swallow’s journey...“well yes it is!” said gorilla. “lots of other swallows have stopped...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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by Ruth Merttens Illustrated by Anne Holm Petersen

Swallow’s Journey

Swallow was about to set off on his long journey.

“Where are you going?” asked his friend Zebra.

“Every year, we swallows fly all the way to England so we can

make our nests there and lay our eggs,” replied Swallow.

“Then, before winter comes, we fly back to South Africa.”

He waved a wing. “Goodbye!”

Swallow flew off. He flew through night and day for a

long, long time.

Swallow flew thankfully down onto an old post.

“Whew! I am getting tired. I wonder if I am nearly there?”

Up popped a penguin.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, looking

very surprised.

“I’m on my way to England!” Swallow told him very proudly.

“Every year, we swallows fly all the way from South Africa to England so we can make our nests there and lay our eggs.”

“Well you have gone the wrong way!” said Penguin.

“You should be going north.” He pointed with one wing.

Swallow sighed.

“Oh, dear. And I was so hoping I was half way there!”

He set off again.

Swallow flew through night and day for a long, long time.

Swallow flew thankfully down onto a branch of a tree in a jungle.

“Well, that was a really long flight. Surely I must be getting there now?”

A gorilla sauntered along and stopped to look at Swallow.

“Hello!” he said, in a surprised voice.

“Is this the right way to England?” Swallow asked Gorilla politely. “Every year, we swallows fly all the way from South Africa to

England so we can make our nests there and lay our eggs.”

“Well yes it is!” said Gorilla. “Lots of other swallows have stopped here

before you.”

“Oh good. Hopefully I’m nearly there!”

“Oh, I think you have a long way to go still,” said Gorilla. He waved

goodbye to Swallow.

Swallow flew through night and day for a long, long time.

Swallow flew down onto a branch of a tree in the desert.

“My goodness, what a very dry and bare place. It doesn’t look

very friendly.”

A snake slithered into view. He paused in front of Swallow.

“What are you doing here?” he asked in a very grumpy voice.

“Is this the right way to England?” Swallow enquired. He thought snake looked a little scary.

“Yesssss,” hissed snake, “but you have a long way to go ssstill.”

“Oh well,” Swallow replied. “I’ll have to fly on. Every year, we swallows fly all the way from South Africa to England so we can make our

nests there and lay our eggs. Goodbye snake.”

Swallow flew through night and day for a long, long time.

Swallow flew down onto a bush in the mountains.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, “What a beautiful place.”

A mountain goat came bounding past and stopped.

“How nice to see you,” he smiled, “are you on your way to


“Yes, I am,” said Sallow, “I am flying on to England. Every year, we

swallows fly all the way from South Africa to England so we can make our

nests there and lay our eggs.”

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Swallow waved goodbye to goat and flew through night and day

for a long, long time.

At last, Swallow landed in a green field beside a lovely old house and barn.

A hedgehog looked up from the slug he was eating.

“Oh, good!” he said, grinning, “I’m so glad you’ve got here. The other

swallows were asking where you were. You’re a bit late!”

“Well, I’m here now,” said Swallow firmly. “It’s a long way to England from

South Africa. I haven’t time to stop and chat. I have to get busy building a


Waving a wing at the hedgehog, he swooped along the field and into the

barn, where all the other swallows were waiting for him.

Code-Breakers Extended Texts ~ Book 4©2016 William Rowan Hamilton Trust www.hamilton-trust.org.ukRegistered Charity no. 1150524.

PGCs PGCs/c/ as c, /t/ as t, /a/ as a /cw/ as qu/, /cs/ as x, /y/ as y/d/ as d, /g/ as g, /o/ as o /oa/ as ow, o, oa, oe, o-e /m/ as m, /n/ as n /ooh/ as oo, ew, o/i/ as i, /s/ as s and ss /z/ as z, zz and s, /g/ as gu and gh/u/ as u, /r/ as r /er/ as er, ur, ir, ear, or/h/ as h, /l/ as l and ll /s/ as c, se and ce/e/ as e, /b/ as b /j/ as g, ge and dge/f/ as f and ff, /sh/ as sh /l/ as le + tt, gg, bb/p/ as p, /c/ as k and ck /ue/ as ew, u-e and u/ee/ as y, /p/ as pp (+ mm, dd, rr, nn)

/ch/ as tch, /oy/ as oi, oy

/ee/ as ee, ea, e /ooh/ as ue , u-e, ui /c/ as ch, (/ooh/ as ou)

/w/ as w and wh*, /ch/ as ch /air/ as ear, air, are, (ere, eir)/th/ as th, /ng/ as ng /u/ as o, ou, (o-e)

/f/ as ph and gh/tthh/ as th, /v/ as v, ve /e/ as ea, (a), /o/ as a/oo/ as oo, u and oul /ay/ as a, eigh, ea, ey/j/ as j, /ar/ as ar and a* /ee/ as ie, ey; /or/ as ar/ou/ as ou, ow and ough /or/ as oor, oar and au/or/ as or, ore, aw and a /or/ as ough, our, augh/ay/ as ay, a-e, ai /or/ as al; /t/ as ed /ie/ as y, ie, i-e, i and igh /d/ as ed; /ng/ as n

/sh/ as ti, si, ci, ch/zh/ as si, as and s

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