survival estimates of white-tailed deer fawns at fort...

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Survival Estimates of White-tailed Deer Fawns at Fort Rucker, Alabama


Angela Marie Jackson

A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

Auburn University

in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science

Auburn, Alabama

August 6, 2011

Keywords: White-tailed deer, fawn survival, coyote, predator-prey theory

Copyright 2011 by Angela Marie Jackson

Approved by

Stephen S. Ditchkoff, Chair, Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Mark D. Smith, Assistant Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

Todd D. Steury, Assistant Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences



Decreases in recruitment of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns

have been noted at several locations across the Southeast. Understanding the reason for

these decreases is important for management of deer populations. We monitored fawns

from birth until 6 months to examine age- and cause-specific rates of mortality, at Fort

Rucker, Alabama, a location that has experienced substantial decreases in fawn

recruitment, deer population density, and hunter success. This study, like other recent

studies in the Southeast, has found that low fawn recruitment seems to be driven by

greater levels of coyote (Canis latrans) predation than originally believed. Coyotes are a

recent addition to the predator community of the Southeast, but how their addition will

ultimately affect deer populations remains unknown. Predator-prey theory predicts a

variety of future scenarios concerning predation rates, deer density, and responses to

alternative management strategies. We describe these alternative theories in regard to the

current state of knowledge.



I would like to thank Dr. Steve Ditchkoff for selecting me for this project and for

his support and encouragement. I also thank Drs. Todd Steury and Mark Smith for their

guidance and assistance. This project was funded by the Department of Defense, U.S.

Army and funds were obtained by the Natural Resources Branch at Fort Rucker,

Alabama. I am appreciative of the Natural Resources Branch for all of their support.

My technician Amy Lynch was a crucial contributor to my field work, and I am

greatly appreciative of the hard work and good attitude that she put forth. Charles Mayo,

Daniel Spillers, J.B. Bruner, Kerwin Gulledge, and Brian Mooney provided the

motivation, ingenuity, long hours, and brute force required to complete data collection. I

thank them for their assistance and effort to make this a success. I thank Chad Newbolt

for assistance with initial set up at the field site as well as continued support and

assistance. Additionally I would like to thank the volunteers who helped with field work

throughout the project, particularly Kyle Waters, Wesley Holland, Michelle Tacconelli,

Jesse Boulerice, Allie Hunter, and Matthew Zirbel. Alabama DCNR provided man hour

support during the 2009 trapping season and this is greatly appreciated.

I am always grateful to my loving mother for her support and encouragement.

Not only did she provide support from home but assisted with field work! My boyfriend,

Wesley Holland, has shown great patience and understanding while helping and

supporting me throughout the project. They have kept me both balanced and motivated.


Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................. iii

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... vi

List of Tables .................................................................................................................... vii

Chapter I: Literature Review ...............................................................................................1

Fawn Survival ..........................................................................................................1

Overall mortality rates .................................................................................1

Temporal patterns ........................................................................................1

Differences in survival of the sexes .............................................................3

Predation ......................................................................................................3

Other causes of mortality .............................................................................5

Doe Survival ............................................................................................................6

Overall survival ............................................................................................6

Hunting mortality .........................................................................................7

Disease .........................................................................................................7

Vehicle collisions .........................................................................................8

Predation ......................................................................................................8

Coyote Food Habits .................................................................................................9

Bobcat Food Habits................................................................................................11


Predator-Prey Theory .............................................................................................12

Basic concepts ............................................................................................12

Limitation ...................................................................................................13

Regulation ..................................................................................................15

Literature Cited ......................................................................................................19

Chapter II: Survival Estimates of White-tailed Deer Fawns at Fort Rucker, Alabama .....30

Abstract ..................................................................................................................30

Introduction ............................................................................................................31

Study Area .............................................................................................................34


Doe capture and handling ..........................................................................35

Fawn capture and handling ........................................................................36


Coyote density ...........................................................................................39

Results ....................................................................................................................39

Discussion ..............................................................................................................41

Literature Cited ......................................................................................................49


Appendix I ........................................................................................................................59

Appendix II ........................................................................................................................61


List of Figures

Chapter II

Figure 1. Survival of white-tailed deer fawns from birth to 180 days of age at Fort

Rucker, AL during 2009 and 2010. .......................................................................57

Figure 2. Annual survival of female white-tailed deer at Fort Rucker, AL. These data

were determined based on survival from capture week in either 2009 or 2010 until

the end of the study in February 2011. ..................................................................58

Appendix II

Figure 1. The interaction between the population growth curve and the Type III

functional response resulting in two stable equilibria, A and C, and one unstable

equilibrium, B, also known as the multi-stable state or predator pit theory. .........61

Figure 2. The interaction between the population growth curve and the Type III

functional response resulting in one stable equilibrium, A, also known as the

regulation theory. ...................................................................................................62


List of Tables

Appendix I

Table 1. Doe data ...............................................................................................................59

Table 2. Fawn data .............................................................................................................60


Chapter I: Literature Review


Overall mortality rates

In the late 20th

century Linnell et al. (1995) reviewed studies of neonatal mortality

in ungulates, including 19 studies on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Across

these 19 studies the average percentage of mortality was 46% with a standard deviation

of ±28%. This large standard deviation indicates that these studies varied greatly in the

percent mortality reported, and a small selection of the reviewed studies demonstrates

this variation (71%, Cook et al. 1971; 90%, Bartush and Lewis 1981; 85%, Epstein et al.

1983; 27%, Huegel et al. 1985). Since the review published by Linnell et al. (1995),

mortality of white-tailed deer fawns continues to be examined: reports of fawn mortality

published soon after the review include Sams et al. (47%, 1996) and Long et al. (74%,

1998). Pusateri Burroughs et al. (2006), Ricca et al. (2002) and Vreeland et al. (2004)

reported mortality rates of 16%, 59%, and 49%, respectively, to approximately 6 months

of age. The most recent studies on white-tailed deer fawn survival have used VITs to

locate very young and stillborn individuals, and thus were able to calculate more accurate

mortality estimates (66.7%, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007; 53%, Carstensen et al. 2009;

77%, Kilgo unpublished data).

Temporal patterns

As a hider species, white-tailed deer fawns remain still and hidden when

presented with stressful stimuli (Lent 1974). This response, known as the prone


response, wanes as the fawn ages, and white-tailed deer demonstrate a decrease in this

response as early as 10 days of age (Downing and McGinnes 1969). Young of hider

species also become more active as they age and may require activity to develop muscles

which allow them to outrun predators (FitzGibbon 1990). This increase in activity causes

fawns to become more visible at a time when they are unable to outrun predators and thus

become more vulnerable to predation (Litvaitis and Shaw 1980, Byers and Byers 1983,

Aanes and Andersen 1996). The time of vulnerability to predators is not constant across

white-tailed deer fawn mortality studies. Bartush and Lewis (1981) found the age at

which predation occurred to range from 3 to 78 days with an average age of 21, while

73% of canid-killed fawns were 27-47 days old in a study by Nelson and Woolf (1987).

In the extremes of variability, however, within days of being marked 14 of 20 fawns were

killed by predators in a study by Carroll and Brown (1977), while the canid-killed fawns

studied by Nelson and Woolf (1987) were all over 20 days of age. It seems as though

most fawns can elude predators by 8 weeks (Nelson and Woolf 1987, Long et al. 1998).

Approximately 90% of all mortality occurred within 30 days of birth in two studies

(Cook et al. 1971, Bartush and Lewis 1981), indicating that during this time white-tailed

deer fawns are most vulnerable to mortality.

Studies on other ungulate hider species have shown similar results in the timing of

mortality. Trainer et al. (1981) determined that the greatest mortality occurred within 45

days of age for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) fawns. The median age in days for

fawns killed by predators was 20, while non-predatory mortality occurred at a median age

of 13 days (Trainer et al. 1981). Another study found that mule deer fawns were most

susceptible to predation by coyotes between 45 and 105 days of age (Hamlin et al. 1984).


This variation is similar to that found in white-tailed deer fawns. Pronghorn (Antilocapra

americana) may have an earlier window of susceptibility as studies have found them to

be most susceptible to mortality within three weeks of age (Von Gunten 1978) and

susceptible to predators between 11 and 20 days old (Barrett 1978, 1984).

