synonyms & antonyms - ilti

Post on 04-Jan-2022






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Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.

example: The word big and large are synonyms.

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

example: The words open and closed are antonyms.

Tell whether each pair of words are synonyms or antonyms.

1. agree, disagree _________________

2. cold, freezing _________________

3. easy, difficult _________________

4. argue, squabble _________________

5. guess, estimate _________________

6. bottom, top _________________

7. tried, energetic _________________

8. huge, gigantic _________________

9. Sink, float _________________

10. windy, calm _________________

11. noisy, quiet _________________

12. unhappy, sad _________________

Write one complete sentence that includes two words that are antonyms.

Choose antonyms that are different from the ones listed above.




Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Punctuation marks help us to make sense of what we are reading.

. A full stop tells us to stop.

? A question mark tells us that a question is being asked.

, A comma tells us to pause. It is used to separate items in a list.

Punctuate these sentences correctly. Put it capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas. 1. gold iron silver and lead are all metals



2. cyprus corsica malta and sicily are all islands



3. how many days are there in a week



4. did you seen any zebra at the zoo



5. does she know how to make tea



6. sam invited joe kin tim and jack to his party



7. orange yellow green blue indigo and violet are rainbow colors




Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Complete the sentence by adding the past tense of the word given in bold. Rewrite sentences

on the empty lines below:

1) I _____________ the morning in the park. spend


2) We _____________ candles on his birthday cake. put


3) Sandy _____________ flowers from the garden. pick


4) The bug_____________ under the rug. crawl


5) She_____________ a stone at the window. throw


6) They _____________ hands when they met. shake


7) We _____________ paper together with glue. stick



Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Circle the nouns and underline the adjectives.

1. My waiter brought a bottle of cold water.

2. The blind dog was found near the wooden bridge.

3. Large tigers and powerful cats are found in Asia.

4. I saw a fox with a long bushy tail.

5. The weather was windy but pleasant.

6. The blind dog was found near the wooden bridge.

7. Tigers are large, powerful, striped cats found in Asia.

8. Our football team wore blue shirts.

9. “Do not walk on the wet floor!” shouted the grumpy caretaker.

10. Mark played with his plastic train.


Name: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Read the three words in each line. Join two words to form a compound word.

1. light hot sun ______________________

2. cloth chair table ______________________

3. bed sleep time ______________________

4. print finger home ______________________

Name: ______________________________

Collective Nouns

Nouns name people, places, or things.

A collective noun refers to the names a group of people,

places or things.

Examples of collective nouns are as follows:

hive, herd, fleet, nest, host, class, crew

The subject of each sentence below is a collective noun. Underline the collective noun.

1. Our scout troop enjoyed a lot at the bonfire last night.

2. The crowd waited outside the store for Summer Sale.

3. My brother’s football team won the match with Eagles.

4. Mrs. Lara’s class went to hiking trip.

5. That pride of lions was roaming in the forest..

6. The choir sang at the school function.

7. Our family is known in the city.

8. Their company recycles used materials.

9. An colony of ants climbed the wall in my room.

10. The jury did not agree to judgment.

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