-sunday. 1892. away. taxeson railroads bfcbe^thto sí · professor charle« il winston, whois in...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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our najaros away.ttOMMONO PEOPLE IN THE MOUN¬


fate Oot»te«»t re Beat Carnee st er,y ta De·M·« ta· CM» for Uto et Cooler G?«CM.

Hot«« Aboot Oor till·»!·.

The» following i· a list of Richmond peo»le registered at the White KalphniBering*. W. Va., for tbe week ending Juli

. BMh: C B. Wortham. f. R. Scott, etobereV Archer, Milton Ceree. Miss L. G. Cavee

, C T. Bener and wife, Mite Lizste Baner.lohn IL Cary. Mr. and Mr«. AahUm BtarkeJohn J. Toler. frank A. DavenportCharlea E. W. ri ham, Jr., Robert 8. Boaber, Thompson Waddell, 8. C. FlemingB. H. Cromo. J. Jenkins, Jo Lana KternWiüiíim L· Royall. J, T. Anderson, and ftBtuart McVeigh, l'hère were »91 on ban<Friday, and the weath*»r wa· much cooleithan it had been for eeveral »laya.

THx UTOKU, ou> rotar.T. (1. Imahiell. Mrs. John Parkinson

Mr«. M. M. Lone. Mis« Fannie L. I«»ng, WÜ. Ix>ng, John G. Long. Frank (1. HufflnH. O. Williame, E. A. Whitakcr. F. J. Cub.it. J. A- Harria, H. F, Smith, ?». RiebStanley Lvotis, F. Mitteid rf-r. Mi»« FaonuBtttteldorfer. L· A. Clowes. B. F. JohnsonC. H. OardiWH, J. A. Potter, Mim Ressi«Potter, .1. (1. Csrlton. Mortou ?. Goodman. A. L. Hunt. F. R. Farland, H. MPatte· E. Rerkelav and family. V. DonatiJohn T. Aìvey and wife, John M. WarrenJohn T. Butler, Jr.. (. K. Potts, G. DIeuabetb, T. \Y. Gentry. A. J. Berry(reorge A. Powell. ? Vf. Hall, W. E. Ca

Ìoon. J. Harper Stewart. L. P. Lumpkin,¦tt R<*a Lumpkin. William M. Joue«

Charlee A. Metzrar. Charle« W. HarwoodW. Scott Canlngton, Edwin O. Gunn. H

LUenoon, R S. Brock. Jr., and wife, J.teh and wife, Miss Mamie Streute. A.

Eichel. Mi»· Eichel, F. BeboemakerR J. Doewell. A. G. Chalmers, B. K.Peeor.fL B. Burn*«·. George C. Jefferson,(J. g. Vas or, M* on Barrett. Mis« Bsrrett,Mie« Caroline Barrett. Charles B. Alcutt,William <i. Wat k ins, J. 11. MeMsnts andWif·. T. I. Harris. W. P. Jsrdan.

mjTTAiJO LtTiiiA «rentos.

8. P. Hollowar.Charles E. Whitlock. Mrs.Charles E. Wlntlo· k. Mi«« Elisabeth Wtait-lo k, Mi»· Lui» Whitlock. Mr. Charle« L,Whitlock, Jr.. W. A. Gray. Mine M«rtm.l>r. A. E. Dickiu«on, W. II. Pettua, W. H.lloran. ?. I. Wififree, Patterson Payne.Mr*. Patterson Payne. C. Washington. A.O. Jeffre»«, Jr., W. H. Mercer, and J»ck»onMUler.

noTtx TtauiXAi.. wraT poptt.

Carroll tWdejker, G. B. I'nirer. B. P. Car¬penter, L. It. lienrv. Miss (leruldino Maine,Henrv Aaher, Youne .in·», s. P. Wo-mack' MissTonv Hoist, B. C. Lewi«. R. L.Butler. J. 8. Smith, S. S. Pvle. W. II. Tabb.James lfehron, William Burton, 8. G. l.*ttand w.Iu. S. L. Bloomberg, Mm» FlorenceEr.okicl. Mi«s Kva Er.ekiel, Mr. W. J. Wcst-wood. John N. Leed. F. F. Dickinson. ?.R. Or»vee. Charle« <·. Reed. D. T. rail-man. M. H. Greeory. E, A. 8aunder«. H. UBr>wn, SV. S. Ilvlaud, Mr«. T. K. Hodeker,1 IL Diets, 0. M. Tucker. IL C». liend-ooek and wile, Rev. R. IL Pitt, and R. 1*Brown. Jr.


Ii. Bromm and daughter, W. Mac. Jones,L. S. .??·?"?», J. Wirt Bowles. Bob Norment,p | But! in, 8. W. Minier. 1. (?. Peyton,?, M. Hunter. ?. ?. I». Myers. Jr.. Mr·. K.T. D. Mrer«. J. A. MeGilvary and family,Mi·»» Florence Waller, Mr». Waller and

Mr».»C. K. W'iugo, aud Misa JameW iugo.ocr.AS-sf'oRi-PARi p?-p?, vrnnrsu beach.

1 W, Gentrt and wife, L. C. West andwite. W. .1. Branch. U. W. F.n. B. H. ?.·.\.Alexander CruikHliuiik». F. IL Wallerstein,J. IL hm tts. Miss Lucie ?. Harper, Cap-t on \N llliani I. Pnmphrer, Mrs. rumphrer.Mi«« EIL« Pumphrey, Edmond Boteieui.nd wife, and Dr. E. T. Baker. Mr. R. W.l· a pave a channinc fish-supper Wedne«.dav evening, which was much BBjOf/l ? bfthose fortunato enough to Im» of the party.