Differences in the survival of the sexes

Most studies on white-tailed deer fawn mortality have found no difference in the

survival of male versus female fawns (Cook et al. 1971, Bartush and Lewis 1981, Nelson

and Woolf 1987, Decker et al. 1992, Sams et al. 1996, Long et al. 1998, Ricca et al.

2002), with similar results in mule deer (Zwank 1978, Trainer et al. 1981). However, a

study by Carstensen et al. (2009) determined that three times as many males as females

died between 5 and 12 weeks of age. This time interval is when fawns are considered to

be most susceptible to predation due to an increase in activity, and males are more active

than females (Jackson et al. 1972), potentially making them more visible to predators.

Another reason for greater rates of mortality in males may be due to increased nutritional

demands in males versus females of polygynous mammals. Male fawns have a higher

birth weight and growth rate than female fawns (Wauters et al. 1995, Birgersson and

Ekvall 1997) which places greater nutritional demands on the mother (Clutton-Brock et

al. 1981). The effect of nutritional demands on the mother and the survival of her

offspring can be seen in a study by Verme (1962) which showed decreased survival in

fawns whose mothers were fed restricted diets.


Predators can substantially increase rates of mortality, and predation has been

reported to account for 89% of mortalities (Kilgo unpublished data). A review by Linnell


et al. (1995) found that an average of 54% of mortality was due to predation, but high

variability in the percentage of mortality due to predation is seen across studies (88%,

Bartush and Lewis 1981; 63%, Epstein et al. 1983; 57%, Ricca et al. 2002; 17-70%,

Vreeland et al. 2004; 86%, Carstensen et al. 2009). The type and density of predators in

an area has a strong influence on rate of predation.

Potential predators on my study site, Fort Rucker, Alabama, include coyotes

(Canis latrans), domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), bobcats (Lynx rufus), black bears

(Ursus americanus), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and grey foxes (Urocyon

cinereoargenteus). Coyotes can cause significant mortality in white-tailed deer fawns,

and it has been suggested that they have effectively filled the niche of wolves (Canis

lupus) in some areas as a fawn predator (Ballard et al. 1999). Coyotes have been found

to be a significant predator of white-tailed deer fawns (60% of predation due to coyotes,

Cook et al. 1971; 70%, Huegel et al. 1985; 66.7%, Sams et al. 1996; 80%, Long et al.

1998; 100%, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007; 90%, Kilgo unpublished data). Other studies

have noted incidents of coyote predation but to a lesser extent (Mathews and Porter 1988,

Decker et al. 1992, Vreeland et al. 2004). Nelson and Woolf (1987) were unable to

distinguish between coyote and domestic dog kills and attributed 69% of mortalities to a

combination of the species. Domestic dog predation has also been noted in other studies

(Huegel et al. 1985, Decker et al. 1992, Long et al. 1998, Ricca et al. 2002). Lowry and

McArthur (1978) reported incidences of domestic dogs chasing white-tailed deer and

mule deer, with 39 reported chases resulting in 12 deaths.

In some studies bobcats have also been reported to be significant predators of

white-tailed deer fawns (46% of predation due to bobcats, Epstein et al. 1983; 75% of


predation by known predators due to bobcats, Ricca et al. 2002; 90% of predation due to

bobcats, Roberts 2007; 38% of predation due to bobcats, Carstensen et al. 2009).

However, bobcats are considered to be a less significant predator in most studies (Cook et

al. 1971, Decker et al. 1992, Sams et al. 1996). Bobcats, an ambush predator, may be a

less significant predator of white-tailed deer fawns, in comparison to coyotes, because

they sit and wait for prey and would be less likely to encounter hiding white-tailed deer

fawns. Other predators of white-tailed deer fawns include black bears (Mathews and

Porter 1988, Kunkel and Mech 1994, Vreeland et al. 2004, Carstensen et al. 2009), both

red and grey foxes (Epstein et al. 1983, Sams et al. 1996, Ricca et al. 2002), and

alligators (Alligator mississippiensis; Epstein et al. 1983, Roberts 2007).

Other causes of mortality

Mortality due to factors other than predation are common in most studies;

however, predation is usually the leading cause of mortality. Other factors leading to

mortality include disease, emaciation/abandonment, drowning, accidents, and poaching.

Emaciation and starvation are both caused by malnutrition of the fawn. This malnutrition

may be due to malnutrition in the doe (Verme 1962), leading to compromised lactation,

or abandonment by the doe. Several studies have reported deaths due to malnutrition

(Cook et al. 1971, Bartush and Lewis 1981, Nelson and Woolf 1987, Sams et al. 1996,

Ricca et al. 2002, Vreeland et al. 2004, Pusateri Burroughs et al. 2006, Saalfeld and

Ditchkoff 2007). Disease has been reported by Cook et al. (abscess, diarrhea,

salmonellosis, 1971), Decker et al. (1992), Huegel et al. (acute necrotic hepatitis, 1985),

Nelson and Woolf (1987), Pusateri Burroughs et al. (pneumonia and bacterial infection,

2006) and Ricca et al. (2002). Disease may also be affected by nutrition because the


immune system can be compromised in malnourished individuals (Lochmiller et al. 1983,

Sams et al. 1996, Saino et al. 1997, Ditchkoff et al. 2001). Other factors of mortality

including accidents, drowning, and poaching have been reported (Cook et al. 1971,

Bartush and Lewis 1981, Huegel et al. 1985, Decker et al. 1992, Long et al. 1998, Ricca

et al. 2002, Pusateri Burroughs et al. 2006, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007).


Overall survival

Adult survival is less variable than juvenile survival and has a greater impact on

rate of population growth (Gaillard et al. 1998). Mortality in adults is likely to occur due

to the same major factors as juveniles, but the relative importance of each mortality factor

normally differs between fawns and adults. Populations in rural, exurban, and suburban

areas have different rates of mortality due to differences in hunting pressure, road

density, and predator ecology in these areas. Average annual mortality rates for adult

does in suburban areas and other areas which are not hunted can be as low as 18% (Etter

et al. 2002), but have been reported to be as high as 27% (Ricca et al. 2002) and 32%

(Hansen and Beringer 2003). While average annual mortality in an exurban area where

hunting was allowed, but not common, was 13% (Storm et al. 2007). Rural areas have

slightly greater or equal adult doe mortality rates in comparison to suburban and exurban

areas (21%, Nelson and Mech 1986; 31%, Fuller 1990; 29%, Nixon et al. 1991; 43%,

DePerno et al. 2000; 32 – 39%, Hansen and Beringer 2003; 24%, Brinkman et al. 2004),

however, low hunting effort can lead to very low mortality rates (13%, Campbell et al.



Hunting mortality

In most rural areas hunting is the most important source of mortality in female

white-tailed deer. Mortality due to both legal and illegal firearm hunting attributed to up

to 77% of deaths in a study by Hansen and Beringer (2003) and 43% of deaths in a study

by Brinkman et al. (2004). Mortality from illegal hunting has been reported in suburban

areas as 10% of overall mortality (Ricca et al. 2002). Hunting is normally allowed in

exurban areas but only with the permission of the landowner. Therefore hunting pressure

in these areas is dependent upon the landowners’ view of hunting. Storm et al. (2007)

found both legal and illegal hunting attributed to only 11% of mortality in an exurban

area where less than 20% of landowners allowed hunting.


Death due to disease is more frequent in suburban populations in comparison to

rural areas. One suburban study found that 28% of mortalities were due to disease in

combination with emaciation (Ricca et al. 2002). Diseases and parasites recorded

included pneumonia, Yersinia pseudotuberculosi, and lungworms. Of the 12 necropsied

deer, 92% lacked subcutaneous body fat and had high levels of ectoparasites (Ricca et al.

2002). As previously stated, increased disease in malnourished individuals is likely due

to affects of malnutrition on the immune system. In rural areas, disease caused 7%

(Brinkman et al. 2004) and 14% (Hansen and Beringer 2003) of adult doe mortality.

Hemorrhagic disease is the collective name for both epizootic hemorrhagic

disease and bluetongue, two viruses with identical clinical symptoms. Hemorrhagic

disease is found yearly in the Southeast (Nettles et al. 1992) and has the highest

prevalence in the coastal plain region (Stallknecht et al. 1991). Alabama and other states


in the southeast are considered to be endemic areas for hemorrhagic disease (Nettles et al.

