supported employment program update june...

Post on 21-Oct-2019






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June 2019

Program Update

Pictured above: Holly Murahashi

Table of Contents Introduction from Brian Collins .................................................................................................................. 3

Seeking Advisory Council Members ......................................................................................................... 4

Program Releases Training Module for New Managers .................................................................... 5

Introducing Inclusive Gaming Sessions ................................................................................................... 5

Employment Legislation Enacted .............................................................................................................. 6

Computer Life Skills Technology School Launched ............................................................................. 8

New Hires Make Big Impact at Microsoft Sites ..................................................................................... 8

Recent Supported Employment Program Events ................................................................................. 9

Introduction from Brian Collins Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is well and that you’re finding our updates useful! As I look back over the last six months, I’m very proud of the progress that we’re making, and I’m grateful for the work that is impacting the program. I hope you enjoy reading about it in the articles below.

While there were many accomplishments this year, two of my favorites were the School-to-Work Transition Fair in March where we hosted the largest group of attendees so far! The event also had several breakout sessions at which the attendees could hear from Supported Employees about their experiences in the workplace. I’m also proud of the work our team has been doing on manager training to improve the awareness and experiences of the

manager/employee relationship.

Looking forward, I hope to see you all at “The Sea-Town Summer Jam” party on August 21st. We heard your feedback from the BBQ last summer and we’re going to try a couple of new things this year – see the details in the Upcoming Events Section!

We’d also love to hear from you directly, so please let me know your thoughts and ideas –

All the best,

Pictured Above: Brian Collins

Seeking Advisory Council Members The Advisory Council of the Microsoft Real Estate & Facilities Supported Employment Program needs you! Since the first meeting in March 2018, the stakeholder council has advised us on how to improve, expand and advocate for the program.

The council has worked on a range of topics related to the program, including:

• New Manager and HumanResources Training

• Improving communication toour community

• Career Progression Videos• Planning for 2020

We are now seeking new representatives of the stakeholders in the program to take over the great work already accomplished by the council. The stakeholder positions are:

Stakeholder Position First Meeting Term Time Commitment Supported Employee October 2019 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly Front Line Vendor Manager October 2019 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly Vendor Partner Leader January 2020 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly Parent April 2020 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly Front line Job Coach April 2020 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly Job Coaching Agency Leadership July 2020 2 years 1.5 hours quarterly

We are very happy to provide any needed accommodations to participate in the meetings. If you would like to serve on the council, or if you would like to nominate someone else to serve, please complete this form by July 31, 2019.

Pictured Above: Liz Aspen, Brenda Kim, Terry Scheuer, Jordan Somers, Gillian Maguire, Brian Collins, Teresa Zuniga, Phillip Thelin, Carissa Linn, Susan Harrell, Heather Durr

To keep you better informed, we are starting an opt-in email list. If you want to receive occasional updates about the program in your email inbox, sign up here.

Opt-in to receive Microsoft Supported Employment Program Updates

Program Releases Training Module for New Managers Stakeholders told us that it would be beneficial for new managers to have a quick introductory training to get familiar with Supported Employment when they are hired. We took that input, and our Extended Leadership team with advice from the Advisory Council, created a new training resource, titled ‘HR and New Manager Training - Supported Employment.’

This 17-minute training is designed to provide managers and teammates with the tools to effectively work with Supported Employees on their teams. The topics covered are the history and background of Supported Employment, understanding disabilities, the role of the manager and the job coach, evaluating jobs, and resources. This training can be watched all at once, or in sections, as time allows. The training features audio voiceovers on each slide, to improve impact and engagement with the training.

To download the PowerPoint deck, please follow this link to the shared file on Dropbox.

Introducing Inclusive Gaming Sessions One of the Supported Employment Program’s focus areas is increasing access to technology. In response, we connected with Bryce Johnson, the Inclusive Lead for Microsoft Devices, who was excited to join us in creating opportunities for Supported Employees to access gaming. A pilot Inclusive Gaming Session was launched in late January, inviting employees to the Inclusive Tech Lab on campus. They can play video games solo or together on several different console setups. We have been thrilled to continue these sessions, occurring monthly, where attendees can play a huge range of Xbox games, popular group party games on the Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft PC Games. They also have the chance to see and use the Xbox Adaptive Controller, a game controller developed to completely customize game controls to fit anyone’s mobility.

Pictured Above: Phillip Ross Thelin

Attendees are greeted and supported by Bryce and several other Microsoft employees, as well as volunteers from CBRE and the Supported Employment Program. We ensure everyone gets to play a game of their choice, and we assist with any game control explanation or game recommendations. Bryce and his team can help set up attendees with the adaptive controller so that everyone is in on the fun. Gamers and novices alike are welcomed! Each session can hold up to 15 attendees who sign up in advance, and notifications are sent out via email to coaches and managers. Snacks and beverages are also provided.