I'· I.nil P.¦»··»»

Mr. John W. Btarke continue· quite »lek.Miss Mamie Bloomberg is summering at

Point Bréete, Va.Mr. J. Frank Noel, of this city, has

leased tbe Bon-Air Hotel.Mi»s Floreale Ware ha« gone to visit her

relatives in Louisa county.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gentry are

«topping at Virginia Beaob.Misse« Hilen Bagby and Lily Hill are

nsitiug friends in Albemarle.Miss Yirgie Jackson, of Cnurch Hill, is

rifiline, trieude in Washington.Mr. W. C. Hunt will leave for Chicago

in a few days on a tinsiuees trip.Miss Cock, of Petersburg, i» visiting

Mrs. William Christ mu, on ? bird street.Mr«. Montgomery West and family left

yesterday afternoou for Hollius Instituto.Mr«. Nellie Miles, of Church Hill, has

just returned from a visit to tho seashore.Meurs. Milton and Borste Martin, of

this city, are visiting relatives in Hanovñr.Rev. George H. Ray, of this city, spent a

part of the last week with friend« in Wash¬ington.Misses Nannie and Mollis Dnnard are

summering with friend« in Powbatancounty.Mr«. H. A. Jordan, of Manchester,

leave« Tueadur for tl»e White SulphurBpring«.Mis» F.mrua Brown, of eouth Pine street,

is «ummerinK with Miss Uollman, of Cur.tertville.Miss < »oldie Taul is spending t he summer

with ber friends, Misses Boston, of Gor·dousville.Mrs. William E. Word. Matter Cardwell

Word, and nurse left for the mountain« onBaiurduy.Thotna« Christian Gentry left Friday

afternoon on a trip to Atlanta and Bir.tmugbaiii.Mia« 8. C. Klrkland and nephew. Master

Willie Hubbard, are visiting friends inPetersburg.Misse« Mena and Linda Wingfiold, of 312

west Marshall, are vieiting friend« in Caro¬lino county.Miss Joeie Morgan, of Baltimore, ia tho

eue»t of Mrs. B. IL Hudson, UH westCurj street.

Mis« Annie F. Barnes will leave the citytoday on-a trip to friends Su s)e Alte-gOany mountain«.

Misse« Carrie and Ethel Gale, who are?ir it my, friend« in tbe country, will be ab¬attit Beventi week«.

Mr. Ch.irles M. Spindle and wife havereturned from a picotant visit to relative»in Matliews contiti.Misa Kate Stilen, of Petersburg, after

«pending two week« at Old Point, is visit¬ing relatives ¡u this city.Mrs. II. A. Rudd, of Manchester, left

Îevterday to visit Oer sitter, Mrs. A. J.ohuttou,of Chistertield.Mrs. A. W. Noack, with her son, of Wash-

ington, D. C, is visiting her »inter, Mr«.C B«rgbeimer, of tins eity.Miss Luey Lloyd, who bas been visiting

relative· m Richmond, ha« returned toher home, in Louisa county.Misa Alice V. Freeman, who has been

risiting relatives in Richmond, has re¬turned to Huntington. W. \ ?

Mr. A- J. Ford and Mr. W. C. McDowellhave returned from a pleasant trip to theBlue-Grass region of Kentucky.Misses Willie and Minnie Duggins, of 811

went Jdarxbell street, aro visiting iriendsand r» latiti« m Hanover county.Councilman W. J. McDowell and family

ar« «pendiag tbe summer very pleasantlyat their cottage, at tbe Huguenot.Mr. A. Thalbmer, accompanied by hia

dauuhter., Kilie aud Florence, have goneto the sweet Chairoeate Bpnngs. Va.

Mrs. Rebecca W. Martin, who ha· beenrititing her daughter. Mr«. McKiuney, ofLancaster county, baa returned home.Mia« F. A. Mera, organist of GranewHtreet

Pnebyterian church, will «pend the monthof August with friend· near Roauoke. Va.Mr. Willie M»< harl. of Tarboro', N. OL,fotmerly of Richmond, has returned home

after a pleatant two week·' runt co friend·here.Mu« Mary P. Epoa and Mr. James Fox

left on the 10.45 train last nicht for Go.-,donsviile, to »pend a few day· withtnend·. ,

Louis G. Bcbord, of California, anprem·arch of the l ni ted Ancient Grdsr ofJtru.ds, will be in tbe cdy to-morrow audSaMBWej.Miss Lucie P. Ha.viie« and Everett C.

Bayoet will leave to-morrow to tpeiid themonth of August in Caroline and EssexSKBf «ÎMr. Wilmer T. Dooglatt and wife left

yetU-rday fvt New Kent eonoty to »pendaevt-ral week· with their aunt, Mrs. fc». A.Chandler.Mm. William B. Harnes and children,

Baneiemnd Harwood, have returned frome aleAsant trip to Kewport New· andJtamptoa.JaaaamLiasreead Beanie MeOeheeaad

Maa7leMi>aakal returned home laareder.

after a «VHghtlul riait to Washington andBaltimore.Bergeant Bamuel ?. Johnson, of Lynch

burg, waa In the city yesterday on busine«·, bringing one rocrnit fot th« pendentiary foroea,Mia« jM«le Mar Allen, of Church QUI,

has ieft the cdy to visit bereister, Mr«. ?I>. Pittman of Harwell'· Bey, lele oWight county.Mr. Pet H. Coyne and family left yeeter.

day afternoon for Powbatan county,where he expect« to enjoy a week'· realfrom his labora.Menar«. C. W. and W. P. Carter will lean

to-morrow for Bowling Green to apend ?few week«, Thence they will go to thinorthern citiea.Mi«* Mary F. Richardson, of No. 202 nortl

Tweuty.firtt «treet. ha« remrned after <

five week«' vwit to Norfolk, Virginia Beachand Ocean View. -

Rev. Dr. Kerr and wife will leave th«city to-moMw by the Old Dominion Lin«for a few weeks' vacation at Saratoga, tin

I Adirondack«, Ac.Mrs. ?. B. Hunt and Misses Lillie end

Mattie Hunt will leave for tbeircountrjresilience, in the Valley of Virginia, ot

Tuesday morning.Mr». D. J. Buckley, net Childret». wbc

wss called home on account of the (Baesiof her aunt, ha« returned to tbe Reck,bridge Alum Spring«.Misses Lnla and Mattie Divine, of UM

south Laur.-l stieet, leave Tuesday torBaltimore, where they will remain severalweeks visiting friends.Dr. Waiter Austin, of Torrean, Mexico,

an old Richmond hoy, ?« hero on a visit.?« is «topping with Mr. A. B. Sutherland,608 north Sixth «treet.Misses Maggie Brown and Ruth Cuthrell,

of Portsmouth, havo returned home aftera pleasant visit to Miss Ella Duntton, onsouth Belvid.ro «tre-1.

