t ) • · tripoli. at proaent the order• to r08dtl art to hold tb& buor 4t poa:ition, end....

Post on 13-Apr-2019






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a - ... .tniCA. ID Uft• ·--·· .. Pttu', ( t ) • --· =

~t1>3 - o AI ~)<-o J...

CJf ~. ~

bECLASSIRED I . 0 . 1 ZSI&, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 IILR 101 ly RT, IWIA, Dete~•Jf.J.







To r cs. - in- C., 1114dlo &at

Repeated a Cenorel Ei.lenhowor, Joint Starr 111u1on

From a Doted :

Ch.io!s o! Stotr . 31st December , 1942.

Followina !rom Ch.io!s ot Stott No. c.o.s. (11. &.) )44 .

J . I .C. Apprec1Dt 1on or Rommel ' s plana in Tripolitania in near future 1n r elation to enemy stratecy 1n North Atrica is as follows .

2 . Evor ainco tho battle at Bl Al4mB1n Romre.ol hos hod tho tondenoy to look over his shoulder . This tendency haa been pnrticulerly merkod ttt tices whon his mainteDDnco position has been bod, e . g , neor Benghozi and a t El Aeheila . Rommel is egain showi ng signs ot norvousness at tho dnngor or o British outflanking movooant , and oppear s to ovor­es ti.mate the British r ead1noss to nttack ,

3 . Recent evidence indicates thet Rommel is moking propDrotions in anticipation of a further withdr cnral Westward f r om his proscnt position at Buornt . Those include proparotions tor tho evceua t~on or c&rto1n non-essential e~uipment ond personnel from Tr ipoli .

4 . Uow thot '1'r1pol.1 is no l on&&r an et'teetive supply port Rocmel 19 lnrs&ly dependent upon supplies overl Dnd ~nd by lighter from Tunis1n . It an Allied t hreat to the srcx-Oobos Aroo were to develop, end if the Axis forces 1n Tunisia requir~ help to countor it, he might reel cor:pelled t o dospnteh a protective force t o ossia t in the doteneo or that or04 which is vital to his supp1ios . HU known intention to render Qobile the l64th Division ond Xikolai (loto Romke) Btigade may be to hnvo such n force ready, oJ it may bG to have a mobile force roady to oporote o!tonsive on the Southern flnnk of tho Buorat position .

5, thoro is no evidence tha t tho t~naey ha-ve str~tegic plans for wi thdrawing Rommel ' s Forco tor operations in conjunct ion with Von Arn1m1 s forees in Tunisia . Moreover , there are certain f4ctors Whieh moko such 4 whole sale withdrewal. at pr osont unlikely, namely ..

(.o.) Shortage or MIT 1n t r1pol1tonin and tho f nct that Rommel is livi ng on day to day supplio.a oC potro-1. woUl.d compltl h.J.m to eti'rry ou.t nn.y withdrawal by stnges .

(b) If Rommel ebondoMd the a irfields a round Tripoli ond the Port of tripoli to tho Allios, the ports and Col!:i!llunicctions in Tunisia on which tho Axis trould thon be dependent f or suppl i os would be ~ubject to short r nnga bocbing f r om yet another or eo 1n addition to Mo.lto on.d Algorill .

(c) A whole s a l e and hurr ied withdrawal would inevitably cean that once ~gain tho bulk or the Itclion forces 1n tho forword orao would hnve to b o abnndoned .

- l -F[B 201913

DECLASSIFIED E. 0. 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 lly RT, NARA, D•t• ~/ , • I t .f

f I



(d) •

The AXU ond port1cUlor l y tho I t oU.oM woUld, poUUcol uoa"""i be reluct ant to abendor> Tl'tpoUtoni& COIIP otolJ.


6. Praaent U ta polioy 1n North An-ton 11 probably therefore to build up, end to rer aa t he7 can to e xtend T'oatwnrcla, their brtdaob&•d 1n !w\Utal to kHp OP"n tho 1\llll>lY 11illt with 11-1' 1 rorcoa 1n Tl' politanio ond t o hold ott the liahth Ar..,. tor 01 lana aa possible in orclor to deny tho AlliOI tho UIO Of tho o1rt1olda and porta or Tripoli. At proaent the order• to R08Dtl art to hold tb& Buor4t poa:ition, end. he 1a ecoor41n&ly prep4_rJ.n& to do ao. Ko 1o 11kol:r in teet to hold tb& liuorot poottion un1us ""inttMnoo dtttteUltloa and until prouure by tho Btahth Ar'IY compel him to withdrew. AI yot tho prtoauro oncl pnticUlorly tbt thr .. t ot beinl outdonltad helve not :rot beeOQt autt1eiont1J sortous to !\ova c-Ued him to toke tb& dec'ilion ~ wt thdr ow.

