swine (h1n1) flu infection

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel Influnza A H1N1 Virus


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  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Swine Flu Background

    Second outbreak in 1976 in New Jersey

    Vaccination halted after 40 million

    vaccination due to appearance of Guillain-

    Barre Syndrome and 25 deaths.

    Increased flu risk in pregnant women,

    particularly during the second and third


    Increased risk of fetal death or spontaneous

    abortions in infected pregnant women.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu infection

    From April 15, 2009 to July 24, 2009, it isestimated that more than one million peoplebecame ill with novel H1N1 flu in the USA.

    From April 15, 2009 to July 24, 2009, a total of 43,771 confirmed and probable cases of novelinfluenza A (H1N1) infection were reported.

    Of these cases reported, 5,011 people werehospitalized and 302 people died.

    In India 782 cases reported - 511 cured - 4 deaths.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu Global Map

    Confirmed death and infections Confirmed infections

    Unconfirmed infections

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Swine Flu Features

    Duration 4 6 days.

    Infectious period 1 day prior to onset of

    symptoms to 7 days after onset.

    Suspect in pt who present with febrile

    respiratory illness

    Onset within 7 days of close contact with

    confirmed infection.

    Onset within 7 days of travel to areas where

    sustained human transmission exists

    Acute illness in person who resides in

    community where atleast 1 confirmed case.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Symptoms & Complications

    Symptoms of swine flu are similar to

    influenza infections.

    Strong immune response may cause

    some collateral tissue damage.

    Majority (about 90%-95%) of people

    feel terrible but recover with no


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Symptoms & Complications Some patients develop severe

    respiratory symptoms and needrespiratory support.

    Patients may get pneumonia

    (bacterial secondary infection) if theviral infection persists, and some

    develop seizure.

    Death often occurs from secondary

    bacterial infection of the lungs;

    appropriate antibiotics need to be

    used in these patients.

    Mortalit Rate 1% - 6%

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel Influenza A H1N1 virus

    Novel H1N1 virus is also called swine flu

    because many of the genes in this new virus

    were very similar to influenza viruses that

    normally occur in pigs (swine).

    It has two genes from flu viruses that normally

    circulate in pigs, bird (avian) genes and human


    Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant"


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Symptoms in hospitalized novelH1N1 flu patients

    Symptom Number (%)

    Fever* 249 (93%)

    Cough 223 (83%)

    Shortness of breath 145 (54%)

    Fatigue/Weakness 108 (40%)Chills 99 (37%)

    Myalgias 96 (36%)

    Rhinorrhea 96 (36%)

    Sore Throat 84 (31%)Headache 83 (31%)

    Vomiting 78 (29%)

    Wheezing 64 (24%)

    Diarrhea 64 (24%)

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Signs of Emergency

    Novel H1N1 swine flu can progress rapidly.

    Shortness of breath, either during physical

    activity or while resting, difficulty in breathing,

    turning blue, bloody or colored (not clear)

    sputum, chest pain.

    Altered mental status.

    High fever that persists beyond three days.

    Low blood pressure.

    In children, danger signs include fast or difficult


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Emergency in Children

    In children, emergency warning signs are:

    Fast breathing or trouble breathing

    Bluish or gray skin color

    Not drinking enough fluids

    Severe or persistent vomiting

    Not waking up or difficulty in waking

    up, not interacting , lack of alertness,

    little or no desire to play. Being so irritable that the child does

    not want to be held

    Flu-like symptoms improve but then

    return with fever and worse cough

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Emergency in Adult s

    In adults, emergency warning signs are:

    Difficulty breathing or shortness of


    Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

    Sudden dizziness

    Confusion Severe or persistent vomiting

    Flu-like symptoms improve but then

    return with fever and worse cough

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Care for Swine Flu

    Sick patient

    Bed rest, increased fluid consumption, cough

    supressants, analgesic antipyretics, avoid

    close contact, wash hands after contact, avoid

    touching eyes, nose and mouth.

