table of contents. - weebly · ..table of contents. 1.0 code of ethics ... the sweet menu which...

Post on 11-Apr-2019






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..Table of Contents.

1.0 Code of Ethics

2.0 Executive Summary

3.0 The Philosophy

4.0 Management

4.1 Planning

4.2 Organizing

4.3 Directing

4.4 Controlling

4.5 Business Risk and Opportunity Analysis

5.0 Business Model

6.0 SWOT Analysis

7.0 Execution

8.0 Self Evaluation

..1.0 Code of Ethics.

1. Codes of business ethics -

To create a friendly atmosphere for customers so they are not reluctant in trying the

products that we are planning to sell.

To also provide customers with products that are safe to consume, meaning that the

food used does not pass the expiry date and are still in good condition and the equipment

used are clean.

2. Codes of conducts for employees -

To inform the CEO or Seceratary if they are going to be absent or late, a valid reason

needs to be addressed.

Create a good and healthy atmosphere

Work with great effort within your job division

3. Codes of professional practice -

Conduct an evaluation after every day of execution to allow the business to emerge to

be a better one.

..2.0 Executive Summary..

Culinary is universal, which means that the food market is expanding as we speak. In recent

studies, it’s shown that the GDP within the Food, Beverages & Tobacco sector of industry

increases every year, and it’s GDP is the highest compared to the other sectors of industry. So

with the time limitation that we have, we thought that making a business in the food sector is

the most efficient and effective way to build a brand and also be profitable. Our business

decided to create a new business and not have partnerships because it would make our potential

business have a more original and established brand image.

Our business decided that we should make a product that is inspired by Indonesia’s popular

snack - gorengan. This is because it’s universal - everyone eats it regardless of age, gender,

level of income or place/ region. This means that a large market already exists in Indonesia for

gorengan which our company could capitalize on.

Gorengan are fritters or deep fried delicacies, usually consisting of a portion of batter or

breading, which may be filled or mixed with bits of meat, vegetables, fruit or any other

ingredients. In Indonesia, the batter that’s used normally consists of eggs, flour and salt/ spices;

sugar and baking soda is also added if required depending on the menu. The most popular

traditional gorengan in Indonesia are pisang goreng (banana fritter), tempeh (fried soya bean),

tahu goreng (fried tofu), bakwan, fried sweet potato and cassava. And these fritters are often

eaten accompanied by fresh bird’s eye chilli.

The products that we sell are divided into two; the sweet menu which consists of oreo goreng

and marshmallow goreng which is topped of with vanilla ice cream and a choice of chocolate

or strawberry sauce and also the salty menu which consists of tahu meleleh (tofu with cheese

inside), chitato goreng (fried potato with chitato seasoning) and also cheetos goreng (cheese

covered in breadcrumbs with cheetos goreng).

Our mission statement is: To bring happiness through creating a new ‘gorengan’ experience

with a Western modern twist. We sell innovative gorengan that are good value for money. But

it’s not only the product that we sell, it’s the experience too. Other than branding our products

through publications on social media, our business also wants to focus on creating a strong

brand image of our product though it’s execution. Our plan is to create the newest customer

experience that will never be forgotten by our potential customers. This is through having the

Western modern-twist where we implement an only English-speaking approach between

customers and employees. The employees will use “English sampah” to really entertain the

customers. This would create an atmosphere where this business is actually very down to earth

and fun! Furthermore, every customer would get a ‘bro-fist’ from the employee before the

customers receive their orders.

..3.0 The Philosophy..

The product highlight is that we sell innovative gorengan that are good value for money - sold

for Rp 15,000 per portion (consisting of four gorengan and a topping). So in simple terms, our

product is worth it - especially if it’s sold in Riau which is one of the high streets in Bandung,

where many local and overseas tourists come to shop, relax and enjoy fine dining. So our

product is predicted to have high demand because of the pricing strategy used: penetration


However, Goyork does not only sell the product, we sell the experience too. The value

proposition that we incentivized that also follows the ‘Greater Good’ concept is that we are

revolutionizing the traditional gorengan into something that is more modern. In this way, we

are introducing something new to the market which could satisfy our potential customers.

In this case, with our products like oreo goreng, we are feeding the customers their curiosity.

Most people may have never tried oreo that’s fried, so if we offer this fried delicacy, our

customers can confidently say out loud or publicize that they’ve tried oreo goreng before; that

they’ve tried Gorengan New York before. This applies to our other products, and it’s one of

our marketing strategies to increase word-of-mouth advertising.

