sustainable design leaflet

Post on 01-Feb-2016






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An up-to-date brochure exhibiting all Wiley's most relevant and exciting architecture books, particularly focused on our sustainable design concerned titles.




Books from Wiley

The Urban Towers HandbookEric Firley and Julie Gimbal

The Urban MasTer-planning handbookEric Firley

9780470972250 March-13 • HB £50.00 / $80.00

A highly visual and analytical account of masterplanning worldwide

This book provides important analysis of major urban extensions and masterplans, featuring projects from the 19th century to the present. As well as providing high quality graphical representations of its subjects, this book gives an important new emphasis on the processes and structures that influence the form of these projects. It is highlighted whether a masterplan has been privately or publicly funded, if it has been planned as a single entity, or through multiple subdivisions of land, and if it has been initiated by an individual landowner or by the city through expropriation. Each project chapter concludes with the question of sustainability, focusing on major environmental issues.

• A visual treatment of the subject, featuring over 450 specially drawn scale drawings and photographs

• An important new emphasis on development processes and how they have influenced the form of masterplans

• Intriguing international examples

• Important historic examples, such as London’s Belgravia and Paris’ Opéra development and Stuyvesant Town in New York

• Contemporary projects such as Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires, Downtown Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the New Central Business District in Beijing

al bahar TowersThe abU dhabi invesTMenT CoUnCil headqUarTersPeter Oborn

9781119974161 April-13 • HB £49.99 / $80.00

The most distinctive and innovative new landmark in the Middle East

Built for the Abu Dhabi Investment Council, the two 25-storey towers provide Abu Dhabi with a unique gateway to the city. Though built out of glass and steel, they represent a complete departure from other contemporary high-rise buildings. Modern and pioneering in their use of the most up-to-date technologies, they have been conceived to be entirely rooted in the local culture and environment. This publication is entirely centred on the design and delivery of Al Bahr Towers.

• Highly visual with 300 colour images specifically commissioned by Christian Richters

• Illustrated introduction by the architectural correspondent of The Financial Times, Edwin Heathcote, providing an engaging account of the background behind the building: the client, the circumstances behind the commission and its most significant architectural precedents

• Expert insight into the history and philosophy of Islamic architecture by Professor Eric Ormsby of The Institute of Ismaili Studies

• A unique description of the design and procurement of these ground-breaking structures is provided by architectural author Edward Denison

The Urban hoUsing handbookEric Firley, Caroline Stahl

9781119989981 October-10, PB £29.99 / $50.00

The Urban Towers handbookEric Firley, Julie Gimbal

9780470684740 May-11, HB £50.00 / $80.00

sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design2

Urban design eCologies readerBrian McGrath

9780470974056 November-12 • PB £29.99 / $50.00

The discipline of urban design is undergoing a rapid expansion and realignment. It is experiencing a shift from a profession dominated by architects and planners, directed at urban development, to a more expansive set of practices engaging new forms of social and environmental ecologies, as cities worldwide adapt to economic restructuring, mass migrations and climate change. Bringing together classic and new texts from the last 40 years, this AD Reader:

• Focuses attention on the critical tools needed to understand how cities have been designed and constructed and then changed over time

• Enables new ways of envisioning how cities must be conceived and adapted in the future to the dual conditions of rapid urbanisation and economic restructuring, coupled with unpredictable environmental conditions due to climate change

• Places an emphasis on urban design and the ecological, bringing together key articles that point the way forward for reconciling the often conflicting concerns of urbanism and environmentalism

In this Urban Design Ecologies Reader twenty-three texts are organised into four distinct sections, covering metropolitan architecture, the sprawling megalopolis, the megacity and the recently emerging metacity

The Making of The qUeen elizabeTh olyMpiC parkJohn C. Hopkins, Peter Neal

9781119940692 November-12 • HB £49.99 / $80.00

An innovative blueprint for contemporary urban park design

The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is recognised as an exemplar of sustainable development for the 21st century. As a primary legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Park was conceived as a new piece of sustainable city, transforming a largely neglected, contaminated, post-industrial district into a new community for up to 20,000 residents.

