swami gits book

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Author’s Introduction

Orda ab chao. "There is order in chaos", is an ancient axiom appropriate to the Universe as well as the study leading to knowledge of this same Universe.

Man is a "carbon copy" of the Universe, the microcosm (man) being a little macrocosm (the Universe) unto himself. In a study of the Universe, man expects to "find himself", but a reverse approach may be the quickest, most rewarding and fruitful. In finding himself, man will know the Universe.

The wise man knows he is the result of his thinking; that an unbalanced mind brings disharmony, discordance and disease; a balanced mind manifests harmony, peace and love. But how to achieve balance? Through knowledge (intellectual appraisal and analysis culminating in a reasonable rational conclusion) and wisdom (the actions taken to apply one’s knowledge). Where comes this knowledge and wisdom? In part from a study of General Semantics (the Law underlying communication): Semantology (the study of the "real" meaning of words and actions) and the study of the true meaning, import and effect on life hidden behind the Symbols of Language, number and geometrical form. This total science is called Yantra and its practical path is called Mudra Yoga.

Mudra and Yantra reveal the principles at the core of esoteric systems of psychology, offering an understanding of the subtle influences referred to as archetypal images residing within the collective, group or racial consciousness; and teach a system of personality analysis and a method of manipulating symbols which gives remarkable insight into character, vocational and avocational aptitudes. Mudra and Yantra are concerned with Self-realisation through development of the intuitive, psychic faculties of man in the most positive manner, allowing self-control and mastery. The outward manifestation of such Inner Harmony is the alleviation of personal conflict and problems, understanding others, and the control of one’s fate or destiny. To accomplish this end the Law of Cycles (Dharma and Karma Yugas) is taught. These cyclic patterns govern every manifestation of Life, from the Universe through man to the atom.

Individual life cycles have periodic rhythm, which can be plotted and graphed, permitting a greater awareness and control of life influence. The organs, glands and functions of the body have their own patterns now being referred to as "Body Clocks" by the medical scientists.

Nama Dharshana, the vibratory analysis of names or word analysis, and Nama Karana, name balancing or word re-construction, form an integral part of Mudra Yoga. A knowledge gained through this study reveals the chaos created by man in his "naming" or misnaming of things and the true purpose of the use of language, spoken or written, and the only safe guide to a return to the use of the "tongue of thought", mental communication or telepathy.

A reflection

Reflect seriously on the step that you are about to take in the study and practical application of Yantra and Mudra Yoga.

Respect and great trust are being placed in you and your integrity by your teacher in accepting you as a student to this ancient esoteric school, a school of thought in the highest occult tradition. Treasure this respect and trust!

The teachings of this school are not sacred but they do go beyond the realm of the ordinary into the domain of Thought and Truth. In a sense this science is not a doctrine as it is not dogmatic in the odious sense of the term, and anyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever may seem to be untrue or unsound.

It is required that you shall weigh what is taught or revealed and give it fair hearing, and so far as possible unprejudiced judgment.

The instructions received should not be divulged to others and under no circumstances should the notes be loaned to non-students (other than marriage partners, and then only in accord with the ideals and teachings of Yantra and Mudra Yoga). Student should not attempt to teach the methods of calculating cycles or the techniques of name analysis without specific permission from their teacher.

This science is for Self-realisation and the knowledge gained is for the "Self" and should be used only for the spiritual evolution of one’s fellow humans. Until you have the knowledge needed and the respect necessary to deal with your fellow man on the highest plane, avoid the karma entailed in ignorance.

An acknowledgement

I am indebted to a number of sources for the knowledge I have of the material presented in this work, but must pay special tribute to my Guru, Ram Gopal Mujumdar (Swami Kanoyda) who introduced me to the "Hidden Sciences"; and to Ram Mohan Rai (R.M. Roy) who was his teacher in this subject; to an oral, written and artistic tradition of Practical Mysticism which nurtured these two famous sons of "Mother

India"; and to John Mumford, my loving disciple, who has researched on the "History of Symbols" and has contribute so much to the dissemination of Yoga teachings based on Mudra and Yantric concepts.

Dr. Ananda Bhavanani (Swami Gitananda Giri)Vancouver, Canada1965


"The ALL in all is known (or realized) through Samhkya (the Science of Numbers)". - Hindu Samkhya Axiom

"Numbers are at the root and the base of all things". - Cornelius Agrippa

"All lies veiled in numbers". - Pythagoras

"The Universe is builded on numbers". - The Kabbalah

"Numbers are the universal language". - Leibniz

"Number is an Entity and at the same time a Breath emanating from God. The Breath alone which could organise the physical Common, where naught obtains its form but through Deity, which is an effect of number". - Balzac

"Vibration is life and life is vibration". - Paracelcus

The various planes or states from the solids through to the etheric are all vibratory. The term "vibration" may need some clarification as it is so often misused by writers and speakers.

Vibration as a concept

Oscillation is the result of force or energy, concentrated or congregated in some area or state causing the various manifestations of life to appear to the senses or thinking of man. An atom has as its centre a vacuum type nucleus around which electron particles revolve, creating a vortex of energy. It is the number and the arrangement of the electrons within the atom, and the various cohesions of the atom into larger molecules, which goes to make up the vibratory differences and hence the differences manifested in the various planes or states to the senses of man. The difference between one object and another, one state and another, one plane and another is then ultimately a question of the rate of vibration. A solid differs from the higher concepts of mind and the etheric manifestations of energy only by its lower speeds of vibration.

The term "solid" is in itself misleading as there is really no such thing as solid, only speeds of vibration which to the human senses have the appearance of being solid. A solid is best explained as "a body or magnitude which has three dimensions: length, breadth and thickness, as distinguished from a surface which has two dimensions, and from a line that has but one dimension."

A Gaseous matter is considered to be but a higher speed of vibration in the plane of solids.

Samkhya Yoga, and Yantra teach that we live in a Nine Dimensional World:

First dimension: lineSecond dimension: surface, face or planeThird dimension: depth or perspective, solidsFourth dimension: spaceFifth dimension: timeSixth dimension: mindSeventh dimension: astral memoryEighth dimension: intellectNinth dimension: spiritual liberation

Sound vibrates from 16 cycles to 32,768 cycles per second. The auditory range of man is only from 25 cycles to 20,000 cycles per second, while other creatures are able to receive responses both above and below man's range. The dog responds to a high frequency dog whistle while the bat family and many birds use the higher frequencies of the sound range as a sort of radar.

The vibratory rate or manifestation of electricity is in the 1,000 million cycles per second scale, while colour vibrations are still higher on the scale terminating in light at 500 billion vibrations per second. Infra red and ultra violet rays are above the scale of light but still below the X-ray, which vibrates at 2 trillion cycles per second.

The vibrations or oscillations of the brain/mind, or cerebral radiations fall into four categories:

Emotional thought closely associated with anxiety and nervous tension vibrates at 11 to 30 cycles per second in the Beta wave scale.

Memory patterns related to defence mechanisms, whether as stored away attitudes or as a natural mechanism against disease and maladies, range in the Delta wave scale from 0.5 to 3.5 cycles per second.

Mental reactions to pleasure, pain, or thoughts of violence and malevolence vibrate from 4 to 7 cycles per second in the Theta wave scale.

Highly imaginative, creative, altruistic thoughts are on the verge of merging into the etheric scale on the spiritual planes at 8 to 13 cycles per second in the Alpha wave scale.

The origin of numbersThe 47th Proposition

“In every right-angled triangle, the sum of the square of the

base and the perpendicular is equal to the square of the

hypothenuse". - Pythagoras.

