t owards semi-automatic ontology building supported by …t owards semi-automatic ontology building...

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Towards Semi-automatic Ontology BuildingSupported by Large-scale Knowledge Acquisition

Yimin Wang and Johanna Volker and Peter HaaseInstitute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH)

76128, Karlsruhe, Germany{ywa, jvo, pha}@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de


Knowledge acquisition is usually the first step in buildingontologies. On the one hand, knowledge is typically im-plicitly contained in large collections of unstructured docu-ments. Therefore it is extremely troublesome to manuallyidentify relevant concepts. On the other hand, users are of-ten not fully satisfied with the results of automated state-of-the-art ontology learning techniques. In this paper wepresent a technique for large-scale Knowledge Acquisitionsupported Semi-automated Ontology building (KASO) anda corresponding software system. By applying KASO andusing this software, users are able to bootstrap the processof building high quality ontologies by automatically acquir-ing concepts from large-scale document collections and tomake use of traditional knowledge acquisition approaches torefine and organize the machine-generated concepts. Evalua-tion studies and user experiences indicate the applicability ofKASO in bootstrapping ontology construction.

IntroductionWith the growing population of digital knowledge over theweb, finding information with effectiveness, efficiency andaccuracy becomes an increasingly challenging task, espe-cially since most knowledge is contained in large collectionsof unstructured textual documents. Ordinary approachesare to acquire knowledge from the documents manually andthen structure the knowledge at the conceptual level. How-ever, conventional knowledge acquisition approaches areusually driven by humans, which means that they are labor-intensive, time-consuming and troublesome. Thus, auto-mated or semi-automated knowledge acquisition techniquesare urgently required.Recently, machine learning and text mining methods have

been introduced to assist users in this process. Text2Onto1(Cimiano & Volker 2005), a framework for ontology learn-ing from textual resources, is able to automatically createontologies from a corpus of documents within a certain do-main. This approach is a machine-centered task, so majorhuman tasks are to define the input knowledge resource, tunethe parameters and select the output destination.

Copyright c© 2006, American Association for Artificial Intelli-gence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

1Text2Onto is distributed under the LGPL and can be obtainedfrom http://ontoware.org/projects/text2onto/.

Consider the following scenario of large-scale knowledgeacquisition: A knowledge manager, or a domain expert, isgoing to build a knowledge base from a large set of domain-specific documents. The traditional way is to seek throughthe documents for the key terms andmap them onto conceptsusing knowledge development tools, such as Protege (Noyet al. 2001), which is typical manual tooling. Alternatively,we have automated knowledge acquisition approaches suchas Text2Onto, which gathers concepts from large set of doc-uments and directly outputs as intermediate ontologies. Theuser has to interact with this intermediate representation inorder to transform it into a “real” ontology.Both of the two aforementioned approaches have their

particular advantages and disadvantages. People using man-ual acquisition usually build ontologies for specific purposesso that they can directly use the ontologies in their appli-cations – they know well about the ontology structure, in-terconnections, rules, semantics and so on. But it’s reallydifficult if there are thousands of concepts to manage forthe manual acquisition. Automatic ontology generation sys-tems are essentially quite fast and effective in use, but theautomatically manipulated ontologies are not meant to beused directly by the end ontology users. Thus we are goingto find a balance point that combines the success of con-ventional knowledge acquisition approaches and automaticontology learning framework to facilitate the ontology engi-neering life-cycle support.The main contribution of this paper is a novel semi-

automatic ontology building technique based on large-scaleknowledge acquisition – KASO, presented in Section “TheKASO Technique”, and a corresponding software systemimplemented as a Protege plug-in which is described in Sec-tion “Implementation”. This plug-in allows for automati-cally eliciting knowledge from large documents in combi-nation with traditional knowledge acquisition approaches torefine and organize the elicited concepts. Through investi-gating several existing knowledge acquisition technologies(Section “Related Works and Challenges”), card sorting andladdering methods are selected for performing tasks afterthe automated acquiring phase, for which we decided touse Text2Onto. For the user interface, we applied User-centered Design techniques (Section “User-centered Designfor KASO”) to help users in creating ontologies in a con-venient and straightforward manner. The implementation of

of KASOwas thoroughly evaluated against the requirements(Section “Evaluation and Comparison”). The evaluation andcomparison results show that this software successfully im-plements this novel technique and indeed saves users a con-siderable amount of time.

