surface water flow control systems...4 orifice plate size required Ø 51mm. upstream attenuation...

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Surface Water Flow Control SystemsACO Q-Brake Vortex and ACO Q-PlateInteractive digital brochure brochure has been specifically prepared to be viewed digitally. Please consider the environment and do not print this brochure unless you really need to.

What is ACO Q-Plate?

ACO Q-Plate orifice plates aredesigned for use where an ACO Q-Brake vortex is not the most effective solution.

To suit application requirements, therange is available with or withoutremote bypass and drain down and isdesigned to match a variety onmanhole configurations.

Information regarding thespecification of the ACO Q –Platescan be found here.

Introduction to ACO’s Surface Water Flow Control Systems

ACO’s range of flow control systems are designed to regulate storm water flow before itdischarges into the watercourse or sewer networks. ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls and ACO Q-Plate orifice plates are capable of regulating any flow for surface waterapplications and can be used in conjunction with retention and attenuation systems, such as ACO StormBrixx, as an integrated sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) scheme.

What is ACO Q-Brake Vortex?

ACO Q-Brake Vortex is a horizontalvortex flow control designed toregulate storm water flows from 1-100 litres per second. Manufacturedfrom grade 304 stainless steel, eachACO Q-Brake Vortex is individuallyconfigured to suit specificperformance criteria.

The design of a vortex flow control isbased on the fluid mechanicsprinciple of the forced vortex, whichpermits flow regulation without anymoving parts.

ACO Q-Brake Vortex utilises theupstream head and discharge togenerate a ‘vortex’ within thestructure of the unit. The water isthen released at a pre-determinedcontrolled rate preventingdownstream flooding. Click here for ashort demonstration.

Unlike more conventional methods,ACO Q-Brake Vortex is less prone toblockage, and permits higher flow ata lower head of water, as a vortexcontrol allows an outlet 4-6 timeslarger in cross sectional area to beused.

ACO Q-Brake Vortex can form part ofthe design of any integrated drainagescheme for a wide range ofinfrastructure, industrial and otherSuDS applications.

4 Planning and connection

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex addressesthe planning and connectionrequirements set out in the Floodsand Water Management Act.Where a discharge restriction is inplace, ACO Q-Brake Vortexregulates the surface water flowto the specified rate.

4 Tailored performance

4 Each ACO Q-Brake Vortex istailored to the specificperformance requirements of theapplication providing optimumefficiency within the system.

4 Optimum hydraulic efficiency

4 The mechanism employed withinACO Q-Brake Vortex providessuperior hydraulic performance incomparison to traditional flowcontrol systems.

4 Water Authorities Approval

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex has beenapproved for use by a number ofwater authorities including SevernTrent, Anglian and Scottish Water.

4 Proven performance

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex is UKmanufactured and has beenindependently laboratory tested toverified discharge rates.

4 Simplified access andmaintenance

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex has largeclear openings making it lessprone to blockage. The absenceof any loose parts also reducesmaintenance requirements.

4 The patented bypass door andemergency drain down facilityallows ACO Q-Brake Vortex to beremotely accessed from thesurface to allow the upstreamsystem to be independentlydrained, completely bypassing theinlet. Building Regulations 2000Section H discourages direct manaccess to sewer manholes.

4 Reduces total installed cost

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex allows moreflow at lower heads, reducing theneed for on-site storage volumerequirements lowering installationcosts.

4 Ease of installation

4 Each ACO Q-Brake Vortex unit iscustom built to suit the profile ofthe chamber. Radius fixingoptions remove the need foradditional benching - simplifyinginstallation and reducing cost.

4 WinDes

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex can be sizedand modelled on the latestversion of the design software andcan be incorporated into theoverall hydraulic drainage design.

Why choose ACO Q-Brake Vortex?

ACO Q-Plates with and without draindown

Storage and the controlled release ofclean water into the naturalenvironment is an important aspect ofmanaging surface water in the SuDSapproach. The Floods and WaterManagement Act now gives overallresponsibility to the local regulatorybody to impose, where appropriate, thedischarge rate of a surface water flowcontrol system.

