t h i s c a r - nys historic...

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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T h e P h o en ic ia N ew s Shandaken Exhibit Lane^viileBy Mrs. Karen Herbert

The Onteora Booster club will hold its monthly meeting tonight, Thursday, a t 8 o’clock a t the 'high .school.

Calvin G rant of Roxbury was Q Sunday afternoon giiest a t th e home of Mr. and Mrs. W al­te r Lawrence.

Mr. and Mrs. David Birdsall of W alton visited last week a t the home of Mrs. H. T. Bird­sall.

The following members of the town cf Shandaken -Senior Citizens club were present a t the U lster County Conference for the aging a t the St. Jam es United Methodist chuich in Kingston on April 7: Mrs. Mil­dred Withicrs, Mrs. Frances Leyman, Amy Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamza and Mrs. Eric Griesser Sr.

John Schoonmaker, USN, stationed a t F o rt Myer, Va., spent the weekend a t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Schoonmaker.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es P la tt visited their daughter, Mrs. Clifford Short, Sunday in One- on t a.

Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk and Mrs. Joyce Liacono and children visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es O strander in Grand Gorge Sunday.

The next m eeting of Pack 60 Cub Scouts will be held Tuesday evening, April 25, a t 7:30.

The next regular meeting of the town of Shandaken Senior


i l iin lt r-W ind h am R<J.

S tarts 7 :05 Tel. 518-263-4494






Thursday, April 20Citizens club will be on April 25. A short business meeting will be held first, lollowed by games. '

Build New HomeMr. and Mrs. D. Mazzone and

children, Lenore and Vincent, who have lived in Phoenicia on High stree t for two years, moved during E aster vacation to Center Lane in Boiceville. T heir new home was built by Mr. Mazzone.

The Tiskilwa Rebekah lodge will hold a card party and game night on April 27 a t S p.m. a t the lO O F hall in Phoenicia.

Baby Shower GivenA surprise baby shower for

Mrs. Judy Paiva was held F ri­day evening a t the home of Mrs. Jane Staiger. Hostesses were Mrs. Jean O strander of Boiceville, Mrs. Lillian Hanel and Mrs. Staiger. Guests were Mrs. B etty Sickler of Lanes- ville, Mrs. Irene Tellifson and friend of Lake Hill, Mrs. Janice Hemon of Shokan, Mrs. Donna Nollner and daughter, Cindy, and Miss Kim Rose of Wood- stock, Miss Brenda Wood, Miss Julie Galaski, Miss Frances Hill, Mrs. Gen Kilmer,M rs. Carol Murphy, Mrs. Pauline Schlosser, Mrs. Molly Gkjrdon, Mrs. Mae Deignam, Mrs. Laura V anetta, Mrs. Jen Schoonma­ker, Miss Karen Jensen, Miss Carol Anderson, Mrs. M argaret Dutcher, Mrs. Joyce Houghton, Mrs. Jean Wood, Mrs. M yrtle Hanel, Miss Lollie O’M era of Phoenicia: Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. M ary Staiger, Mrs. Eliz­abeth Somerville of Chichester; Mrs. Elsie Schnack of Mount Trem per, Miss Debbie O strand­e r of Boiceville, Mrs. Marion

Will Open MondayPhcenicia, April 20.—More

than 100 old photos have been received by Supervisor Raymond J. Dunn for inclusion in the town of Shandaken’s 168th an­niversary exhibit, which will begin Monday a t the Phoenicia library. The pictures and other memorabilia date back more than a century, from the 1800s and into the early 1900s.

Regniald Bennett of Phoe­nicia, form er Onteora district superintendent of schools, is helping Mr. Dunn and Town H istorian Edward G. W est in identifying persons in the photos. Mrs. Vera Winne of Mount Trem per and Paul Mil­ler of Woodland Valley are also helping with the identification.

Photos have been received from Augustus Simpson, Jo ­seph Malloy, George R. Kirk, Mrs. Melissa S. Loether and Sidney Levine. O ther resi­dents of Shandaken have indi­cated their intention of loaning their photos to the library. Mr. W est has compiled the history of the town for the exhibit.

Guests a t the opening Mon­day will include town and vil­lage officials and authors who have w ritten books on the Catskills. The show will be open during Ibirary hours from' 2 to 5 p.m. Mondays, W ednes­days and Saturdays and 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Miller, Mrs. P a t Ford, Miss P a t Knight, Mrs. R uth German, Mrs. Rosalie Boland of Shan­daken and Mrs. Sue Balash of Kingston. A fter the opening of the gifts a buiffet-style supper was served, w ith a straw berry shortcake and coffee.