Related Work and ChallengesThere are two major research areas involved in KASO,namely, the domains of conventionalKnowledge Acquisitionand Ontology Learning.

Conventional Knowledge AcquisitionIn the past several decades, people tried to develop knowl-edge acquisition techniques to acquire knowledge with ef-fectiveness, efficiency and correctness. A number of thesemethods were borrowed from Cognitive Science and otherdisciplines such as Anthropology, Ethnography, and Busi-ness Administration (Boose 1988; Hoffman 1987). Knowl-edge acquisition techniques were effectively used in theearly 1990s, when graphical interfaces for personal comput-ers becamemore and more popular (Shadbolt, Hara, & Crow1999)Card sorting is a comprehensive technique which is con-

currently being used in several disciplines such as Knowl-edge Engineering, Psychology, and Marketing (Upchurch,Rugg, & Kitchenham 2001). In the field of Knowledge Ac-quisition, card sorting is considered to be one of the mosteffective ways for eliciting the domain expert’s idea aboutthe knowledge structure. Many evidences show that cardsorting has a lot of positive aspects in making a useful andreasonable elicitation experiment, including: (i) helping therespondents to recall the domain concepts; (ii) providinga structured concepts pile for future processing – such asladdering; (iii) fast acting and (iv) easy handling (Shadbolt,Hara, & Crow 1999). Currently the card sorting method ismainly performed manually and is not widely applied as acomputer tool. Figure 5 shows a snapshot of typical cardsorting task along with the prototype in section “Implemen-tation”.Laddering has been widely used in knowledge acquisi-

tion activities in recent years. The basic purpose of the lad-dering method is to elicit people’s goals and values (Shad-bolt, Hara, & Crow 1999). People from the knowledgeacquisition community have developed a range of well-established formal semantics, procedures and notations forbuilding ladders. Based on the Rugg andMcGeorge’s (Rugget al. 2002) categorization, the laddering can be used forthree major purposes – the elicitation of sub-classes, ex-planations and goals/values. An independent tool for lad-dering is provided by the PCPACK2 toolkit which supportsthe CommonKADS methodology (Schreiber et al. 1994).But the implementation in PCPACK lacks the full support ofthe standard OWL language3, and the well integration withstate-of-the-art ontology engineering tools, like Protege. Inthis paper, we are going to use the laddering method to build



up the data and object properties for OWL classes. A typicalconceptual ladder example for the Pizza related concepts isdepicted by Figure 5.There are also some other popular human-driven acqui-

sition techniques, such as repertory grid, a matrix-basedapproach, which was developed mainly for eliciting and an-alyzing knowledge and for self-help and counseling pur-poses (Boose 1988). Another informal approach, user ob-servation (Ericsson & Simon 1984), was developed decadesago and is still widely used for interviews, questionnairesand other common social science methods. Both of the ap-proaches are difficult to be directly applied to ontology en-gineering. Therefore, card sorting and laddering will be de-ployed to combine with the ontology learning techniques,which is one of our major concerns in this paper.

Ontology LearningSeveral ontology learning frameworks have been designedand implemented in the recent years. For instance, theMo’Kworkbench (Bisson, Nedellec, & Canamero 2000) ba-sically relies on unsupervised machine learning methods toinduce concept hierarchies from text collections. An on-tology learning plug-in for Protege called OntoLT (Buite-laar, Olejnik, & Sintek 2003) is targeted more at end usersand heavily relies on linguistic analysis. The framework byVelardi et al., OntoLearn (Velardi et al. 2005), mainly fo-cuses on the problem of word sense disambiguation. Fi-nally, TextToOnto (Maedche & Staab 2004), the predeces-sor of Text2Onto, is a framework implementing a variety ofalgorithms for diverse ontology learning subtasks. In partic-ular, it implements diverse relevance measures for term ex-traction, different algorithms for taxonomy construction aswell as techniques for learning relations between concepts(Maedche & Staab 2000).Common to all the above mentioned frameworks is some

sort of natural language processing to derive features on thebasis of which to learn ontological structures.

Figure 1: The scenario of using Text2Onto.

