suguk nw - 130430 - sharepoint social

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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My Presentation to the SharePoint User Group UK (SUGUK) on SharePoint Social, what it means and what organisations need to think about. It was supported by a great discussion.


SharePoint SocialSharePoint User Group UK – April 2013 – Mark Stokes

Mark Stokes

Red Plane Microsoft Partner in North West UK @FlyRedPlane Office 365, SharePoint, Azure, nopCommerce, DotNetNuke, Windows 8 Apps,

Windows Phone Apps, iOS Apps, .Net @MarkStokes

Interests: SharePoint, Technology, Photography, Raspberry Pi, Snowboarding, Wakeboaring, Mountain Biking, My Dog Hugo

What is social?

Social is all about “Sharing information” Social is connecting and finding like minded people / communities Social is a way to express opinions and thoughts Social allows “Crowdsourcing” Information Social interactions are free from a fixed and rigid structure

They represent the way their users naturally think They allow many inter-connections and webs of information They develop and adapt over time

Socially interesting content bubbles to the top Small conversations Trending terms

Social tends to be more honest

Well Known Social Tools

Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Flickr / 500px / Instagram Stack Exchange / Forums News Sites / Blogs

Why are social tools successful?

Quick and Easy - Path of least resistance Even if that means going out of the firewall! Why is email sharing still so popular when your users have SharePoint? Why do your users still send a link from DropBox / Sky Drive? Give them an equally easy way to share within the firewall

Match the way that users think / Unstructured Social network / community membership Familiar

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Profile

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Timeline

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Status Updates

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Video Sharing

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Photo Sharing

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Groups

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Hashtags, mentions

SharePoint versions of Social Tools - Badges

Things to think about

Governance Controlled vs Uncontrolled tagging / metadata Should we let people say anything? Should we censor / moderate users comments?

Cross Device Support Always connected – Smart Phones, Tablets, Google Glass, Smart TVs Bring Your Own Device (consumerisation) Instant Alerts / Notifications

Where can we go? Happiness index Agile / fast moving business models

Social Plugins

Yammer Newsgator Telligent for SharePoint Many many more….

Where will social take your business?

Lets Discuss it…..

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