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RAJYA SABHA _________


(Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) _________

Friday, March 11, 2011/ Phalguna 20, 1932 (Saka) __________


I. Allotment of seats from Central Government quota to Haj pilgrims on the recommendation of Members of Parliament

SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Muslims, who belong to the minority community in India, go for Haj once in a year. Out of the people, whose name does not figure in the list through lottery, two persons are selected for Haj on the recommendation of Members of Parliament. But, I regret to say that whenever I write for selection of two persons, I do not receive any reply in this regard. I want to know from the Government as to why the intimation about the selection of persons recommended by the Members of Parliament is not given through internet or prior to the departure of Hajis. I feel that private operators or some other persons are encouraging malpractices with regard to the quota of two persons of Members of Parliament. The Ministry of External Affairs should take action against these people. The intimation about the Hajis going for Haj through the quota of Members of Parliament should be given to the Members prior to their departure.

____________________________________ ∗This Synopsis is not an authoritative record of the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha.


(Shri Ali Anwar Ansari, Shri Mangala Kisan, Shri R.C. Singh, Shri Sabir Ali, Shri Khekiho Zhimomi and Shri Mohammed Adeeb associated.)

II. Hardships being faced by onion growers due to sharp decline in wholesale prices of onion

DR. BHARATKUMAR RAUT: Onion growers in India are in a deep financial crisis as the wholesale prices of onion have taken a sharp dip in the Nasik and Lasalgaon markets. The news coming in from rural areas suggests that onion is sold at one rupee per kg in the wholesale markets. And when it comes to Delhi or Mumbai or any city, as consumers we buy it for Rs. 15 or Rs. 20 per kg. This is the act of the middlemen. Onion is a perishable commodity. So, when it comes to the market and it is not sold, the poor farmer has nothing else but to curse himself and his bad luck. Taking advantage of this, these middlemen buy the onions at the cheapest price, at one or two rupees per kilogram. They earn a profit of, at least, 200-500 per cent.

The Government cannot remain a silent spectator. Why are the producers being harassed? The right price for exports must be given. The Government should have control over the activities of the middlemen so that the consumer could also be is saved.

(Shri Tapan Kumar Sen, Shri P. Rajeeve, Shri Mangala Kisan, Shri Vijaykumar Rupani, Shri Rudra Narayan Pany and Shri Shivanand Tiwari associated.)

MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: The entire House associates.

III. Need for increasing interest rate of Employees’ Provident Fund

SHRI RUDRA NARAYAN PANY: I am raising this matter with regard to the interest rate of Employees Provident Fund. It is hard earned money of the poor. Crores of workers of the unorganised sector of the country are also covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund. At one time the interest rate had come down from 12 per cent to 9 per cent, but during the UPA-I it was fixed at 8.5 per cent. If you


are a progressive Government, you should fix this interest rate at 9.5 per cent. The interest rate of provident fund is determined by the CBT. The representatives of all the central trade unions had participated in the meeting of CBT held on 15th September, 2010. All these people have recommended to the Government that the interest rate should be fixed at 9.5 per cent.

(Shri Tapan Kumar Sen, Shri M.P.Achuthan, Dr. Bharatkumar Raut, Shri R.C. Singh, Shri Avinash Rai Khanna, Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap and Shri Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala associated.)

IV. Problems being faced by cricket lovers in getting tickets for World Cup matches

SHRI PRAKASH JAVADEKAR: Today, entire India is under euphoria of World Cup Cricket. Wherever these matches are being played, people want to see the match in the stadium after spending money and purchasing tickets. But, if you will log on at the internet or go to the stadium for tickets, a ‘sold out’ board is put up there. Eighty per cent of the tickets are being kept aside for passes and clubs and only 20 per cent tickets are being kept for the people. This is definitely grave injustice and particularly the youth are in deep anguish over the matter. I demand that 80 per cent tickets should be available for the people at the ticket windows and only 20 per cent tickets should be kept for the other people.

(Shri Vijaykumar Rupani associated.)

V. Problems being faced by the peasants due to increase in prices of fertilizers

SHRI MOHAMMED AMIN: Several thousands of peasants and agricultural workers have today assembled in the national capital to protest against the faulty policies of the Government leading to continuing price rise, cut in subsidy on fertilizer and fuel, decline in budgetary allocation for agriculture and allied sectors etc. Fifty eight per cent of our population depends on agriculture for its survival and the whole agricultural sector is in acute distress owing to above


policies, gradually making agriculture non-viable for the masses, the small and marginal peasants. Continuing price-rise and food inflation reaching a new peak at regular intervals has now become an integral part of the so-called ‘growth project’ of the present Government. In fact, price-rise is being promoted by those in governance and it has become a joint venture of the Government and corporate traders. And, in this background, the Government is pleading for unrestricted entry of FDI and corporate traders in food-retail business in the country. The proposal for cash transfer to BPL families to replace the present subsidy regime for fertilizer is a deception. To get fertilizer subsidy, you need to have a piece of land, and, if you have a piece of land, you can no more be considered to be under BPL category, and hence, cannot get subsidy or cash transfer, on account of fertilizers. Several thousands of peasants have come today from all over the country for a halt to these policies. I urge the Government to please take the call before it is delayed too much.

