sydney gazette 1824

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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803-1842), Thursday 25 March 1824, page 4

National Library of Australia


NOTICE. - An Advertisement having ap-peared in the Sydney Gazette, calling a

Sale in the Name of the Sydney Distillery, I, as

one of the Partners, know nothing about thesame"; and 1 hereby Caution the Public, that I

will not be responsible for any Bill drawn on the

Sydney Distillery, without my own Acceptance.George-street, March 15. ROBERT COOPER.

NOTICE.-All Persons who may have Claims

upon the late William Doekrel,of Georgestreet, Sydney, are required to present the s3me

forthwith to Mrs. Dockrel ; .and all those in-

debted to the said William Dockrel, are calledi

upon to settle the same without Delay._


qualified to undertake the Care and xManagement ol'Cattle generally, and especially of Sheep.Liberal Wages will be given, and unexceptionableReference as to Character required.-Apply to

William Browne, Esq. Appin; or, Mr. HenryO'Brien, Abbotsbury.

npO MASONS, CARPENTERS, and PLAISJ TERERS.-A Plan and Specification of a

COTTAGE, intended to be built in Cockle-Bay,at the Back of the Military Barrack, may be seen

at the Office of Mr. Greenway, the Architect,from this Day until Thursday next; when anyTradesman, of the above description, inclined io

Contract for the same upon the Principles laid

down, will be furnished with necessary Instruc-tions.-Instructions for repairing a House in

George-street, will beat the same Time given.

"<0 be SOLD, by T. ROSE, NO. 78, Castlereagh

street, a few ENGLISH SEEDS, in goodpreservation ; consisting of White and Red Clo-

ver, Perennial Rye Grass, Trefoil, Turnip, Hemp,Canary, and Rape.


O be SOLD, at ROBERT COOPER'S, in Georgestreet, facing the Old Burial Ground, the

best BROWN STOUT, warranted good, at £7iOs. per Cask, in Dollars, at 5s. each. Likewise, a

few Boxes of Sugar Candy, at 8d, perlb. by the

Box.-Ni B, These Prices are for Ca&h only.


BRISBANE WATER MILL.-The first Grantof His Excellency the prisent GOVERNOR, of

One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, for thePurpose of erecting a Waten Mill, at Liverpool,has been completed by Mr. John Lucas, a Nativeof the Colony. This Mechanic has finished theMachinery, with the greatest accuracy ; andnow the Dam is completed, the Public are as-sured, that Flour will he Sold at as low Pricesas in Svdney ; and I can confidently say, this Millwill not »land still for the want of Water, whenonce the Dam is full. As hitherto the Mill wasworked undershot, this waste, added to the un-common drought, has caused the Mill to standstill. In the mean time, Mr. John Lucas willreceive good Wheat, free from smut, at the Liverpool Warehouse, and pay for the same as fair a«i

the Settler can sell in Sydney. The followingGoods he oners for Sale :-Hyson and hyson skinteas, sugar, soap, calicoes, prints, checks, cloth,and handkerchiefs, of colours; crockery ware, ofsorts ; hand, pit, and cross-cut saws ; files andnails, of sizes;

rum, gin, wine, and porter,in quantities not less than five gallons; with everyother Sort of Goods that is for Sale in Sydney,jOrders punctually attended to; and as cheapsupplied as retailed at my Shop.No, 72, George-street, Sydney. S. LEVEY.

N. B.-Good Bread for Sal», at the BrisbaneWarehouse.

ON SALE, at the Stores of VICKERS JACOB,No. li, George.street, MAURITIUS SU

GAR, at 4d. pertb. by the bag.

T\/fACÖÜKEN and FE~RGU$SON have for[ 1YJL SALE, at their Retail Warehouse, an ex-tensive Assortment of Muslins ; consisting of4'4th and 6-4th muslins, jaconets, and cambrics,twilled ditto, fine striped dimities and muslins,,tamboured book ditto, hair cord ditto, workeddresses, &c ; diaper towelling, lace veils and fancyhandkerchiefs ; slops of every description ; Eng«tish gprint», dimities, chintz furniture, &c. &c ;

an elegant assortment of glass-ware; Mauritiussugar, per ton or bag ; porter and ale, in hogsheads ; ditto, in casks of 4 and 6 dozen ; Portwine, in 6 dozen cases ; hyson-skin tea and coffee ;oilmen's stores, consisting of mustard in tb. iib.and fib. bottles, pickles, sallad oil,

sauces, &c ;linseed oil and paints.