As shown in Figure 1, three main features distinguishText2Onto from its predecessor, TextToOnto, as well asother state-of-the-art ontology learning frameworks. Thefirst is to represent the learned knowledge at a meta-level


in the form of instantiated modeling primitives within a socalled Model of Possible Ontologies (POM). Second, by in-corporating strategies for data-driven change discovery, weavoid processing the whole corpus from scratch each time itchanges, only selectively updating the POM according to thecorpus changes instead. Third, user interaction is a centralaspect of Text2Onto’s architecture, although it is still notsufficient enough to build ontologies for end users. Actu-ally, the fact that every instantiated modeling primitive getsassigned a probability or confidence factor by the systempermits us to design sophisticated visualizations on top ofthe Text2Onto API in which the user can prune or filter thePOM on the basis of the system’s confidence.

ChallengesTruly, both the human-driven knowledge acquisition tech-niques, like card sorting and laddering, and the existing on-tology learning frameworks, like Text2Onto, are able to con-struct initial ontologies. However, neither of them couldfully satisfy the users. Whereas human-driven acquisitionapproaches are short of the effectiveness and efficiency, on-tologies generated by ontology learning algorithms is highlyrequired to be refined.The challenge hereby is to create a novel technique

which combines the advantages of these two approaches andpresents users a new technique of building ontologies. An-other major challenge consists in applying this novel tech-nique to a real application, which on the one hand, givespeople exact view of the new ontology building approach,and on the other hand, proves the soundness, correctness andapplicability of this technique.

The KASO TechniqueThe technique introduced in this section aims to (i) reducethe work-load for knowledge engineers and domain experts,(ii) increase the reusability of laddering and card sorting pro-cesses, (iii) effectively manage the knowledge acquisitiontasks, and (iv) seamlessly integrate with existing softwaresystems.Our work is to find a midpoint so that we can balance the

trade-off between the automatic and purelymanual ontologybuilding approaches. The technique introduced here goeswell with this demanding goal. We use a large collectionof documents as a knowledge source, apply the Text2Ontotechnology to elicit the concepts, and then manually orga-nize the raw outcome in an intuitive way by adopting tra-ditional knowledge acquisition methods, i.e., card sortingand laddering. Thereafter, we have the basic ontology struc-ture which can be output in a standard OWL ontology for-mat for future editing. As shown in Figure 2, users performtasks from top to bottom, starting with the KASO technique,which is integrated from conventional knowledge acquisi-tion and ontology learning techniques, to get and refine theontology structure and generate the OWL output.To bemore specific, in Figure 3, the basic taxonomyof the

ontology is built by using the card sorting procedure, whichis equal to sorting cards with concept labels. The ladder-ing method is used afterwards to construct the relationships


The KASO Technique

ouput to

Refine Structure

Conventional KA Start Building

Get Concepts

Output Result

Ontology Learning


Figure 2: Task roadmap of KASO.

between the concepts that are typically object properties inOWL. The ontology skeleton is completed mainly by de-ploying KASO, whereas in normal cases, ontologies consistof many other elements like restrictions, annotations, rules,etc. So other knowledge acquisition procedures can be in-cluded which are not explicitly defined. For example, ontol-ogy engineers could add restrictions, annotations and ruleswith help of ontology engineering tools. These editing ac-tivities are summarized as “Future Editing” and their corre-sponding acquisition methods are stated as “Others” in theFigure 3.

Ontology Structure Refinement Phase

Refine Ontology Structure Conventional KA

Card Sorting



Build Concepts Tree

Build Object Properties between Classes

Future Editing

Figure 3: The human-driven knowledge acquisition as a re-fining procedure in KASO involves different detailed knowl-edge acquisition techniques and their corresponding usagesin constructing ontologies.

KASO applies the successful elements of two major on-tology building approaches, whose background technologieshave been developed in many actual systems, as indicated insection “Related Work and Challenges”. Thus, we believethat the technique indicated in this section is practical forimplementation and real use.