(Shri D. Raja, Shri Mangala Kisan, Shri P. Rajeeve, Shri Tapan Kumar Sen and Shri Rajniti Prasad associated.)



I. Demand to make appointment process of the Directors and CMDs of public sector undertakings transparent

SHRI RUDRA NARAYAN PANY: The public sector undertakings play a very important role in the economy of the country. The posts of CMDs and Directors are very important posts in these undertakings. Hence, the process of appointment on these posts should be transparent. The background of the officers to be selected should be thoroughly scrutinized. The process of appointment on these posts is not transparent. Recently, the information received with regard to the appointment of CMD of NALCO strengthens this feeling. The process of appointment for such posts should be taken more seriously and it should be transparent.


II. Request for establishment of Aviation University in Hyderabad

SHRIMATI GUNDU SUDHARANI: After opening up of Shamshabad Airport, Begumpet Airport has become inoperative. So, the Government of Andhra Pradesh thought to utilize land available optimally and proposed to set up an aviation university with the help of the Airports Authority of India in 300 acres out of 800 acres of land. The objective is to provide aviation training, flying, management, safety, security, etc. Airports Authority of India also wanted to set up AATI to offer technical courses and other related training in communication, navigation systems and ATM. But, the Cabinet Secretary had rejected the proposal and asked the State Government to provide alternative site of 400 acres for University. I understand that the Cabinet Secretary wants to use this airport for VIP movements. It is not fair to stop setting up of the University for VIP movements or air shows. I request the Government to reconsider its decision and approve setting up of Aviation University at Begumpet Airport without any further delay.

III. Need to take remedial measures to improve the functioning of MTNL and BSNL

SHRI A. ELAVARASAN: I intend to draw the attention of the House towards the recent Mobile Number Portability facility that was extended throughout the nation. As per the reports of newspapers, BSNL and MTNL have lost their customers. The BSNL has lost around 2,50,000 subscribers and the MTNL has lost about 14,000 subscribers. The number of customers gained from other operators is very less. It shows a net loss.

The Mobile Number Portability choice should be treated as a report card for the BSNL and MTNL about their performances. When private companies’ signals are strong enough, why the signal strength of the BSNL and MTNL mobile connections is weak? Call drop is a persisting problem with these connections. Subscribers facing unpleasant situation, tend to shift to other service providers.


I urge upon the Government to announce new and attractive schemes to make the service attractive and gain new customers.

IV. Demand to take concrete steps to find the remedy for incurable diseases in the country

SHRI AVTAR SINGH KARIMPURI: I want to draw the attention of the House towards the breaking out of incurable diseases despite health schemes and medical facilities. Millions of people, specially those belonging to the poor sections, are dying on account of serious diseases like cancer, rabies and kidney diseases, the treatment of which is not available in our Medical Systems, Medical Science and medical facility. Those suffering from kidney diseases are terrified in view of the fact what is happening in the hospitals in respect of the incidents of kidney diseases. In the Government and non-Government hospitals, the kidney of the patients who are admitted there, is removed, and thus, they are left in this condition to die. I urge upon the Government to take concrete measures so as to save the lives of the patients, who are suffering from cancer, rabies and kidney diseases.

V. Concern over the alarming levels of pollution in rivers of Maharashtra

SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA: The recent findings of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) reveal that Maharashtra has largest number of polluted river water stretches in the country. It is an alarming situation. Through “water quality monitoring” technique, CPCB has identified 26 such rivers in Maharashtra with 26 polluted stretches. The Mula and Mutha in Pune, Kalu and Bhatsa in Mumbai, Kundalika flowing through Sahyadris, Bhima in Solapur and Kanhan in Nagpur, are such rivers. Industries, rapid urbanization across the State, domestic sewage, etc. are degrading the quality of water.

We should have a holistic view of this dual menace of “Pollution” and “Depletion of Water Resources” and its ramifications. THE HIMALAYAN CHALLENGE portrays a


frightening profile of the countries in the Himalayan Region. Here depletion of almost 275 billion cubic meters of annual renewable water is estimated.

I demand that if our past dismal the Government must tackle this problem as a Mission. The Government should synergize all resources – financial, technical and manpower, NGOs, SHG, self-less religious organizations and embark upon a “time-bound project’ initially in Maharashtra. On its successful implementation, this can be replicated all over India.



