symmetry-breaking orbital anisotropy observed for ... · the crystals were detwinned via...

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Symmetry-breaking orbital anisotropy observedfor detwinned BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2 abovethe spin density wave transitionMing Yia,b, Donghui Luc, Jiun-Haw Chua,b, James G. Analytisa,b, Adam P. Sorinia, Alexander F. Kempera, Brian Moritza,Sung-Kwan Mod, Rob G. Moorea, Makoto Hashimotoa,b,d, Wei-Sheng Leea, Zahid Hussaind, Thomas P. Devereauxa,b,Ian R. Fishera,b, and Zhi-Xun Shena,b,1

aStanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025; bGeballeLaboratory for Advanced Materials, Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; cStanford SynchrotronRadiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025; and dAdvanced Light Source, LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720

Edited* by Laura H. Greene, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, and approved March 8, 2011 (received for review October 24, 2010)

Nematicity, defined as broken rotational symmetry, has recentlybeen observed in competing phases proximate to the supercon-ducting phase in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors.Similarly, the new iron-based high-temperature superconductorsexhibit a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition (i.e., abroken C4 symmetry) that either precedes or is coincident with acollinear spin density wave (SDW) transition in undoped parentcompounds, and superconductivity arises when both transitionsare suppressed via doping. Evidence for strong in-plane anisotropyin the SDW state in this family of compounds has been reportedby neutron scattering, scanning tunneling microscopy, and trans-port measurements. Here, we present an angle-resolved photoe-mission spectroscopy study of detwinned single crystals of arepresentative family of electron-doped iron-arsenide supercon-ductors, BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2 in the underdoped region. The crystalswere detwinned via application of in-plane uniaxial stress, en-abling measurements of single domain electronic structure inthe orthorhombic state. At low temperatures, our results clearlydemonstrate an in-plane electronic anisotropy characterized by alarge energy splitting of two orthogonal bands with dominantdxz and dyz character, which is consistentwith anisotropy observedby other probes. For compositions x > 0, for which the structuraltransition (TS) precedes the magnetic transition (TSDW), an aniso-tropic splitting is observed to develop above TSDW, indicating thatit is specifically associated with TS. For unstressed crystals, theband splitting is observed close to TS, whereas for stressed crystals,the splitting is observed to considerably higher temperatures,revealing the presence of a surprisingly large in-plane nematicsusceptibility in the electronic structure.

Correlated electron systems owe their emergent phenomena toa complex array of competing electronic phases. Among

these, a nematic phase is one where rotational symmetry is spon-taneously broken without breaking translational symmetry (1, 2).Two well-established examples are found in certain quantum Hallstates (3) and in the bilayer ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7 (4), both ofwhich exhibit a large transport anisotropy under the applicationof large magnetic fields, even though they seem to originate fromapparently different physics. Recently, evidence of nematicity hasalso been reported in the pseudogap phase of cuprate high-tem-perature (high-TC) superconductors, in both YBa2Cu3Oy (5) andBi2Sr2CaCu2O8þδ (6). The proximity of the pseudogap phase tosuperconductivity raises the question of what role nematicityplays in relation to the mechanism of high-TC superconductivity.Intriguingly, the newly discovered iron pnictide high-TC super-conductors also exhibit a nematic phase in the form of a tetrago-nal-to-orthorhombic structural transition that either precedesor accompanies the onset of long-range antiferromagnetic order(7, 8), both of which are suppressed with doping leading to super-conductivity (9–11). Evidences of in-plane anisotropy have been

reported by neutron scattering (12), scanning tunneling micro-scopy (13), and transport measurements (14–16). The physicalorigin of the structural transition has been discussed in termsof both spin fluctuations (17–21) and also orbital order (22–28). Here, we present results of an angle-resolved photoemissionspectroscopy (ARPES) study of underdoped BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2that reveal an energy splitting of bands with principle dxz anddyz character that we show is associated with the structural transi-tion. Although the splitting can be anticipated purely on symme-try grounds, the large magnitude (approximately 80 meVat 10 Kfor the parent compound) provides a quantitative test for theoriesof nematic order in this family of compounds. Moreover, we findthat application of uniaxial stress causes the onset of the bandsplitting to occur well above the structural transition (TS), indi-cating the presence of a large Ising nematic susceptibility.

