swift vs. language x

Post on 27-Aug-2014






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Can you guess what language this is?





Language X Can you guess what language this is?



Native development for one mobile platform

Native development for three mobile platforms



Desktop apps for one OS

Desktop apps for three OSes



Client only development

Use the same language on client and server

Cloud-ready too



Closed source

Open source



Well-designed language

Modern. Designed for safety. Concise yet expressive syntax. Interactive and fun. Fast and powerful.

Well-designed language

Modern. Designed for safety. Concise yet expressive syntax. Interactive and fun. Fast and powerful.



A low-risk switch

Benefits from an existing eco-system. Can interop with legacy code. Can access a large number of existing libraries.

A low-risk switch

Benefits from an existing eco-system. Can interop with legacy code. Can access a large number of existing libraries.



Many awesome language features Type inference ∙ Optional types ∙ Interactive REPL Pattern matching ∙ 1st class functions ∙ Concise syntax Functional patterns ∙ Tuples ∙ Immutable data Object orientation ∙ Operator overloading ∙ Closures

Many awesome language features Type inference ∙ Optional types ∙ Interactive REPL Pattern matching ∙ 1st class functions ∙ Concise syntax Functional patterns ∙ Tuples ∙ Immutable data Object orientation ∙ Operator overloading ∙ Closures

And no semicolons!

And no semicolons!



Missing important things Lacks full type inference ∙ No asynchronous flow No parallelism ∙ Tricky garbage collection

Important things included Excellent type inference ∙ Built-in async flow Parallelism ∙ Algebraic types ∙ Units of measure More powerful pattern matching ∙ Agents One line parsing of JSON, XML, CSV Syntax support for database queries.

Also, a very young language

And a mature language

? So what is language X?

? So what is language X?

Language X is F#

? So what is language X?

Language X is F#

Surprised? Why don't you give F# a try and see for yourself? What do other people say? http://fsharp.org/testimonials/

Try F#

The F# Software Foundation has links to everything you need: http://fsharp.org/ Learn key principles in just a few minutes: http://www.tryfsharp.org/Learn Play with it in a browser: http://www.tryfsharp.org/Create https://dotnetfiddle.net/

F# is available "out of the box" on all Xamarin-supported platforms: Android, OS X and iOS. http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/fsharp/ Build better apps for iOS, Android and Mac with Xamarin Studio: http://xamarin.com/studio Or build native iOS, Android and Windows apps in Visual Studio: http://xamarin.com/visual-studio

MonoGame on iOS: http://neildanson.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/f-and-monogame-part-3-ios/

F# on the front end

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