General Discussion – Contd.

SHRI VIJAYKUMAR RUPANI: The Budget will be a failure in order to deal with price hike, corruption, poverty, economic exploitation, worsening situation of water and land and growing economic gulf. As per the report of the Committee of Suresh Tendulkar and Arjun Sen Gupta, the per capita monthly income is only Rs.500. As per the figures of the Government, the annual per capita income is Rs.14,566. But in this income is also included the income of richest persons of India. The farmers are not getting direct profit whereas the agricultural traders are earning more profits. As a result of this, more than two lakh farmers have committed suicides. Priority should be given to irrigation and electricity to help the farmers.

The implementation of VAT has exerted a shock on the production companies which have made investment in the SEZ in Gujarat. So, injustices have been committed in respect of Gujarat. A commitment was made that there would be no tax on the investment in SEZ. I am sorry to say that the rate of ship-breaking is very high in Gujarat. In Alanga area of Bhavnagar district, lakhs of people of various States come to earn their livelihood. The junks of useless ships are sold there. But on account of variation on import duty the


business of ship-breaking has been adversely affected. In this connection, subsidy should be extended. As per the report of the Committee of Chief Ministers under Shri Narendra Modi, there should be an immediate ban on forward trading in respect of commodity market. In respect of Goods and Services Tax (GST), the right of the States should not be nullified. Only the State has the right to impose taxes on the poor. Besides, no progress has been made in the direction of providing IT infrastructure in GSM. At present, 4 crore youths are unemployed. The Budget does not envisage anything for them.

DR. BHALCHANDRA MUNGEKAR: I congratulate the Finance Minister for presenting an inclusive, growth-oriented and balanced Budget. The Budget is not only a mechanism of allocation of resources, but also an instrument of income redistribution. It is balanced in the sense that it has tried to address the concerns of different sections of the society, focusing on aam aadmi. In a country, suffering from pervasive poverty, hunger, mal-nutrition and illiteracy in the midst of all sorts of inequalities, I do not think that there could also be any better vision than addressing the concerns of aam aadmi. The 11th Plan has been committed to securing faster and more inclusive growth. 60 per cent of total resources of the Eleventh Five Year Plan have been allocated to social sectors and out of this, 20 per cent have been allocated for education and 10 per cent for health. The Plan introduces revolutionary National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme, National Rural Health Mission and Bharat Nirman, with a view to changing the face of rural India. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Rural Mission has been launched to encourage cities. I urge the Government to introduce the National Food Security Bill at the earliest and make financial allocation in the Revised Budget for 2011-12.

The eventful developments that took place in our economy can successfully refute the charge of the Opposition that the year of 2010-11 was a year of scams. About 4.10 crore households were given jobs under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Under the SSA Scheme, the conditions of schools, their construction and drinking water facilities will be looked after. I expect more from NRHM and


ASHAS. In the Budget, the public investment will complement the private investment and also help generate employment. The Finance Minister has rightly allowed the Foreign Institutional Investors to invest in unlisted bonds. It is heartening that 38.4 per cent amount has been earmarked for the social sectors. A Corpus Fund of Rs.500 crores for women Self-Help Groups is an appreciable initiative.

The Government has introduced pre-matric scholarships for needy Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students studying in 9th and 10th standards that would benefit 40 lakh students. I must compliment the Finance Minister for providing fund for the Prime Minister’s Jammu and Kashmir Reconstruction Plan. He has refrained from introducing Central GST. He has brought down fiscal deficit from 5.6 per cent of GDP to 5.1 per cent. I am happy to know that the Government is considering amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, to introduce flexibility in the targets of the FRBM. I think that the Current Account Deficit needs to be watched more carefully. In a country with one-third of the people still living below the poverty line, the issue of food inflation should be taken into consideration. The Government is committed to deal with inflation firmly and effectively, notwithstanding the consequences of some of the anti-inflationary measures. The gap between demand and supply of commodities is the principal factor causing inflation. We can increase the consumption expenditure with the sign of the growing economy since it is desirable. The Government should give top-most priority to total restructuring of the PDS and ensure food subsidy.

I suggest that all new Fair Price Shops in the country should be allotted to the Women's Self-Help Groups. The progressively declining share of agriculture in the GDP is not accompanied by reduction in the share of employment. Even today, it is supporting more than 52 per cent of the labour force and 60 per cent of the country's population depend on agriculture. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises contributing eight per cent of the country's GDP, 45 per cent of the manufacturing and 40 per cent of our exports deserve much better deal than what it is in the Budget. There can no two opinions in the country about the disastrous effect of the


corruption on the Indian economy. I am constrained to say that in this country the elite class namely, the political class, the corporate sector, the bureaucracy, the judiciary and the big trading community is the main source of corruption. I suggest that the Government should call a national conference of the experts in various fields to evolve measures to deal with corruption.