• Written by those at the heart of the project

• Provides the only authoritative account of the planning, design and construction of the Park

• Begins with the bid to host the games, setting out its historical, philosophical and physical context

• Describes the strategic fit within the Thames Gateway, Lower Lea Valley and Stratford City

• Explains how One Planet Living principles developed by WWF and BioRegional underpinned sustainability throughout the project

• Concludes with a ‘Walk in Park’ capturing its essence for both Games and Legacy

• Richly illustrated

• A unique reference for those involved in the planning, design, delivery and management of sustainable urban parks and new communities on post-industrial and other land

sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

designing Urban agriCUlTUrea CoMpleTe gUide To The design, ConsTrUCTion, MainTenanCe and ManageMenT of edible landsCapesApril Philips

9781118073834 April-13 • HB £50.00 / $75.00


sCarCiTyarChiTeCTUre in an age of depleTing resoUrCes e arChiTeCTUral design

Jon Goodbun, Jeremy Till, Deljana Iossifova

9781119973621 • July-12 PB • £24.99 / $40.00

Reconfigure design practice in radically new, post-sustainable directions

Leading analysts of all the major resource domains – water, food, material, energy and finance – are all telling us that our global industrial growth models, driven by speculation on unstable financial markets, are taking the planet to the brink of chronic scarcity. In architecture, concerns about depleting material and energy sources have largely been centred on the more emollient category of ‘sustainability’. In the next decade, as the situation becomes more pressing, architects and designers will need to confront the reality of scarcity. There are many ways that architecture, urban planning and design research can tackle such issues; two of many covered in this title are:

• Developing new forms of analysis of global flows and scarcities

• Specific local and global design-based solutions

sUn, wind, and lighTarChiTeCTUral design sTraTegies, 3rd ediTionG. Z. Brown, Mark DeKay

9780470945780 • April-13 PB • £57.50 / $85.00

Architects must be able to consider the relationship between the form of a building and the energy it uses at the beginning of the designing process. Taking advantage of the natural forces of sun for heating, wind for cooling and daylight for natural lighting are essential to «sustainable design» and energy efficient buildings. Using hundreds of illustrations and companion CD-ROM, this book provides practical strategies that give the designer the tools they need to make energy efficient buildings.

sUsTainable ConsTrUCTiongreen bUilding design and delivery, 3rd ediTionCharles J. Kibert

9780470904459 November-12 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

No longer just a buzzword, sustainable construction is going main-stream and will soon be the norm. Revised to reflect the latest developments of the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and other tools, this book guides construction and design professionals through the process of developing commercial and institutional high-performance green buildings in today’s marketplace.

• Provides an introduction to green building, covering the theory, history, and state of the industry as well as best practices in building procurement and delivery systems

• A comprehensive text covering all of the factors involved with sustainable construction - from green building and Green Globes assessments to building hydrological systems and materials and product selection

• Clear and accessible writing style

• Addresses issues so that the reader can think critically and independently as part of the cutting edge in green building.

This book is a must have for the builder/owner and construction manager looking to take advantage of the opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the designer looking to be LEED certified, or anyone interested in sustainability.

sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

siTe analysisinforMing ConTexT-sensiTive and sUsTainable siTe planning and design, 3rd ediTionJames A. LaGro

9781118123676 March-13 • HB £57.50 / $85.00


Advanced BuildingTechnologies for Sustainability

Asif Syed

the SustainableSites Handbook

F o r e w o r d b y M I C H A E L V A N V A L K E N B U R G H

A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Best Practices for Sustainable Landscapes

Meg Calkins



sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

advanCed bUilding TeChnologies for sUsTainabiliTyAsif Syed

9780470546031 • July-12 HB • £57.50 / $85.00

In this timely guide, one of the world’s leaders in advanced building technology implementation shows architects and engineers proven and practical methods for implementing these technologies in sustainably-designed buildings. This book offers clear and workable solutions for implementing solar energy, radiant heating and cooling floors, displacement ventilation, net zero, and more. It provides helpful tips and suggestions for architects and engineers to work together on implementing these technologies, along with many innovative possibilities for developing a truly integrated design.