In the orthorhombic phase, BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2 tends to formdense structural twins (29) which can easily obscure in-planeanisotropy. If the domains are large compared to the beam size,then information about the in-plane electronic anisotropy can beobtained by ARPES (30). Here, we apply an in-plane uniaxialstress to detwin the single crystals that we study, and hence avoidthe problems of domain mixing, enabling us to study the effect ofuniaxial stress on the electronic structure above TS.

ResultsIn Fig. 1, we compare the Fermi surfaces (FSs) of twinned anddetwinned BaFe2As2 (TS ¼ TSDW ¼ 138 K) crystals in the spindensity wave (SDW) state measured under the same experimen-tal conditions. Here, we use the Brillouin zone (BZ) notationscorresponding to the true crystallographic 2-Fe unit cell in whichΓ-X is along the antiferromagnetic crystal axis and Γ-Y is alongthe ferromagnetic (FM) crystal axis (Fig. 1 A–C). In the twinnedcase (Fig. 1D), the nearly orthogonal domains mix signals fromboth Γ-X and Γ-Y directions, masking out any possible intrinsicdifferences between these directions and leading to complex FStopology and band dispersions. However, once detwinned, oneclearly observes that the electronic structure along Γ-X (Fig. 1E)

Author contributions: M.Y. and D.L. designed research; M.Y., D.L., and W.-S.L. performedresearch; A.P.S., A.F.K., and B.M. performed calculations; J.-H.C. and J.G.A. providedsamples; S.-K.M., R.G.M., and M.H. provided instrumental support; M.Y. and D.L. analyzeddata; Z.H., T.P.D., I.R.F., and Z.-X.S. advised; and M.Y., D.L., T.P.D., I.R.F., and Z.-X.S. wrotethe paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.1To whom correspondence may be addressed at: Geballe Laboratory for AdvancedMaterials, McCullough Building 342 476 Lomita Mall Stanford, CA 94305-4045E-mail:

This article contains supporting information online at

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and Γ-Y (Fig. 1F) directions are different. Moreover, the aniso-tropy of the FS is further reinforced by the band dispersionsmeasured along these two high-symmetry directions (Fig. 1 Hand I), where the strong anisotropy of the band structure is notlimited to near the Fermi level (EF).

Next, we study the FS topology under different photon polar-izations to reveal the underlying band character (Fig. 2 A–C). Fora multiorbital system, variation of the orbital character aroundthe FS can result in differed intensity patterns for different po-larizations due to photoemission matrix element effects (SI Text).The dramatic variation in intensity of the domain-resolved FSunder different polarizations indicates that the FS of BaFe2As2retains its strong multiorbital character even in the SDW state,contrary to the claims of a recent laser-ARPES report on twinnedcrystals (31). Taking the FS pieces highlighted under differentpolarizations together, we arrive at the complete FS in the recon-structed SDW BZ (Fig. 2D), consisting of two hole pockets (α, β)and an electron pocket (γ) centered on Γ, surrounded by twobright spots (δ) along Γ-X and two bigger petal pockets (ε) alongΓ-Y . A detailed kz-dependence study on detwinned crystals showsthat the qualitative anisotropy between kx and ky is robust for allkz values (see SI Text). As shown in Fig. 2A, the FS topologyaround the Y point is similar to the X point, as expected underBZ folding after SDW reconstruction. However, C4 (fourfold)rotational symmetry is broken, that is, the Γ-X and Γ-Y directions,which should be equivalent under C4 rotational symmetry, are nolonger the same. To ensure that this effect is not due to extrinsicphotoemission matrix elements, we chose a polarization whosesymmetry is equivalent for both Γ-X and Γ-Y directions, andyet still observe the same anisotropy (Fig. 2C). Hence, the

observed difference unambiguously demonstrates that the x–ydirectional anisotropy reflects the intrinsic property of the elec-tronic structure in the SDW state.

