t pilgrim's progress may2014 · 2014. 4. 27. · t pilgrim's progress may2014 from the...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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Dear Fellow Pilgrims:

The position of women has undergone noticeable changes in our society today. In almost every area of life women have achieved a status of equality with men, and their contributions to the political, economic, and social structure have been both imporlant and sizeable.

At the same time women continue to occupy a position which is unique and which deserves a special measure of honor and respect. The primary role of a woman remains that of wife and mother. In this area her influence is so immeasurable and her responsibility so great that the writer of Proverbs praises the noble character of a woman as being worth far more than the price of rubies. Every grateful son and daughter, every devoted husband, will agree with this appraisal.

The woman who deserves this praise is the one described in the book of Proverbs - "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." She stands by her husband with words of encouragement, supporl, advice, and love. She guides her children with a loving hand, with the right balance of firmness and kindness.

It's too bad that not all women measure up to this ideal. Many bring conflict, friction, and chaos to the home. There are others who forfeit their claim to the respect that is due a woman by the ungodly, sinful way in which they Jive.

The Christian woman finds her ideal example in the godly women of biblical history - Hannah, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Mary the mother of our Lord. In them the woman who believes in Jesus Christ understands the pattern of living and of Christian service which calls for the tribute that the writer of Proverbs places on the woman of God.

The price of such a woman is indeed "worth far more than rubies," and the tributes that her loved ones give her- will in time re-echo through eternity in her Savior's own words of praise - "Well done!"

Yours, in the Savior,

Rev. Carl F. Trosien

APRIL VOTERS MEETING MINUTES: The meeting was called to order by Gary Leinberger and opened with a prayer. The minutes, financial report and treasurer's report were accepted as presented. Under Old Business: A discussion was held concerning what would be done with the parsonage after Pastor Trosien's retirement. A farewell dinner will be provided for Pastor Trosien upon his retirement. All food will be provided. An RSVP will be required for those planning to attend. Donations will be accepted to cover the cost of the food and a gift for Pastor. The Easter Egg Hunt went well . Dee Mast is in the process of changing the checking accounts from First Merit to Sunrise Credit Union. Board of Elders: No report. Board of Trustees: Cleanup day has been scheduled for May 3rd at 9:00a.m. Three trees that are damaging the roof will be removed. Board of Christian Education: Enrollment is still being taken. VBS will be held in the month of July. Kimberlee McDonald has offered to head it up. Under New Business: There will be a potluck for the Confirmands on April 2ih. Confirmation will be the first Sunday in May. The Essexville rummage sale will be held May 16th & 1 ih. Applications are already coming in for table rental. Motion to adjourn was made at 7:45p.m.

PILGRIMS SERVING IN MAY Elders: Sat - Mark Anthony Sun - Paul Pett

Altar Guild: Dolores Mast and Wendy Dominowski

PASTOR TROSIEN'S RETIREMENT CELEBRATION -We will be celebrating with Pastor Trosien and his family on Sunday, June 29th with a dinner reception following the Worship Service. We will not be having a potluck. In order for everyone to enjoy the day we will be providing the meal, beverage, and dessert. We ask that you make a monetary donation to cover the costs. Consider what you would pay for a nice meal at a restaurant and donate accordingly. Please put it in a designated gift envelope and place in the church collection plate marked "Pastor's Retirement Dinner." We will be asking for RSVP's so that we can set up enough tables. Any money above the cost of the dinner will be put towards Pastor's Retirement Gift. Please call the church office, 893-7224, or put your name on the sign-up sheet in the hallway. Please designate how many will be attending. Deadline for the RSVP is Monday, June 23rd_ Also, the Elders are handling the retirement gift for Pastor and are asking for donations towards this. Please put in a designated gift envelope marked "Pastor's Retirement Gift" and put in the collection plate.

CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS will be given out three times a year - January 2014, May, and September. They will be in your church mailbox the weekend of May 4th. Please check yours for any errors and contact the church office, if needed.


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WOMEN'S GUILD - We will have our regular Women's Guild Salad Supper on Thursday, May 8th at 6:30 p.m. All women of Pilgrim are invited to attend. Please bring a salad dish to pass and your own table service. Our hostesses are Wendy Dominowski and Clarice Richards.

QUIL TERS IN NEED - The Quilters need a few more people to do some straight stitch sewing on machines either in their home or here at church. Please contact the church office if you are available for this.

KEENAGERS- The Keenagers will meet on May 15th at 11:00 a.m. in the Blue Room. All retirees are invited to attend. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Coffee will be provided.

A BIG THANK YOU -A BIG THANK YOU goes to the congregation for the donations for the Easter Egg Hunt. There were 47 children that attended and all had a wonderful time. Thanks to Billie Jo and Kimberlee McDonald for taking the time to plan, prepare and put on the egg hunt.

WORSHIP SERVICE SCHEDULE - We will NOT be changing the Worship Times this summer. They will continue to be at our regular worship times of: Saturday evening at 7 p.m. and Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.

PRESCHOOL INFORMATION - There are still openings in our Preschool program. The cost is $85 per month for threes and $100 per month for fours with a $20 enrollment fee. The schedule for threes is three days a week - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and for fours it is four days a week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 12:15 p.m. to 2:45p.m. If you or anyone you know is interested, please call the church office, 893-7224.