Messrs. Whitworth, Brewer, Gary,Henil t, and Person» leave this morningfor Ocean View to meet their company,the Walker Light Guard.Professor Charle« IL Winston, who is in

charge of the Teachers' Institute beingheld at West Point, came up to Richmondyesterday on a flying visit.Mit« Joseph Jeffrie«, of 2611 east Clay

street, is visiting her aunt. Mr«. SarahPollard, at Newport Now», and will alsovisit Hampton and Norfolk.Mr. J. T. Allen and wife and daughter,

Mi«· Maggie, have returned home fromOcean \ lew. Miss Maggie will leave in afew days for the mountains.Mrs. O. L. Brauer and children have

gone to Chestnut Grove, Powhatau county.MiïS Luth Ooaby und Master Gilbert Fieldhave gone to tho same place.Mr«. J. H. Nuckol.« and her son. Howard,

have just returned from Washington, Nor¬folk. Ocean View, and Virginia Beach,visiting friend« and relatives.Mr. Frank OL Mr-Cue left yosterday for a

trip in the mountains of Albemarle, nearAfton. He almo expect« to extend his tripto the White Sulphur Bprings.Mr. L F. Tyree. of Norfolk, who has

been visiting relative« in tin» city, leturn-ed home Friday, accompanied by biacousin, Miss Minuie F.. Tvree.Miss Nettie Mallory, of IBM west Mar¬

shall street, will leave Wednesday-for OldPoint and Hampton, when» «ho will spendthe remainder of the sumtii'-r.'Mrs. Blancho Creepmore and Mia» Nellio

Loe McCallister. of Church Hill, are spend-ing a delightful time between VirginiaBeach, Ocean View, and Norfolk.Mr. William W. Wood, Assistant Gas-

Inspector, who has been sick for the pa-tthree weeks at hi« residence. No. HU riorthTwenty-third street, is improving,Mrs, H. A. Atkinson, of No. 2620 east

Grace street, returned home Thursdayafter a most delightful visit to her daugh¬ter, Mrs, John A. Fleet, of Mathews.Judge Barton, who ha« been holding a

special term of the Chancery Court, afterhanding down a good many decrees busgone to his home, in Fredericksburg.Mr. Joseph Jeffries and his little daugh¬

ter, Ooldie. returned from Newport Now«last lue-.luv, where ho uncut severalpiensan ? da;, .s m boat-riding and fishing.Rev. Dr. George Cooper will preach at R

o'clock tonight at the mission teutonGraham street, in Fulton, near the easternterminus of the Mum-street elecfrio line.Mr«, Ida V. Simpson and daughter nnd

Mia« Gertrude Bland, who have been visit¬ing tho» aunt, Mrs. M. K. Pierce, left yes¬terday for Norfolk and Elizabeth City,N. C.Messrs. J. B. Points and F.. G. Pollard,

of Church Hill, will leave Tuesday tor Bos¬ton and, returuine,stop in New lork. Theywill lie absent from the city to: sov-rrdweeks.Miss Florence Squire left Friday to visit

ber sister, Mrs, Glorie C. Moser in Nor¬folk. They go to Lawreneeville, Bruns,wick county, to spend the bulanco of thesi-asou.

Misses Fnnnie and Lizzie Shores, Ameliaand Russi.· Welther, and Master OttoShores will leave to-morrow for Fluvannacounty, where they will spend the rent ofthe summer.

Mr. snd Mrs. F. C. Hahr will leave Mon¬day to spend tbe month of August in tuemountains of Virginia, after which theywill go North to spend the remainder oftho summer.

Mrs. It. II. P. Robinson, Mr?. StephenHunter, and Mr. Maurice Hunter have re¬turned from acharminp trip ini Ola Domin¬ion steamship to New York city and Man¬hattan Beach.Mrs. O. F» Phillipe and Master Oaoar R.

Phillips, of south Pine street, have re¬turned to the city, after spending a verypleasant time with relatives und Ira udì inAmelia county.Among tho Richmond guests registered

at the iLitel Orango, Granee Courthouse,last week werei ('. 0. Walker and family,Mis« M min»., rrayscr, IL L. Watkius, il. L.Smith, J. H. Musi>n.Miss Alice (¡nines, .laughter of E. W«

Guiñes, of the Danville l(eg¡sier, who hasbeen visiting Misi ?» at 1 Sin it Ii, of smithLaurel street, hue left for Norfolk, ObiPoint, and Virginia Beach.Mr. G. E. Anderson and wife, accom-

nnnied bv their daughter, Miss Nannie andMuster Johnnie, will leave Monday totputid the month ol August amone thomountains ami otber summer resorts.

Miss Annie Broaddu«. of this city, willsoon lea vo for the Southern Female lui-versity at Florence, Ala., where she bas ac¬cepted a position as teacher of violin andpiano-forte during the coming session.Miss Mollie Tucker, or> 2017 Venable

«tree!, and Misa Liltio Paul, of IMI eastBroad street, have loft to spend severalweek« at (ir.-enwood, Albemarle counts.On their return they will stop in Cbar-lotiesvilie tor a week or so.

Misses Jennie and Dante Haue«, ofCumberland county, who have been at¬tending tbo ieachers' Institute at WestPoint, arrived in the city yesterday enreati home, and are stopping with friendsat No. ail uorlh Kightli Jtreet.

Mrs. Henry T. Christian, president ofthe Oak wood Memorial Association, iasuinuiering in her lortner home, iiarrison-burtr. Va. She was accompanied by hermere. Miss Annie McPhail, who will visither uncle, Mr. Rodes, m Albemarlecounty.Mrs. R. J. Christian, of Church Hill, ac

couipauied by her daughter. Mrs. LoulteMcPhail, left the city yesterday for amonth's sojourn in tho mountains of Vir¬ginia. Master Frederick Williams aud lit¬tle Miss Kate McPhail are on a visit toHarnsonburg.Mra. Jennie W. Lambeth, of Raleigh. N.

C, who li*s been visiting her parents, Mr.and Mrs. W. J. McDowell at tbo HuguenotSpriug«, left yesterday, acoompanied byher eister. Miss Annie McDowell, of thi«citv. for a brief nati to Mrs. W. L. Caraealat nur country home, at Gwatbueys.Mrs. C. S. Ford and daughter, Miss

Naomi Ford, have left for Gordoneville.where they will spend tbo month of Augustat the Lxchaugo Hotel. Mri. Lipscomhand daughter. Miss Mattie J. Lipscomb,have also leit ?t the Exchange, whero theywill remain until the 1st of September.Frofeesor ?. K. Parhain, latterly the

president of Murfreesboro' Female Col¬lege, now »¿resident of Hampton Fornaio

_e. after spending ? ever*' dav« inthi» city, is travelling in Eastern Virginiaand North Carolina in the interest of tholatter institution, which will be openedabout the 1st of October.Mrs. Alice B. Tyler and Miss Lillie Ty.

