sxs wi2014

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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SXSWi 2014

please pick us :)

And by us, we mean

stacy fuller

head of social innovation at

maude standish

founder + managing director at

@stacykfuller @maudechild

Sharing Rituals:

Online Behaviors Shaping Reality

We want to talk to you about...


Which is a fancy title for chatting

with you about how what we share online has real

impact on our lives offline.

We’ll cover how publicly sharing information affects:

1. Time Management

2. Self-Esteem

3. Romantic Relationships

4. Our Very Existence

5. Our Future

Need more convincing?

Ok, let’s dive a bit deeper into these topics...

Why in an economy of time do we spend so much time sharing?

We spend our day sharing. Collectively, we upload 35 hours to YouTube every minute. And in that that very same minute, we upload 135,849 photos to Facebook. Even if we consider ourselves private sorts, chances are we are still “Liking” articles, retelling YouTube skits to friends, and generally spending our days sharing. But in a world where time is money, why would we dedicate so much time to a seemingly non-lucrative activity? What are the primary scientific reasons we innately feel compelled to share?

Is social media making you feel bad about yourself?

50% of social media users evaluated their participation in social media as having an overall negative effect on their lives. But oddly, studies have found that after we experience something negative we turn to Facebook to boost our self-esteem. What is this cycle of sharing we have gotten into and how is it altering our sense of self?

Are your Facebook posts ruining your relationship?

Social media is affecting every stage of courtship. From discovering things about a potential partner you typically wouldn't find out until much later in a relationship to the types of things you share predicting the odds of you staying in your current relationship. Even breakups are affected, as social media makes it harder to leave the past in the past. What does this mean for the evolution of relationships? What will it mean in the future to share “everything” with the one you love?

If you go to an event and don’t take a picture, did it really even


New technologies have made us feel that we need to constantly be sharing our present moment to be part of the “inclusive present.” It used to be that we created a self-narrative, but now we expect our “friends” to participate in a communal narrative of our self. What does it mean to define the present by shared moments? How does that alter our historic understanding of time? How are the boundaries between “self” and “others” changing?

Are your sharing habits today predictive of decisions you’ll make


Trend forecasters follow the way people share ideas to predict the trends of the future. Can we look at what we share as individuals to help us predict our own futures? Can looking into what we share today, help us anticipate what our tomorrow will look like?

Thoroughly intrigued?

Then vote for us and of course share our dual presentation...We

promise it won’t negatively affect your self esteem.

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