The Forty-seventh Proposition is older than Pythagoras (circ. 580 BC), for the Hindus arranged their deities in Triads: Brahma, the Creator, the Generative Principle; Vishnu, the Sustainer, the Product or Passive Principle; and Siva, the Changer/Destroyer, the Power Principle. Early Hindu Metris (mathematicians) drew the Samkhya Manda, the Symbol Veiling the Science of Numbers as:


The Basic Numbers Are Formed From The Samkhya Mandala

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 0 11 22

Of these numbers, the square of the 3 and the 4, added together, gives the square of 5; and those of 6 and 8, the square of 10; and if a right-angled triangle be formed, the base measuring 3 or 6 parts; and the perpendicular 4 or 8 parts, the hypotenuse will be 5 or 10 parts; and if a square is erected on the side, these squares being subdivided into squares each side of which is one part in length, there will be as many of these in the square erected on the hypotenuse as in the other two squares together.All numbers are contained within the Power of the o. Indeed, Hindus refer to the o as a power rather than as a number, containing all creation. I.e.: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 =45 and 4+5 = 9. No other basic number can be so added to reduce to itself.


"Out of the formless void, the Zero or Circle, the Symbol of Eternal Times, God (the ALL in all manifested Himself as the Monad". The Hindu Metric gave the world the decimal system represented as a dot, the smaller unit of the circle. When God manifests whether in mathematics or in plant life the symbol is the same:

1. EKAH - The Monad (1), the Sword of the Spirit.

The Ciphers or Numbers are:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 0

Their squares are:

1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

The differences between each square andthat which preceded it

3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17

Giving us the Sacred Numbers

3 5 7 9 11 And the Mystic Double 22

2. DWAO - The Duad (1+1), the Symbol of Schism, Antagonism and Separation.

3. TRAYAH - The Triad (1+1+1), the Vital Breath of He who Creates, Preserves, and Destroys (Changes).

4. CHATWARAH - The Square (2+2), the Signature of the Earth

5. PANCH - The Tetrad or Tetractys, the Pentalpha, the Five Pointed Star (2+3).

6. SHAT - The Hexagon (3+3 or 2+2+2) or the Interwoven Triangle of the Mind or Mental Creativeness.

7. SAPTAH - The Heptagon (4+3), the Number of Mystery, the sacred symbol of Siva, the Changer/Destroyer.

8. ASTHAH - The Octagon (4+4), the first cube in math, that of the 2 or the Duad, and is the symbol of Vishnu, the Sustainer/Preserver/Incarnator.

9. NAVAH - Tne Novenary (3+3+3), is the square of three, the Triad of Triangle, and represents the Trinity hidden or masked in the ALL, and is the symbol of Brahma, the Creator/Generator.

10. DASHA - The D .......nary is the Law of Growth where the 1 (the Monad) is added to the 0 (Time) and like a contometer or adding machine, a new unit is created of tens, then hundreds, then thousands, ad infinitum.

11. EKADASHA - The Mystic Eleven is the law of Involution and Evolution at work together while its Sacred Double makes up the 12th position.

22. DWAVIMSHATIHA - The Interwoven Duads form the Sign of the SELF or the Soul, the Sacred Swastika.

The Chaldeans held he numbers 11 and 22 to be sacred as well as the Hindus. When Chaldeaic Hebrew was developed into a written language, 22 letters were chosen. This alphabet can be divided evenly into two distinct parts containing 11 letters each (ten consonants and half vowel). This allowed for a cryptogram like secret writing where a letter from one section was substituted for its counterpart in the other section. Esoteric teachings and hidden messages were coded in this manner and the Hebrew Scriptures can be translated with an entirely different meaning than the historical one generally ascribed.

[NOTES: So far I've dropped the small figures that add up tot he present ones. I wonder if the PANCH is right. Should a bottom line be there?Also, the somewhat crude drawing program made No. 11 what it looks like. Does it pass inspection?]

Hindus hold that language is sacred and call the Sanskrit script Devanagari, the Handwriting of God. Each of teh Cyphers or Numbers is thought to be associated with the Chakras or Psychic Centers in the Panch Koshas or Five Bodies of Man. These Chakras or Padmas are:

1. Muladhara 5. Vishuddha 9. Brahmanand

2. Swadisthana 6. Ajna 10. Trikuthi

3. Manipura 7. Sahasrara 11. Swaminana

4. Anahata 8. Narayanana 12. Muktana


From the foregoing it should be readily seen that numbers are formed or made up in particular ways. These patterns represent the Law of the Harmony of Numbers and the following table is extremely important and worthy of being committed to memory as it holds the fundamental secret of detailed analysis and specific balance to be applied to word construction or reconstruction, and name analysis outlined in Chapter Three.

1. 1

2. 1+1

3. 1+1+1 never 1+2 or 2+1

4. 2+2 never 1+3 or 3+1

5. 2+3 never 1+4 or 4+13+2

6. 2+2+2 never 1+5 or 5+13+2+1 or 2+4 or 4+2

7. 3+4 never 1+6 or 6+14+3 or 2+5 or 5+2

8. 4+4 never 1+7 or 7+1 or 2+6 or 6+2 or 3+5 or 5+3

9. 3+3+3 never 1+8 or 8+1or 2+7 or 7+2or 3+6 or 6+3or 4+5 or 5+4


Time (Kala) has been termed the Law of Growth or more correctly the Laws governing growth are bounded by Time. (See Chapters on Karma and Dharma Yuga Cycles for detailed charts.) Time is an expanding force manifesting as growth and disintegrating life and life forces. Space (Dik) has been termed the Realm of Cohesion embodying the Law of Attraction (see Chapters on the Gunas or Personality Characteristics drawn together under Name and Form in the section on Nama Darshana). Space is a realm or area encompassed by a contracting force drawing together atoms for incarnation or re-incarnation.

On the Wheel of Life, TIME and SPACE are represented by nine phases or states and best depicted through the cycle of plant life.

Time Space Plant Life1 Beginning 1 Being (coming into

being)1 Planting time

2 Nurture 2 Association 2 Germination

3 Manifestation 3 Expression 3 Shoots appear

4 Examination 4 Testing (for stability)

4 Tested by the elements (frost, wind, rain)

5 Expansion 5 New life (renewed hope)

5 Rapid growth of new branches

6 Decision 6 Settlement 6 Budding time

7 Materialisation 7 Potential revealed, rest

7 Blossom time

8 Fruition 8 Reward 8 Fruit sets

9 Reflection 9 Universality 9 New seeds collected for replanting


[Note: "In this system, 999 is also represented

by the image of Aum/Om."]

A typical Hindu Yantra showing the evolution ...

7 6 8 3A NA N DA 7



The Dharma or Spiritual Obligation that the individual comes into life to materialise, manifest and fulfill is expressed by the flow of Shakti or Spiritual Energy cascading trough the Higher Centres of Consciousness, the Chakreas or Padmas, into the Lower Centres controlling the physical plexuses, which in turn control the organs, glands, body functions and indeed, even the body cells.

The Dharma or Obligation is worked out in four periods of an individual’s life and these periods are called the Grand Divisions of Human Life (Expression.)

77 6 8


99 9

THE GRAND DIVISIONS OF HUMAN LIFEBrahmacharya Grahastha Vanaprastha SanyassaEducative period

Productive period

Leisure Period Spiritual Goal

1 to 27 27-54 54-81 Any time(actually from birth to the 27th birthday).

(taken from birth day to birthday).

(in reality from the 54th birthday to close of this existence).

(this state is chosen at the wish or call of the Higher mind or Free-Will).

This period is determined by the month of birth.

This period is determined by the birth-day.

This period is determined by the birthday.

The Spiritual goal is determined by a total of the first three numbers.

Example: July 24, 1907July is 7th month, so

Reduce the 24th to a single figure.

Reduce the year to a single figure.

Total and reduce.

7 6 8 3

The Four Grand Divisions of Human Life under the Vedic System were shorter periods than that previously shown. They were considered as:Birth to 21 21 to 42

years42 to 63 years 63 to close of


This is the table to be used if an analysis is to be made using the Hindu Vikrama calendar. The increased life-span of modern man living in modern India leads me to believe that a total application of the western Gregorian calendar and the twendy seven year division may be reasonably made in the twentieth century.

