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C Annual report 2015 - 1

Swedish Electromobility Centre




This year with Swedish Electromobility Centre .................... 3

SHC becomes Swedish Electromobility Centre ..................... 4

Contribution to targets ............................................................ 6

The Swedish Electromobility Centre as an e-mobility platform .................................................................................. 8

Research advancements ........................................................ 11

System studies and methods ................................................. 13

Electrical machines and drives ............................................. 15

Energy storage ...................................................................... 16

Vehicle analysis .................................................................... 18

Swedish Electromobility Centre projects 2017 .................... 20

Collaboration with other research organisations .................. 23

Outreach ............................................................................... 25

Education .............................................................................. 28

Operations and Finance ........................................................ 30

Project reports ...................................................................... 32

Publications and conference contributions ........................... 95

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This year with Swedish Electromobility Centre

Will we speak about 2017 as the year electromobility took off? The awareness and acceptance of electromobility in society has gone through remarkable change. Swedish Electromobility Centre is affected by the change. We signed on four new partners and have been invited to share knowledge about the future of transport society. Furthermore, the centre more than doubled the research portfolio and the centre’s knowledge sharing activities gained pace with a greater number of focused workshops and thematic meetings as well as outreaching seminars. Closer cooperation and joint workshops between the themes is down to the outstanding work the thematic researchers have done to bridge gaps and share a common idea of the themes’ roles in the centre. The themes now also coordinate their activities to a higher degree. There has always been a willingness to collaborate, but the improved cooperation now is a result of the centre allocating time and resources via the thematic researches.

2017 saw the initiation of the centre’s Summer School on Components and Systems for Electromobility. The PhD course was planned by all three thematic leaders in a tight-knit cooperation. All thematic leaders set aside time and energy in order to contribute and lecture during the entire week. This resulted in an excellent and highly appreciated course. We look forward to doing this again in 2018. The success would not have been possible without them and I am truly grateful to Mats, Göran and Jonas. Manager of the doctoral network, Fernanda Lodi Marzano left the centre during the summer. I would like to extend a warm thank you to her for managing the network activities during the year. Her work has been excellent and much appreciated. Some other highlights from 2017:

• The Centre’s annual conference, Roads to the Future, focused on the e-mobility knowledge and expertise we have today. Speakers, both from academia and industry, presented research in various areas, all united by their relevance to e-mobility.

• Alongside several other partners, Swedish Electromobility Centre financed a demo of the Velove Armadillo, which is a high capacity cargo bike with a 300 km range.

• The Canadian state visit and a delegation from Japan were both examples of the increased awareness the centre has garnered during the year.

The competence, expertise, and genuine enthusiasm inherent in the people working with the Swedish Electromobility Centre is one of the centre’s main strengths. A warm thank you to our partners, the thematic leaders, all researchers, and the Swedish Energy Agency for supporting the vision of making the Electromobility Centre a dynamic and inclusive Centre of Excellence. A heartfelt and warm thank you to everyone!

Elna Holmberg Director, Swedish Electromobility Centre

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SHC becomes Swedish Electromobility Centre

As of 1 February 2017, former Swedish Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Centre (SHC) changed its name to Swedish Electromobility Centre and designed a new logo and webpage. The new name reflects the centre’s width and role as a platform for e-mobility in Sweden. Swedish Electromobility Centre is a national excellence centre for research and development of hybrid and electric vehicles. The centre was established in 2007 by the Swedish Energy Agency in partnership with Swedish automotive industry and academia. Electromobility Centre unites Swedish e-mobility expertise and is a base for cooperation between academia, industry, and society. The centre’s main task is to develop and optimize existing and future e-mobility solutions for energy-efficient and eco-friendly electric and hybrid vehicle concepts. Our research activities concern the drivetrain with its components and control system as well as the

infrastructure itself, communication between vehicles, and the vehicle’s ability to utilize the infrastructure. The centre has grown and the list of collaboration partners likewise. The partners include actors in the areas of automotive OEMs, technology suppliers, energy agencies, technical universities and one municipality. Current partners (January 2018) are: AB Volvo, Volvo Car Corporation, Scania CV AB, BorgWarner Sweden AB, China-Euro Vehicle Technology AB (CEVT), Autoliv Development AB, Swedish Energy Agency, Vattenfall AB, Mariestad Municipality, Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, and Uppsala University.

Program council for the Centre: Jonas Fredriksson (Chalmers), Mats Andersson (AB Volvo), Maria Grahn (Chalmers), Elna Holmberg (Electromobility Centre), Anders Grauers (Chalmers), Peter Vävbrand (Linköping University) Robert Eriksson (Volvo Cars), Eva Pålsgård (Uppsala University), Hans-Olof Dahlberg (Swedish Energy Agency), Nils-Gunnar Vågstedt (Scania) Absent in photo: Jan Wikander (KTH), Erik Swietlicki (Lund University), Anders Berndtsson (Trafikverket), Johan Tollin (Vattenfall)

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Research focus For several years the centre has carried out research within four thematic areas. In addition, the centre has also worked with fuel cell technologies in a cooperation project with Energiforsk. This year, the fuel cell team was incorporated as a fifth thematic area. Our research is therefore now conducted within five thematic areas: ▪ System studies and methods, ▪ Electrical machines and drives, ▪ Energy storage, ▪ Vehicle analysis and ▪ Fuel cells. We promote both deep, focused technical studies and cross-discipline research across universities. Electromobility Centre gives courses for doctoral students and runs a doctoral student network. We also host a daily analysis of activities on the global arena, distributed in the newsletter OmEV. Our research and activities make us a stakeholder in national and international e-mobility discussions.

A network centre One of the centre’s primary functions is to stimulate and promote electric and hybrid vehicle related research at Swedish universities. The research conducted within the centre spans five technical universities and a range of different research disciplines, all of which are connected by their relevance to electric and hybrid vehicle technology, charging infrastructure and connection to the grid. The advantage with the set-up is that it leads to genuine cooperation and knowledge-sharing between

universities and industries within the thematic areas as well as within the Electromobility Centre as a whole. The centre distributes its resources between all active research groups. Creating links and collaborations, promoting knowledge transfer, and highlighting shared interests are important contributions to the research, although the centre plays a minor role in the financing of projects.

Emphasising knowledge transfer The Electromobility Centre regularly provides workshops and seminars on different research questions or topics connected to the research. Some of these meetings are very knowledge intensive, reaching into the fundamentals of a knowledge gap or an unexplored research question. Others have a more general profile, allowing stakeholders to get the complete picture of all research projects in Sweden on a certain technology, application, or system. The workshops and seminars are open to our partners, while some bigger events welcome all interested colleagues. Every year we arrange “Roads to the future”, a public conference where we address important questions and disseminate the results of the latest research. The ambition of the Swedish Electromobility Centre is to continuously strengthen the network function and increase the outreach. Swedish Electromobility Centre phase III runs until June 2019.

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Contribution to targets

Objectives 2015 – 2019

Contribute to:

Status and contribution 2017

Cross-functional projects

• Theme Vehicle analysis and Technology watch of Fuel cells run collaborative projects: “Drive line configurations for fuel cells”, and a continuation project “Can fuel cells become a mass-produced option globally for heavy duty trucks 2030+?”.

• “Cost-effective drivetrains for fuel cell powered Evs – CATARC” (initiated in 2016) is run by Technology watch of fuel cells, and Electrical machines and drives.

• Collaboration between Energy storage and Electrical machines and drives in the associated project “Modelling and analysis of interaction between battery and voltage source converter in electric drivetrains” (funded by FFI), and also between this project and Electromobility Centre project “Ultra compact integrated electric drives for tomorrow’s alternative drivetrains”.

• Theme Energy storage, and theme System studies and methods has good and long-term cooperation in both projects and other theme activities. One example is the Electromobility Centre financed project “Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power”

• Generally, an increasing number of projects study their component in its environment, using a contextual approach. This is done by either looking at the interaction of these components in an energy or vehicle system, or from a cost analysis context.

Benefits for the industry

• At present the centre has one industrial PhD; Rasmus

Andersson at LTH/AB Volvo.

• All projects have a dialogue and knowledge transfer with industrial partners and the lion part of the projects have industrial partners.

• The project “Fast-charging of large energy-optimised Li-ion

cells for electrified drivelines” involves VCC, AB Volvo and Scania along with Chalmers, KTH and Uppsala University.

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• Many employees from industrial partners are regular visitors to the centre’s workshops and/or seminars.

Scientific challenges

Swedish Electromobility Centre has started almost 40 new projects and studies financed in Phase III. The centre’s researchers are engaged in almost 70 associated projects.

Dissemination of knowledge and research results

Some examples of how knowledge and results have been spread in 2017:

• Elkraft 2017 • Advance Battery Conference 2017 • Roads to the Future 2017 • Intense focus on electric buses in theme Vehicle analysis

through a large number of presentations and seminars. • Participation and poster presentation by the Centre, at EVS30,

Stuttgart, Germany • Presentations on electric road systems by Electrical machines

and drives, e.g. ITEC 2017, Chicago, USA, and Harbin, China. • Thematic workshops on specific topics as well as open

seminars at the universities. • Presentations during two international visits, one state visit by

the Governor General of Canada and a delegation from the Japanese Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company

Collaboration with other centres and internationalisation

Dialogues and/or collaboration with

• Argonne National Lab • Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design • CERC, KCFP, CCGex, KCK, f3, • Chalmers Areas of Advance Transport • China Automotive and Technology Research Centre

(CATARC) • IFPEN • KTH Integrated Transport Research Lab • Oxford University • Technical University, Berlin. • UC Davis • RISE • VTI • Test lab for electromobility

Developing future competence

Out of the projects that currently run, eleven projects are PhD projects and five are postdocs. The doctoral network currently has over 100 registered members.

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The Swedish Electromobility Centre as an e-mobility platform

As the awareness of e-mobility continues to grow, include, and engage new stakeholders, the importance of the Electromobility Centre increases. The fact that the centre has attracted two new partners and interacted with many other organisations during 2017, is one example of the increased relevance. Likewise, the broader audience and high level of awareness at events serves to consolidate and increase the centre’s role as an e-mobility platform. As a step in affirming the centre’s evolving and expanding role in the field of e-mobility, 2017 has seen not only increased research activities but also outreach towards new industry collaborators, local authorities, and institutes. From the increased attention shown by media, it is also clear that both the field of e-mobility and the centre’s roles are evolving and adapting to development in the field. The government’s will to finance a national, top of the line test lab for electrified vehicles in Sweden and the discussion about starting a battery manufacturing plant in Sweden has contributed to the raised attention paid to the centre.

New partners New partners for 2017 are active in a diverse range of areas. For example, the Swedish power company, Vattenfall, which is currently involved in a pre-study alongside AB Volvo and Chalmers, about service optimization of charging stations, also brings with it vast expertise in power systems and standardisation. Furthermore, new partner, Mariestad Municipality, is prioritising a unique investment in ‘Test- och demonstrationsplats Mariestad’, a testing laboratory for new ways of powering vehicles and transportation, with the aim of transforming industry and ensuring sustainable development. Two new partners set to join the centre in early 2018 are: CEVT AB and BorgWarner. CEVT is a development centre for the Geely Group, covering all aspects of passenger car development – from total architecture to exterior design. BorgWarner, automotive industry components and parts supplier and long-term collaborator of several universities, will also join in collaboration with the Electromobility Centre in early 2018.

Dialogue with external organisations By the centre’s engagement and visibility in external activities, we have reached groups that are generally out of range for the academic world. There is a big interest in the research results, which are immediately put to use. During the year, stakeholders in various companies have contacted the centre to find out more about how advances in the field may affect them. One such company is Sandvik, who manufactures tooling systems for metal cutting, especially for the internal combustion engine. Sandvik has an interest in following trends in the automotive industry in order to adapt and be proactive in the developments in their field.

International recognition The Electromobility Centre continues to gain status as a Swedish platform for e-mobility, both internationally and nationally, not only in the e-mobility community but in new contexts and by organizations outside our common sphere. In combination with the EVS30 conference in Stuttgart, Germany, Elna Holmberg participated in meetings with German and Swedish companies, as well as the Swedish Embassy in Germany. In February, the Governor General of Canada visited Göteborg as part of a state visit to Sweden. Elna Holmberg was one of the invited experts at a round table talk about sustainable transportation. A delegation from the Japanese Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company visited the Swedish Electromobility Centre to take part in Swedish knowledge of stationary inductive charging and electric road activities in Sweden. The delegation was received by a group of researchers from Swedish Electromobility Centre and RISE Victoria who presented current research in inductive charging, fast charging, and cost comparisons for various charging situations. The visitors also had a tour of the lab at the division of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers, where

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several of the researchers work. They were all very impressed by the cooperation between Swedish companies, universities, research institutes, and authorities on Electric Roads, and the deep engagement in the global climate situation as well as in the local environment.

OmEV – global watch that reaches a wide group of followers One essential contribution to the centres role as a plattform for emobility knowledge is OmEV, the daily newletter by Magnus Karlström. At 1600 subscribers, the newsletter continues to be popular within industry, academia and other organisations. OmEV also broadcasts a podcast which focuses and summarises specific topics. The centre is proud to host a global watch that has such a wide group of followers and such impact.

Project portfolio The centre’s project portfolio consists of projects funded by the centre, projects in which the centre’s researchers have attracted external funding and projects that use the Electromobility Centre as a platform for cooperation and knowledge sharing. The funding in the projects comes mainly from various programs initiated by the Swedish Energy Agency, but to some extent also from Vinnova, Drive Sweden and the European Commission. The total funding of projects by the centre’s own budget is 15% of the total attracted budget (excluding EU funding).

Cross-functional research The Swedish Electromobility Centre continuously encourages networking between the different thematic

areas and between our partner universities and industries. Many of the projects are now cross functional in some aspects, as several researchers are working with research questions that go beyond their previous experience, and a few of them are frequently active in two or more themes. Theme System studies and methods and Electrical machines and drives have had two collective workshops to share knowledge about joint areas of interest.

Seminars and workshops Theme activities in 2017 have been many and varied, with over ten dedicated thematic activities, two cross-thematic events between System studies and methods and Electrical machines and drives, and participation in several national and international events such as the centre’s Roads to the Future conference and the Electric Road Systems conference in Stockholm, the Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS) 30 in Stuttgart, or the IEEE International Transport Electrification Conferences in Chicago (US) and Harbin (China), and the ICANN conference (Sardinia) among others. For a detailed list of activities, please refer to each theme chapter.

Thematic researchers as Electromobility Centre ambassadors The thematic researchers continue to be a welcome addition to the thematic groups. Four researchers from five different universities are now working for the centre: Francisco Márquez-Fernández represents Electrical machines and drives, while both Energy storage and System studies and methods appointed two thematic researchers. Matilda Klett and Anti Liivat both coordinate energy storage research, Mikael Askerdal and Sogol Kharrazi coordinate system research. The thematic researchers not only perform excellent research, but also play a central role in the daily operations by being the Electromobility Centre’s ambassadors at their universities and backing up the thematic leaders.

Interaction with society An example of the type of work the centre does which is beneficial for society is the electrified bus project below. As electrified public transport is becoming commonplace, experts in the area are highly sought

One of this year’s OmEV podcast episodes was about life expectancy for vehicle batteries. Contributors were Annika Ahlberg-Tidblad (Scania), and Helena Berg (OmEV).

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after. This cements the Electromobility Centre’s important role as a knowledge base, and being a fact-based, neutral party, our expertise is of great weight. As leader of theme Vehicle Analysis, Anders Grauers continues to engage in the field, spreading information and research results to various stakeholders in the area of public transport – from researchers and developers to public transportation authorities. This year he has been involved in a large number of meetings, courses, and workshops. One such seminar was on the topic of electric buses for the Swedish public transport sector. Participants were administrative directors in the region. Another project Anders has been involved in is an investigation into specific completely electric bus routes, done in collaboration with VGR and Västtrafik.

Education In the area of education, 2017 saw the start of a Summer School on Components and Systems for Electromobility. Intended for PhD students in the field of e-mobility, the course was held during a week in May/June at Marholmen island, just outside Norrtälje.

Planning for a doctorate course, “System Development of Electric and Hybrid Powertrains”, with initiation in 2018 was also conducted during 2017. In order to incorporate the different expertise and experiences contained in the industry, the course aims to include participants from the industry, such as AB Volvo, Scania, and BorgWarner. The course will include projects spanning a vast list of topics, such as electrified agricultural tractors, plug-in hybrids, EVs with range extenders, and electrified trucks. In collaboration with edX, Chalmers developed an online-based micro-master course during 2017. Founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, edX is an online learning destination and MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere. Available from March 2018, the course, “Electric and Conventional Vehicles” cover “how electric and conventional powertrains work and methods to analyse their performance and energy consumption”. The course instructors are Professor Sven Andersson, and Associate Professor Anders Grauers, Chalmers, the centre’s specialist in electric powertrains.

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Research advancements

Interest in electromobility from both industry and society is on a steady increase. Within the centre, the growth is reflected by the increasing number of projects and researchers connected to the centre. The project portfolio currently stands at 35 projects financed by the centre. The total amount of allocated funding to these projects is over 24 000 000 SEK. In addition, there are also the centre’s associate projects, which are either projects initiated by the centre’s researchers, which have attracted external funding, or projects using the centre as a platform for cooperation and knowledge sharing. These double the number of projects and give a total budget of over 130,000,000 SEK. Moreover, the centre cooperates with a few EU projects, not included in the summation above. The externally funded projects are mainly funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, through “Eneregi-effektiva fordon”, “Batterifioden” or FFI. All projects have cooperation with industry, and the vast majority include one or several industrial partners within the project. The research projects which were started during 2016, consisting of mainly smaller pre-studies and thematic projects, continued during 2017. One of the successful pre-studies led to a continuation in a PhD project on modelling and control of a hybrid powertrain and after-treatment system, at Linköping University. The international collaborations which were decided on by the end of 2016 were launched with full activities during 2017. One PhD student was hired for the collaboration with CATARC, on Fuel cell drives, and another student for the collaboration with UC Davis on charging behaviour and infrastructure. The collaboration with IFPEN on control and optimization of hybrid electric powertrains has also started with a PhD student exchange. Theme Energy storage landed a new thematic project on aging mechanisms, with Anti Liivat as the researcher. The theme has grown with researchers from a new competence field – automatic control – which

now works closely with electrochemists and material science researchers. Theme Electric machines and drives continues to work with design and functionality of Electrical machines and drives as well as charging systems. Charging is, alongside batteries, probably the main challenge for electromobility. Consequently, some of the theme researchers are deeply engaged in charging concepts and optimisation as well as in electric road systems. Theme System studies and methods have approached several new research areas, such as how the use of information influences functions like range estimation, route planning and energy management, and management of thermal systems and automation. The need for continued research into hybrid vehicles has also been highlighted. Theme Vehicle analysis is still focused on the charging of busses, a challenge which engages the majority of the municipalities in Sweden. The theme is also engaged in life-cycle questions on electric components, in collaboration with theme Electrical machines and drives. The theme has started looking into the important questions of battery life-cycle aspects. Each thematic area also got a frame for studies and pre-studies initiated within the themes. This resulted in seven new projects in total, focusing a variety of questions regarding electric vehicles and charging. In October 2017 the centre had an open invitation for new projects. The call aimed to find full time researchers, preferably PhD students, to engage in projects connected to the centre. Seven of the applications were approved and will be initiated during 2018. In addition to engagement in research and the knowledge sharing activities, the themes have continued to work with the thematic road maps during the year.

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Cross-thematic interaction An important function of the Electromobility Centre is to encourage knowledge dissemination between themes. This year has seen collaboration between System studies and methods, and Electrical machines and drives. Researchers from theme System studies and methods visited Lund University in order to meet with the Automatic Control Department there, and discuss their potential involvement in the Swedish Electromobility Centre. Taking advantage of their visit, a cross-thematic meeting was held, in which there was an exchange of information about each thematic research fields, current and future planned activities, and a look at possible further collaborations across the themes. Both the fields of Energy storage and Vehicle analysis have been active in collaborative projects with most of the partners in the centre. Energy storage held several open workshops, one of which was: “Discussion of the project “Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power”” with presentations by Henrik Ekström, KTH, Torsten Wik, Chalmers, Björn Fridholm, VCC, and Elna Holmberg,

Göran Lindbergh, Anti Liivat representing the Electromobility Centre. Vehicle analysis also held workshops in the area charging of city buses. An increasing number of researchers in the centre are currently active in more than one thematic area, which is very positive for the platform as a whole. In the future, the centre predicts that the distinction between the current themes will become less apparent as society changes and e-mobility as an area matures. The higher demand for EVs, charging infrastructure and availability from society, the more need to involve many more stakeholders early on in research issues that relate to societal questions. Stakeholders include urban planners, network and data security experts, battery manufacturers, recycling and environment specialist, to name a few. This might see the centre’s role change more towards that of facilitator and thought leader in the future.

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System studies and methods

System studies and methods develops methods and algorithms, which are adopted and utilized in a hybrid and electric vehicle setting by exploiting dynamic models, computational methods, and simulation techniques. Our main topics are mathematical modelling, dynamic simulation, performance analysis, control design and optimization. The research is focused on methods and analysis related to energy and cost efficiency of hybrid and electric vehicles on a systems level. 2017 has in many ways been a very interesting year. The global electrification trend within the vehicle industry has been strong and intensified by increasing problems with air pollution within cities, alarming reports on high NOx emissions from diesel engines and the presentation of the new fully electric Tesla long-haul truck. The increasing maturity of components, such as the electric machine, is turning the attention from optimizing components to optimizing complete systems. The need for cross-thematic collaboration has been more apparent than ever and resulted in a fruitful joint thematic meeting alongside the Electrical machines and drives theme. This year we also welcome two new partners to the theme; Lund University and Vattenfall. The department of Automatic Control at Lund University is well known in the field of control engineering, and their research on cloud computing is one example of topics that are interesting for the theme to explore more in future projects and activities. Vattenfall is a new member in the Swedish Electromobility Centre and their knowledge as a provider of electricity is vital when the focus of the centre has widened to include not only the vehicle but also the charging infrastructure. Vattenfall is currently involved in a pre-study with AB Volvo and Chalmers about service optimization of charging stations. Another trend is joint optimization of combustion engine and electric machines for hybrid applications. Some initial discussions with the combustion engine centres have been conducted and a pre-study on optimal integration of combustion engines and electric motors has started which is executed by the Mechatronics department of KTH. Their involvement in the theme activities are very welcome and exemplifies the growth of the thematic group. Early in the year, some results from a collaboration activity between the Swedish Electromobility Centre and the Combustion Engine Centre (CERC) at Chalmers called “interdisciplinary post-doc cluster for future hybrid vehicles” was presented for the thematic group. The presentations held were mainly about how driving patterns affect fuel consumption in hybrid cars and a novel optimal control design for non-linear systems which could be applied on hybrid vehicle optimization. The theme has arranged three work-shops

THEME LEADER Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers THEMATIC RESEARCHERS Mikael Askerdal, Chalmers Sogol Kharrazi, Linköping University RESEARCHERS from Chalmers: Electrical Engineering, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences KTH: Aeronautical & Vehicle engineering, Machine design, Mechatronics Linköping University: Electrical engineering Lund University: Automatic control SPECIALISTS from AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Scania, Vattenfall

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during the year. The interest has been quite large and they have attracted between 25 and 40 people each. The first workshop was hosted by Chalmers and was about information usage of E-mobility functions. It discussed mainly how different kinds of information influence the identified e-mobility functions; range estimation, route planning, and energy management. The results of this workshop are summarized in the report “Information Usage for Electromobility Functions” which is posted on the centre’s home page. The second workshop was initiated in order to get project proposals within the area of thermal systems management. During this workshop a new way of working was tested were the industry in form of AB Volvo, Scania, Volvo cars, CEVT and Titan-x presented their views on research needs and the researchers were encouraged to pick the subjects they found most interesting and write project proposals to the upcoming project call. Previously, the centre has been more active in trying to coordinate the project application efforts but the experience is that this can be a slow process when several partners are involved. So, there was a need for a more direct way of working. The last workshop was held at VTI in Linköping and discussed “Electrification and Automation, how do they connect?” The main result from this workshop was that for many applications, automation promotes electrification but electrification does not necessarily promote automation. Apart from already mentioned studies, we have started four new studies. These include a study on “Driving behaviour modelling for powertrain design and assessment”. This is a project conducted by the newly appointed thematic researcher Sogol Kharrazi.