As regards the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, there have been two major schemes, namely Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Sub-Plans for their better development. After revised guidelines, it was to be ensured that nearly population-proportionate allocations of the Central plan outlay could be made under these schemes. This has not happened in this Budget. I expect that the schemes meant for the minorities, other backward communities and disabled people, are strictly implemented and properly monitored.

PROF. M. S. SWAMINATHAN: First of all, I would thank the Finance Minister for several initiatives, including 4 per cent interest rate for farmers and for direct lending to small and marginal farmers and direct subsidy being given in cash for fertilizer. We had recommended that the minimum support price should be 'C2'. This should be implemented. I think we are going to have a difficult year on the food front globally. But, fortunately, the Government of India has 47 million tonnes on January 1. This year the crop is fairly good. A distribution cum storage strategy should be in place at least at the end of this month. There is a need for a national grain storage grid. Under Green Revolution, attention is needed for Eastern India comprising of Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, Eastern UP and Chhattisgarh. It is very important to develop the potential of this area as quickly as possible otherwise the Public Distribution System depending upon only part of the country will be in difficulty. There should be coordination between the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, the National Food Security Mission, the National Horticulture Mission, the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA.


Next, I come to nutri-cereals and pulses. The terminology 'coarse cereals' should be changed to nutri-cereals. The farmers will get enthusiastic if you introduce ragi, jowar, bajra, etc. under the PDS and implement the MSP. I would like to say a few words about milk production. 75 million women are involved in producing 116 million tonnes of milk which is the world's largest milk production today. They do not have enough support at all. They should be enabled to start fodder and feed banks using the new schemes. As regards, food safety and storage, we have to take steps to increase the consumption base. Regarding the oilseeds, there is a programme on oil palm cultivation and for it, more and more groundwater will be exhausted. I would rather prefer that the money be used for sesame or Til, safflower, sunflower. My last point is how are we going to attract farmers to remain in farming and how are we going to attract young people. Agriculture is the only sector which can promote job-led growth and if this sector is also neglected, how are we going to attract youth. I would request the Government to consider seriously re-designating the Ministry of Agriculture as the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare.

SHRI SABIR ALI: I rise to support the Budget. There are 20 crore muslim people in this country and Wakf's property is around four lakhs crore. The Government has provided only five crore rupees for maintenance. It is a slap in the face of muslim minorities in this country. We talk about MNREGA but only 7 lakh crores rupees have been given since UPA-I and UPA-II came into power. Eighty per cent funds go in the hands of BDO, SDO and DM and thus the white money of this country is being converted into black money. This issue should be taken seriously into consideration and a new scheme should be brought in order to prevent the misuse of funds. About the issue of black money stashed away in foreign countries. I would suggest that amnesty scheme should be introduced. The subsidy system in agriculture has to be revamped. The storage arrangement also requires improvement to prevent the foodgrains from rotting. I also demand a big package for Bihar by giving it a special status keeping in view the situation of drought and flood in the State.


SHRI PRABHAT JHA: This Budget is not a general budget as it has nothing for the common people of this country. The Government have no credibility and so, have no overwhelming influence. Today, the condition of UPA Government is that a number of scams are taking place in the country and their Ministers are in jail. The CVC case is going on and a sense of threat from coalition parties is being faced by the Congress Party. In such circumstances, the Finance Minister has presented the budget and for this, I appreciate him.

I would like to ask from Minister of Finance that what provision he has made in this budget for about 77 percent people who are living below poverty line? There are about 15 lakhs malnourished children who die every year. The number of workers in unorganised sector is about 44 crores. What provision you have made for them? There is no provision for women, farmers and youths in the budget. You have stated to provide loan to farmers at the rate of 7 percent. The BJP ruled Government in Madhya Pradesh has allocated budget for providing loan to the farmers at the rate of one percent from this financial year itself. According to the UPA Government high rate of growth is the reason behind rising prices. But there is no relation between price hike and rate of economic growth. The current phase of inflationary pressure of India is not owing to high rate of growth, but because of high prices of food products.

The Government claims that it has done enormous amount of work for the betterment of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. But the House seeks answer from the Government that why it has reduced about 27 crores in the budget for them. The Union Government spends only one per cent of GDP on health services, which is insufficient. There is about 14 percent deduction in allocation of budget for various national health programmes in the last two years. We all know the state of affairs of Government hospitals. In such a circumstance, about 5 per cent service tax has been imposed on diagnostic tests in the General Budget. The Minister of Finance has announced that his Government will make legislations for food security. Whether some kind of provision has been made for it?