?. If Rocmtl 11 compelled to ob~ndon the Buar4t poa1tion, ther e 1a no cood defensive POiition toat ct Gobes untU tht Ill:: r ot h Ll.ne 11 roached . AccordinllY , ftOtDtl'• toctiea would be to withdraw tiahtin& to sucee111ve dolo:rina position , posaibly

(i) Wod1 Sottoatn CSoutb ot 111surot.o) , (11) The hUla East and South Boat or Tripoli, end

(111) The Tunisien frontier.

Distribution :

Rostr1cto4 . H.E. u.s·. c.o.s.

T. O. O. 16ooZ/31.

DECLASSlAED E. 0. 12356, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA, o. .. .J/,alf.f



:..~.&DICOMING MESSAGE.. ~~MI dl ·~

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IDAmJ JU). UI!U, S...II'Q aod 0(0) or (.lit

060 S.U.., J.:,q B, l i 71

., llHP, .....,. "- FfB 2 0 1973

h i .taaa -..- IIC

... - --··· ...

DECLASSIFIED E. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 lly RT, NARA, Dlte_o~L,~ / f.f



' I




.rn.a c:au. "'' ....... Jo. --loYll,lNI


... ru .. r• ru---· 1ror -.-u r .... •et ...

_,, to A., ...-It -_.1 ntle ~.,.. • -~~-~it~fi~~e;. ·- -

ACTl~ cona~2 ,e/9


~ra-1t1o (11-1&-42) 01101 ...



--rn.,~ LOCJ!O. ll 142, s.e. I(EJ NoJ ,&CD) ot (I)

OBD IM&er-, ~ t. lf72

r.. IWP, .._.., FEB 2 0 1973

1.1.1.-a 22 NOVU> COPY No.

E. 0. 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 By RT, NARA, Date <~I, •I r.(.


- -8A1£1111-~API£P'I'I --/ . WAR DCPARTIIDIT



li.U .. ll I'IUID 07U/II 19C


,..., Olwauar TO I -.U

ao. Jd l.T, ........... 11, lta

........ _,., Tot ltate DepllrtMat

CX1ID ... a p ... 1M2


lleoeuttJ tw o-.lete at.actr aad atteou-. a .S.tla!te --of eo.....u -lJ for _ _. Urtoaa Area ._ .__. ftrJ -...t. A Yaat ...,_ ~loa ol tM ...-atlJ .aaat o•=--. ...,Ilea wlll loe DOtlM• dae .. t ""11 to ,.._. _. 1111-tt•rr t..o• tMra, INt to taot ••t~ Atrtoa ... cut oft fr• Pnaoa Ita .... .cN~"oa ot npplf .,.. .... u .. •• u.dlata ••• ..,ua II'""• auutloa , Coul.S.rl, bat Dr._ _,.,_ of De C-l .. d C.lafa of taft, th c:-- la C.lef wlU loa eoaearMd 1a tM MoaolliO poli,OIH oalJ lallofU •• ,._, will effect u.aa .,...atlM, ot•tl auUwltt .. of 1111 • •• 1111 are v_u, .._,., to tau •­~cttata &ctloa l a t•t• reepeet,

Ja retaraaoa to aa.e type ot akelatoa oraaataa-tt oa to llalldla tit ..... t t ... a , 1 fOI'atp a a r Ylaa ofUoar of MaJor raall . .. _, .... J.a fJ.aaaolal deoll- .-ld loe - ... tul , l'lMaolal _tl..., are at --•t, t-arllJ .,., ..... .,lad 1tJ TaUor aad ...... taU of 'h"aa....-, ud •• .. ttera of ltata . Cout..,ad wll to ••lp u d Had aot .ora til••• t wo peraoaa, to be aaleoted bJ aoard of &ooaoalo Warf are, • l•o rec~d pro.pt AMl~Dt ot a Lead Lea•• repr ... atatlft. VrpaUJ ...... ••411 of ttlpe r t.perteaoe tlaaa peniMMl 18 laf...-tiN 88 to lt , •••• aad ftU ·- (lf UJ aw la trauU) •F loe _,...te41 to anln '••• alao -•411 1a1'orMtloa trc. ·rv eooaoato •"PPlJ, t ~ l/

