summer 2013 thhe nnoorrffoollkk mmoonniittoorr - my...

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The Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler

I anticipate that when you read this Robin Habbitts will already have been installed as the

Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for Norfolk by Most Worthy Brother Michael William Guest the

Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order.

I wish to thank all the members of the Province who have contacted me to wish me well and „a

happy retirement‟. I can assure everyone that although I shall not be participating in the activities

of the OSM Province of Norfolk for a year I shall certainly be continuing all my other Masonic

interests so I look forward to meeting with you all in the Craft and the other Orders.

I also wish to thank each and every member of the Province for the friendship and wonderful

support given to me during the years I have had the privilege of holding the Office of Provincial

Grand Supreme Ruler. It has certainly been a tremendous honour to hold that Office but I have

said to many of you that all good things must come to an end.

My thanks also go to all the members who have held Office in the Province and in particular my

two Deputies Stewart Middleton and John Warne.

I leave the Office with so many happy memories that it is almost impossible to name a special one

but perhaps my lasting memory is of the care and friendship, the central tenets of the Order, which

have been so well practised by all the members of this Province.

I know you will all continue to support and enjoy the Order but I ask that all of you give Robin

Habbitts the same support and commitment that you have always given to me.

R Wy Bro Peter Thomas Coles

Inside This Issue

1 Welcome

2 The New PGSR

3 That Magnificent ...

5 Provincial Officers

6 Around the Conclaves

7 Merv Middleton Cup

8 Instalation ProvGSR

11 Useful Information

12 Benevolant Fund Form

TThhee NNoorrffoollkk MMoonniittoorr


Welcome …

Welcome to this issue of the Norfolk Monitor and may I take this

opportunity to thank all the contributors and those Brethren that

allowed their photos to be included. It would be good to receive

more from each and every Conclave too, which hopefully will

enable us to further support and assist each other thus

strengthening the friendship within the Province as a whole.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to inform all future

Contributors that copy for the next edition is required by Friday,

6th December 2013 and I look forward to hearing from you all


Brian Nestor


The New Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler

I was of course, honoured and delighted to be asked to become the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for Norfolk.

The Installation on 22nd July involved the Most Worthy Grand Supreme Ruler, together with his Deputy and with

one exception, the full active team of Grand Officers. This in itself was impressive as it is often the case that some

of the Grand Officers can‟t make a particular installation.

Our one exception meant that Wy Bro Geoffrey Keer, PAGDC took the position of Grand Guarder to complete the

Grand Team.

Rt Wy Bro. Stewart Middleton, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler was responsible for opening the

Provincial Grand Conclave sharp at 11.00 am and the day was well attended by visitors from other parts of the

country and even overseas and I would like to think that everyone who attended had an enjoyable time.

The M Wy Grand Supreme Ruler should have come to the Royal Assembly Rooms, Great Yarmouth by Rolls

Royce [c 1935], but unfortunately R Wy Bro Peter Miles was unwell and couldn‟t drive it so Wy Bro Stephen

Allen, kindly stepped in with his very smart modern replacement, at the last minute (he prefers a Jaguar!) to act as

chauffeur in addition to his duties as a senior Officer in the Province.

My thanks go to all the Norfolk Brethren who attended. Their presence, together with the superb job done by the

Grand Team, made the morning very special for me. May I also congratulate all those Brethren who were appointed

or promoted in their Provincial Rank and wish them much happiness in their new ranks.

For lunch and the afternoon session, the Provincial team took over and maintained excellent control of the

proceedings and the standard of ceremonial whilst we held the Provincial Grand Conclave annual meeting and I am

very much in their debt for the splendid job they did. The new active Officers for 2013/14 were installed and the

other appointments and promotions were made. It was a great pleasure for me to make these appointments and I

wish everyone much success and happiness in their new roles.

As we look to the future, I would like to give attention in some measure to our membership. Not because I see any

problems with our membership levels, I don‟t, but I do feel we should always have one eye on the people we would

wish to welcome as members from among those we know well as Craft members. To this end I am considering,

with the provincial team, ways to assist you in making that the process as straightforward as possible. Once we have

had an opportunity to consider the possibilities, we will come back to you with any findings we may have.