You would be surprised to know that billions of rupees are lying unclaimed in Indian banks. In a response to a RTI application, the RBI has stated that more than Rs. 1300 crores money is lying unclaimed in Indian banks. I have with me names of the banks where the black money has been deposited. We would like to know that you were not able to bring back black money from Swiss Bank, but what are the reasons for not withdrawing the black money deposited in the Indian banks.

PROF. ALKA BALRAM KSHATRIYA: There was grave economic crisis in USA, Europe and other countries of the world for the last four- five years and inspite of that the country has achieved fiscal growth for which credit must be given to the policies of the UPA Government. The 8.6 percent rate of growth was achieved by the country and agricultural sector had also registered 5.4 percent rate of growth. Agriculture and farmers are the back bone of the country. The Minister of Finance has, therefore, increased allocation for National Agriculture Development Scheme to Rs. 760 crores. There is a special provision of Rs. 400 crores for bringing in green revolution in the Eastern States of the country.

The Minister of Finance has given special thrust on traditional items of food grains keeping in view lack of nutrition in the children and the women of the country. He has given Rs. 300 crores assistance for it. He has proposed to provide Rs. 300 crores for the development of fodder programmes. It would also benefit the dairy farming of Gujarat to a great extent. He has also stated to build vegetable clusters to meet shortage of vegetables and provided Rs. 300 crores for it. The credit amount given to farmers has been increased to Rs. 1 lakh crores and enhanced to the tune of Rs. 4,75,000 crores. It would directly benefit the marginal and small farmers. There is also a provision for agricultural loan of Rs. 300 crores to NABARD. He has also provided Rs. 10,000 crores to NABARD for short term credit.

I would like to attract the attention of the House towards an issue related with Gujarat. The Madhu Pura Cooperative Bank was closed in Gujarat in 2001. I would submit through you to the Minister


of Finance that he should provide a special package to Madhu Pura Cooperative Bank for its revival. There is 24 percent increase in the budget for Universalisation of Education. Now Rs. 21000 crores has been provided for it. The wages of the Anganwadi workers have been doubled and the amount has now become Rs. 3000 per month. In order to provide social security to the workers belonging to the unorganised sector under Self–Reliance Scheme, their age of retirement has been reduced from 60 years to 50 years.

SHRI M.V. MYSURA REDDY: If you look at the actuals of 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10, it was the global slow down period, the total fiscal deficit during that time was Rs. 8,82,386 crore. Our borrowings and liabilities for the same period show the same amounts. It means, high borrowings are not meant for creation of assets; they are only to meet the revenue deficit. This naturally increase the inflation.

I want to bring it to the notice of the Finance Minister that our is also a country with the largest trade deficit of 126 billion dollars. Had the Government mobilised the revenue for correcting our economy, our revenue might have been sufficient to meet this fiscal deficit. This year, the revenue foregone, as per the projects estimates, is approximately Rs. 4,01,000 crore. The additional tax revenue could have been collected by the Government and it might have been sufficient enough to meet the fiscal deficit.

There was no need for granting exemption for gold jewelry, cement industry. The cement industry is in boom and is earning huge profits, the benefits of the stimulus have not been passed on to the common man. The exemptions should be reviewed and weeded out so that some revenue is mobilized. Regarding PPP mode, the Government enters into MOUs with consigners on the basis of the cost of the project and the expenditure of the project. This is where the corruption is taking place. The government says that food inflation is the main cause of inflation. Whereas, the negative growth in food production is the cause of inflation and food price rise. The amount which has been allocated for six programmes is very meager. The total


allocation for agricultural sector is only 1.17 percent of the total Budget. 27 percent of farmers did not go farming because it was not profitable. The Government must take appropriate measures to make agriculture profitable.

SHRI RAJNITI PRASAD: What is the reason behind so much fluctuation in the prices of essential commodities like onion, pulses etc.? Corporate bodies and FMC are detrimental for the country. Hence, FMC should be stopped. There is wide gap between the wholesale prices and retail prices. We should address this problem. The wages of aangawari workers have been increased but this is very nominal and they should be absorbed in Government jobs.

SHRI PIYUSH GOYAL: There were great expectations from this Budget but unfortunately, it has belied all such expectations and is devoid of any vision, foresight, focus, statesmanship initiative or drive. They have achieved less than the targets fixed in various areas like power generation, highways construction, crude oil production, coal production, building up capacity of major ports etc. What has the performance of this Government? They really have no concrete blue print to achieve in literacy, education and health care for all.

It is said that MNREGA scheme is providing employment to the people of this country. Is this the sort of employment that this Government wants to give to the people? What are the assets being created? The government is boasting the performance of MNREGA. Look at your performance. They talk about bringing back black money. But what is being done, is the routine tax collection, which is less than 20 crore. It has nothing to do with the black money. Government should come out with a blue print of how all procurement processes are done and how the natural resources are allocated by the government.