JOHN DEERE Farm - Industrial - Lawn & Garden Equipment

Sales - Service - RentalsSpecializing in

Bulldozers - C raw ler-Loaders - W heel Loader Backhoes Log: Skidders - Logging and E artli Bloving Equipm ent

AlsoStihl Cliain Saws - C anadian T ire Giiains - Giioker Cliains

W inch Cable, E tc.

LANE WAY, INC.“Around H ere I t ’s John D eere”

R t. 23, 3 mi. east. South Side, Oneonta, N.Y.

By Mrs. H erm an Quick

Lanesville, April 20Mr. and Mrs. Michael F itz ­

patrick returned home last week afte r spending the win­te r a t Bradenton, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Smith Jr . and family are spending two weeks in Florida visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Groene- wold are driving a new Buick sta tion wagon.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Ehl- beck of Chichester visited Mrs. Benjamin N orth Saturday.

A nniversary P arty• J\Ir. and Mrs. E lm er Benja-

rhin Sr. were given a 35th wed­ding anniversary dinner party by th e ir children a t Tiso’s res­tau ran t in Mount Trem per S at­urday. There were approxi­m ately 50 present.

Mrs. Josephine Devoti a t ­tended, the postm asters admin­istrative meeting in Kingston Monday.

Registration Days Begin at Onteora

Kindergarten registration in the Onteora central school dis­tr ic t will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 25 and 26. To be eligible to enter kin­dergarten in Septem ber a child m ust be five years old on or before Dec. 1, 1972.

L etters have already been msiiled to parents whose chil­drens’ names appear on the kindergarten census informing them of registration procedures. Newcomers to the area should call th e ir local elem entary school, Bennett a t Boiceville, Phoenicia, W est H urley or Woodstock in order to have registration m aterials mailed to them.


326 W oodland Valley Rd. Phoenicia, N. Y.

Phone 914 688-5256

Antiques for the City at Country Prices

A |^ C r a f t M o to r C o m p a n y , .Inc.


T H I S C A RI t ^ A j m e r i c s ^ l o w e s t - p r i c e d

k f i l l l - s i z e V - 8 h a r d t o p .Itjs^asy to see .why. some people think 9 P | V M A | J T | J - U k e the Fury It hardtop above-is priced Piymouth Fury costs,jnore than.its dosesl« ■ ■ ■ I n lower than its comparable rivals This cool’

engineenng goes-, into the |pij| parison is based on the manufacturers’suggested'buWdtng ^f^ey^y Fyn -Jike the sure smoothness retail prices of lowest-priced V-8 2-door hardtops«

Ride, jjke the buitt-m protec- Thai's quality at a bargain. That s Pfymouth Fury -’Pr,^n{ntoody con ti'uctjon But,tlte fact;is, a Fury tlie nice price surprise. L'.

Sam Craft

w a n t s t o

s e l l i t





C A T S K I L L M O U N T A l l M N E W SM argaretville, N. Y. Thursday, April 20, 1972 Page One

ChichesterBy Mrs. H erm an Quicl<

Chichester, April 20

Donald Groenewold was ad­m itted to the Benedictine hos­pital Tuesday.

Archie Craig was discharged from the Kingston hospital on Saturday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Hanel a ttend ­ed the postm asters adm inistra­tive m eeting in Kingston Mon­day.

There will be a conw rt of sacred and gospel music by the Journeym en of Weymouth, Mass., a t the Chichester Wes­leyan church^ on Tuesday, April25, a t 7:30 p.m.''^^Everyone is welcome.

A spaghetti dinner sponsored by the Chichester dance club will be held Wednesday, April26, from 5 to 7 p.m. a t Stony Clove Inn in Edgewood.

Mrs. B arbara Caton has re ­tu rned from a five-day tou r of W ashington, D. C., and Wil­liamsburg, Va. She also spent a few days with her brother and his family a t W estfield, N . J.

Mrs. Raymond Mongeur and sons, Christopher and Shawn, re tu rned home Sunday from Vermont. Shawn was dis­charged from th e medical cen­te r a t Burlington W ednesday a fte r undergoing m ajor surg­ery. H eather rem ains a patient a t Shriners hospital in Spring­field, Mass.

Student AcceptedDelhi.—Donna Van Keuren of

Arkville has been accepted for admission in Septem ber to the S ta te University A gricultural and Technical college a t Delhi. She will study licensed practical nursing in the vocational edu­cation division. Miss Van Keuren graduated from Fleisch- m anns high school in the class of 1966.

