sw saga starships of the galaxy d20

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Starship stats for the D20 Star Wars role playing system.


Starships of the Galaxy Errata 1.0

Make sure you’re up to date with the first set of errata for Starships of the Galaxy Saga Edition. For your convenience, this errata will also be added to the Rules section of this Web site.

p. 18 – Squadron Tactics Talent The ace pilot’s Squadron Tactics talent can be used only to confer non-attack pattern maneuvers on your squadron.

p. 25 – Corellian Slip The Corellian slip maneuver allows you to make an attack as a free action (not a swift action) when you enter your target’s square.

p. 31 – Fighter Groups Joining a fighter wing ends your actions for the round; any unused actions (including readied actions) are lost. If you choose to delay on the fighter group’s turn, you automatically leave the group.

Once the leader of a fighter group is chosen, it can be changed only once per round on the group’s turn. When the first fighter joins another to form the wing, the first leader is chosen at that time.

Fighter groups can use starship maneuvers only if every member of the fighter group has that maneuver. When the maneuver is used, every member of the fighter group uses it. If a member of the group has an attack pattern maneuver active when it joins the group, its effects are lost (the fighter group is, itself, like an attack pattern).

p. 47 – Table 3-5: Weapon Systems The footnote in the table should read: “1 Colossal (frigate) or larger starships only”.

p. 47 – Table 3-7: Starship Accessories Extended range should have an EP cost of 1.

p. 52 – Table 3-8: Stock Ship Types The Strength scores for the following stock ships should be changed as noted: Battlecruiser: 100 Cruiser: 94 Frigate: 60 Corvette: 58 Heavy Freighter: 56

p. 100 – Interdictor Cruiser Under the entry for the gravity well projector, the area of effect should be a 3x3 square starship-scale area, not 4x4.

p. 158-159 – Y-Wing All three Y-Wing models should have SR 25.

©1995-2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Wizards is headquartered in Renton, Washington, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057.

Starships of the Galaxy

Codex Addendum

Page Starship Length (in meters) Era Introduced 56 Acclamator class Assault Ship 752 Rise of the Empire 57 Acclamator II-class Assault Ship 752 Rise of the Empire 58 Action VI Transport 125 Rise of the Empire 60 Aethersprite Interceptor 8 Rise of the Empire 61 ARC-170 Starfighter 14.5 Rise of the Empire 63 A-wing 9.6 Rebellion 64 Banking Clan Frigate 825 Rise of the Empire 65 Baudo-class Star Yacht 32 Rise of the Empire 66 B-wing 16.9 Rebellion 67 B-wing/E2 Starfighter 16.9 Rebellion 68 Carrack-class Light Cruiser 350 Rise of the Empire 69 Chiss Clawcraft 7.65 New Jedi Order 70 Citadel-class Cruiser 36 Rise of the Empire 71 CloakShape Fighter 15 Rise of the Empire 72 Commerce Guild Destroyer 1,187 Rise of the Empire 73 Coralskipper 13 New Jedi Order 74 Corellian Corvette 150 Rise of the Empire 75 Corellian CR70 Corvette 150 Rise of the Empire 76 Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser 600 Rise of the Empire 77 Outbound Flight 600 Rise of the Empire 78 Vulture-class Starfighter 3.5 Rise of the Empire 79 Droid Tri-Fighter 5.4 Rise of the Empire 79 Scarab-class Starfighter Rise of the Empire 80 Dynamic-class Freighter 27.25 Old Republic 82 Eta-2 Actis Interceptor 5.47 Rise of the Empire 83 E-wing 11.2 New Republic 84 Firespray-31 Patrol Craft 21.5 Rise of the Empire 85 Slave 1 21.5 Rise of the Empire 86 Geonosian Starfighter 9.8 Rise of the Empire 87 Ginivex-class Starfighter 9.3 Rise of the Empire 88 Ghtroc 720 Freighter 35 Rise of the Empire 90 Gozanti Cruiser 41.8 Rise of the Empire 91 Krayt’s Honor 41.8 Rise of the Empire 92 Corellian Gunship 120 Rise of the Empire 93 Hapan Battle Dragon 500 New Republic 94 Hapes Nova Cruiser 400 New Republic 95 Imperial Assault Shuttle 30 Rebellion 96 Imperial II-class Star Destroyer 1,600 Rebellion 98 Victory II-class Star Destroyer 900 Rise of the Empire 99 Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Legacy 100 Interdictor Cruiser 600 Rebellion 101 Vindicator-class heavy Cruiser 600 Rise of the Empire 102 Imperial Customs Corvette 180 Rise of the Empire 103 J-Type Star Skiff 29.2 Rise of the Empire 105 K-wing 16 New Republic 106 Lambda-class Shuttle 20 Rise of the Empire 108 Lancer-class Frigate 250 Rise of the Empire 109 Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor 10.7 Rise of the Empire