Additionally, a PhD project was started in the field of modelling, system analysis and control of hybrid drive train and after-treatment system, at Linköping University. Finally, two studies on “Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles in platoons” and “Using heat pump in electrified buses” have started. The first project builds on previous research within the centre and the second one will add a heat pump model to the well-known LiU-diesel vehicle model. Apart from the activities and projects financed directly by the centre, the theme has been enriched with four associated FFI projects, one associated EU project and one associated project financed by CERC. They are all projects that fit well into the project portfolio of the theme and are therefore vital for getting an overview of on-going relevant research in Sweden. In the future we hope that we can associate even more projects to the centre, since we are confident that there is more research going on that would be mutually beneficial to associate with. Finally, members of the thematic group have attended different conferences spreading information and presenting interesting research results such as “Reinforcement learning for hybrid powertrain energy management” at the ICANN conference in Sardinia. To summarize, it has been a year full of activities and with new researchers and organisation taking an active part. The thematic group is growing and we hope that we can continue to do so during 2018. We also hope that activities within the areas of multi-disciplinary optimization and thermal management will pick up speed during 2018 and that it will result in many interesting discussions, results, and new projects.

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Electrical machines and drives

Electrical machines and drives is a competence base for technology related to electric energy transfer and conversion between the electric utility grid and the wheels of electric vehicles, including both traction and auxiliary loads. Looking at global trends, we still see a movement towards a higher degree of electrification at least as strong as in the previous years, if not stronger. Along with this comes an increased development of related technologies for energy supply, with standardization of static conductive charging for light vehicles, a growing supply of inductive charging systems and significant research activities focusing on dynamic charging as a result. The research focus of Electrical machines and drives spans over different aspects of the power interaction between vehicles and the grid, modular concepts of both electrical machines and converters, condition monitoring of electrical drives, and several design related challenges: design for manufacturing, design for reliability, and more. During 2017, two new pre-studies were funded by the Electromobility Centre within Electrical machines and drives, focusing on optimal module size(s) for fast DC chargers for vehicles, and on the potential uses and applications of logged vehicle data for the design and operation of electric powertrains. Additionally, our theme submitted a number of proposals for consideration to the centre’s project call in October 2017. When it comes to theme activities, 2017 has been a very productive year, with 6 dedicated thematic activities within Electrical machines and drives, two cross-thematic events with Systems and methods, and participation in several national and international events such as the Centre’s Roads to the Future Conference and the Electric Road Systems Conference in Stockholm, the Electric Vehicle Symposium – EVS30 in Stuttgart, or the IEEE International Transport Electrification Conferences in Chicago (US) and Harbin (China) among others. New collaborations have emerged during 2017, while those initiated last year have strengthened. BorgWarner, a long-term collaborator of several of our universities has now joined the Centre and particularly our theme. The collaboration with our industrial partners in the Electromobility Centre continues at its best, and it is worth highlighting the added value brought in by Vattenfall and their expertise in power systems and standardisation. Another collaboration that started in late 2016 and has become significant is the participation in the Research and Innovation Platform on Electric Road Systems, which creates a number of interesting synergies with some of our research activities. Internationally, an application for a COST Action in the field of condition monitoring has been submitted together with 17 other partners in Europe –originated in a centre led workshop in 2016- and a collaboration with the Technical University of Berlin to develop traffic simulation models has been initiated.

THEME LEADER Mats Alaküla, Lund University THEMATIC RESEARCHER Francisco Márquez-Fernández, Lund University RESEARCHERS from Chalmers: Energy and environment, Signals and systems KTH: Electric power and energy systems Lund University: Industrial electrical engineering and automation Uppsala University: Engineering sciences SPECIALISTS from AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Scania, Vattenfall

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Energy storage

The primary function of theme Energy storage is to deepen the understanding of battery packs, cells, materials, and performance limiting processes, and make this knowledge useful for electrical and hybrid vehicle system development. The focus lies on optimizing the use by studying key factors such as ageing and health, mainly using lithium-ion battery technology. The objective is to maximize the driving range, facilitate fast and flexible charging and minimize the environmental impact. The theme also follows the developments beyond Li-ion technology. The thematic area has been working with only one thematic researcher between March and November, as Matilda Klett has been on leave and Andrzej Nowak (KTH) left the theme. At the same time, the theme activities were supported by Torbjörn Thiringer and Torsten Wik with their co-workers from Chalmers, and Bertrand Philippe and Mario Wachtler (before in ZSW, Germany) from Uppsala. Furthermore, new people from academia brought new topics into the theme: new pre-studies initiated targeting high-rate capable sodium-ion chemistry called a “Prussian white” by R. Younesi from Uppsala University, and advanced signal processing for battery diagnostics by L. Eriksson from Linköping University. These perspectives reflect the medium to long term vision of the theme roadmap to beyond Li-ion chemistries and data-intensive technologies. In the same terms emerge the prospects that cell chemistry and design comes “closer” in light of the efforts in starting large-scale Li-ion battery manufacturing in Sweden (Northvolt). For the immediate future, the theme has prioritized a joint research effort into the aging studies the upcoming Ni-rich positive and Si-Graphite composite negative based commercial Li-ion batteries. Likewise, improving battery control and predictions through advancing modelling methods from chemistry and physics level towards Battery Managements System (BMS). Battery safety-related questions continue to be high in the priority-list of our industrial partners as well and the theme is working to match this with academic activities. The theme has started to formulate and communicate battery research needs relevant for the planned electric vehicle test centre together with the state research institute (RISE) which is foreseen to strengthen the cross-thematic activity. A contemporary training in energy storage was given by our thematic leader at the Centre’s PhD course “Components and Systems for Electromobility”

THEME LEADER Göran Lindbergh, KTH THEMATIC RESEARCHERS Matilda Klett, KTH Anti Liivat, Uppsala University RESEARCHERS from Chalmers: Physics, Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering KTH: Chemical engineering, Electric power and energy systems Uppsala University: Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory SPECIALISTS from AB Volvo, Volvo Car Corporation, Scania

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Apart from national activities, the Theme partners were very active at many international conferences in 2017 such as NordBatt (Kokkola, Finland), LiBD (Archachon, France), ISE (Buenos Aires, Argentina), IBA2017 (Nara Japan), ACS (US), Fimpart (Bordeaux, France), RACI Centenary Conference (Melbourne, Australia), 16th ECSC (Glasgow, UK), 68th ISE (Providence), AABC (Mainz, Germany), IEEE ITEC (Chicago, USA), ACC(Seattle, USA), IFAC World (Toulouse, France) etc showing their results from associated projects. The Theme had a series of meetings and among the topics covered, were reflections on an AABC meeting in Mainz (el-bus breakthrough in China, 811-NMC chemistry, Li-S and solid-state battery on 2020-2025 roadmaps), a new pre-study proposal discussions span Na-ion chemistry, advancing battery diagnostics with signal processing and electric-vehicle safety. One can conclude from the participation activity that the partners involved in the research projects within the theme are most active at the meetings. Attracting new people to participate in the research in the theme have helped to further diversify the active representatives from each partner. There is also electromobility-related battery research in Sweden carried out outside the

Centre. Attracting these activities to interact with the Centre remains a task for the future. The theme partners organized four workshops: “Fast charging of large energy-optimized Li-ion cells for electrified drivelines” “Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power” ”Elektromobilitetslabb för miljöfordonsutveckling i Nykvarn” – a cross-thematic workshop organised by Scania AB in Stockholm. On 22. Sept.,”Battery Day” seminars at Uppsala University were devoted to an important mechanism of cell aging through “cathode-anode crosstalk” mechanisms were discussed: for the commercial NMC/G cell as a high SOC phenomena (E. Björklund) of Mn-ion dissolution; for the future high-voltage spinel LMNO material on the other side, as electrolyte degradation driven phenomena (B. Aktekin). More than a dozen participants from (AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Scania AB, Chalmers, Uppsala and KTH). Theme partners were also active at: E-mobility Centre Day, 12 June, in Stockholm, and a cross-thematic workshop “Thermal management systems of electrified vehicles”, organised by the theme System studies and methods.

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Vehicle analysis

Theme Vehicle analysis evaluates electric and hybrid vehicles based on outside perspectives, for example industrial, user, or infrastructure perspectives. The research is based on analysis of what factors make electric and hybrid power trains attractive for different types of vehicles and how the powertrains should be designed to maximize the value-to-cost ratio. Changes in driving forces for electric and hybrid vehicles are watched, to understand which direction the development is taking. The theme also works aspects of charging behaviour as well as life-cycle questions. Electrification of road vehicles is more and more accepted. So much so that it is almost taken for granted in some discussions as the main way forward for road transport. Even though electromobility may very well be a main solution for road transport, it is not a good idea to uncritically jump to that conclusion. Doing that will most likely mean that important factors are forgotten and that can lead to unnecessary backlash. Therefore, Electromobility Centre increases its effort to analyse the system complexity of electromobility to provide knowledge so that important stakeholders can better understand the many complex challenges which lie ahead. Still, it is very positive that the general picture of electromobility is becoming positive as that will make it easier for industry and other businesses to introduce electromobility to a market which can grow based on user demand rather than based on incentives. To build more knowledge about the system aspects of electromobility the Vehicle analysis theme has several new projects. In a cooperation between Chalmers and UC Davis in California we analyse charging behaviour and infrastructure need for plug-in electric vehicles. This project takes its starting point in actual driving and charging behaviour and incorporates research to better understand how the user needs should influence planning of charging networks. The results will be new knowledge and new perspectives which are vital to make sure that investments in charging infrastructure are made where they support the users the most. Another project has the title as well as the research question “Can fuel cells become a mass-produced option globally for heavy duty trucks 2030+?” This project analyses the technical and economic viability of different powertrains for heavy trucks to increase the knowledge about strengths and weaknesses of different powertrains. It shows that there are in fact many reasonable powertrain candidates and that differences in how the vehicles are used may lead to different powertrains in different categories of trucks.

THEME LEADER Anders Grauers, Chalmers RESEARCHERS from Chalmers: Signals and systems, Energy and environment KTH: Chemical engineering Linköping University: Electrical engineering SPECIALISTS from AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Scania

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A third example of projects is “Sustainability indicators for electric vehicles and hybrid technologies” which aims to map and increase understanding on the most important aspects that need to be considered when EVs are compared to ICEVs from a sustainability and life-cycle perspective. The project will suggest a list of comprehensive indicators that can capture relevant environmental, economic, and social aspects for such comparisons.

Theme Vehicle analysis continues to focus on charging of busses, a challenge which engages the vast part of the municipalities in Sweden. The theme is also engaged in life-cycle questions on electric components, alongside theme Electrical machines and drives. The theme has started looking into the important questions of battery life-cycle aspects

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Swedish Electromobility Centre projects 2017

The list only includes projects that have been running in 2017. Projects that have received financing but not yet taken off are not listed.

System studies and methods

Collaboration platform to strengthen the control and optimisation of hybrid electric powertrains - IFPEN Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Eriksson, Linköping University

Driving behavior modeling for powertrain design and assessment Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Sogol Kharrazi, Linköping University

Energy efficient driving using electric wheel corner functionalities Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Drugge, KTH

Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles in platoons Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Jonas Sjöberg, Chalmers

Modelling and validation of hybrid heavy duty vehicles with exhaust after-treatment systems Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Eriksson, Linköping University

Modelling, system analysis and control of a hybrid powertrain and after-treatment system Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Eriksson, Linköping University

Optimal Integration of Combustion Engines and Electric Motors for HEVs Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lei Feng, KTH

Service optimization of charging stations using machine learning Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Sebastien Gros, Chalmers

Test bench for optimal design and control of energy buffers for minimizing energy consumption Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Mikael Hellgren, KTH

Using heat pump in electrified buses to decrease auxiliaries cost Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Eriksson, Linköping University

Vehicle independent road resistance estimation Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Mikael Askerdal, Chalmers

Electrical machines and drives

48V mild hybrid electrically excited synchronous machine Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Yujing Liu, Chalmers

Data-driven design and operation of electric drivetrains Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Francisco Marquez, Lund University

Field intensified PM machine for an HEV application Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Torbjörn Thiringer, Chalmers

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High-efficient, ultra compact integrated electric drives for tomorrow’s alternative drivetrains Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Oskar Wallmark, KTH

Hybrid drives for heavy vehicles Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Mats Alaküla, Lund University

Investigation of state-of-the-art of additive manufacturing of electric machine components for EV/HEV applications Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Oskar Wallmark, KTH

Module size investigation for a fast charger Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Mikael Alatalo, Chalmers

Power conversion challenges with an all-electric land transport system Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Francisco Márquez-Fernández, Lund University

Thermo-mechanical fatigue of electric machine windings Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Oskar Wallmark, KTH

Traction induction machine modelling conducted in student projects Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Torbjörn Thiringer, Chalmers

Traction system parameter identification and condition monitoring via modulation spectra response Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Avo Reinap, Lund University

Energy storage

Battery SOC and SOH estimation through advanced signal processing. Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Lars Eriksson, LiU

Efficient and safe battery operation – Aspects of expansion and utilization Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Matilda Klett, KTH

Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Torsten Wik, Chalmers

High energy density battery materials – understanding their endurance with the help of modelling Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Anti Liivat, Uppsala University

Positive electrode binders at high voltages – aging mechanisms Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Anti Liivat, Uppsala University

Vehicle independent road resistance estimation Project responsible at Swedish Electromobility Centre: Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers

Vehicle analysis

Charging behaviour and infrastructure need for plug-in electric vehicles _UC DAVIS Project responsible at SWEDISH ELECTROMOBILITY CENTRE: Frances Sprei, Chalmers

Technology watch of fuel cells

Design and requirements specification for developing fuel cell propelled BE-trucks Boh Westerlund, BW konstruktion AB

Hydrogen fuel cell trucks 2030 – next step Hans Pohl, Rise

Monitoring and analysing the global fuel cell area with special focus on stationary applications Bengt Ridell, Sweco

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Technology watch– Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Lunds Universitet, Energivetenskaper Martin Andersson/Bengt Sundén

Cost function for fuel cell systems, Rise Viktoria Hans Pohl

Storing hydrogen Rise Viktoria, Hans Pohl & Sweco, Bengt Ridell

Fuel cell driven cargo bike with extra functionality, mini demo, Bränslecellsdrivna lastcykelfordon med extra funktionalitet, mini-demo, Rise SP, Anders Lundblad

Can fuel cells become a mass-produced option globally for heavy duty trucks 2030+? An exploratory study Magnus Karlström, Chalmers, et al

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Collaboration with other research organisations

Collaboration with other organizations and knowledge of research activities in Sweden and internationally, play an essential part in being a Swedish e-mobility hub. The Electromobility Centre is, in itself, a network which links five of the major universities in Sweden and the industry involved in electromobility in the country. Each of our partners collaborates with organisations, industries, or universities relevant to their operation and research focus. Together, this covers a large part of all research activities within hybrid and electric vehicles in Sweden. The centre however, mainly focuses on collaboration with organisations that complement our knowledge, and on strengthening our role in Sweden. Below are a few examples of centres and organizations with which Electromobility Centre has collaborated through dialogue and research activities during this past year:

RISE RISE and Swedish Electromobility Centre have a long history of information exchange and shared ambitions. This year the two organisations have worked together with the test laboratory for electric drivetrains and arranged a lunch seminar, in Almedalen, on charging infrastructure. RISE and the Emobility Centre have also continued their strategic collaboration, focusing on Electric Road Systems (ERS) to create an innovation platform for electric roads, in an aim to establish Sweden as a pioneer in the field of electric roads and the electric road industry.

Test lab for electromobility The Swedish government is planning to support an open test lab for electric vehicles as an aid in the transformation of the vehicle fleet to electric vehicles. This is the government’s commitment to giving the transport industry and researchers an arena which could make Sweden a world leader in the field. The purpose of the laboratory is to give Sweden an arena for research on and development of new

technologies for electrified vehicles and marine applications, as well as strengthening the competence in the country. Research and testing of new concepts are key components to bring knowledge that can be used for transition to sustainable solutions for electrified vehicles. An open test arena will allow researchers from the academy to do full-scale tests and experiments, under realistic conditions, a possibility which rarely exists today. The test lab will also function as an arena for cooperation and knowledge sharing between researched and engineers. The planned test laboratory will be owned jointly by RISE and Chalmers. The lab will be situated in two places, one in Gothenburg close to companies such as CEVT, Volvo Cars and AB Volvo and the other part in Nykvarn, in the vicinity of Scania’s offices and development facilities. During summer and autumn, RISE has led a pre-study aiming to supply the government with a decision-making basis for the test lab. Alongside Chalmers, the Electromobility Centre took lead on the research sections in the decision-making basis, but also contributed to other sections. The centre organised workshops within the suitable thematic areas, which, with the centres Road Maps, resulted in a brief description of relevant research areas in the different test rigs.

Lindholmen Science Park Lindholmen Science Centre functions as a node in Gothenburg for transport related activities and events, among other things. The science park houses organisations such as the Science Park organisation itself, as well as FKG, RISE and SAFER. Several automotive companies also have offices in the area. To increase the networking and cooperation with other transport related organisations Electromobility Centre has an office space within SAFER’s area since the end of 2016. Magnus Karlström, Chief Editor, OmEV, is also located at Lindholmen Science Park. The centre’s presence at Lindholmen has made for a greater interaction between the centre and organisations

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located at Lindholmen Science Park, with many positive outcomes. One such example is cooperation with the project leader at RISE for the planned test laboratory for electrified vehicles (LETS), in Sweden. Anders Grauers, Chalmers, continues to collaborate with Lindholmen Science Park on the electrified bus project. In connection with this, an electric bus seminar was held for the Swedish public transport sector. Participants were administrative directors in the region. In collaboration with Lindholmen Science Park, theme Vehicle analysis arranged a half-day course for those working with development, use or procurement of bus services and with a need/wish to learn more about electric buses. The course taught how electric charging buses function, their advantages, limitations, and costs, with explanations based on concrete examples. The course was followed by a seminar on the same day, focusing on the introduction of electric buses.

VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute Linköping University has a strategic cooperation agreement with VTI that concerns broad, long-term collaboration in education, research, and innovation. Sogol Kharrazi, thematic researchers at the Electromobility Centre, is employed by both Linköping University and VTI which has resulted in a natural way of connecting and identifying common interests. One important question both for society and for future transport solutions is the new opportunities that arise when vehicles are both automated and electric and the impact the two new technologies might have on each other. In this scope, a workshop was held at VTI in Linköping to discuss “Electrification and Automation, how do they connect?”. The main result for many applications showed that although automation may be conducive to and promote electrification, electrification does not necessarily promote automation in an equal manner. In summary, there is no strong obvious connection apart from the fact that they will both be part of the future of transport. Furthermore, there are many questions about what the future will hold – will EVs charge on their own? Will they be autonomous? Will V2G charging be possible? These are but a few of the questions that the Swedish Electromobility Centre strives answer.

SICEC, KCK and f3 These are the competence centres working with powertrain and fuel research. Alongside the Swedish Electromobility Centre, they play an important role in creating carbon dioxide neutral transportation. The importance of the collaboration with the combustion centres increases as hybrids become the normative choice of vehicle. During the year a workshop was organised with representatives from the Swedish Energy Agency, f3, SICEC, CERC, KCK, FKG, Lund University, KTH, Chalmers, Haldor Topsoe A/S, Scania CV AB, Volvo Cars, and AB Volvo. This was a multi-department collaboration between the automotive industry and competence centres on powertrain research in Sweden. It aimed to: “Stimulate collaboration between competence centres to tackle future challenges with hybridization where combustion, electrification and exhaust gas treatment need to work together”.

Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design & ITRL (KTH) The project “Test bench for Optimal Design and Control of Energy Buffers” which was finalised in June 2017, further established collaboration with the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design at KTH. With the foundation of the project stemming from the inherent difficulty of verifying research results from simulations, the aim of the project was to create a test environment where researchers could compare models and real-time simulations in order to increase the scientific weight of the papers produced. The results of the project were presented during the Electromobility Centre Day, 12 June.

SAFER SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers is a joint research unit where partners from the Swedish automotive industry, academia and authorities cooperate to make a centre of excellence within the field of vehicle and traffic safety. During the year the two centres have had discussions on possible safety related research on electric vehicles.

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The most important channel for electromobility knowledge and information, which also reaches the largest audience, is the global newsletter OmEV by Magnus Karlström. The year has also seen the centre organise and host a range of activities for its partners as well as public events focusing on various aspects of e-mobility in 2017. Some of these were larger events as the centre’s conference “Roads to the Future”, while others were on a smaller scale, geared towards a niche audience, highly suitable for open and conducive discussions. While conferences and workshops, though open to a general public, chiefly attract those already familiar with e-mobility questions, news media and popular events are channels where knowledge can be spread to an ever broadening audience. The centre’s participation in public activities increased during 2017, and varied from interviews on radio and TV, news articles, to public seminars and talks.

Lunch seminar in Almedalen 2017 was the first time the centre took an active part at Almedalen, Visby, alongside researchers and engineers from RISE and Chalmers. The two organisations arranged a lunch seminar during Almedalen, where representatives from RISE, Chalmers, and the Centre debated over the future of charging infrastructure with representatives from Chargeamps, Energimyndigheten, Powercircle, Region Gävleborg, and Vätgas Sverige. The theme of the debate was “The future is electric – but how will we fill up our cars?” and some of the questions were: “We are creating an infrastructure for fast charging of vehicles with large batteries. Is it the right way forward? What are the options – are they cheaper and better? What do the advocates say? And what does the research say?” For more information, watch the video from the debate, which can be found at electromobilitycentre.se During Almedalen, Elna Holmberg also gave a series of interviews for Swedish national radio and TV about the latest trends in e-mobility and her views on Volvo Cars announcing that they will spearhead the development towards a fossil-free vehicle fleet,

declaring that by 2019 all Volvo’s new vehicles will be electrified.

Global aspects on e-mobility at Roads to the Future “Roads to the Future” is the Centre’s annual, public conference and over 100 participants attended the popular conference. This year, topics ranged from overall questions about the general state of research and development, to more in-depth technical issues. Anna Stefanopoulou, Director of Automotive Research Centre at the University of Michigan opened the conference with a talk titled “Models for mastering the mysterious world of ions in electro-mobility” and described, among other things, how the researchers work with neutron imagery to study swelling in lithium batteries. She concluded by emphasizing that models and data should be integrated in order to push the limits for Battery Management Systems.

Keynote speaker Elena Lomonova from Eindhoven Technical University (TU/e) gave a talk about “Challenges on electric traction systems for electromobility” and the work being conducted in the electro-mechanics and power electronics research group at TU/e.

Anna Stefanopoulou, Director of Automotive Research Centre at the University of Michigan revealed the mysterious world of li-ions in e-mobility.

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Annika Ahlberg-Tidblad from Scania addressed standards and regulations for batteries, emphasising that standards must be relevant, representative, reliable, fair and traceable. “An inappropriate standard can be more detrimental than no standard at all,” she stressed. In the field of electric machines and drives, Francisco Marquéz-Fernández from Lund University spoke of electric roads as a future possibility, and said that a comparison between fuel cells and electric roads is planned in his research project. He was followed by Oskar Wallmark, KTH, who described the research conducted at KTH on compact integrated electric drives for automotive applications.

Energy storage was the theme of the afternoon presentations, where Torsten Wik, Chalmers, gave a lecture on adaptive modelling as a necessity for successful battery management. Jens Groot, AB Volvo, then gave an overview of the stat-of-the-art and research situation in Sweden regarding aging of lithium ion batteries.

Anders Grauers, Chalmers, concluded the day by giving a picture of the current situation. “E-mobility is in a breakthrough, but some issues stand in the way of a full introduction,” he said. “The discussion itself is important because it allows us to compare different solutions as the development goes on. Perhaps we will find even better solutions along the way?”