Other than the products, we also stated that we sell the customer experience. We will treat our

customers as if we are all friends as we talk casually, even if we use “English sampah”. It’s our

way to have a unique selling point compared to other businesses, making us a lot more

differentiated and which also increase the value creation of our business.

..4.0 Management Plan

4.1 In terms of planning, our aim is to create an unforgettable ambience to customers. This is

through our uniquely strong brand image of delivering a Western-inspired customer service,

through our use of the traditional gerobak/ travelling cart and by producing our very own

Liberty statue in the form of a mega property. This would raise the curiosity of

potential customers, leading to an increase in word-of- mouth. So to conclude, we want to be

Indonesia’s market leader for innovative fritters. We did this by creating divisions and creating

a timeline on the targets needed to be met.

We also create Standard Operating Procedures for the execution day:

Cashier/ paying system:

The finance division will be responsible for managing the cash inflow from revenue during the

day of execution.

Job Description:

Nindy: Ensures that the cashier runs effectively so that there’s no miscommunication.

Furthermore, ensures that no delays occur for customers in the cashier.

Utami, Elvira, Adit: Receives orders and counts money accurately and quickly.

Standard operating procedure:

1) The cashier members greet the customer with: “Welcome to Go-york! Silahkan diisi

kertasnya” (spoken in English)

2) The cashier member will give a recommendation is the customers asks.

3) Customer is given a bill with the customer’s order and would ask “Apa ada tambahan

lagi?” (spoken in English)

4) Once the customer’s order is fixed, the cashier member will ask “Mau ditambah

minum? Kita ada es teh minyak”

5) The total of the orders will be calculated/ summed and the customer’s number order

will be told.

6) The cashier will receive the cash and will ask for the name of the customer, so that the

cahier member on write it on our packaging cup.

7) The real bill will be given to the customer, and the copy of the bill will be sticked onto

the cup and given to the PIC division in the kitchen.


Head of Finance Nindy

Utami Elvira Adit

Job Description:

Veron: Responsible for the whole operations that involve cooking whether it’s outside or

inside the kitchen. In addition, ensures that the whole staff is trained in terms of plating and

also the health and safety techniques

Dhita: Responsible for the cooking process of the sweet products and also ensures that the

food made follows the standard operations procedure

Naya: Responsible for the cooking process of the savory products and also ensures that the

food made follows the standard operations procedure

Sarah: Fries the oreos and marshmallows

Zein: Fries the fried cola and strawberry pop cake

Deep: Fries chitato goreng, cheetos goreng, and tahu katsu.

Standard operating procedure:

1) PIC is ready with the cup that has the copy of the bill sticked onto

2) PIC will take and serve the food that is ordered, then they would give it to the chef so

that the food can be cooked

3) For the sweeter food, the chef has to dip the food into the batter beforehand.

4) The chef will fry the food and place it in a cup.

5) The cup will be taken by the PIC and the PIC would place the toppings of either melted

cheese or ice cream at the top of each serving.

1) For the ice cream: take 1 scoop and provide a garnish of either blueberry or

chocolate sauce.

2) For the melted cheese: the cheese slice would be placed on top of the gorengan, and

it will be burned with the use of a source of naked flame.

6) PIC will give the orders that are finalized to the waiter’s table

NB: Always wash your hands before touching and food whether it’s raw or cooked, and always

change your gloves if it’s dirty.



Head of Kitchen



(Sweet snacks)

Sarah Zein




Job Description:

Khanza: Controls the process from the input order to the output as a whole by creating a

strong, good ambience

Fatin: Takes orders and serves customer’s orders

Teddy: Takes orders and serves customer’s orders

Standard operating procedure:

1) Waiter will call the name of the customer

2) Customer will present their bill to the waiter

3) Waiter will take the food that’s according to the order and will give it to the customer

4) Waiter will be given last remarks: “Thank you and enjoy your go-york” and will bro

fist the customer

General standard operating procedure:

1) The customer will input their order to the cashier and will use the paper menu provided,

and then will pay

1. Before giving then the total order, the cashier person has to ask “Sekalian,


2. After the order’s been made, the cashier person must ask the customer’s name so

that they are able to write it down on the cup and also give the customer a good


3. The real bill will be given to the customer

4. Tell the customer that their order will be able to be fetched on the far-end table, and

also tell them to wait for ± 5 minutes

2) The copy of the bill will be the given form the cashier to the kitchen division

3) The food is made by the division who are in the kitchen (SOP displayed above)