    Self isolate in home for 7 days or more if flu

    like symptom.

    Wear face mask, if going out.

    Seek medical help if breathing difficulty or

    severe illness .

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Care for Swine Flu

    Household not sick

    Remain at home at the earliest signs of


    Minimize contact with community

    Designate single family member as care


    Wash hands with soap and water frequently.

    Do not use utensils and linen used by patient,

    without washing.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu infection

    Estimated community rate of influenza-like-illness approximately 6% - 6.9% of the


    Causes greater disease burden on people

    younger than 25 years of age than older

    people .

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu infection

    Greater risk of serious flu-related

    complications in pts of asthma, diabetes,

    heart disease, kidney disease, suppressedimmune system, neurocognitive,

    neuromuscular disorder, obesity, age group

    65 yr and pregnancy.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu infection

    The generation time

    acute respiratory illness (ARI) - 2.0-3.1 days

    influenza like illness (ILI) - 2.4-3.1 days

    A secondary attack rate in household contacts

    For acute-respiratory-illness (ARI) -18 % to


    For influenza-like-illness (ILI) - 8% to 12%.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Preventive Care

    People infected with novel H1N1 flu shed virus

    may be able to infect others from 1 day before

    getting sick to 5 to 7 days after.

    Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when

    you cough or sneeze.

    Wash hands often with soap and water,

    especially after you cough or sneeze.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Preventive Care

    Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.

    Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

    If sick with flu-like illness, stay home for at

    least 24 hours after your fever is gone.

    Healthy person with an ill family member at

    home can go to work as usual with daily

    health monitoring and precautions.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Novel H1N1 flu infection

    Case Rate

    Hospitalization Rate

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Mortality in 268 Hospitalized Patients

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Contamination & Cleaning

    Virus can survive on surfaces and can infect a

    person for 2 to 8 hours after being deposited

    on the surface.

    Virus is destroyed by heat (167-212F [75-

    100C, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide,

    detergents (soap), iodophors (iodine-based

    antiseptics), and alcohols. Virus spread when a person touches

    something that is contaminated and then

    touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth .

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Contamination & Cleaning

    Novel H1N1 viruses are not spread by food.

    Tap water that has been treated by

    conventional disinfection processes does not

    spread the virus.

    Chlorine treated water in swimming pool water

    parks does not spread the virus but

    recreational water venues can.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Contamination & Cleaning

    To prevent the spread of influenza virus

    keep surfaces (especially bedside tables,

    surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen counters

    and toys for children) clean with a

    household disinfectant.

    Linens, eating utensils, and dishes should

    not be shared without washing thoroughly

    with soap and water first.

    Wear face mask when moving in public


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    RecommendedTreatment & Prophylaxis


    Same as those recommended for seasonal


    Oseltamivir, zanamivir ( amantadine,

    rimantadine) for 5 days.

    Start drug treatment within 48 hours of

    onset of symptoms.

    R d d

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    RecommendedTreatment & Prophylaxis Chemoprophylaxis

    Oseltamivir, zanamivir for 7 days after the last

    known exposure to an ill confirmed case.

    Household close contacts who are at high-risk for


    School children who had close contact (face-to-

    face) with a confirmed or suspected case.

    Travel to infection areas if at high-risk for complications.

    Health care workers or public health workers who

    had unprotected close contact with an ill confirmed


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Preventive Measures In School

    Stay home when sick for at least7 days or for

    24 hours after no fever, or signs of fever.

    Students who have an ill household member

    should stay home for five days from the day

    the first household member got sick.

    Separate ill students and staff and wear face


    Cover nose and mouth when coughing or


  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    Preventive Measures In School

    Wash hands frequently with soap and water.

    Frequent cleaning of areas that students and

    staff touch in routine manner.

    Check students and staff for fever and other

    symptoms of flu daily.

    Early treatment of high-risk students and staff.

    Consideration of selective school closure.

  • 8/14/2019 Swine (H1N1) Flu Infection


    All the best

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