Thematic seminars and workshops The thematic groups have arranged open Electromobility Centre seminars at the universities, often in connection to a dissertation or a research visit. A few examples of past topics are: ”Information Usage for Electromobility Functions”, “Electrification and Automation, how do they connect?”, ”VeHICLe: virtual hybrid cooling seminar”, and ”Discussion of the project: Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power”. The centre also conducted over 15 seminars directed to the centre partners. The topics ranged from “Electromobility and Construction Machinery”, “Information usage for range estimation and route planning“ and “Interdisciplinary post-doc cluster for future hybrid vehicles“ to “Fast Charging”, “Energy efficient driving using electric wheel corner functionalities” and ”Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power”.

Participation in other conferences Many of the centre’s projects were presented during the conference “Energirelaterad fordonsforskning arranged by the Swedish Energy Energy Agency and the centre chaired the session “Electricity & Hybrid”. ÅF Test Center hosted “Breakpoint 2017”, a corporate event giving the opportunity for companies to meet and listen to lectures on product development. During the event, the centre presented an analysis of the state of electromobility worldwide.

Global watch of energy efficient vehicles The Centre hosts a project managed by Magnus Karlström, which summarises the international development of energy efficient vehicles in a daily newsletter, OmEV (Omvärldsanalys av Energieffektiva Vägfordon). The excellent newsletter follows developments around the world in different e-mobility

Francisco Marquéz-Fernández from Lund University spoke of electric roads as a future possibility.

Elena Lomonova of Eindhoven Technical University was one of the invited keynote speakers at Roads to the Future.

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related areas, with initiated comments. It is independent of the partners in the centre and spread to a wide range of members in society. It regularly delivers analyses, distributed by email to about 1,600 subscribers. Magnus Karlström and his fellow editors distributed about 140 newsletters in 2017. The readers have been able to follow a series of articles focusing on the influence of Silicon Valley on the automotive industry, material constraints for battery production, the interaction between electric vehicles and the grid, and e-mobility policy development in Germany. All mixed with reports from conferences and tips about events. OmEV also creates and publishes a podcast with in depth guest interviews. The topics this year have ranged from battery standards to recharging infrastructure and electric bicycles and light electric vehicles. Chief Editor is Magnus Karlström who runs OmEV along with the editorial board consisting of Helena Berg (Libergreen) and Martin Borgqvist (SP). OmEV is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and hosted by Swedish Electromobility Centre.

The newsletter and web page Communication at the Swedish Electromobility Centre entails making sure there is a flow of information to and between our partners, and spreading knowledge outside the organization. Marketing and administrating events, writing news articles, managing the newsletter and the website, and producing graphic material are some of the varied tasks of the communications officer. The Centre has been without a communications officer during the latter half of 2017. The previous communicator, Emilia Lundgren, moved on to a new position as Communications Officer for Chalmers Area

of Advance Transport, where she can continue to spread the knowledge of the Electromobility Centre. Networking with communications officers in other organizations is important when spreading these news items in channels other than the Centre’s own so is its very positive that we now have a fellow who knows the centre well, in a key area of Chalmers. The number of subscribers to Centre’s monthly newsletter continues to grow, getting close to 900 subscribers in 2017. The newsletter gives an overview of the latest articles published on the website, informs about Electromobility Centre events and events related to the area, announces the dates for upcoming dissertations and licentiate seminars and gives tips about calls and grants. Articles highlighting activities and research within the Centre were published regularly during the first half of the year and were promoted by means of the newsletter and Twitter. 22 articles were posted on the Centre’s website in 2017, ranging from short news paragraphs to in-depth articles. This year, the news flow has contained presentations of the thematic areas, articles about two international visits, namely Canadian state visit in February and a delegation from the Japanese Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company in March. With increased activity in the thematic groups follows an increased amount of communication support. A large number of events have received support with activities such as marketing, website, graphic material, and articles this year. As the Swedish Electromobility Centre expands, the website was given a thorough makeover to match the Centre’s profile. The effort which was put into planning the update, in 2016, panned out in the release of a new, modern visual identity and website for the Centre this year.

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One of the goals of the Electromobility Centre is to contribute to future competence for academia and industry. Graduate education, PhD courses and networking possibilities for doctoral students as well as for engineers at the partner industries, form an important part of the centre’s mission. This year, the thematic groups organised a PhD summer school, “Components and Systems for Electromobility”, with emphasis on electric battery and fuel cell vehicles. Contributions were made from all thematic areas. The setting of the summer school was the beautiful Stockholm archipelago, Marholmen island, situated just outside Norrtälje, over the course of one week in May/June. The concluding presentations of home assignments, were held in a full day in Stockholm, in September.

Professor Yujing Liu at Chalmers also arranged a course in High efficiency electrical machines, intended for PhD students and industrial engineers in electrical engineering, with guest lecturers from industry and other universities. The objective of the course is to provide the latest knowledge and study results on loss analysis and efficiency measurements, as well as the state-of-art motor designs for high efficiency. The ambition is to help the participants reach a higher-level knowledge platform beneficial to their research toward energy-efficiency.

Doctoral network Swedish Electromobility Centre’s doctoral student network is open for all PhD students in Sweden who study aspects of electrification and hybridisation of vehicles. The network is an arena for collaboration for PhD students and stimulates their interaction with Swedish automotive industry. Manager of the network is Fernanda Lodi Marzano, researcher in Energy storage at Uppsala University. The network currently has over 100 registered members.

Fernanda Lodi Marzano leads the PhD network from 2016.

PhD students cooperate to make a miniature electric sports wagon during the 2017 Summer School

Green City Ferries launched Movitz, the world’s first “supercharged” electric passenger ferry. Carrying 100 passengers between Solna Strand and Gamla Stan, the Movitzl needs just 10 minutes to charge its batteries between 1-hour long service runs.

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The network organised a spring meeting in May where focus was on different aspects of electromobility. The venue was onboard the world’s first supercharged electric ferry, Movitz, docked at Green City Ferry, at Riddarholmen, Stockholm. The participants represented a variety of universities and companies, namely Stockholm University, Uppsala University, KTH, Chalmers, BTH, Nilar, CEVT, ABB, and Echandia Marine.

Licentiate thesis presentations Among the licenciate thesises in the PhD network, two are highlighted below: Evelina Wikner, PhD Student, Electrical engineering at Chalmers, and also connected to the Electromobility Centre, presented her licentiate thesis in June. The thesis; “Li-ion battery aging – Battery Lifetime Testing and Physics-based Modeling for Electric Vehicle Applications” focuses on the increased demand for

longer drive range and longer battery lifetime for electric vehicles. By improving the understanding for the underlying aging mechanisms of vehicle lithium ion batteries, the utilization can be improved and thus cost effective. The thesis contributes with an extensive test matrix for lifetime testing, including calendar and cycling aging, on large commercial cells for automotive applications. Opponent at the presentation was Hanna Bryngelsson, Volvo GTT-ATR and supervisors were Torbjörn Thiringer, Chalmers and Johan Scheers, Volvo Cars. Maria Taljegård, PhD Student, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology at Chalmers is also closely connected to the Electromobility Centre. Her licentiate thesis, “The impact of an Electrification of Road Transportation on the Electricity system in Scandinavia” looks at the possibility for EVs to provide a demand-side management to the electricity grid. In order to reach the 2020 CO2 emission target, set by the EU, the transport sector must reduce emissions by 20%. In essence, this will probably entail an electrification of the road transport sector through EVs (Electric Vehicles) and very likely, a higher demand on the electricity system through static charging or ERS (Electric Road Systems).

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Operations and Finance

The third phase of the Centre lasts from 1 July 2015 to 31 June 2019. The first 6 months of the phase was affected by negotiations on the cooperation agreement, but since January 2016 the centre has been up and running with full activity.

A number of research projects, from longer PhD projects to shorter studies are initiated within the centre. The centre’s full project portfolio consists of projects initiated within, and funded by the centre, projects in which the centre’s researchers has attracted external funding and projects that use the Electromobility centre as a platform for cooperation and knowledge sharing. By the end of 2017 the complete portfolio, included 72 research projects that were either ongoing or finalised during the current phase. The total budget for these projects is almost 160 million SEK. The centre is also engaged in a few EU projects that are not included in the summation. The reason they are excluded is due to the difficulty in estimating the actual share of the EU project which interacts with the centre. In 2016 the corresponding figures were 45 ongoing research projects and studies with a total budget of over 70 million SEK. The centre is also engaged in a few EU projects that are not included in the summation. The reason is that it is difficult to estimate the actual share of the EU project that interacts with the centre.

As mentioned earlier, the total budget for projects tied to the Centre’s activities is more than six times as large as the core budget. In 2016 the corresponding figures were 45 ongoing research projects and studies with a total budget of over 70 million SEK. The large increase, especially in the total budget for these projects, is mainly due to the fact that the centre is increasing interaction and importance in the electromobility environment by and large.

The three most active thematic areas System studies and methods, Energy storage and Electric machines and drives dominates the project portfolio. The relations between the size of these areas are almost the same independently of the source of the funding.

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The funding in the projects mainly comes from various programs initiated by the Swedish Energy Agency, but to some extent also from Vinnova and Drive Sweden. The centre part of the Fuel cell activities consists of only a few projects but the theme activities also include a special initiative financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, and the “Fuel cell tech watch”. The initiative is currently financing nine studies with a total budget of about 1.5 million SEK. One of the Centre’s objectives is that about half of the projects should be senior projects and half PhD projects. The share of PhD projects in the total portfolio is 50%, while it is lower if only projects funded by the centre is taken into account.

Centre finance The total allocated project budget for the centre is 24,783,800 SEK. A further 4,170,000 SEK are planned for thematic research projects during the last period of the phase. The total costs of administration, communication and strategic research management for 2017 is 2,500,000 SEK. The low cost is partly due to a lack of resources in the centre. As the reporting from the partners in the centre is not finalised, the outcome in the projects must be summarised in a separate report. Thematic meetings, activities, and knowledge transfer activities have been high during the past year with monthly discussion meetings and workshops.

Program council, Industrial council and management The board had five program council meetings during 2017. The program council has decided that one meetings each semester should be a longer face to face meeting while the other should be shorter phone meetings, starting from the autumn 2017. This year the program council has visited Volvo Cars, KTH and Lund and had two shorter phone/skype meetings. AB Volvo has a new representative in the program council, Mats Andersson, who is replacing Jazaer Dawody. The program council has invited Johan Tollin from Vattenfall, as an adjunct member to the meetings.

SWEDISH ELECTROMOBILITY CENTRE BOARD/PROGRAM COUNCIL Nils-Gunnar Vågstedt, Scania (Chairman of the Board) Erik Swietlicki, Lund University Mats Andersson, AB Volvo Eva Pålsgård, Uppsala University Jan Wikander, KTH Hans-Olof Dahlberg, Swedish Energy Agency Robert Eriksson, Volvo Cars Maria Grahn, Chalmers Peter Värbrand, Linköping University Co-opted members Anders Berndtsson, Trafikverket Anders Grauers, Chalmers, Göran Lindbergh, KTH, Johan Tollin, Vattenfall Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers, Mats Alaküla, Lund University Elna Holmberg, Electromobility Centre INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Anna Teyssot, Renault, France Giorgio Rizzoni, Ohio State University, USA Keith Hardy, Argonne National Laboratory, USA INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL Anders Grauers, Chalmers Elna Holmberg, Swedish Electromobility Centre Göran Lindbergh KTH Johan Lindström, Scania Johan Tollmén, Volvo Cars Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers Kurt Myhr, FKG Magnus Karlström, Swedish Electromobility Centre Mats Alaküla, Lund University Niklas Thulin, AB Volvo Nils-Gunnar Vågstedt, Scania Pär Ingelström, AB Volvo Robert Eriksson, Volvo Cars THEME LEADERS Anders Grauers, Chalmers Göran Lindbergh KTH Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers Mats Alaküla, Lund University

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Project reports

The projects of each theme are presented in alphabetic order.

System studies and methods

Collaboration Platform to Strengthen the Control and Optimization of Hybrid Electric Powertrains – IFPEN PARTICIPANTS Lars Eriksson, Linköping University, Project manager Antoni Sciarretta, Institut Français du Pétrole, Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) PhD Students from Linköping University and IFPEN PARTNERS Linköping University, IFPEN FINANCING Cash financing: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 – 2019 The main idea with this project is to build up a collaboration platform by supporting visits between the partners. This is an element that is lacking in the budgets, but would be beneficial, in many projects. The proposed collaboration platform will increase the information exchange and speedup the build-up of competence. The idea is to enable exchange in different projects and where the scientific results will be in the areas of models and methods and these collaborations will result in joint publications between the partners. The plan is to let our staff (PhD students and more seniors) make visits and support different projects. The goal is that each visit shall result in a joint scientific paper that can be included in licentiate and doctoral theses. It is easier to explain by example: In the first pilot exchange an IFPEN supported PhD student, that has developed new methods for the joint energy management and dimensioning for passenger cars will come to LiU and will jointly with us apply the newly developed methods to heavy duty applications. In this meeting IFPEN will bring the methodologies and tools they have developed for passenger cars and we will bring the knowledge and models for heavy duty powertrains. As the heavy-duty vehicles have characteristics than differs from passenger cars this seems like a new contribution and can result in a joint paper, where we learn from each other. Lars Eriksson has given a course in their Powertrain Programme at IFPEN. Jianning Zhao from IFPEN, has spent 3 months in Linköping. This has provided support in the EATS project with catalyst and hybrid vehicle modelling, specifically a model for the electric machine was developed using the IFP electric machine design tool. We have written a joint paper and Lars Eriksson has been co-examiner for Jianning’s PhD Thesis in France. The next step is for Lars Eriksson to give a course at IPENs Powertrain Programme, and write a joint paper on the GRAB ECO results for trucks. Additionally, we are planning to send a PhD student to IFP, either Olov Holmer or Kristoffer Ekberg.

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Jianning Zhao has visited Scania and LiU after his PhD thesis was finished but before his defence and presented his results on hybrid vehicle energy management and co-design. Although we haven’t collaborated with other thematic areas in the Swedish Electromobility Centre, we have collaborated with Scania SV AB, which has provided Jianning Zhao with data. Publications and conferences in 2017 Jianning Zhao, Antonio Sciarretta, and Lars Eriksson (2017) “GRAB-ECO for Minimal Fuel Consumption Estimation of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Oil & Gas Science and Technology” - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 39 Jianning Zhao (2017) “Design and Control Co-Optimization for Advanced Vehicle Propulsion Systems.” PhD Thesis, Universite Paris Saclay, CentraleSupélec.

Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles in platoons PARTICIPANTS Jonas Sjöberg, Chalmers, Project manager Nikolce Murgovski, Chalmers, Researcher, Stephan Uebel, Technische Universität Dresden, Guest researcher PARTNERS Chalmers FINANCING Cash funding: 450,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 A relatively new trend in energy management of electrified vehicles is not only to control the electrical and chemical energy storage, but also to utilize the kinetic and potential energy in favor of more fuel economy propulsion. Fuel economy can be improved, both for electrified and conventional vehicles, through varying vehicle speeds in a hilly terrain, while maintaining the desired driving time. For example, it is possible to lower the speed when climbing a hill and increasing the vehicle speed when rolling carries a slope, instead of having to use mechanical braking or higher engine torques to maintain constant speed. Optimal control has previously been used for the control of shift and vehicle acceleration of conventional trucks, Hellström et al. [1, 2]. Hellström et al. uses dynamic programming (DP) to solve the optimal management problem, with travel time as constraint. A limitation with DP is the high computational cost, which becomes even more apparent for systems with more states or higher complexity, such as the use of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). A promising alternative method, recently published, [3] overcomes the computational cost using DP in combination with convex optimization. Choice of gears is determined by DP, while the control of energy, electrical and chemical energy storage, and kinetic and potential energy are determined by convex optimization [3]. By using the sensor and telemetry information as well as communication possibilities between vehicles, it is possible to introduce co-operative adaptive cruise control (CACC) that manages kinetic and potential energy not only for its own vehicle but for a whole

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vehicle platoon [4]. An additional aspect of this type of CACC regulation is that it is possible to handle safety requirements for distance between adjacent vehicles. In the same way as in [3], the algorithm uses the advantages of both DP and convex optimization to reduce the computational burden. Thus, the algorithm manages speed and gear selection of the entire platoon while retaining small distance between vehicles which significantly reduces the aerodynamic drag and thereby improves fuel economy. The results from [5] show that by allowing speed to vary within ± 10 km / h, a platoon can on average get a fuel reduction of 5-7%, depending on the number of vehicles and the driving cycle. In a master project, [5], recently carried out at Chalmers, this type of CACC control has been applied to a hybrid vehicle in a platoon with the purpose to evaluate the possibilities for energy saving. Compared to a platoon of conventional vehicles, the hybrid vehicle can reduce fuel consumption by 10-18%, depending on the number of vehicles, ie almost doubling the potential of a conventional platoon. In addition, the results show that the proposed CACC strategy has the potential to be implemented in real time and in this project, this has been investigated further and a Real Time Management CACC has been developed.

Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks," The project has the following results

• A structure to divide the energy management strategy into different levels has been developed.

• An implementable energy management strategy has been developed. • Research results for a journal article have been obtained. The article is not finished

but it is being edited.

Fig 1. Illustration of the strategy “Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks."

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The results of the projects are a natural continuation of earlier activities on driveline control for better fuel economy and a sustainable transport system. The results will be published and can be used by any of the Centre’s members. We will also have the results as input in possible new projects. Papers and publications A scientific paper is under preparation and will be submitted to a scientific journal. The results will be included in Stephan Uebel's doctoral dissertation. Possibly, parts of the results will be presented at a conference. References [1] E. Hellström, M. Ivarsson, J. Åslund and L. Nielsen, "Look-ahead control for heavy trucks to minimize trip time and fuel consumption," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 245–254, 2009. [2] E. Hellström, J. Åslund and L. Nielsen, "Design of an efficient algorithm for fuel-optimal look-ahead control," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 18, no. 11, p. 1318–1327, 2010. [3] L. Johannesson, N. Murgovski, E. Jonasson, J. Hellgren and B. Egardt, "Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 41, pp. 83-97, 2015. [4] N. Murgovski, B. Egardt and M. Nilsson, "Cooperative energy management of automated vehicles," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 57, pp. 84-89, 2016. [5] M. Hovgard and O. Jonsson, “Energy optimization of Platooning with Hybrid Vehicle.” MSc Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2017.

Driving behavior modeling for powertrain design and assessment

PARTICIPANTS Sogol Kharrazi, Linköping University, Project manager PARTNERS Linköping University, Volvo Cars FINANCING Cash funding: 960,000. Funding organisation: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 - 2019 This project finances a researcher, Sogol Kharrazi, from Linköping University for the thematic area: System studies and methodologies. The research topic is driving behavior analysis and modeling, which is of key importance for design and assessment of vehicle components and functions. The thematic area researcher conducts research with respect to driver behavior modeling for powertrain optimization and verification with respect to real traffic conditions. The thematic area researcher also acts as an ambassador for the Electromobility Centre and helps with coordination of the thematic area. Sogol Kharrazi

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is also a researcher at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and has been organizing workshops with collaboration with VTI. The main research is focused on driver modeling in the context of generation of realistic driving cycles. In recent years, studies have been undertaken to develop methodologies for generation of representative driving cycles that reflect real world driving conditions. In these studies, stochastic approaches are used to generate driving cycles by assembling recorded speed profiles from naturalistic driving datasets. A further step in construction of a representative driving cycle is to generate mission-based driving cycles. A driving mission will include the factors that affect the driving patterns, such as the street type, mission length, obstacles, and interfering traffic. To generate mission-based driving cycles, a driver/vehicle model for simulation of different driving behaviors, as well as a suitable approach for simulation of the driving mission are needed, which is investigated in this project. The need for representative driving cycles and its importance in dimensioning and optimization of powertrains during the design process, as well as certification of vehicles emissions is global. International Council on Clean Transportation has conducted recent studies that show the gap between fuel consumption/emissions measured under laboratory settings and real-world conditions is getting wider. The study analyses eight different data sets covering as many as 13 model years, including both private and company cars, from Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and Switzerland—fuel consumption and CO2 emission data from more than half a million vehicles in total. It finds that the average discrepancy between type-approval and on-road CO2 emissions increased from around 8 percent in 2001 to about 38 percent in 2013. The increase in recent years was especially steep (ICCT 2014). In recent years, studies have been undertaken to develop methodologies for generation of representative driving cycles that reflect the real-world driving conditions and how the vehicle is used in real traffic. A few examples are the ARTEMIS European driving cycles for measuring car pollutant emissions which is derived from driving data of a relatively large sample of private cars using automatic clustering tools (Andre 2004). The driving cycle constructed by Lin & Niemeier (2002) based on the data for California’s regulatory cycle, using a stochastic approach, is another example. An alternative stochastic process for construction of driving cycles from naturalistic driving data, utilizing Markov chain and transition probability matrices, is presented in (Lee & Filipi 2011). Statistical approaches have also been used for generation of driving cycles specific for hybrid vehicles (Shahedinejad, et.al. 2010). Construction of driving cycles with equivalent properties is investigated in the work by Nyberg, et.al. (2015). References Andre M., 2004. “The ARTEMIS European driving cycles for measuring car pollutant emissions”. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 334-335, pp. 73-84. ICCT, 2014. “From laboratory to road – A 2014 update of official and “real-world” fuel consumption and CO2 values for passenger cars in Europe”. International Council on Clean Transportation, white paper. Lee T. and Filipi Z. S., 2011. “Synthesis of real-world driving cycles using stochastic process and statistical methodology”. International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 57, No. 1. Pp. 17-35.

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Lin J. and Niemeier D. A., 2002. “An exploratory analysis comparing a stochastic driving cycle to California’s regulatory cycle”. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 36, pp. 5759-5770. Nyberg P., Frisk E. and Nielsen L., 2015. ”Using real-world driving databases to generate driving cycles with equivalence properties”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 65, No. 5, pp 4095-4105. Shahedinejad E., Bibeau E. and Filizadeh S., 2010. “Statistical development of a duty cycle for plug-in vehicles in a north American urban setting using fleet information”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 59, No. 8, pp. 3710-3719. So far, the thematic researcher has used the traffic simulation tool SUMO for investigating the feasibility of using traffic simulations for generation of mission-based driving cycles. The results show that there is a need for improving the driving behaviour models in traffic simulation tools such as SUMO. She has been working with improving the driving behaviour models in SUMO and has also supervised a thesis worker on this topic. The research on improving the driving behaviour model in SUMO continues. Supervision of a new thesis worker has also started. There is also a plan for submitting an application for a PhD student in this field to the Energy Agency call on efficient vehicles with the deadline Feb 28, 2018. In regard to sharing the knowledge, the project results have been shared and will be shared at the Electromobility Centre seminars. The early project outcomes have also been presented at the 25th IAVSD symposium in Rockhampton, Australia, 2017. A seminar for presentation of the thesis work results was organized and will be repeated for the new thesis work. A journal paper of the achieved results will be sent for publication in winter 2018. The involvement of Volvo Cars as an industry partner, ensures that the industries’ needs and interests are considered in the project and that the project outcomes will be valuable for the automotive industry. Volvo Cars is also supporting the application for a PhD student in the field. Publications and conferences 2017 Marcus Almén, “Driver Model for Mission-based Driving Cycles”, Master thesis report, Linköping University, 2017. Sogol Kharrazi, Lars Nielsen, Erik Frisk, “Design Cycles for a Given Driving Mission”. In the proceedings of the 25th IAVSD symposium, Rockhampton, Australia, 2017. Sogol Kharrazi, Marcus Almén, Erik Frisk, Lars Nielsen, “A Methodology for Generation of Design Cycles”. To be submitted for publications in winter 2018.