1er, wife and daughter of Justice C. W.Tyler, in company with Mr. Richard Gen¬try, will leave Tuesday morning to upendseveral weeks with Mrs. H. F- Hotchkiss.-..< VmelKud, N. J. During their absencetber will visit Cape May, Atlantic City,and other seaside resort«.Mr. J. D. ? Sleight will address the

Sunday-School Association of the Chris¬tian church«.« this evening at 0 o'clock inth» Seventh-Street Cunsttau church. Mr.Sleight has declined three other urgentculls for ß lúe service to-day, and wili¡ear« tho city to-morrow, accompanied byhi» wife, for a lew week»' resting vaca¬tion on tbe seashore.

lire. Rowland Hill and daughter, MittKesaie, of Xwentr-etveata street, will

THIS nil

leat« Tneedar eie Norfolk and Boston tospend ·*tß??? week« with relative· inMaine. Mrs. Hill I· just ricoverine; froma protracted sickness, and Miss Hill, whova thrown from a buggy rarly in June,is »till «nffering from injurie« receive«!. Itis booed both will be much improved Inhealth ere their return.

Klrhntnrtd New· In Brief.There I» a pear-tree in the yard of 411

north Fourth street that ha» ripe frsitupon it, but has also in the last few daysbloomed a second time.Tbe meeting of Libertes Lodge 8f Nr-

feetion. Bo. », Bcottlsh Rito Masons, an¬

nounced for la*f night, wss postponed bytbe 'Venerable Mieter until to-morrownight.The Executive Committee of the Dis¬

ciples' Unum of Btchmond and Manches¬ter will hold an important meeting at tbeHeventh-K'reet Christian church to-mor¬row night at 8 o'clock.The Korth-F.nd Yacht Club, oompoaedof colored people, will Ie»ve by the Chesa¬

peake an«! Ohio 3 P. M. train to-rr.orröwfor their annual outing. At Old Pointthey will embark on the AdsY«eteriley Mr. Jackson, editor of tbe

fknJhern r'anter, received from CaptainOrris A. Browne, of Cape Charles, atomato which measures If, inches in cir¬cumference and weighs ?i ounces.

The young men «»f north Twenty-sixthstreet expect to "»organize their athleticclub to-morrow nicht, winch was carriedon successfully last season. Their quar¬ters will be at No. 609 north Twenty-sixthstreet.Tho earnings of the Richmond and Pe¬

tersburg Railroad Company for June, 1892:were tSl.718.Wl expenses, f28.3Wl.34 : andthe camini;» of the Petersburg RailroadCompany fot same mouth were f??,??.???;expenses, tfavNMt,Tbe committees from the various labor

unions of the city appointed to mako pre¬liminary arrangement» for the Labor-Dayparade will bold a meellllS in Central Hall,on Pifthstreet w. dseadayereniagto con¬sider tbo details of tbe work before¿hem.At a meeting of the Board of Diiectors

of tho Sheltering Arms held yesterdaythe following «lineare wer»· elected Mr.Charle» V. Mjredtth, president; Mr. J. A.Carv, vice-prr.sdent: .Mr. (>>orge E Craw¬ford, treasurer, and Moses 1). Hoge, Jr.,secretary.The State Board of Dental Examiners,of which Dr. J. Hail Moore, of this oitv. is

president, and Dr. W. B, Norn»,-of Char,lottearine, secretary, will meet at thoRockbridgc Alum Springs Tuesday, August80th, at y A. .M., for the examination ofcandidates to practice dentistry in Virginia.A cablegram was received yesterday from

Mr. H. Theodore EUjraoe, secretary andtreasurer of the Dispatch Conysany, statingthat bis party, consisting of himself anddaughter, Miss Mary, and Mesar». W. I»,and K. R. CheHterniàn, bad rrrrived f-afelyat Qaeeastowa, 'Ibey sailed on the 23d inthe Aurarna.The " Wayback " Club ha» about com¬

pleted arrangement» for their annualemise. They txaect to-tart from \\.¦ -1I'omt on a fust-sailing yacht, and will takein Yorktown. Cohb Island. Virginia Reach,Ocean View, and Old Point, returning viaNewport News. 'Ilio club will probablyleave bore on Thursday next.The Sunday school to bo organized thie

afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Boldiers1Home under tho auapioes of tho MethodistSunday-School Society of this city, hasmet with great encouragement from tberesidents in that section. Tho officersand Hoard of Directors of the society willattend. Dr. Tudor and others will assistin the formation, and a choir.» with goodmusio, will bo present.

Well-known citizens dead.

Mr. John ft. Andrew·, of Richmond, andMr. <.urlami llanea, <»f llinrtc -.

Mr. John O. Andrews died at hi» resi¬dence. No. 107 west Main street, yesterdaymorning, in the 76th year of Ids age. 'l'hodeceased came to the city lroin Scotlandwhen «»uite a youth and entered a» onapprentice tho tountlry of Burr. Sampsont l'ite. He served in that establishmentin various capacities, finally making amuster «secasele Of himself, and later he-came a partner in the concern of Sanip-BOB, Pea »V Co. During tho war BB ss asconnected with tbe Oriinanco Departmentot the Confederato Government, whero horendered valuablo services. At theevacuation of the city bv the Confederateauthorities the foundry in wnioh Mr.Andrews was interested was burned, andho retired from activo bnsiaeesThe deceased had accumulated a good

deal of properly IB th« Wssl Bad. Bswas twice married, and leaves by his firstwifo riso chi!·lien Mrs. W. G. BklUBCT,George W. Andrews. Mr». LeRagr E Brows,and A. (1. Andrews. His s».·· oiul wito sur¬vives him. and bv this marna·,·«» there arefour bviug childn.r. William II., diariesV., I'lioiiiasS., and Julia li. Andrews.Mr. Andrews'« death was «iuife unex¬

pected, though ho had been complaininglor the past weekend had ¡spent severaluays in bed. Thursday, however, ho wentout during. One of his sons-in-law, Mr.LeBoy Brown, was with him antil 18o'clockFriday eight and when bo left, bunbad 00 IdM that hi» trouble would resultfatally. Ho was exoe»«ílin¡¿lv activo forhi» age and one of tbe best-posted men inRichinou«l retarding the local history oftho city. Ho bad never held any pub leposition except tbat of director of thopenitentiary.Tho funeral will take place from the

residence at S o'clock this afternoon.OABI. SKI) BANS», SB.

