summer newsletter 2018 manual back up€¦ · newsletter volume 24 number 3 summer 2018 fleet &...

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NEWSLETTER Volume 24 Number 3

Summer 2018


Chairman’s Report

Summer is with us again (we hope), and please don’t let me nag you again about open windows, unlocked sheds and cars.

You may be aware that during the last month both our secretary and webmaster have decided to resign. Thankfully, we have been fortunate to secure the services of a new secretary in John Guerin, one of our NHW coordinators, who has considerable secretarial experience. We are still seeking a website manager before our current system starts to fail later this year. Perhaps one of you knows of someone with sufficient experience.

Don’t forget our signs. We rely on you to report damage, missing, or poor quality signs. Please give me a call if you see a problem. These NHW signs are an indication of our presence in the problem of crime prevention.Also, please don’t forget our AGM in September, advertised in this newsletter. It is one time of the year when you can have your say.

David Bunclark - Chairman

Contacting the Police

Call 999 in an emergency

For a crime in progress; danger to life; someone suspected of a crime is nearby; or violence is being used or threatened.

101 for non-emergency calls

To report crimes that do not require an urgent response; to tell the police about a crime in your area; for advice, feedback and information on police matters; to speak to or arrange a visit from a local police officer; to make enquiries of beat surgeries or local police events; and to get an update on a crime as a victim.101 is available at all times. Calls from a landline or mobile cost 15p regardless of the call duration.

0800 555 111 Crimestoppers

Free & anonymous crime-related calls.

NHW Coordinators Wanted

Our sincere thanks to those who have recently volunteered to become senior coordinators and coordinators. We are now short of coordinators to cover the Friesian Close area of Ancells Farm (about 50 newsletters), part of Kings Road (15 newsletters), Victoria Road (22 newsletters), Kukri Close and Wakeford Copse which are both part of the new Oaklands development (about 30 newsletters). If you are interested in volunteering for any of these posts or if you would like to assist the NHW in some other way please contact our Secretary (his details are on page 4 of this newsletter).



will be held at

All Saints School Church of England Junior SchoolLea Wood Road, Fleet GU51 5AJ


Thursday 27 September 2018 at 7.30 pm

Apart from the normal agenda items, this year’s AGM will feature a presentation by Communicare (a voluntary organisation which transports patients to hospital, doctors and dental appointments). All members of the Fleet and District Neighbourhood Watch are invited to attend the AGM. Any member who wishes to put forward an item for inclusion in this year’s agenda or to propose an amendment to the NHW Constitution is requested to contact the Chairman in writing by: Friday 31 August 2018.

Webmaster Wanted We are urgently seeking a volunteer to take over the position of webmaster on our committee. The role would involve the organisation and management of the Fleet & District Neighbourhood Watch website. If you are interested in taking over this important position please contact any member of the current NHW committee (details are on the back page of this newsletter).


We have had another good start to the summer weather which at the time of writing looks set to continue. I was concerned that the warmer weather may have given an increased opportunity for burglars; however, it appears that my previous advice has been well heeded with only one burglary being down to entry through an open door, which is positive news. There have been eight house burglaries recorded, which is a similar number to the last period. Four were attempted burglaries where no entry was gained. Of these, two were found with tool marks on window and door frames and the other two involved the offenders being disturbed by home owners. Of the other four burglaries, three involved doors being forced and the other was open entry. Property stolen consisted of jewellery, bank cards, medals, clothing and an iPad. Investigations are ongoing into a number of these and I hope to be able to bring you positive news in the next police report.

There have been nine burglaries to sheds, garages and out-buildings since the last report, which is lower than the previous period. Six have been to commercial premises including shops, restaurants and cafes in the town centre and building sites and sports clubs. Two were attempts to sheds where no entry was gained and one involved a bike being taken from a communal hallway in a block of flats.

There have been ten thefts from vehicles reported over the period. Four of these were thefts of number plates and three were thefts of Sat-Navs and cash. The other three involved syphoning of diesel, theft of a bank card and a coat.

There have been five reports of thefts of vehicles over the period, three were taken in domestic circumstances; the other two were works-vans with one being taken and the other being an attempted theft.

I wrote about this last year but I would like to bring it to your attention again. I am concerned about the number of unexplained fires which have occurred in residential areas where wheelie-bins or similar have been set on fire. I would urge anyone with information to call 101 or report it anonymously via crimestoppers.

Sadly, the summer period normally sees an increase in anti-social behaviour, often associated with school aged children.Can I remind parents to ensure that they know where their children are at all times for their safety and what they are doing.Large groups of children can often appear intimidating, especially to the older section of the community. The Neighbourhood Policing Team at Fleet will continue to patrol areas where young people gather in order to engage with them, ensure they feel safe and provide reassurance to the wider community.If you experience incidents of anti-social behaviour, see what you believe to be drug dealing or see suspicious vehicles, please report it via 101 to help us focus our local patrols in the right areas. Please obtain as much information as possible of what you have actually witnessed, including full descriptions of those involved, make, model, colour and registration numbers of any vehicles.