1992). Deer mortality rates due to hemorrhagic disease are variable (Prestwood et al.

1974), but one study reports that mortality in endemic states is 16% (Nettles et al. 1992).

Usually hemorrhagic disease outbreaks do not limit population growth of white-tailed

deer (Howerth et al. 2008).

Vehicle collisions

Vehicle collisions are likely to cause greater mortality in areas with greater road

densities (i.e. suburban areas) in comparison to areas with decreased road densities (i.e.

exurban and rural areas). Death due to vehicle collisions was the greatest source of

mortality in two suburban studies, accounting for 90% (Hansen and Beringer 2003) and

42% of all mortalities (Etter et al. 2002). In another study, vehicle collisions were

reported as the second most frequent cause of death, after disease, and caused 17% of

mortalities (Ricca et al. 2002). Reports of doe mortality due to vehicle collisions in

exurban and rural areas have been as low as 2% (Storm et al. 2007) and 8% (Hansen and

Beringer 2003), however other studies show mortality rates in rural areas due to vehicle

collisions may be as great as 21% (Brinkman et al. 2004).


Predation in adult white-tailed deer is less likely than in fawns, however it does

occur, and varies based on the predator ecology of the area. Coyote predation on adult

white-tailed deer is thought to be minimal, and usually occurs when coyotes form packs

and/or when deer are injured (Andelt 1985, Campbell et al. 2005). Additional predators

of adult white-tailed deer include black bear (Campbell et al. 2005), wolf (17% annual

mortality, Nelson and Mech 1986), and unidentified felid (Brinkman et al. 2004).



As a generalist omnivore, coyotes opportunistically prey upon small and large

prey and eat fruit based on availability. The availability of these items varies based on

geographic location, creating changes in the coyote diet based on its home range. In its

native range in the central United States, a large diversity of small mammals, as well as

other prey, is available to the coyote. This greater diversity of small mammals creates

more opportunities for the generalist coyote. A food habits study in Oklahoma (Litvaitis

and Shaw 1980), indicated that over 50% of scats collected in winter contained small

rodents, including eastern woodrats (Neotoma floridana), white-footed mice (Peromyscus

leucopus), and cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). Deer fawns may also provide an

important seasonal food source in this area during fawning (Litvaitis and Shaw 1980,

Andelt et al. 1987). Lagomorphs are utilized in the West, primarily in fall, winter, and

spring (Litvaitis and Shaw 1980, Andelt et al. 1987). A decrease in lagomorphs in coyote

diet in summer may be due to cost tradeoffs between capturing and handling lagomorphs

in comparison to fawns and fruits (Andelt et al. 1987). After mammals, fruits and seeds

are the most important energy source based on consumption, occurring mostly in summer

and fall (Litvaitis and Shaw 1980, Andelt et al. 1987). Insects, mainly orthopterans, are

another important aspect of the coyote diet during summer, being found in 26% of coyote

scats (Litvaitis and Shaw 1980). The increase in fruits and insects in the coyote diet in

summer decreases the importance, and therefore may decrease hunting pressure, of

mammalian species (Connolly 1978, Andelt et al. 1987).

In comparison to the coyotes’ native range in the West, the Southeast offers a

decreased diversity of small mammals and a greater diversity of fruit. The low diversity


of small mammals leads to increased pressure on larger, more available prey items.

Percentage of occurrence of white-tailed deer in coyote scat is similar in winter and

spring months (40% Dec., 37% Mar., Schrecengost et al. 2008) and lower during the rest

of the year. White-tailed deer fawns occurred in over 30% of scats collected in May and

over 15% of those collected in June (Schrecengost et al. 2008). This occurrence

coincides with fawning (29% deer fawn occurrence in scats collected during fawning,

Stratman and Pelton 1997), a time when fawns are most vulnerable. Andelt et al. (1987)

found increased predation on deer by coyotes when fawning was delayed to a time when

fruit resources were less abundant. Unlike other white-tailed deer populations, fawning

in Alabama occurs primarily in August. If fawning in Alabama is occurring when fruits

are less abundant, increased predation may be seen on fawns. Other prey or carrion

species found in coyote scat include wild hog (Sus scrofa), lagomorphs, rodents, beetles,

and turkey-like egg shells (Wagner and Hill 1994, Stratman and Pelton 1997,

Schrecengost et al. 2008). Studies of coyote digestive tracts from Arkansas and

Tennessee have presented results that differ from other regional studies in that the diets of

coyotes had greater occurrences of rodents and lower occurrences of deer (Gipson 1974,

Smith and Kennedy 1983, Lee and Kennedy 1986). It should also be noted that these

three studies were conducted over 25 years ago, while the other studies presented here

were conducted in the last 15 years. This difference in time may account for the

differences in results due to changes in coyote or prey population densities and/or habitat


A greater diversity of fruit is found in the diet of coyotes in the Southeast. The

summer and fall diets of coyotes in the Southeast are predominately composed of fruits


and other vegetation, with prevalence rates as great as 85% (Stratman and Pelton 1997,

Schrecengost et al. 2008). Fruits included in the diet are wild plums (Prusus spp.),

smilax berries (Smilax spp.), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), saw palmetto fruit (Serenoa

repens), blackberries (Rubus spp.), black cherry (Prunus serotina), poke berry

(Phytolacca americana), and persimmon (Diospyros virginiana; Stratman and Pelton

1997, Schrecengost et al. 2008). The diversity of southeastern fruiting plants allows the

coyote to use this as a major source of energy when available.

The studies discussed here primarily use the occurrence of a diet item in the

digestive tract or scat to determine its prevalence in the diet. However, differences in the

passage rate of diet items may skew these results. For example if one white-tailed deer is

depredated, hair is likely to be found in multiple scats from multiple individual predators

or scavengers whereas the remains of one persimmon will only be found in one scat. The

results of these studies can be used to compare items in the coyote diet and perhaps even

quantities of the same diet item, as the passage rate should be similar across individuals

within the same species. Scat studies cannot be used, however, to determine the extent of

white-tailed fawn predation, but using them to determine the timing of fawn predation is

possible (Salwasser et al. 1978, Litvaitis and Shaw 1980).


Unlike generalist coyotes, bobcats tend to be specialized with a strictly

carnivorous diet (Litvaitis and Harrison 1989). The predominate prey species of the

bobcat are lagomorphs and small mammals (Davis 1955, Dibello et al. 1990, Godbois et

al. 2003). The incidence of bobcat predation on white-tailed deer is thought to be low in


most areas, and the predominance of white-tailed deer found in bobcat scats and

stomachs occurs during winter (Davis 1955, Young 1958, Maehr and Brady 1986,

Dibello et al. 1990). Bobcat food habit studies have demonstrated white-tailed deer

fawns in the diet during fawning season, but occurrences are very low (1 of 23 stomachs

during fawning period, Davis 1955; fawns occurred in 4% of scats during summer,

Dibello et al. 1990). In contrast to the low incidences of white-tailed deer reported in the

bobcat diet by most studies, Baker et al. (2001) found white-tailed deer hair in over 50%

of the scats collected in spring and summer from bobcats released on a coastal island of

Georgia. Wild hogs are another game species rarely found in the bobcat diet (Maehr and

Brady 1986).


Basic concepts

Predation can either be compensatory or additive. Compensatory predation is

when predators remove no more individuals from a population than would have died

from other causes. Therefore compensatory predation does not affect population growth.

Additive predation is when predation adds to other sources of mortality. Therefore this

type of predation does affect population growth and can limit or regulate a prey

population. Removal studies indicating that removal of predators increases the prey

population are initial indicators that predators are having an additive affect on the prey


Predation also relates to the numerical and functional response of the predator,

which together are considered the total response (Solomon 1949). The numerical


response is the change in the size of a predator population in response to changes in prey

density (there is typically a delay in this response), while the functional response is based

on consumption by an individual predator (there is no or little delay in this response;

Solomon 1949, Holling 1959). There are three types of functional responses (Holling

1959). The Type I functional response is based on a random search technique: as prey

density increases prey killed per predator increases proportionally until no more prey can

be consumed due to limitations caused by handling time (Holling 1959). This response is

most common in filter and passive feeders. In the Type II response, utilization increases

at a continually decreasing rate until an asymptote is reached based on searching and

handling time (Holling 1959, Evans 2004). The last functional response is Type III,

represented as an S-shaped curve. At low prey densities, utilization by the predator is

directly density-dependent, while at high prey densities it is inversely density-dependent

(Holling 1959, Evans 2004).