I am, naturally, sad to see R Wy Bro Peter Coles retire but he has led us worthily and well for the last 15 years and

thoroughly deserves a rest. We shall see Peter back among us in Secret Monitor, in no time at all, and he will

continue to be active elsewhere.

I was, on the other hand, very pleased to be able to re-appoint V Wy Bro John Warne as the Provincial Deputy

Grand Supreme Ruler and I look forward to working with him to ensure that we continue as a happy and successful

Province within which we can enjoy the Order of the Secret Monitor in Norfolk. Now that the information has been

released to all the Conclaves, I am also delighted to say that V Wy Brother John has been promoted to Past Grand

Guide and he becomes a R Wy Bro, well done John. Also promoted was Wy Bo Chris Bowles to Past Grand

Visitor, which makes him V Wy Bro, appointed to Past Grand Sword Bearer is Wy Bro Ralph Masterson, to Past

Grand Standard Bearer is Wy Bro Gary Secker and to Past Grand Bow Bearer we have Wy Bro Keith Parks and

Wy Bro Peter Worby. And our heartiest congratulations go to you all.

I look forward to visiting the Conclaves and meeting you all again as we enter another happy Masonic year.

R Wy Bro Robin Habbitts


That Magnificent Man in his Classic Machine

Brethren, how many men do you know who are active members of Norfolk Gliding Club, still driving up to three

thousand miles per year in a classic car and are still full time Masons at the grand old age of 88 years? Well, I

know one and it is Worthy Brother Nigel Frederic Riley, Past Provincial Grand Registrar.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Nigel for many years, having been introduced to him by another dear old

friend, now sadly departed who was known to us as Herr Flick or Bwana. Those of you of my age will realise I

am referring to that wonderful man, the late lamented Neville Harrison. Nigel is such delightful company and

having dined with him on numerous occasions, I decided he should be one of my victims. Oops! Sorry, I mean

subject of my occasional series on Secret Monitors. I therefore journeyed to his abode where over coffee he

regaled me with stories of his full and interesting life.

Our Nigel is a local lad having been born on January 24th 1925 at the delightfully named Rose Cottage,

Costessey, which he tells me, was a wedding present to his Dad from his Grandfather. Some 18 months later

came a move to Cecil Road followed by the move to Bracondale in 1931. This is a neighbourhood of Norwich in

which he has lived most of his life.

Riley junior‟s primary education commenced at Bracondale School followed by Esher Down House Prep School,

where he resided with the Headmaster. I am lead to understand that young Riley and the headmaster‟s son formed

their own version of the “Black Hand Gang” and got into all manner of escapades. As a result of these scrapes,

Riley junior‟s backside began a very close acquaintance with an extremely flexible piece of Birchwood, Oh happy

days. Sadly Nigel had a reading difficulty which was found to be dyslexia. He told me that in those enlightened

days the cure was a strap across the hand whenever a reading mistake was made! It obviously worked because

after School at Town Close, Culford beckoned where sergeants stripes in the ATC attached themselves to Nigel‟s

sleeves soon after.

St Catherines College Cambridge with the RAF came next. It was here that he witnessed the beginning of what

became a part of the history of the Second World War. To this day, Nigel can vividly recall watching Bombers

circling over Cambridge as they marshalled in to position for the first 1000 Bomber raid on Cologne. It was an

awe inspiring sight.

In 1943 he joined the Initial Training Wing at Stratford on Avon where certain I.T.W. members had painted the

derriere of Willy Shakespeare‟s statue red and placed a certain container which usually resides under the bed,

upon its head. Nigel assures me his contingent would not have dreamed of doing anything like that! (I also

believe in Father Christmas. Ed.) Square bashing at Heaton Park was followed by an overseas posting by way of

Gibraltar. Being under air attack in the Mediterranean which as he said, caused the hair on the back of your neck

to stand up! On to Durban, through the Drakensberg Mountains finally arriving in Pretoria where after diligent

study he got his wings on 9th June 1945 at SAAF Flying School Nigel, flying in Tiger Moths and Oxfords. (Not

an ego trip, it was really called that. Ed). After gaining his commission, he was posted to RAF Scone where he

honed his rugby playing skills. The next big move was to Japan as a Link flying instructor. With the massive

reduction in the armed forces happening after the war he left the air force in 1947.