User-centered Design for KASOIn this section we discuss design considerations we tookinto account for defining the user interface of KASO. In the


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research domain,User-centered Design is one of the most essential methodologiesand now widely used in various disciplines, including Soft-ware Engineering, Knowledge Management and Informa-tion Systems (Shneiderman 1997).One aspect of user-centered design techniques is to make

users involved in the software design process, by interview-ing various groups of users based on certain requirements,such as age, occupation, gender, culture and so on. There-fore, we interviewed potential users of KASO and collectedinterview results in order to discover the goals and needs ofthe target user group. The techniques of participatory designare necessary in implementing KASO to a real software, be-cause the target user group mainly consists of scientific re-searchers with different disciplines, requirements, personal-ities, ways of working and thinking.Participatory design includes observing and recording the

manual activities, such as using the rectangles on paper assoftware window frames; cutting the paper into rectangleswith different size as dialogues and menus; choosing differ-ence colors to indicate the selection status; drawing, drag-ging while necessary to modify the interface; taking the pic-ture while performing activities and many other actions. Allthese activities are performed by the real target group ofusers. The picture below was taken from the interview ac-tivities within the software design process.

Figure 4: A user participant design case with hand-drawwindow frames

By adopting these design techniques, we successfully col-lected enough data for the implementation. Eleven peoplewith varying backgrounds participated in the interview. Thesame people later participated in the user evaluation in orderto discover whether the outcome meets their requirements.The interview results show many variances among peopledue to different academic backgrounds and level of exper-tise and also indicate that the cultural background plays anessential role. For example, a first year Asian undergrad-uate student may have difficulties in modeling an ontologyabout the domain of pizzas, because he is normally not fa-miliar with different kinds of pizzas and does not have muchexperience on knowledge systems.

After analyzing the interview results, we discovered thatcertain number of people asked for a quick execution forconcepts input and some comprehensive approaches to or-ganize them, as well as standard output and good user in-terface. Thus, we derived the following functionalities asrequirements:

1. a text processor for a series of documents belonging to acertain domain as knowledge source for building ontolo-gies;

2. a flexible and straightforward user interface;

3. human-driven knowledge acquisition techniques inte-grated with graphical manipulation;

4. a reusable and well-formatted output;

5. integration with other ontology editors.

When implementing KASO, we took into account the afore-mentioned requirements derived from the user interviews.

ImplementationWe implemented the KASO technique by firstly creating aprototype with the main functionality and afterwards inte-grating the prototype into an ontology engineering environ-ment.

Prototype for KASO ImplementationThere are two ways to generate the knowledge source foreliciting concepts. One is to gather a large collection of doc-uments within a domain separately, for example, from thesports news we can easily find enough football reports andsave them to a corpus folder. The other way is to find alarge document, perhaps a book, divide the book into manysections and put them into a same corpus folder. This taskis so straightforward that a user with basic PC and internetknowledge can successfully handle this.As soon as the corpus has been prepared for the ontology

learning process, the users can begin to build their ontolo-gies. The first step is generally automatic – the users justneed to select the corpus and run the program. After a while,a list of concepts will be extracted from the documents readyfor future organizing. Conventional knowledge acquisitionactivities are applied to help users in this process. In par-ticular, the card sorting technique is used to select conceptsand insert them into a taxonomy, while laddering aims toinitialize the relations between the concepts by building aconceptual ladder.After addressing the aforementioned issues, we get a pro-

totype for this plug-in as depicted by Figure 5. Card sortingis mandatory because the basic taxonomy of an ontology hasto be settled by arranging cards with concepts, whereas lad-dering sometimes is optional due to actual use cases and dif-ferent goals for building ontologies. What is worth mention-ing is that both the card sorting and the laddering approachesare implemented as working panels that allow a style of in-teraction, which is largely similar to that of domain expertsworking on the desk.













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Figure 5: The software prototype for KASO, the big up-down arrow points out the overall process, while the smallarrows lead to different sub-steps.

The KASO Protege PluginConsidering the requirements raised by the users during theinterview session, we find a trade-off between working withexisting mature ontology development toolkits and runningas a standalone application. While it is comparatively eas-ier to implement this system as a self-stand application, theusers may find it difficult to access the software and get usedto it. Otherwise, the output of the software will probably beedited in other ontology editors, so the users may find it trou-blesome to switch between different applications. Finally,we decided to implement the KASO prototype as a pluginfor Protege – one of the most popular ontology engineeringenvironments.The prototype is implemented as a Protege plug-in and

depends on the Protege OWL plug-in API (Knublauch etal. 2004), executing smoothly as depicted by Figure 6. Thebutton of “Auto Elicit” enables users to select the corpusfolder in the local storage system, which is marked as “1”.The window with number “3” shows the internal text files ofthe selected folder, while window with the number “2” is asample of a text file in window “3”. Now the users just needto click the “OK” button in window “1”. The system willcall the Text2Onto engine to process the selected corpus andreturn the result to the user interface.The user interface consists of card sorting and laddering