The most anisotropic features on the FS are the bright spotsalong Γ-X and petals along Γ-Y . As seen from band dispersions(Fig. 2 E and F), these features are results of anticrossing betweenhole and electron bands. Moreover, the bands cross at differentenergies in the two directions: close to EF along Γ-X , inducingtiny Fermi pockets observed as bright spots (Fig. 2E), and30 meV below EF along Γ-Y (Fig. 2F) resulting in bigger electronpockets on the FS. These small Fermi pockets [0.2% and 1.4% ofthe paramagnetic (PM) BZ] are in good agreement with quantumoscillation reports (32). We note that such band crossings werediscussed in early five-band model calculations where they werelinked to Dirac cone features (33, 34). The bright spots and petal-like FSs have been observed in earlier ARPES data on twinnedBaFe2As2 (35–37) and SrFe2As2 (38). However, detwinned crys-tals here allow us to experimentally observe that the bright spotsand petals reside along two orthogonal directions, manifestingthe broken C4 rotational symmetry of the electronic structurein the orthorhombic collinear SDW state.

To trace the origin of the anisotropy, we performed a tempera-ture-dependence study (Fig. 3A). The most anisotropic feature inthe low-temperature state is a pronounced hole-like dispersionnear the X and Y points, which as shown evolves from the samehole-like dispersion in the PM state. Now, considering the factthat polarization perpendicular to each high-symmetry cut wasused in Fig. 3A, only those bands with orbital character odd withrespect to each cut direction can be observed. Hence for cutsalong Γ-X , only bands of dyz and dxy orbitals can be observed;





Fig. 1. Anisotropy of electronic structure observed on detwinned BaFe2As2. (A) Schematic of unit cell of BaFe2As2 in the orthorhombic SDW state where spinsare FM along the shorter b axis and antiferromagnetic (AFM) along the longer a axis. (B) Schematic of 3D BZ for the body-centered tetragonal PM state (green)and base-centered orthorhombic SDW state (black). Projected 2D BZs are shown as shaded planes. (C) Notations shown on 2D projection of respective BZ. Weuse notations pertaining to the PM BZ (green) throughout, where Γ-X is along the AFM direction, and Γ-Y is along the FM direction. (D) FS in the SDW statemeasured on twinned crystals in which the X and Y points are mixed and indistinguishable due to existence of twin domains. (E and F) FS in the SDW statemeasured on detwinned crystal along Γ-X and Γ-Y , respectively, showing strong anisotropy along these two directions. (G–I) Corresponding spectral imagesalong high-symmetry lines (Upper) and their second derivatives (Lower) for the FSs shown above demonstrating the anisotropy in the band dispersions. All datawere measured at 10 K, with 25 eV photons, and polarization vectors labeled in red. All FSs presented in the paper are made with an integration window of5 meV about EF .

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whereas for cuts along Γ-Y , only dxz and dxy orbitals can be seen.Moreover, dxy has very little intensity in the first BZ, whereas dyzand dxz are much stronger in the corresponding geometries (seeSI Text). Therefore, the prominent hole-like dispersion that weobserve on these particular cuts must be dyz along Γ-X and dxzalong Γ-Y , consistent with orbital assignments by local-density ap-proximation calculations (39).