Birth Path: Dharma Marga or Fourth Division of Life

The Dharma Marga, the Birth Path showing the Etheric Centre opened at birth is made up of the total of the Minors. The Minors are also called Ashramas, literally: states of divisions, althought ht word Ashrama has a much deeper spiritual significance and is intended to convey the meaning of a «saint in residence». This fourth state is the most important of all as it signifies Sanyassa Dharma which is the

spiritual state in which the consciousness of the indivudual must be expressed or manifested in this incarnation. Sanyassa is renunciation signifying two Truths, one esoteric, the other exoteric.The hidden or esoteric is that God the Universal renounces His Universality to take flesh in the Individuality; while the exoteric or outer menaing is that the Dharma or Ashrama of Sanyassa, the Birth Path, is the route back to Universality for the Individual. The Dharma Marga and the Sanyassa Ashrama then are synonymous witht the Essence of God manifesting in one’s life, and the form that this Essence takes on is expressed through the other vibratory qualities that go to make up the total nature of an individual. It is also the key to the way and parth to the Divine Essence from which all life springs.


The Dharma Marga shows the main or significant Chakras, Padmas, or psychic centres opened by the taking of the first breath, or more correctly opened by the Prana, the Universal Power-Energy, during the first breath, allowing for a flow of Life’s currents through these centres into the physical body. The Birth Centre is deduced from the Birth Path, and this Centre never fully closes except at the death of the physical body. The Minors show Centres that are opened, just opened or partially opened during the appropriate periods reckoned from the month, day, and year of birth.

Example: July 24, 1907 7 6 8 = 3

7 6 8The Seventh Centre, Sahrasrara Chakra, is open from birth to 27th birthday.

The Sixth Centre is activated from 27 to 54th birthday. Ajna is the Sixth Centre.

The Eighth Centre, Narayanana is open from the 54th birthday to the close of life span.

The Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Centres must receive their Power or Shakti through the Life Centre or the Third Chakra, so the degree to which they open must be reckoned from a harmony or compatibility of the numbers representing the Chakras or Centres.

Whether the Chakras or Centres represented by the Minors are fully open, or only activated to some lesser level is dependent upon a harmonious relationship of vibrations interplaying these Cnertes. If the Minor is in the same concourse of cyphers, odd or even, then the Centre is open and manifesting through to the physical level of emotions and body. Or the Centre will open during the appropriate period of life represented by the Minor. Or in the opposite concourse, the Chakra is just barely opening, or opened, and functions in such a manner that the body may not be nourished physically to the degree necessary to function well. This can be corrected by blanacing up the

name. If the name has a beneficial harmony, this Centre will function in accordance with that balance. If the Minor under consideration is the Ajna Chakra repesented by the number 6, then the Centre is more than half activated.


Inspirational Odd numbersIntrospective Psychic

1 3 5 7 9 11 Arts 2 4 6 8 22 Science

Technical Analytical Logical Even numbers

1,3,5,7,9, 11 are in the same concourse.2,4,6,8, and 22 are in the same concourse.

6 can harmonise with both concourses, as 6 is the number of mind, the Universal.

If the Dharma Marga or Birth Path is an inspirational in the top row, then all odd numbers will be positive (+) for this Birth Path and the even numbers in the lower concourse will be negative (-). If the Birth Path is an even number then the lower concourse will be positive (+) for that Birth Path and the upper concourse of odd numbers will be negative (-).

To make an analysis of the Birth Path and the Chakras open, look to the birth day or rather the birth date.

Example: July 24, 1907 reduces to 7 6 8 = 3. Look up the total of the month, day and year, the 3, and on the table above find it to be in the Inspirational concourse and positive and positive for this analysis, so 3+. Now look to the First Minor to see whether this 3 could manifest during the first twenty seven years of life. The First Minor is a 7 and also in the smae concourse, there 7 is positive or 7+. Look up the Middle Minor in the same fashion and find it to be a 6, the go-between number, and so a 6+. Look up the last or Third Minor to see what circumstances and obligation will rule this part of the future. The number is an 8, in the opposite concourse and thereby negative 8-. This will be a difficult Minor for this individual except there be some mitigating circumstances found in a deeper analysis of the make-up or in a unique balance achieved in the Nama Karana or name making. To make a finer analysis return to the table on the Harmony of Numbers [on page 10?] and ponder the way numbers are made up. The 8 at question here is made up of 4+4, the four is made up of 2+2, while the 2 itself is made up of 1+1. Whether a 3 can manifest through an 8 and to what degree should now be obvious. A 3 is made up of 1+1+1 and the 2 is also made up of ones. Eight is the cube of two, symbol of

Perfection. Three therefore can manifest in these mitigating circumstances only if perfection or balance is given in the name.

(See the next Chapter Four on Nama Darshana and Name Karana for these tables needed.)

In the sample analysis of 7+6+8- = 3+, the Third Chakra or Centre is open as the Birth Centre and the Dharma Marga or Birth Path is set by the Chakra opened at birth. Along with this Centre the Seventh will also be onepn from birth to the 27th birthday and, indeed, if the next Minor is compatible or there is blanace at the name level it may remain open. In this case the Second Minor is a 6+ and indicates that the Sixth Centre is open from 27th to 54th birthday and the 6+ will allow the 7+ of the First Minor to continue to function. In the last Minor governed by the 8-, a negative 8 with some mitigating forces and circumstances at work, the 8 will barely open following the 54th birthday, but it will open. It will only become fully operative and allow a clear flow of Life's force if there is harmony elsewhere in the name, or through right life practices. Certain Yoga techniques found in Laya Yoga will open this Centre but for it to remain open the total experiece of realization will be necessary.

A very special note to the proud, the ego filled, and ignoble.

There is no such thing as one Birth Path being better than another; one inferior to another; or one more difficult than another.. Life or God is completely positive and good. The Birth Path represents the positive and good that the Life force takes through human experience. The Jivan, Atman, Self, or soul is always good and positive.As a further encouragement to the seeker let this paragraph be worth the whole chapter. GREAT MASTERS HAVE COME FROM EVERY WALK OF LIFE AND BIRTHPATH.



Nama Karana is the world’s oldest by-product of the human mind. In the Scriptures of the earth the Name and the making of the Name are of supreme importance. The naming or identification of God and His creation is demonstrated by the Hindus calling God as the Naam or the Essence; the search for the Holy Name of God by the Jews and their revelation of the Holy Trinity in the Tetragrammaton made up of three letters from the Chaldeaic alphabet. Ya Va Ha, Yaveh Yawahe Iahaveh and other. close spellings make up an alphabetical triangle or Trinity decoded into the numbers 3, 6, and 9. Like the Hindu Pranava DRUM which decodes into 999, the Number of God, each of these figures stands for the action of one part of God’s Triune Nature. The 3 is Brahma, the Creator; the 6 is Vishnu the Sustainer and 9 is Siva the Holy Spirit. Three is the number of expression, 6 is the number of mind while 9’ is the Universal Power.

The Holy Name is always a vibration inferring Balance. Naam is 358, the balance of Perfect Expression (3) through Creation (5) into Perfect Matter (8). When God, the Perfect (Expression) takes on form in creation (Matter) He manifests as Rupa or Form. Rupa is 718, the Divine mystery (manifesting through the principle of creation (1), and expressing in Matter(8). When Hindus call God Namarupa they express God as the Perfect Trinity, 369. This Perfect Trinity is also expressed as Satchidananda; Sat or Truth Eternal (3); chid or chit, manifesting through all phases of mind (6), and Ananda,God’s Bliss (9). The total vibration of Satchidananda is 999, the Number of God, the Total Creator/Sustainer/Changer of the Universe. Note: All of the above words were analyzed using a system decoding the Sanskrit alphabet (Samskrita: perfect language). The Sanskrit alphabet is called the Varnamala, lit, “a garland of color” (aurt c vibration); the vowels, of which there are 16, are called Swarah the Soul the language. The spoken tongue is called Prakriti, lit., “God amongst us”. The consonants are called Vyanjnam, lit., “the Stairway to Hidden Knowledge”.

