survey monkey answers, oliver

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Oliver Toone

These results all show the same age because I sent this surey to my classmates at college, however if I had done a wider range of people e.g. family aswel then I would of got more various results which would have been good to see the differences between the ages and what they like.

For this question the results are a little more different. People voted for different types of horror movies that they liked. Supernatural being the most popular, this is probably because the repliers are teenagers.

Oliver Toone

This shows what people are favoured in film. Who likes the good or the bad characters. Because there are normally a lot of characters the answers have got a lot to show for example the Hero is favoured the most, this is probably because he is the main character.

Normally horror films are filmed in spooky/dark places for effect, the woods is a great place to set a horror movie and that’s probably why it got the most popular answer. Farms are also a good place for horrors but most modern day horror films are set in different places now.

Oliver Toone

There are a lot of props that can be used in films, meaning that multiple answers were gained through this question. With blood and knife being the most popular it’s not hard to doubt seen as there is a type of horror films devoted to them, Slasher films.

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