The sUsTainable siTes handbooka CoMpleTe gUide To The prinCiples, sTraTegies, and besT praCTiCes for sUsTainable landsCapesMeg Calkins

9780470643556 • February-12 HB • £65.00 / $95.00

This book features comprehensive and detailed information on principles, strategies, technologies, tools, and best practices for sustainable site design. Equally useful as a handbook for obtaining SITES credits or for the independent development of sustainable sites, The Sustainable Sites Handbook is an indispensable resource for practicing professionals in landscape architecture, landscape design, architecture, civil engineering, land planning, horticulture, ecology, environmental engineering, landscape contracting, and parks and recreation management.

london (re)generaTion e arChiTeCTUral design

David Littlefield 9781119993780 January-12 • PB £24.99 / $40.00

This book brings into focus notions of regeneration within the specific context of London: what does the term actually mean, how has it been applied and is it being applied? Historical overviews of large-scale interventions from the past are combined with case studies of new and planned schemes, and explorations of how change and rejuvenation can retain or enhance the city’s unique sense of place and identity. How can a long-established, highly protected and even cherished city, like London, continue to renew and expand?

biM in sMall-sCale sUsTainable designFrancois Levy

9780470590898 January-12 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

In this ground-breaking guide, François Lévy demonstrates that sustainable design has an even greater relative impact on small-building performance than large, and that BIM’s well-known efficiencies lower overall costs at any scale and can be easily applied to sustainable design. Using real-world examples, this practical desktop resource presents proven methods for using BIM to deal with such essential sustainability issues as natural ventilation for cooling, passive solar heating, and more. This is a must-have resource for architects, engineers, students, and construction professionals involved in sustainable design projects.




Charles J. KibertMartha C. MonroeAnna L. PetersonRichard R. PlateLeslie Paul Thiele

BIM and Integrated Design

Strategies for Architectural Practice

Randy Deutsch, AIA, LEED-AP


Ken Yeangthe work of

Sara Hart

sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

working Toward sUsTainabiliTyeThiCal deCision-Making in a TeChnologiCal worldCharles J. Kibert, Martha C. Monroe, Anna L. Peterson, Richard R. Plate, Leslie Paul Thiele

9780470539729 December-11 • HB £42.50 / $60.00

This richly illustrated title serves as a comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for empowering professionals and practitioners in many different fields. As well as this the book supports nine central principles using case studies, exercises and instructor material, and demonstrates that sustainable solutions start with ethical choices, ultimately guiding professionals in virtually every sector and field to endeavour to work toward sustainability.

biM and inTegraTed designsTraTegies for arChiTeCTUral praCTiCeRandy Deutsch

9780470572511 October-11 • HB £50.00 / $75

This book is devoted to the subject of how BIM affects individuals and organizations working within the ever-changing construction industry. It discusses the implementation of BIM software as a cultural process with a focus on the technology’s impact and transformative effect on the social, psychological, and practical aspects of the workplace. Covering all of the human issues brought about or exacerbated by the advent of BIM into the architecture workplace, profession, and industry, it shows how to overcome real and perceived barriers.

eCo-arChiTeCTUreThe work of ken yeangSara Hart

9780470721407 March-11 • HB £45.00 / $75.00

Featuring 22 of internationally recognised Architect Ken Yeang’s most significant projects, EcoArchitecture begins with his earliest work on environmental design, executed as a student at the Architectural Association and then a Phd student at Cambridge in the early 1970s, and with his most recent projects with Llewelyn Davies Yeang in London and TRHY in Kuala Lumpur. The main text by contributing editor of Architectural Record, Sara Hart, and lecturer and freelance author, David Littlefield, provide some critical reflection on the development of his work.

The new pasToralisMlandsCape inTo arChiTeCTUre Titman

9781118336984 April-13 • PB £24.99 / $40.00

Provides a romantic vision of a lush, verdant technological architecture

This beautifully illustrated title demonstrates how small-scale additions or conversions using planting and wildlife can bring about engaging, delightful and efficient structures and spaces. Featuring several contributions from prominent architects, this book showcases the particular Nature devices that they have used to enhance their built proposals. Interesting and engaging theoretical contributions will made as an introduction, from curator Colin Harrison who will explore the work of 18th-century pastoral artist Samuel Palmer, and the set designer for the virtual landscapes used in the film Avatar.


sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

Performance-Oriented Design: Towards an Inclusive Approach to the Architectural Design and the EnvironmentMichael Hensel

9780470973318 February-13 • PB £27.99 / $45.00

Performance-Oriented Design: Towards an Inclusive Approach to the Architectuwral Design and the EnvironmentMichael Hensel