Having identified the orbital characters of this anisotropicfeature, we make the observation that for temperatures wellabove TSDW in the PM state of BaFe2As2, the dyz band alongΓ-X and the dxz band along Γ-Y are degenerate in energy, whichis symmetric under the exchange of x and y axes, reflecting aninherent C4 rotationally symmetric electronic structure as alsoconfirmed by the measured FS (Fig. 3B). As temperature is low-ered toward TSDW, the degeneracy is lifted as the dyz band alongΓ-X shifts up and crosses EF , whereas the dxz band along Γ-Yshifts down, which are no longer equivalent under the exchangeof x and y axes. This anisotropic band shift results in an unequaloccupation of the dyz and dxz orbitals. The splitting between theoriginally degenerate dyz and dxz bands reaches approximately60 meV at 80 K (TSDW ¼ 138 K) (Fig. 3A). Even more interest-ingly, a careful look at the detailed temperature evolution revealsthat the anisotropic band shift persists above TSDW, consistentwith resistivity measurements reporting anisotropy developingabove TSDW even for undoped compound held under uniaxialstress (15, 16).

To further study this phenomenon, we measured underdopedcompound BaðFe0.975Co0.025Þ2As2 detwinned by uniaxial stress,for which TS (99 K) and TSDW (94.5 K) are split. First, for thisdoping, we observe similar anisotropy in the electronic structureas that of the undoped parent compound (see SI Text). Moreimportantly, the temperature-dependence study (Fig. 3C) revealsthat the anisotropic shift of the dyz and dxz bands is clearly presentwell above the long-range magnetic ordering temperature, andfor a temperature window even bigger than that of the undopedparent compound, consistent with transport results (15). To quan-titatively illustrate the band shift with temperature, we plot theenergy positions of the dyz and dxz bands at the same representa-tive momentum position along the Γ-X and Γ-Y high-symmetrylines (for analysis details, see SI Text), revealing a trend that isreminiscent of the anisotropy observed above TSDW in bulksensitive resistivity measurements (Fig. 3E). Hence, our ARPESstudy here reveals that the intriguing anisotropy seen in theresistivity is associated with a large C4 symmetry-breaking mod-ification of the electronic structure that develops almost fullyabove the long-range magnetic order.

To gauge the effect of the uniaxial stress, we also measuredunstressed twinned samples for comparison, for which the energyseparation between the dyz and dxz bands can be measured as theyappear on the same cut due to twin domain mixing (Fig. 3D). Weobserve that below TSDW the splitting in the unstressed samplehas the same magnitude within experimental uncertainty as that

Fig. 2. Multiorbital SDW FSs of BaFe2As2 probed by different polarizations. (A–C) FSs probed with different polarizations, indicated by red arrows. Insets (cyanand magenta) show corresponding dotted regions for better contrast. Intensity enhancement of the Y region (cyan inset in A) reveals similar FS topology asX region with C4 rotational symmetry broken. All other insets are second derivatives of the corresponding FSs. Different parts of the FS are enhanced orsuppressed under different polarizations, indicating multiorbital character of the FS in the SDW state. Outline of FS visible under each polarization is overlaidon measured FS in the corresponding panels. (D) A summary of measured FS outlines in the reconstructed SDW BZ. (E) Spectral image cuts through the brightspots along Γ-X showing band crossing near EF. Cuts taken near the Y point in the experimental setup of A. (F) Spectral image cuts through the petal along Γ-Yshowing similar band crossing further below EF. Cuts taken near the Γ point in the experimental setup of Fig. 1E (C3) and Fig. 1F (C4). Electron dispersion issuppressed along the high-symmetry cut in C4 due to photoemission matrix elements for this geometry.

