sugar and artificial sweeteners - the health revolutionist · sweeteners, sodas are nothing but a...

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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Sugar and

Artificial Sweeteners… The Sweet Poisons


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Did you know…?

Sugar represents 20-25% of the daily caloric intake of the average American

Average per person annual consumption of sugar is 152 pounds

Consuming one Coke is equal to 10 teaspoons of sugar

High sugar intake is linked with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer

Excessive sugar is one of the main causes of premature aging

Sugar damages the collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments

Sugars promotes loss of elasticity in the skin creating wrinkles and sagging


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Accelerated aging from sugar causes hardening of the arteries and stiffening of the joints

Carbonated soft drinks are the largest source of refined sugar in the American diet

“Low-fat” foods use all kinds of sweeteners to enhance flavor

One teaspoon of sugar can shut down your immune system for 8 hours

Sugar is the “cocaine” of the food world

White sugar is a refined and processed sweetener adding

nothing but calories and taste to food.

When you eat foods with refined sugar content like sodas, candy bars, desserts, pastries, high carb

goodies, you totally upset the blood sugar balance in your body. This triggers the release of insulin,

which the body uses to regulate blood sugar levels and keep them at safe levels.

When insulin levels spike up, they quickly crash. This leaves you feeling sleepy and probably hungry

again. This leads to more snacking and craving more sweet treats. Then you overeat because you are

not really hungry which, of course, leads to weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle!

This is why you should seek different kinds of snacks like fruits, nuts, or things made from whole grains.

These are slow-burning carbs that also contain vitamins and fiber, and they will give you a consistent

source of energy without the sugar meltdown.

After eating refined sugars or carbs, you typically feel a “high,”

only to be followed by fatigue, irritability, and poor

concentration, or the “low.”

When sugars are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream causing the spike in blood sugar levels, the

insulin rushes in and “shoos” the sugars into cells to be stored as… you guessed it… FAT!

The vicious cycle you get caught in can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and



©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

High refined sugar sources to watch for… Sweets and desserts Candy Sodas

Fruit-flavored beverages

Breakfast cereals


Pasta sauces

Canned fruits and vegetables

Frozen meals

Nutrition bars

Flavored yogurt

Vitamin drinks

Chocolate anything

Peanut butter

Salad dressings

Hot dogs

Sneaky sugar aliases…

Cane crystals Corn sweetener Maltodextrin (corn syrup solid)

Rice syrup

Corn syrup

High-fructose corn syrup



©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved



Dehydrated cane juice


Become a sugar detective by reading all labels. You will find most processed foods contain one or more

of these sugars in the ingredient list.

Here’s a tip in searching for sugar code words… The words “syrup,” “sweetener,” or anything ending in

“ose” can be assumed to be sugar.

Refined sugar has been linked to disorders…






Tooth decay

Cardiovascular disease

Mood swings



©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved


Gall stones



Dry, aged skin

Heart palpitations


Lack of concentration

Chronic fatigue


Vitamin B deficiency

Cravings for more sugar

Can I still use artificial sweeteners? After all, they say they have

no calories!


I could write a thesis on the dangers of artificial sweeteners. There is a HUGE misconception about

them. People think they will satisfy their sweet tooth and minimize the hazards of high sugar intake by

using them. But, the truth is… they are life-threatening. Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular

brands on the market…


Aspartame is thought to be the most dangerous of all the artificial sweeteners out there. It contains

methanol, a serious metabolic poison. Your body converts it to the deadly poison formaldehyde

(embalming fluid) which attacks your central nervous system and every organ in your body.

Aspartame is a very threatening neurotoxin!

It is sold under the names of…





©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved



AminoSweet (the latest marketing con)


Neotame (altered aspartame formula, even more deadly)

Aspartame is a genetically engineered chemical, originally produced for use as a fire ant poison.

Adverse reactions and side effects…

Predominant role in creating neurodegenerative or neurocarcinogenic diseases

Can instigate tumor generation, especially glioblastomas, aggressive brain tumors

Its excitotoxic stimulation can develop manifestations of Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and MS

Damages fetal nervous system development from maternal ingestion

Injures brain, retina, and other organs long after exposure due to accumulation

Triggers systemic lupus

Changes the brain chemistry and can cause severe seizures

Causes birth defects

Causes carbohydrate and sweet cravings, making you fat

Especially deadly for diabetics because it keeps blood sugar out of control

Can cause coma

Can cause severe aggressive behavior

Aggravates respiratory allergies such as asthma

And this is an abbreviated list! Avoid at all costs.


Saccharin is sulfa-based, making it risky for those with a sulfa allergy. There is no longer a warning label

on foods containing Saccharin, making it that much more dangerous.

It is a coal tar made by combining anthranilic acid (a corrosive agent for metal) with nitrous acid, sulfur

dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia. You heard right… CHLORINE and AMMONIA. Sounds more like a

household cleaner, yet millions consume it every day.