Mr Garland Hanes, Sr., died at hisresidence, "Oaklami." Henrleo county,yesterday tie .ruing at* 12:15 o'clock. ? lieflsnoassfl had been a life-long resident ofthe county, and was a sun ol Mr. (tarlamilianes, Weil known in local politics inyear« gone by and for many years Super¬intendent Of the City Water-Works. He

a wife and four children.one sonand threo «laughter··. Tho funeral tookplace from tho residence at G o'clock yes¬terday afternoon.


Richmond Knight· Templar to Leave forDenver Wednesday.

At 10:15 o'clock Wednesday night thewest-bound train over the Chesapeake andOhio railway will pull out from Riehmondwith'twoelerautiy-titted sleepers attached.These.cars will contain tho members ofthe two commandene» of Knights Tem¬plar of this city and their wives and ladvfriends, an roule to Denver, where thetwentv-fifth triennial conclavo of the(»ran«! encampment ot this organizationof the I sited States convenes August Uth.The ltinerv, while slightly different foreach of tho Hiciiuiond bodies, is throughthe most beautiful aud picturest-ue sec¬tions of this country.These two sleepers will be hooked on to

tbo special train from Washington atCharloitesville, and at this point St. An¬drew's Commandery, No. 13, will becomethe guest» of Do Mo!ay Mounted Com¬mandery, from the national capital.Among the members of St. Andrew's

who expect to go are Commander L. P.Ecker. Sir Knights William II. Bends,FrVd. Pleasant», W. D. Turner. Hail«,·Banadera George Priedling, sir Knight·Powell and Roed. Accompanying thesegentlemen will bo one or two fraters fromDanville and threo from North Candína,Mr. Nathan Moore, one of the stewards atWestmoreland Club, will also bo with thoparty.Richmond Commandery, No. 2, expects

to carry about twenty persona in their pri¬vate sleeper " Austerlitz." Anioni:wdl be Mr. H. LPclouz», wife, anddau^'ti.ter. Mr. j. Stauton M«»oro and wife. Mr.Judson Cunningham ani wifo, Miss Lom-raio Cuunin^ham, Mr. George W. Ri.lv.Mr. J. 'Ibompson Brown, Mr. Henry W.Rountree, Mr. C. V. Dodeoa, Mr. JeffersonD. Vaughan, wife, and «on, Sir-KnightMhlliaius, Sir-kniuht Pearley. ot Char-lotte.svdle, and others.Those who return by the special will

arrive home August lKth. A number ofthe Knights will, with their wives, spendsome timo m the mountain resorts of theWest.

rif-asure at a I.awn-Party.A very pleasant time jwas spent on

?bendar evening at tbe lawn-party givenby MissTaella Waiden aud several of herlady friends. After indulging in music andother amusemeut», tbo guests wen« servedwith a bonntifuT repast. ? mon.* thosepresent wero: Misses Rose Andrews.Bella Waiden, Annie Providence,Sslamone, Maggi«.· Wade, Ali«··» and Min¬nie Shiroy, Sadie rVyrooaet, N<»r.» lilakoy.Rianche I'embeilon, Kdna Weymouth.Henuie Weymonth, Mrs Waiden, MrsJames Pnddy. and Mrs«· Salamone,Messrs. Horace E Burnett, Charles S.Hillsman. Heury Ferguson, Jack Hills-man. Joe Gordon, Richard Carlton. Mr.DickiTsou, Walter Walden.Edmund Chris¬tian, Howard Salman, Coleman Hundley,and James Phddy.

Ihe Soldiers'-Home luve.tlsatboi.Th« committee of the Boldiers'-Home

Board, to whom were referred the peti¬tion· for the removal of General Terryfrom tbo superintendancy of tbe Home audthe charges against that official. m«t atthe residence of Mr. N. V. Randolph lastnight. No additional witness«*» were ex.amined, the entire session being takvn upin considering tbe t««timouy taken at themeeting cu Wednesday afternoon. Theoommittee adjourned to out «gala W«d-neadsr night.




Comparative Fla-urea-*Incree««nl Ml!*·««·_A Lara« Addillo« to lb« »venue ef

lHlrO-Mree» Hallway».

Mr. C Lee Moore, eeeretary of theBoard of Publio Work«, ba« completedhis report for litt of the awessed value ofrailroads aod canal· in the State. Fromthis report tbe following fact· and figuresaro taken : Milea of roadway ..»luted,8,286.5·%. Value of roadway, ¿ae.rw., up¬value of depot·, 91.863,311.42: value ofreal «etate. $1.?9ß,388.48 ¡ raine of rolling.tock. 910,156.730.60: vain« of ttore« or

suppliée, tt20.470.96: value of telegraphlines. $15.990.70; valuó of stocks andbonds of other companies, ¿to., $Ut,1tLMvalue of stocks and bond« owned andJnid by trustee, $46.650; miscellaneoutproperty, $11».hoo.· Telai, $50,714,271.06.

iNCBatiir or bollino sto«.·».The value of rolling stock shows an in¬

crease of 9·?.37'.?,671.18 0Ter the valuethereon for IBM. aud the roadwuy

atock shows an increase in value of 91,117,·970 ov»r lH'.U. There i« a decrease in t In¬vaino of stocks snd bond« of $1.310,7due to tbe fact that last year the Rich·mond end West Point Terminal Railwayand Warehouse Company reported tinderthis bead 93.Wi2.7M.13, whereas this yearit reports ???/????.??ß.ßd. because a lan/ebnlk hat been disposed of and the restheve deteriorated in valu«».The board thi« year assessed 215 68*100

mile« of new road, as follows: Choaaneakeand Ohio Railway Company, Crany-Valleybranch, 26 mile«; Hot Spring« branch, 23mile«: Louisville and Nashville railroad,65 73-100 milea: Norfolk and Western Kaii-road Company. Clinch-Valley Division,2.1 4D-100 miles, and Rounoke and SouthernDivision, 73 55-100 miles.

WHAT TH« STATE WILL KrXFJV*.The State will receive $207.434.2« taxes,

an increase over last year's taxes from thissource of 914.317.ill. The bulk of thee«tax'·* ere pafg by the following roijd«:Chesap«-ake and Ohio railway and Irne«operated, $42.4£g.93 Norfolk and Wirailroad and lines operated. $71.495.21;Richmond And Danville railroad and lineaoptratod, $M^«m«n total, 9154,0.12.0S.