Energy efficient driving using electric wheel corner functionalities PARTICIPANTS Lars Drugge, KTH, Senior researcher and project manager Peikun Sun, KTH, PhD student

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Jenny Jerrelind, KTH, Senior researcher Annika Stensson Trigell, KTH, Senior advisor Mats Jonasson, Volvo Car Group, Affiliated researcher PARTNERS KTH Vehicle Dynamics, Volvo Car Group (affiliated) FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 – 2017

One of the key challenges for road transport is to meet the future energy demand while reducing its contribution to the global greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental issues like particle emissions. The electrification of vehicle powertrains provides one of the means for reducing the environmental impact of the vehicle. Traditional vehicle configurations are often limited by its mechanical drivetrain and coupled steering angles on the front axle. With electrified drivetrains, the ability to implement individual control of wheel angles, propulsion and brake torques in a cost-efficient way is an option. Electrification of powertrains provides a means of reducing the environmental impact of vehicles by reducing fuel consumption or replacing fossil fuel. Electrified powertrains also enable cost-efficient implementation of active control of vehicle subsystems (traction/braking/steering etc.), which until now mainly has been studied regarding enhanced manoeuvrability and safety. This project focuses on developing knowledge on how electric wheel corner functionalities such as individual control of propulsion, steering and camber can be utilised to reduce the motion resistance of a vehicle. The energy consumption in steady-state cornering driving conditions has been analysed and an evaluation of how wheel torque control and camber control influence the vehicle energy efficiency has been carried out. The results show that wheel torque control contributes to a reduction of energy losses corresponding to about 1-2 % in steady-state cornering while camber control can reduce losses by about 5-15 % depending on vehicle configuration, velocity, and lateral acceleration. The knowledge has been disseminated through an international conference publication and through participation in Electromobility Centre activities. The project has been carried out by KTH Vehicle Dynamics in collaboration with Volvo Car Group (affiliated researcher) and has been performed between 2016-09-01 -- 2017-06-30 with a funding of 300 kSEK from Electromobility Centre. Previous research has shown that optimal wheel torque distribution can improve energy efficiency and energy efficient control allocation has been implemented to control wheel torques in order to make a vehicle to follow given vehicle velocities. In the PhD thesis of Johannes Edrén it was for example shown that improved safety and also lower energy consumption could be achieved for vehicles with different levels of over-actuation, where for example optimisation was used as a method to find strategies to control steering and traction forces of a vehicle during mild cornering manoeuvring in order to minimise the energy consumed.

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The results show that torque vectoring control contributes to a reduction of the power losses of about 1-2 % during a steady-state cornering manoeuvre whereas camber control can reduce it in the order of 5-15 %, depending on vehicle and driving conditions. The results indicate that camber control show promising results to achieve a more energy efficient driving. The results have also been published in a conference proceeding at an international scientific conference (IAVSD 2017). Utilization of results The knowledge has been disseminated to the international scientific community through a conference publication at IAVSD 2017 in Australia, and to, for example, vehicle manufacturers and government agencies through participation at the Electromobility Centre E-mobility Centre Day 2017 in Stockholm. Future work includes analysing the influence of vehicle model simplifications on the energy loss estimations. Here, the tyre model is important. By expanding the tyre model to a non-linear model, the combination of forces and moments that affects tyre properties and energy losses in each direction are taken into account. Thereby making the analysis more valid also in manoeuvres where large lateral and/or longitudinal forces are occurring. The project is focusing on topics important within the Electromobility Centre thematic area System studies and methods such as developing methods and algorithms, which can be adopted and utilised in a hybrid and electric vehicle setting on a systems level, by exploiting dynamic models, computational methods and simulation techniques. The project topic is related to mathematical modelling, dynamic simulation, performance analysis, control design and optimisation. Industry contribution The affiliation of an industry partner to the project (Mats Jonasson, affiliated researcher, Volvo Car Group) has amongst others provided valuable knowledge regarding torque vectoring implementation aspects as well as appreciated practical information about actual vehicle model properties and attributes important for the simulations. Collaboration Collaboration with Volvo Car Group is established through the participation of Mats Jonasson who is affiliated to the project. Additionally, collaboration with the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design at KTH has been established within the ECO2-project “Innovative lightweight vehicle concept with wheel corner modules”, where Mohammad Mehdi Davari has developed an extended brush tyre model to be used for energy studies within vehicle dynamics simulations. The knowledge gained has been disseminated through an international scientific publication at the IAVSD 2017 Conference in Rockhampton, Australia, as well as at the Electromobility Centre E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017. Papers and publications P. Sun, A. Stensson Trigell, L. Drugge, J. Jerrelind and M. Jonasson, “Analysis of camber control and torque vectoring to improve vehicle energy efficiency”, IAVSD 2017, 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicle on Roads and Tracks, 14-18 August, Rockhampton, Australia.

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Modelling and validation of hybrid heavy duty vehicles with exhaust after-treatment systems

PARTICIPANTS Lars Eriksson, Linköping University, Researcher, Project manager Olov Holmer, Linköping University, Researcher, PhD Student Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers, Researcher PARTNERS Linköping University, Chalmers, Scania CV AB, Volvo AB FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 Powertrain and exhaust after-treatment systems for heavy-duty hybrid vehicles are designed and developed according to the same principles as conventional heavy vehicles. They are often designed and developed separately - the powertrain for good fuel economy and the exhaust after treatment system to meet current emission legislation. This mode of procedure leads to fuel inefficiency, since the motor has to be used more than necessary in order to get a sufficiently high temperature of the exhaust after-treatment system for good efficiency. Sophisticated methods that take into account the entire system and optimize system performance are needed to improve the efficiency of the system. Model-based methods are often used for this, as they provide both flexibility and customizability to the configuration, in this case the hybrid vehicle and its exhaust after-treatment system. Model-based methods need, as the name indicates, system models. The project goals is therefore to develop mathematical models that can be used to support the design of the powertrain system and the exhaust after-treatment system. The project is driven by Linköping University (LiU) in collaboration with Chalmers, AB Volvo, and Scania. This means a combination of expertise and technology from AB Volvo and Scania and academic knowledge from LiU and Chalmers is included in the project. The project is thought of as a pre-study for a larger project about integrated hybrid powertrain and aftertreatment system design and control where FFI Energi & Miljö and EMC are thought of as financiers. A model of a complete hybrid vehicle including aftertreatment system was presented in a workshop at the end of the project. The model was validated using data gathered on vehicles by our industry partners, and the model has shown to agree well with this data. A document describing the model is also available at the centre’s website along with the model. The main result is a model of a complete model of a hybrid vehicle with aftertreatment system. The model is a compilation of previously developed models. Some of the models have been modified to be able to be used in a hybrid vehicle were a few new types of operation conditions arise, and few new models have also been developed. The developed models will be used in different projects within the centre and the project itself will continue in a new larger project, where the goal is to continue the development and usage of the models.

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During the project regular meetings with the industry partners where held where the development of the models where discussed and the project was ended with a workshop were the final model was presented. A document describing the model is available on the centre’s web forum along with the model itself. The main goal of the project is to develop a model of a compete hybrid vehicle including aftertreatment system. The model is to be used for system studies and control design where the interplay between the hybrid system and aftertreatment system is to be investigated as well as the relationship between fuel economy and emissions in a hybrid vehicle. The goal is also to build knowledge and find areas where more work is needed and can be proposed as future work. For example, it was discovered that many of the models have problems with engine shut off, which is a common strategy in hybrid vehicle to reduce energy consumption, since the air and exhaust mass flow becomes zero. This is something that was considered in the project but it is also marked as an opportunity for future work. Industry contribution Scania and Volvo AB have contributed with knowledge and support. They have also contributed with data for the parametrisation and validation of the models. We have collaborated with IFPEN in France when modelling the electric part of the powertrain. During the project, continuous meetings were held with the industry partners where the results, status and future work in the project were discussed. The project was ended with a workshop where the final model was presented. A document describing the model is available on the centre’s web forum along with the model. Papers and publications Holmer, Olov, and Lars Eriksson. "Modeling and validation of hybrid heavy duty vehicles with exhaust aftertreatment systems."

Modelling, system analysis and control of a hybrid powertrain and after-treatment system PARTICIPANTS Lars Eriksson, Linköping University Olov Holmer, Linköping University Jonas Fredriksson, Chalmers PARTNERS Linköping University, Chalmers FINANCING Cash funding: 2,025,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 – 2019

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Powertrain and exhaust after-treatment systems for heavy-duty hybrid vehicles are designed and developed according to the same principles as conventional heavy vehicles. They are often designed and developed separately - the powertrain for good fuel economy and the exhaust after-treatment system to meet current emission legislation. This mode of procedure leads to fuel inefficiency, since the motor has to be used more than necessary in order to get a sufficiently high temperature of the exhaust after-treatment system for good efficiency. Sophisticated methods that take into account the entire system and optimize system performance are needed to improve the efficiency of the system. Model-based methods are often used for this, as they provide both flexibility and customizability to the configuration, in this case the hybrid vehicle and its exhaust after-treatment system. Model-based methods need, as the name indicates, system models. The project goals is therefore to develop mathematical models that can be used to support the design of the powertrain system and the exhaust after-treatment system. The models will also be used in projects at Linköping University and Chalmers, both of which have acknowledged academic experience in model-based development. The focus in the project is research and we have identified a need for knowledge in the following three themes: development of new models, knowledge of interaction between hybrid powertrain and aftertreatment system, and systematic control design methods. The purpose of the project is to develop a simulation model of open source character that can be used to investigate the interplay between the hybrid and aftertreatment systems in a hybrid truck or bus that is powered by diesel engine. The model should consist of modular subcomponents so that it is possible to adapt the model to describe different types of vehicles, from smaller distribution trucks and busses to larger long haulage trucks. Why is this important, in relation to today’s state of the art? In relation to today’s state of the art, this is an important model. To meet the demands of customers and legislators, vehicles are becoming increasingly complex where it is no longer straight forward to design the system and the controls. This is especially true for hybrid vehicles where a hybrid system can result in more cold start transients for the aftertreatment systems. More knowledge is needed to develop a systematic design for such systems. This was pointed out as an important and strategic area in the Swedish Electromobility Centre project selection process that lead up to the pre-study that was the predecessor of the current project. The results we have reached so far: Vehicle and driving data has been provided by the industrial partners, a first version of the model has been implemented and is running. The model has been shared with and scrutinized by the partners and it is now available on the Centres website. We have also shown that there are interesting interplays between the hybrid powertrain and the aftertreatment system. Two controllers were developed and tested one for a conventional long haul truck without exhaust brakes, and one for a hybrid long haul truck, the hybrid truck achieved a 3% fuel reduction and 30% NOx reduction, compared to the conventional in a benchmark problem for Swedish highway conditions. The next step in the project will be to develop more models related to the exhaust temperature, engine out emissions, and aftertreatment system. These will be tailored for solving optimal control problems.

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How have you shared/intend to share the knowledge (this year)? Knowledge sharing has been done by uploading the final model and the final model report on the Centre website. We have also participated in the workshops arranged by the Swedish Electromobility Centre. On an international level we have collaborations with IFPEN in France and with TNO Automotive in The Netherlands. The affiliated partners have provided invaluable input on the requirements and provided measurement data that would have been impossible to get without the collaboration. Two Master thesis projects with 1 resp. 2 students have been initiated and will finish in 2018, these will support the modelling efforts in the project. Publications and conferences 2017 Holmer, Olov, and Lars Eriksson. "Simultaneous Reduction of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions through Hybridization of a Long Haulage Truck." IFAC-PapersOnLine 50.1 (2017): 8927-8932. Holmer, Olov, and Lars Eriksson. "Modelling and Validation of Hybrid Heavy Duty Vehicles with Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems." Proceedings of the 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 58) Reykjavik, Iceland, September 25th–27th, 2017. No. 138. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2017.

Optimal Integration of Combustion Engines and Electric motors for HEVs

PARTICIPANTS Lei Feng, KTH Jan Wikander, KTH Tong Liu, Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems Division, Dept. Machine Design, KTH PARTNERS KTH FINANCING Cash funding: 200,000 SEK. Funding organisation. Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 – 2018

A common limitation of the state-of-the-art HEV design and control methods is to simply reuse the conventional combustion engine with smaller horsepower. The engine’s characteristic is not altered for its new working environment. When used as the only power source, the engine must have balanced fuel efficiency and emission control in all working conditions. This compromises the peak value of the high efficiency occurring in a narrow range of engine torque and speed. When coupled with electric motors in the hybrid electric powertrain, the engine will mostly operate in a small range of high efficiency and the electric motors will provide the driving power otherwise. Consequently, one can redesign the engine

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to maximize the fuel efficiency and emission reduction for the small working range without worrying about worse performance outside the range. The first objective of this pre-study is to investigate the engine technologies for a balanced optimization of fuel efficiency and emission level within a selected small operational range and to quantitatively evaluate the advantages of the specially designed engine for HEVs. The numbers on fuel efficiency and emission level will be obtained from simulations with professional powertrain models. A consequence of this objective is to enable a radical change to HEVs. Despite its harmful emission, the diesel engine is the dominant power source for commercial vehicles owing to its higher fuel efficiency. If the peak efficiency within a small operational range of the gasoline engine or other types of engines burning clean fuels, such as methanol and ethanol, can be tuned to be similar to the efficiency of the diesel engine, we can replace the diesel engine in the hybrid powertrain by other types of engines with cleaner emission. After the redesign, the engine should be prevented from operating outside the designed operation range. This requires adequate power and torque from the electric motor and the electrical energy storage (EES) whenever the engine cannot meet the drive demand. The guarantee of available electrical power in the new hybrid powertrain is much stronger than in the conventional HEV. Correspondingly, the second objective of the project is to improve the topology, sizing and control of the electric motor, EES, and the transmission to ensure that the HEV can always satisfy the power and torque demand from the driver. The project will solve this problem through integrated design optimization and optimal control technologies. The novelty of this project is to find conceptual model of the customized engine and to quantify both energy consumption and emission for selected drive cycles and powertrain configurations. The state-of-the-art of developing hybrid electric powertrains overlooks the fact that the engines work in narrow operational ranges in HEVs. This project will redesign the engines to maximize the peak fuel efficiency within the useful range and apply integrated design and control optimization method to keep the new engine to operate within the narrow range. The energy efficiency of the powertrain will be significantly improved. We are validating the new concept through both simulation and prototyping. We have an HEV prototype car at KTH. Its engine is calibrated to always operate at the peak efficiency conditions. This is achieved by the optimal configuration the throttle position so that the most efficient operating condition is reached at the normal range of the rotational speed. This engine partly fulfils the first project objective. The engine is integrated with two electric motors to construct a parallel hybrid electric powertrain. The electric energy storage is a supercapacitor because of its high power-flow. Simulation model of the hybrid prototype car has been built and verified against real measurement. We have developed both globally optimal and real-time suboptimal controller to maximize the fuel efficiency of the HEV and sustain the charge of the supercapacitor. Simulation results show that the specially configured engine can be integrated in HEVs without decreasing the driving

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performance or damaging the electrical machines. The fuel efficiency is better than a simple rule-based controller without explicit optimization. In the future, we will continue improve the optimal energy management controller for higher fuel efficiency of the HEV. The result will be verified by both simulations and experiment. The project will also study how different configurations of the engine influence the fuel efficiency of the HEV. For example, the engine is configured in the normal way that its operational points belong to a 2D map. Then we compute the maximal fuel efficiency of this normal engine and compare the efficiency value with that of the special engine. The study will reveal if the specially configured engine can indeed improve the overall fuel efficiency. To share the knowledge we have gained, we plan to submit a conference paper and a journal paper based on the results of this project. We will also submit grant applications in the same topic to other funding agencies. We collaborate with an already completed Electromobility Centre project. Its title is “Test Bench for Optimal Design and Control of Energy Buffers for Minimizing Energy Consumption”. The manager of the project is Mikael Hellgren. The project belongs to the thematic area of Energy storage, and System studies and methods, and its duration was from 2016.06.20 to 2017.06.16. This project developed a test rig for simulating drive cycles and measuring the fuel consumption of the HEV prototype car. We plan to use the test rig for measuring the fuel consumption achieved by our integrated design and optimization method. Publications and conferences 2017 Tong Liu, Energy Management Strategy of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle for Shell Eco-marathon, Master’s Thesis, Department of Machine Design, KTH, 2017. We will soon submit a conference paper to the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) to be held in Munich, Germany, August 2018.

Service Optimisation of Charging Stations Using Machine Learning PARTICIPANTS Sebastien Gros, Chalmers, Project manager PARTNERS AB Volvo, Chalmers, Vattenfall FINANCING Cash funding: 200 000 SEK. Funding organisation: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 – 2018 Plugin hybrids and electric vehicle (PHEVs & EVs) pull energy from the electric grid, and electric mobility will become increasingly dependent on charging stations (either private or as a service).

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Even in a future scenario where an extensive network of charging stations is available, it is likely that vehicles will often compete for the utilization of the charging services, both in terms of charging time slot and energy. The charging of EV and PHEV will therefore become a resource-allocation problem. The problem resembles the one often faced in large organizations, where the staff competes for booking meeting-rooms for specific time slots. The problem this pre-study aims at unpacking is: how can we design smart charging policies for charging stations, and what information ought to be exchanged between the vehicles and the charging stations? INTRODUCTION Plugin hybrids and electric vehicle (PHEVs & EVs) will have to share the utilization of EV charging stations (EVCSs). This is a resource allocation problem where the shared resources are time slots, power and energy. Because the future power grid will incorporate larger amounts of renewable energies than today and hence have an intrinsic variability of its available resources, charging stations are likely to benefit from becoming participants of the electricity market rather than simple consumers, bidding for the energy resources and possibly offering services to strengthen the power grid. If done properly, this participation can yield interesting reduction of the cost of charging EVs. The role of (networks of) EVCSs will probably be one of providing an attractive service to EVs and PHEVs owners by taking care of efficiently managing the complex negotiations for the access to energy on the power market. In a free market environment, which is one of the most likely business model, EVCSs will compete to offer the best service to EVs, at the most attractive prices. Setting up adequate prices for EVCS services is a challenging task. The pricing does not only depend on the local power market behaviour and structure, but also on the specific type of EV usage pertaining to the local charging market. Indeed, an EVCS located in a residential area may face a very different charging market that one located on a highway. Understanding the local charging market for a specific EVCS can arguably be a very challenging task as it requires in-depth market studies, thorough data collection, and a fairly deep understanding of the charging market in order to understand the local customers. In this pre-study we are interested in investigating the behaviour of Reinforcement-Learning techniques to approach the problem. Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the basics of the problem in order to prepare a bigger project aimed at studying our vision of EV/PHEV charging, which will ultimately deliver:

• Optimal service policies for (networks of) EV/PHEVs charging stations. This includes the management of the charging time slots and the energy pricing. The goal will be to offer the most competitive services for EV/PHEV drivers.

• Case studies investigating how such a scenario of charging services will perform in the future power grid, and how will it compare to charging stations not relying on the service.

• An investigation of the possible emergence of detrimental game effects, whereby some (networks of) charging stations develop policies that do not promote a sustainable transportation system (e.g. by focusing purely on short-term profit maximization, or by eliminating the competition). If such game effects may occur, the project will investigate possible legislative rules that can prevent them. In order

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to prepare this project, this pre-study aims at addressing the numerous questions we currently have for its development.

LITERATURE SURVEY In this section we collect and classify a number of papers relevant to the problem of charging EVs. This collection is surely not exhaustive but seems to offer a recent and broad view of the research performed on the topic. We have divided the existing research on the following categories of focus, with the associated papers.

• Aggregation considers the problem of managing a large number of EVs under charge by aggregating them into a large consumer, so as to hide the complexity of managing a large number of small loads to the overall power system. The aggregator is then responsible for managing the interaction between the EVs and the power grid. This creates a number of questions, ranging from the modelling of the aggregation [3], [4], the management of the aggregator [2], [6], [7], [38], to the dynamics of the aggregator as seen from the power grid side [26], as well as the aggregator as an actor of the day-ahead power market [35].

• Optimization & management techniques deal more specifically with the problem of managing the EV charging in the given environment. Research involves specific optimization techniques to achieve a close-to-optimal management of the problem. The methods consider divide-and-conquer approaches [9], [31], and/or target real-time feasibility [10]. Some methods consider both spatial and temporal aspects of charging (scheduling and geographical distribution), see e.g. [17]. Uncertainty is explicitly accounted for in e.g. [33], [8]. In [11], the problem of investment is also accounted for in parallel with the management.

• Games effects are likely to arise in the problem of EV charging. Some papers

investigate such issues. E.g. [15] considers a game-based management of EV charging using Epecs and local pricing, while [23], [5] investigate the presence of Nash Equilibria in EV charging.

• Power markets will play a crucial role in EV charging, and is the object of research.

In [16], [20], the optimal charging strategies for EVs in a market environment is investigated, regulation and business models for EV charging are investigated in [24], bidding strategies for EV charging are investigated in [32], [29]. Finally, [37] investigates the cost saving induced by electricity market for EV charging.

• Grid aspects will also play a crucial role for EV charging if and when a large-scale

electrification of transportation occurs. Some papers focus on the interaction of EVs with large power grids. E.g. [34] investigates frequency regulation using EVs, [36] investigates the interdependence of transmission and distribution for EV charging, [1] investigates the benefit of the EV flexibility for integrating renewable energies, and the capability of EVs as a Demand-Side-Management provider is investigated in [22], [25]. The general role of EVs in existing power structures is investigated in [13], [19], [18], [14], while the role of EVs in smart grids is investigated in e.g. [12], [30]. The effect of distribution grid limitations for EV charging is considered in [27].

• In the literature review we have performed, we have not found investigations on the

role of fast-charging EVCS as an economic actor in the system, having the need of fixing prices so as to maximise its attractiveness for EVs.

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SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE FUTURE OF EVCS A vast amount of research has been produced on the “slow" charging of EVs, which occurs e.g. at home or on the workplace during extensive periods of idling for the EVs, fitting an electrical transportation system that is very much alike the one we have today. Fast charging has been long considered an undesirable option because of the negative impact it has on the lifetime of batteries. Indeed, modern Li-ion batteries tend to form internal metal deposits on their electrodes when subjected to high currents, and the accumulation of deposits reduces the performance of the battery, or can even lead to its catastrophic failure. However, the current trend in the transportation industry and recent research on the next generation of batteries should make us aware that radically different scenarios are not impossible. However, this picture may change dramatically in the near future. Indeed, recent research on solid-state batteries suggest that the next generation of batteries may tolerate extremely high currents (i.e. only limited by the heat losses within the battery). The perspective of having ultra-fast charging as an option does not dismiss the home- or work-charging options, but it changes the EV landscape. In particular, it would make the autonomy of EVs a less crucial issue for the user, as ultra-fast charging could in principle allow an EV to fill its battery in minutes, and make shared EV fleets a very attractive option as the time spent charging the shared EVs would be minimum. Fast charging may then become central when EVs become predominant, especially if Autonomous Driving (AD) becomes a reality. Indeed, there are three identified situations where fast charging can be expected to be crucial:

• shared EV fleets (Autonomous Driving or not) where the EV utilization is high and the charging opportunities limited

• densely populated urban areas where vehicle owners do not have a private parking space close to their home

• intercity highways where many vehicles will be in beyond-range driving cycles. The opportunities created by ultra-fast charging ought to be investigated thoroughly. A number of new issues arise if one can dismiss the limitation of charging power of classic batteries. Indeed, if EV batteries can tolerate a very high charging power, then the power limitation may not be imposed by the EVs anymore, but rather by the power the EVCS itself can manage. This power limitation will be imposed by 1. the capacity of the individual chargers at the EVCS, this capacity has a direct impact on the investment costs of the EVCS infrastructures 2. the strength of the connection of the EVCS to the power grid, which depends on the location of the EVCS and/or in the investment costs in a high-power connection 3. the strength of the power grid at the location of the EVCS, which depends on the location of the EVCS, and investment costs in the power grid to ensure a strong grid High-power EVCSs are also unlike slow EVCSs in the sense that the high volume of energy they will trade every day are likely to make them valuable participants of the day-ahead power market.

FURTHER PROPOSALS SUBMITTED DURING THIS PROJECT In the course of this pre-study we have submitted the following research proposals in order to seek funding to pursue this research. • “Interaction of EV Charging Stations with the Power Markets", E2 seed project

proposal with Prof. Peiyuan Chen. • “Service Optimization of Charging Stations", Arera of Advance - Energy proposal,

with Dr. Mikael Odenberger.