Limitation is any process which reduces population growth, and includes all types

of mortality and reproductive losses (Messier and Crête 1985, Sinclair and Pech 1996). If

predators are limiting a prey population they are following a nonequilibrium model, and

the prey population will not recover to a previous level after being disturbed (Van

Ballenberghe 1987, Boutin 1992). The limitation theory is thought to occur in

populations where predator and prey have been heavily manipulated and there is little, if

any, density-dependent feedback between the populations (Gasaway et al. 1983). In the

limitation hypothesis predators could be following Type I or Type II functional responses

or have no functional response.


To determine which predator-prey theory is applicable to a population, Boutin

(1992) described three experiments and the results which would identify each theory.

While these experiments were originally created for moose (Alces alces) and wolves,

they are applicable to other predator-prey systems. In the first experiment, the density

and survival of the primary prey population are monitored in relation to changing

predator densities and densities of alternate prey for those predators (Boutin 1992). To

indicate the limitation theory, the results of this experiment would be as follows; at all

prey densities the predator will take an inversely density-dependent proportion of the

prey population, resulting in fluctuating prey densities (Boutin 1992). The second

experiment would reduce the prey population to a low density and require a non-

manipulated predator population (Boutin 1992). In this experiment a greater proportion

of the prey population is taken by predators, and a continued decrease in prey density

would be indicative of limitation theory (Boutin 1992). Extensive predator removal of all

predatory species until prey densities are able to increase to high levels is entailed in the

third experiment (Boutin 1992). This experiment will result in an increase in the density

of the prey population until predators return to the system and prey populations again

decline (Boutin 1992). This situation is indicative of limitation theory.

Banks et al. (2000) predicted that (1) red foxes limited juvenile recruitment of

kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) and removal of foxes would result in increased juvenile

survival, and that (2) population growth was limited by juvenile survival, so removal of

foxes would result in increased population growth. They found significantly greater

recruitment of juvenile kangaroos in fox removal sites versus non-removal sites,

supporting their first prediction (Banks et al. 2000). Greater densities of kangaroos at


removal sites versus non-removal sites seemingly supports the second prediction;

however, the investigators acknowledged the possibility that reduced predation pressure

may have resulted in increased observability of kangaroos, and initial high kangaroo

densities at all sites may have limited effects of fox removal (Banks et al. 2000).

Bergerud (1971) used historical data (1900 – 1967) from caribou (Rangifer

tarandus) in Newfoundland to report on factors affecting growth of the population. This

extensive amount of data allowed Bergerud (1971) to evaluate factors that were having

legitimate and lasting effects on the population. Poor recruitment and high hunting

pressure reduced the caribou herds from 1915 to 1930, and reduced hunting pressure, as

well as the loss of a large predator (Newfoundland wolf; Canis lupus beothucus) did not

result in a rebound of the population (Bergerud 1971). Bergerud (1971) concluded that

lynx (Lynx lynx) were limiting the caribou population through high predation on

juveniles, thus affecting population recruitment.


Regulation occurs when a process is density dependent. The regulation predator-

prey theory is based on the interaction of density dependent factors with depressive

processes (i.e. predation, disease, starvation; Holling 1959, Messier and Crête 1985).

Prey populations following the regulation predator-prey theory will return to a previous

equilibrium level after perturbation (Boutin 1992, Sinclair and Pech 1996). Regulation

theory is based primarily on the total response; however, it requires a Type III functional


There are two regulation theories based on the number of stable equilibrium.

With the single equilibrium model the total response curve intersects the population


growth curve at one point creating a single equilibrium. If the prey population is

disturbed the population will always return to this equilibrium (Boutin 1992). The

equilibrium will be influenced by changes in the population growth curve and the total

response curve (i.e. changes in predator density). The second regulation theory is known

as the multi-equilibria or predator-pit theory (Haber 1977). According to this theory, the

total response curve passes through the population growth curve three times, creating two

stable and one unstable equilibrium. This allows the predator to keep the prey population

at a low stable equilibrium, also known as a predator pit (Boutin 1992, Evans 2004). To

escape the predator pit the prey population must increase past a threshold, the unstable

equilibrium, to reach the upper equilibrium (Boutin 1992).

Boutin (1992) also gave predictions for regulation theories for his experiments. If

following a Type III functional response, the first experiment will result in density-

dependent proportions of the prey population being taken by predators at low to

intermediate prey densities and inversely density-dependent proportions at high densities

(Boutin 1992). However, the two regulation theories will differ in showing either one

stable equilibrium, or two stable equilibria. The second experiment will result in a

decrease in the proportion of prey taken by the predator population; however, prey

density will increase with one stable equilibrium and decrease with the two stable

equilibria theory (Boutin 1992). Similar to the predictions of experiment three for the

limitation theory, under one stable equilibrium regulation theory the prey population will

increase after predator removal and then decrease after predators move back into the

system. While with two stable equilibrium regulation theory predicts that the prey

population does not decrease after the reintroduction of the predatory species because the


prey population has reached an upper equilibrium (Boutin 1992).

Type III regulation, either one or two equilibria, is likely to be caused, in at least

the preferred species, when alternate species are present and also when the preferred

species has a refuge (i.e. an age class that is safe from predation; Murdoch and Oaten

1975). Generalist predators with a social organization that drives selected prey are more

likely to switch to alternate prey (Murdoch and Oaten 1975).

The lower equilibrium of the multi-equilibria theory is often referred to as the

predator pit. Predator populations are able to keep prey regulated at this low density,

with no affect to their own population density. Predator population density is maintained

by switching to alternate prey when the primary prey is at a low density (Shelton and

Healey 1999). Predators will still take available primary prey, while using alternate prey

to help maintain energy requirements, keeping the primary prey at the low equilibrium.

Generalist predators feed on a variety of animal and plant matter, and choose prey items

with the greatest benefit:cost ratio. This large prey base may interfere with predator prey

relationships and provide potential weakened regulatory mechanisms (Messier and Crête

1985). However it has also been suggested that switching to alternate prey may cause

greater stability in a system (Murdoch and Oaten 1975).

Messier and Crête (1985) were able to show that wolves regulate moose

populations in southwestern Quebec. Predation rates of wolves on moose were density

dependent at low and medium moose densities and inversely density dependent at high

moose densities (Messier and Crête 1985). Reduction in the wolf population allowed for

increased calf survival; however, the study did not continue to monitor for wolf recovery

and its effect on moose populations (Messier and Crête 1985), and therefore was not able


to determine if regulation allowed for one or two equilibria.

Using data from studies of moose and wolf interactions across the moose range,

Messier (1994) determined that wolves regulate moose at a high equilibrium, in a single

predator system, following what he termed the “Predation-food model (one-state)”. The

“predation-food model (one-state)” is a basic regulation model where predators interact

with prey populations at a high food-based equilibrium. With population growth reduced

by only 5-10%, however, wolves maintain the moose population at a low equilibrium,

Messier’s “predation model” (1994). A reduction in population growth is possible in

populations where alternate predators [i.e. black or grizzly bear (Ursus arctos)] affect

juvenile recruitment (Messier 1994). According to Messier (1994) the relationship curve

for wolves and moose does not allow for a predator-pit to develop.

Haber (1977) modeled moose, caribou, and wolf populations and discovered that

wolves were able to regulate prey populations at a low equilibrium when other

disturbance (i.e. hunting, winter mortality) reduced the prey population density. If wolf

populations were reduced in the model, prey populations were able to escape to a greater

density (Haber 1977). Haber (1977) was able to model and describe what is now termed

the predator-pit model or multi-equilibria model.