The system for analysis of Sanskrit or Hindi differs slightly, or more correctly, is more complicated than the system that is presented here for the analysis of English and other European languages. In Sanskrit every consonant carries with it an inherent vowel, the short “a”, and certain consonants can be shortened when added to another consonant as well as the joining of vowels other than the short “a to any consonant. A system like this is not found in any European tongue. Example: The consonants in Sanskrit and Hindi, and Indian languages, carry an inherent vowel sound so that the letter K is Ka. G is Ga. etc. In English the letter K is a 2 (see page 25) but in

Sanskrit/Hindi it is 189; G is 7 in English but is 123 in Sanskrit/Hindi. In an analysis the values are written thus

(1) (1) This process of substituting letters fornumbers was the origin of Algebra.

8 for Ka, 2 for Ga.

(9) (3)

These values are arrived at by finding the letter Ka on the table above. It is found under the column number 8. The inherent vowel “a” is in column number 1. The vowel number is written on top, the consonant number below, and then totalled.

The upper-bracketed figure represents the hidden or inherent value of the vowel and the lower bracketed figure the total of the vowel and consonant. These two figures are the unknown which becomes known through letter substitution or algebra.


1. If the letter is a vowel (a to h) then the number must be the top figure. The middle number will have to be the difference between this figure and 9, as 9 will have to be the bottom number.Example: If the vowel a is a 2. The difference between 2 and 9 is 7 so the total is 2.

2. If the letter analyzed is a consonant then this will be the middle number. The missing vowel is the inherent ‘a, so the value is 1. Total the 1 and the consonant number for a total.

(1)Example: 7 na is 1 and the inherent vowel is 1, so the total is 2 or 1


3. If the letter is a half consonant then the missing vowel is 'a' which is 9. (9)Example: 7 n is 1, the missing value is 9, and the total is 1: 1 (1)

4. Vowel sounds other than the short 'a' are added to the inherent value and totalled over the value of the consonant. 5Example: ni --~ n is 1, i is 4 + 1 for the inherent vowel = 5, or

1 6

5. If any word ends in a consonant which is sounded with the inherent vowel rather than any other combinations of vowels then the missing vowel number is a nine (9).

Example: ANANDA BHAVANANI (In this entire analysis I am using my name and birthdate)

2 (1) (9) (9) 3 3+9 = 3A ('n na 1 n 1 da 4 4

(4) 7 4+8 = 3

(1) 2 (1) 5 9 7+8 = 6Bha 5 va (1) na 1 ni 1 8 (6) (3) (2) 6 8



"Everything vibrates" applies to the letters of the alphabet as well as to the atom or any state in the planes of matter or mind. Each letter has a vibration that is represented by its position in a vibratory scale measured by apportioning any alphabet to a numerical table. This table has nine manifestations governed by the ciphers 1 through 9 giving an arbitrary numerical value to each letter of the alphabet.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A B C D E F G H IJ K L M N O P g RS T U V W X Y Z

Each letter in a grouping does not have precisely the same value. A, J and S are all in column 1 but each differs slightly as to how the power of the 1 vibrates through it. For the time being all of the letters will be taken at face value and a more detailed explanation of the subtle differences will be made under the heading "Changes Under the Name" section.


Business names, Countries, States, Cities etc can be all analyzed for their harmony or disharmony.

1. Find the numerical value for the vowels and write these above the word. Find the numerical value of the consonants and write these below the word. Total these values at the end of the word and add together to form a three-numbered figure.

2. Analyze the word as though it were a person, giving it all the qualities and meaning possible.

3. If the incorporation date of a business is known, it is treated as a Birth Path, as is the National Holiday of a Country.

Examples: United States of America - Great Britain – Canada

3 9 5 = 8 1 5 = 6 6 = 6 1 5 9 1 = 7 9United States of A m e r i c a 5 2 4 = 2 12 2 1 = 6 6 = 6 4 9 3 = 7 3

1 3 3 5 3

Analysis of destiny of U.S.A. A desire to help and serve. Based upon the highest ideals. Express through entertainment. Scattering.

5 1 = 6 9 1 9 = 1 7G r e a t B r i t a i n7 9 2 = 9 2 9 2 5 = 9 9

6 1 7

Analysis of destiny of Great Britain: Staid, sober, and reflective. Land of cathedrals, churches. Express through high ideals and leadership although too reserved.

1 1 1 = 3Canada3 5 4 = 3


Analysis of destiny of Canada: Extroverted nation, loving expression and good things of the world. Expressing her voice in high places with dignity and assurance. Solid.


1. Work out the Minors represented as the month, day and year of birth and total for the Birth Path. (See page 13 and 14).

2. 2.Analyze the Birth Path to see whether the Major Lesson of the Birth Path can manifest through the Minors and mark the + or - accordingly.

3. Work out the legal name along with the surname and finish with three totals. One for the first name, one for the family name, and the total of these two. Nicknames, short forms, initials can be worked out separately, especially a business signature.

4. Using the Table of Concourses (see page 16) analyze the + or - manifestations of each number (see below).

5. When there is a negative (-) look immediately for an ameliorating or mitigating factor. Example: the number being analyzed may have harmony with the Minor Lesson or the Cycle (see Karma and Dharma Yugas), which may balance it up.


The Birth Path is always positive + and the key to name analysis is taken using the Birth Path number as the basis. 1. If the number being considered (in the minor POSITIVE

or the name) is the same number then place "xxx" after it. XXX

2. If the number is in the same concourse (odd or even) place "xx" after it. XX

3. If the number being considered is the number 6 place "x" after it. x

4. If the number being considered is in the opposite NEGATIVE concourse then place "- - -" after it.

- - - 5. If the number is influenced by one ameliorating ormitigating factor then place "- -" after it. - -

6. If the number is influenced by more than one mitigating factor then place "-" after it. -

Example: ANANDA BHAVANANI 7 + 6 + 8 = 3 July 24 1907

1 1 1 (1+1+1) = 3xxx(PM) 1 1 1 9 (1+1+1+9 = 12) = 3xxx (FPM)

ANANDA BHAVANANI 5 54 (5+5+1=14)= 5xx(OA)28 4 5 5 (2+8+4+5+5 = 24) = 6xx (FOA)

3+5 = 8-(Ex) 3+6 = 9xx (FEx)

3xxx(PM) + 3xxx(FPM) = 6xx(Env)

5xx(OA) + 6xx(FOA) = (1+1) 2-(A)

6xx(Env) + 2- (A) = 8-(D) or 8-(Ex) + 9xx(FEx) = 8-(D)

See page 17 for a breakdown of the ameliorating or mitigating factors shown in this analysis. Note: A still deeper analysis can be made at this point by looking for negative factors to influence the positive xxx signs. If the analysis were to be made from the Sanskrit/Hindi example it would be valid only if this language were being used, in day-to-day life.

Each number represents a specific plane, state of mind orfeeling or circumstance or function.

First name: (ANANDA)

Top number (3) stands for the Plane of Mind of the individual. The manifesting consciousness. (Sum of the vowels) (PM)Middle number, (5) stands for the Outer Appearance of theIndividual. (Sum of the consonants) (OA)Bottom number (8) stands for the Expression of the individualwhether in the way he talks, gestures, walks, expresses in sex, or in any other manner semantically expressive. (Sum of the vowels andconsonants values) (Ex).