9780470973325 February-13 • HB £70.00 / $115.00

Site Engineering for Landscape Architects 6th EditionSteven Strom, Kurt Nathan, Jake Woland

9781118090862 February-13 • HB £65.00 / $95.00

inside sMarTgeoMeTryexpanding The arChiTeCTUral possibiliTies of CoMpUTaTional designTerri Peters

9781118522479 • March-13 HB • £29.99 / $50.00

Highlighting some of the most significant developments in the last ten years of computational design

Aiming to inspire and inform creative practitioners and theorists interested in digital design, this selection of twenty texts features practitioners from Foster+Partners, DesigntoProduction, Freeform Construction, Zaha Hadid Architects and Aedas. In contrast to many books on digital design, this book goes beyond inspirational images, and offers detailed explanations relating to tools and techniques. The essays by key theorists and teachers such as Rob Woodbury, Jenny Sabin, Brett Steele, Axel Kilian, Robert Aish provide important contextualization of the projects and tools within the field of architecture and design tool development.

Site Engineering Workbook 2nd EditionJake Woland

9781118090855 February-13 • PB £23.99 / $35.00

Net Zero Energy Design: A Guide for Commercial ArchitectureThomas Hootman

9781118018545 November-12 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Human Experience and Place: Sustaining Identity - Architectural DesignPaul Brislin

9781118336410 November-12 • PB £24.99 / $40.00

City Catalyst: Architecture in the Age of Extreme UrbanisationAlexander Eisenschmidt

9781119972662 September-12 • PB £24.99 / $40.00

Becoming a Green Building Professional: A Guide to Careers in Sustainable Architecture, Design, Engineering, Development, and OperationsHolley Henderson

9780470951439 August-12 • PB £29.99 / $44.95

Designing the Sustainable Site: Integrated Design Strategies for Small Scale Sites and Residential LandscapesHeather L. Venhaus, Herbert Dreiseitl

9780470900093 April-12 • PB £45.00 / $65.00

Modeling the Environment: Techniques and Tools for the 3D Illustration of Dynamic LandscapesBradley Cantrell, Natalie Yates

9780470902943 April-12 • PB £45.00 / $65.00

Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient CommunitiesJeffrey Tumlin

9780470540930 February-12 • HB £65.00 / $95.00

BIM for Building Owners and Developers: Making a Business Case for Using BIM on ProjectsK. Pramod Reddy

9780470905982 January-12 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics: Sustainable Design Methods for ArchitectureNorbert M. Lechner

9781118014752 December-11 • HB £55.00 / $80.00




















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sUsTainable arChiTeCTUre and design

Sustainable Renovation: Strategies for Commercial Building Systems and EnvelopeLisa Gelfand, Chris Duncan

9780470872611 December-11 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Foundations of Landscape Architecture: Integrating Form and Space Using the Language of Site DesignNorman Booth

9780470635056 December-11 • PB £42.50 / $60.00

Experimental Green Strategies: Redefining Ecological Design Research - Architectural DesignTerri Peters

9780470689790 November-11 • PB £22.99 / $37.50

Sustainable and Resilient Communities: A Comprehensive Action Plan for Towns, Cities, and RegionsStephen J. Coyle, Andrés Duany

9780470536476 April-11 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Urban Design Since 1945: A Global PerspectiveDavid Grahame Shane

9780470515266 April-11 • PB £29.99 / $50.00

Sustainable Landscape Management: Design, Construction, and MaintenanceAnn Marie VanDerZanden, Thomas W. Cook

9780470480939 January-11 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Sustainable Preservation: Greening Existing BuildingsJean Carroon, Richard Moe

9780470169117 December-10 • HB £50.00 / $75.00

Green Building Materials: A Guide to Product Selection and Specification, 3rd EditionRoss Spiegel, Dru Meadows

9780470538043 December-10 • HB £60.00 / $90.00

Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable BuildingMarian Keeler, Bill Burke

9780470152935 June-09 • HB £57.50 / $85.00

Eco Master PlanningKen Yeang

9780470697290 April-09 • HB £46.99 / $80.00

Delivering a Sustainable Built Environment: An Industry Insider’s ViewMike Malina

9781405194174 January-13 • PB £55.00 / $90.00

Sustainable RefurbishmentSunil Shah


September-12 • PB £49.99 / $80.00


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