(Police & Crime Report continued on Page 4)

Police & Crime Report

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Community Speedwatch - Vacancies for FleetCommunity Speedwatch is coordinated by the Hampshire Police in partnership with your local council and other agencies. They are looking for volunteers aged over 17 to join the team to help deal with the local issues of speeding in the local Community. If you are interested and can spare just a few hours a month please send an email to: or take a look at the Hampshire Constabulary website where you can find out more information.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)The new GDPR came into effect on 25th May 2018.To comply with the GDPR Fleet & District Neighbourhood Watch (F&D NHW) has updated all our privacy policies. Our new privacy policies are shown below.Senior Coordinators F&D NHW collects a senior coordinator's name, household address, phone number and email address for our legitimate interest in remaining in contact with you and to coordinate the hand delivering of the quarterly membership newsletters. We do not share the information you provide with any third parties. We will keep the information until you tell us that you do not wish to be a member of F&D NHW. You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold, to tell us to correct any information which is incorrect and the right to be forgotten (which will terminate your role as senior coordinator and cancel your membership). F&D NHW contact details are on the last page of the quarterly Newsletter and on our website, F&D NHW collects a coordinator's name, household address, phone number and email address for our legitimate interest in remaining in contact with you and to coordinate the hand delivering of the quarterly membership newsletters. We do not share the information you provide with any third parties. We will keep the information until you tell us that you do not wish to be a member of F&D NHW. You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold, to tell us to correct any information which is incorrect and the right to be forgotten (which will terminate your role as coordinator and cancel your membership). The F&D NHW contact details are on the last page of the quarterly Newsletter and on our website, F&D NHW collects a member's name, household address, telephone number and email address for our legitimate interest in remaining in contact with you and hand delivering to you a quarterly membership newsletter. We do not share the information you provide with any third parties. We will keep the information until you tell us that you do not wish to be a member of F&D NHW. You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold, to tell us to correct any information which is incorrect, to ask us not to deliver the newsletter and the right to be forgotten (which will cancel your membership). The F&D NHW contact details are on the last page of the quarterly Newsletter and on our website, When you advise us or register your email address via our website and give consent to us to email you our newsletter, F&D NHW will store your email address and send you our newsletter quarterly. We do not share any information you provide with any third parties. We will keep the information until you tell us that you do not wish to receive the newsletter. You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold, to tell us to correct any information which is incorrect, to withdraw your consent to be emailed and the right to be forgotten. If you tell us you wish to withdraw your consent we will stop sending you newsletters and delete your email address from our records. The F&D NHW contact details are on the last page of the quarterly newsletter and on our website,


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Fleet & District Neighbourhood Watch Committee Members

Chairman: David Bunclark Tel: 01252621684 email: Secretary: John Guerin Tel: 01252811165 email: temporarily via Kenneth Hammond Tel: 01252694310 email:� Editor and Advertising: Alan MacGregor Tel: 01252626524 email: Webmaster: Vacant � Ancells Farm: Nazish Batool Tel: 07800576281 email:� � � � � � �Hart DC Rep: Councillor Jenny Radley email:�Police: Sergeant Rob Wallis Tel: 101 email: Ewshot: Sue Freeman Tel: 01252851534 (Not on the Committee) Community Safety: Caroline Ryan Tel: 01252774476 email: (Not on the Committee)

Fleet & District Neighbourhood Watch website:

Police (Fleet) website:

Please send inputs to the Editor. Deadline for the next edition: 30 September 2018

(Police & Crime Report continued from Page 2)

Can I take this opportunity to offer some seasonal advice as with the warmer weather there is often an increase in cold-callers and doorstep criminals offering gardening, cleaning and general property maintenance work at your door. They call at your home unannounced, often claiming to be from a utility company (water board etc) or claiming to be working in the area and to have noticed a problem with your house that needs fixing. They may offer to do work for you or say they need to check something in your home so will ask to come in and to look around. They may search your home for items to steal, or may pressure you into paying them cash for work you haven't requested or agreed to. Sometimes doorstep criminals pose as police officers or even say that they are looking for a lost child or pet and need to look around your house. These criminals are convincing and seem plausible and they target people in their own homes. Hampshire Constabulary works closely with Trading Standards to tackle these offenders, and there are simple steps you can take to protect yourself from this kind of crime. Please take note of this advice to ensure you stay safe and do not become a victim of crime:

Do not open the door to someone you do not recognise or are not expecting. If you do feel you need to answer your door, remember to:8 Lock the back door before you open the front door. Doorstep criminals often work in pairs with one of them

distracting you at the front door while an accomplice enters your home through the back door.8 Put the door chain or door bar on before opening the door – see who it is before you fully open your door.8 Ask to see the caller's identification – a genuine caller will not mind showing you their ID.8 Close and lock your door and call the number of the company they claim to be from to check if they have sent

someone to your home. Remember to use a number from a bill or the telephone book so you know that it is a genuine one.

Remember, even if the caller is genuine you do not need to allow them into your home. Ask them to arrange a future appointment; that way you can arrange for a friend or family member to be present. You can arrange to have passwords set up with your utility companies. When a representative calls they will repeat this confidential word to you. If a suspicious caller knocks at your door, call 999 if they are on your property or if they have just left. Call 101 if it is after the event.

My officers continue to ensure the roads of Fleet are as safe as possible and speed limits are obeyed. Six motorists have received fixed penalty notices for a number of offences and have been given a fine and points on their licences, three of whom were local residents. Please ensure you observe the speed limits and do not use a mobile phone while driving.

I wish you all an enjoyable and peaceful summer - Sgt Rob Wallis

The Fleet & District Neighbourhood Watch does not accept liability for any of the statements, actions or default on the part of any of the articles or advertisers in this or other editions of the Newsletter.

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