ACO’s range of flow control systems canbe used in conjunction with ACO’saward-winning attenuation andinfiltration system, ACO StormBrixx, toprovide a fully integrated storm watercontrol system meeting the requirementsof the regulations.

This diagram simulates how the ACOStormBrixx system is used to providestorm water attenuation, whilst theACO Q-Brake Vortex is used to regulatethe rate of discharge from thedevelopment into the watercourse orsewer network.

Compared to the use of traditional flowcontrol systems, the combination ofACO StormBrixx and ACO Q-BrakeVortex can reduce the need foradditional upstream storage loweringoverall installation and maintenancecosts.

This benefit is best demonstrated in theexample opposite. The conclusion ofthe example means that upstreamstorage can be reduced by 11m3

compared to using a traditional flowcontrol system.

For more information onACO’s award winningattenuation and

infiltration system, ACOStormBrixx, please click here.

Inlet pipe

Water entersthe system

ACOWrap geomembraneOutlet pipe

ACO Q-Brake Vortex

ACO StormBrixxattenuation system

ACOTex Plus protection fleece

Manhole chamber

Flow rate: waterdischarged at arate of 6.3l/s

Design head: 1.3m

Water enters ACO Q-Brake Vortex

Benefits of using a surface water flow control system



There is a project in Bedford, Englandwith a catchment area of 13,000m2. The project has design criteria of a 1 in30 year storm and the runoff from thesite must not exceed 6.3l/s at a designhead of 1.3m.


Using MicroDrainage® software, ACO has comparedthe upstream storage requirements using ACO Q-Brake Vortex and a traditional orifice plate. Theresults are summarised below:

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex required Ø90mm.Upstream attenuation required 402m3.

4 Orifice plate size required Ø 51mm. Upstreamattenuation required 413m3.

ACO Q-Brake Vortex reduces upstream attenuationby 11m3 whilst having an orifice over three timesthe area of the traditional orifice plate and making ACO Q-Brake Vortex more efficient and far lessprone to blockage.

Conventional Orifice Alternative 51mm

ACO Q-Brake Vortex 90mm

Volume of water passing out of system not retained in storage

Flow (l/s)





d (m


Discharge characteristics



Additional and varying features forACO Q-Brake Vortex >40l/s

Remote access bypass door andemergency draindown. Located in adifferent position to ACO Q-BrakeVortex units <40l/s

Removable maintenance cover

Side vents to aid draindown on unitswith radius fixing

Lifting eyes

Fixing locators









Regulate storm water flowsfrom 1-100 litres per second

All parts are weldedto BS 4872

Larger* clearopening, reducesrisk of blockage

Remote accessbypass door

Sealing gasket and latch

Manufacturedfrom grade 304 stainless steel

Remote access cable for emergency drain down

Emergency drain down

Individuallyconfigured to suitspecific performancecriteria

Inlet/outletdetermined bylaboratory verifieddischarge curves

Flexible fittingoptions custom builtto suit the profile ofthe chamber

Radius manhole fixing (front)Radius manhole fixing (rear)Square manhole fixing (rear)


*Larger than traditional orifice plates

Manufactured from grade 304 stainlesssteel, each ACO Q-Brake Vortex isindividually configured to suit specificperformance criteria. Our engineers willuse industry standard drainage softwareand hydraulic design calculations toensure the system is correctly sized forany project requirement.

In order to complete this process anddeliver the product options available,please provide the ACO engineers withthe following information:

4 The proposed design flow –maximum allowable discharge

4 The proposed design head – invert ofoutlet pipe to top water level

4 The proposed outlet pipe diameter

4 The proposed type and size of outletmanhole

Before production can commerce, ALL of the above information must beverified on ACO’s Contract ReviewDocument issued at the time of orderplacement.

Finished product

From this information ACO will size anddesign the ACO Q-Brake Vortex to meetthe design criteria and to suit theproposed surface water application.

