Some of the other women in the WSPU don't realise how we struggle to find the money to campaign as we do.

But if we are ever to have a better life, we must make people sit up and listen. My husband understands this. I am hoping to be well enough to attend the next rally. They will have to sit up and take notice of us I have no doubt!I think I will be seeing the constable again!

Key Words

Wardress: a female guard in a woman’s prison. It has been reported in some accounts that wardresses comforted women, even though they would also hold women down to be force fed.

WSPU: Women’s Social and Political Union

Solitary Confinement: being alone in a cell for most hours of the day, without anybody to talk to.

Cat and Mouse Act: A colloquial name for the Prisoner's Temporary Discharge of Ill Health Act which permitted suffragettes on hunger strike to be released but re-arrested once well again to complete their sentences.

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