Surname: (BHAVANANI)

Top number (3) stands for the Plane of Mind of the individual within (BHAVANANI) the Family Unit, the manifestation of consciousness within a genetic phylum or racial pattern. (Sum of the vowels) (FPM) Middle number (6) stands for the outer appearance of the individual within the family unit. (Sum of the consonants) (FOA)Bottom number (9) stands for the expression of the individual in relationship to the family, genetic phylum or racial pattern. This is the way this person talks, walks, gestures, or expresses in any way relative to the family. (Sum of the vowels and consonants) (FEx).


The total of the Individual Plane of Mind (3), (first name values) plus the family Plane of Mind surname (3) = 6, creates the ENVIRONMENT. (Env)

The total of the Individual Outer Self (5), (first name value) plus the Family Outer Self (surname values) (6) = 2, attracting ASSOCIATIONS. (A)

The total of the Individual Expression (8), (first name value) plus the Family Expression (surname values) (9) = 8, producing the DESTINY.(D)

THREE DEGREES OF ANALYSIS (DARSHANA) can be made:1. Ardhadarshana is a brief perusual, or Scan Analysis. 2. Darshana is a formal, lengthy analysis.3. Purnadarshana is a complete analysis, extensive and in depth.

Ardha (lit: Semi, half, incomplete) is made when only a few facts are available, such as the name and birth date, or time is limited.Darshana (lit: analysis or view point) is a lengthy analysis using the Dharma Marga (Birth Path and Minors) ascertained from the birth date, the legal name and where possible some Cyclic comparison.Purna (lit: extended or complete) is an in-depth analysis of the Birth Path and Minors; legal name, nicknames and business signature; Changes under the name; Group Consciousness; Karma Yugas (Personal Cycles); Dharma Yugas (Solar Cycles); and the Rita Yuga (Cosmic Cycle).

A Brief or Scan Analysis of Name (Darshana)


1 IndividualityOriginalCandidness

Plane of MindOuter Appearance


DominanceSelfish and Egocentric


2 DiplomacyDreamerTactful

Plane of MindOuter Appearance



Passive or Negative

3 Self-expressiveAmbitiousMagnetic

Plane of MindOuter Appearance



4 AnalyticalSteadfastPractical

Plane of MindOuter Appearance



Small-minded, fussy

5 New-lifeVersatileImpulsive

Plane of MindOuter Appearance



Sarcastic and cutting

6 IntellectualConscientiousSympathetic

Plane of MindOuter Appearance


Mental UnbalanceInterferenceArrogant

7 IntrospectiveRefinedDignified

Plane of MindOuter Appearance




8 JusticeExecutive Ability


Plane of MindOuter Appearance




9 UniversalIdealistIntuitive

Plane of MindOuter Appearance




Note: The above table can be used either for a first name or the surname, a nickname or proper name of a country, place, object, or value.

Darshana Or Analysis Of A NameA deeper analysis of a name can be made from the following table, while a complete analysis (Purnadarshana) should be made using the table given for each numerical value in the appropriate chapters. In this table the word Mind = Plane of Mind; Appearance = Outer Appearance, as one sees this individual; and Expression means full expression - walk, talk, gesture, sexual expression.



1 INDIVIDUALITY OriginalCreativePioneeringIndependentHonest

Mind DOMINANCEEgoismSelfishUnsympatheticScepticMaterialist

1 An original thinkerwith great strengthand endurance. Frugal and honest and square.

Appearance Wrapped up in “self”, conceited, contrary, argumentative and inconsistent.

1 Candid and honestHand-craftsmanshipWitty

Expression Blunt of speech and action, belligerent irritable uncouth(rough)

2 DIPLOMACYAccommodatingSensitivenessInspirationalCleverInventive

Mind PROCRASTINATIONLazy-mindedAnxietyIndecisionInferiorityGreed

2 An easy-going, sensitive dreamer, pleasant, quick of mind artisticallycreative. Accommodating.Naturally kind and agreeable. Sociable.

Appearance A baleful, inadequatevegetable, a leaner whois painfully passive,late for appointments, a dawdling gossip wallowing in feeble mediocrity.

2 TactfulAgreeable(compromising)Intuitive

Expression IndecisiveRepetitiveFrigid (passive)

3 SELF-EXPRESSIONArtistryConfidenceLogically persuasive Magnetic PersonalityAmbitious

Mind INTOLERANCECarelessnessArgumentativeOver emotionalDeceitTreachery

3 Friendly, generous to a fault,confident,full of life extrovert.Talented and humorous.Artistic and adjustableto environment, verbose but jolly and humorous.

Appearance An easily irritated,argumentative hypocrite jealous and backstabbing.Extravagantly spend-thrifty,chasing pleasures of the world with prodigiousemotional appetites.

3 Loquacious HumorousProfound

Expression QuarrelsomeJustifyingPrevarication

4 ANALYTICAL SteadfastMaterialistPragmaticalDependablePractical

Mind DISCONTENTLacking idealsSuspicious ContraryInstinctiveStingy

4 A hard-working, mechanical, systematic, persistent person. Faithful, punctual, patriotic, and can stand monotony and routine.

Appearance A colorless, stingy miser (hoarder),small- minded and cruel. A "doubting Thomas",lustful,pitiless andoffensively belligerent.

4 TechnicalPragmaticExactness (detailing)

Expression InflexibleDreary (colorless)Cruel

5 NEW LIFE InvestigativeFreedom-lovingAdventurousSelf analyticalHonest

Mind INDULGENCESelf-centeredUnsociableHostileSuffers delusionsContemptuous

5 A nomad looking for a place to "tent", adjustable, but impulsive; ambitious for travel and change; a Robin Hood with

Appearance An unstable,changeable,moody person, self-centered,unsystematic, unforgiving,grudge carrier,who dishesit out but can't take

progressive ideas, considered a radical who is very versatile with the hands and mind.

it. Unappreciative of things done for them, intensely discordant and disorderly.

5 Frank and openCharitable(judges fairly)Easily excited

Expression BrusqueCuttingUncouth

6 RELIABILITYVisionaryIntellectualCommanding Observant Family loving

Mind INTERFERRING (meddling)Lacking concentrationMentally disturbed OverbearingSelf-centeredPedantic

6 A cheerful, conscientious intellectual,modest, trustful,and forgiving with concern for others.Versatile and talented,virile(strong) with poise, trustful and confident.Loves family ties and service.

Appearance An interfering meddler,critical of others, over bearing to the point of arrogance. Devious and contrary, they are supercilioussnobbish and filled with unfounded fears.

6 Expansive Earnest Cheerful

Expression ArrogantOver-ridingCritical (nagging)

7 PLACID RefinedAltruisticIntrospectiveStudiousPhilosophical-Religious

Mind TURBULENCE OversensitiveRepressedTense and explosiveEnvyMaliciously jealous

7 A refined, dignified altruist,studious and stoic, inspirational, meditative,and alover of nature. Reticent, but not withdrawn, optimistic, relaxed and composed. Mild and congenial, enjoying solitude, good music (especially the organ); they have literary ability.

Appearance Repressed and secretive, they are schemers, negativelyOver sensitive and repressed. Lacking verbal expression they resort to malice to express jealousy of the spiritual growth of others. Sullen and surly, they are victims of stormy emotions and frantic outbursts.

7 Refined Mild Humble

Expression SuppressedSurlinessDerisive of others

8 INTEGRITYAstuteGratitudeMercy

Mind CUNNING (canny)Avarice (greed)MiserlyRuthless

8 An ever-tempered, well organized executive type with organization ability, retentive of memory and wealth, cheerful and lenient with the faults of others, they are equally charitable. Merciful, and valorous.

Appearance Selfish and boastful,shrewd and unscrupulous,they must domineer andcontrol others. They desire power for power's sake, and are cold and calculating.Miserly, their greed takes over their nature and they become destructive.