A study in Australia was able to show regulation of European rabbits

(Oryctolagus cuniculus) by red foxes (Banks 2000). Four study sites were selected and

foxes were removed from two sites. The removal sites had increased rabbit production

and populations were released from fox predation for 20 months (Banks 2000). While

both sites increased in rabbit density, one site had 20.3 times as many rabbits as pre-

removal densities while the other had 10.3 times as many rabbits (Banks 2000). Foxes


were able to reestablish populations at the sites after 20 months of removal and were able

to reach densities similar to non-removal sites in less than two years. After fox

reintroduction, rabbit densities initially dropped at both removal sites. Following the

breeding season, the rabbit population which had the greater density began to increase,

while the lower density population slowly declined (Banks 2000). This experiment

supports the predator-pit or multi-equilibrium theory, by showing that prey, rabbits, are

able to escape regulation by predators, foxes (Banks 2000).


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Chapter II: Survival Estimates of White-tailed Deer Fawns at Fort Rucker,



Decreases in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn recruitment have

been noted at several locations across the Southeast. Understanding the reason for these

decreases is important for management of deer populations. We monitored fawns from

birth until 6 months to examine age- and cause-specific mortality rates, at Fort Rucker,

Alabama, a location that has experienced substantial decreases in fawn recruitment, deer

population density, and hunter success. During 2009 and 2010, 14 fawns were captured

immediately after birth and monitored: below average deer density resulted in low sample

sizes during the study. Of the 14 fawns captured, 3 survived until 6 months of age. Six

of 7 predation events were attributed to coyotes (Canis latrans) based on examination of

bite patterns and remains left at the site. We determined coyote density in the study area

during 2010 using DNA isolated from 44 opportunistically collected coyote scats. The

median rarefaction curve estimated density of coyotes at 0.40 coyotes/km2, with a 95%

confidence limit of 0.32 to 0.58 coyotes/km2. This study, like other recent studies in the

Southeast, has found that low fawn recruitment seems to be driven by greater levels of

coyote predation than originally believed. Coyotes are a recent addition to the predator

community of the Southeast, but how their addition will ultimately affect deer

populations remains ambiguous. Predator-prey theory predicts a variety of future

scenarios concerning predation rates, deer density, and responses to alternative


management strategies. We describe these alternative theories in regard to the current

state of knowledge.


Recent changes in the predator community in the Southeast may be affecting

juvenile survival and population growth in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).

Historically the terrestrial predator community of the Southeast consisted of red wolves

(Canis rufus), pumas (Puma concolor), bobcats (Lynx rufus), black bears (Ursus

americanus), and the smaller red (Vulpes vulpes) and grey foxes (Urocyon

cinereoargenteus). Within the last 40 years, coyotes (Canis latrans) have expanded their

range east into areas previously occupied by larger predators (Hill et al. 1987). Since the

recent increase in the coyote population, fawn recruitment in some populations in the

Southeast is thought to have decreased. Evidence of this has been documented in a recent

study in west-central South Carolina (Kilgo et al. 2010) in which fawn mortality was

estimated at 77%, with 89% of mortalities attributed to predation (Kilgo unpublished

data). Of all mortalities, 80% were confirmed or probable coyote predation (Kilgo

unpublished data). The effect of predation on fawn recruitment can also be seen in

studies that have examined predator control programs. The removal of predators (e.g.

coyotes and bobcats) from study areas in southwest Georgia (Howze et al. 2009) and

northeast Alabama (VanGilder et al. 2009) have lead to increases in fawn recruitment. It

is important to note however, that in the absence of coyotes, bobcats may also cause

significant rates of mortality in white-tailed deer fawns. A study done on an island off

the coast of South Carolina found overall survival to 26 weeks to be 21.1%, with 67% of


mortality attributed to bobcats (Roberts 2007).

How this change in the predator community will ultimately affect deer

populations in the Southeast is unknown. It is possible to refer to areas where coyotes are

non-native but have been established for longer periods (e.g. the Northeast) to understand

how this new predator may affect the Southeast. While differences in climate and habitat

may cause differences in survival between these areas, previous research in the Northeast

provides a foundation of knowledge that can be used to predict impacts on deer

populations in the Southeast. A review of research in the Northeast indicates that areas

with no coyotes or other large predators have comparable or greater 6-month fawn

survival (70%, Banasiak 1961) to areas with coyotes (76%, Decker et al. 1992; 65%,

Long et al. 1998; 66%, Ballard et al. 1999; 45.6-58.6%, Vreeland et al. 2004). Annual

survival of fawns in Northeast populations, where monitoring occurred for an entire year,

was much lower than 6 month survival (26%, Long et al. 1998; 25%, Ballard et al. 1999).

The large difference between 6 month and annual survival indicates that winter survival

is an important aspect of juvenile survival in the Northeast. Differences in deer density

and coyote density are likely to account for some differences in survival rates among

these studies, but differences in climate, habitat, and available alternative prey may cause

greater differences between these studies and those in the Southeast.

Recent studies in the Southeast indicate that coyotes are affecting juvenile

survival (Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007, Howze et al. 2009, VanGilder et al. 2009, Kilgo et

al. 2010), and while comparisons to the Northeast provide a foundation they will not be

completely applicable due to differences in climate and habitat. This leaves managers in

the Southeast ill-equipped to resolve this new management issue. To understand the


effects of this new predator in the Southeast it is necessary to understand how changes in

densities of coyotes and deer affect juvenile survival and population growth. These

parameters can be used in conjunction with predator-prey theory to correctly address this

new problem. Understanding which predator-prey theory is most applicable in the

Southeast will allow managers to implement effective and economically efficient

management strategies.

Deer ecology in Alabama and other Gulf Coast deer populations differs in

comparison to the Southeast and all other regions, due to differences in timing of the

breeding season. Breeding in Alabama occurs primarily in January and fawns are born

during August (Lueth 1955, 1967, Gray et al. 2002), while across most of North America

deer breed in November and fawn during May and June (Verme and Ullrey 1984).

Delayed fawning in Alabama affects alternate food availability and coincides with coyote

pup independence (Harrison and Harrison 1984, Harrison et al. 1991). These factors may

cause differences in fawn survival in Alabama in comparison with other populations and

may result in a unique management situation.

To begin to understand how differences in coyote and deer population densities

affect juvenile survival and population growth we estimated juvenile and adult doe

survival, as well as coyote density at Fort Rucker, Alabama, where recent increases in

coyote numbers and decreases in white-tailed deer density have been noted. Conducting

this study in Alabama also gave us the opportunity to assess the effect of a late fawning

season on juvenile survival (see Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007).



This study was conducted at Fort Rucker, Alabama, a 183-km2 military facility

that conducts helicopter training for the U.S. Army. The southeastern third of the facility,

approximately 42 km2, was chosen as the area most feasible for this study. After data

collection, unsampled sections of the study area were disregarded and the adjusted study

area consisted of 31.6 km2. The vegetation on the area was mostly of forested land that

was comprised of primarily pine (Pinus spp.) and mixed pine-hardwood forests.

Dominant tree species included loblolly (Pinus taeda), shortleaf pine (Pinus enchinata),

longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), slash pine (Pinus elliottii), southern red oak (Quercus

falcate), water oak (Quercus nigra), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweetgum

(Liquidambar styraciflua), yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sassafras (Sassafras

albidum), dogwood (Cornus spp.), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum), hawthorn

(Crataegus spp.), persimmon (Diospryros virginiana), and cherry (Prunus spp.). The

study area had patches of sandhill forest which included turkey oak (Quercus laevis),

bluejack oak (Quercus incana) and were dominated by longleaf pine (Mount and

Diamond 1992). Plantations of loblolly pine averaging 25 years of age, slash pine

averaging 30 years of age, and longleaf pine averaging 15 years of age were dispersed

throughout the area. Additionally, wildlife food plots planted with a variety of wildlife

crops and fruiting trees were dispersed throughout the area. Prescribed burning had

occurred throughout the area since before 1980, but had recently increased in frequency

and intensity.

Both firearm and archery hunting were allowed on the majority of Fort Rucker.

In recent years Fort Rucker hunters have reported a total harvest of 30 to 100 deer for the


entire installation. The majority of Fort Rucker had a 2.4-m chain linked fence with

barbed wire at the top; however, there were breaks over streams and for natural

boundaries. This fence limited, but did not prohibit, movement of individuals to and

from the population.