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Test bench for Optimal Design and Control of Energy Buffers for Minimizing Energy Consumption PARTICIPANTS Mikael Hellgren, KTH, Project manager Lei Feng, Associate professor, KTH PARTNERS KTH FINANCING Cash funding: 150,000 SEK. Funding organisation: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 – 2017 Researchers at KTH Mekatronik often study optimizations of hybrid drive lines. The results usually become simulations. Generally, it is difficult to publish simulations that are not fully verified. This project aims at creating a test environment where researchers can compare their models and real-time simulations. This is to increase the scientific weight of the papers produced. During the project period June 2016 to June 2017, the project has produced a test rig that can simulate different driving cycles, and a small hybrid-powered vehicle has been completed to run on the test rig. The rig and the vehicle communicate with each other via a CAN bus for the vehicle to know the position on the "road". With this setup, researchers can now test different optimizations of the driveline. Measures that have been performed show a working rig with approximately ± 3% accuracy for the torque applied to the wheel of the car. Background Researchers at KTH Mekatronik often study optimizations of hybrid drive lines. The results usually become simulations. Generally, it is difficult to publish simulations that are not fully verified. If the researchers would have the possibility to test their ideas on real vehicles it would enhance the papers a lot. One option is to implement it in real vehicles and test on the road. This is giving problems in terms of cost and repeatability of tests. To overcome this, the idea is to produce a test rig that could be used in our lab with a small vehicle, see figure 1. The vehicle has a hybrid driveline.

By having this possibility, the researchers would be able to get real results from tests. The cost will be affordable and time slots for testing will be available. When the project started the vehicle was already in use for competitions in the Shell Eco Marathon competition.

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The test rig was not available nor the integration of both devices. One question is if the rig will be good enough for getting reliable data from. General project description and results The following phases of the project were performed: - Brainstorming for different concepts - Concept evaluation - Design, mechanical and electric - Construction - Test and evaluation Brainstorming and evaluation From the brainstorming mainly two concepts where created, motor connected directly to the driveshaft of the car and rollers with motor to put the complete vehicle on. The roller solution was chosen because it would be much easier to test the car if we just put it up on the rollers instead of disassembling the car to mount the breaking motor.

Design A CAD 3D model for the rig was produced, see fig 2 For the control system an Arduino Due micro controller was chosen. This one can be programmed directly from Matlab/Simulink which will give a good evaluation environment as the values of different variables could be plotted during runtime. A sketch of the system can be seen in figure 3.

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Construction The different parts where built during autumn 2016 and spring 2017. Test and evaluation During spring of 2017 a lot of tests where done to identify the different frictions and motor parameters. The output signal for the motor driver is a reference current. In the driver the reference will be converted to actual current in the motor with a bandwidth of 2 kHz. This dynamic is not taken into account. The output signal is generated from the different forces that would act on the car in reality, that is; dynamic forces, air drag force and force due to slopes. The force needed to overcome the rolling resistance is not implemented as there already is a rolling resistance in between the wheel and the rollers. This resistance is assumed to be a little bit higher than normal rolling resistance of one wheel but as the three other wheels are not rolling the total resistance is assumed to be in the same region as the one between the wheel and rollers in the rig. Figure 4 shows the implementation from the Simulink diagram.

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The different frictions in the test rig were identified as: Colomb friction and dynamic friction. The torque constant was also identified.

The test rig has been tested and found to give fairly good behaviour compared to reality. The output torque of the rig (on the roller) has shown to be within ± 3% of desired torque. In figure 5 the measured values of output torque and linearized could be seen. Also the output of our model can be seen there.

During the Shell Eco Marathon competition in May 2017 a lot of data was gathered from the car running on the track. These data will be used for calibration of the test rig. Utilization of results The test rig is planned to be fine-tuned during autumn 2017. After that the rig will be used by researchers to measure the implemented optimization of the hybrid drivetrain. One idea is to connect the position data in the rig to a computer which will synchronize it with a film of the test track. Then you will have the behaviour of the driver in the loop that could give you some problem with driver not acting consistently. Another way could be to let the car decide the right torque for different situation feed by the rig. By doing this we would have a test bench for autonomous driving. Targets To optimize the behaviour of hybrid drives is always of interest. With this rig we hope to be able to get some interesting results for global and/or local optimization of energy consumption.

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Dissemination of knowledge The result so far has been presented during the Swedish Electromobility Centre Day 12 June 2017. In mid-December the result of the work done under the autumn will be presented during mechatronic presentations for student projects.

Using heat pump in electrified buses to decrease auxiliaries cost PARTICIPANTS Lars Eriksson, Linköping University MSc Students, Linköping University PARTNERS LiU and Scania CV AB FINANCING Cash funding: 305,000 SEK. Main funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre. DURATION 2017 – 2018 Heat pumps have a potential to reduce the energy consumption and extend the range of electrified vehicles. Currently there are many open questions that need to be answered. This pre-study has been initiated to answer these questions and provide directions for future work. The majority of the work will be performed in an MSc thesis and the results will be implemented in our hybrid vehicle simulation platform. The purpose of the project is to reduce the energy consumption in hybrid electric vehicles with the aid of heat pumps. But to reach this goal a pre-study is performed to gather more knowledge. Most publications focus on light duty hybrid vehicles and quite simple models. In this pre-study we aim to:

1. perform a literature survey and describe the state-of-the art of heat pump systems in hybrid vehicles

2. develop a model of a heat pump system for a hybrid bus, and a simple control

algorithm. See modelling challenge below for more information

3. make recommendation for further research to the System studies and method team as well as the program board within the Swedish Electromobility Centre

The project is important because more knowledge about heat pumps is needed so that the right design choices can be made for the system design. There are several challenges using heat pumps in a vehicle. Different heat sources have different temperatures and the systems are also dependent on ambient temperature. The optimal working medium mass flow for a heat pump differs from an air-condition compressor and there is a design problem to find the best combination, since the AC-system and heat pump system should use the same components, to a large extent. The heat pump operation often (depending on refrigerant, suction pressure, and the temperature on the cold side) needs a larger volume flow than what the standard AC-compressor can provide. So, there are many open questions that must be addressed.

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In regard to results so far, a first literature survey has been performed and a group of two MSc Students have been recruited to develop the first design oriented heat-pump model that can be integrated in our vehicle simulation platform. The next step is to finish the MSc and sum up the knowledge gained and define future research directions.

Vehicle independent road resistance estimation PARTICIPANTS Jonas Fredriksson, Swedish Electromobility Centre, Chalmers, Project manager Mikael Askerdal, Swedish Electromobility Centre, Chalmers, PhD student Anders Tenstam, AB Volvo Rickard Arvidsson, Volvo Car Corporation Tenil Cletus, AB Volvo Mathias Björkman, Scania, Validering PARTNERS AB Volvo, Scania, Volvo Cars, Chalmers FINANCING Cash funding: 1,520,000 SEK. Funding organisation: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 – 2018 Road resistance is commonly divided into a few different components such as rolling resistance, wind resistance and resistance from road gradient (hills). The total sum of road resistance is the force that must be delivered by the powertrain to the wheels of the vehicle in order to maintain speed. The different components of the road resistance have been studied in a number of different projects and a lot is well known. However, in most studies the model parameters used are often dependent on both the vehicle, the road and the surroundings. Some exceptions exist though, especially when it comes to the rolling resistance. The idea with this project is to find models for each of the different components of the road resistance where the input parameters used are either purely vehicle dependent or purely dependent on the road and the surrounding conditions and to develop a method to estimate the data of the surrounding conditions from a large population of vehicles (big data). The advantages with this approach is that data from any vehicle can be used to improve the estimation and that all vehicles can benefit from the estimated data. In the long run, this can lead to a system that dynamically calculates the surrounding parameters of the road resistances and that adapts rapidly to changing conditions such as wind and wet road surface. The project is expected to:

• Point out a number of vehicle independent road resistance coefficients • Point out a number of road resistance independent vehicle parameters • Develop an estimation method from measurements from a large population of

vehicles • Develop a method for approximating the energy consumption of a road segment

from the road resistance coefficients and the vehicle parameters

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The result is expected to be useful for: 1. Improved range estimation of battery electric vehicles 2. Improved vehicle energy management 3. Energy efficient and economical route planning.

The purpose is to improve the road resistance estimation by separating road resistance parameters into two sets of parameters. The first set including parameters that are solely depending on the vehicle itself and the second set including parameters that are independent of the vehicle. The idea is also to investigate if the vehicle independent parameters can be estimated from vehicle log data. Estimates of road resistance can be used for range estimation, energy management and route planning. Today, road resistance estimates to be used for range estimation and predictive energy management are done on-line in vehicles. These estimates can only use past data. That means, that the road resistance estimation of the upcoming road are based on data from the road behind you. This can be very wrong if, for example the road surface changes from concrete to dirt or if there is a sudden change in weather conditions such as strong head winds or snow on the surface. Some of these problems can be overcome by storing data from past drives, but far from all of them. Rolling resistance is for example very much dependent on the surface and can change rapidly if it starts to rain or snow. Air resistance will change if there is change in wind speed or direction. Furthermore, the state of the art for route planning is to use static information or even constant vales for the road resistance of the possible routes. Dynamic information of the road resistance could therefore improve route planning by avoiding routes with temporary high road resistance due to disadvantaging conditions such as strong head wind and snowy roads. If the road resistance parameters could be shared between vehicles, these changes could be detected before the vehicle enters a road segment with changed conditions and therefore adapting the range estimation and energy management in advance improving both the range and the range estimation. However, parameters sharing is not possible as long as the road resistance parameters are depending on the vehicle itself. Hence, this project is important as an enabler for sharing road resistance parameters between vehicles. The idea is that this would lead to improved range estimation, energy management and route planning. The results so far come from the more general pre-study called “Information management for the energy efficient vehicles of the future”. The aim of the pre-study was to set the scope to the main project (i.e. “Vehicle independent road resistance estimation”) and to investigate how errors in the information given to a predictive energy management strategy affect fuel consumption and overall vehicle performance. The second result from the pre-study was that poor information (i.e. poor gps-positioning) will have a strong influence on both fuel consumption and vehicle performance. With a non-robust implementation, the vehicle will come to an unwanted stop if the e-horizon system tells the energy management system that the road sloes downwards when it is actually going up-hill. And picking the wrong path as input information when running on a hilly road can result in a 60% increase of fuel consumption. The importance of this result is that advanced deterministic algorithms are only beneficial if the input information is correct. Otherwise, they might perform worse than simple algorithms. The next step of the project is to collect vehicle data and from that evaluate different ways of splitting the road resistance parameters into vehicle dependent parameters and vehicle independent parameters. In the project work, there is collaboration with several research projects at the participating industrial partners. There is also some collaboration through knowledge

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sharing with the network Complete Vehicle Energy Consumption (CVEC). In the future, more collaborations are likely with for example research projects within institutes like SP and VTI. The industry partners are vital for providing the project with relevant measurement data, simulation environment and expertise. The reference group will be useful for prioritize and set the direction of the project.

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Electrical machines and drives

48V Mild Hybrid Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine PARTICIPANTS Yujing Liu, Chalmers, Project manager Junfei Tang, PhD student, Chalmers Yashovardhan Rastogi, Master student, Chalmers Tanmay Shukla, Master student, Chalmers Sören Eriksson, Volvo Cars Jonas Forsell, Volvo Cars PARTNERS Chalmers, Volvo Cars FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 – 2017

This project pursues an investigation of Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines (EESM) as an alternative of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) in 48V mild hybrid applications. The study on EESM concept has been aimed to explore the alternative machine solutions without uses of rare earth permanent magnets. The rare earth materials are both expensive and difficult to recycled. A 48V EESM prototype with 20 kW as the peak power has been designed and manufactured under this project. The preliminary test has shown the machines can reach most of the design specifications. The research on EESM continues in a PhD project financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. Recently, PMSM is the most prevalent solution to vehicle applications due to its excellent performance including high power density, high efficiency and high-power factor. However, the NdFeB based permanent magnets used in the most PMSMs are both expensive and difficult to recycled. Instead of permanent magnets, an EESM employs a field winding on the rotor side which excites the machine electrically, and this is where the name Electrically Excited comes from. Challenges that the project is expected to deal with are summarised as follows: • The EESM design for hybrid applications is mainly intended to push as much torque

as possible, and this requires a trade-off between the area of the copper wires and the width of the flux path.

• The tradition solution to send power to the rotor winding is through a brush and a

slipring, which introduces mechanical loss and requires maintenance. As an innovative solution, a rotating transformer together with the entire excitation circuit is to be investigated, designed, and built in order to deliver power to the field winding through air.

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During the EESM design, a six-pole design and an eight-pole design have been developed. Different pole body width, tooth width and yoke width have been studied and the optimal solution has been found in either of the designs. The performance has been compared at the base operation point and the project continues with the eight-pole design. The rotating transformer along with the excitation circuit, including the H-bridge converter and the diode rectifier, has been designed, manufactured, tested and is now operating together with the EESM. During the project period, some results has been achieved together with the synergized PhD project: • Three academic papers have been completed (1 published, 1 accepted, 1 submitted);

• Two Master student theses are completed in 2017 on 48 V mild hybrid together with

Volvo Cars.

• A 48V 20kW EESM prototype built.

• A 48V 20kW inverter built.

• A 48V test platform, which will be used by other projects such as 48V fuel cell drivetrain.

The results from this study help Chalmers and the industry partners to learn the new possibilities in environmental friendly machine solutions. The results from this project pave the way for further investigation of EESM at a higher power rating (70kW) for electric vehicle applications which is within the scope of the PhD project. A 48V EESM prototype with 20 kW as the peak power is designed, manufactured, and tested. In general, the study on EESM concept has been aimed to explore the alternative machine solutions without uses of rare earth permanent magnets because the rare earth materials are both expensive and difficult to recycled. Volvo Cars and Chalmers are in close cooperation and this small project is in collaboration with the Variable Flux Machine Project which is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. Publications and conferences 2017 Because the project is synergized with the PhD project on EESM study. The publications are the common results of both projects. [1] Junfei Tang and Yujing Liu, "Comparison of Copper Loss Minimization and Field Current Minimization for Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor in Mild Hybrid Drives," in 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, Poland, 2017.

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[2] Junfei Tang, Yujing Liu, Yashovardhan Rastogi, Nimananda Sharma and Tanmay Shukla, "Study of Voltage Spikes and Temperature Rise in Power Module Based Integrated Converter for 48 V 20 kW Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines," in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition 2018 (APEC 2018), San Antonio, Taxes, USA, 2018. [3] Junfei Tang and Yujing Liu, "A 48 V 20 kW Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine Design for Mild Hybrid Application," in 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018), Alexandroupoli, Greece, 2018 (Submitted). [4] Yashovardhan Rastogi, “Design and Testing of a 3-Phase Voltage Source Inverter for Mild Hybrid Vehicle”, Master’s thesis in Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. 2017. [5] Tanmay Shukla, “Simulating & Evaluating feasibility to integrate charging of 12V battery with 48V drivetrain for Dual Voltage 48V/12V Mild Hybrid vehicles”, Master’s thesis in Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. 2017.

Cost-effective drivetrains for fuel cell powered electric vehicles PARTICIPANTS Yujing Liu, Chalmers, Project Leader Qian Xun (PhD), Chalmers PARTNERS Chalmers, Volvo Cars, Scania FINANCING CASH FUNDING: 3,300,000 SEK. FUNDING ORGANIZATION: SWEDISH ELECTROMOBILITY CENTRE DURATION 2017 – 2019 Hydrogen-based energy technology is considered as the primary solution for a long term sustainable society. The technology can be used as energy storage for power systems and transportation. The today’s conversion system on-board vehicles are still too expensive compared to alternative technologies. The study in this project is targeted to investigate possibilities to simply the system layout and reduce the power ratings of the components in order to reach a cost-effective solution. The study includes concept study on low-cost solutions, drive cycle based system design, and experimental verifications. The project is conducted as a PhD project with close collaboration with Volvo cars, Scania, and Powercell. The project is also used as a carrier for Swedish Electromobility Centre to establish international collaboration with key research institutes in a wide research spectrum. The steering group is used as (1) providing industrial opinion for project research direction; (2) helping on input of EV requirements; (3) connecting relevant contacts on expertise. Formal meetings are held twice per year. The informal meetings and contacts are at least once per quarter.

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The technical goal of the project is to find an innovative solution for fuel cell powered drivetrain to achieve low cost and high performance. A drivetrain model, including fuel cell stacks, energy buffer, power electronics, and electric motor, will be built for evaluation of different topologies and designs. To reach the goal of total fossil-free in Sweden in 2050, we have to electrify most of the vehicles in different categories. To extend the driving range, especially for the heavy-duty vehicles running in longer range (>1000 km), the energy storage is main challenge. Batteries become too big and too expensive and recharging become too time-consuming. A promising solution is to use hydrogen as the media to carry energy. On-board vehicles fuel-cell stacks convert the hydrogen to electricity, which drives electric motors through energy buffer and inverters. The only waste is water during the conversion. pressurized hydrogen has very high energy density and is especially suitable for the energy-intensive vehicles with minimal recharging/refilling needs. In the recent years, the major car manufacturers are competing to refine their technology in fuel-cell based vehicles. Toyota Mirai, Hyundai ix35, and Honda Clarity are the examples for the first-generation series produced cars. But this technology is still too expensive compared to combustion engines and battery drivetrains due to its complicated energy conversion systems. The conventional approach in such systems requires full-size fuel cell stacks with DC/DC converters and high-power batteries in order to meet the high dynamic power needs of vehicle applications. The study in this project is targeted to investigate possibilities to simply the system layout and reduce the power ratings of the components in order to reach a cost-effective solution. Some results have been achieved during 2017: (1) Literature study on fuel cell driven vehicles; (2) Master thesis “System Level modelling of fuel cell driven electric vehicles”; (3) Modelling and simulation of a new vehicle drive system with a 50 kW fuel cell stack and 100 kW motor; (4) Simulation and comparison with a conventional 100 kW fuel cell drivetrain; (5) Design of a 48 V 3 kW test bench and acquired main components; and (6) 2 papers submitted. The following task is planned for 2018: (1) To do the study visit at Automotive College of Tongi University, Shanghai, and CATARC Tianjing with study focus on fuel cell research and testing methods in China; (2) To build up the test bench for a 48V fuel cell driven system including a tube-based hydrogen installation, a 3 kW fuel cell stack, a battery/supercapacitor bank, a 20 kW converter and motor, as well as load motor; (3) To use the experimental results to verify the simulation models; (4) To study the WLTC drive cycle based performance of the system; and (4) To investigate the solution to maintain the drive power for the floating voltage supply.

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Some results have been shared with industrial and international partners through seminar presentation together with partner visits. (Oct 23 & Oct 31 2017 at Chalmers). We have participated “Fuel Cell Conference” in Stockholm in 5 December 2017. A FFI project “Floating voltage fuel cell drive system” has been awarded in 2017. These two projects have clear synergy in test bench setup and experimental evaluation. Through this project, Swedish Electromobility Centre and Chalmers have built a close relationship with the China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC). With 4,500 employees, CATARC is the absolute No. 1 organization in China in terms of making national standards, conducting tests and research, proposing policies and regulations, for electrified vehicles. In 2017 one project researcher has visited CATARC in May. Two delegations from CATARC including vice-president have visited Swedish Electromobility Centre and Chalmers. During 2018, 2 Chalmers doctoral students will do project work at CATARC for 3 weeks. Other exchange/visiting activities are under planning. Publications and conferences 2017 One master thesis is completed in July 2017. The title is “System Level modelling of fuel cell driven electric vehicles” by author, Albert Cerdán Codina from UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA (UPC). Two papers are submitted to academic conferences EPE2018 and SPEEDAM2018

Data-Driven Design, and Operation of Electric Powertrains PARTICIPANTS Francisco J. Márquez-Fernández, Lund University Max Collins, Lund University Gabriel Domingues, Lund University Sebastian Hall, Lund University REFERENCE GROUP MEMBERS Pär Ingelström, AB Volvo Joachim Lindström, Volvo Cars Jörgen Engström, Scania Mats Alaküla, Lund University Sogol Kharazi – Swedish Electromobility Centre PARTNERS Lund University, AB Volvo, Scania, Volvo Cars FINANCING

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Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017 – 2018 The present pre-study aims to investigate the new possibilities arising from the existence of large data sets originated from the new generation of connected vehicles, applied to the design and operation of electric drivetrains rather than the current applications aiming to improve routing, mitigate congestion, enhance safety of the occupants and so on. Moreover, the pre-study will initiate a collaboration with Theme System studies and methods and the Swedish Electromobility Centre industrial partners in order to assess which signals are more relevant to log and define sampling rates and other characteristics of the data logging process. The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility of using real vehicle logged data – which virtually all vehicle manufacturers are collecting nowadays in high volumes – to improve the design and/or operation of electric powertrains. Since it is only a pre-study, the project has more of a general intention, trying to understand the quantity and quality of the data being currently logged, and identifying potential applications of these data. The practical implementation of such applications in a real system is in principle out of the scope of this pre-study. However, some simplified examples might be possible to deliver. Society is evolving towards an ever increasing level of interconnection, where people and devices are all connected together in one way or another, and vehicles are becoming an important part of that network. These new connected vehicles are equipped with a substantial number of sensors, which together with the intelligence on-board, turns them into a valuable source of information. Virtually all vehicle manufacturers are currently logging these data from their vehicle fleet. Although the amount and quality of the data varies from one OEM to another, the logging, processing, and storing of the data incur additional expenses for the companies, and therefore some benefits are expected in return. This pre-study aims to investigate the possibilities arising from the existence of these large data sets, applied to the design and operation of electric drivetrains. This pre-study is organised as a series of periodic meetings (every 1 or 2 weeks) in which all the participants discuss a pre-defined topic. These discussions serve as a basis for the individual work that each participant should carry out until the next meeting. The work in the project started on 29 November, and so far, we have focused on gathering and understanding the grounds of Big Data Analysis: definition of the specific vocabulary, identification of the different algorithms used in Big Data Analysis, identification of the existing software tools and their field of application, etc. At the same time, a literature review has been conducted on-demand, trying to shed light on those aspects of the discussions that were less clear. Several attempts have been made to obtain information from the industrial partners in the project regarding the data that they are currently logging without success. Therefore, we have decided to log our own data and use it as a simplified initial dataset for our experiments.

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The next step is to purchase a GPS logger and an OBD (on-board diagnostic) device in order to log our own vehicle data. We are currently logging trip data and will continue doing so until we have a useful dataset to work with. The following step will be to try and apply some of the identified algorithms on that dataset. Do you have any cross-thematic collaboration with other thematic areas within Swedish Electromobility Centre? Through Sogol Kharazzi from Theme System studies and methods, we have had cross-thematic collaboration with another thematic area within Swedish Electromobility Centre. Sogol is part of the Reference Group in order to favour the transfer of knowledge and cooperation across theme boundaries.

Field Intensified PM Machine for an HEV Application PARTICIPANTS Torbjörn Thiringer, Chalmers, Project manager Mikael Alatalo, Chalmers Joachim Lindström, Volvo Cars PARTNERS Volvo Cars, Chalmers FINANCING Cash financing: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 In this project VCC and Chalmers cooperate around the investigation of a so-called field intensifier machine. The inherent machine properties and potential performance are analysed and compared to a state-of-the-art V-shape IPM design (reference machine). The purpose is to investigate under which circumstances a propulsion PMSM with Ld>Lq, a so-called field-strengthening machine can be beneficial. Driving cycles with high average speed as well as cycles with low accelerations seems to be possible benefit areas. Today we are totally stuck with the conventional Lq>Ld for interior PMSM. However, this might not be the ultimate solution always. In particular when using Ferrite magnets, the field strengthening machine can provide benefits. So far, a couple of possible layouts have been brought forward for investigation. The next step is to start evaluating a first layout, and then put the results in relation to a conventional PMSM for traction applications. Within this project, we have a thesis worker from Aachens university available. His examiner is located at this university. The VCC industrial representative is already active in the layout discussions as well as discussions with the Master thesis worker. We have had valuable input from the reference group at the start-up meeting. In particular Oskar Wallmark from KTH has worked with a key Japanese researcher and could provide valuable links and proposals.