DECLASSIFIED l• l ' ~hl-•17· ~


State Deper~at , for r-la U ... our prosr~of ~

DECLASSIFIED E. 0 . 12351, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 Nl.JI101 By RT, NARA, o.te_ '(/ ~J f.f.



lO t J&a 147, ... t I 17 1 lfCI

.,.. ...,__t u ••• • ., t•Ur lot-• •• to ~· .... ot ..w'!f ...... 1, c•l, oottoa ...... , _. etwtt. -~ "• -. Jl'l•t , _.lc•l nppu .. Ud otao• •-lola ur.-ur - la tlllo ...... fte ..,.r-•t la lllf-- tut l•...,._ trr 1a ~&• area ta puotlallr ,.,..,.., oa h•oe• •• lta •- ot _1,. ftl• 1~ ... tile Uat or ,......u, ....... ~ta. ~t .. alrad l a •• ., f•t••·

lo 8lll

At'71C. CCIPit -

IJIJO COPIDt a-.1, GD IIUD(CC/8) - .< GD ftlla), LOCI


OECI.ASSIAED E. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA, Dete_<i/_, 1/ f.f.







Ltr.,.....m&At. • c.. • .lotlt OSbh

SUa.ti!:CTr lOU" ktqu•tt. or tnforaat1on

tnoltunU'tl '-COhQe•ic Vah·t w Ult'l /.xb ot ."!ton~ •nc: SarcU,n.lt - l":•rrn·t prepr.r ed b1 r . Joowler Jia.r.ilton ot the brd or cono:dc •rt rt

1. D\olosore htt • briet r-eeur. 01 VI• ecoaoslc V!t.J.,.. to tht .J...x1 s or Stotq l.lk ~nitnta.

' • h )"0\o W'Ot .J.d .t•• • ., ~4 to IUJf~ 1t..


DECI.ASSIAED E. 0 . 12356, S.C. 3.3 0< Sec. 3.4 MLR 101 By RT, MARA, o.ta__.!/ ill_f.f.


' I

• tfiWI•tm•

@0141 115e!f4f/AL Wovt&L.r l b, 1942


Subjto~s &conolllio Valut to the J.:dl of' Sio.lly e.t'ld Sa.rdinia

J . tbt !m?M'P Jthw of Siclli

With &n &rta ot 25,?09 1qu.a.re LLloJ»t..e.N1 tbt U,4nd ot Sioll7 aupport. a pop.alat.io.o ot onr tw:r a1ll.ioc, or .,-. t.bu. U0 pe;r~ pn equ&r• Woater. 1'h18 popgl&tioo acoou.c'-- tor 9 pu"'eA\. ot ,.,. ItUW> '"l.al popul&t.14a.

S1c1171• ooutr1b.lt.1ona t.o lt.tLl-1e.n ecoooa:r ue chiefl7 acr1-oult.ural. About. 9S perctAt or toM Uland'• area it oluatd u produo­u .. •bile about SS plr'ctot U arable la.Dd . Jor .. tl COYer or:U.T ).S Ptrot.ot.

SkU, 11 .ore t.ba.c Hlt-a~ .1D tood etufta and bu 1D taot a large nporWblt ·~· the toW 1~ whe&t. area 1a tift r ~n boct.&rea ot 1rhicb 800, 000 baot.u-ta u• 1c S1o1..17. The S1o11.1a.n

I• /. ,., , "' wbu1. are& prodw:l .. btQJ .. n 1/7 &tl4 l/8 ~ the t.ot.&l lt.alian wheat har-

vtlt and tbia &IIQunt. 11 large eoou$h t.o pora1t t.bt tJC3)0r't. ot •bou.t 4001000 •trio toM to tbe lllllinland &tt.cr prorl..d.1.a& the r•q\IJ.rA~I1t.t ot toM ial&nd'a populaU.on.