working panels, as well as other controlling functionalities.Figure 7 indicates the conventional knowledge acquisitiontasks performed after automatically eliciting the concepts.We can see that as opposed to Figure 6, the card sortingwindow with mark number “2” is now running as a sepa-rate window to facilitate users to perform card sorting and

laddering simultaneously. The outputs of the Text2Onto en-gine now directly appear as cards with concept labels on thecard sorting panel. The window with number “4” displaysthe Text2Onto runtime status, while Text2Onto runs in thebackground.Focus on Figure 7, users usually start in the card sorting

panel, inserting the concepts into the ontology tree followingthe bigger arrow from right to the left. The selection and thestatus of the cards are rendered by means of different col-ors. At the same time, users can ladder up the concepts withdifferent relationships to the laddering window with number“1”, to construct object properties in the OWL language. Af-ter constructing the basic contents of the ontology, the userscan save the result to an OWL file as opened in a browser’swindow marked with number “3” – this step is representedby the arrow pointing from right to left.Following the steps described above, in brief, the sample

text file in Figure 6 contributes several concepts to the cardsorting panel of Figure 7, fromwhich the users refine the on-tology skeleton and output to the OWL formatted document.Hence, on the one hand, domain ontology engineers can suc-cessfully create a high quality ontology from a large set ofdomain-specified documents without searching the key con-cepts from scratch, which is extremely troublesome. On theother hand, Text2Onto users can easily filter out the con-cepts which were not appropriately selected by the system,to make their auto-generated ontology more applicable.

Evaluation and ComparisonIn this section, we explicitly evaluate the software which ap-plied the KASO by performing user evaluation based on theusability requirements, and moreover, we also compare dif-ferent ontology building approaches, to prove the correct-ness of KASO and the quality of this implementation. Thefeedbacks from user evaluation were treated as an essentialguideline for the application testing and debugging.

User Evaluation ResultsThe user evaluation has two different parts. One is the in-terface evaluation which mainly concerns the software’sgraphical user interface (GUI), including look and feel, in-terface layout, ease of use, and flexibility. And the other isfunctional evaluation which focuses on the application forKASO. This evaluation procedure aims to detect the user’scomments on three basic aspects in the domain of User-centred Design – the software should be powerful, flexibleand robust.Eleven people were involved in the user evaluation ac-

tivities. They were diverse in academic and cultural back-ground. In order to quantify the results, a grading systemsimilar to evaluating university examination was borrowed,that is, 5 is a pass, 6 is a good pass, above 7 is a distinctionand 10 is the full score. In the arrays of the scores intro-duced below, the first five scores in each array come fromthe experts or skilled users of knowledge systems. The par-ticipants are marked with “E” for expert and “N” for “Non-expert” plus the reference number.In terms of the user interface design, the grading results

will be given to four different aspects as interface evaluation.


! #


Figure 6: Screenshot of initializing the concepts eliciting. The different numbers are mapped to the components in the figure.



$ %

Figure 7: Working with human-driven knowledge acquisition to manipulate OWL ontology. The numbers and arrows show thesteps after eliciting concepts from documents with the help of Text2Onto.


Participant E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 AverageLook and feel 9 7 7 8 9 7 7 6 7 8 6 7.3Interface layout 7 7 9 6 8 6 9 5 6 5 6 7.3Ease of use 7 7 6 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 6.4Flexibility 7 8 8 6 5 6 6 6 9 6 8 6.8

Table 1: Interface evaluation results

Participant E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 AverageCard sorting 9 8 7 9 9 7 8 8 7 7 8 7.9Laddering 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 9 8 7.0

Relationship setting 6 7 6 6 6 8 7 9 7 8 8 7.0

Table 2: Functional evaluation results

The users were asked for the grades of the four points, andtheir grading results are listed in table 1. To be statisticallyaccurate, the average score was calculated by eliminating thehighest and the lowest scores in each array.The functional evaluation involves the grading of each ba-

sic component, including card sorting, laddering and rela-tionship setting. They are three major components providedby this software and users are easily getting familiar withthem. So the grading of these components is direct.The overall score is calculated by calculating the aver-

age value. We get 7.0 points for interface evaluation and7.3 points for functional evaluation. For the componentof concept eliciting, we refer to the existing evaluationfrom Text2Onto (Volker, Vrandecic, & Sure 2006). TheText2Onto engine has been widely evaluated and is undoubt-edly considered to be a stable and reliable automatic on-tology constructing system using text-based documents asknowledge source.