Quickly getting rid of the bespoke demob suit, he joined a firm of civil engineers in London and so began a post

war career. However, before we continue our journey through Nigel‟s life we must retrace our steps to 1942 war

time Norwich during an air raid. It was in an air raid shelter in Bracondale that he met the lady who was to

become his wife. Married to Jean in 1947 they were blessed with a son and daughter. Sadly now a widower, he

has four lovely grandchildren who are the apple of his eye. Nigel tells me the story of when they were living in

London during the time of the “pea soup” fogs. Accompanied by his wife and tiny son, he was driving down

Hammersmith Broadway behind a Trolley Bus that came to a stop because the fog was too thick for the bus to

continue. Wanting to get his wife and son home to Fulham but not being able to because of the rather large

obstruction, our intrepid driver left Jean and baby in the car and lead the Trolley Bus into the nearest Depot. He

says with a wry smile the challenge was then to find his car and family again!

Rebelling against the daily London commute, as all sensible Norfolk men should do, the family moved back to

Norwich where Nigel joined Colmans as a management trainee and acquired his Diploma in Management at


Norwich City College. Promotion followed to that of head of the Tin dept. I think most of us will at least have

handled a mustard tin at some time or a Jif Lemon container so are able to claim we have had contact with Nigel‟s


Following retirement in 1987 there was more time for the family, totally rebuilding his home which had started

life as a Victorian Coach House and is now a delightful historic home. Keeping the interest in flying, gliding has

been a great pleasure over the years with membership of Norfolk Gliding Club. Amongst the varied roles he has

held there was that of Tug Master. A lifelong love close to Nigel‟s heart is classic cars and he is the proud owner

of a Triumph Spitfire. If you see an ex RAF type bombing around in such a car, silk scarf flapping in the breeze,

it is in all probability our Nigel. He is always out on the highways and by-ways when the weather is good and

clocking up about 3000 miles per year. One of his very proud memories is of competing in the Euro Classic

Rally. He is a keen swimmer, trying to emulate one of our North Sea Seals judging by the amount of time he

spends in the water, believe it or not, this occurs most days at the Norwich High School for Girls swimming pool.

When he has a spare minute, (I say that with a straight face. Ed) he is a very committed rambler, and as the old

song says, “Over the hill and far away”. Long may this continue.

Now dear reader, what of the masonic life? Well young Nigel was initiated into Social Lodge No. 93 in 1951 at

the ripe old age of 26 years. He had wanted to become a Mason for some years but with RAF service, marriage

and career, it was only now that the time was right. With some gentle prompting from Mum, he approached his

father who proposed him. His Dad had been Master of Social Lodge in 1939. Nigel says he distinctly remembers

the ceremony, recognising his father‟s voice as Riley senior had taken the chair for the obligation thus making our

young man a Lewis. What was even more special was being invested with his Grandfathers apron when he

became a Master Mason. Master of his Lodge on three occasions and now holds the rank of PPGSW. He has held

high rank in the Royal Arch, and is currently a PAsstGSoj. In Mark Masonry he is distinguished by the rank of

PGJD. Nigel is particularly proud of the fact that he has in his Masonic career, held the office of Provincial Grand

Director of Ceremonies in Craft, Royal Arch and Mark Masonry.

With such a pedigree one could be forgiven for thinking it was time to put his feet up but no, with help from

Neville Harrison our Nigel started again at the bottom in Knights Templar and Secret Monitor. He is shortly to be

installed as Preceptor of Cabbell Preceptory No. 69 and is greatly looking forward to the challenge.

In our own Order of the Secret Monitor, Nigel was admitted into Wayland Conclave No. 328 in 2003 and steadily

worked his way to the office of Supreme Ruler in 2009 where he had a most splendid year in the chair. His work

has been of such a high standard that he is to be appointed to the office of Provincial Grand Registrar in July this

year when the Province holds its annual meeting.

I asked what advice he would give to a young man contemplating joining masonry; his reply was, look at

yourself, do you want to be a better man? Without detriment to your kith and kin, do you want to make a

difference? However, remember it is not a substitute moral and religious code, it complements those qualities and

values we should already hold. Very importantly, enjoy what you do and remember you can only get out of

masonry what you put in.