The Government has brought a provision by which dividends repatriated from overseas subsidiary will be taxed at a reduced rate of 15 per cent. This is an indirect amnesty scheme that this Government has introduced. The government should ensure that these dividends


are out of genuine income and this not surreptitious money which is being brought in the garb of dividend.

The SEZ policy of the government has been completely flawed from day one. The government should not tax the genuine infrastructure developers in backward regions, rather they should tax real estate developers only. The Government should come out with schemes for solving tax litigations. This Government should focus to sort out the computerization problem in the tax department. Misuse of DTA treaty is taking place through Mauritius. Give tax benefit to Mauritius but only for genuine funds. The fiscal autonomy of the States have to be protected, especially from the effects of natural calamity. There should be some method to protect their fiscal autonomy. The inflation rate has gone up to 12 % during the last 5 years because the faulty policies of this Government.

SHRI SHANTARAM LAXMAN NAIK: I welcome the proposal in the budget that Rs. 300 crore have been reserved for growth of pulses and self sufficiency. The allocation amount for Small Industries Development Bank of India has been increased. The self help groups are playing a major role in running the economy.

Self-Help Groups are not registered. It is high time that we maintain a register for them because in future crores of rupees will be spent through Self-Help Groups. The duty on iron ore export has been increased to 20 per cent, but iron ore in Goa is a low grade iron ore which has no market in the country. Nobody can use it. Therefore, 20 per cent population of Goa will be highly affected. Goa had a plan for preparing pellets out of this low grade iron ore, but that has been now closed for various reasons.

There was a proposal to amend Financial Rules. If these rules are amended or new rules are made, we can have timely completion of projects as delay in projects causes thousands of crores of rupees. We don’t have a law dealing with public construction and issues like how to issue tender etc. It is high time that the law is made to regulate this. E-governance is very essential for timely completion of projects and works. This should be taken into consideration.


When a Central scheme goes to the States, whichever Government it is, they convert it into their own scheme. Some way has to be found out to see that the Central Schemes are not tampered with. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2007, should be enforced at the earliest. If some land is required, then an impact assessment has to be made. Therefore, Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act should be brought into force as early as possible.

Some amendment is required to be made in MGNREGA, so that even clerical jobs are covered. The aspect of corruption needs to be taken care of. After the Right to Information Act, Whistleblower Act is the second revolutionary legislation that we are bringing. Public Private Partnership is the order of the day. Some sort of legislation is required to regulate this.

SHRI MOHAMMED ADEEB: UPA Government had made scholarship scheme for minorities and it is of three types-pre-matric scholarship, post-matric scholarship and merit-cum-means scholarship. Only partial distribution has been done for these schemes out of the total amount allocated. Whatever schemes Government formulated for the minorities, they were handed over to the States and the States say that they do not have resources to implement them. Therefore, Central Government should not hand over the schemes to the States for implementation.

The Government of Uttar Pradesh had been given money to make progress in ninety districts of the State. One thousand crore rupees were allocated under Minority Concentrated Districts (MCD), but only two twenty four crore rupees have been spent out of it. Only 7,231 houses have been constructed under Indira Awas Yojana out of 80,398 houses. No new school building has been constructed, even one girls’ hostel has not been made and not a single IIT has been opened there. I request that Government should keep the command in its own hands if it is interested in doing something for us.

One lakh rupees have been given for the publicity, publication and administration of the Wakf Council, which is negligible. Aligarh Muslim University Centres has been given fifty


crore rupees. This money can be given for the scholarships because, as per A.M. University Act, no other centre of it can be opened. Whatever allocation in the fifth plan was remaining, that money should be given for the three outstanding scholarship schemes. At least one thousand crore rupees each should be given for these scholarship schemes. Twenty eight houses have been constructed under Indira Awas Yojana in Barabanki of Uttar Pradesh, but only one house has been given to the Muslim. I urge that Government should see to it that whenever any money is given for us, it reaches us.

SHRI OM PRAKASH MATHUR, making his maiden speech, said: This budget is full of disappointment and is devastating. Rich is getting richer and the poor are not even allowed to live by this Government. The farmers are suffering. They will not get any land for cultivation in the coming days due to the migration of the farmers from the villages and SEZs. No concern has been shown in this regard in this budget. The basic problem is that as to how small farmers can take the loan without difficulty. The farmer should get the market for his produce. The Government should be concerned about the farmers and some relief should be given to them in this budget.

Agricultural labourers are not available for cultivating the land due to increased industrialisation and urbanisation. Rural youth and women are purposely pushed into corruption in the name of MNREGA and they are being made idle. Cultivable land should be saved. The fertility of the land is diminishing due to continuous use of chemical fertilizers. No incentive amount has been provided in this budget to promote organic fertilizers. The Government have forgotten the scheme of connecting the rivers. No money has been given for this scheme in last three years. This scheme should be started.