Camera studies on Fort Rucker have shown fawn recruitment to be as low as 0.20

fawns per doe in the last five years. Populations without coyotes in the Southeast have

reported fawn recruitment estimates as high as 0.80 (Kilgo et al. 2010). Five years of

data collection have shown that pregnancy rates at Fort Rucker were above 90% (Cook

unpublished data), suggesting that depressed recruitment rates were not a function of low

rates of pregnancy. Additionally, low recruitment was not believed to be due to changes

in cover, habitat type, or yearly climate, as body weights and herd health checks had

indicated that the population was in excellent physical condition.


Doe capture and handling

From February to July of 2009 and 2010, we trapped does using cannon nets over

areas baited with corn (Hawkins et al. 1968): trap sites were baited for at least a month

before capture started (Ditchkoff et al. 2001). After capture, does were sedated using a

combination of 125 mg of telazol to 100 mg of xylazine (1 ml/45.36 kg) injected

intramuscularly. To reverse sedation, an intramuscular injection of tolazine (yohimbine

hydrochloride; 3 ml/45.36 kg) was given after data collection and vaginal transmitter

insertion (Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007). We determined age by tooth wear and

replacement (Severinghaus 1949), and measured chest girth, and head, body, tail, and


right hind foot length using a flexible 2-m tape. While the deer were sedated, we inserted

vaginal implant transmitters (VITs; M3960B, Advanced Telemetry Systems, Insanti,

MN) approximately 20 cm into the vaginal canal with the silicone wings pressed against

the cervix (Carstensen et al. 2003, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007). These VITs were

capable of sensing a temperature change of 34 to 30 C, and would change the pulse

frequency signal emitted when expelled from the doe during parturition. All does were

also fitted with VHF radio collars (M2510B, Advanced Telemetry Systems, Insanti, MN)

to allow regular monitoring of survival and location before and after fawning. We

monitored does approximately once a week from initial capture until more intense

monitoring began in mid-July, approximately two weeks before the peak of birth in

Alabama (Lueth 1955, 1967). After giving birth, does were located when their

corresponding fawn(s) were located.

Fawn capture and handling

Vaginal transmitters were monitored three times a day beginning in mid-July.

After the first birth of the season, we monitored transmitters every six hours. Monitoring

continued until all vaginal transmitters were expelled or the doe was identified as

nonpregnant. We determined if a doe was nonpregnant by examining photographs, taken

by remote cameras over baited sites, for visible signs of pregnancy. Fawns were not

approached until at least two hours after the VIT indicated expulsion. A precise event

timer in the vaginal transmitter allowed for time of birth to be calculated to within 30


We followed the methods of Roberts (2007) and Kilgo (unpublished data) to

locate fawns that moved from the birth site. Prior to approaching the VIT, the dam was


located via VHF telemetry and approached on foot. This increased the possibility of

finding fawns if they had moved from the birth site and followed the doe. If the fawn(s)

were not found near the doe, we moved towards the expelled VIT. If we did not find the

fawn before or when the birth site was reached, we continued to search in expanded

circles around the birth site. A thermal imaging camera (Raytheon Palm IR 250D,

Waltham, MA) was used to aid in conducting all searches.

We captured fawns by hand and used non-scented latex gloves to reduce scent

transfer (Powell et al. 2005, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007, White et al. 1972). Fawns were

weighed, sexed, and fitted with expandable collars (M4200, Advanced Telemetry

Systems, Insanti, MN) that were designed to fall off at approximately 6 months of age.

Using a flexible 2-m tape, we measured full body length, right hind foot length, and new

hoof growth. Handling was completed in an efficient manner to reduce stress, and

handling times were normally less than 10 minutes per fawn.

In addition to using VITs to find fawns at the birth site, we also conducted

additional searches to increase the number of fawns captured. These searches were

conducted using a window-mounted thermal imager and driving slowly along dirt roads

through the study area as described by Ditchkoff et al. (2005). To increase the

probability of catching older, more agile individuals, fawns were approached slowly in a

sporadic manner with a handheld net (Ditchkoff et al. 2005). We aged fawns that were

captured with this technique using hoof growth measurements (Sams et al. 1996), and

handled these fawns in the same manner as those captured with the aid of VITs.

Fawns were located at least once every day for the first 2 months, and then

located once a week until they reached six months of age or the expandable collar fell off.


When we received a mortality signal, the fawn was immediately located and the cause of

death determined. Cause of death due to predation was determined by assessing remains

at the site for puncture wounds and evidence of predators such as hair, scat, or tracks

(O’Gara 1978). All other causes of death were determined during necropsy by the State

of Alabama Department of Agriculture, Thompson Bishop Sparks Diagnostic Lab,

Auburn, AL.


All analysis was conducted in Program R version 2.10.1 (The R Foundation for

Statistical Computing, 2009). Age-specific survival rate of fawns was estimated until

180 days using a Kaplan-Meier survival curve without staggered entry, and any

individuals with an unknown fate were right censored (Hosmer et al. 2008). To compare

hazards of covariates, including sex, year, age, and age2, we used a Cox proportional

hazards model (Hosmer et al. 2008). In this model, entries were staggered based on date

of birth (i.e. July 27) to allow the effects of age to be tested. Cause-specific mortality of

fawns was analyzed using competing risks analysis; three types of mortality were used in

this analysis, abandonment, bobcat predation, and coyote predation (Heisey and Patterson

2006). Annual doe survival was estimated using a Kaplan-Meier survival curve with

staggered entry at weekly increments with week 1 starting on January 1st. Individuals

surviving into the next calendar year were right censored and reentered in the data as a

separate entry (recurrent model; Fieberg and DelGiudice 2009). We used Cox

proportional hazards models to compare hazards of covariates including age and year

(Hosmer et al. 2008).


Coyote density

Coyote density was estimated for summer 2010 by identifying individual coyotes

within the study area using DNA extracted from scat. Scat samples were collected

opportunistically on roads throughout the study area from June to September 2010.

Samples were taken along the side of the fecal sample, and 0.4 mL of feces was placed

into vials containing 1.5 mL DETs buffer (Stenglein et al. 2010). Genetic analyses were

conducted by the Laboratory for Conservation and Ecological Genetics, University of

Idaho using techniques described by Stenglein et al. (2010).

We iterated a rarefaction curve, an accumulation of unique individuals or

genotype with the asymptote representing the estimated population size [y = (a*x)/(b +

x), where x was the number of amplified samples, y was the cumulative number of

unique genotypes, a was the asymptote, and b the rate of decline in the slope], 1,000

times to determine the number of coyotes in the study area (Kohn et al. 1999). The

median, rather than the mean (Frantz and Roper 2006), number of coyotes, as determined

by the rarefaction curves, was used to determine coyote density on the adjusted study

area (31.6 km2).


We captured 15 does and recaptured one doe in year 2 of the study, resulting in 16

deployed VITs during 273 trap sessions over two field seasons: 9 VITs were deployed in

2009 and 7 in 2010. The 16 deployed VITs resulted in 11 birth events: 6 in 2009 and 5 in

2010. Twelve live fawns (4 in 2009 and 8 in 2010) and 2 stillborn fawns in 2009 were

found at or near VIT birth sites. In 2009, one VIT was expelled prematurely, although a


fawn was found within 24 hours of birth near the doe. One additional fawn was found

during random searches in 2009. Capture efforts resulted in a total of 15 does and 14

fawns for survival analysis.

Overall probability of fawn survival to six months of age was determined to be

0.26 (95% CI = 0.10 – 0.68) with 3 of 14 fawns surviving. All mortalities occurred

between 3 and 40 days of age, but no patterns of mortality were apparent within this

period (Figure 1). No covariates were found to be significant predictors of mortality,

based on a full model including age (P= 0.739, β = 0.972, 95% CI = 0.821 – 1.15), age2

(P = 0.878, β = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.999 – 1.001), sex (P = 0.606, β =0.571, 95% CI =

0.0680 – 4.80), and year (P = 0.762, β = 1.57, 95% CI = 0.0847 – 29.08).