8 Charitable LenientGratitude

Expression NarrowInsidiousDeceitful

9 UNIVERSAL LOVEIdealismVisionary IntuitiveMagnanimity Genius

Mind NEGATIVE DESIRESIntemperate PretentiousLuxury-lovingSelf-pityParasitic

9 A humble, gentle idealist. Patient and merciful, a receiver of inner teachings, wise yet dispassionate. Has dramatic flair and musical appreciation. Affable, sincere and impartial they are capable of real renunciation. (The near genius of the nine should be explored only from the spiritual level.)

Appearance A self-pitying, selfloathing, temperamentalscatter-brain. Easilyinfluenced by emotions;they lack shrewdness andconcentration of time and effort as well as mind. Intemperate and outlandish, they destroy themselves by a parasitic desire forluxury, paying any cost to achieve it.

9 UnderstandingSincerityIntuition

Expression TemperamentalDiscordantSelf-pitying

NOTE: The numbers eleven (11) and twenty-two (22) should be analysed at this time as a very positive or negative two (2) in the case of the 11; and as a very positive or negative four (4) in the case of a 22.

Table To Analyse The EnvironmentNO. POSITIVE NEGATIVE

1 Independence;Creatively explorative;Hard work but rewarding;Original.

Always beginning, false starts,engaging in false endeavors.

2 Sensitive but always moving forward;Creative planning.

Procrastinating, full ofindecision, Gold-bricking.

3 Fortunate, Creatively expressive.

Scattered effort, Careless, Disillusionment.

4 Technical, analytical and steady.

Mundane, hard work and muchdiscontent.

5 Rapid changes, new and exciting.

Frustration, chaos and emotional indulgences.

6 Balanced and reliable, mentally sound.

*Interference, worry andhardship

7 Tranquil, peaceful, placid and refined.

Turbulent and repressed,Secretive and suspicious.

8 Organized, financial and enterprising.

Selfish and domineering, debts and misery.

9 Idealism and service Personal losses through unchecked passions and desires.

*N.B. it is difficult to have a –6 except in certain cycles or underTable To Analyse Associations


1 Original Thinkers, Creators.

Destructive “dead-beats”.

2 Social contacts. Leaners and parasites.

3 Artistic and inspirational. Pleasure lovers.

4 Scientific Analytical. Mundane thinkers.

5 People on the "Go". Social outcasts.

6 Intellectuals, and those in service to humanity.

Emotionally and mentallyill, the needy.

7 Spiritual thinkers. Repressed and depressed.

8 Business and finance. Con-men and hucksters.

9 Humanitarians. The self-indulgent.

conflicting Minors, such as 2, 7, or 9. see Chapter on Cycles.

Table To Analyse The Destiny (Fate)NO. POSITIVE NEGATIVE

1 Personal fulfilment. Always starting things for someoneelse to gain the reward.

2 Fulfilment through and in association with others.

Parasitic enslavement.

3 Emotional fulfilment. Emotional enslavement,(Lucky but pitiful).

4 Success in the mundane world.

Material slavery without reward forhard labours.

5 Fulfilment through action. Personal chaos. Accident-prone.

6 Mental fulfilment, stability.

Insanity.(see N.B.under 'Environment'.).

7 Spiritual fulfilment. Abandonment, aloneness.

8 Total fulfilment of desires needs, and ambitions.

Bankruptcy in every field ofaction and need.

9 Universal fulfilment Self-destruction.


Construction of a name, title or word follows the same general rule: The name, title, or word must allow for a manifestation of consciousness, meaning, or value.

1. First consideration must be given to the Dharma Marga or the Birth Path and the potentials inherent in these if you are constructing a name for a person or animal. The Birth Path is set by Life and Life has a purpose for this individual. In the case of a business, the type of business and balance to that vibration must be of prime importance. The Birth Path of a Business, Company or Incorporation can be manipulated by arranging for the day of Incorporation or signing of an agreement to launch a business. This date represents the birth of the business.

2. Where possible a name must be chosen or created which will allow for a free flow of consciousness throughout all three periods represented by the Minor Lessons (month, day, and year of birth). In the case of a girl (woman) a surname change is likely through marriage so the first lesson or First Minor Number/Name Balance is of greater importance.

3. The Birth Path must have a channel for mental expression. Water flows best through a pipe, electricity through wire, smoke through a drafted flue. Water and smoke will flow through a pipe but not through a wire; smoke will not flow through a wire and to flow electricity through a water pipe could be fatal. So then, the Plane of Mind of the Individual must be considered first:

(a) The Birth Path should manifest through the same number as in the Plane of Mind. This is ideal.

(b) Or the Birth Path should manifest through the number 6.

(c) Or the Birth Path should manifest through a harmonious number in the same concourse.

4. Next to the Plane of Mind of the Individual, the Expression Number must be given importance. The Plane of Mind must have a vehicle in harmony with its plane and purpose.

(a) The Plane of Mind should manifest through the same number as in the Expression of the Individual. This is ideal.

(b) Or the Plane of Mind should manifest through the number 6.

(c) Or the Plane of Mind of the Individual should manifest through a harmonious number in the same concourse.

Though in the same concourse, some expression numbers may not be as desirable as others. The Expression Number must be carefully weighed to allow maximum manifestation of the Plane of Consciousness.

Example: In the odd concourse the 1 may be "too blunt" as an expression number, the 5 may be "too active and changeable ", the 7 may be "lacking in expression" for the Plane of Mind number. In the even concourse the 2 may be "too easy-going" while the 4 may be "too plodding" for the Plane of Mind of the Individual.

5. Little attention need be paid to the Outer Self number represented as the middle figure or number of the vibratory total of a word, title, or name. This is how the person appears to others. It is the self which is shown on the exterior, the "front" which one puts up as a 'red herring' protector of the Real Self. This picture need not be a true one, and most often is but a poor reflection of the psychological make up of the individual, but it becomes important when added with the Outer Self of the family name as it draws the ASSOCIATIONS that this individual has in life.

6. The surname is now considered under the same rules (part one and four) as for the individual or given name. The surname represents the phylum or genetic line, the family tree.The balance between the Birth Path and family or racial name will determine how the individual exists within the family pattern; while the expression number will show how this person expresses as a member of the family.

7. The total of the numerical values of the individual personal name when added to the family or racial name will give a total representing the ENVIRONMENT, ASSOCIATIONS and DESTINY of the person carrying that name. As the environment may be changing to some degree or other; as the associations may be changing continually to some degree, so also the destiny of the individual appears to be changing. A knowledge of the Karma Yuga cycles is necessary at this time to fully comprehend how that apparent change is possible. Actually these three values are not changing; rather men pass through time causing apparent changes. There is an old Hindu adage. One thinks time passes, but TIME says, "man passes".

Perfect balance would be hard to find, as it would require a strange set of circumstances or coincidence of birth date and name balance.

Example: The person would have to be born in September, on the ninth, eighteenth or twenty - seventh of the same month, in a year which would total out to a nine, so that the complete total would be nine (9), Sept. 27th (9), 1908 (9) = 9.

9 9 9The first name would have to be 9 and the surname 9 for total of 9 9 9 9

As is apparent, the use of two names complicates the balance. At one time man used only one name but as revenue was needed for the maintenance of economic considerations, a surname or family name was added so that one John could be recognized on tax lists from any other John, John the Baker became John Baker. John who lived on the hill was distinguished from John who lived in the dale by John Hill and John Dale. John the priest was separated from John from London and the clan ties became surnames as John of the Donald clan became John Mcdonald. John (Sean) of the Keiths became Sean O'Keefe. The Mac, Mc, O'(ou), fon, von, van of Europe and the north of India all mean 'of the clan...' John's son became Johnson and so on, and on.


When balancing a name, or creating a name, title, or word consider only one name at a time. In the case of a name, check the Birth Path first. The best balance would be a Plane of Mind number, which is the same as the Birth Path and an Expression in the same number (with certain reservations as noted above).