Support price is also like cheating the farmer. It was said in the report of Agricultural Price Committee appointed in 1966 that in order to increase agro production and farmers’ income, the arrangement should be made for the sale of the crop at farmer’s field and appropriate prices should be guaranteed.


We have not been able to construct even a single procurement centre for the crops by now. In the month of September, millet starts coming to market but Government started to purchase millet on MSP in the month of November. I am unable to understand what is being done by the Government machinery. Farmers produced millets to the tune of Rs.4,000 crore but only Rs.200 crore were allotted. Their millet was rotten in the rain. We should be concerned about farmers. Only peasantry is such a section which cannot fix rate of their produce. I request the Finance Minister to do some good for Rajasthan. Adverse conditions prevail in Rajasthan. There is no provision for providing potable water there in the Budget. There is no mention about the refinery. There is no provision for money with regard to Metro for Rajasthan in this Budget. No fund has been provided for IIM situated in Udaipur and for IIT situated in Jodhpur. There is no provision for the opening of convention centre in Jaipur. Nothing has been done for the development of tourism in Rajasthan in this Budget. Agriculture should not be neglected in the schemes being formulated in the country. Otherwise, suicides committed by farmers cannot be stopped.

SHRI SHADI LAL BATRA: While supporting the Budget, I want to say that this Budget is correct in every aspect. This Budget belongs to common man. The common man is being benefited by the MNREGA. The Government of Haryana has fixed salary at the rate of Rs.179 per day under MNREGA. The honorarium of Aganwadi workers has been increased from Rs.1500 to Rs.3000. The opposition should think positively. No suggestion has been put forward in the discussion which could be adopted. We should think about the progress of common man. Warehouses should be constructed for preventing wastage of foodgrains as per the need of every district. Provision made for preservation of fruits and vegetables in the budget is praiseworthy. Now, the inflation has come down from 20.2 percent to 9.5 percent in the month of February, 2011. For every State MSP should be fixed according to conditions prevailing there. New generation is not attracted towards agriculture. We should enhance resources for them. The farmers paying loan on time will have to pay


interest at the rate of 4 percent. Those private prayers should not be brought under the coverage of service-tax who want to provide medical facilities in the backward areas. They should be encouraged. I support this Budget.

SHRIMATI MAYA SINGH: The whole country is disappointed about the present Budget. The women are not taken care of in this Budget. The Minister of Finance has not touched serious issues of price-rise, corruption and black money etc. No seriousness has been shown towards tackling corruption and price-rise. The provisions could have been made for women in this Budget, which empowered them, but such a step has not been taken. The salary of Anganwadi workers should at least be fixed at Rs.5000. Women have been deprived of Income Tax exemption. There is mention about increasing the price of LPG. 5 percent Service Tax imposed on hospitals should be withdrawn. Most of the women are suffering from anemia in the country. The Minister of Finance has withdrawn exemption of excise duties on 130 items. There is mention of General Budgeting but no part of this Budget is being spent exclusively on women. This may be ensured that women are made self dependent by this Budget. Half of the Budget should be allotted for the women. Attention should be given towards progress and social security of the women so that they may be empowered.

SHRI ASHK ALI TAK: I rise to support this Budget. Price-rise is a challenge. Efforts will be made to fight it by supplying provisions. Due to agriculture, our growth rate could be 5.4 percent.

This budget is influenced with Gandhism. Woman empowerment has been given attention in the Budget. Agriculture has also been covered in the budget. This budget shows the picture of growing India. Metro facility may also be extended to cities other than Delhi and Mumbai. Housing sector needs an imaginative thinking. You are going to give 'right to food'. I appreciate you for that. Surplus foodgrain stock reflects the effort made by the government. First time, coarse grains have been allotted 300 crores rupees. I request for further enhancement in the same. All the water bodies are full of the


water due to MNREGA. 25 thousand villages have given special package for pulses development under pilot project. I request that all the villages of the country may be covered under the same. People of this country had never accepted palmoline. Today, it is being used from Dhaba to each home. I welcome the efforts for promoting the same.

India is returning towards organic agriculture. Rs.4,75000 has been provisioned for Kisan Credit Card. I request Finance Minister to open a Central University at Bikaner border. It will help in development of border areas. Government has enhanced the storage capacity for farmers. Storage capacity of FCI has increased. India is an old civilisation. India is a young nation. 45 per cent of our population is young. This is the real strength of India. These are required to be used in positive direction. This Central Government has given 23 per cent extra funds to State Government. I also want to mention about amendment in insurance law. Government of India want to change the system of assessment of tax through GST. New system always has some apprehensions. This budget will put the country on the path the development. Provision has been made to provide direct subsidy to the poor in this budget. Rajiv Gandhi had promoted computer technology in the country. Weaver and craftsmen need to be noted. They also require exemption as they have to face competition from readymade garment sectors.