AIR-WAYSales - Service

“Tlie m ost im itated bu t never m atciied Vacuum Cleaner”

JESSE N. YAGERR.D. # 1 Box 119

Catskill, N. Y. 12414

Phone 1 518 678-5859

Tara Van Leuvan New Mrs. Germond

Miss T ara Lee Van Leuvan, daughter of Mrs. L auretta Van Leuvan of Phoenicia, exchanged m arriage vows w ith Je rry W. Germond, son of William Ger­mond of M argaretville and Mrs. K athryn Germond of Phoenicia, April 8. The double ring cere­mony took place a t the Mt. Trem per Reformed church, wdth Rev. Osterhoudt Phillips, pas­tor, officiating.

The bride was given in m ar­riage by her uncle, Raymond Van Leuvan. She was attired in a gown of w hite lace over ta ffe ta with the bodice and neckline trim m ed in pearls and sequins. The flowing sk irt ended in a chapel train . H er m atching veil was of nylon tulle with a crovvTi of pearls and se­quins. She. carried a Venetian cascade bouquet of pink and white rosebuds, stephanotis, baby’s breath and English ivy.

Carol Berryann, aunt of the bride, served as m atron of honor. She wore a gown of green nylon net over green ta ffe ta and m atching headpiece of green nylon tulle. She car­ried a colonial nosegay of pom­pons.

Miss K aren Sweet of Chiches­ter, friend of the bride, and Miss Shirley Van Valkenburg of Mt. Tremper, niece of the bridegroom, were her brides­maids. They wore identical gowns of nylon net . over ta ffe ta in colors of blue, lilac, and orange, yellow. They carried colonial nosegays of pompons. Sally Berryann, cousin of the bride, served as flower girl. H er gown was of pink w ith white lace. She carried a small colonial nosegay of pompons.

B urton Berryann of Phoeni­cia, uncle of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Clarence Van Leuvan of Phoenicia, bro ther of the bride, and Charles Berryann Jr . of Mt. Tremper, cousin of the bride.

Mrs. Alice Townsend of Mt. T rem per was organist. The church was decorated w ith baskets of w hite gladioli and mums and lilies. W hite satin bows m arked the fam ily pews.

A reM ption was given for 60 guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B erryann Sr. of Mt. Tremper.

Mr. and Mrs. Germond a t­tended O nteora central school. They vwll live in Phoenicia. The bridegroom is employed by L arim er and N orton of Shan­daken.

BIG EAST INDIAN ANTIQUESR t. 28, Big Indian, N. Y. Pii. 914-254-4005


Full Line of USED FURNITUREWe buy anything old and clean attics, barns and cellars. E ntire housefulls and estates. Professionally handled. Top cash paid.F ine fu rn itu re refinishing and stripping by hand in the tradition of the old craftsm en. Fine antique reupholstering a t unbeatable prices. Dealers w ork welcome.

COMING SO O N : Our New Stripping Vats and Hand Chair Caning


For gracious dining in a rustic log cabin atmosphere, visit the

v i l u ’a g e


Live M usic Fri. & Sat. N ights ‘' ' " ' v K


P y tt I panna '(Swedish beef hash with red beets and fried egg) ’

Janssons T em pta tion (Salt herring with potatoes and onions)

Swedish Meatballs w ith Lingonberries ^

Full Course Dinners, including Salad Table '

Log burning fireoiaces and inviting stone bar add to the warmth and charm of this

typically Swedish restaurant.

Luncheon from 12 noon • Dinner from &p.m. • Closed Tuesday

SCANDINAVIAN VILLAGE • Route 28. Phoenicia, N.Y. (914) 683-2278



Ont«ora Board Prepares Budget

Of $5,232,561 For 1972-73 YearPhoenicia, April 20. — The

O nteora central schools board of education approved a $5,232,-561.50 budget for 1972-73 for presentation to district voters a t their annual meeting May 3. However, the biggest item in the budget, teachers salaries, is subject to change betfause nego­tiations have not yet been com­pleted between the board of education and the Onteora Teachers association on a con­trac t for next year.

The to tal budget is $156,-630.50 more than this year’s. The teacher salary provision is up $80,696 to $2,199,995. Any additional one per cent increase in teachers’ salaries above the current level and fringe benefits will increase this item in the budget by $26,284.

Two items in the proposed new budget are decreases from 1971-72. The item for textbooks, supplies and equipment is down $29,432 to $752,940, and there is no provision for $68,000 in interfund transfers found in the last budget.

Increased items are board of education expenses, up $3,527 to $26,617; central adm inistra­tion, up $8,209 to $148,994; transportation, up $43,421 to $484,187; operation and m ainte­nance, up $33,861 to $356,411; undistributed expense, up $5,977 to $101,055; employes tenefits, up $71,942 to $734,907, and debt service principal and interest, up $6,430 to $426,755. Next year’s budget also contains $1,000 for special schools, $35,- 500 for a planned balance and $6,250 for a library tax, all the same as this year.