Example: July (7), 24th (6), 1907 (8) = 3.

Best BalanceIn the First Minor. In the Second Minor. In the Last or Final Minor.

3 3 34 3 57 6 8


From the Birth Path, the Minors, and the Name it is possible to give an analysis of the Psychic Centers or Chakras, which are, open or closed in the individual being analyzed. There are twelve Chakras in all: five spinal centers, four cranial, and three purely etheric. The last three are open for everyone as they represent Forces of Grace. The nine lower cranial and spinal centers are represented by the numeral 1 through 9.



1 Muladhara Sacral/Pelvic Rooted at the 4th and 5th sacral.

2 Swadhistana Hypogastric Rooted at the 1st lumbar.

3 Manipura Solar/Epigastric Rooted at the 8th thoracic/dorsal.

4 Anahata Cardiac Rooted at the 7th cervical.

5 Vishuddha Pharyngeal Rooted at the 3rd cervical.

6 Ajna Cavernous Rooted at the 1st cervical and around the pituitary.

7 Sahasrara Around the pineal and the medulla oblongata

8 Narayanana Around the cerebellum.

9 Brahmanand Around the cerebrum.

10 Trikuthi Around the Foramen of Magendi.

11 Swarninana Around the thalamus.

12 Muktana Around the subarachnoid cavity.

The Dharma Marga or Birth Path represents the Life Center or Chakra, which is opened with the first breath of Life. This Center is open to some degree during the entire lifetime. The Center represented by the Minor Lesson is open to some degree during the time of its particular influence and may remain open if the next Minor is in harmony or the name will allow an extra period of manifestation.

The Plane of Mind of the Individual, the Plane of Mind of the Family, the Individual Expression, and the Expression within the Family all represent Centers: open if in harmony, closed if in disharmony. The Environment and the Destiny can also represent Centers if in harmony with the Birth Path. The Outer Self of the Individual and the Outer Personality of the Family, along with the Associations do not represent Centres or Chakras as they are externals.

Each Chakra has a certain number of "petals". For example, Muladhara has four "petals"; Swadhisthana has six; Manipura has ten; Anahata has 12; Vishudha Chakra has 16 and Ajna Chakra has two. The seventh Chakra Sahasrara Chakra is called the "thousand - petalled lotus". Each of the petals has a Bija sound associated with it. Various "qualities" exhibited by the human personality are deeply and mystically connected to each of these Bija sounds. It is here in this deep mystic level that one can understand the relationship between sound (as manifested through Mantra and name) and human personality traits. Hence, if a Chakra or Padma (lotus) is fully open, all the "qualities" associated with each of the "petals" will have a tendency to be manifested, providing that mitigating circumstances do not block this manifestation or warp it. This is why it is taught in Yoga that a perfectly Realized Master will have all twelve Chakras fully blown and opened, hence, exhibiting all possible human qualities at the most refined and subtle level.


If the number being considered is:


1. The same number as the Birth Path, then the Center is open(+++).

2. In the same concourse, then the Center is partially open (++).

3. The number is a "6", then the Center is just open (+).


4. In the opposite concourse, then the Center is closed (- - -).

5. Influenced by a mitigating force (- -), possible to open.

6. Influenced by more than one mitigating force (-), can be opened.

The Centers opened also represent the phases of Yoga that would be most easily mastered by the individual, while the numbers of the closed Centers represent the Yoga’s, rather phases of Yoga that the individual should study or practice.


1) Hatha Yoga - Body postures (Asanas), activities (Kriyas), controls (Mudras), restraints (Bandhas), health and hygienic routines, diet and natural living.

2) Gnana Yoga - Study to develop the Intellect. Concentration and creative processes for introspection.

3) Pranayama Yoga - Breath controls, restraints and disciplines.

4) Karma Yoga - The Yoga of Selfless Service in the light of the Law of Cause/ Effect.

5) Raja Yoga - Disciplines to gain emotional control.

6) Mudra Yoga - A study of Yantra or Symbolism motivating all phases of Mind.

7) Mantra Yoga - The study and application of sound formulas or Mantras to the Law of Vibration.

8) Laya Yoga - The esoteric and secret teachings and practices of the arousal and control of Kundalini Shakti, Life Force.

9) Bhakti Yoga - The Yoga of Devotion to the Higher Self.


Rules the head and feet.

Rules the kidneys and the fluids of the body.

Rules the lungs, skin, and liver.

The skeletal structure, muscles, growths.

Solar Plexus and gastric functions.

Emotional/mental conditions.

Heart and respiratory conditions.

Gonads and sex organs.

Glandular and nervous disorders.

11: Psychic disturbances of emotional/physical nature.

22: Psychic disturbances of a psycho-mental nature.

Note: Many diseases are a combination of a number of factors and not just the analysis from a single number. A general rule may be followed: If a number is negative, then a disease or tension problem is present, open or hidden from view, and will manifest in the appropriate cycle of time.



• (Eds. note - Analysis for numbers 4-9 is missing from manuscript.)

Complete or extensive 'analysis of each number 1 through 3 will be given in this chapter. The analysis of each number is valid wherever the number is found in the name, birth path, or cycle, etc:

Qualities Associated with Number One (1)

The ONE (1) is Positive, Dynamic, Creative, Original, Independent, and represents the origin, the start, of things.

In an analysis use the qualities for the ONE (1) if the symbols are positive (+) from the Positive or left hand column and if negative from the Negative or right hand column1.


Short Analysis Disease

1 Positive in opinion1 but2 Passive in action.

1 Head tension Puffy 1 Facial appearance 2 Swollen feet and ankles.

1 Original and creative 2 With 3 good expression.

1 Good health generally but2 Headaches, skin eruptions.3 Weak wrists and ankles.

1 A positive mind becomes3 bogged down by the plodding4 expression and materialism.

1 Head pressure, eye congestion3 abdominal disorders, leg and4 foot deformities.

1 Original, inventive 4 and 5 very active

1 Tension from being too active4 stomach trouble, fallen arches,5 accidents to the legs and feet.

1 Straight forward 5 and 6 moral, honest.

1 Head tension from worry5 during stress periods, 6 Anxiety.

1 Creativeness too restricted6 by 7 lack of expression.

1 Allergies, sinusitis, loss of6 Hair and teeth, chest conditions,7 Asthma and heart trouble.

1 Creative mind seeks 7 outlet in8 mundane business.

1 Head tensions, sex gland 7 disorders,8 growths.

1 An original mind will seek 8 a way to express

1 Head tensions from nervous strain8 and glandular disorders,

POSITIVE NEGATIVEIndividuality DominanceOriginality Single-mindedness(one tracked)Uniqueness EgoisticStrength Self-centeredCandid ConceitedCreative Single purposedPioneering Blunt of action(arrogant)Handcraftsmanship Blunt of speech(rude)Independent AbusiveEndurance SelfishHonest Demanding of attentionSelf-sustaining Demanding of affectionInstinctive ness Temperamental (temper)Obedient ScepticalFrugal DisagreeableWitty Mockery (Mimicking)

SarcasticOppositenessContrarietyMaterialisticCovetousnessAnti - theoreticalBelligerentGruffnessUncouth (Rough)Crude (lustful)BestialityTenacity

9 through service. 9 overactive thyroid.1 Creative, straightforward 9 but1 too blunt.

1 Eye strain causes severe9 Disorientation.1 Severe feet trouble.

DISEASES (1) The ONE (1) suffer from tension to the head and the feet. Eye strain eye diseases, nose, mouth, ears, facial skin infections, loss of hair and dent: caries, Fallen arches, growths on the feet, bunions, coins, ingrown nails. The ON (1) suffers from accidents to the head and is always bumping the head getting into cars or in the kitchen or office.

Qualities Associated with the Number TWO (2)

The TWO (2) is Sensitive, Harmonious, Easy-going and Tactful and represents the "Nurturing Stage of Life".

