syllabus of physiology for the second of physiology for...

Post on 11-Jun-2020






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University of Basra

College of Medicine

Department of physiology _____________________________________________________________________

Total: 150 hour (5 Hr/week)

1. Introduction to physiology

-- Definition & Significance of Physiology

-- Methods of physiology researches

-- Physiology & other sciences

2. Fundamentals of general physiology 5 hour

Cellular organization.


Body fluids, volume and distribution.

Body water functions.

Body fluid composition.

Body fluid dynamics.


3. Blood physiology 10 hour

Composition and function.

The red blood cell.

Hemoglobin and hemoglobin variants.

Iron metabolism, anemia.

Destruction of the red blood cell.

The white blood cell.

Morphology and classification

Specific functions of the different variants.

The immune system , allergy

The platelets

Homeostasis and blood coagulation

Blood group and blood transfusion

The plasma composition and function, the fibrionlytic activity of the plasma.

4. Physiology of the muscle 13 hour

Introduction types of muscles

Skeletal muscles, structure, motor units.


Mechanical response of the muscle

Simple muscle twitch

Type of contraction , muscle fatigue

Summation of muscles contraction

Effect of two muscle stimuli

Effect of repeated stimulation

Clonus and tetanus

All or none law , muscle tone

The sliding filaments theory

Thermal and chemical changes during muscle contraction

5. Physiology of the nervous system 28 hour

Physiology of the nerve fibers

Properties of nerve fibers

Transmission along nerve fibers

Types of nerve fibers and compound action potential

Ionic theory of the membrane potential

Structure and type of nerve trunk, effect of cutting a motor nerve.

Synaptic and neuromuscular transmission

Synaptic transmission

EPSP and IPSP, ionic basis

Convergence and divergence, spatial and temporal

Neuromuscular transmission and blocking substances

The autonomic nervous system

Introduction and definition, the autonomic reflex action and its comparison

to the somatic reflex.

Functional anatomy: sympathetic and parasympathetic system.

The concept of membrane receptor

Chemical transmission in the autonomic nervous system.

Function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

Higher control of autonomic function spinal, medullary, hypothalamic,

limbic and cortical.

Body temperature regulation

Normal temperature and set-point.

Heat production, shivering and non –shivering thermogenesis

Heat loss,hypothalamic regulation of body temperature

Fever and hypothermia

6. Respiratory physiology 14 hour

Functional anatomy

Lung volumes and capacities

Mechanics of breathing muscles of respiration

Pressure changes during respiration

Expansion of the lungs. Compliance

Airway resistance

Pulmonary circulation

Pressure and resistance of pulmonary blood vessels

Alveolar ventilation

Distribution of ventilation and perfusion

Exchange of gases and diffusion capacity

Transport of oxygen by the blood

Transport of carbon dioxide by the blood

Control of ventilation

Hypoxia, hypercapnia and hypocapnia

Oxygen therapy

Effect of exercise

Artificial respirator

Non respiratory function of the lungs

Pulmonary function tests, total and regional

Patterns of breathing, normal and abnormal


Introduction to cardiovascular physiology

Anatomical review, autonomic supply

Blood supply

Specialized tissue


Ultra structure with comparison to skeletal muscle

Ionic role and bases of muscle contraction, excitation, and contraction coupling

The mechanical properties of the cardiac muscle Starling low of the

heart(length-tension ) relationship, types of muscle contract

The electrical activities of the heart ( Pacemaker's potential,

action potential, & refractory period)


General background, electrical axis P,QRS, andTwaves and their clinical


Cardiac arrhythmias(blocks, Stock- Adam syndrome)

Cellular bases of cardiac arrhythmias


The cardiac function curve

The vascular function curve

Methods of measuring cardiac output

Factors regulating cardiac output


Mechanism of sounds

Abnormal sounds


Circulation, blood volume, and hematocrit.

Poiseulle,s law, Ohm

's law, Laplace law

Peripheral resistance, conductance, capacitance.

Compliance, laminar and turbulent flow, Reynolds numbers.

Local regulation of blood flow, auto regulation control(intrinsic control)

and neural control(extrinsic control).

Regulations of blood pressure: short and long term control.

The pulse pressure, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure,

mean blood pressure, measurement of blood pressure and the Koratkov



General venous pressure and its regulation.

Venous pump, reference point, the filling pressure.


Transient hypotension, prolonged hypotension and its path physiological



Volume loading mechanism

Vasoconstrictor mechanism

Secondary hypotension, primary hypotension (essential)

Heart failure


Heart failure

Ischemic heart disease

Exercise Physiology


Effects of low oxygen pressure on the body

Effects of acceleratory forces on the body

Centrifugal acceleratory forces .

Effects of linear acceleratory forces on the body

Problems of temperature in aviation and space physiology

Radiation at the high altitudes and space weightlessness in space.