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found for the stressed crystals. However, whereas the splitting inthe stressed samples persists well above TS, it decreases rapidlystarting around TSDW and diminishes slightly above TS for theunstressed samples (Fig. 3E). That is, for an unstressed crystal,the electronic structure respects C4 symmetry well above TS.Approaching TS, rotational symmetry is broken as an anisotropicband shift rapidly develops between the dyz and dxz orbitals, lead-

ing to a symmetry broken electronic structure in the orthorhom-bic state (Fig. 4). In the case of a stressed crystal, the extendedtemperature window above TS in which anisotropy persists canbe understood as arising from the small uniaxial stress in thesample, which acts as a symmetry-breaking field for the structuralphase transition, smearing out TS into a cross-over temperaturewhile leaving TSDW well defined and little affected with increasing




Fig. 3. Temperature and doping dependence: Anisotropic band shift observed above T SDW on detwinned BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2. (A) Temperature dependence ofanisotropic band dispersion (second derivative) along Γ-X and Γ-Y high-symmetry lines taken on BaFe2As2 through TS∕T SDW (138 K), with 47.5 eV photons(kz ¼ 0). Γ-X (Γ-Y ) cuts weremeasured under polarization setup of Fig. 2A (Fig. 2B). Along Γ-X, only dyz orbital is highlighted by photoemissionmatrix elementson the high-symmetry cut, whereas the same is true for dxz orbital along Γ-Y . Band guides to the eye are drawn to indicate the shift with temperature. Dottedlines are bands from the PM state for comparison. (B) FS of BaFe2As2 taken above TS∕T SDW confirming C4 symmetry, with 54 eV photons (kz ¼ π∕2). The imageshown at the X∕Y point to the right of Γ is the second derivative of corresponding FS at the X∕Y point to the top of Γ for better contrast. (C) Temperaturedependence of the anisotropic band dispersion between Γ-X and Γ-Y (second derivatives) on BaðFe0.975Co0.025Þ2As2 through T SDW (94.5 K), with 62 eV photons(kz ¼ π). (D) Samemeasurements on unstressed twinned sample for comparison. (E) Energy position of hole dispersions near X (green) and Y (red) relative to EF

at the representative momentum marked by yellow lines in C plotted as a function of temperature, measured on both detwinned and unstressed crystals,compared with resistivity measurements reproduced from ref. 15. (F) Doping dependence of the dxz∕dyz band splitting measured at momentum k ¼ 0.9π∕ataken at 10 K, with 47.5 eV photons (kz ¼ 0).

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pressure (15). The extended temperature window above TSDW inwhich anisotropy persists induced by the uniaxial stress reveals alarge intrinsic electronic nematic susceptibility. We note that,although a lattice distortion exists below TS, it is too small toaccount for the large magnitude of the energy splitting we observein the orthorhombic PM state, as a nonmagnetic band calculationaccounting for the lattice distortion shows only a splitting of10 meV (see SI Text), well below the observed value of up to80 meV.

We also carried out a more detailed doping-dependence studyof the anisotropic energy splitting between the dyz and dxz bandsat a temperature (10 K) well below TSDW on both twinned anddetwinned crystals in the underdoped region (see SI Text), whichconfirms that the full magnitude of the splitting is little affectedby the uniaxial stress. Moreover, the magnitude of the splittingdecreases monotonically with doping (Fig. 3F)—a trend consis-tent with the suppression of the magnetic ordering temperatureand structural distortion (40), as well as optical conductivity mea-surement on detwinned crystals showing smaller dichroism fordoped samples compared to the parent compound (41). Thiscomposition dependence contrasts with transport measurements,for which the maximum in-plane resistivity anisotropy is observednot for zero doping, but dopings closer to the superconductingdome (15).

DiscussionOur findings have several important implications for theories ofthe electronic structure of the iron pnictides. First, we observethat a large rotational symmetry-breaking modification of theelectronic structure occurs from the tetragonal PM state to theorthorhombic SDW state, providing a microscopic basis for themany signs of in-plane anisotropy reported in literature (12–16,41). Furthermore, this broken symmetry is also revealed here tobe manifested in an unbalanced occupation in the dyz and dxzorbitals, which develops almost fully at TSDW. This observationalone does not distinguish the origin of the structural phase tran-sition. The large amplitude of the band splitting draws attentionto the possibility that the orbital degree of freedom might playan important role. In this context, it is worth noting that, althoughit is experimentally difficult to calculate the orbital anisotropyover the whole BZ, a simple estimate based on a modified band