TtalJ' prodt.acta ~ ataout 2~,0l0 •trio t.oc.; ot be.rt.-7 ot •hich oDt- tour\h t.. SlcJ.lian. Slcib pro4u.c .. abol.ot. oDt--fou.rlh ot tbe tot.&l It.al..iaA oot.ton production •biob \.h1a reu •u planned. t.o r .. cb abou.t SO,OOO :.trio ton. or about ont-t.b.i.rd of 1~1 1 noe4a. About SO pt'I'Ctnt of t.bt It.e,U.an bean production of 6S01 000 ~~~etrio ton. 1a ot SioUJ..M or1&1n aDd. t.M J.al.acd .Ut a vit.a.l. eo.nt.ritut.ion to tl::ll .&.llh tood •UHl.T t.hroqb lw p:roclJ.I.ction ot oitrua. f"N1W wh.1.c!h eo.t~tUWU 80 peree:rt. r4 t.be lW.l&D tot&l ot &:10,000 1111Vlo toDt, a.a4 t.broucb the pr«t:.aot.J.on ot l.SO,OOO \or .. o!' abond.a coat or •h.1oh hi,.,.. gone to Ckra.QT 1D reoeot. 1nre. Appro:dr&tel7 lS or 20 pere.r•t. ot the t.ot&l It&l.W l)t'Od®t.iOO of t.o~t.oel and veaet.abltl an ra1u4 in S1oily1 while t.be 1alt.tl4 conttil:\&Wt about 10 Pt.t.Cto~ or the t.ot.a.l ol1v• oil )"1tl4. The ollv• oll pro4uotioa utittiu tbt ill.Md po~t.J.otl1 t rtq\U.rt!Dtcte with bu.t. • tu.ll aJ;IOWlt, tor uport., SiaJ..l.uq, Sicil¥1• w.tn.e, • hlcb haft the bJ.cbt•t. &leohollo coc.t..a.t. ~ &l.l lt.&.l..1an •1M•, ... t the local nq\&.J.H• •AW aDd ar• *QOI'Wd t.o so=-: ut..Dt..

DECLASSIFIED E. 0. 123541, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA, DeW_ '!/ia Lf~




- 2 -

S1oi1T, o.o tl» otbtr band, U not ••U tu1t4d to t..aJJI&l

buobe.odr7 - tho l&toot l...U.. !J«uroo (19)8) WU.to .... tho alo.nd •upporc.. ool7 .oo,ooo ~. 200,000 'bonae•, 67,000 porciDta, aoo,oco oYS.a W ))8,0::0 =t;•· .lb:Nt '""D or tJ.cb\. pt.ro-tat. ot t.bt total ..- or It&lW> oboo """_._ .,... u SiAU:f.

<Y .ta14e tToa toocUwtfa and e.p-lcultu:rel r• •t.ertal.a, S1cil7

co:r:r.trltlut.t oalJ' ft1pbur &tid upb&lt. ot \he tot&l. It.&l.i&A ·~ ou\.-­PJt aa::~UA\.Uc to HO, O(X) tom h 19)9, " peretDt •u procluoec! .b S1c117 • .... &0 iU.&atz!al IrK SicilJr baa lltU. or liO ~t.uct cl'l.M obU:tl.T to U. ~1t7 ot coal aDd ~leetrio power. ProducUoo ot t.l.ctr1c power ho• all towt:ta in 1938 ... ~ about two ~ aU.l.1o.o kU.o­watt bow-a whUt 0-0&1 co::au::ptl.oa • u u ·Uated tor tht ,.._ ,._.,. at about 600,000 •trlc toM, 1Dcl ud.ift& &ll oO&l u .. d tor ra.Uro&da &lid tltot.ric po~er plants. Siollian 1Dduatr7 t~OTI about )001000 pe-rtOM •bo are tQ&apd .,.t.l:r 1a t.he proc .. d.t~~ ot -cricultu.rt.l produot. ud. 1n the rttinins ot tulphW" . There 11 1om looal indwtt.ry tt.rvioi.tlg the Uland't J)OpW.atioo, &04 at P&l.erao ~• loo.at.td th1pyar4a capable ot bui.l.4J..rl& tubat..ribtt and d.eatroyare u • •11 u 1111ll M rc'-ot tbipl .

Coantct.ion Mtwe•n SicUy aDd It.ll.J proper 11 tor tbe IIODt par-t Mi.Dt.a.iMd b7 railroad terriea p]Jri.cg tbt Stra.tt.a ot a&e .. w bet.t~ VU.la S&D Qicrtamd OD the lt.al..1.a.A Pen1Qii~ aDd Ut111Da oo tha ~laM. ID prewar daTa t-here wu a d.a.1lJt ehi,p bttwttn P.ur.o &ad ilapoU Wt. t.h1. ••Moe bu be•n d.iacont.im»d..