Corruption needs to be controlled. Government has constituted GOM in this regard. We will have to make collective efforts. Social and education sector have been given enough attention. Senior citizen's age has been reduced to sixty years. Concept of Sarvadharam Sambhav is our national strength. This should our national duty. Rajasthan needs additional amount on the pattern of North-East. I support the Budget.

SHRI ISHWAR SINGH: This is common man budget. I request that definition of 'farmer' may changed. Big land lords in metro cities cannot be called farmers as they do not know the ground realities of agriculture. Person working through day and night on their


land is real farmer. These land lords receive the relief given to farmers in case of natural calamities. Persons working on the land do not get anything. Therefore, definition of farmer should change.

Today upper castes are agitating for getting benefit of reservation. This is not a media for social upliftment now. Provision of reservation had been made for deprived and down trodden section of the society. It has become a political tool. Landless, socially backward, widows and disabled persons are required reservation. Reservation in private sector has never been successful. Private sector takes loan from banks then they should accede to the reservation. I request Finance Minister to implement reservation in private sector.

Rail budget has only 2 per cent share for Haryana. Country has lacs of acres of waste land. This waste land should be distributed to the landless farmers. Divide between poor and rich is increasing. Surplus land of railway should be leased to the people belong to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. They will get employment and railways land will be free of encroachment. People should be provided plots free of costs in villages to stop migration towards cities. MNREGA is a good scheme. It is social welfare scheme. It provides employment to 5 million unemployed but its real beneficiaries are illiterate. I support this Budget.

DR. VIJAYLAXMI SADHO: The budget presented by Finance Minister is appreciable and balanced. I support this budget. Madhya Pradesh is number one in atrocities against women, malnutrition and atrocities on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

Madhya Pradesh is also a part of this country and I am from this region, hence it is my duty that I should mention about it. 8,053 farmers have committed suicide and 413 farmers have committed suicide this year. Our Government has talked about giving loan to farmers at 4 per cent rate. I express any gratitude to Hon’ble Finance Minister because poor farmers will get maximum benefit by this. I come from a predominantly agricultural area. In first three years of five year plan of 2007-2012, 2.03 per cent growth rate was achieved against target of 4 per cent per year. My region is called area of


oilseeds and cotton. I request Finance Minster to pay maximum attention on oilseeds and cotton.

Due to global warming, there is change in the country and it becomes necessary that soil should be examined so that farmers can know which crops can be sown in their field. By indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizer in the soil, fertility of soil is decreasing everyday. If is very necessary to provide irrigation facilities. Government should give maximum attention on drip irrigation and sprinkler system. Due to less rain, everyday water level is going down. Some areas are turning into deserts. We keep on drawing agro water. There should be proper water recharging system so that such situation should not arise where third world war will be only for water. 5 per cent service tax should not be levied.



Conduct of anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI PRENEET KAUR): The Cabinet Committee on Security met today and considered proposals with regard to conduct of anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia.

The Committee approved a series of measures which will be taken by the Government of India to address the legal, administrative and operational aspects of combating piracy. A broad policy framework covering all these aspects was approved. This would involve actions that would be taken in the medium and long term by the Ministries of Shipping, External Affairs and Defence.

The Committee also specifically considered the immediate situation arising out from holding of Indian hostages by pirates. It noted that as of now, 53 Indian seafarers remain in captivity on five


different ships. The Committee expressed its sympathy with the families of the hostages and decided that the Government would take all appropriate action to safeguard their welfare. It approved the following immediate steps.

• Intensify diplomatic efforts through consultations with the Governments of Egypt and the UAE where the owners of concerned vessels reside, as well as with the Governments of other nationalities who are also being held as hostages and intensifying diplomatic efforts both at the multilateral level and within the framework of the United Nations.

• Stepping up of contacts with the owners of the vessels concerned.

• Establishment of Inter-Ministerial Group under the Chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary. The Group will act as an apex forum at the Government of India level to monitor the early release of Indian ships or cargo or crew. The Group will also consider welfare measures necessitated after the release of hijacked Indian nationals.

• Formulation of suitable standard operating procedures for the Indian Navy and the coordination of the Indian Navy’s activities with the Navies of friendly foreign countries in the Gulf of Aden.

V. K. AGNIHOTRI, Secretary-General.



Page 240 Line 13, from bottom read ‘or’ for ‘of’ after

per cent Page 241 Line 14, read ‘doing’ for ‘going’ before very

well. Line 8, from bottom read ‘from’ for ‘for’ after railways

Line 5, from bottom read the name of Hon’ble Member as ‘SHRI MANGALA KISAN’

Page 245 Line 7, read ‘may’ for ‘many’ before go to

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