systematic literature review collaborative

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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Nur ‘Izzati Binti Baharuddin

Supervisor: Dr. Azlin Binti Nordin

Kulliyyah of ICT, International Islamic University Malaysia


Systematic Literature Review

Collaborative Tool

Poster ID:

Department of Computer Science | FYP Exhibition Semester 1, 2014/2015

Abstract Most researcher will conduct literature review in their studies. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is one of the literature review types. SLR can be considered new in software engineering field. There are conflicts in following steps of conducting SLR. First we need to identify the steps of conducting SLR and the steps that are difficult to conduct. Most researchers have problems in searching the related studies as they have to go from one search engines to another to find and compare all the related studies. They also have problem in following the steps of

conducting SLR as there is no specific guideline on conducting SLR. Based on the idea, a Systematic Literature Review Collaborative Tool (SLRCT) is expected to be implement to show the correct steps in conducting SLR, to find solution to integrate the results from multiple search engines, to make it easier for the researchers to synthesize data and to create collaborative features for a collaborative research.

Introduction The scope of the SLRCT project is to build an efficient and effective Systematic Literature review tool for replacing the manual way of conducting literature review. The purposes of the SLR are: • To generate review protocol report • To ease researcher finding the respective studies according to

their project’s topic • To generate data extraction table • To generate quality assessment table. There are 2 types of targeted users in this system which is researchers that can be classified as research leader and review member and the system administrator. The significance of this project would be in returning the filtered and integrated results of the relevant studies from different search engines.

Steps in conducting SLR? 3 Phases in conducting SLR:

Features shall be included in Systematic Literature Review Collaborative Tool (SLRCT) :

References • Barbara Kitchenham,” Guidelines for performing SLR in Software Engineering(SE)”, 2007 • Norsaremah Salleh, “Protocol for Systematic Review”, 2008

Planning • Formulate the research questions.

• Develop review protocol.


• Searching and selecting relevant studies.

• Extracting data.

• Assessing studies’ quality.

Reporting • Formatting SLR report.

• Evaluate and submit the report.

• The research leader shall be able to insert the project’s background.

• The system shall be able to generate the protocol review report.


• The review member shall be able to search for relevant studies.

• The system shall return the integrated results from databases (IEEExplore, ACM, Google Scholar)

• The review member shall be able to create data extraction table by defining the field.

• The review member shall be able to create quality assessment table by defining the field.


• The research leader shall be able to invite other researcher to become their review member.

• The review member shall be able to interact with other review members.


Methodology Several studies related to SLR were analyse to understand the steps of conducting SLR and the limitations of conducting SLR. Interview sessions and focus group discussion for gathering the requirements had been conducted with postgraduate and undergraduate students who has experience in conducting SLR.. A surveys on identifying the steps in conducting SLR and steps that can be automated were distributed to researchers in International Islamic Banking and Finance Institute at Damansara. Lastly, an evaluation session with the expert user Dr. Norsaremah Salleh to evaluate all the requirements.

Context Diagram

Future work SLRCT is a website based tool, researchers has limitation in excessing the tool as the internet connection is required to access it. Cloud computing shall be implement in SLRCT to improve its accessibility where the researchers can access it anytime and anywhere.

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