structure calculation incorporating experimentally observed orbi-tal splitting shows the orbital anisotropy over the entire FS tobe on the order of only 10–20% (see SI Text), which is too smallto be associated with a simple Kugel–Khomskii type orbitalordering (42). Finally, the electronic anisotropy seen in the orbi-tal degree of freedom is observed to onset at a temperature wellabove the structural transition in stressed crystals. This tempera-ture window, which indicates the involvement of fluctuations,appears to be bigger for doping levels closer to the superconduct-ing dome, a trend also seen in transport measurements, suggest-ing that fluctuation effects, possibly of orbital origin, may playan important role in high-temperature superconductivity in theiron pnictides.

Materials and MethodsHigh-quality single crystals of BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2 were grown using theself-flux method (10). Detwinned single crystals of BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2 wereobtained using a modified version of the mechanical device reported byChu et al. (15), where uniaxial stress was applied at room temperatureand stressed crystals cooled down to measurement temperature beforecleaving in situ. ARPES measurements were carried out at both beamline5-4 of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and beamline10.0.1 of the Advanced Light Source using SCIENTA R4000 electron analyzers.The total energy resolution was set to 15 meV or better and the angularresolution was 0.3°. Single crystals were cleaved in situ at 10 K for low-tem-perature measurements, 80 K (60 K) for temperature-dependence measure-ments on undoped (doped) compound, and 150 K for high-temperaturemeasurements. All measurements were done in ultrahigh-vacuum chamberswith a base pressure lower than 4 × 10−11 torr.

We note that our detwinning method does not affect the intrinsicelectronic structure of the crystal because a mixture of the FS and banddispersions along the two directions on detwinned crystal reproduces thoseobserved on the twinned crystal, as expected under domain mixing (Fig. 1).Furthermore, the high degree of detwinning is evident in contrasting banddispersions along the two orthogonal directions. For example, the bandshighlighted by the arrow along Γ-X (Fig. 1H) are almost indiscernible alongΓ-Y on a highly detwinned sample (Fig. 1I), whereas for a partially detwinnedcrystal, faint traces of these bands would be seen along Γ-Y due to mixingof Γ-X and Γ-Y .

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors are grateful for helpful discussions withC.-C. Chen, R.-H. He, I. I. Mazin, Y. Ran, D. J. Singh, F. Wang, D.-H. Lee,J. P. Hu, and Z. Y. Lu. ARPES experiments were performed at the StanfordSynchrotron Radiation Lightsource and the Advanced Light Source, whichare both operated by the Office of Basic Energy Science, US Department

Fig. 4. Schematic of development of anisotropy in electronic structure of underdoped BaðFe1-xCoxÞ2As2. In the tetragonal PM state (Left), both lattice and spinhave C4 rotational symmetry which is reflected in the observed C4 symmetric electronic structure. C4 rotational symmetry is also preserved in the orbital contentas dxz band along Γ-Y and dyz band along Γ-X are degenerate (solid lines in center). As the system approaches TSDW, C4 rotational symmetry in orbital degree offreedom is broken as the dxz band shifts down and dyz band shifts up (dashed lines in center). The anisotropy in the band dispersions is then manifested in thelowered symmetry of the orthorhombic SDW state, as the observed FS is strongly anisotropic reflecting the C2 rotational symmetry of the spin and latticestructure (Right). Red (blue) pockets indicate hole (electron) character, whereas magenta indicates pockets resulting from hybridization of electron and holefeatures.

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of Energy (DOE). The Stanford work is supported by DOE Office of BasicEnergy Science, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, under

Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. M.Y. thanks the National Science FoundationGraduate Research Fellowship Program for financial support.

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Yi et al. PNAS ∣ April 26, 2011 ∣ vol. 108 ∣ no. 17 ∣ 6883






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