The itreet-rar companie« «how an in¬crease in mileage of 2! 17-It») mil«», ami anincrease of $Sft,«at in the value of pro¬le rt v. The total amount received fromthem will be 93,033. su. an increase of91,201.47 over ??._CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL LIBEL.

Two WMte Men Ar.m»il of Dtftmlnc E.

.1. IIiI.it.

In the Police Court yesterday morningEdward Gould, ette· <>. P. Miller, alia*Osgood, and F.. J. Rrarly, two white men.wen- charged. the fofmer in two case« andtho latter in one.with criminal tutti in

having published certain alleged defama¬tory statements about E. J. Raker, pro¬prietor ot the Globe Hotel, to tho ottectthat he kept and maintained a disunì· rlyhouse. When the case was ..all¦ ? a con¬tinuance was asked, and the Justice post¬poned the investigation until September14th.The case of Virginia Cryer, tho colored

woman charged with killing her baby, was'egnin continued until August 10th, the ac¬cused still heilig ill at the almdiouse.


Jack Ba> sona Samuel Lewi«, a negrofrom the slashes of Hcnrico, was upon thecbfirge of stealing a cow valued at 950from Thomas Knight, ? good citizen ot thecounty. Tho hcast. was taken near thetoll-gate on the Hcnrico turnpike andbrought to Richmond, and was found inth·· possession of tbl accused when he wasarrisici! by Sergeant Orange. Jack ad¬mitted his guilt to the Justico, and whonthe latter said he would have to send himto the grand jury ofthe Hustings Courtthe accused fainted and fell in tho court¬room, and tho consternation was great.The ambulance was called and tho doctor,when he examined Ilav, said that tb« Mgrò was not ill but only oietenillni to beso. ibis had no effect upon tbo glaringman und Im hud to be taken to jail in theambulance.

TOLD TO Í1ET OUT QTJCKLT.Annie Moore, Hettio Smith, Ella Smith.

Notinio Smith, and Ro*ena Smith wencharged with keeping and maintaining a

disorderly ami ill-governed house. Allwere discharged except Annie Moore, w!mwas sent on to the grand jury ot the

-SUNDAY. JULY 31Hotting« Court, but just at this juncturetwo of the woman'· children appeared inthe court-room, and upon realisms» thattheir mother wa« about to ?? sent to jailbegan crying aloud, aud th»»ir wail· couldhave been hoard for blocks «war. Allefforts' to pacify thorn proved futile, andfinally the Justice said :

" I.-t that womanont to those chüdren." Thin turning toAnnie he said: "(io on home and atopthose brat* Irorn yelbng."Mary Susan Howdy paid $3 for being

drunk and disorderly in the Police CourtShe was talking ami creating a disturb¬ance ami the expounder of eijiuty hud herbroiuht Letora Idui with the reeultaabovegiven.A. J. Fox. J. B. Colee, A. 0. Martin. Ash-

by MeGee, Be«il Oarthrigbt white), Alex-ander Valentine, and Abram Amlerson' Murrd) paid 92-50 and cotte each forbeingrlisonlerly and flglittngin tbeetlJames H>lm«n ( col,red , charged with

harboring l'ho be f!«rrie, wife ot WilliamHarri«, was discharged.Webster FJIorson, a white bo? about 14

year« old, was up for abusing bi· mother,Mrs. L. A. Gordon. He waa aent to thereformatory.


A Salt for Divorce on Ot-onmlt of Craeltyanil Itiflrlotlty.

Rosa Tj. Berry ha« instituted «nit in theChancery ('· tirt for absolute divorce fromher husband. Alien Berry. The orntnxstates m her bill of complaint that she wasmarried to Herrvhn lvss at her home, in1'owhatau county, and that shortly after¬ward they moved to Richmond and he be¬gan to treat her harshly and cruelly. Itwaa not until recently, «he continues,that she observed great infidelityou the part of ber buabani and on thesegrounds she prays that tbe nuptial knotthat binds them together beaerered. Per¬ry, according to the languette of tbe plain¬tiff, has loft her and is now residing inNew Jersey. The esse will probably bebeard in August..ludgo W. S. Hartón, who has been con¬

ducting aspecul term of tho ChanceryCurt for Judge Lamb, yesterday ad¬journed tbo session and returned in theafternoon to his home, in Fredericksburg.

I'.enialn» T»k»D to Hai timor«·.

The remain« of Mr. William I.ackie, theBaltimore contractor who died suddenlyFriday night at No. 808 east Leigh,street,were taken totbe Monumental City yester-d.iy r,n the 11:15 train. M"«-r·«. K. 0,Ornmp, Ed. MeiOnnell. K. O. I^fong. K.M. L>. Clerk, G. IL Fitzgerald, end Wil¬liam Nitteram acted as pall-bearers. Mr.Lackie was a robust? man.'and, as statedyesterday, wa« only ill a fow hours. Whenhi« «on, who had heard hi:n complainduring the afternoou of not feeling well,went to his room to «ee how ho wa«, the

¦..¦d was unable to »peak, and neverrallied. Mr. Lackie suffered a great dealfrom hèat on Friday, and after reachingBit linarding-bouse drank a good deal ofice-water.


Plane« fur Siimm»r Iteiort«.

Last week more than a dozen of ourRichmond fumili· s ordered G?.im.s to beatnl to their various summer retreat«.These families know tho importance oftheir drunrhr+r« continuing their music in¬dependent of the amount of enjoyment.¿ornine to themselves from the presenceofan]U9icul instrument. Cannot othersfollow this good example! Call on us.

Manly ii. Ramos A Co.,:-" Main street.

Messrs. Henoon, Tupper A Co. wdl sellMonday afternoon three New Houses onRandolph street ami a largo number otwell-located Lota on Washington andWinder meets. Conveyances will leave821 Main street at fcSS P.M.

Nobby styles in Leather and Redford-Conl Yachting Caps just received at Kauf¬mann A Co.'«.


IWiitlfiilly-< olnreil Cabinet Fletare·.We will furnish, freo of charge, two

H"autifully-Colore«l Cabinet Picture· toevery one sitting for that size during themonths of August and September. Re¬member, the gallery is noted for tine col-oredwork. Dana Gailkby,

827 Broad street.

Planet tor 92.1.We have nuit« a number left ot our

«pr-cial-price PiaOOt, ranging from ¡?25 toBÎM taon, Tliesi· Square Piano« aro worthtwice tho money we ask. but they must bosold to make room for new stock.Kverv instrument hn« been thoroughly

repaired in our manufacturing department.Call at once to take your choice.

waxen l>. Mosse A Co.,10f;5 Main street (opposite post-office).