110 Marauder Corvette 195 Rise of the Empire 111 Medium Transport 90 Rise of the Empire 112 Miy’til Fighter 7.2 Rebellion 113 Miy’til Bomber 20 Rebellion 114 Mon Calamari MC80 Cruiser 1,200-1,300 Rebellion 115 Home One 1,300 Rebellion 116 Mon Calamari Star Defender 17,000 New Republic 118 Naboo N-1 Starfighter 11 Rise of the Empire 119 Nebula-class Star Destroyer 1,040 New Republic 120 Nebulon-B Frigate 300 Rise of the Empire 121 P-38 Starfighter 12.7 Rise of the Empire 122 Predator-class Starfighter Legacy 124 Rebel Assault Frigate MK I 700 Rebellion 125 Rebel Assault Frigate MK II 700 Rebellion 126 Republic Cruiser 115 Rise of the Empire 127 Scimitar Assault Bomber 8 New Republic 128 Sith Infiltrator 26.5 Rise of the Empire 130 Sith Interceptor Old Republic 131 Skipray Blastboat 25 Rebellion 132 SoroSuub Patrol Fighter 12 Rise of the Empire 133 Star Galleon-class Frigate 300 Rebellion 134 Virago 21 Rebellion 135 Strike-class Medium Cruiser 450 Rebellion 136 Super Star Destroyer 19,000 Rebellion 138 Lusankya 19,000 Rebellion 139 Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer 17,500 Rebellion 140 System Patrol Craft 150 Rise of the Empire 141 Theta-class Shuttle 18.5 Rise of the Empire 142 TIE Fighter 6.3 Rise of the Empire 142 TIE Bomber 7.8 Rebellion 143 TIE Interceptor 9.6 Rebellion 144 TIE Advanced x1 9.2 Rise of the Empire 145 TIE Defender 9.2 Rebellion 146 Trade Federation Battleship 3,170 (diameter) Rise of the Empire 147 Trade Federation Droid Control Ship 3,170 (diameter) Rise of the Empire 147 Trade Federation Core Ship 696 (diameter) Rise of the Empire 148 Venator-class Star Destroyer 1,137 Rise of the Empire 149 V-19 Torrent Starfighter 6 Rise of the Empire 150 V-wing 12 New Republic 151 X-83 TwinTail Starfighter Legacy 152 X-wing 12.5 Rise of the Empire 152 T-65XJ3 X-wing 12.6 New Jedi Order 153 T-65BR X-wing 12.5 Rise of the Empire 154 YT-1300 Transport 34.75 Rise of the Empire 154 YT-2000 Transport 29.4 Rebellion 155 YT-2400 Transport 21 Rebellion 156 Millennium Falcon 34.75 Rise of the Empire 158 Y-wing 16 Rise of the Empire 158 Y-wing “Longprobe” 16 Rise of the Empire 159 Y-wing “Courier” 16 Rise of the Empire 160 Z-95 Headhunter 11.8 Rise of the Empire

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