15 hour


The pituitary, hypothalamic hormone, adenohypophesis,

neurohypophesis, clinical correlates.

The thyroid, the metabolic rate, iodine metabolism, clinical correlates.

The parathyroid. Calcium metabolism and bone physiology, clinical


The adrenal glands. the cortex, the medulla

The gonads. The testes, the ovary

Reproduction. Pregnancy and lactation

Other organs with endocrine functions.


10. DIGESTION 10 hour

Introduction to the gastrointestinal tract . G I hormones

Salivary secretion, gastric secretion, pancreatic secretion

Secretion of bile, secretion of the small intestine

Secretion of large intestine

Basic principles of gastrointestinal absorption

Absorption in the small intestine

Regulation of gastrointestinal function

Gastrointestinal motility


Functional anatomy of the kidney

Auto regulation of renal blood flow

Mechanism of glomerular filtration

Mechanism of glomerular filtration rate

Re-absorption and secretion in the tubules

Water and sodium homeostasis

Effects of excessive intake

Effects of water loss

Regulation of tubular re-absorption of sodium

Regulation of potassium balance



The hydrogen ion and PH

Fundamental chemistry of acids and bases. Concept of PH and H+.H

+ of

body fluids, the Henderson – Hasselbach equation.

Generation and elimination of H+. Carbonic acids

Body buffer systems, distributor of body buffer systems

Respiratory regulation of acid – base balance

Renal regulator of acid – base balance

Acid – base abnormalities



Physiology of the spinal cord reflexes

The cerebellum and its role in motor control and movement

Physiology of the hypothalamus and limbic system

The brain stem and reticular formation

Wakefulness and sleep

Cerebral control function, motor function and sensory functions

Conditioned reflexes





Introduction and definition, the stimulus and the adequate stimulus,

sensory receptors

Classification of sensory receptors, electrical and ionic events in receptor

The sensory unit, the receptive field and cortical representation

Coding of sensory information, the sensory pathways

Role of proprioceptors in reflex and voluntary muscular contraction.

The stretch (tendon) reflex.

The Golgi tendon organ and the inverse stretch

Gamma efferent activity and muscle tone effect (lengthening


Superficial, deep and visceral sensation

Touch and pressure and sense vibration

Cold and warmth sensation, pain sensation .

Referred pain

Special Senses:

a. Hearing and equilibrium

Functional anatomy of the ear

Properties of the hearing system

Theories of hearing

Vestibular function

b. Vision

Functional anatomy of the eye

Errors of refraction ; myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism

Physiology of the retina, visual fields and visual pathway

Visual accommodation and visual reflexes, visual acuity

Color vision, cerebral cortical visual function

c. Smell and taste

Smell receptors and pathways

Physiology of olfaction

Taste receptor organs and pathways

Physiology of taste

Lab Lessons: 90 hour

1. Blood Physiology

Enumeration of RBC

Enumeration of WBC

Differential WBC count –blood film

Hemoglobin estimation

Determination of blood groups

Determination of packed cell volume

Determination of erythrocytes sedimentation rate

Absolute blood value

2. Cardiovascular system

Measurement of arterial blood pressure

Effect of physical exercise on patient blood pressure, heart rate and

respiratory rate


Measurement of B flow plethysmography

Effects of isolated mammalian heart

3. Respiratory system

Measurement of lung volumes spirometry


Recording of respiratory movements


4- Measurement of metabolic rate

5-Effect of drug on isolated rabbit intestine

6-Nerve- muscle physiology

-Recording of simple muscle twitch , frog scietic nerve gastro_ cnemius

muscle preparation

-Effects of temperature on simple muscle twitch

-Effects of repeated stimuli on muscle concentration

-Effects of fatigue on contraction

7-special sense; vision and hearing

Syllabus of Medical Physics

. Terminology, Modeling, and Measurement 1 hours

1. Terminology

2. Modeling

3. Measurement

.Forces on and in the Body 1 hour

1. Static

2. Frictional Forces

3. Dynamics

.Physics of the Skeleton 1 hour

1. What is Bone Made of?

2. How Strong Are Your Bones?

3. Lubrication of Bone Joints

4. Measurement of Bone Mineral in the body

.Heat and Cold in Medicine 1 hours

1. Physical Basis of Heat and Temperature

2. Thermometry and Temperature Scales

3. Thermograph-Mapping the Body's Temperature

4. Heat Therapy

5. Use of Cold in Medicine

6. Cryosurgery

7. Safety with Cryogenics

.Energy, Work, and Power of the Body 1 hour

1. Conservation of Energy in the Body

2. Energy Changes in the Body

3. Work and Power

4. Heat Losses from the Body

.Pressure 3 hour

1. Measurement of Pressure in the Body

2. Pressure inside the Skull

3. Eye Pressure

4. Pressure in the Digestive System

5. Pressure in the Skeleton

6. Pressure in the Urinary Bladder

7. Pressure affects While Diving

8. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HOT)