Brethren, I finish this short profile by saying, here is a man who is an example to us all, he has set us standards of

what can be achieved no matter what age we are. It is something we can all, no matter what walk of life we come

from, aspire to be, and that is quite simply, a good man and mason.

John Warne DepPGSR



R Wy Bro R. Habbitts PGSR

V Wy Bro J. S. Warne JP, PGV Dep PGSR

Wy Bro S. N. Allen, PAGDC Grand Chancellor

Wy Bro D. J. Barton, PGSwdB Grand Counsellor

Wy Bro R. B. Masterson Grand Guide

Wy Bro R. J. R. Ship PGStdB Grand Chaplain

Wy Bro A. V. Fairchild, MBE, PGStB Grand Treasurer

Wy Bro N. Riley Grand Registrar

Wy Bro I. H. Macklin, PGSwdB Grand Recorder

Wy Bro G. Secker Grand DC

Wy Bro G. W. Allen Grand Dep DC

Wy Bro A. W. Seaman Grand Almoner

Wy Bro B. R. Howell Grand Visitor

Wy Bro K. E. Parks Grand Visitor

Wy Bro M. D. White Grand Visitor

Wy Bro R. B. Woodhouse Grand Visitor

Wy Bro P. J. Cuff, PGStB Grand Asst DC

Wy Bro M. A. Erskine Grand Sword Bearer

Wy Bro I. Atkinson Grand Standard Bearer

Wy Bro J. W. Gallop Grand Bow Bearer

Wy Bro R. J. Hawes Grand Asst Recorder

Bro G. R. Haddrell Grand Organist

Wy Bro E. T. Moore Grand Guarder

Wy Bro J. L. Parle Grand Steward

Wy Bro A. P. R. Gedge Grand Steward

Bro A. J. Hammond Grand Steward

Bro P. Fletcher Grand Steward

Wy Bro W. Favish Grand Sentinel


Wy Bro P. E. Worby Past Grand Registrar

Wy Bro J. M. Wilson Past Grand Registrar

Wy Bro D. J. Woodhouse Past Grand Registrar

Wy Bro D. W. Reid Past Grand Visitor

Wy Bro L. W. Marquis Past Grand Swd. B.


Norvic Conclave No. 209

At the 131st Meeting on 2nd March 2013 Wy Bro Adrian Gedge was Installed as Supreme Ruler of Norvic Conclave No.209.

Geoffrey Dicker Conclave No.393

& Norvic Conclave No.209

On 1st June 2013 Norvic Conclave No.209 admited as Princes of the Order five Brethren: from Geoffrey Dicker Conclave No.393: Bro Raymond Hunn, Bro Andrew Philip Digby and Bro Paul Darren Smith. Also, from Norvic Conclave No.209: Bro John Wilfred Davison and Bro Jeffrey Rafftree.

AAArrrooouuunnnddd ttthhheee CCCooonnnccclllaaavvveeesss ………


Faithful Conclave No.350

Monday 21st July 2014, is not only during the year when Brother Roger Lees, will have

been Installed as Supreme Ruler of Faithful Conclave, but it is the 25th Anniversary of

the Consecration of our Conclave, on 1st July 1989.

The senior members of the Conclave have decided, that it would be a wonderful idea, to

celebrate this occasion, in true Norfolk Secret Monitor style, by having a party, and

whilst arrangements, have not been finalised, we have asked our resident caterers Dennis

and Jenny to create a special meal for us, to mark this „Silver‟ occasion.

I am giving all Secret Monitors within the Province advance notice of this date, so that

you can start filling in your 2014 diaries in right now, to mark this special occasion, and

remember without a 25th you will never get to a 50th!!!!!!

Yours thoroughly & fraternally

Stewart C.L. Middleton

Past Grand Guide

THE MERV MIDDLETON CUP Just to let you know we had the Merv Middleton Golf day yesterday, we had an amazing time and raised so far £6700 for brain tumour research for Merv’s oncologist (based at N&N ) who is doing research together with Addenbrooks in Cambridge. He attended the evening dinner last night together with his secretary and was overwhelmed with the generosity of the people there which he saw with his own eyes!!!! There was also a silent auction which we have not yet got all the money for so hopefully will make over £7000. We were hoping to get 5 so as you can imagine we are so excited with the amount raised.