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High-efficient, ultra-compact integrated electric drives for tomorrow’s alternative drivetrains PARTICIPANTS Oskar Wallmark, KTH, Project manager/Supervisor Mats Leksell, KTH, Supervisor Mojgan Nikouei Harnefors, KTH, PhD student PARTNERS AB Volvo, KTH, Scania, Eskilstuna Elektronikpartner AB, Volvo Car Corporation FINANCING Cash funding: Swedish Electromobility Centre 3,580,000 SEK, Vinnova (2015-08-15 – 2016-12-31) 300,000 SEK DURATION 2013-2018 (planned five-year PhD project with 80% activity) By utilizing a number of low-voltage, series-connected, three-phase converter submodules, a very compact integrated electric drive, comprising of an electric machine and the associated power electronic converter, can potentially be formed. Besides reducing space requirements, a compact, integrated electric drive reduces cabling costs and minimizes EMI emissions making it very attractive in automotive applications. In this project, the above described converter topology when applied in an automotive application is investigated. Both specific converter and electric machine design aspects are being considered. Three experimental converter prototypes have been built on which key control and modulation properties have been demonstrated. Additionally, design considerations for the corresponding electric machine have been proposed and been used to develop a prototype electric machine using specifications from Volvo Cars Corporation (in-kind contribution within Electromobility Centre). During spring 2015, a collaboration with the Swedish company Eskilstuna Elektronikpartner AB was established enabling the manufacturing of full-scale converter submodule prototypes. The overall goal of this research project is to extensively evaluate key aspects of the proposed integrated electric drive technology with automotive applications in mind. The concept has several potential advantages including reduced system costs, reduced amount of cabling as well as weight and EMI reductions; all of them contributing towards possibilities for significant cost reductions for the Swedish automotive industry. Until now, key results include: • Three converter topology prototypes have been designed and built. The first, utilizing

two converter submodules, the second, four converter submodules, and the third, utilizing four converter submodules but higher currents (100 Arms) (see Figure 1-3).

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Figure 1: Photograph of a converter submodule prototype (one out of four) used to evaluate control and modulation aspects of the converter topology.

Figure 2: A converter prototype comprising of four, series connected submodules. • A general algorithm for stabilizing the capacitor voltages on each submodule has been

proposed and published in the form of one conference and one journal paper. • Converter operation with four submodules and a permanent-magnet motor load has

been successfully demonstrated.

Figure 3: Photograph of one modular high-current PCB. • A machine design scheme incorporating potentials/limitations of the converter

topology has been proposed and has been used to determine a suitable machine design

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given certain specifications from Volvo Car Corporation (representing an in-kind contribution). A machine prototype has also been manufactured (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Non-drive end of modular IPM machine prototype. • An analytical method for predicting the resulting battery current ripple with

phase-shifted modulation carriers has been proposed, evaluated experimentally, and published in one conference and one journal paper.

• A water cooling arrangement for cooling the high-current PCBs (see below) has been designed and manufactured.

• Nationally, project results have been/will be presented at o The Smartare elektroniksystem’s yearly summit held at Tekniska

muséet, Stockholm on Sept. 15th, 2016. o The STandUP for Energy workshop given at KTH on Dec. 5th, 2016. o The Swedish Electromobility Centre conference Roads to the Future,

Stockholm, June 13th, 2017. o The Swedish Electromobility Centre E-mobility Center Day,

Stockholm, June 12th, 2017. o The Swedish Electromobility Centre -Theme Electrical machines and

drives workshop, Stockholm, March 13th, 2018. Dr. Sjoerd Bosga (ABB Corporate Research), affiliated faculty (20%) at KTH is collaborating with the members in the research group at KTH focusing on modular electric drives. At present, Mojgan is focusing on analysing and experimentally evaluating the performance of resonant current controller in order to realize sinusoidal phase currents and minimize torque ripple and losses. In parallel, Mojgan has started writing the PhD thesis which, hence, will complete this project.

Publications and conferences 2017 M. Nikouei Harnefors, O. Wallmark, L. Jin, L. Harnefors, and H.-P. Nee, “DC-link stability analysis and controller design for the stacked polyphase bridges converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1666-1674, 2017. L. Jin, S. Norrga, O. Wallmark, and N. Apostolopoulos, “Communication-based distributed control of the stacked polyphase bridges converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 1011-1020, 2018. L. Jin, S. Norrga, O. Wallmark, and N. Apostolopoulos, ”Modulation and power losses of a stacked polyphase bridges converter,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 409-418, 2017. H. Zhang and O. Wallmark, “Limitations and constraints of eddy-current loss models for interior permanent-magnet motors with fractional-slot concentrated windings,” Energies, vol. 10, 2017. M. Nikouei Harnefors, H. Zhang, O. Wallmark, and H.-P. Nee, “A highly integrated electric drive system for tomorrow’s EVs and HEVs,” in Proc. 3rd Annual Southern Hemisphere Power Electronics Conference, 2017.

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M. Nikouei Harnefors, O. Wallmark, L. Harnefors, H.-P. Nee, “Operation under fault conditions of the stacked polyphase bridges converter,” in Proc. 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’16), 2016. H. Zhang and O. Wallmark, “Evaluation of winding arrangements in electric machinery for modular electric drives,” in Proc. IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC’16-ECCE Asia), 2106. L. Jin, S. Norrga, and O. Wallmark, “Analysis of power losses in power MOSFET based stacked polyphaser bridges converters,” in Proc. IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC’16-ECCE Asia), 2106. L. Jin, S. Norrga, and O. Wallmark, “Serial communication based distributed control of the stacked polyphase bridges converter,” in Proc. IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD’15), 2016. M. Nikouei Harnefors, L. Jin, L. Harnefors, O. Wallmark, M. Leksell, and S. Norrga, “Analysis of the dc-link stability for the stacked polyphase bridges converter,” in Proc. 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’15-ECCE), 2015. H. Zhang, O. Wallmark, and M. Leksell, “An iterative FEA-based approach for the design of fault-tolerant IPM-FSCW machines,” in Proc. 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’15-ECCE), 2015. L. Jin, S. Norrga, H. Zhang, and O. Wallmark, “Evaluation of a multiphase drive system in EV and HEV applications,” in Proc. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC’15), 2015. N. Apostolopoulos, “Design and implementation of an SPB converter for fault tolerant PMSynRel motor control,” MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.

Hybrid Drives for Heavy Vehicles PARTICIPANTS Mats Alaküla, Lund University, Project manager Rasmus Andersson, Lund University, PhD student Anders Hedman, AB Volvo Avo Reinap, Lund University PARTNERS Lund University, AB Volvo FINANCING Only in-kind from AB Volvo in Swedish Electromobility Centre Phase III DURATION 2010-2018

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This project is an industrial PhD student in collaboration with Volvo GTT and IEA at LTH, Lund University. It is looking into Electric Machine design for commercial hybrid on road vehicles such as trucks and busses. A difficulty with introducing a hybridised drivetrain, in particularly affecting the truck applications, is related to the commercial aspect. The increased investment cost must not be higher than the potential savings in fuel. One way to reduce the investment cost is to reduce the component size and thereby material cost in the bill of material. The objective is to do so, with focus on the electric traction machine. The main purpose of the project is to build knowledge in electric machine design and to learn how to use important tools useful in an EM design process. One such tool is a Matlab and FEMM based design tool developed at the department of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation (IEA) at Lund Institute of Technology (LTH). Throughout the project, this design tool is further developed and verified against measurements to increase the capabilities of the tool. The purpose is also to gain a basic knowledge in the adjacent areas such as electric machine control with field weakening algorithms and torque control. Also, the mechanical interface towards the rest of the drive train is included. Basic knowledge in mechanical power transfer through gear trains is needed to understand the other components in a powertrain. The results related to machine control and field weakening are implemented in the test rig when the prototype machine is verified. The ambition with this project is to focus on the machine design related aspects of the work. Finally, the goal is also to present an electric machine design that can be used for electric traction in heavy hybrid road vehicles in a strictly limited geometrical space. The project result so far is a Licentiate degree in the field of electric traction machine design for heavy hybrid vehicles. The design, build and testing of four machine prototypes have also been completed within the project. This has resulted in improved knowledge in electric traction machines within industry (Volvo). The full insight in an Electric machine design and how it affects the performance is valuable knowledge when discussing with different electric machine suppliers. Furthermore, the general knowledge in commercial vehicle aspects has been improved within academia (IEA, Lund University). Three of the prototypes have been produced within the FFI financed project called: “ExSAM drive for a Commercial Vehicle Hybrid Transmission”. Except for LTH and Volvo, two other companies, Sibbhultsverken AB and MagComp AB, have been partners in that project. Main focus during 2017 has been on writing the thesis. All planed testing within the project have also been completed during the year. Due to the focus on completing the thesis, no publications have been made.

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Investigation of state-of-the-art of additive manufacturing of electric machine components for EV/HEV applications PARTICIPANTS Oskar Wallmark, KTH, Project manager PARTNERS KTH FINANCING Cash funding: 100,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016-2018 It is clear that additive manufacturing (AM, “3D-printing”) will be applied in a wide range of industrial applications, including several in the automotive industry. Important reasons for this are that AM allows key components to be produced with greatly reduced amounts of residual materials and with fewer operations compared to conventional manufacturing techniques. This project maps international activities in the field of AM of magnetic and electrically conductive electrical machine components for hybrid and electric vehicles. In addition, existing national AM initiatives will be mapped. The overall goal is to accumulate knowledge that will serve as a basis for planning and coordination of activities in future larger research applications (e.g. in the FFI program). NB: After an initial literature survey, the planned activities in the project will be carried out during the period April-June 2018.

Module size investigation for a fast charger PARTICIPANTS Mikael Alatalo, Chalmers, Project manager PARTNERS N/A FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017-2018 Fast charging of electric vehicles may benefit from a system where several power electronic modules serve more than one vehicle. In that way the operation may be optimized and the vehicle that can absorb the highest power is connected to several modules while other vehicles can be charged from fewer modules. The cost of the module can be lowered if high volume production of the modules can be accomplished. It’s also possible to effectively use all the installed power of a site for several chargers. The project will investigate which is the best module size.

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The fast chargers of today transform the power in two steps, of which one of them may not be necessary. In the project critical problems in transforming directly from a medium-voltage system to the battery voltage is pinpointed. During the project fast chargers shall be investigated especially with focus on how the chargers shall be divided into modules. The charger has to be flexible and able to charge more than one car at the same time. The cars may have different charge power rating in the future from 50-350 kW and the best way to solve this is investigated. Another part of the project will investigate eventual benefits of a high frequency converter directly connected to 10 kV. We will need a lot of fast chargers in the future if battery electric car will be common technique and it’s important to use an economical solution. Finding a module size that can be used will open up for high volume production which will lower the cost of the fast charger. Simulation model of a converter with Boost – connected to the grid, and an LLC-converter connected to a high frequency transformer.

Power Conversion Challenges with an All-Electric Land Transport System PARTICIPANTS Francisco Márquez-Fernándes, Lund University, Project manager PARTNERS AB Volvo, Scania, Volvo Cars FINANCING Cash funding: 320,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 This pre-study aims to find out those research topics that present the highest interest for Swedish Electromobility Centre’s industrial partners in order to set up a proposal for the Theme Electrical machines and drives researcher's main project. The study started June 1st and finished September 30th and the main delivery was a full project description for the main project, which is planned to span over 20 months after the conclusion of the pre-study. The direction of the pre-study is towards charging solutions and main related issues for different types of vehicles, different forms of charging, for safety and automation, in a societal perspective, also including the electric utility grid impact. All of the Centre’s partners are involved in the pre-study, in particular those represented in Theme Electrical machines and drives. An all-Electric land transport system solution requires the following four fundamental systems:

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1. A cost and space-effective Electric Traction System in the vehicle. 2. An on board Electric Energy Storage providing a certain range, typical:

50-500 km. 3. An Opportunity Charging System, allowing an extension of the range within a

reasonably short charging time, typical: << 1 hour. 4. A Continuous Charging System (SlideIn/Dynamic Charging/Electric Road

System), without which a full electrification of e.g. Long Haul/Coach Bus/BRT will not be feasible and a full electrification of cars would require 5-10 times more batteries and a vast number of opportunity charging systems than would be the case if a Continuous Charging System for cars was available.

The first two of these systems have currently reached an industrial maturity level allowing a wide industrial introduction of hybrid, plug in hybrid and full electric vehicles in some niches, in particular cars and city buses, but not in heavy or light goods transport, not in coach bus applications and not in BRT applications. The reason for this is to be found in the last two systems. Heavy goods transport, Coach Bus applications and BRT need a continuous charging solution. Light goods transport needs a low-cost opportunity charging system. Light goods transport is particularly sensitive to opportunity charging, without which the battery weight for a full day operation would otherwise compete too much with payload capacity. Neither a continuous charging solution, nor a low cost automatic opportunity charging solution is commercially available today, but a strong development is ongoing, in particular of continuous charging solutions, and to a lower extent on low cost, high power, automatic opportunity charging solutions. This is a new territory for knowledge building on future electric land transport solutions. There are several issues to address, e.g.:

1. The most promising continuous charging solutions do NOT provide an electric ground connection for chassis potential limitation, which is most of a challenge at low speed in e.g. city operation. There are solutions underway, not building on a PEN (Protective Earth Neutral) but on a PEM (Protective Earth Minus) connection.

2. The need for on board galvanic isolation of the on board systems at high powers

for continuous charging cannot, due to cost and size, be made with an isolated DC/DC converter, but requires “smarter” solutions.

3. A low-cost opportunity charging solution for e.g. distribution trucks can probably

not be made with a DC supply, also due to cost. 4. The grid impact of a vehicle charging and even more so – of many vehicles

charging simultaneously. In particular, charging at high power levels brings about a stability problem on the electric utility grid. Today, opportunity charging of buses faces the problem of high local grid load that sometimes needs some kind of reinforcement of the electric utility grid. Whilst at present this problem is limited to these cases, it will grow fast with a growing full electric land transport.

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5. The effect of a game-changing technological or societal breakthrough in the

aforementioned topics. Examples of this may be the irruption of graphene batteries in the market with 4 times the energy density of current LiIon batteries or the generalization of autonomous driving vehicles allowing for faster/higher power driving

The research field depicted above is to a large extent left untouched up to now, since most of the focus has been on driving the vehicles rather than charging them. It is not so that none of the above issues are unaddressed. Research is ongoing and it is clear that the solutions in many cases involve the re-design of the electric traction system on board as a part of the energy transfer from the grid to the energy storage and eventually the wheels. It is equally clear that detailed knowledge on electric safety, chassis potential limitation

and electric grid impact in the grid connected vehicle is of fundamental importance to a successful all electric land transport system. It is thus the intention that Swedish Electromobility Centre’s Theme Electrical machines and drives researcher shall take a lead in the direction of charging solutions, including the design of the traction drive and other related on board systems, vehicle safety and grid impact – with a large scale introduction of full electric vehicles in the land transport system as the expected vision. The intention is to develop a detailed project description in this field, alongside all industrial and academic partners of the Electromobility Centre.

Thermo-mechanical fatigue of electric machine windings PARTICIPANTS Oskar Wallmark, KTH, Project manager Jörgen Engström, Scania Giovani Zanuso, KTH Ahmed Elschich, Karlstad University PARTNERS Scania, KTH

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FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016-2018 Due to the intermittent operation of electric machinery used in electric and hybrid-electric vehicles, thermo-mechanical fatigue is an important concern. KTH has applied for 300 kSEK in order to execute a smaller research project in collaboration with Scania AB with the overall goal to determine whether thermo-mechanical wear is an important aging factor and to set up models for how this aging can be modelled. The overall target with this project proposal is to contribute with knowledge on thermo-mechanical fatigue on electric machinery when applied in heavy vehicles. Thermal cycling is pronounced in heavy-duty hybrids. This results in wear of the insulation system in the electric machine which ultimately can lead to failure. The two main questions that are addressed in the project are:

1. To what extent does thermos-mechanical wear age the insulation?

2. Can an aged machine insulation be identified experimentally? By contributing with knowledge related to these fundamental questions, it is hoped that the project will contribute with knowledge so that the lifetime of the electric machine can be better guaranteed over the lifetime of a heavy-duty hybrid vehicle. So far, a MSc thesis has been completed (supervised by Jörgen Engström) where, using FEM-based mechanical simulations, key findings included (directly cited from the conclusion section in the thesis): • The slot insulation is exposed to stresses that would yield the component after one

cycle; therefore, low cycle fatigue of the slot insulation could be the situation. To be confident if the stresses affect the total life length of a stator, practical tests are necessary.

• The slot insulation is the component most likely to fail first as the other components

won’t plastically deform after one cycle. High cycle fatigue of the other components may be the case.

• The dominating stress component at the slot insulation is the shear stress σxz. • The regions exposed to the highest stresses are at the free end of the stator. • The parameters affecting the thermally induced stresses are the heating rate and the

operating temperature. • The test object provided is representative of an actual stator and would imitate the

life length and the failure rate of a stator.

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• The thermally induced stresses exposing the slot insulation are high enough to low cycle fatigue the electrical insulation system, thus thermo-mechanical fatigue is an ageing factor of the electrical insulation system.

At Scania, Giovanni Zanuso (PhD student at KTH) has gathered two sets of current measurements from an electric machine that has been in continuous operating, following a transient duty cycle. From the first set of these measurements (the second set has not yet been analysed) an expected high-frequency ringing in the current (in the MHz region) was identified which could function as an indicator of the state of the winding insulation. Further, Giovanni has identified suitable hardware for building a reduce-scale setup in where the high-frequency current measurement is integrated in the power electronic converter. This has been done in a collaboration with the Vinnova funded project “Smarta strömgivare för nätverk av elektriska drivsystem” where KTH and ABB Corporate Research are project partners. Next steps for the project will be: At present, Giovanni is working on building the above described experimental setup which, when finished, will be located at KTH. The majority of the experimental results from this setup will not be available within the timeframe of this project. Results from the project have been/will be presented at • The Electromobility Centre’s E-mobility Center Day, Stockholm, June 12th, 2017.

• The Centre’s Theme Electrical machines and drives workshop, Stockholm,

March 13th, 2018. The measurements that Giovanni has been carried out at Scania has been very important in order to demonstrate that the high-frequency ringing was present and what the bandwidth requirement of the current sensors to be used in the coming experimental setup should be. Publications and conferences 2017 A. Elschich, “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Electrical Insulation System in Electrical machine.” MSc thesis, Karlstad University, 2017.

Traction induction machine modelling through student works PARTICIPANTS Avo Reinap, Lund University Torbjörn Thiringer, Chalmers FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016-2017 The induction machine is considered as a cheap and robust component for traction application even if the size and weight are not the most attractive among different

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machine topologies. Therefore, the importance of the project is not only to study the details of the electromagnetic design of a successful commercial product- the induction machine for traction machines but also develop modelling and experimental evaluation experience and compare different methods. A vehicle induction machine was investigated using no-load and locked rotor tests as well as measuring the stator resistance. The machine has been dismantled and its geometry has been studied. The measurements have been compared with results obtained using the simulation program Ansys Maxwell. Furthermore, the parameters have been investigated using an acceleration test as well as direct measurements using an RLC meter (HAMEG HM8118 & HIOKI IM3533-01) and compared with calculations in the simulation program FEMM. In order to investigate the correctness of the Maxwell model, a standard industrial 15 kW 6-pole 50 Hz induction machine was modelled in Maxwell, since earlier measurements were available as well as detailed design information. The results show that the 15 kW machine could be reasonable modelled. The rotor resistance value and the leakage reactance was about 20 % lower than the measured values. The discrepancy increased with increasing frequency. The no-load parameters were, however, excellently predicted. Also for the commercial vehicle induction machine the no-load calculated results were very close to the measured ones. Both stator and rotor resistance matched very well. The calculated rotor resistance, however, was too low for higher frequencies, exactly as for the 15 kW machine, the reason for this is unknown, but the discrepancy is not so important, since the machine in normal operation is operating at lower frequencies in the rotor. When it comes to the locked-rotor inductance is was a bit more troublesome. For high frequencies the match was excellent but for 100 Hz and below the predicted stator leakage inductance was too high. It is believed that this is due to a misprediction in the software of the induced voltage for this test. Frequency sweep from very low frequency up to reasonably high frequency brings the standstill machine basically from magnetisation conditions to short circuit condition. The experimental work on FE-based and RLC-bridge parameter extraction uses rather different connection for the machine phases that it is used in the actual operation condition. Instead of a rotating magnetic field, an alternating field is used to determine the machine parameters at the magnetizing and short-circuit conditions. This is similar to performing a no-load and short-circuit test, however the relevant machine parameters are found much faster but can also be easily misinterpreted due to different load conditions. Since the load conditions, slip frequency and current, can be easily changed, the parameters become more realistic and correct compared to the outcomes from the other methods. Finally, an acceleration test was also conducted in order to determine the machine parameters. The methodology was developed and tested, however, more current and voltage was needed to make a full-covering mapping. The permanent magnet machines are today dominating the market for e-machines to be used in electrified vehicles. Electrified vehicles are today a novelty and those customers that purchase electrified vehicles are willing to pay a bit extra for obtaining such a vehicle. In order to make electrified vehicles obtainable for all possible vehicle customers, the prices must be as competitive as possible. One option to reduce the cost and accordingly the price is to use a machine without rare earth magnets, and one of the key alternatives

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here is the induction machine. Already today there are vehicle manufacturer that use the induction machine. In order to initiate the work on induction machines, a project where a commercial induction machine was to be purchased and investigated was initiated. The project was driven as a student project where Chalmers and Lund participated. The purpose of the project was to purchase a commercial propulsion induction machine, to dismantle it and make geometry drawings and perform a no-load, locked rotor and dynamic test to determine its parameters. This work has been supported by the Electromobility center and the financial support is gratefully acknowledged. Great thanks go to Eric Gamez and Tapas Sarangi who made their thesis work within this project and conducted the vast majority of the measurements. Special thanks also go to Sebastian Hall and Getachew Darge for their availability and non-stop efforts on the acceleration test bench and method related efforts. Moreover the authors would like to thank the reference group that has supported the project: Nikitas Sidiropoulos, VCC, Pär Ingelström AB Volvo, Oskar Wallmark, Royal institute of Technology, Mats Alaküla, Lund University & AB Volvo as well as Yujing Lui, Chalmers, are gratefully acknowledged for their assistance. The conclusion is that a commercial propulsion induction machine was investigated using measurements and a dismantling of the machine. The machine was implemented in Ansys Maxwell and modelled regarding stator resistance, locked rotor, and no-load tests with good results, apart from the determination of the locked-rotor inductance. Regarding the 15 kW machine the results were satisfactory. Most parameters were excellently predicted, however, the locked rotor resistance and inductance was underestimated by 20 %. Asynchronous machine parameterization with frequency sweep and acceleration method is not unknown among literature studies. On the other hand, practical experience in model development and measurement improvement creates unique reasons for further expansion of machine design, analysis and evaluation. The electric machine's parameterization on non-rotating machines allows for time-efficient models that contributes component and system optimization. The parameters of the machine should be estimated at current operating mode in order to better match the results of classical test methods for asynchronous machines. The purpose of extracting machine parameters is to use them easily in conjunction with the machine model and to estimate the machine's characteristics and performance over the selected torque, speed and voltage range. The existing machine evaluation platform, which is based on the acceleration method and the IPMSMs, is developed with some success and experience towards induction machine testing. This implementation and development consists of two steps: control and machine evaluation. Step 1 - Control system development and the development of appropriate parameters have become the basis for the test machine's evaluation. The development so far is stacked to some uncertainty of selected parameters that, together with the implementation, provide limitations in the control system. Step 2 - The test machine is tested under limited current and voltage up to 15000rpm. At the same time the outcomes from the test method, which is primarily

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The modelling in the prestudy was successful; however, more work is needed to look into the formation of flux linkage when performing the locked-rotor test. Incorporating skewing is moreover a next step, as well as including the thermal modelling of the unit. However, the first step would be to make performance evaluations of the machine, such as Torque ability and loss mapping, both in Torque-speed diagrams as well as for drive cycles. Papers and publications As one important part of the work, two students, Eric Gámez Sánchez and Tapas Anjan Sarangi did their Master thesis work on the measurements and modelling of the two induction machines. Apart from that there are two part reports, all three publications are brought in publication list. References [1] Eric Gámez Sánchez and Tapas Anjan Sarangi ,”Simulation of an Induction Machine for Electric Vehicle Purpose”, Master’s Thesis, division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers, 2017 [2] Torbjörn Thiringer ,”Measurements and modelling of low-frequency disturbances in induction machines”, Doctoral Thesis, division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers, 1996 [3] Gunnar Kylander ,”Thermal modelling of small cage induction motors”, Doctoral Thesis, division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers, 1995 [4] Oskar Wallmark ,”Thermal modelling of small cage induction motors”, Doctoral Thesis, division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers, 1995 [5] Juha Pyrhönen, Tapani Jokinen, Valeria Hrsabovcová. ” Design of Rotating Electrical Machines”, Wiley 2008, ISBN: 978-0-470-69516-6 [6] Avo Reinap, “Induction machine parameter estimation from frequency sweep”, part-report of this project [7] Sebastian Hall, “Acceleration method development and testing induction machines”, part-report of this project

Traction System parameter identification and condition monitoring via modulation spectra response PARTICIPANTS Avo Reinap, Lund University, Project manager Sebastian Hall, Lund University Zhe Huang, AB Volvo PARTNERS AB Volvo FINANCING Cash funding: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre

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DURATION 2016 PWM modulated electrical drives are designed and used at fundamental frequency to transfer and convert energy. High efficiency is expected from the intended energy conversion process. The remaining and undesired high frequency energy is considered as losses and are unwanted and even disregarded. With modern control hardware and software, it is possible to retrieve significant information from the previously unwanted harmonic spectra. This information in turn, has a potential to be used for parameter estimation and condition monitoring of connected machines and transmissions, as well as sources like batteries and DC network. Such information may prove valuable to optimize control in real time and to provide preventive maintenance and avoid malfunction.