3/29=27 3/30=65 71 $2,204.80 $2,204.80 -569 4/02=32*

4/05=28 4/06=58 71 2,400.45 2,400.45 -373 4/09=33*

4/12=31 4/13=75 3,024.50 3,024.50 + 251 4/17=29# 29 4/18=63+ 50

4/19=26 4/20=122 102 3,781.00 5.00 3,786.00 +1012 $11,410.75 $ 5.00 $11,415.75 + 321

*Lent, #Maundy Thursday, +Good Friday

SPECIAL GIFTS: Adopt-a-Student, $25.00; Lent, $650.00; Maundy Thursday, $155.00; Good Friday, $391.00; Easter, $897.00; Easter Egg Hunt, $65.00; Easter Breakfast Donation, $20.00; Easter Breakfast Freewill Offering, $136.00; Tai Chi, $20.00; Gift to Quilters, $20.00; Hymn Boards, $350.00




$144,245.00 44,383.04 38,135.73

$ 6,247.31

Baptism: CALEB CHARLES EDDY, son of Jason and Christina (Shalashnov) Eddy baptized on Sunday, March 30th. Caleb's sponsors are Jeremy and Bethany Coursey.

RITE OF CONFIRMATION - The following Confirmation students will be received into Communicant membership on Sunday, May 4th: Mackenzie Bickham, Matthew Bickham, Luke Bleau, Andrew Painter, and Madison Wagner.


MOTHER'S DAY LOVE OFFERING- On Mother's Day weekend, May 101h and 11th, we will dedicate a special

portion of our Worship Folder to those members of our congregation who have given a special gift in memory of or in honor of their mothers. Please fill out the form below and use the Love Offering envelope provided in this newsletter. You may return it to the Church Office no later than Wednesday, May 7th.

Cut or tear here - return form below

IN LOVING MEMORY OF- and/or -----------------------------------------------INHONOROF- __________________________________________________ _

GIVENBY- _______________________________ ENVELOPE# ____________ _

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- This year Vacation Bible School will be July 21st- 24th (Monday- Thursday) evenings starting at 6:30p.m. The theme is "Christmas in July." Lots of help will be needed. Anyone that would like to help out, please contact Kimberlee McDonald at 989-895-5609 or call the church office, 893-7224. More information will be in the June Newsletter.

ADOPT -A-STUDENT LETTER - The latest letter from our Adopt-a-Student, Vicar Adam Steinbrenner has been posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for you to read.

ADOPT -A-PLANTER - A sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board to adopt-a-planter in the parking lot. Fill in the spot that you would like and take care of it all summer.

YARD CLEAN-UP - Please mark your calendar, Saturday, May 3rd as designated for Church Cleanup Day here at Pilgrim. We will be gathering to clean up the outside of the church at 9:00 a.m. Please bring your gloves, rakes, and other yard tools. Remember that many hands make light work!

VOLUNTEERS WANTED -The Stewardship Committee is trying to raise funds for church improvements. The next opportunity to help this cause is on May 16th and 17th_ The Essexville city-wide rummage sales are on those two days. We will serve lunch outside, rent parking lot spaces for people to sell items, have a bake sale, and a rummage sale. If you would like to rent a space, which includes one table and two chairs for both days, the cost is $15. We are asking members to donate their gently used items for our own rummage sale. Starting now you can bring your items for the rummage sale to church. Donations of baked goods will be accepted on Thursday, May 15th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or early on Friday morning. We are asking for all baked goods, but especially cookies, bars, brownies and things such as this. We will not be serving dessert at the luncheon, so we are hoping that the people who stop for lunch will buy dessert afterwards. Please consider serving on this committee and/or working on the 16th and 17th_ Contact the church office, 893-7224, if you can spare a few hours to help out.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 Marcus Carlin Mackenzie Joyce Jankens

Happy May Birthdays! Bickham Ty Jones

Matthew Bickham

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Emily Botimer Brielle Ferrer Christa Ramirez Don Niedrich

Will Gust Andrew Wojcik

Esther Menzel

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hattie Davis Sarah Roller Robert McKee Melissa Jones

Neal Roller I


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Trevor Anthony Robert Neumann Bradley Hages Tyler Hages Alice Shook !

Ethan Burrows Gary Leinberger Donna Reuther

Doris McKee Gary Schulz

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Kyle Niedrich William Burger Kaylin Greyerbiehl Zachary Brunett

Deven Fritz Zachary Messner

Scott Walraven

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CJ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans·

MAY 2014 Sunday Monday

I I Rev. Carl F. Trosien, Pastor Home: 893-5266 Office: 893-7224

3'd Sunday of Easter 4 5 Sunday School , 9:15 Bible Class, 9:15 HOLY COMMUNION, 10:30 Rite of Confirmation

4th Sunday of Easter 11 12 Mother's Day Elders, 6 Sunday School, 9:15 Bible Class, 9:15 Voters, 7 WORSHIP SERVICE, 1 0:30 Trustees, 11:30

Fifth Sunday of Easter 18 19 Sunday School, 9: 15 Food Bible Class , 9:15 Pantry HOLY Week COMMUNION, 10:30

Sixth Sunday of Easter 25 Memorial Day 26


Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1705 Nebobish Avenue

Essexville, Michigan 48732

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

6 7 Bible Bible Women's Guild



Class, 7 Class, 9:30 Salad Supper, 6:30

Choir, 6:30

13 14 15 Bible Bible Keenagers, 11 Class, 7 Class, 9:30

Prayer NEWSLETTER Network, 3 DEADLINE Choir, 6:30

20 21 22 Bible Bible Preschool Class, 7 Class, 9:30 Fun Fair, 10:30

Choir, 6:30 Preschool Graduation, 6:30

27 28 29 Bible Bible Class, 7 Class, 9:30

Prayer Stewardship, 7 Network, Phone-In

Choir, 6:30

Friday Saturday I

2 3j Yard Clean-Up, 9



16 17 CityWide CityWide Rummage Sale, Rummage Sale, 8-5 8-5


23 24

Webster/Newsome, 3



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