Three types of mortality were identified: abandonment, bobcat predation, and

coyote predation. Vehicle collisions were not a cause of mortality for any individual

within the study; however, other fawns without radio collars were noted to have died

from vehicle collisions within the study area. Competing risks analysis determined that

the probability of mortality by 180 days of age due to abandonment, bobcat predation,

and coyote predation was 0.154 (95% CI = 0 - 0.329), 0.125 (95% CI = 0 - 0.327), and

0.649 (95% CI = 0.138 – 0.857), respectively. Since fawns were monitored daily during

the time frame when all mortalities occurred we are confident that scavenging events

were not misdiagnosed as predation.

Annual probability of doe survival was 0.75 (95% CI = 0.58 – 0.965) with 10 of

15 does surviving throughout the study period. No covariates were found to be

significant predictors of mortality, including age (P = 0.557, β = 1.411, 95% CI = 0.447 –

4.45) and year (P = 0.322, β = 0.383, 95% CI = 0.0574 – 2.56). Causes of morality


included poaching (n = 1), disease (hemorrhagic disease; n = 2), and unknown causes (n

= 2). Mortality was attributed to unknown causes due to extensive scavenging or

relocation of the collar by scavengers prior to discovery of the mortality event. Although

hunting was allowed on the study area, no hunting related mortalities could be

determined. Mortality occurred throughout the year with no apparent discernable

patterns (Figure 2).

Forty-four of 60 coyote scat samples sent for analysis were used to determine

coyote density within the adjusted study area. The 16 samples which were not used in

analysis were due to lack of amplification (n = 6), incorrect species (n = 2), inability to

determine individual (n = 5), or the scat was found outside of the adjusted study area (n =

3). Ten individuals were identified from these samples, and 1000 rarefaction curves of

bootstrapped sampling taken with replacement resulted in a median number of 12.78

(95% CL = 10.21 – 18.48) coyotes in the area. When density was adjusted for the size of

the study area (31.61 km2), coyote density was determined to be 0.40 (95% CL = 0.32 –

0.58) coyotes/km2.


Fawn survival to 180 days in our study was 0.26, and survival of adult does was

0.75; however, confidence intervals were large for both survival rate estimates due to low

sample size. We were unable to determine if any variables in our models affected

survival, but whether this was due to the variables not affecting survival or a product of

low sample size is unknown. Assuming our estimated rates of survival are representative

of the population at Fort Rucker, fawn survival was less than historic averages for white-


tailed deer (54%, Linnell et al. 1995) and consistent with more recent studies of fawn

survival in the Southeast (33.3%, Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007; 23%, Kilgo unpublished

data). The fawn survival estimate from this study was also consistent with recruitment

estimates (0.20 fawns per doe, Mayo personal communication) at Fort Rucker that were

obtained using game cameras to estimate fawn:doe ratios. Survival of adult does on Fort

Rucker was in the range of reported estimates of other rural white-tailed deer populations

(79%, Nelson and Mech 1986; 69%, Fuller 1990; 71%, Nixon et al. 1991; 57%, DePerno

et al. 2000; 61 - 68%, Hansen and Beringer 2003; 76%, Brinkman et al. 2004).

Our data suggest that low recruitment at Fort Rucker was the result of high rates

of predation on fawns which has been documented in other recent studies in the Southeast

(Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007, Howze et al. 2009, VanGilder et al. 2009, Kilgo

unpublished data). Coyotes were the leading cause of fawn mortality in our study and the

probability of mortality due to coyotes was estimated to be 0.649. Coyotes potentially

caused up to 63% of mortalities in white-tailed deer fawns in an Alabama population

(Saalfeld and Ditchkoff 2007) and 80% of mortalities in a South Carolina population

(Kilgo unpublished data). These recent studies differ from previous fawn survival studies

in the Southeast because coyotes are the leading predator, where prior studies found

bobcats to be the leading predator (Epstein et al. 1983).

Exactly how this low recruitment affects long-term densities of white-tailed deer

populations is somewhat unknown, but some researchers have begun to explore methods

that could minimize impacts of predation on recruitment rates. Howze et al. (2009)

removed 30 – 40% of the predator populations from January to August 2008 with most

removal occurring during the fawning season and VanGilder et al. (2009) removed close


to 100% of the predator populations before peak fawning in 2007. Both of these studies

reported that removal of bobcats and coyotes led to an increase in fawn recruitment.

These results suggest that predation in these systems was additive. In systems where

predation is compensatory, predator removal will theoretically have no affect on

population growth, while additive predation will result in increased population growth

following predator removal. Although these studies improved our understanding of the

potential impacts of predator control programs on fawn survival and subsequent

population growth, they were only conducted for one year each and did not evaluate the

long term effects of predator control or contribution of increased fawn recruitment to

growth of the deer population. To accurately predict the long term effects of

management prescriptions such as predator control programs, population parameters

(density, recruitment, etc.) must be regularly monitored. These data can then be used to

definitively determine if predators are having an additive or compensatory effect on

white-tailed deer populations.

Interactions of white-tailed deer and coyotes should follow basic principles of

predator-prey theory, and an understanding of these theories can be useful in predicting

impacts of management prescriptions (predator control programs, etc.). Mortality factors

can be described as either limiting or regulating to prey populations. Limitation is any

process that reduces population growth, and includes all types of mortality and

reproductive losses (Messier and Crête 1985, Sinclair and Pech 1996). In limiting cases,

predation may be described as either additive or compensatory. If a prey population is

limited by food resources, predation is most likely compensatory, and any losses

associated with predation do not measurably increase rates of mortality. If predation is


additive and predators are limiting a prey population, then the predator and prey

populations can be described as following a nonequillibrium model, and the prey

population will not recover to previous levels after being disturbed (Van Ballenberghe

1987, Boutin 1992) without a reduction in predation. Regulation occurs when a

depressive process (i.e. predation, disease) is density dependent (Holling 1959, Messier

and Crête 1985). Prey populations that are being regulated by predators will return to a

previous equilibrium level after perturbation (Boutin 1992, Sinclair and Pech 1996).

To distinguish between limiting and regulating predator-prey interactions, it is

essential that the functional (Type I, II, or III; Holling 1959) and numerical responses of

the predator be understood. For predation to be limiting, predators can be described as

following a Type I or Type II functional response, or have no functional response. The

Type I functional response is based on a random search technique: as prey density

increases, the number of prey killed per predator increases proportionally until no more

prey can be consumed due to limitations caused by handling time (Holling 1959). In a

Type II functional response, predation increases at a continually decreasing rate until an

asymptote is reached based on search and handling time (Holling 1959, Evans 2004). If

predation is density-dependent at low prey densities and inversely density-dependent at

high prey densities (Type III functional response; Holling 1959, Boutin 1992), then

predators are regulating the prey population (Pech et al. 1992).

According to regulating theory, the density at which a prey population reaches

equilibrium is dependent upon the interaction of the prey population growth curve in the

absence of predators, and the total response (e.g., the combination of the functional and

numerical responses; Solomon 1949) of the predator population. It is possible for either


one or two stable equilibria to develop depending on the relationship between these two

curves (see Appendix II). If two stable equilibria develop, the model or theory is

described as multi-stable state or a predator pit (Haber 1977). The predator pit refers to

the lower equilibrium (e.g., density) at which prey are regulated by predation. According

to theory, the prey population is unable to escape the predator pit and grow to greater

densities without a reduction in predation and/or other mortality factors. Until the prey

population increases above a third, non-stable equilibrium point (Boutin 1992, Evans

2004) that is located between the two stable equilibria, they will remain in the predator

pit. To understand which of these theories applies to white-tailed deer and coyotes in the

Southeast, a thorough understanding of the interaction between deer density and rates of

predation amidst stable coyote densities is required (Boutin 1992). Additionally, the

response of deer density and rates of predation must be understood in the context of

changing coyote densities (Boutin 1992).

Due to the ecology of coyote and deer interactions, it is most likely that coyotes

are regulating deer populations. When a predator switches between available prey

species, a Type III functional response can occur (Murdoch and Oaten 1975). Generalist

predators, such as coyotes, are more likely to switch prey than specialist predators and are

likely to switch as a group based on their social organization (Murdoch and Oaten 1975).

A Type III functional response can also arise when the prey species has an age class that

is safe from predation (i.e. refuge, Murdoch and Oaten 1975); the mature adult age class

in white-tailed deer is less likely to be depredated than the juvenile age class, as seen in

our study. These two ecological factors strongly suggest that a Type III functional

response is occurring in this system and coyotes are regulating deer.