• This project addresses to HF response of electrical machines exposed to HF differential and common mode PWM spectrum

• Design of electrical machines for traction application is carried out merely by numeric field computation software by using FEM. The same tools are developed further to estimate the HF characteristics of the traction machines

• All recently designed traction machines or corresponding research objects at Lund University from 2010 are analysed and supported by impedance measurements

• This project tries to resolve the challenges related to voltage transient, E-field distribution, and input/interior HF capacitance in relation to geometric and property distribution of the machine winding, electric insulation system, magnetic core and housing.

• It is expected that this winding parameter change and reflection in spectral response can be used as the indicator for SoH for electrical machine.

Machine design is usually carried out on top of a pole-pitch FE model in some cases half-pole FE model. Moving towards higher frequency and HF parameter identification a single slot or even half slot model is enough to determine the specific HF parameters. Unfortunately, the geometric and property uncertainty limits the usefulness of being able to estimate the parameters from the model as they are interpreted from the measurements. This means that the FE modelling need to be more often supported by the measurements, since the geometric and material properties have too large impact on estimating small HF parametric values. On the other way around the measurements are not able to distinguish the fault development as it could be seen from multi stress models based on multiphysic field models. Therefore, the modelling approach on determining the winding parameters of interest is to get reasonably accurate agreement between the models and measurements before forecasting the health of the winding insulation and locating the potential fault development. The subject of this project addresses to system and state of health estimation from design model development point of view. This is important to locate and understand the multiple drivers that are bringing the machine winding into faulty conditions and it is believed that the detailed numeric field computation in Multiphysics is one way to provide an ideal image of the complexity. In consequent, the design process focuses on design for diagnostics that purpose is to improve faultless development rather than defining easy parameters for condition monitoring. However, the approach, which is chosen in this

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project is not measurement-based system identification rather than design model-based parameter identification towards multi-stressed multi-physic FE models. This project is carried out in tight collaboration with two FFI projects connected to industrial needs – Dymedec and EMcost with respective researcher: Zhe Huang and Sebastian Hall. The competence on degradation analysis and machine evaluation during transient operation based on acceleration method are the experience that is used to develop this project towards parameter identification, condition monitoring and state of health estimation for machine insulation system. Publications and conferences 2017 Reinap, A. (2016), HF response on electrical machines. Technical report, Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University, LUTEDX/(TEIE-7263)1-111/(2016).

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Energy storage

Efficient and Safe Battery Operation – Aspects of Expansion and Utilization PARTICIPANTS Matilda Klett, KTH, Project manager Anti Liivat, UU Gabriel Oltean, Scania Göran Lindbergh, KTH Jens Groot, AB Volvo Magnus Larsson, AB Volvo Pontus Svens, Scania Theresa Granerus, VCC Torbjörn Gustafson, Uppsala University PARTNERS KTH, Scania, AB Volvo, VCC, Uppsala University FINANCING Cash financing: 1,520,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre. DURATION 2016-2017 Efficient yet safe operation of Li-ion batteries is a main consideration for their application in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Observations of swelling of commercial cells during cycling pose a serious safety concern and motivate the study of expansion and pressure effects on cell performance and on local conditions and dynamics within cells. The use of mixed active material electrodes in commercial (e.g. LiNixMnxCoxO2 / LiMn2O4) and near commercial Li-ion cells (Si/graphite), some of which suffer from large volume expansion, further encourages this direction of research and also motivates investigation of material utilization. The mixing of different active materials is motivated by their complementary properties regarding for example capacity, power, safety, or stability. Their competing kinetics within one electrode can be expected to have effect on material utilization and local conditions within the cell during complex cycling, such as hybrid vehicle cycling. Using electrochemical models, the interior of batteries can be probed, with information of local conditions in relation to cell performance. The development of physics-based models in close communication with experimental observations serves to create diagnostic tools to increasing our understanding of Li-ion batteries and their continuous development for vehicle applications. This proposed project spans from June 1 2016–December 31 2017 and entails electrochemical modeling studies and experimental characterizations of different battery/electrode chemistries where the interplay of pressure/expansion and electrode dynamics is of interest. A focus is kept on commercial cells and cell conditions relevant to usage in electrified vehicles. KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the main applicant, and the projects is performed within Swedish Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Centre, with collaboration from industrial partners Scania, AB Volvo and Volvo Cars Corporation, and academia with Uppsala University. The budget for the project is 1 520 kSEK and it is part of Swedish Electromobility Centre’s Energy Storage thematic area.

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The overall objective of the project is two-fold: to improve our understanding of, and investigate causes for, cell swelling; and to study the effect of swelling, mixed electrodes, and pressure on electrochemical characteristics, material utilization, and dynamic behaviour and their incorporation in electrochemical models. In the longer perspective, this will help develop strategic consideration in how to safely and efficiently operate different Li-ion batteries in vehicles. The interest and market for e-mobility is expanding from pure hybrid electric vehicles to include plug-in hybrid electric and pure electric vehicles. To accommodate for this trend battery manufacturers are shifting focus to energy-optimized cells and there is a push towards high-energy density electrochemical couples. For this reason, materials and systems that can provide higher voltages are being used and tested for vehicles. Layered oxides (LiNixCoxMnxO2) chemistries, especially with higher Ni-content, are contestants for increasing potential and specific capacity. However, with high potential follow challenges of stability, cell swelling, and gas evolution. Cell swelling is an aging phenomenon that can create safety challenges as it can affect the mechanical integrity of cells. The coupling between electrochemical and mechanical properties in battery aging hence become important. In the push toward higher energy densities, the mixing of several active materials within one electrode is often found in commercial (and near-commercial) cells used for vehicles. The motivation for blending several materials is to improve cell performance using materials with complementary properties. Here, a better understanding is needed of how these different materials interplay in dynamic situations (e.g. vehicle utilization), and how local conditions can be affected. Local conditions, in terms of potential, SOC, etc., can have impact on aging processes, such as gas evolution. Variation in local conditions can also influence the efficiency of material utilization in the cell and will depend on the drive cycle and load. Here, improved battery usage strategies can be developed based on this efficiency and impact on degradation. For the near-commercial case, the introduction of silicon to the graphite negative electrode will also have strong mechanical aspects, as volume expansion is an intrinsic property of this material and connected to kinetics, degradation, and aging. The project is divided in work packages (WP1-4) that concerns WP1) mechanisms causing cell swelling; WP2) electrochemical characterization of harvested NMC-LMO electrodes; WP3) theoretical studies on i) utilization of mixed electrode during dynamic cycling and ii) interior cell dynamics and swelling; WP4) comparison of Si and graphite kinetics in a blended Si-graphite electrode. Progress summary: The overall theme of the project has highlighted the need to include more mechanical aspects in our understanding of ageing. It is clear that for the chemistries that are under investigation on the commercial side (NMC, NMC-LMO vs graphite), gas evolution is behind the massive cell swelling (and sudden death) that has been observed in some harsh conditions of fast-charging that has been investigated in the related project of “Fast charging of large energy-optimized Li-ion cells for electrified drivetrains”. For this reason, it was decided to probe further into gas-evolution kinetics and a parallel project was subsequently initiated associated to Electromobility Centre, targeting in-situ gas measurements on relevant battery materials. This project is on-going (2017-2018, Aging in Li-Ion Batteries – Quantifying Cell Expansion in Vehicle Applications, Batterifonden). Electrode materials have been characterized in the aging and swelling investigation. Information about electrodes has been collected in terms of impedance, capacity, and

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thermodynamic data. Additionally, the detailed morphology of the electrodes (porosity, tortuosity, surface area) have been collected by computer tomography using FIB/SEM on the non-aged and aged NMC-material to provide a base case framework on which to build models. This was done in collaboration with Denmark Technical University. Morphological/structural changes seem to appear on two levels – there is a small overall increase in thickness observed for the aged electrodes, and on the particle level, fracturing occurs that drastically decrease the average particle size. To also capture the dynamic of swelling over time and probing both cyclic swelling behaviour, irreversible thickness increase, and possible gas evolution, on-line pressure measurement was planned (WP1). It was not performed, however, as the availability of the equipment was limited, and as both the project leader and collaborator at Scania have been on parental leave during 2017. As a method, the in-situ pressure measurement remains a relevant in-put evaluating cell-aging conditions resulting in swelling. Both AC and DC models have been made with multiple active materials (WP2-4), with conventional descriptions of electrochemical and transport processes. During parameterization efforts, it was found that the standard description of mass transport proposed could not capture in detail the solid-state relaxation behaviour at mid-to higher voltages (NMC). This is now targeted more in detailed in an on-going related PhD-project in the group. That given cycling conditions affect different materials differently in mixed electrodes were furthermore observed in a study on fast-charging of mixed material cells, where particle fractured was observed for one material and not the other (A.S. Mussa, M. Klett, M. Behm, G. Lindergh, R.W. Lindström, "Fast-charging to a partial state of charge in lithium-ion batteries: a comparative study", J. Energy Storage, 13(2017), p325-333). Mixture of Si and graphite in electrodes (WP4) and effect on cell performance was investigated. The large surface area of Si in the electrode, tend to make the experimental measurement less sensitive to variation in kinetic parameters. The large area of Si comes from the small particle size used in most Si-electrodes, as smaller particle sizes is proposed to reduce particle fracture. In work related to volume expansion in Si-graphite cells, performance and degradation in these systems have been evaluated in a continuation from previous work (2015), and resulted in a few publications and presentations. It is clear that already small fractions of silicon mixed into graphite (up to 15 %) have a very detrimental effect on cell cyclability and stability. Measurements on commercial cells need to be coupled to simpler systems, such as smaller lab-cells for model development. Collaborations were therefore also expanded to colleagues at the division of Applied Electrochemistry, KTH, for lab-scale test relating applied pressure and degradation, and electrochemical measurements of half-cells and reference electrode set-ups. The project has interacted with the Electromobility Centre ongoing projects “Fast charging of large energy-optimized Li-ion cells for electrified drivetrains”, and “Electrochemical studies of durability aspects in large vehicle batteries”, and the Electromobility Centre associated project “Aging in Li-ion batteries- Quantifying cell expansion in vehicle applications”. All work related to silicon-containing electrodes and performance of Si- containing cells, have been in collaboration with personnel at Argonne National Laboratory, USA.

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The project has benefited from the Swedish Electromobility Centre industry partners by their providing of materials from cycled commercial cells, and forming a platform for knowledge exchange between projects. NOTE: The project originally spanned from May 2016-Dec 2017 but was set on hold, and then extended, from April-Oct 2017 as the project leader was on parental leave. It also ends prematurely as the project leader has terminated her position at KTH to work in industry (Feb 2018). Publications and conferences 2017 Conference presentations (posters): “Fast top-up charging of Lithium-ion batteries”, A.S. Mussa, M.Klett, G.Lindberg, R.W. Lindström, 20th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, March 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina “Fast top-up charging of Lithium-ion batteries- A comparative ageing study”, A.S. Mussa, M.Klett, G.Lindberg, R.W. Lindström, Advance Battery Conference, March 2017, Aachen, Germany Peer-reviewed original research A.S. Mussa, M. Klett, G. Lindbergh, R.W. Lindström, ”Effects of external pressure on the performance and ageing of single-layer lithium-ion pouch cells”, submitted, J. Power Sources J. Bareno, I.A. Shkrob, J.A. Gilbert, M. Klett, D.P. Abraham, ”Capacity fade and its mitigation in Li-on cells with silicon-graphite electrodes", J. Phys.Chem C, 121 (2017) 38, p020640-20649 A.S. Mussa, M. Klett, M. Behm, G. Lindbergh, R.W. Lindström, "Fast-charging to a partial state of charge in lithium-ion batteries: a comparative study", J. Energy Storage, 13(2017), p325-333 M. Klett, J. A. Gilbert, K. Z. Pupek, S. E. Trask, D. P. Abraham, “Layered Oxide, Graphite and Silicon-Graphite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Cells: Effect of Electrolyte Composition and Cycling Windows”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161 (2017) 1, p A6095-A6102, (Focus Issue of Selected Papers from IMLB 2016 with Invited Papers Celebrating 25 Years of Lithium Ion Batteries).

Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power PARTICIPANTS Torsten Wik, Chalmers, Project manager Björn Fridholm, Volvo Cars and Chalmers, industrial PhD student Matilda Klett, KTH Henrik Ekström, KTH Göran Lindbergh, KTH Theresa Granérus, Volvo Cars PARTNERS

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Chalmers, Volvo Cars FINANCING Cash financing: 300,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016-2017 The battery management system (BMS) of an electrified vehicle contains model-based algorithms to estimate and predict battery status, such as state-of-charge (SOC) and available power. Since the on-board computing power is limited and the number of cells is large, it is common practice to use simplified equivalent circuit models to describe the current-voltage characteristics of the battery cells. These models have the advantage of being simple enough for on-board implementation, and the parameters are also observable from current and voltage measurements. This is important since it enables updating of the model to handle changed characteristics due to ageing or varying operating conditions. A drawback of the equivalent circuit models is that they do not consider the underlying electrochemistry and transport phenomena in the cell, which means that there are behaviours which they cannot predict. One example is a voltage drop observed when discharging a cell with high power for a longer time. The voltage drop depends on both time-independent and time-dependant processes behind the transient behaviour of mass transport in both electrolyte and electrode active material. Capturing this behaviour is important for long-term (~30s) power prediction needed for safe and efficient operation of electrified vehicles. The aim of the project is to solve the problem of long-term battery power prediction for use in the BMS, which is still an open-ended research question. Starting from physics-based electrochemical models and applying methods from Automatic Control, the goal is to find a simplified model suitable for on-board implementation where the age dependent parameters are observable from measurements available in the vehicle. In a longer perspective, the goal is also to establish a collaboration between the cell level research performed at KTH and system level research performed at Chalmers and Volvo Cars. The purpose of the project is to develop an improved battery model that can be used in the battery management system. The model will primarily be used to improve the accuracy of long-term power prediction (~30s prediction horizon). For the safe and optimal battery usage, predicting the long-term available power is important. Today it is common practice to use equivalent circuit models in the battery management system to estimate for instance power. This works very well for short time horizons (~1-2s). For longer time horizons (~30s) the predictions are not accurate enough for the application, mainly due to poor performance of the models used. Based on laboratory measurements from Volvo Cars, KTH have developed a first version of a first principles cell model programmed in Comsol. Volvo Cars and Chalmers will examine the model with the aim of building a simplified model that can be used in battery management applications. The main collaboration from Chalmers and Volvo Cars side is with the research project “Effektivare batterianvändning i elfordon” financed by The Swedish Energy Agency. The plan is to initiate a collaboration with BEST at Penn State University during spring 2017.

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High energy density battery materials – understanding their endurance with the help of modelling PARTICIPANTS Anti Liivat, Uppsala University, Project manager Torbjörn Gustafsson, Uppsala University Matilda Klett, KTH Pontus Svens, Scania Jens Groot, AB Volvo PARTNERS Uppsala University, Scania, KTH, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars FINANCING Cash financing: 200,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2016 High volumetric energy density rechargeable batteries are currently the most attractive for fast route both to full electrification of smaller vehicles or hybrid systems in general. This project contributes by combining atomistic modelling techniques with experimental work to understand and mitigate the chemical processes leading to the poor endurance and safety compromise in the state of the art battery materials such as Li-rich layered transition metal oxides. In this pre-study until the end of September 2016, the collaboration with the partners within the Electromobility Centre interested in this study will be established and work contributions planned. Secondly, the usefulness of atomistic modelling techniques in understanding the aging of lithium batteries is evaluated for whether it can be used to calculate the most relevant properties of an artificial protection film (such as Al2O3) at the electrode-electrolyte interface – the SEI layer. The reaction conditions are related to that measured in the real, but unprotected cells. The pre-study focuses on the alumina (Al2O3) coating which serves as a benchmark for any artificial or natural passivation film in Li ion battery. NMC electrodes protected by ~1nm thick Al2O3 coating showed increased lifetime when compared to the non-protected ones but degraded over longer time. Little is known on the endurance of such protective films in the battery environment. Therefore, here the focus is on in-depth understanding of the performance of such protective films. The atomistic models give new mechanistic insights into the limits of the use of high-voltage electrode materials in terms of degradation and aging. This would guide making better protective films, either by direct deposition or, by the choise of specific electrolyte additives. From the battery integrator’s perspective, better understanding of the battery health at high State of Charge (SOC) allows developing more efficient battery management routines. So far, literature has been evaluated for the existing models and experimental data for the protective films. The promising modelling approaches identified are: i) calculating the electron tunnelling rate (~elecrtolyte degradation rate) through different films; ii) film resistance to Li-ion current and iii) film dissolution at high potential.

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Surface selectivity on the electrolyte reactivity is demonstrated in DFT calculation (LiS4 on TiO2: 1eV stronger binding energy on 001 surface than on 101 surface). Al-ions identified in G-electrodes from dismantled cells (in collaboration within “Fast-charging project” with F. Lodi Marzano, UU). Collaboration is planned with the ALD-group at UU (M. Boman) for an experimental study with such protective films if external fundings granted – to be proposed as an Electromobility Centre associated project. The next step includes planning for a Theme Energy storage workshop on the high-voltage electrode materials in Q1-Q2 2017. A follow up by research project is planned after the pre-study for more in-depth studies based on the prioritized cases after the completion of the pre-study. The results will published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented at the conferences. Matilda Klett (KTH) is consulted on merging with the physical models developed in KTH; the parameters needed in the physical models that could be obtained from the atomistic modelling are identified. (Electromobility Centre Theme Energy storage meetings). Jens Groot (AB Volvo) and Pontus Svens (Scania) are consulted on the aging phenomena in the commercial cells within another Electromobility Centre project (“Snabbladdningsprojekt”); the important mechanistic factors that need the atomistic modelling approach are identified. (Electromobility Centre Theme Energy storage meetings). Pre-study results have been presented at the theme meetings (9 Sept. 2016): Industrial partners gain new insights into the electrode protection mechanisms and prospects to increase the capacity utilisation.

Positive electrode binders at high voltages – aging mechanisms PARTICIPANTS Anti Liivat, Uppsala University, Project manager Torbjörn Gustafsson, Uppsala University Pontus Svens, Scania Jens Groot, AB Volvo PARTNERS Uppsala University, Scania, AB Volvo FINANCING Cash funding: 910,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017-2019 High volumetric energy density rechargeable batteries are currently the most attractive for fast route both to full electrification of smaller vehicles or hybrid systems in general. State of the art positive electrode materials for Li-ion batteries such as layered transition metal oxides or high-voltage spinel could provide ~20-30 % increase in the energy density if a battery could be charged above the current ~4.2V limit. For this, the interface between

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the positive electrode and the electrolyte needs to be stabilized against oxidative decomposition reactions of electrolyte and electrode dissolution. Such degradation is mitigated through the formation of a protective solid film at the electrode interface -the SEI layer, either deposited before the battery assembly or by forming in situ through the use of electrolyte additives that facilitate this process. However, the electrode integrity relies on binder polymers that ensures the intimate electric contact of the active material, the conductive additive (carbon) powders and the current collector (aluminium). While the the conventional fluorinated binders (PVdF) are believed to be stable even at high voltages, several non-fluorinated binders, such as polyacrylates (e.g. PAA) and carboxy-celloloses (e.g. Na-CMC) have the advantage of better adhesion, water solubility and lower-cost. The latter two properties are increasingly important to facilitate low cost and greener electrode manufacturing process, but also mitigate the environmental issues in cell recycling after the end-of-life. To date, little is known on the oxidative stability of such non-fluorinated binders even though their usefulness at high voltages has been reported. On the other hand, the unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds (C=C) in the SBR is expected to be oxidatively unstable at >4.2V, but is reported not to limit the electrode performance at elevated voltages. This project contributes by combining modelling techniques with experimental work to understand the high-voltage stability of both conventional fluorinated binders and new, non-fluorinated greener counterparts. The most probable failure mechanisms are identified and their implications to the electrode aging under high voltage conditions suggested. Both model systems and electrodes from real cells from the industrial partners are analysed too for relevant aging phenomena. This is important in relation to today’s state of the art because new knowledge on the electrode binder degradation under the use in emerging high-voltage cell designs would be invaluable for the cell aging prognosis. The next step is to continue with WP1 on ranking of the binders from the modelling work, meeting within the reference group to discuss the preliminary results. The project was discussed together with Industry partners at the “Battery Days” Swedish Electromobility Centre meeting in Uppsala, 21-22. September 2017. A presentation at Swedish Electromobility Centre meetings in 2018 is planned. This project had a collaboration with Swedish Electromobility Centre project “Fast charging of large energy-optimized Li-ion cells for electrified drivelines” and FORMAS project “Nanostructured iron-based materials: the key to integrated super-capacitive batteries for zero emission applications”.

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Vehicle analysis

Charging behaviour and infrastructure need for plug-in electric vehicles PARTICIPANTS Frances Sprei & Ahmet Amndev, Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers PARTNERS Volvo Cars PH&EV Research Center at UC Davis FINANCING Cash funding: 2,182,000 SEK. Funding organization: Swedish Electromobility Centre DURATION 2017-2021 (Phase 1 – December 2019 The project is a collaboration between Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers, the PH&EV Research Center at UC Davis, and Volvo Cars. The overall objective of the project will be to analyse the relationship between charging infrastructure and vehicle development departing from the user perspective. The analysis will build on the ongoing work at PH&EV Research Center and Physical Resource Theory. Both research groups have been conducting research on driving patterns and need for infrastructure. The PH&EV Center has during several projects monitored PEV users, their driving patterns and charging behaviour. They have looked at the impact of charging behaviour on electric miles travelled, i.e., what share of driving for PHEV is done on electricity (Tal et al. 2014), the role of pricing for work place charging (M. Nicholas and Tal 2015) and developing charging assessment models based on travel surveys (M. A. Nicholas et al. 2013) . At Physical Resource Theory driving patterns both for conventional vehicles and EV have been used to analyse battery requirements for PHEV (Björnsson and Karlsson 2015), the role of multi-car households in the adoption of BEV (Jakobsson et al. 2016b; Jakobsson et al. 2016a) as well of number of charging stations that might be needed (Gnann et al. 2016). The first part of the project would further analyse the already gathered data from both research groups on user behaviour and driving patterns, allowing for a comparison between the two regions. How do the driving patterns compare? Does the electric driving share differ between households? And how do these aspects relate to charging behaviour. California is of interest given its leading role in policies, regulations, and the relative high penetration level of PEV. Sweden is also one of the countries with the highest share of sales of PEV, has a car manufacturing industry and also a larger variation in weather which might affect charging behaviour. The maturity level of the charging infrastructure also differs between the regions. The data collected so far will be complemented with data from Volvo Cars from their PHEVs sold in different countries. If needed additional data can be gathered through surveys and interviews. In this project we aim to look at the relationship between charging infrastructure and vehicle development departing from the user perspective. The research will be based on user experiences, driving data and actual charging behaviour. Questions around the need for charging and how plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) are being charged will be addressed.