Tbl re.llrold f'roD Villa Saza GiaYuuU W \.bt DNDDtr Pua 1.8 •l&ot1"1r1o4. Oo tho ala!!cl ot SlollJ tho -a ro.J.lrood u.. .....,..< MttaiM • 1\h $1f'acg• am lleNW • it.b P~, n.u. a ttOODd. 1.11» Of'ott•• the J.e.l&ad. h'oa Pal.era:> t.o Ca tan1a. n. ••• w.rn put ot U. ill&nd .S.. aot ••11 untt:.d, • 1tb. t.rauport. tao.WU.t. Rec• ntl7 • FOJ.ct. .-u udt rc...bll to ~t. i'derao Gd '!ra,pani ~1.17 tlu\. t.ba wort bu probabl.7 DOt. 't..tD ~leted. Sie11J&a ra.ilrold.t tor CoM aro.t. put C&MOt C&n"7 bit&'fY \ratt1c tinct about 40 perc.nt. ot \be ill.&nd'• 2,1S2 Jdlo­-~, or roa4 u JlAlT(JII' B*Ui't. 1'b•re ar• 2 ,on Jd.locDtt.en or bJabrq -.1At.&111.M by t.ba conrft:ll.ot or wb.lch 1,800 ~t.era -.r • .caduiud in 1939. 8elore tbt war there .-.r• lea• t.ha.n 20 ,000 ~toi*ObU.• and r ,..er tb&n 4,000 t.nwu in Sic~.

Oood port ta.cU1t.1tt are av..U.bl.t at Paler110, MtuiAI, Cat.n1&, Syra.cu.ae, T'ra,pui and Wt.Tt..U. 'l'M bulk ot th41 1ul.phur ot tbt 11la.od. .11 u port.t4 through tbe ,Port. ot Por to BIPtdoolA 6Dd Ucat.&, oo W. toutbtr a. oout. In January 19)9 1 l O,IXIO tiehJJ:Ic boat.e with a QR'f or 1110re thaD. 2S,OOO \008 ... ,.. reailte.red in SioUW port.t. Tb .. e 1 hi,pa ooattitu.te about 2~ pt~rcent ot thl lt&li&D l'itb1na rlttt..

• IA 19)9 • ool.7 216 toonJo out ot Hl ba4 t.Olopbono oor<ico. !'bo oi\7 ot Pale.r• dtb a popW.atiorl o~ .are t..b.tJl 400, (),)) per.ou bAd oal7 e,ooo ~1·~··

DECLASSIFIED I . 0. 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA. O.te_!l/__illf..f.


• .. • . ) .


• Tbt BaU ot 11ollT, ooe ot W olUtt. lt.t.l.J.t.D iut.ltut.io.ol ,

hAl rina.Doi&l o.cmt.rol ot -ott. ot the Ul&n41 a act.irit-1 .. ''"" tbouch \Mr. are bra.noh .. ot other IWJ.i&n bank~ oo tbe Uland.

n t Qp low ptp Jtlue et hrs!' r'• Sl..1chtl7 8CIIr'e Ul&4 OM a1ll.1oc:z pv.a.na lin OD Ule iala:xl ot

Sardin1& • baM the d.ead\7 or popllat.ioD. 1a 43 per equan ld:loat..r, the l,o. .. t. in &11 ot It&l.T. !be t.l&Dd. -.. r .. r .. ourcM &tad tt. popW.&UoD, oataide ot U. o1Q or C..CUa.r1, u .,.. at. a t&irl7 1,o. a\aDducl. a. ... ~t.l7, l.a.z:3d rMlaaUoo projtc\.e q r. at.art.d • U• a Tin io rW~ t.llo llo1J>g .~.

Jiox. t.be l a .. , S&rd,J.p,U Dllcaa a aul»t.&Dt..\al OODtr1b.l1.ioA too lt.&l..i.&A tco.ooav. Unllte SioJJ.r •hne the • Jor ooo\:'1but1oo 11 -er1cnll.­t1.1ir&l., Se.rd.1nia produce• ld.Jwr-.11 in illport&nt q\Wlt1Uat .