Voting a t the annual m eeting wdll be from 2 to 9 p.m. a t the Onteora high school in Boice­ville, the Phoenicia elem entary school, the Woodstock elemen-

Trailer Tips Over Atop Bulldozer

Phoenicia, April 20.—Traffic a t the four-corners intersection of route 212 and the W ittenberg and Old P lank roads was tied up for three hours Monday when a bulldozer rolled off a flatbed truck tra iler as it over­turned. No injuries w ere re ­ported.

Constable Jack Schlegel, who investigated, reported th a t Les­te r R. Shultis of W ittenberg was heading east on route 212 about 8:30 a.m. when the bull­dozer shifted on the curve. This caused the tra ile r to overturn on top of the machine, damag­ing both vehicles.





E xpert W atch & Jew elry Repairs

Discount Prices

A. C. LOCASTOPine H ill Service C enter

R oute 28, P ine Hill, N. Y.Tel. (914) 254-4278

Closed on Wednesday s

tary school and the W est H ur­ley elem entary school. Regis­tra tion will be Thursday, April 27, a t the same hours and places.

The board appointed Mrs. Lillian Cross of D istrict 3 and Mrs. Sally Stueding of D istrict 4 to the board o t registration for the annual meeting.

In action not related to the budget the board accepted the resignations of Mrs. Anita De- Fina, teacher a t the Bennett school, and Mrs. Josephine Guiragossian, teacher a t the W est Hurley school.

Professional appointm ents confirmed were Mrs. Avis Gil­bert as teacher a t the B ennett school a t $8,512 prorated from April 10; Debra Basch as ele­m entary teacher and Joan Casa- mo, secondary special education teacher, both effective Sept. 1.

. Substitute teachers appointed were Mrs. Beatrice Berger, Mrs. Lois Pomeroy and Mrs. Cheryl Holder.

Non - teaching appointm ents approved w ere Mrs. M ary Mal­tese as teacher aide a t $2 per hour, M ark Sobolewski as cafe­te ria custodian a t $4,260 pro­rated from April 17, Robert O’Brien as substitu te custodian a t $2.25 per hour, Jam es C. Hoyt as substitute bus driver and Lucille Beesenaer as full­tim e btis driver.

Non-teaching resignations ac­cepted w ere from Douglas C arr, custodian a t the Woodstock school. Miss Regina C arr as pilot class teacher aide and Marie Soszka as high school matron.

The board received a request for the approval to g ran t ad­vanced placem ent on the salary guide for professional personnel included in 'educational incre­m ents as a result of satisfactory completion of graduate credits, in - service or cadet - teacher supervision.

Requests for transportation next year w ere acknowledged from Paul Dunn to Im m aculate Conception school, Lynda !^ina- showski and Jam es Kenny to John A. Coleman high school, P atric ia and John B elair to St. Joseph’s school, and John O’Leary to U lster academy.

The board gave approval for the high school chorus to tour schools in cen tral New York sta te April 26, 27 and 28. Sale of a sta tion wagon to A ldert H. K ilm er of Phoenicia for $2,800 was approved. A request for the purchase of two buses was tabled.

The board adopted a resolu­tion asking th a t the s ta te De­partm ent of T ransportation establish a 15-mph speed lim it on route 375 for 500 feet either side of the entrance to the Woodstock school. The current lim it in th a t area is 35-mph. A copy of the resolution was for­w arded to the Woodstock town board.



Hugh RobertsonBroad S t. Hollow Rd.

Shandaken, N. Y. 914-688-5681

Rolf and W ally Allweiler

Specializing in the

Care and Feeding of Skiers!• ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SMORGASBORD

Every F riday N ight, 6-10 p.m.


• Get the Gang Together and Come on Up!

Rt. 214, Phoenicia1 T urn a t Gordon Drugs

' 688-9968Closed Mondays

P h o e n ic ia A u c tio n BeumRoute 214, Phoenicia, N. Y.

Auction Sales Every Sat. Night7 P . M. T ear Around

ULSTER COUNTY’S LEADING COMMISSION AUCTIONW ill buy o r seD com plete or p artia l c o n t^ ts of hmnes,

estates, shops, etc. Need antiques, fu rn itu re, glassw are, tools, etc. Consignm ents accepted. L et the voice of expert- ence tu rn your tra sh or treasu res in to cash.

J . P jy B u r g ^ r j iA u c j^ n e ie r

Auctions Also Conducted at Your Residence Phone 5JI^-827-5197 or 914-688-9952


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