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Throughout the project competence will be built up regarding analysis of user behaviour but also on how the research can have a policy impact both in and outside Sweden. Through seminars and workshops the knowledge will be spread to other areas within Swedish Electromobility Centre, but also Volvo Cars that has a specific interest in the project. The electrification of the transport sector will entail large investments both in the vehicles mainly in the form of batteries and in the charging infrastructure. There are many research questions related to the interaction between these two. For example; what is the relationship between the density of chargers and the need for battery capacity? Can an extensive charging network imply less need for investment in larger batteries (and thus lower costs for the consumer and less environmental impact)? Or should PEV be designed so that they manage a larger share of electric driving without needing investments in charging infrastructure? Research so far has focused on the placement of charging stations (Chen et al. 2013; Dong et al. 2014) but very little focus has been made on the actual charging behaviour and the relationship between the charging network, the design of the vehicle and battery. In this project we start instead from actual driving and charging behaviour and will thus contribute to the field with new knowledge and new perspectives. The next step will be to analyse the data from Volvo once we get access to it. A visit to UC Davis is also planned for Frances Sprei and Ahmet Mandev in March 2018. During this visit we will discuss the future collaboration, access to data and future publications together. This research projects fits well in with other research projects and collaboration. There are clear links with the work done with UC Davis and other partners in the international PEV policy council. It also feeds into the IEA task 36: “Electric Vehicle Purchase and Use Patterns”. Researchers within the project are also collaborating with researchers at RISE Viktoria and Fraunhofer ISI.

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Technology watch of fuel cells

Design and requirements specification for developing fuel cell propelled BE-trucks, Boh Westerlund, BW konstruktion AB

Hydrogen fuel cell trucks 2030 – next step, Hans Pohl, Rise

Monitoring and analysing the global fuel cell area with special focus on stationary applications, Bengt Ridell, Sweco

Technology watch– Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Lunds Universitet, Energivetenskaper, Martin Andersson/Bengt Sundén

Cost function for fuel cell systems, Rise Viktoria, Hans Pohl

Storing hydrogen, Rise Viktoria, Hans Pohl & Sweco, Bengt Ridell

Fuel cell driven cargo bike with extra functionality, mini demo, Bränslecellsdrivna lastcykelfordon med extra funktionalitet, mini-demo, Rise SP, Anders Lundblad

Can fuel cells become a mass-produced option globally for heavy duty trucks 2030+? An exploratory study, Magnus Karlström, Chalmers, et al

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Complete project list

Project title Contact

Fast-Charging of Large Energy-optimised Li-ion Cells for Electrified Drivelines Jens Groot

Modellering och analys av samverkan mellan batteri och spänningsomvandlare i elektriska drivlinor Göran Lindbergh

Ultra Compact Cost Effective Fast Charger Stations/ Fault detection and increased reliability of a 3.3 kW on-board battery charger for PHEVs

Saeid Haghbin

Variable flux machine for electric vehicles Yujing Liu Multifysiksimulering av kylsystemet och dess komponenter i ett el- eller hybridfordon Torbjörn Thiringer

Integrated drive for electrified vehicles Yujing Liu

Electrochemical study of durability aspects in large vehicle batteries Rakel Wreland Lindtsröm

System level evaluation of diesel engine and emission after treatment systems for hybrid drivetrain applications in dynamic drive cycles/ Interdisciplinary post-doc cluster for future hybrid vehicles

Tomas McKelvey

Drivelinekonfigurationer med bränsleceller Anders Grauers Hybrid drives for heavy vehicles Mats Alaküla High-efficient, ultra compact integrated electric drives for tomorrow’s alternative drivetrains Oskar Wallmark

Power Conversion Challenges with an All Electric Land Transport System Francisco Marquez

Information management for energy efficient vehicles of the future Jonas Fredriksson

Efficient and Safe Battery Operation – Aspects of Pressure and Utilization Matilda Klett

High energy density battery materials – understanding their endurance with the help of modelling Anti Liivat

Modelling and simulation of usage aspects of PHEVs Christofer Sundström Traction system parameter identification and condition monitoring via modulation spectra response Avo Reinap

Thermo-mechanical fatigue of electric machine windings Oskar Wallmark Field Intensified PM Machine for an HEV Application Torbjörn Thiringer

Traction induction machine modelling conducted in student projects Torbjörn Thiringer

Energy efficient driving using electric wheel corner functionalities Lars Drugge 48V mild hybrid Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine Yujing Liu Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power Torsten Wik

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Modelling and validation of powetrain and exhaust after-treatment systems for HD hybrid vehicels Lars Eriksson

Investigation of state-of-the-art of additive manufacturing of electric machine components for EV/HEV applications Oskar Wallmark

Test bench for Optimal Design and Control of Energy Buffers for Minimizing Energy Consumption Mikael Hellgren

Efficient and Safe Battery Operation – Aspects of Expansion and Utilization Matilda Klett

Vehicle independent road resistance estimation Jonas Fredriksson Collaboration platform to Strengthen the Control and Optimization of Hybrid Electric Powertrains -IFPEN Lars Eriksson

Cost-effective drivetrains for fuel cell powered Evs -CATARC Yujing Liu Charging behaviour and infrastructure need for plug-in electric vehicles _UC DAVIS Frances Sprei

Power Conversion Challenges with an All-Electric Land Transport System Francisco Marquez

FO-plattform för elvägar Mats Alaküla Driving behavior modeling for powertrain design and assessment Sogol Kharrazi Modelling, system analysis and control of a hybrid powertrain and after-treatment system Lars Eriksson

Analys av energiförsörjning för elektrifierade bussystem/Metodik för analys av energiförsörjning för elektrifierade bussystem Anders Grauers

EAEB Energy transers solutions for electrified bus systems, Viktoria Anders Grauers

Decision support for implementing electric buses in public transport Sven Boren, Anders Grauers

Effects of the automated transport systems - SEVS for AD Anna Nilsson Ehle Tekniköversikter i fordonsanalystemat för Kathik Anders Grauers Aging of Li-ion Batteries - Quantifying Cell Expansion in Vehicle Applications Matilda Klett

Can fuel cells become a mass produced option globally for heavy duty trucks 2030+? An exploratory study.

Anders Grauers/Magnus

karlström Optimal Integration of Combustion Engines and Electric Motors for HEVs Lei Feng

Service optimisation of charging station access control by machine learning Jonas Hellgren

Using heat pump in electrified buses to decrease auxiliaries cost Lars Eriksson Module size investigation for a fast charger Mikael Alatalo Data-driven design and operation of electric drivetrains Francisco Marquez Battery SOC and SOH estimation through advanced signal processing. Lars Eriksson Kooperativ energihantering av elektrifierade fordon i plutoner Jonas Sjöberg

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Multi-CORE - Multi-level COntrol for Robust integrated vehicle Energy management Nikolce Murgovski

ORCA - Optimized real-world cost-competitive modular hybrid architecture for heavy duty vehicle Olof Lindgärde

Distributed propulsion in between vehicle units in a long vehicle combination Toheed Gandriz

Emission Aware Energy Management of Hybrid Vehicles Jonathan Lock OPERA II: Optimal reglering av hybrida drivsystem för tunga fordon Victor Leek More efficient and health conscious usage of lithium ion batteries by adaptive modelling Torsten Wik

Optimal usage of vehicle battery by multi-scale modelling Torsten Wik/Patrik Johansson

Classification and Optimal Management of 2nd life xEV Batteries Sebastien Gros Sustainability indicators for electric vehicles and hybrid technologies Sofia Poulikidou FROST – Fuel Reduction Optimal Strategies and Toolbox Victor Leek Positive electrode binders at high voltages – aging mechanisms Anti Liivat Large scale synthesis and electrode coating of Prussian White as a cathode material for sodium-ion batteries Anti Liivat

Ageing mechanisms & how to prolong battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications (APL) Torbjörn Thiringer

Decoupling of impact of current and temperature impact on battery ageing Torbjörn Thiringer

ELISE - Electric drives - Intelligent Software & Electromagnetics Torbjörn Thiringer Loss and EMI reduction in electrified vehicle through the usage of a multilevel converter Torbjörn Thiringer

Compact, modular, integrated electric machines for electric and hybrid electric vehicles Oskar Wallmark

Multi Functional Electric Axles Mats Alaküla Powertrain for Low CO2 footprint Mats Alaküla Utveckling av en driv och laddsystem för elektrisk buss och elektrisk lastbil Mats Alaküla

Vidareutveckling av elvägskonceptet Elonroad Mats Alaküla EMCOST - Kostnadseffektiva elmaskiner för tunga fordon: design, tillverkning och verifiering Mats Alaküla

Fullelektrisk Godsdistribution (SUST) Roland Elander IDEAS - Understanding the impact of the deployment of ERS with the help of agent-based transport simulations Francisco Marquez

How surface layer formation in mixed cathodes controls ageing of commercial Li-ion battery cells Kristina Edström

Design and evaluation of a multi-phase converter for multi-phase electric machinery Oskar Wallmark

Optimal Energy Management in Miscellaneous Traffic Nikolce Murgovski

2-way model of Electric Motor-cooling duct design Sonja Tidblad Lundmark

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THermal modelling of Electric RoAd SystemS Mats Alaküla Modeling and implementation of smart-charging using the Annex D standard: Initial study Joakim Munkhammar

Extreme Cooling of EV Traction Systems – Supercool 2 /Extrem Kylning av ett Elfordons Drivsystem – Supercool 2 Avo Reinap

Control of an electrified dual clutch gearbox Anders Grauers

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Publications and conference contributions

This list contains publications actually published in 2017. Publications lists for ongoing projects are given in the project reports on previous pages. Complete lists of publications for finished projects can be found in the reports on the website.

System studies and methods

“Analysis of camber control and torque vectoring to improve vehicle energy efficiency”, P. Sun, A. Stensson Trigell, L. Drugge, J. Jerrelind, M. Jonasson, IAVSD 2017 – 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicle on Roads and Tracks, Rockhampton, Australia, August 2017 “Design and Control Co-Optimization for Advanced Vehicle Propulsion Systems.” J. Zhao, PhD Thesis, Universite Paris Saclay, CentraleSupélec, 2017 “Design cycles for a given driving mission”, L. Nielsen, E. Frisk, S. Kharrazi, 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD), August 2017 “Driver Model for Mission-based Driving Cycles”, M. Almén, Master thesis report, Linköping University, 2017 “Driving behavior modeling for powertrain design and assessment”, S. Kharrazi, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Dynamic Modeling, Simulation and Control of Turbochargers”, L. Eriksson, X. Llamas, K. Ekberg, V. Leek, Turbochargers and Turbocharging: Advancements, Applications and Research, 2017 “Electromobility as enabler for long heavy vehicle combinations”, J. Fredriksson, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017 “Energy efficient driving using electric wheel corner functionalities”, L. Drugge, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Energy Management Strategy of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle for Shell Eco-marathon”, T. Liu, Master thesis, Department of Machine Design, KTH, 2017 “GRAB-ECO for Minimal Fuel Consumption Estimation of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Oil & Gas Science and Technology”, J. Zhao, A. Sciarretta, L. Eriksson, Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 72, 39, 2017 “Improving Fuel Economy and Acceleration by Electric Turbocharger Control for Heavy Duty Long Haulage”, K. Ekberg, L. Eriksson, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017

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“Model-based development towards electromobility - The prosperous life, evolution, & impact of an engine model”, L. Eriksson, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017, also The 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2017, and invited talk Mälardalen University, 2017 “Modelling and Validation of Hybrid Heavy Duty Vehicles with Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems”, O. Holmer, L. Eriksson, The 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2017 “Modelling of hybrid powertrains and exhaust after treatment systems”, L. Eriksson, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Optimal Control of Wastegate Throttle and Fuel Injection for a Heavy-Duty Turbocharged Diesel Engine During Tip-In”, K. Ekberg, V. Leek, O. Holmer, L. Eriksson, The 58th Conference on Simulation and Modelling SIMS, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2017 “Optimal Powertrain Lock-Up Transients for a Heavy Duty Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, M. Sivertsson, L. Eriksson, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017 “Simultaneous Reduction of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions through Hybridization of a Long Haulage Truck”, O. Holmer, L. Eriksson, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017 “Test bench for Optimal Design and Control of Energy Buffers for Minimizing Energy Consumption”, M. Hellgren, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Vehicle Independent Road Segment Resistance Estimation”, M. Askerdal, J. Fredriksson, 30th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS30), Stuttgart, Germany, October 2017, also E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017

Electrical machines and drives

“48V mild hybrid Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine”, Y. Liu, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “A Highly Integrated Electric Drive System for Tomorrow's EVs and HEVs”, M. Nikouie, H. Zhang, O. Wallmark, H-P. Nee, IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), November 2017 “Comparison of Copper Loss Minimization and Field Current Minimization for Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor in Mild Hybrid Drives”, J. Tang, Y. Liu, EPE17, European Power Electronics, Warsaw, Poland, September 2017

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“DC-link stability analysis and controller design for the stacked polyphase bridges converter”, M. Nikouei Harnefors, O. Wallmark, L. Jin, L. Harnefors, and H.-P. Nee, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1666-1674, 2017. “Design and Testing of a 3-Phase Voltage source Inverter for Mild Hybrid Vehicle Application”, Y. Rastogi, Report, Chalmers Publication Library 2017 “Dynamic Charging Solutions in Sweden: An overview”, F. Márquez-Fernández, M. Alaküla, International Transport Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2017 Asia Pacific - Harbin, China, August 2017 “Electric Road Systems - The importance of Technology Sharing”, F. Márquez-Fernández, 1st Electric Road Systems Conference, Sandviken, June 2017 “Electric Roads: Reducing the Societal Cost of Automotive Electrification”, P. Fyhr, G. Domingues, M. Andersson, F. Márquez-Fernández, H. Bängtsson, M. Alaküla, International Transport Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2017, Chicago, US, June 2017 “Electric Roads: The importance of sharing the infrastructure among different vehicle types”, F. Márquez-Fernández, G. Domingues, L. Lindgren, M. Alaküla, International Transport Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2017 Asia Pacific - Harbin, China, August 2017 “Electrified roads to the future”, F. Márquez-Fernández, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017 “Electrifying the transport system”, F. Márquez-Fernández, IQPC - E-Mobility Charging Infrastructure Europe 2020, April 2017 and Elkraftseminarium, ÅF, 25 October 2017 “Fault detection and increased reliability of a 3.3 kW on-board battery charger for PHEVs”, S. Haghbin, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Field Intensified PM Machine for a HEV Application”, T. Thiringer, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 ”FOI plattform för elvägar”, M. Alaküla, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “High-efficient, ultra compact integrated electric drives for tomorrow’s alternative drivetrains”, M. Nikouei Harnefors, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 ”Investigation of a traction induction machine through student works”, T. Thiringer, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 ”Kostnadsanalys av möjliga scenarier för elektriska driv- och laddsystem”, F. Márquez-Fernández, Energirelaterad fordonsforskning, Göteborg, 4-5 October 2017

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“Limitations and constraints of eddy-current loss models for interior permanent-magnet motors with fractional-slot concentrated windings”, Z. Hui and O. Wallmark, Energies, vol. 10, no. 3, 2017. “Measurements and analysis of battery harmonic currents in a commercial hybrid vehicle“, R. Soares, A. Bessman, O. Wallmark, G. Lindbergh, P. Svens, 6th Annual IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC’17), June 2017 ”Modellering och påverkan av rippelströmmar i tunga hybridfordon”, R. Soares, A. Bessman, O. Wallmark, G. Lindbergh, P. Svens, Elkraft 2017, May 2017 “Modulation and power losses of a stacked polyphase bridges converter”, L. Jin, S. Norrga, O. Wallmark, N. Apostolopoulos, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, March 2017, p. 409 - 418. “Multi physical modelling of a hybrid cooling circuit and its attached components for an electrified vehicle”, A. Acqaviva, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Power Conversion Challenges with an All-Electric Land Transport System”, F. Márquez-Fernández, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Scalable Integrated Drive System for Battery Electric Vehicles”, N. Sharma, Report, Chalmers Publication Library 2017 “Simulating & Evaluating feasibility to integrate charging of 12V battery with 48V drivetrain for Dual Voltage 48V/12V Mild Hybrid vehicles”, T. Shukla, Report, Chalmers Publication Library 2017 “Societal Cost of Electrifying All Danish Road Transport”, G. Domingues, 30th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS30), Stuttgart, Germany, October 2017 “System Level modelling of fuel cell driven electric vehicles”, A. Cerdán Codina, Report, Chalmers Publication Library 2017 “Thermo-mechanical fatigue of electric machine windings”, O. Wallmark, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Electrical Insulation System in Electrical machine.”, A. Elschich, Master thesis, Karlstad University, 2017 “Towards compact, integrated electric drives for automotive applications”, O. Wallmark, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017 “Traction System parameter identification and condition monitoring via modulation spectra response”, A. Reinap, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Variable flux machine for electric vehicles”, J. Tang, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017

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Energy storage

“A shiny perspective for iron oxide in more sustainable Li-ion batteries?”, A. Liivat, LiBD-8, Arachon, France, June 2017 “About atomistic modelling of ion diffusion relevant to the cell power: Introduction on relevant parameters”, A. Liivat, Theme workshop, Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power, May 2017 “Adaptivity – a necessity for successful battery management”, T. Wik, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017 “Analytic model for power prediction”, T. Wik, Workshop seminar, SEC theme Energy storage, May 2017 “Capacity fade and its mitigation in Li.ion cells with silicon-graphite electrodes”, J. Bareno, I.A. Shkrob, J.A. Gilbert, M. Klett, D.P Abraham, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, September 2017 “Electrochemical modelling for prediction of long-term battery power”, B. Fridholm, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Electrochemical study of durability aspects in large vehicle batteries”, M. Shifa Abdilibari, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Fast top-up charging of Lithium-ion batteries - A comparative ageing study”, A.S. Mussa, M.Klett, G.Lindberg, R.W. Lindström, Advance Battery Conference, Aachen, Germany, March 28-30, 2017 “Fast top-up charging of Lithium-ion batteries”, A.S. Mussa, M.Klett, G.Lindberg, R.W. Lindström, 20th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 19-22, 2017 “Fast-charging to a partial state of charge in lithium-ion batteries: a comparative study”, A.S. Mussa, M. Klett, M. Behm, G. Lindergh, R.W. Lindström, Journal of Energy Storage, October 2017 “High energy density battery materials – understanding their endurance with the help of modelling”, A. Liivat, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “In situ Mössbauer studies of the electrochemistry in symmetric cells”, A. Liivat, Nordbatt, Kokkola, Finland, November 2017 “Iron-based electrodes meet water-based preparation, fluorine- free electrolyte and binder: a chance for more sustainable Li-ion batteries”, M. Valvo, A. Liivat, H. Eriksson, C‐W. Tai, K. Edström, ChemSusChem, March 2017 “Layered Oxide, Graphite and Silicon-Graphite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Cells: Effect of Electrolyte Composition and Cycling Windows”, M. Klett, J. A. Gilbert, K. Z. Pupek, S. E. Trask, D. P. Abraham, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161 (2017) 1, p A6095-A6102 (Focus Issue of Selected Papers from IMLB 2016)

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“Long term power prediction”, T. Wik, Workshop seminar, SEC theme Energy storage, May 2017 “Novel insights into higher capacity from the Li-ion battery cathode material Li2FeSiO4”, A. Liivat, J. Thomas, J. Guo, Y. Yang, Electrochimica Acta, January 2017 “Physics based power prediction model for a reference battery”, T. Wik, Workshop seminar, SEC theme Energy storage, May 2017 “Reach MAX: Reach maximum volymetric capacity for lithium batteries with high voltage cathodes”, K. Edström, T. Gustafsson, B. Aktekin, T. Nordh, M. Lacey, A. Liivat, Energirelaterad fordonsforskning, October 2017 “Statistical modeling of OCV-curves for aged battery cells”, A. Klintberg, E. Klintberg, B. Fridholm, H. Kuusisto, T. Wik, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017 “Theoretical Bounds on the Accuracy of State and Parameter Estimation”, A. Klintberg, T. Wik, B. Fridholm, 55th Conference on Decision and Control, Seattle, USA, May 2017

Vehicle analysis

“Consumer perspectives on electric vehicle adoption: incentives and range anxiety”, F. Sprei, Seminar at Statistics Norway, March 2017 “Driveline configurations with fuel cells”, A. Grauers, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “EAEB Energy transfer solutions for electrified bus systems”, A. Grauers, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Effects of the automated transport systems - SEVS for AD”, A. Grauers, E-mobility Centre Day 2017, KTH, Stockholm, 12 June 2017 “Electromobility in a breakthrough”, A. Grauers, Roads to the future, Stockholm University, 13 June 2017 “E-mobility – a research perspective”, F. Sprei, GREAT - midterm conference, June 2017 “EVs in two car households”, F. Sprei, Electric vehicle consumer science workshop at Kapsarc, Riaydh, December 2017 “Fast charging needs based on driving patterns and current usage”, F. Sprei, International Plug-in Electric Vehicle Policy Council Workshop, June 2017 “Indicating and managing BEV range issues in two-car households”, S. Karlsson, N. Jakobsson, F. Sprei, 30th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS30), Stuttgart, Germany, October 2017

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“Research perspectives on electric vehicles and charging infrastructure”, F. Sprei, Workshop on infrastructure and mobility, CEPS, Brussels, 2017 “Status of e-mobility worldwide: where do we stand?”, F. Sprei, Transport and mobility week, GIZ, Berlin, 2017 “What are the effects of incentives on plug-in electric vehicle sales in Europe?”, P. Plötz, T. Gnann, F. Sprei, ECEEE Summer Study, June 2017

Technology watch of fuel cells

”Bränsleceller syntesrapport 2016-2017”, Rapport 2017:463, B. Ridell, H. Pohl, Energiforsk, 2017 ”Bränslecellers konkurrenskraft i vägfordon”, Rapport 2017:404, H. Pohl, B. Ridell, A. Carlson, G. Lindbergh, K. Maruo, M. Karlström, Energiforsk, 2017 ”Bränslecellsdrivna lastcyklar”, Rapport 2017:368, A. Lundblad, Energiforsk, 2017 ”När passar bränsleceller bäst”, Rapport 2017:366, H. Pohl, A. Grauers, J. Nyman och E. Wiberg, Energiforsk, 2017 “Technology review – Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, Rapport 2017:359, M. Andersson, B. Sundèn, Energiforsk, 2017

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Swedish Electromobility Centre


Swedish Electromobility Centre is a national Centre of Excellence for hybrid and electric vehicle technology. We unify Sweden’s competence and serve as a strategic base for interaction between academia, industry, and society.

The centre’s driving force is to explore hybrid and electric propulsion systems, find the best technical solutions and analyse the subsystems. We carry out industry relevant research in the field and conduct studies of different hybrid and electric vehicle technologies to assess their potential.

Through education, research, and development, we provide strategic knowledge and competence and facilitate cooperation between industry and academia. Our activities make us one of the stakeholders in national and international discussions within the electric and hybrid vehicle area.

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