In an analysis, if the symbols are positive take from the left-hand column while if negative take the qualities from the right-hand column.


Diplomacy ProcrastinationCompromising Lazy-mindedAccommodating Easy living (lazy)Hospitable Lacking practicalityEquitable IndifferentOpen-minded CondescendingExpansive IndecisionAppreciative AnxietyInitiative NegativeLikes the finer things of life Repetitious (inept)Sensitive Vague (of speech)Unanimity Disparity (discrepancy)Agreeable PassiveEasy - going Mediocrity (Bourgeois)Ego-altruism DeficientPliant Filled with doubtPleasant Self-critical (negative)Tactful Self-deprecatingComplimentary InferiorityClever (quick of mind) NihilismInventive DawdlingUniformity (of speech and action) Dilemma (quandary)Aptitude (mental and manual) SubversiveInspirational Driveling (gossip)Imaginative GreedArtistically creative FrigidIntuitive Feeble (weak)Instinctive (natural) Vegetate (live in a void)


DISEASES (2) The TWO (2) suffers from tensions which affect the fluids of the body; the kidneys, bladder, and the blood stream and lymph system. They have problems of water retention (oedoma) and the settling of fluids in areas like the feet and ankles. Negative emotional weaknesses like Neurasthenia (the sub-conscious desire to stop functioning) are more prevalent and severe with the 2 than the physical weakness, although the appearance of being feeble, delicate and fragile may be mistaken for a physical rather than an emotional problem.


Short Analysis Diseases2 Diplomatic, tactful with drive and 1 ambition3 creative in the arts & expression.

2 Fluid retention in ankles1 kidney and liver problem3 obesity.

2 Easy going, mild, with2 an energy drive towards4 material things, a planner.

2 Fluid retention,2 minor growths, female disturbances4 constipation, migraines

2 Delightful and creative with good3 sense of values but tense through5 the drive of the 5. Must watch associations as they tend to be “wild”.

2 Low blood sugar digestive attacks, 3 diabetes accident prone, polio and 5 nerve disorders.

2 Good balance, tactful and4 ambitious. Loves family, friends6 and will become nurse, teacher and marry early in life.

2 Healthy most of the time.4 Can be worry wart and6 upset fluids.

2 Sensitive and repressed, feels 5 held back, negative mystic, 7 lacking drive & expression, effeminate.

2 Fluid accumulation, heart distress 5 and disease, chest colds and 7 pneumonia.

2 Positive and well controlled 6 loving the "good things". Moves in

8 the material world, a great go-between.

2 Good health until middle life when 6 suffer problems with ovaries or 8 prostate.

2 Sensitive and drawn to help others 7 through service. Easily influenced 9 through the emotions.

2 Sensitive to changes, colds, flu 7 and glandular fever, thyroid and 9 blood diseases.

2 Passive in opinions, even often 8 without one, but positive in1 action (so they think at least). Destructive

2 Head colds, sinusitis,8 eye disease, fluid retention1 puffy eyes and face.

2 Easy going, lazy beyond belief.9 Can and do use others, glib2 tongue. Enchanting, if a female, a


2 Fluid and lymph problems amnesia, 9 a constant problem, 2 Obese and diabetic.

Qualities Associated with the Number Three (3)

The THREE (3) is self-expressive, confident, and ambitious with a magnetic personality.

In an analysis use the qualities for the Three (3) from the positive or left-hand column if positive and from the negative or right-hand column if negative.

POSITIVE NEGATIVESelf-expressive IntolerantArtistic CarelessMusically talented (usually percussive)

Lacking system (scattering)

Cordial and compatible. ImpracticalConfident Imposing on othersAdjustable (inordinate) Verbose (wordy)Generous ArgumentativeComplimentary QuarrelsomeLogically persuasive IrascibleProfound FoolhardyWorldly Over-emotional (attachments)Discriminative Extravagant (spendthrift)Magnetic personality Pleasure lovingFriendly SensualLively (full of spirit) Prodigious emotional appetitesAmbitious Justifying actions by irrelevantReciprocity LoquaciousnessHumorous Treachery (Judas-traits)

Jealousy (back stabbing)ShamelessDeceitHypocrisyImpostorPrevaricator

DISEASES (3) The THREE suffers from excesses of diet and emotions. The liver, lungs and skin are most affected. Jaundice and bilious attacks are common with belching and burping a noticeable symptom (although their digestion is good). Skin disorders (acne, boils, psoriasis) and weakness of ankles and wrists are outstanding symptoms. They have accidents to the hands and these parts are usually well scarred.


Short analysis Diseases3 An expressive, creative mind1 is hampered by a plodding4 nature & materialistic expression

3 Basic skeletal weaknesses 1 show up here. Needs to watch4 elimination, liver & gall bladder

3 A dynamic personality, talented2 musically and in art, tremendous5 vitality & moves about a lot

3 Good health but has to guard2 against being accident prone to5 hands and feet

3 very balanced creative mind and3 responsible expression of Life's6 force. Tend to marry early.

3 Complexion problems when in3 tense situations.6 Worries cause headaches.

3 The combination of the "express-4 ive mystic", Deep sensory per-7 ception needs balance from birth path for positive manifestation.

3 Sensitive to colds, flu4 and chest conditions.7 Often neurotic.

3 A good combination to carry In5 the material world. Balance be-8 tween philosophical mind & material control needs careful balance with birth path

3 Skin problems. obesity must be5 guarded. Gonadal tension8 prostate.

3 An emotional yet creative mind6 has a good outlet through the 9 expression of service. Over emotional.

3 Skin problems6 caused by thyroid9 when in tense situations

3 A creative, artistic, musical7 talent must express in a limited1 manner. Manually dextrous.

3 Skin blemishes7 eye trouble when tense1 loss of hair.

3 A good expressive mind tends to8 bog down in procrastination and2 easy living. Parasite!

3 Liver, kidney problems.8 Edemas (dropsy) and fluid 2 retention blood disorders.

3 Balance of creative mind9 and expression makes for3 spectacular personality. Lucky!

3 Skin blemishes9 when young. Must3 watch sugar in diet.

(Editor's Note : The detailed analysis of number four through nine are missing from the manuscript but may be learned by undergoing training under competent teacher of Yantra in the Rishi Culture System.)




On the Wheel of Life, 9 distinct variations or periods are found as follows:

1 - SEED PLANTING TIME: The start.

2 - GERMINATION PERIOD: Nurturing through association.

3 - MANIFESTATION PERIOD: Tender shoots emerge. Expression

4 - TESTING PERIOD: Plant must brave elements. Test or examination.

5 - RAPID GROWTH: Putting forth new branches. New life, change.

6 - BUDDING TIME: Time of settlement, Decision.

7 - BLOSSOM TIME: Rest from labours. Sabbath & potential revealed.

8 - FRUITION : Reward for labour.

9 - HARVESTING : Time of gathering. The time of the ending when we experience the bitter with the sweet. A new seed (experience) is chosen from the past nine periods and is used to begin again a newer life in the upcoming one cycle.


1 - Seeding Time - Starting point.

First year. start something new. You must sow seeds of ambition. In the first year of a cycle what you sow should be carried through or should influence the following nine years. You must make every effort to carry through the full cycle what you started in the beginning of a cycle. Do not uproot your plant in the fourth year. You must make every endeavour to sow seeds of ambition, for as you sow, so shall you reap, and if you do not sow you cannot reap. Very positive.

2 - Germination - Association.

An average year, one of growth, very uneventful; just a furthering of what has been started. But if no constructive change was made last year, nature will force you out this year. Further your efforts through social contacts, diplomacy and association with others.

3 - Manifestation - Expression.

This year starts out with wonderful promises, a very good year financially but inclined to be too promising, and in your optimism you are inclined to accept one of

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