These gaming sessions are such a great opportunity in so many ways; access to various gaming consoles, access to a huge catalog of games, a safe place to learn how to play, a place to socialize and make new friends, and a place equipped for all to be included in play.

If you would like to inquire about the next session, you can email Heather Durr,

Pictured Above: Gamers enjoying a game together.

A special thank you to Bryce Johnson, Stephanie Mollet, Kaitlyn Jones, and Erik Larsen for making these sessions possible.

Employment Legislation Enacted Two bills have been signed into law that were identified by the community of people with developmental disabilities and allies in Washington State, as having a positive impact on employment for people with disabilities.

Substitute House Bill 1199, expands access to Washington’s Medicaid Buy-In program, called Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD). This bill goes into effect in January 2020 and removes the income cap and the upper age limit for workers to be eligible for HWD. The prime house sponsor is Representative Eileen Cody (D-34), pictured at the bill signing, on the far left.

Engrossed House Bill 1706, eliminates subminimum wage for people with disabilities. Before amendments were added that significantly reduced the scope, this bill would have mandated a statewide ban on the use of 14(c) certificates issued by the US Department of Labor. These 14(c) certificates allow employers to pay less than minimum wage to people disabilities. The bill as amended, says that the State of Washington itself cannot pay subminimum wages to individuals with disabilities. People with disabilities and allies will continue to work on this issue in the next legislative session. The prime house sponsor is Representative Noel Frame (D-36), pictured to the right of Governor Inslee.

Pictured Above: Bill signing for Eliminating subminimum wage certificates for people with disabilities

Pictured Above: Bill signing for Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD)

Computer Life Skills Technology School Launched The Supported Employment Program continues to implement the input and guidance we have received from the stakeholders, Extended Leadership Team, and Advisory Council. After the stakeholders meeting in September 2017, it was clear that Supported Employees wanted more access to technology being a part of the Microsoft family and

In recent months, more individuals with disabilities have been hired at Microsoft locations in the United States and globally. These stories share the impact of these new hires.

At Silicon Valley in California, Elise Camby, was hired by Compass Group. Elise has impressed her new team by being a champion for safety in the workplace, and she was recognized by her team in their internal newsletter, which shared, “Elise shows a passion for doing her job correctly and being a

Pictured Above: A person using a computer

campus environment. Through collaboration and teamwork, the Supported Employment Program has developed a “Computer Life Skills Technology School.” We have partnered with Kory Srock, a Computer Science teacher in the Bellevue School District and former Microsoft employee, to offer an 8-week course (16 hours of class time) on computer life skills, and Microsoft Office programs.

The Computer Life Skills Technology School is a continuing education opportunity. We appreciate the dedication our vendor partners have shown to the growth of the Supported Employees here on the Microsoft campus.

We are looking forward to seeing how the experience unfolds throughout the summer, gather lessons learned, and see where we can take this in the future.

New Hires Make Big Impact at Microsoft Sites

Pictured Above: Elise Camby and her team.

safety leader. Elise emphasizes the importance of the proper safety equipment, from making sure your non-slip shoes are in good condition, to ensuring each team member is in correct uniform and even wet floor signs are in use on rainy days. . . . Elise epitomizes this role for our team and it is through her leadership that we continue to be safe, think safe and act safe so that we all are able to go home in the same way that we came to work.”

On April 15, Neelam Verma was hired by Impressions Services into a lobby and mailroom position at the Microsoft location in Gurgaon, India.

During Neelam’s life, her parents have supported her having an education to build a better future. She attended the Jeevan Jyoti School for the Blind in Varanasi. She did well in high school, and attended Banaras Hindu University, where she pursued her passion for music. When she discovered that technology could assist her in her goals, she added courses in computer technology and stenography. She uses screen reading software to facilitate her job, which includes greeting visitors to Microsoft, and responding to emails, phone calls, and requests for meeting rooms. The team in Gurgaon is very happy to have Ms. Neelam on board!

Pictured Above: Neelam Verma

Recent Supported Employment Program Events King County School-to-Work Transition Fair On March 27, at the Microsoft Commons, we opened the doors to over 900 members of the community for the 12th Annual King County School-to-Work Transition Fair.

The School-to-Work Transition Fair is a service to the community that enables students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and educators come learn about career options as these students graduate and embark on their journey to adulthood. Students explore community day programs, housing/supported living, and employment agencies. Governmental and county agencies also participate to help families access their services and ensure their child is getting the support they need to be successful.

The impact of the Transition Fair is immeasurable. With 51 exhibitors under one roof prepared to share resources and educate families on next steps, the burden of doing the legwork to obtain this information is lifted. The sigh of relief is palpable as attendees leave with a smile on their face and a swag bag full of options and information to plan for the future. As an added bonus to an already great day, Microsoft offered a fun and exciting new addition to the Fair experience: a demo station for the Xbox Adaptive Controller, designed specifically for people who experience physical disabilities and have been excluded from the traditional gaming experience.