In tbe' raa iOD Of the Icl .. iente, •t tb. IOUt.bernalolt. tip of the ial&nd, a.bout lSO 1111•• tro• North .A.t'rica, an ao• or tbe riobtat It.a.l.ian rd.Der&l depot.l.t.l. It&l:r 11 4e!icJ..nt ia aoat a!Mrall aM from the Sard.W.a.z:l cl.epotite 1t. obt.&i..DI .U.. t\&11 t1Jf)plT ot lead aDd ant~, ~ perc.ent ot l t.e a'1Do Ul4 a...U ~ ot t.riua, ~"'• J.rc:m aM: aUftr. 'I'M lv&••t • • • aalt prod.ucizli pl&nta ot lt.al7 are loc.at:..-1 nt&r Ce.cJ..1.a,J-1.. It6b-'• total produo\loa or b:N:Iwrl coAl uou.at.e to about. 4 , ()()),000 •t.ric tor., ot • bio.b ODe·t.hizd 1a .s..4 1A * DtW17 4eftlop.4 00&1 r.poc ot t.be Sulo.U .. iA • Mob bu aeea11 'tO \.bt port ot Suat.1.&.=Uoco, no.Jrt.l7 tapr.crrtdi. So:. td..oer&la ..,.. ".t-s.:.d. oa U. S.la:J:l aDd 10:. are N ftt to tiM w fnl ... d 1A U ~ts..-4 1\&t.e. All J)UI UlrCJU&h the por t. o.t S.mt'AnUooo e.c4 Carlotorte..

Eleotrio po .. r U euppl1ed oa the S.l.a.D&t by two b,)'<troel eotric pl.a.at.• on tbe Rinre Tireo lll4 Cochinu r .. .,.ot.ivel;r t.a4 b7 lt.Vt.l C.htrao.ltotric plant., ot wbioh the moet 1Jtlport.ant are at S&nt.a Olll.& and Santa. Cateric&. Tbt tot.&l M11ul pro<luot.ioo 1• le11 tb.t.n 180 llillion Jdlou tt houri., 1101t ot • b.iob t. \l.ltd 1A t.be •tal retiMrt ...

Sa.rd.1c.1& bu a wrpl~ or • bu.t. wllib 1a uot too the •1nJeM tut t.bf eMet -.p'1ct.ll.Wr&l ooctt1bli&t..1oa ot the ia.land t. abo\lt l$ peree.c:t. oZ <he l<&lJ&:> wool ._q, Sl.ooo t.llo aw.l&.-d or ll.S.OC 1a 1.4o, <ba J.al.oD4 1e •elt - •utficl.e.nt ""'icul Wl"tJ..l.T.

CoaDect.t.ou ..,.. .UOta.iMcl betw".o:z U. par~ ot C1d\ancch1.& ud :tia_poll on Ule •'nle""', &04 C&cl Wi aDd l'err~ on the !al.am .• tbt .. port.t al.on& wiU& Ct.rlotorw &ad s...at.•.&.ntiooo are t.be OAl.7 or:ae• proYid.JJ:Ii good tao1l.Ui11 oc SardJ.Aia. Ill Jamw'7, 19)9, \.Mre nN recS..tw4M1 2 ,000 t1•b1.ac bo&t.- with a aRT of 3 ,7'00 ton., repf'tttnt.iac 4 percent of tile It&l.ian tot.al. The &Outhl:rn tip ot SardJ.Ala bu t..bl 1101t iaporte.o·t tuna t iabuill and o~ pla.nta irl lt&J.y.

DECI.ASSIFlEO E. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec:. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA, Da1eJol/f.j.



1 -' - • fhtT't are about 1 ,400 kilo•t.u• ot rdl.rO&d.a OD 8a.r41nia..

The •iA liM, or1tnt.d nortb .. •outh oo.w~ot.t the iq)ort.ant porte with tM ohitt wwn. and ld.nJ.nc recioM. Abo'-lt 400 ldlotJe tert or i t are at...odard. ,.... The .. ooad.u7 line• ot Mn"OW ~ txttoci Uto the ~11oc ot ~ C..ca.TpD\u. oo t.bt •ut. ,u,. ot the S..!Md &D4 ue prinW17 oprtrat.ed... f'ber. are •bou\. 1,500 k:Uo:lt\oere ot atate hJ.cllriJ'S ~ wlW:b Wo-t..b.ir4e &N -.c·"ee'....S. Rowtnr, U. S..lud he4 oal7 4,0C.O ear. &04 l , S.OO tNoltt 1o JUII.I.U7 19.)9. S~7-t.o SAI"d.in1a.a tow~ or 22 pere.ect. bad. telephone .. rvi ot .

bECLASSIFIED E. 0 . 12351, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 NLR 101 By RT, NARA, Dettl~~




I JIC 11

4ili8 .. Ei 4


c:c.D Fllol 1•Uill INCOMING. MESSAGE • .,. 11, 1NS --

; ··· rou-.. -..-..u- -• attoc- •1on -·• ... , .... ot O.tataa41 .. featu .. aotH are :