SALE, at T. W. M. WENDER'S, Hunter

Hunter¡street ; which, to close Consignments, will

be Disposed of at low Prices. Wine in woodPort, superior, in hogsheads, I8Î5 vintage ; Port;common, in pipes; Madeira, in quarter casks;Madeira Brotili, in hogsheads; Constantin, Vi*donia, Lisbon, Teneriffe, and Catalonia, in pipe«.

Wine, as imported . in bottles-Port, EnglishClaret, Madeira, Vidonia, Lisbon, and red andwhile Carcavellos. Bengal rum, 20 O. P. in

hogshead«; Irish whiskey; stationery, in smallpackages, assorted ; white lead, linseed oil, fifty

six pound weights, bar and blistered steel ; twochain cables, complete, 1¿ and 1 inch stud,which will be sold at prime cost; vinegar, inhogsheads ; Irish pork ; glass ware, assorted forprivate families.


TUST RECEIVED, by the latest Arrivals, and!*J now SELLING at J. JOSEPHSON'S, Jeweller¡and Silversmith, No. 3, Pitt-street,,on the mostreasonable Terms ; viz.

JEWELLERY; consisting of diamond, pearl,amethyst, and sapphire rings, ear-rings, andbrooches ; elegant gold-chased keys, brooches,lockets, rings, split rings, slides, keepers, &c. &c;ladies and gentlemen's silver and gold watches,gold neck chain?, watch chains, &c. &c.

SILVER Dishes; lea, milk, coffee, mustard,I

and shaving pot3 ; salt sellers ; saucepans ; tea,;

table, mustard, salt,egg, desert, and gravy spoons;

forks ;

soup and sauce ladles ; marrow spoons ;

sugar tongs ; tooth-picks; pencil cases ; thimbles;knives; buckles; snuffboxes; purses, &c. &c.

PLATED tea, coffee, and milk pots ;sugar

basons; candlesticks; beef-steak dishes; teacanisters ; cruet stands ; liquor stands ; mugs ;

plates; knive3 and forks; table and teaspoons;fish slices, covers, &c. &c.

CHINA CRAPES, of a superior andot different patterns ; yellow and white nankeens.

SILKS, of different patterns ; French silk hand-kerchiefs, of numerous patterns ; black silk hand-kerchiefs ; English and China sewing ¡silk ; satias :

black Florentine, &c. &vt

PERFUMERY.-Rose oil, English and Frenchpomatum; lavender, boney, and rosewater; es-

sence of pcppeimini ; Windsor bali, palm, rose,and shaving soaps ; aromatic vinegar and boxes,shaving boxes, &c. &c.

BRUSHES.-dollies, hair tooth, nail, plate,

comb, and brushes.

comb, and shaving brushes.

GLOVES.-Ladios and gentlemen's gloves, of a

superior quality.

SUNDRIES-Ladies'kerseymere s.carfs; bom»bauiues ; pocket books; steel snuffers, and ja-panned stands; lamps and bed-room candlesticks ;

cash boxes; waiters and Jeaboards ; writing desks;dressing cases; portmanteaus, of all sizes ; cottonboxes ; scissars ; penknives ; dark lanterns ; ink*

stands; inkpowder ; lead pencils; black, red,,

yellow, and imitative gilt sealing wax ; writing

paper; sponge, &c; ladies'work boxes; tea cau

nisters ; bottle stands; metal spoons; lookingglasses ; visiting cards,

COMBS.-Ladies and gentlemen's comb3 of all


GROCERY.-Coffee, of a superior quality,

wholesale and retail ; tea, by the chest ; fish

sauces ; ketchup, and sallad oil,

FOWLING PIECES.-Doubleand siugle bar-rel fowling pieces, with patent breach; pocketand other pistols ; swords, &c. &c.

TELESCOPE, and spy glasses. Now Opening,a large Assortment of CUTLERY and GLASS

WARE, of every description.

SNUFF.-Prince's mixture. Strasburg, scented

rappee, and French snuff. Also, a variety of snuff


WRITING PAPER from 22s. 6d. a ream to

7s. 6d.

N.B. The best Price given for Old Gold andSilver, and for Diamonds, Pearls, &c

IMPOUNDED, at George's River, Bankstowu

a Red and White COW, with crooked horns,

and a Calf by her side ; branded R T on her right

hip. If not owned in 14 days, the same will foe

,Sold by Auction. WM. COWELL, Poundkeeper.


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