So far in total we have raised around £17000 plus what is coming in from

others, so not bad eh! Monies have gone to Louise Hamilton Centre, The Big C and of course brain tumour research. Could you pass this out to members of your lodge as you have also helped us to reach this amazing amount. Kind regards Eileen




MONDAY 22nd JULY 2013


On a glorious and sunny morning on Monday 22nd July 2013, the day started off as a

hot and sticky one, with Wy Bro Gary Secker Prov GDC and his provincial team at

9.00am awaiting the arrival of the Grand Supreme Ruler M Wy Bro Michael Guest who

was the Installing Officer for the Ceremony. To the Prov DC’s relief both the Grand

Supreme Ruler and the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler Designate, Wy Bro Robin

Habbitts both arrived in good time, whereby the Grand Director of Ceremonies took

over the proceedings in order to conduct his rehearsals. This being done and the

Brethren having behaved themselves sufficiently well enough to allow the GDC an

amount of satisfaction all was prepared for the Installation of Wy Bro Robin Habbitts as

Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler. At 10.30 am the Grand Supreme Ruler and his team

retired for a photo session with Wy Bro Robin Habbitts which was conducted by

Francesca Habbitts the daughter of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler Designate.

The photo’s having been taken, the Installation Meeting was opened at 11.00am with

R Wy Bro Stewart C. L. Middleton being the Presiding Officer in Charge. Salutations

were given to the M Wy GSR, R Wy Brethren & V Wy Brethren.

The meeting was very well attended by the Brethren of the Province and additionally

with the attendance of R Wy Bro Michael Perchard, PGSR Channel Islands, - Wy Bro

Brian Meldon, Prov GChaplain, Devon, - Wy Bro John Coward, SR Durham - R Wy Bro

Ian Duff, PGSR East Scotland, - R Wy Bro Stephen Ayres, PGSR & Wy Bro Michael

Singleton, Essex, - R Wy Bro Richard Mussell, PGSR & Wy Bro Michael Penrose,

Gloucestershire & Herefordshire, - R Wy Bro Peter Wise, PGSR Kent, - R Wy Bro Peter Ribi,

PGSR, London, - R Wy Bro David Pascho, Past PGSR Middlesex. - R Wy Bro Graham

Fenwick, PGSR, & Wy Bro’s John Pearson & Ian Wood, North & East Yorkshire, - Wy Bro

Richard Owen, Dep PGSR, Oxfordshire, Berks & Bucks, - R Wy Bro John Elmore, PGSR,

Wy Bro Colin Birkbeck, Prov GRec, Wy Bro Keith McCully, Prov Alm, Suffolk, - RWy Bro

Laurence Young, PGSR, Wy Bro Leonard Hayward, Prov Rec Surrey, - R Wy Bro Paul

Ross, PGSR Sussex, - R Wy Bro Merrill Elliott, PGSR & Wy Bro Maxwell Pipe, Dep PGSR

Warwickshire, - V Wy Bro Tom Wise, PPGRec, West Yorkshire, - R Wy Bro Barry Ashcroft,

PGSR, Wy Bro Peter Ayres, Prov Rec, & Wy Bro Roy Mitchell, PGDC Spain, - and R Wy

Bro Noel Grout, Grand Chancellor.

Heads of Other Orders:

Norfolk Craft: Dep PGM Wy Bro Stephen Allen, - Norfolk RA: Dep GSupt R Wy Bro

Stewart Middleton, - East Anglia Mark: Dep Prov GM Wy Bro Raymond Clarke, Past

Dep GM, V Wy Bro James McKee, - Norfolk Knights Templar R Wy Bro Stewart

Middleton, Prov Prior & Wy Bro Bill Hagger, Prov Sub-Prior, - Supreme Council 33

Degrees: Past Insp General V Wy Bro James McKee, - Royal & Select Masters: R Wy Bro

Peter Miles, Dist GM, - Red Cross of Constantine: Dep Intendant Gen R Wy Bro John

Elmore, - Allied: Dist G Prefect: Wy Bro Thomas Auber & Dep Dist G Prefect Christopher

Bowles, - The Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests: G Superintendent , District No7


East Anglia: Wy Bro Colin Birkbeck, and the Deputy Grand High Priest, R Wy Bro Ian

Patterson Duff.