.... ia pl-tq ...... ae«Ntl• of ooaoatrat t • IIO'I'a• -•• prior to battle : .. .-n .-ale of troope ..... lallr /

la -~- olU ,_. ~PI flq'R'F of flptl01 br all c•••••M 1M1•41 ..... lt&lJaa a11.a: peat coaooatratloa lrltl• • Artl1lorr; ottootl• ..... of artlll~r fire ~· air attaok a. forward tr ... port IHIU .. od to .. • • of ouot r- tor ..., ... t•o•lu otrooth- of l'lo1d UUllorr -loot -• ....t.- = .. , ... ,,,., ola ..-.~or _, .. t t..a attaoa 1 alrtr ....

I ooortiutt• ; effeotl••- of Ada • tttuk ttra at trl~ed to o-.a.tlaa• of ,..., wtt~ wtt~l4l., t tre uUl ol•• ra ... , ooola- ... coalt~~eecta oJ •titaall: .....,.... c..o-- ot G~Jl&S• ........ • oro• pw1a aaael , . , .. , U.ltod .,., ... fov -- ,. ~ "•" ... I t aU outoluatq aartlllq • , .. , .... J>Hert1 tlu-ee •••n B.,.. of • t uoo •"• -- .. laollla Ia c looo -t. le4loa1 care aad ...... , ... oo.platalJ .. etal.otorr . .... ..... atlr ........ .er.-, U"rt• .. olaa.rt.aa a t atiOM .-... 1lfo .. , l a-b •••101 oorprp port oraod ost•l• ala


lllov'• 1a alae aero peron t . .... , whole blood truar .. soae ued ..t-1"17 u tu forwartl oolleottac a t at:t-. ftt ll uro eao101 ..-u., - er- -1• dld - .,..,., .. protooUoa •-od ar-. Fonard u far ..... , •1r .. u proporU• u oablo ••r t r ... _t ••• . .,,_, / o 1,ptu.red •••• ttwe pe'f'!oeat of wb.tola 1t111u. Lart• .:::1

Qla r• - $311 (11/U/G) lUI mn ..,.~ •-•••• •"> tli:!D ki&Wr. »:..r I. U1l 197J

" llllP,- •rB 20 .IGA£1 ~v~ Jl

~ ~ 0/f All CX..CT C.OIN OP' THla MuaAOC .. f'OMMOOlll---- ----·

DECLASSIAED I. 0. 123M, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 NLR 101 By RT, NARA, DeltJ ~Lf._.f





rn.: Coiro fo l •ILID AGifAI

ao. ._ 1616, Won• 1r 11, lMI ... .,.. 1 ... bie ati'OI"aft .... It ,._ ....... alr- ...... lo aer•loe II r ... lnd1 .. u.ted ot HYft aero D -· MI'O Dt ... Ud b1aot;OI' .,.....,.. o .. ,torttr ol prl...., _ ... Ia lalr -tiU•J '" ~- _ ........ ell prl-- ....... - ,.._ --fire--... _, ralU -ted,_., •• -.-t ---tl we t reetrl- ta c.at raad .. loll t-II'JlJ Ill- Iocr pi- .,, 11-. aa..ol roa ... , wltll alao ooro ll ... t oottutod ol• ...-o ~·-• eft•tt.•• •• .._t two aero ..,..., of --1 llell .. H lla Will lHW --· aUII -wUII.t .. llcollaro olu prrl- - wltll JtoUuw wtJII-1 -..-. • .__,. Alrlu _,. will ......,_ alllr rwtln 81rto. lrltlwb - •• Gll'ohl dlll ... t ud 4atallo4 , .... , .. ud tralal .. l llaU• nu twa ta ..., -~-u, s. "" - - ,... o1 _, ... .,, lolatrr .,... &rtlllorJ' ud AlrJ --- 1..-olllp -aaotod ... u. ~,, --u- -lwtolr .. torcod aad ololleroto do4eptl .. plaa .

Aetioo Cop1 : G-2 £ A t Ot o. Copt • : 0PD

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GJ:ro . JtQ.ljf ' .... 11'1;) ... <0 •(11 I c....-...... ~ant .. liHP, .__ffB 20 J97J

.,..._Ill •• u -Jill COPY Na. 31

DECLASSIFIED E. 0. 12356, Soc:. 3.3 or Soc:. 3.4 NLR 101 By RT, NARA, Data ..!!/_ill f.f.