4) The kitchen division will give the finished serving to the waiter that is by the far-end

table, so that the waiters could give the food to the customer

5) The waiter will call for the name of the customer so that they are aware that they need

to fetch their order

6) The copy of the bill will be compiled and stacked through a long rod after the order is

completed and served to the customer by the waiter

7) The waiter has to say “Thank you” and bro fist the customer


Head of Waiter Khanza

Fatin Teddy

4.2 In terms of organizing, here is our organizational structure:

Job descriptions:

CEO - to ensure that all divisions know what they are doing and to be the main decision-maker

and assistor

Secretary - representative of the CEO

Finance - create surveys and create forecasts and surveys on financial transactions

International Operations - experiments on the menu and ensure that the execution period runs


External Operations - these people work with the finance team to figure out the efficient option

in spending money in buying the logistics and assets

Marketing - in charge of connecting the market with the product being sold. In terms of

promotion, the marketing division will produce posters that are posted offline (around ITB’s

campus) and we would also post it online on our very own Instagram page and also Indonesian

food blogs on Instagram. Each product from our menu will have its very own poster.

Furthermore, we would produce videos that would really attract the mass. One example is a

Fast and Furious inspired advertisement that would deliver the product ideation as premium

but witty, which would really raise the curiosity of potential customers.

From the organisational chart, it shows that Goyork will adopt an organizing system with short

chain of command so that the commands can be clear and transparent to everyone else. Even

the lowest position in our company should know what the company’s activities are and also

it’s goals so that everyone can work in line and in harmony. Since our organizational structure

has a short chain of command and a wide span of control, this would benefit us because

decision-making would be more open to everyone as the CEO would allow his subordinates to

take part in the decision-making process. In the long term, this would create job-satisfaction to

employees. Furthermore, communication that’s passed would be more clear and accurate as

there are fewer levels of hierarchy and managers. Furthermore, as employees can directly

communicate with the CEO, stronger relationships are created and trust is gained.

4.3 In terms of directing, the CEO of GOYORK adopts democratic leadership so that everyone

within the organizational structure is opened to sharing ideas and also takes part in the decision-

making process. The CEO is also very charismatic and fair, leading to the high satisfaction of

employees. Furthermore, during the execution, the CEO would follow a autocratic leadership

style when problems occur: for example, if the kitchen is running out of stock, for instance the

raw materials like eggs or flour, the CEO would direct the external operations team to purchase

the stock immediately.

4.4 In terms of controlling, we would create an evaluation report from each division daily for

the finance, operations and marketing team as they have time tables to follow, however the

secretarist would create weekly reports of the major or significant progress of the whole

business simulation. Our business plans to create a timeline so that we have an idea on how we

can use the timespan that we have efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, in terms of

controlling the startup capital, we have a finance manager that would create budgeting sheets

in the form of a forecast, surveys and all the other financial technicalities.

4.5 Business Risk

Every business is risky however, it is the strong plan behind these risks that

makes the business survives. The first and biggest risk is that our product would not be

accepted in the market because it is less suitable, and our business would end up in no

one wanting to buy our product, therefore our business would go bankrupt. To avoid

something like this from happening, an intense research that clearly shows the market’s

interest towards our product is necessary. We would also adapt our product to the taste

of our market so that all their needs can be found within one bite of our product. We

would also approach our market with various creative promotion and marketing

strategies that will increase the chance of our product’s and our company’s survival

within the market.

The second risk is other companies that can substitute and replace our product.

Even though we do not have any other company in Indonesia that have the same product

as ours, ice cream companies or even snack and desert companies would also serve as

an indirect competitor for us, bearing in mind that our market are much more familiar

with their products. If our product is successful, then there are lots of chances that there

will be lots of new companies that have the same product as ours. To avoid all these to

happen, we have to keep a strong brand image and value proposition. We have to offer

something that they could not offer in this case, service, creativity, and innovation. We

will also diversify our products to be not only astronaut ice cream but explore other

product ideas as well.

Opportunity Analysis

Environmental Analysis

With the GDP of USD868.4 billion, the fourth most populous country in the world,

together with the 90 million Indonesians that would join the consumer class by 2013 and an

annual of at least USD 1 trillion in the spending money shows how important Indonesia is for

our future. The consumer spending increased to Rp. 1201200 billion in the second semester of

2015, and the decreasing number in the unemployment rate as well as the poverty rate, helped

by the increase in Indonesia’s education rate supports the economy in future opportunities. The

reason is that with the decrease in unemployment and poverty, there are more people that would

be able to spend money on our products. Beside that, with the increase in Indonesia’s education

rate, it means that more professional workers that will contribute towards the increase of people

with the middle class socio-economical status in Indonesia. With this increase, we would gain

more advantage because more people would be able to buy our products on a daily.