ACO will supply:

4 Head discharge table & graph

4 ACO Q-Brake Vortex installationdetails

4 Information for manhole sizing

ACO has embraced the concept of‘value engineering’ – a totally newapproach to on-site construction thatsaves both time and money. ACO willreview any design to minimise the totalscheme and life cost of a proposal.

By utilising ACO’s portfolio of products,it is often possible to remove the needfor conventional underground drainage.

ACO Water Management Design Services Team

Tel: 01462 816666Email:

Micro Drainage ModellingACO Q-Brake Vortex can be sized and modelled onthe latest version of Micro Drainage.


ACO Q-Brake Vortex specification and design process

ACO Water Management Design Services Team

Step 1:

Construct the chamber that is to housethe ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow control.Note that if the chamber has a curvedwall (e.g. a concrete ring manhole), thediameter of the chamber should bespecified on the order and ContractReview Document for the ACO Q-BrakeVortex flow control unit.

Step 2:

The base of the chamber must be at alevel 200mm below the bottom of theACO Q-Brake Vortex flow control. Whenthe chamber base is benched, there mustbe a 200mm deep sump below thebottom of the unit as shown on thesketch.

Step 3:

Offer the ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controlunit up to the outlet pipe using the liftingeyes where appropriate. Ensure the unitis upright (arrow pointing vertically up).Mark the position of the fixing holes onthe chamber wall. Remove the unit anddrill fixing holes to suit the M10 boltssupplied with the unit. (Note bolts areRawlbolt R-XPT-S stainless steel M10bolts requiring a hole 15mm diameter).

Step 4:

Place bolts into the drilled holes. Locatethe ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow control ontothe bolts (again check it is upright).Ensure that the gasket is flat against thewall. Fit the nuts and tighten them to pullthe unit against the gasket and seal itagainst the wall.

Step 5:

Fix the two wire guide rings (supplied) tothe chamber wall, one approx mid heightand one just under the access cover.Thread the bypass door lifting wirethrough the rings. Adjust the length of thewire by fixing the handle in the correctposition and cut to length if necessary.

Guide to installing an ACO Q-Brake VortexInstallation instructions

Installation detail

Inlet Pipe

Outlet Chamber

Outlet Pipe

Bypass door lifting wire

Guide ring fixed to wall

Sealing gasket

Bypass door with floatfor automatic closure

200mm sump in chamber benching

Guide ring fixed to wall





Ø15mm holes for M10 stainless steel bolts(bolts supplied with unit)

Sealing gasket

Ø15mm holes for M10 stainless steel bolts(bolts supplied with unit)

Sealing gasket





Fixing installation detail forround manhole chambers

Fixing installation detail for flatsided manhole chambers

Commissioning the product

Before the product is commissioned, thechamber containing the ACO Q-BrakeVortex should be inspected in line withnormal practice. Any debris or silt shouldbe removed. Any visible fixing boltsshould be checked.

If an internal blockage is suspected, thecontrol can be inspected internally andcleaned out by opening the inspectionbypass door on the upstream end. Thebypass door must be returned to theclosed position before the controlbecomes operational or bolted shut.

Frequency of inspection / maintenance

Inspections should be carried out atfrequent and regular intervals(approximately every 3-6 months). Thefrequency will depend upon the locationand the environment, and should bebased on local knowledge. Action is onlyrequired in the event of a blockage orsuspected blockage.

Maintenance plan

ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls requireno routine maintenance althoughinspections should be carried out atregular intervals (See frequency ofinspection / maintenance section).

Manual handling

ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls shouldbe handled in accordance with currentlegislation and regulations:

- The Health and Safety at Work Act1974

- The Management of Health and Safetyat Work Regulations 1999

- The Manual Handling OperationsRegulations 1992

Service life

ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls have nomoving parts to wear or fail.Manufactured from grade 304 stainlesssteel plate they will resist scour,degradation and chemical attack. The unitis designed to easily outlast the drainagesystem in which it is installed.


ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls aremanufactured from grade 304 stainlesssteel. This material is not regarded ashazardous to health and demonstrates nochemical hazard when used for the statedapplications.

The vortex flow control device shall besupplied by ACO Technologies plc; allmaterials and components within thescope of this system shall be obtainedfrom this manufacturer.

All units shall be manufactured fromgrade 304 stainless steel incorporatingrear mounted remote access bypass andemergency drain down door completewith stainless steel cable and fixings.

ACO Q-Brake Vortex is a vortex flowcontrol device designed to suit a designhead of #mm and design flow of # litresper second.

# Insert information as appropriate

NBS Specification

ACO Q-Brake Vortex should be specifiedin section R12. Assistance in completingthis clause can be found in the ACOWater Management entry in NBS Plus, orplease contact the ACO WaterManagement Design Services Team.

Note: A specification in NBS format is available todownload from or

ACO Technologies aims toincorporate as much recycledmaterial or waste material as ispracticable in its manufacturedproducts.

Typically steel products contain between25% and 33% recycled content by weight.Therefore the total recycled content of theACO Brake Vortex will contain be atminimum approximately 25% by weightrecycled material.

ACO Q-Brake Vortex is intended for a longlife with low maintenance, to reduce theneed to recycle, but when eventually theproduct is no longer needed, much of itscontent can be readily recycled with avery low risk of pollution to theenvironment.

Operation and maintenance recommendations


Product Testing

Through ACO’s continual product development and refinement programme hasled to an enhanced range of ACO Q-Brake Vortex flow controls. The range hasbeen independently tested and complex software written to ensure that the bestpossible characteristics and curves are achieved to help reduce upstream storagerequirements and installation costs.

ACO Q-plate with200mm orifice(Grey plate)

500mm inlet pipe

Guide to installing an ACO Q-Plate

Step 1:

Construct the chamber that is to housethe ACO Q-Plate orifice control. Note thatif the chamber has a curved wall (e.g. aconcrete ring manhole), the diameter ofthe chamber should be specified on theorder and Contract Review Document forthe ACO Q-Plate Orifice control unit.

Step 2:

There should be a small sump under theoutlet to ensure the orifice control doesnot easily block, ideally there should beupstream sediment and debris traps.When the chamber base is benched, thereshould be a minimum 200mm deepsump below the bottom of the unit asshown on the sketch.

Step 3:

Offer the ACO Q-Plate orifice control unitup to the outlet pipe. Ensure the unit isupright (arrow pointing vertically up) andthat the orifice is correctly positioned atthe invert of the outlet pipe.

Check there is a good seal between theorifice plate and the outlet pipe. Mark theposition of the fixing holes on thechamber wall. Remove the unit and drillfixing holes to suit the bolts supplied withthe unit.

Step 4:

Place bolts into the drilled holes. Locatethe ACO Q-Plate orifice control onto thebolts (again check it is correctly aligned).Ensure that the gasket is flat against thewall. Fit the nuts and tighten them to pullthe unit against the gasket and seal itagainst the wall.

Step 5:

If you have been supplied the Q-Platewith the drain down and bypass door fixthe two wire guide rings (supplied) to thechamber wall, one approx mid height andone just under the access cover.

Thread the bypass door lifting wirethrough the rings. Adjust the length of thewire by fixing the handle in the correctposition and cut to length if necessary.

ACO Q-Plate with remote draindown andbypass recommended for all orifice

apertures less than 100mm

What is ACO Q-Plate?

ACO Q-Plate orifice plates are designed for use where an ACO Q-Brake vortex is not the mosteffective solution. To suit application requirements, the range is available with or without remotebypass and drain down and is designed to match a variety of manhole configurations. A neoprenesealing gasket and fixing holes are featured on each unit.

Model specification

ACO Q-Plate orifice control *with remote drain down and bypass (delete as appropriate), ##mm orifice designed to suit a pipe outletsize of ###mm, a design head of ## mm and design flow of # litres per second.

#insert information as appropriate.