It used to carry a warning label saying it caused bladder cancer in rats. The FDA removed the warning a

few years ago saying the cancer in rats doesn’t cause cancer in humans. Huh? Doesn’t pass my sniff test

for safety.

And what about the allergic reactions?! Things like headaches, breathing issues, skin rashes, and

diarrhea. Worst yet, it is still being added to some infant formulas! Plus, it raises insulin levels creating

a risk for obesity and diabetes.


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

It is sold under the names of…

Sweet & Low

Sweet Twin

Necta Sweet

Saccharin is a chemical. There is nothing natural about it. Just say NO and step away.


Sucralose is a synthetic chemical that is cooked up in a laboratory. Chlorine molecules are added to a

sugar molecule. This chemical process alters the sugar so much that it becomes a substance no longer

occurring in nature which your body is not able to metabolize. It is because of the inability to

metabolize that the manufacturer can claim it has zero calories.

Studies show that 15% of sucralose is stored in the body. Remember, it is a synthetic chemical which

makes it a toxin to the body. It bears more chemical similarity to the pesticide DDT than it does to

sugar. DDT can remain in your body for decades and have devastating effects.

Adverse reactions and side effects:

Gastrointestinal problems

Seizures, dizziness and migraines

Blurred vision

Allergic reactions

Blood sugar increases and weight gain

It is sold under the names of…







The manufacture touts rigorous testing in its marketing pitch to convince the average consumer that

sucralose is safe. What they don’t tell you is that all the testing is on animals.

And really, given how it is made, does this lab-produced chemical sound safe to you? Remember, the

manufacturer is raking in hundreds of millions! Of course, they want to fool you into thinking it is safe.

Don’t be fooled.


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Acesulfame K:

Acesulfame K causes cancer and chronic respiratory disease in animals, and these results were ignored

by the FDA. It is a known carcinogen, or cancer causing agent, called Methylene Chloride. So why did

the FDA approve this chemical killer? Could it be they are “in bed” with the manufacturer over money?


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Adverse reactions and side effects:




Mental confusion

Liver damage

Kidney damage

It is sold under the names of…


Sweet One

Sweet & Safe

It is hard to say which of these artificial sweeteners is the worst. But what is very clear, given the

devastating effects on the body, NONE of them should be on the market for any reason, unless you have

some ants to kill.

Watch out for the “Sugar Free,” “No Sugar Added” ploy! In your rush to do the right thing, you are more

than likely consuming artificial sweeteners. Same holds true for the label of “Light” which means less

calories or less sugar but may mean added artificial sweeteners. These labels are all about selling

product but have NOTHING to do with being healthy.

Where to look for artificial sweeteners…

Flavored milk products Bread products

Juice products

Fruit products

Dairy products

Breakfast products

Snack products

Over-the-counter medications

Mouthwash and toothpastes

Chewing gum


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Are there ANY sodas on the market that are safe or healthy to


Emphatically, NO.

Besides having about 10 teaspoons of sugar, or the sugar-free versions that are loaded with artificial

sweeteners, sodas are nothing but a chemical soup of artificial flavorings, dyes, syrups, caffeine,

stabilizers, preservatives, and acidifiers.

As if that isn’t bad enough, they spike your blood sugar, and the liver responds by turning the sugars into

fat. They are overall very DEPLETING, leaching valuable minerals and electrolytes from your body. In

other words, they suck your body dry of nutrients that are vital.

And then you crash and become irritable, needing more soda for another fix. They are diuretic and

cause dehydration. Not to mention, they rot your teeth and gut and are extremely acidic to the body,

creating the perfect environment for disease to flourish.

Eliminate this health-robbing villain from your life for good.


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

Are there any healthy and safe sweeteners to consume?



Stevia is a sweet tasting, natural herb. It has no calories, so is the ideal choice for losing weight and can

be safely used in beverages and foods. It is 300 times sweeter than sugar, so only a tiny amount is

needed. There is a brand called SweetLeaf that does not use alcohol or chemicals in the extraction

process, only water, so look for it in your local health food store.


It needs to be raw honey. The honey in the supermarkets is pasteurized which removes many of the

health benefits. So, shop for raw honey at your local health food store. Note: raw honey should not be

given to young children due to the risk of botulism spores before the immune system is developed.

Maple Syrup:

Make sure it is really maple syrup! The commercial brands don’t even have any real maple syrup in

them. Buy organic, pure maple syrup from your local health food store. It has many health benefits and

boosts immunity.

Date Syrup or Date Sugar:

The real stuff has one ingredient… dates! Buy organic from your health food store. It contains lots of

minerals and enhances immunity.

These are the only sweeteners I feel safe recommending. Use all of them very moderately, as they are

still sweet and one way or another, affect blood sugar levels, but they do have value to the body.

The objective in your diet is to eat food as close to the way nature made it as possible. Needless to say,

refined sugar and artificial sweeteners are HIGHLY PROCESSED while the above sweeteners are nature’s

whole food.


©2014 Lisa Barrett, D.O.M., All Rights Reserved

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