The GDC’s formed a Deputation, called the Brethren to Order and the Grand

Supreme Ruler entered the Conclave with due pomp and ceremony. Upon entering

the Presiding Officer offered the baton of the Provincial Grand Conclave to the Grand

Supreme Ruler who received it with pleasure and retained if for the purpose of

Installing Wy Bro Robin Habbitts as Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.

The Installation Ceremony was subsequently carried out in a most efficient and sincere

manner by the Grand Supreme Ruler assisted by: R Wy Bro Neil Mathews,, GCounsellor:

R Wy Bro Trevor Currans, GGuide: V Wy Bro Revd Trevor Walker, GChaplain: V Wy Bro

Paul Tarrant, GRecorder: R Wy Bro Paul Clement, GDC: V Wy Bro Peter McIntyre, Dep

GDC: Wy Bro John Wickes, GSwd Bearer: Wy Bro Silverio Ostrowski, GStd Bearer: V Wy

Bro John Bluett, GOrganist: Wy Bro Geoffrey Keer, GGuarder and Wy Bro Leonard

Millings, GSentinel, and the now R Wy Bro Robin Habbitts was Declared the Grand

Supreme Ruler for the Province of Norfolk. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then

confirmed the Investiture of his Senior Officers and then adjourned the Provincial

Grand Conclave for lunch, where 120 members were treated to a superb luncheon

served by the staff of the Masonic centre with all the usual toasts being given.


At 3.00pm the Provincial Conclave was resumed by our new Provincial Grand

Supreme Ruler, R Wy Bro Robin Habbitts, who proceeded to conduct the business of

the Summons including Investing and promoting his Provincial Officers.

The Prov GSR then gave the Brethren a short speech on his hopes for the future along

with his heartfelt thanks for the support that he had received, with an especial thanks

to Wy Bro G. Secker and his team for the time and effort that they had put in, in order

to make the day so successful.

The Provincial Conclave being Closed, the Brethren departed in good spirit with all

looking forward to the coming season.

Wy Bro Barry Howell, ProvGVD





R Wy Bro Stewart Middleton

Tel: (01493) 722391

Order of the Secret Monitor

Conclaves in the Norfolk Province Norvic Conclave No. 209 (Wroxham)

Secretary: Bro D. K. Murton Tel: (01603) 897529

Wayland Conclave No. 328 (Dereham)

Secretary: Wy Bro D. J. Berry Tel: (01553) 764398

Suffield Conclave No. 340 (Aylsham)

Secretary: Bro B. L. Simmonds Tel: (01603) 410482

Faithful Conclave No. 350 (Harleston)

Secretary: Wy Bro G. Secker Tel: 07710 226539

The Admiral Lord Nelson Conclave No. 387 (Kings Lynn)

Secretary: Wy Bro C. T. Sampson Tel: (01366) 388003

Geoffrey Dicker Conclave No. 393 (Gt. Yarmouth)

Secretary: Wy Bro R. F. Ayers Tel: (01502) 514416

Norfolk Supreme Rulers Conclave No. 423 (Harleston)

Secretary: Wy Bro I. H. Macklin Tel: (01603) 891593

Norwich Conclave No. 478 (Norwich)

Secretary: Wy Bro E. T. Moore Tel: (01603) 869989

Provincial Grand Conclave of Norfolk

Recorder: Wy Bro I. H. Macklin Tel: (01603) 891593

Editorial Address

The Norfolk Monitor

45 Mansfield Lane



(01603) 449677


Brian Nestor


The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual writer and are not necessarily those of Freemasonry in general.

© 2013

Provincial Grand Conclave of Norfolk in the Order of the Secret Monitor.

The Premier Conclave of


The Premier Conclave of

Improvement is held at Mark Masons’

Hall, 86 St James Street, London,

SW1A 1PL at 7.30pm on the second

Wednesday of each month, with the

exceptions of the months of July and



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