.The Physics of the Lungs and Breathing 4hour

1. The Air ways

2. How the Blood and Lungs Interact

3. Measurement of Lung Volumes

4. Pressure-Airflow-Volume Relationships of the Lungs

5. Physics of the Alveoli

6. The Breathing Mechanism

7. Airway Resistance

8. Work of Breathing

9. Physics of Some Common Lung Diseases

.Physics of the Cardiovascular System 5hour

1. Major Components of the Cardio-vascular System

2. O2 and CO2 Exchange in the Capillary System

3. Work Done by the Heart

4. Blood Pressure and Its Measurement

5. Pressure across the Blood Vessel Wall (Transmutable


6. Bernoulli's Principle Applied to the Cardiovascular


7. How Fast Does Your Blood Flow?

8. Blood Flow-Laminar and Turbulent

9. Heart Sounds

10. The Physics of Some Cardiovascular Disease

11. Some Other Functions of Blood

.Electricity Within the Body 5 hour

1. The Nervous System and the Neuron

2. Electrical Potentials of Nerves

3. Electrical Signals From Muscles- The Electromyography

4. Electrical Signals from the Heart- The


5. Electrical Signals from the Brain –The Electroencephalogram

6. Electrical Signals From the Eye - The Electroretinogram and the


7. Magnetic Signals from the Heart and Brain-

The Magnetocardiogram and the Magnetoencephalogram

8. Current Research Involving Electricity in the Body

.Cardiovascular Instrumentation 4 hour

1. Biopotentials of the Heart

2. Electrodes

3. Amplifiers

4. Patient Monitoring

5. Defibrillators

6. Pacemakers

Application of Electricity and Magnetism in the Medicine.

Hour 4

1. Electrical Shock

2. High-Frequency Electricity in Medicine

3. Low-Frequency Electricity and Magnetism in Medicine

4. Current Research Involving Electricity Applied to the


.Sound in Medicine 4 hour

1. General Properties of Sound

2. The Body as a Drum (Percussion in Medicine)

3. The Stethoscope

4. Ultrasound Pictures of the Body

5. Ultrasound to Measure Motion

6. Physiological Effects of Ultrasound in Therapy

7. The Production of Speech (Phonation)

.Physics of the Ear and Hearing 3 hour

1. The Outer Ear

2. The Middle Ear

3. The Inner Ear

4. Sensitivity of the Ear

5. Testing Your Hearing

6. Deafness and Hearing Aids

.Light in Medicine 4 hour

1. Measurement of Light and Its Units

2. Applications of Visible Light in Medicine

3. Applications of Ultraviolet and Infrared Light in Medicine

4. Lasers in Medicine

5. Applications of Microscopes in Medicine

.Physics of Eyes and Vision 5 hour

1. Focusing Elements of the Eye

2. Some Other Elements of the Eye

3. The retina- The Light Detector of the Eye

4. How Little Light Can You See?

5. Diffraction Effects on the Eye

6. How Sharp Are Your Eyes?

7. Optical Illusions and Related Phenomena

8. Defective Vision and Its Correction

9. Color Vision and Chromatic Aberration

10. Instruments Used in Ophthalmology

.Physics of Diagnostic X-Rays 5 hour

1. Production of X-Ray Beams

2. How X-Rays Are Absorbed

3. Making an X-Ray Image

4. Radiation to Patients from X-Rays

5. Producing Live X-Ray Images – Fluoroscopy

6. X-Ray Slices of the Body

7. Radiographs Taken Without Film

.Physics of Nuclear Medicine (Radioisotopes in Medicine)


1. Review of Basic Characteristics and Units of Radioactivity

2. Sources of Radioactivity for Nuclear Medicine

3. Statistical Aspects of Nuclear Medicine

4. Basic Instrumentation and Its Clinical Applications

5. Nuclear Medicine Imaging Devices

6. Physical Principles of Nuclear Medicine Imaging procedures.

7. Therapy with Radioactivity

8. Radiation Doses in Nuclear Medicine

.Physics of Radiation Therapy 3 hour

1. The Dose Units Used in Radiotherapy- the Rad and the


2. Principles of Radiation Therapy

3. A Short Course in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning

4. Megavoltage Therapy

5. Short Distance Radiotherapy or Brach therapy

6. Other Radiation Sources

7. Closing Thought on Radiotherapy

.Radiation Protection in Medicine 3 hour

1. Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation

2. Radiation Protection Units and Limits

3. Radiation Protection Instrumentation

4. Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology

5. Radiation Protection in Radiation Therapy

6. Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine

7. Radiation Accidents

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