ACO Q-Plate Bypass features

4 Manufactured from 304 stainless steel

4 Orifice aperture up to 150mm

4 Sealing pipe gasket

4 Emergency drain-down and accesscable

4 Bypass door (with improved seal) andlatch

4 Flat or curved radius to suit manholediameter

4 Manhole fixings

ACO Q-Plate features

4 Manufactured from 304 stainless steel

4 Four fixing positions

4 Pipe sealing gasket

4 Manhole fixings

4 Flat or curved radius to suit manholediameter

ACO Q-Plate

To suit project requirements, two optionsof ACO Q-plate are available:

ACO Q-Plate Bypass< 100mm orifice with remote drain-down and bypass (also available up to150mm)

ACO Q-Plate>100mm orifice without remote drain-down and bypass

In order to complete this process anddeliver the product options available,please provide the ACO engineers withthe following information:

4 The proposed design flow – maximumallowable discharge

4 The proposed design head – invert ofoutlet pipe to top water level

4 The proposed outlet pipe diameter

4 The proposed type and size of outletmanhole

Before production can commerce, ALL ofthe above information must be verifiedon ACO’s Contract Review Documentissued at the time of order placement.

Finished product

From this information ACO will size anddesign the ACO Q-Plate to meet thedesign criteria and to suit the prosedsurface water application.

ACO will supply:

4 Head discharge table & graph

4 ACO Q-Plate installation details

4 Information for manhole sizing

500mm outlet pipe

ACO Q-Plate Specification and design process

ACO Q-Brake VortexACO Q-Ceptor

ACO StormBrixxACO Qmax® – New sizes available ACO MultiDrain™ MD ACO KerbDrain®

The point at which run-offenters the surface watermanagement system.Drainage channels can be

used individually or in combination toensure optimal removal of all surfacewater.

With the most comprehensive rangeof channels available, ACO systemsare manufactured from a variety ofmaterials and are suitable for loadbearing in domestic applicationsthrough the car park, highway, dockand airport applications.

Run-off that picks upsurface pollutants and siltwill need to be treatedbefore discharge.

Oil separators such as ACO Q-Ceptor offer an effective solutionproviding full or bypassed treatmentof oil polluted surface water.

Storage for controlleddischarge or infiltration intothe immediate environmentis an important aspect of

managing surface water in the SuDSapproach. ACO StormBrixx providesan ideal method of deliveringeffective management of surfacewater where swales and ponds arenot possible.

ACO StormBrixx has been awarded theBCIA Product Innovation Award 2012.

Controlling the release ofclean surface water into thenatural environmentrequires appropriate

upstream controls which culminate inan appropriately managed flow. Thiscan be achieved via a flow controllersuch as ACO Q-Brake Vortex orthrough a soakaway.

ACO’s sustainable water management system

To help architects, designers and contractors meet the legal requirements that now tightly controlthe way surface water is managed, ACO has created its unique ‘Surface Water Management Cycle’ –Collect, Clean, Hold, Release – the four core processes required for the complete and sustainablemanagement of surface water drainage. Click here for more information.

Collect Hold


© November 2013 ACO Technologies plc. All reasonable care has been taken in compiling the information in this document. All recommendations and suggestions on the use of ACO products are made without guarantee since the conditions of use are beyondthe control of the Company. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that each product is fit for its intended purpose, and that the actual conditions of use are suitable. This brochure and any advice is provided by ACO Technologies plc (the Company) free ofcharge and accordingly on terms that no liability including liability for negligence will attach to the Company or its servants or agents arising out of or in connection with or in relation to this brochure or any such advice. Any goods supplied by the Companywill be supplied solely upon its standard conditions of sale, copies of which are available on request. The Company's policy of continuous product development and improvement renders specifications liable to modification. Information provided in this brochureis therefore subject to change without prior notification.

The ACO Group: A strong family you can depend on.

This brochure has been specifically prepared to be viewed digitally. Please consider the environment and do not print this brochure unless you really need to.

Contact usIf you need further product, design orinstallation advice on the ACO Q-Brake Vortexor any other ACO system, please click here fora list of our key contacts.

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