We believe that deer-coyote interactions at our study site, and possibly in other

locations across the Southeast, follow the patterns predicted of a regulation model, and

the deer population at Fort Rucker is potentially in a predator pit. Prior to the mid to late

1980’s, Fort Rucker had an overpopulated deer herd that exhibited signs of poor

condition (e.g., low body weights, levels of parasitism; Mayo, personal communication).

At this time, a substantial increase in antlerless harvest was applied in a concerted effort

to reduce deer densities. In the greatest reported harvest year, 1987, over 600 deer were

harvested, and between 400 and 650 deer were harvested each year from 1984 to 1991.

Efforts to reduce the deer population were suspended in 1995 after harvest numbers and

apparent deer densities reached a point that was considered to be below what was

originally desired. Although the deer population was expected to rebound following

reductions in hunting pressure, the rebound never occurred, and the annual deer harvest

has been <200 deer for the last 15 years and <120 animals for the past 10 years.

All indications are that Fort Rucker currently has a deer population that is below

average for Alabama and the Southeast, and there has been no apparent increase in the

population despite substantial decreases in hunter harvest. However, without data on

coyote densities or the proportion of deer killed by coyotes before and after the deer

population decreased, it is not possible to determine with certainty if the deer population

at Fort Rucker is being regulated according to a single or multi-equilibria model. If the

coyote density is assumed to have been constant throughout the sequence of events at

Fort Rucker, the events suggest a predator pit: a high deer population was pushed below a

threshold due to intense hunting, and a lower density was established from which there

has been little or no increase despite decreased hunter harvest. If coyote density


increased during these events, regulation could be occurring at a single low equilibrium

as described by Messier’s (1994) predation model. It is impossible to state with total

confidence that this is in fact a predator pit or regulating scenario, as it is also possible,

although unlikely in our opinion, to conclude that predation is not density dependent and

coyotes are limiting the local deer population.

Fort Rucker is not the only property that has observed low recruitment and low

deer densities in the Southeast. Two other studies have recently reported low recruitment

with below average deer densities (4 - 8 deer/km2, Johns and Kilgo 2005; 3.8 - 5.8

deer/km2, Howze et al. 2009). A third study has also reported low recruitment of fawns

following heavy doe harvest, and attributed the low recruitment to predation (VanGilder

et al. 2009). Unfortunately, recent data on population growth, fawn survival, and

recruitment have not been reported for other Southeastern deer populations with average

or above average densities, thus preventing comparisons with these reported studies.

This is the first known study in the Southeast to report both survival rates of white-tailed

deer and estimated coyote densities. Presenting both of these estimates creates a baseline

for comparison with future studies and could help to elucidate our understanding of the

interactions between these two species.

Current views and popular practices of white-tailed deer and coyote management

in the Southeast could be influenced by a more complete understanding of the predator-

prey model that best describes this system. Quality deer management (QDM) is a

growing practice in the Southeast and promotes densities in balance with habitat

conditions and healthy buck:doe ratios (Miller and Marchinton 1995). In most cases, the

management prescription that is applied to achieve these objectives is increased antlerless


harvest. Populations maintained at a low equilibrium by coyotes through single state

regulation may decline even further with increased antlerless harvest because this harvest

will most likely be additive (Nelson and Mech 1981, Messier and Crête 1985). However,

if coyotes are regulating deer populations through multi-stable equilibria as we believe,

then antlerless harvest programs that do not account for deer density could theoretically

result in deer populations that are driven to a density from which they are unable to

recover without help. Because of this possible outcome, deer management programs that

promote high antlerless harvest should ensure efforts are in place to monitor vital deer

population parameters to guarantee that deer densities are driven to and maintained at

desired levels.

Coyote management in most states in the Southeast consists of hunting

regulations with no bag limit and an open season throughout the year. Whereas these

regulations are designed to allow managers to control coyote density, successful control

programs for coyotes are expensive (Pearson and Caroline 1981). An understanding of

predator-prey theory can improve the impact of predator management programs on deer

populations. Using theory as a guide, managers could estimate an optimal coyote density

and only remove necessary individuals, thereby reducing costs. If coyotes are regulating

or limiting deer populations, it is likely that coyote densities will need to be assessed

annually. However, in areas with multi-stable equilibria, it may be possible to manage

deer populations without predator control if deer populations are greater than the non-

stable equilibrium or threshold. After this point, assuming predator-prey dynamics do not

change, only an outside event that results in increased mortality (disease, hunting

pressure, etc.) should be able to drive deer densities below the non stable-equilibrium



To determine the predator-prey model that defines deer-coyote dynamics in the

Southeast, additional research is needed. Efforts should focus on examining the

interaction of these species at varying deer and coyote densities. Determining which

theory applies in the Southeast will allow managers to estimate optimal deer densities and

rates of predation for specific areas. Non-hunted or minimally-hunted populations may

benefit from greater coyote densities than hunted properties, while managers of hunted

areas will likely need to incorporate deer harvest rates into the appropriate predator-prey

model to predict the combined effects of coyotes and hunters on the local deer



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Figure 1. Survival of white-tailed deer fawns from birth to 180 days of age at Fort

Rucker, AL during 2009 and 2010.


Figure 2. Annual survival of female white-tailed deer at Fort Rucker, AL. These data

were determined based on survival from capture week in either 2009 or 2010 until the

end of the study in February 2011.



Table 1. Doe data


Doe ID Date of Transmitter Fate Fawns Caught Date of Cause of

Capture or Recovered Death Death


D1 4/16/2009 premature expulsion 1 ----------- Survived

D2 4/16/2009 successful 1 ----------- Survived

D2 3/15/2010 successful 2 ----------- Survived

D3 4/29/2009 successful 2 (stillborn) 11/13/2009 Unknown

D4 5/8/2009 ----------- 2 (fetal) 7/8/2009 Disease

D5 5/8/2009 successful 2 8/4/2010 Unknown

D6 5/20/2009 not pregnant 0 ----------- Survived

D7 5/20/2009 successful 1 ----------- Survived

D8 6/30/2009 not pregnant 0 2/13/2010 Poached

D9 7/13/2009 successful 0 ----------- Survived

D10 2/24/2010 successful 0 ----------- Survived

D11 4/27/2010 not pregnant 0 ----------- Survived

D13 6/1/2010 ----------- 2 (fetal) 6/30/2010 Disease

D14 6/1/2010 successful 2 ----------- Survived

D15 6/9/2010 successful 2 ----------- Survived

D16 7/8/2010 successful 2 ----------- Survived



Table 2. Fawn data


Fawn ID Doe ID Birth Date Sex Date of Death Age (Days) Cause of Death


F1 D1 7/27/2009 M 8/16/2009 20 Coyote Predation

F2 D5 7/31/2009 F 8/23/2009 23 Coyote Predation

F3 D5 7/31/2009 M 9/9/2009 40 Coyote Predation

F4 D2 8/1/2009 F ----------- Survived

F6 N/A 8/15/2009 F ----------- 1 Right Censored

F7 D7 8/20/2009 M 9/20/2009 31 Coyote Predation

F8 D15 8/3/2010 F 8/7/2010 4 Coyote Predation

F9 D15 8/3/2010 M ----------- Survived

F10 D2 8/4/2010 F 8/7/2010 3 Abandoned

F11 D2 8/4/2010 M 8/7/2010 3 Abandoned

F12 D16 8/11/2010 M 8/24/2010 13 Bobcat Predation

F13 D16 8/11/2010 F ----------- Survived

F14 D14 9/3/2010 M ----------- 11 Right Censored

F15 D14 9/3/2010 M 9/12/2010 9 Coyote Predation

D3 8/28/2009 M ----------- 0 Stillborn

D3 8/28/3009 F ----------- 0 Stillborn




Figure 1. The interaction between the population growth curve and the Type III

functional response resulting in two stable equilibria, A and C, and one unstable

equilibrium, B, also known as the multi-stable state or predator pit theory.

Population growth curve

Type III functional response


Prey density



t p

rey d










Figure 2. The interaction between the population growth curve and the Type III

functional response resulting in one stable equilibrium, A, also known as the regulation


Population growth curve

Type III functional response




t p

rey d









Prey density

top related