T IICU lT.._,. alt

- s•erte: WAR DUAJmiiiENT


INCOMING MESSAGEff:-u -••a o a&T1'

r.:.ll1D 1.0. J l ~ I. l\lc. A(!) twd 6(D, w (]Q

h'•l CUI'o ()6JJ ..... .,. ' lt't3 \

Tot &c-r ., I.lll', ,..... ... ffR 2 0 1973

Wo. a-. IGI, Jo•alllll' I, lta

ol . ••t~t Mttlo - _... • ol


lr1Uu Utaet lil t ud Litt•to ftO eolf•M _, IIUlM Ia o.otloa twutr alatll ud • •• to •• - -"•• ~ a-1• wrtftl . ftl8 eulJ ,._. repr••••• are-,_.al ol ,....s_ lrltloll ... - -t ........ • lao• tr..e ,___. MlataiaMI a e~t U'WIOI' l•a• wiiUe tb laU• ....,.tM tr• pl'owlou -trlu '' ._...u., tllolr t- atr_,.. , ,._ -•""11 tr• -- liJ tb twoatr _ .. - .... - .... -•UM uf tlowo fall- f- faye ol wl-­oout•eUo.olla qalaat lrltlall -•u- ., .. -tal reprd t o tba -tlloon ••U•t ••• fartll• lrltlall pr ........... -tM. _,., - -·u- tllo• &fr1oa Ill- -·- • _._ f- INt wu -­--'•1 --· o1 -u-1- ... •troat lr1t1oll r•latuoe. ftla roatatuoa Ia •-1allr ettr t-.tM to affeot1•• art111-r fire , t.pr-, ... aad uti , ... - r- aad f1ra1 aaf --t ol•• 11'-f -' liJ -lor &111M Air ,.__, .._le ol laat, b - aad llalf lloova AlUM Upt

c• -u-- Ul/10/tal

, _J /1/ _. . Sli8REI COPYlfo, ·


29 ~ ~ MNCIJIO cw •• IXAtT co" or n• IICMMC • ro-ooc-•


DECLASSIRED E. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 NLR 101 By RT, MARA, o.w . "'I I I f.f.





• .. 81!8 .. 21 WAR DD'AATMIHT



h•J Cdro To: &par

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Jo. ~ 1613, low~ 1, 1ta -· -~ .... ,, ... - -........ OII'IU'• au... .oct ~tru••• - - ,_,, ttrat .... or aortb to j ola ••••••••• 1lpt ... oo.attt:ed 71-lMte, calr r .... , eUll t ... taa J orn•n ooutal ••-· Jo• ttrot artuu ud o-1atod ,.,.._tar ot Tnt• Corp• - ud ,._, •••• ..... .., - w..t ._ .... , • nr•r _.., aodp ..._ tb - Dlriat ... .

"'- -- _, ........................ "" -...... -- _ ............. - l•t

..... 1, ....... - .. u ·- - · -· .... _ dronl ...... - -..ttor Ud lrlUU -


u<l •- .-. -1otod \Htr - P otta..tato "• ,.... .,.... _.., ltau .. ,__ la tH - .. -,_..,_ ......... - .. of anJlUie tr••••artatt• ..... ol..,...., , .. lrtttu ftlrt-n C017e. _...,,.. lrtttu htU• taou .. .-.... .. u, _, ... , ... , .. t•-·- 1 ..... w rr• put _ ..... Olld ._,..,

..... , ..... ltl'lot - ··- ot .... 1, .... - .... ThN tool- bOQF Ud otr..tl.a - ot &l'tU101'J'

:rsa•t ,..._ad Att '-*• _., ..... e.rau .• o ..-- tor - otr•~ .... ototlr auu .... . ooordJ.eatl• o1 talaab-7 ... ~ • .,.....,. , ••ttltw•t• uotoo ot llllitod oltj .. tt•• ud o1 .... -tar ot ...... lliaothld • ...,.. t o p-t uu ... ,,...._to taM• cam.aa fOI"WU'tl , etr-. aad al•• otr •-t ot torwU'd Or-d Opor•U• •·

AoUoa eop, , G-1 ~ .-£1 lato. Copt• : OPD


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ILLI.-· 39 JIOV 1 0t~&t COPY Na. 29

E. 0. 12356, S.C. 3.3 Of S.C. 3.4 NLR 101 ly RT, NARA, Dete__.'{hl/ f.f


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