U 1892.Cy p?. W. riete'· loenraa·».

The Ute Cyrus W. Field, one of HewYork's rcoit eminent men, well known ss

being th« first to unite the Old Worl.l endtb· Now by telegraph, was a firm believerin lite intturancs, and carried a largeamount at tiietime of bis death.

It »corned to be a fixe«l principle of Mr.Field's life to erect a monumental tnsu-rsnce fund tbat would serve to protect hi»family and place their welfare beyond alidoubt. At various times gating ni* IlfoMr. Fiold increased hi» Insurance until thoface value of the poii»"."» amounted to onequarter of a million dollars.?- Pegan early, at age of 24. by taking out

a tlO.iXHi policy in the Mutual Life-insu¬rance Company, of New York, it being thofirst year of tho company'« existence. In18«S8 he was so well pleased with his ven¬ture that ho took out en additional policyfortlO.OOO. _. , .

Last week the policies In tbe MnttialLifo became claims and his h»?irs receivedthe sum of t*i>.5«w. <>r over two and oue-

fourth times tho original insurance.The result of theso investments have

been phenomenal. On his first policy thedividends doubled tho total premium»paid, while on the other policy, which waa

issued twenty-five years later, the divi¬dends amounted to over C5 per cent, of thetotal premiums paid.As an investment the Mutual Life

policies have realiz»d nearly 4 per cent,

compound interest, beside« affordiagprotection to the insured for fifty yearsThis same experience is in store for the

hundreds who should determine at onco

to use a portion of their earnings or in¬come for the same purpose, and a full ex¬

planation ot the eas.» of doing it will beI ma«!o by Howard BWUIVOKD,Manager of the Mutual Life-insuranceCompany of New York.

? t'rofltahlo Investment.The United Ranking ami Hnilding Com-

ftany, 821 eut Main street, offers for sale a

imitod number of the shares of its capitalstock, fully paid and non assessable, at¿..?? per share. A cash dividond of ti Per

cent, per annum, payable semi-nnnually,is paid on the cost of this stock. ? he¦tock also participates in tho profits of thecompany, and is redeemed f»y the company»t its maturity which is estimated to beabout eighty-four months) at *100 pershare, regardless of the cash dividendsalready raid tho hohler thereof. Investorsare invited locali or write for a prospectusof the company.


Tuning of Pleao*.We especially desire to call tbe atten¬

tion of the owners of Square Pianos to thefaot that wo are thoroughly «quipped fordoing all manner of tuning, repoltehing,renovating, and every species of repaire t.»old instruments. It is worthy,the atten¬tion of piano players the fact that theirpianos can again bo restored to a sem¬blance of their former sweetuoss of tone atan extremely moderate price. An estimatecosts nothing. Call on us.

Mini ? H. H\mos. Co.,903 Main street, Richmond, Va.

If you would like to attend tho »alo otImproved and Unimproved Property inthe West End be et our oítícn afondar st<5:J0 P. M., when cotrVoyances will be ready.

DxBBoa, Tirrena à <«·.._

H31 Main street.

Straw Sailors or Yachting Hat», white,black, navy, and red, trimmed and iintnm-meil, largo variety of styles, at Kaufmann«k Co.'s


The Itine HI.Ice Inn,Mt. Aibv, N. C.

is the commercial troveller's home. Hasall the modern conveniences, baths, eloo-tnc service, water-works, Ac.

81. Only St.The Ariel will make an excursion to Nor¬

folk and Newport News next Saturdaymghr. Tickets also good to return thefollowing Tuesday. See advertisemunL

Children's White Drcss-s. Mull not», andCaos, all at reduced prices at KaufmannCo.'s. %

Have your printing done at tho DispatchI Priating-HoUM, and you will bo satisfiedwith tbe werk and-avo money.

Cards, Rill-Heads, Statement». Letter-Heads, Note-Heads, Circulars. Handbills,Dodgers, Ac, printed by tho DispatchCompany at low prico». Will givo youpood work at sanio prices you pay for in¬ferior work. Stud us your ord-rs and wowill guarantee satisfaction in every par-ticular.

The remainder of our »tock of TrimmedHats and Bonnet» will be sold regardiezof cost or value this week.

Kautmabn _ Co.

?.».m^mmmmmetmmmmmmmememmmmmmmgt^el sale of Bfcbe^thto wee*tomate

room for avail imoortation at Kanfmaaa *Co.'s mm

A, B. C. Tonic the beet «pring medirlosIt invigorate* and tosM np the syetsm.

If yon wish to bare printing done sendto the Dispatch Printing-House for prieasWill give you flret-clM« work at very lowrates.

Book aad Job Ptlntlng.The Diepatch Company will do «ff harit

of prinfinn at loweet prices. Work prompt¬ly executed and satisfaction guaranteed.Send as vonr ordei« and save money.F.timate« furnished when desired.

How is your blood ? This is an impor¬tant question. OoMtmv it in eonoectionwith A. B. C. Alterative.

The Dispatch Company has first-olaMfacilities for doing all kinds of printing.Send us your order». Estimates cheerful¬ly furnished when desired.

When Baby ttt »tick, w· gave her Castor*.

When «he was a Call·!, she cried for OattorJa.

Wbensbe became Miss she clung to Castorfs

When She had rj&ildrca, she gave then Castalia

Read MtTTiLnoarxx's new adver'.Bement lato-day's paper and attend the great Remnant

Sale to comm entre Monday morning. Bargainsfor everybody.

«.Iven Sshtïii··.AD.Vcent box of Kal»lont Tooth-Powder with

every botti· of our celebrate«! Phenol MontaWu«. OWBNS _ Minob Dacu COVrAMT,

opposite Post-Office,

Many persons are broken down from overworkor household cares. Jirown'· Iron Bitter.« re¬

builds the system, alila digestion, removes ex¬

cess ol bile, and cure* malaria. A ipleudldtonic for women and children.. ?,.«!' ¦ ¦ ¦ '"" -'.-»a


DENOON. ?G????? «v. CO., WU G. M., thirtytulli,ling lots last west ot the eld reservoir,fronting "ti Wln»ler and Washington streets.

DEXUON. ?G???? A « «>., H 1*. M., trustee·'-ale <>f tw«>-etory-anil-b«seiii.'iit »lw»«liingoaBandolpb street eouih of Winder street.