This was the 6th year Microsoft has hosted this event, and it was the most successful one yet!

Pictured Above: Members of the Supported Employment Program and “Green Shirt” volunteers.

Panel of Experts About 200 attendees at the Transition Fair packed into a conference room to hear four Supported Employees who work on the Microsoft campus, share their work experience, on a panel called “I Love My Paycheck”.

The speakers were Ben Day with CBRE, Cassie Scott with Exela Technologies, Tanya Harris with Suddath Moving and Austin Landon with CBRE. The audience was riveted to hear each person share their unique journey to employment, and the role of their job coaches in helping them move from strength to strength.

The panel of speakers also answered questions from the audience about their living situations, how they ensure they get to work on time, and their access to

benefits, among other topics. Later, Ben Day and Austin Landon received an 'applause for excellence' award from their employer, CBRE.

Supported Employment Best Practices Workshops are a Success Each year, as part of the commitment to improving the program, Microsoft coordinates Supported Employment Best Practices workshops for new managers. The workshops are led by coaches, Brenda Kim and Max Doggett, from our partner coaching agency, the Highline ACHIEVE program.

The April 18 and 22 workshops were attended by about 40 managers from our partner vendor companies, in Puget Sound and at North American Microsoft sites. Both new managers and teammates, as well as experienced managers are welcome to the workshops to learn or refresh their management and communication skills in working with Supported Employees.

Pictured Above: Trainees at SE Best Practices workshop

Pictured Above: Ben Day, Cassie Scott, Tanya Harris, Austin Landon and Zeek Sideek

Over the course of the 4-hour workshop, managers learn about the history of supported employment, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the role of the Job Coach. They also get hands-on training in practical skills such as providing clear instructions, as well as developing picture-based visual instructions. In the feedback, managers reported they were very happy with the skills they learned, and particularly appreciated the information shared by 4 Supported Employees who participated as trainers.

Coach Appreciation Party On May 1st, on a lovely spring day, we hosted our second annual Coach Appreciation Party. The Supported Employment Program deeply values the impact and effort the coaches have put into the success of the Supported Employees here in Puget Sound. We gathered at Café 121 overlooking the new district improvements on campus featuring “The Cabin”, a bocce ball court, outdoor patio area, and tech features such as a solar charged bench that can recharge your phone or computer. Attendees were able to tour the space, piggybacking on last year’s event where coaches toured the Tree Houses on campus.

The event was catered expertly by our vendor partner, Compass Group, and everyone enjoyed the musical stylings of the very talented Chad Guse.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, NDEAM. The Supported Employment Program will be engaging in a social media campaign to highlight and celebrate meaningful employment for people with disabilities.

If you would like to share a story, photograph, or short video (less than a minute) to be considered for part of our campaign, please submit your materials to Lizzie Gilmore at by August 31st.

We want to hear your stories!

Pictured Above: Brenda Kim, Heather Durr, and Chad Guse

Supported Employees Honored as Employee of the Month Fathi Mohamed received an Employee of the Month recognition at MV Transportation. Fathi is a utility worker and focuses on cleaning the inside of the buses, sweeping, sanitizing seats, and cleaning windows. This is what his team shared about Fathi: “He is a really good kid and truly enjoys and wants to work here. Fathi, every day he works here, he works hard, is focused on cleaning the buses and when he is finished, he will rattle off all the vehicles that he has cleaned.” His team said he always has a smile on his face and will put a smile on theirs!

Eddie Hutson received Employee of the Month honors for his work at Café 25. Eddie brings insatiable energy into his Café each day. He knows how to put a smile on everyone’s face and is deeply invested with his coworkers and management team.

Eddie loves dogs, Starbucks coffee, traveling, working, and watching movies. Eddie is fascinated with maps and memorizing the bus and train schedules for

different places he wants to travel. He is always prepared with a great sense of direction for wherever he ends up. So far, his favorite place to travel is Portland, Oregon, where he visits his close friends.

Pictured Above: Eddie Hutson

Pictured Above: Fathi Mohamed and his Team

Upcoming Events Summer Party and Talent Show – August 21

The Space Needle! The Seahawks! Pike Place Market! Everything we love about living in the Northwest! Come join in the fun at “The Sea-Town Summer Jam!”

All your favorites - delicious food, games, photo booth, and the awesome talent show - will be there, but no more smoky skies and hot temperatures for us, because we are having our party indoors at the Microsoft Conference Center.

Date: August 21, 2019 Time: 2-5pmWhere: Indoors at the Microsoft Conference Center

Building 3316070 N.E. 36th WayRedmond, WA 98052

2019 Talent Show- What talent will you be sharing?

Send an email to Lizzie Gilmore:

Stay tuned for the next Newsletter: December 2019

For questions or additional information, please contact Gillian Maguire and Lizzie Gilmore.

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