The ComparisonNotwithstanding the evaluation indicates the success ofKASO in practical usage, compared to the ordinary human-based ontology editing, we can also see the advantagesowned by KASO.This comparison is performed by recording the approxi-

mate time required to build an ontology with fixed numberof concepts by using pure conventional knowledge acquisi-tion techniques and KASO, respectively. Because the timesrequired to organize the ontology structure vary based ondifferent cases, it is not necessary and practical to have moreaccurate timing scale. The timing by minutes is suitable forthis comparison.In the table 3, the conventional knowledge acquisition

technique stands for selecting the concepts from documentsusing the mouse instead of using Text2Onto. The sample is auniversity website that mainly consists of a bunch of HTMLdocuments. The requirement of using KASO techniques isto build an KASO ontology that is similar to the manuallyconstructed ontology, which contains rich semantics and isnot practical to be generated just by using ontology learningtools.In addition, many redundant concepts are suggested by

Text2Onto, which means that many of the auto-elicited con-

Methodology Concepts TimeConventional KA 25 14 minutes

KASO 25 12 minutesConventional KA 100 1 hours

KASO 100 20 minutesConventional KA 200 2 hours+

KASO 200 30 minutes

Table 3: The comparison of ontology building approaches,“Concepts” column shows the fixed number of concepts foran ontology and “Time” indicates the approximate time re-quired for building ontologies.

cepts are not selected for inclusion into the ontology bythe user. While performing the KASO technique, the ex-perimenter’s experience showed that the redundancy rate isaround 30% – 40%. However, this means that the users def-initely need human-driven acquisition approaches as a com-plementary part for fully automated ontology learning ap-proaches when they build ontologies.

Analysis and DiscussionThe evaluation scores illustrate that users are mostly satis-fied with the functionalities of this software and the imple-mentation of the technique. With respect to the interfaceof this software, although the score is comparatively moder-ate, the users generally have positive comments. To discovermore based on the evaluation results, we find that the lookand feel of the interface, concept eliciting and card sortinghave the highest ratings and are thought to be best imple-mented. Meanwhile, the elements related to the ease of useprinciple and interface layout arrangement require some fu-ture improvements.It is worthwhile to mention the evaluation of this software

system from the independentUK Freshwater Life BiologicalAssociation4. Their comment on this software was: “It wasgood to see what he has been doing and looks like a poten-tially very useful tool. We really liked to get our hands on acopy to play around with. Even in its current state it couldsave us considerable time.”



In a nutshell, the KASO technique is proved to be soundand useful in assisting ontology engineer’s daily work. Thecorresponding software is commonly considered to be awell-implemented and powerful tool in real use. The tar-get user group of this software – knowledge system expertsacknowledge that the software interface is straightforwardand intuitive. All the evidences obtained from this user eval-uation procedure indicate that people are very willing to seethe future development of this software.

Conclusion and OutlookIn this paper, we presented KASO, a technique for ontologybuilding by automatically acquiring raw knowledge fromlarge-scale document collections, and refining the taxonomyby using integrated traditional knowledge acquisition tech-niques, i.e. card sorting and laddering. We also developeda usable software as a use case for our technique, and thenintegrated it as a Protege plug-in. The implementation out-come and evaluation results demonstrate that our techniqueis well applicable and this software plug-in is welcomed bymost real users.Future work includes the extension of this software with

more capabilities provided by the Text2Onto toolkit andto apply further ontology learning and ontology evaluationtechniques to heuristically assist users in building the fine-grained ontologies. The NeOn project(Dzbor et al. 2005) re-quirements also provide us with an opportunity to align ourtechnique to the forthcoming networked ontology model,specifically, posing as the collaborative ontology engineer-ing environment with support from large-scale knowledgeacquisition techniques.

AcknowledgementsThe authors’ current research is supported by the EU-IST-027595 NeOn project and EU-IST-506826 SEKT project.The research reported in this paper was partly supported inpart by the CO-ODE project funded by the UK Joint Infor-mation Services Committee (JISC). We would like to thankour colleagues for fruitful discussions.

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