DENOON. ?G???? ? CO, ? 1*. M., trastee'·sale of two frame dwellings on Randolphstreof ne.-.r Win gai MIMI

WILLIAM JENKINS t BOB, 18 M. banana·,. .rangée, lemons, and limes,

_ C. OAi.RISON, 11 A. M., Ulgh-Constable's.ale of ttirnltur··, Ac.

iteti of Ir. taf J. Lambert.

NoitiOL», Va., Jniy -1, ISM.Dr. f.. ['. Ca'ri. i:.h>m,nJ, «JalPear Sir.- It gives me great pleasure to testify

In this man ??? ? ti,e ??«??»? j-?,a havo given motro« CatarrB. from winch I have suffered forsometime. I bad const/intle^adache. unpleasantlast· in my mouth, sud ?» ? oustant expe..-t.»ratioufrom acoinii-iiatiitti of maeua in 'he throat, withloss of apnetite and a general fcreaklrii? ·?·,»? tUn» svstfiii. I vu futi py tosar t<eday I ami*.lh'v.'d Ly your treatment fri m those Ills an! I ¦·!myself again. I tru.«t mat all who may bo UXe-wi.«.· alli.-ted with OATABRB wl.l take advan¬tage of your treatment and meet a speedy cui ealso. Very r«»epo«;lfull)·. ,v\.

HKNKV .1. LAMBERT,MMI, Wnr«i. Avenue A.

DR. L. ???,:« ¡ COATIS.OFFICES: T08 east Franklin «Srce·. Rich-

meel. Va. Cinica hours: » t»> 13 M., 'J to 4, audo t.,h so P. v. Baaders " r" ·"- H»SPKCIALTIBB: CATARRH, Now*, Throat.an I

»Iso, Rheumatism, A-thma, and allsa? il ie iii«euses treat.«.! vus taoctea

SsaMattOO at office or dy mail free. Medi-etae· tree to patients. If you live at a distance,»¦.? 1 f.ir symptom blank. Jy ill-tl

TìliUci Sí ßAcai*DBY GOODs'

509-511 eist Broad str»·

SPECIAL INVENTORY lThe cloeer to the il.tr act apar» f« .jtemi-annua! ttook-takin.·, ·

tho w«r on price«. VVein carrying «tt^k from onenext, and therefore wo r·.*.«udì good» mercilessly foi t

days. "*




It will par ron lo fiqnentlr during these three

All Figured Waeh-GooJt ?...» «,>diridcd into three lots :

Challies, C\Malls, 5c.

CitantiHi/ Mush ?, :)f]Princess Batiste, :.¦'Best Ilk. OutiiIndia Pongee,

Tiji Cloth, SMako Cloth, >.


All of the above goodsthe a»aeon at It', l2i, 16}, a

yard.Zi$-Za$ Ch errron, JA hilf wool material vt

np equal in appearance to

Wool Chailit ?.-This i« the remainder

regular 18a Wool Ciialli

Novelty Suiti/Thia l»ig lot iuclu«!· « t

our Novelty Huitings, sniCmerBOtaSi Ac, that *<> iGôc.

Fine Suitings,A lot of extra-wn¡·' i ta]

Suiting« reduced t$1.

Prices Cut in i.AllonrSl Bsdfpvd Coi

Ac., in litflit ami ¦ ·>·

been reduced for t'·..-

eoe.Hosiery lid)·-A lot of G>?) «BMSS I

tiati Balbriffgan Hose.light weight for tumo

price,1*ÎC. A PAIR.

"Myra" Fa ¦ ?12.C.

Thiìo are ierby-ril 'role« in c/.» s toit »' lo i r

BfaBSaSj ami ?????? boye, ?pnmtiv. lj fast, aud tho botefully cLi'sp.

"Albion" Fast hITC.

These aro ilcrliv-ril'lied, full «

in si/ea 8 ho '.·}. for inie-es to larThey are rrfîmf -e. ho««».

Boiiá "BiotteU" /,.¿OC.

A regular "iron-frame"eially medefúr rotigli wearan·!Guaranteed to ?. ir oainary hose.FAST BLA!

LTNWORTH HOSE,We «hall continue th.» Bal

grado of Linworth Fsst-Bleok Li «

ring the next three davi at

«AC.Thii ii the brand th it

heel and too, ami yoa gelmending cotton with os??,

Fine Damask ?fiSC.

We haro «neh Rn en· rm

29, 8:5, Mo, and 37lc. Knot!t'olored-Bonlend, and Plainmaf-k Towel« that pre hereretlnco the Btock by 1price· to

«5C. FOR CHOICEYon will find these on a ir>

ter by the «tair-caso.LADIES' SOILED LDfKf <


5C. A PA IH«Mens FurnishWe are jaet paralyzing th ·

onr low price« on furcinhu.

Unlaundcied S/iitts.39C.f»OC.67C.7.>( .

Each one hat epeoially e '

[eattiroa in cloth, cut, and ·.·¦¦

w*l if you will givo them »will tee how Tory near th» »

custom-madeshirts, at It«« tBottom priée. We goaraal " \yon money and givo you a

¡arment than any other hon-

§OC. Jeans I); :

«¦» 87-1C.A tpeeial lot made fr p

rell " Jean«. Never sold -

ihan 50e.lie. BRITISH S< ?

io. 17C.PURE LINEN ???8??


1-2ÌC,worth ¿Oo.



*0<?Another big lot of thiwe ipeci*1 l ''

ag-bhirti at


mide*, & Mec*


^SUFFERER'S" APPEAUhas been heard.and' answered. He.and every other man in

Richmond---may take the choice of ANY FANCYOASSIMERB or FANCY CHEVIOT SUIT IN THEHOUSE that has been selling at $10, $12.50, or §13.50.and we will be still more gene¬rous.including lots of the $15grade-.for the much-peti¬tioned price.



received thispostal card.

we don't know thesender.but it shallnever be said that weturned a deaf ear tothe entreaties of our

friends and patrons.the public. Happyare we to answer thisM mailed messenger "

of the people's de¬sire. Welcome are

you to these SUITSthat have wrungonlypraise and adtnira-rafìon from every soul who has seen them,tnis sale will last until every Suit*m the lotis sgld. But there are only a few hundredleft, and choosers must be spry.

W '^¿¿e/^?^^

?·»« «....n,«,.


$ack$ «^Cutaway 5

A. SAKS & CO._-*â___â__eàaûrt£d$

top related