sustainability in the suburbs

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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What can you acheive on a normal suburban block?


Sustainability in the Suburbs

An Onion made me do it!

The Beginning

2 X Cherry Trees, 7 X dwarf Apples trees, 2 X lemon trees, 2 X Fig trees, 3 X Banana trees, 2 X grape vines, 3 X Guava trees, 1 X Loquat trees, 3 X peach/plum trees, 1 X almond tree, 1 X pear tree, 3 X olive trees, 1 X Tamarillo tree, 1 X Orange tree, 1 X Lime tree, 1 X Mandarin, 1 X Bay Leaf tree, 1 X giant rhubarb plant

The Need for Trees!

• A home for frogs and beneficial insects•Another place to grow food

Ponds from Truck Tires

•Free, indestructible, heat capturing, moisture retaining, stackable, portable, waterproof

Worm Farms from Car Tires

•200 litre Olive Barrels cost $15 each•1000 litre IBCs cost $70 each

Water Tanks from Food Grade Plastic

Do Fish go with Vegetables?

Breeding Quail


•Worldwide coffee consumption is in excess of 7 Millions tonnes each year *

•Much of the by-product of this consumption is discarded to landfill

Coffee Grounds - Current Situation

•People are looking to understand and adopt Green practices

•Most of us have access to coffee machines at local cafes or the workplace

•Used coffee grounds are ideal as a compost additive and nitrogen rich fertilizer


•A collection of volunteers that promote and practice the reuse of coffee grounds

•A decentralised model that encourages people to collect what they can carry off their own backs

•A growing collection of knowledge on all aspects in the reuse of coffee grounds for gardening

What is Ground to Ground

•Identify an initiative Champion - is that YOU?

•Determine availability and quantity of used coffee grounds

•If part of a group, communicate the initiative and determine number of volunteers

•Visit for more information, or email to request a consultation

How to Start?


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