Indonesia’s economy hasn't been in its best condition in 2015 because of many

problems. One of the reason is the Indonesian Rupiah’s depreciation which is up to

USD1=Rp.15,000. The economic gets hurt from because of this especially since Indonesia

heavily depends on imports and people uses USD for standard international trading currency,

resulting in a high price for Indonesia to buy their import products. On top of that,

commodities- which are Indonesia’s main export product suffers a terrible decline in demand

this year. Lots of social factors such as the removal of subsidy of fuel, that is told because of

the really high USD trading price, hits the economy. Even though it is the overall condition of

Indonesian economic in 2015, it is predicted that the economy will come back near the end of

2015-2016. The proof is that the 5.1% GDP growth that the government predicting to be by

the end of 2015 and besides IDR increase in value from USD1=Rp.13,000 making things

relatively cheaper. The progress fighting against corruption might help Indonesia’s economy

condition to a better condition.

We believe that our business would not get that much affected by the bad economy

knowing that food is a staple need and our target market are people who follows the trend,

therefore will increase their chances of buying our product despite of Indonesia’s economic

decline. Overall, we feel confident in our ability to survive in this market and we truly believe

that Indonesia, especially Bandung is the perfect place for us to start up this new business due

to their very positive future economic condition.

Industry Analysis

Food and beverage industry is the only industry in Indonesia that continues to

grow despite the fact that Indonesia’s economical condition suffers a decrease this year.

Because of the 249.9 million people that lives in Indonesia, it is clear why this industry

do not get the impacted of the economy set-back knowing that food and beverage is a

basic need for human to survive, therefore no matter how messed up the economical

condition turns out to be, people would still buy food and drinks. The income of

Indonesia’s food and beverage industry is expected to grow up to 5% annually, which

is a great thing for us as our business is classified under the food and beverage industry


It is obvious that this industry will survive as it continue to increase every year. In

2015, the food and beverage industry is responsible for 33.9% of the work force and

gives as much as 15% to the GDP of Indonesia. The growing middle class that opens

up whole new market for the food and beverage industry resulted in the industry’s

income to be IDR1.020 trillion in 2014. Another guarantee comes in from the increase

of numbers of foreign investments in the food and beverage industry. The big

investments comes from Coca Cola that are planning to invest USD800 million in the

next three years, and IDR 60 trillion alone from two of the biggest candy manufacturer

in Japan. These major companies would not risk putting that much money in Indonesia

if they do not look for a positive profit opportunity. Just by the fact that those major

companies are willing to invest their money in the food and beverage industry in

Indonesia proves that it is indeed worth it to invest.

Food consumption is predicted to have a yearly growth in 2014-2018 of +7.8%,

while drinks consumption is predicted to have an even higher number which is +10.7%

from 2014-2018. This positive statistics is one of the reason why the industry reached

a total value of USD 59.6 billion in 2013, and increasing yearly in 2014 and 2015. The

number of middle class people also contributes to the USD1967 million per capita for

the food and beverages industry in 2013, with the number of packaged food and

beverages itself to reach the value of USD33.2 billion in 2015. This high demand for

packaged food is again rooted from the culture of efficiency that is highly valued in this

21st century.

.5.0.Business Model.

Key Partners

Our main key partner is SBM who gives

us the capital to build the business. Without this

capital, it would be quite difficult for us to have

a positive net cashflow.

The partners for our booth are the fashion outlet

and the restaurant who are willing to let us rent

a spot in their parking lot. The places are very

strategic as it allows easy access for customers.

They also provide us electricity and also water,

making our execution easier. For our raw

materials, there is no particular partners but

only our tofu suppliers since for us, he has the

tastiest tofu in Bandung.

Key Activities

A very well-distributed team which the CEO made.

Divided into several divisions, finance (cashier,

accounting, budget planner), internal operations (turns the

raw materials into food), external operations (buys the raw

materials and building the booth), marketing (design-

making, social media management and endorsement).

In terms of placement and positioning, we will place our

stand in Jl. Riau, a place in Bandung known for where there

are a wide variation of cuisines and culinary. Although this

place has many restaurants which can be classified as our

business’s competitors, we sell a product that has a unique

selling point so therefore our business has a greater

competitive advantage.

We also chose this place as it’s strategic in a sense that it’s:

accessible as it’s the main road, can attract potential

customers as it’s a road connecting the cities: Jakarta and Bandung and it also provides a large

area which would make the atmosphere less packed and furthermore, the space could also be

utilized as a parking space for our customers.

It turned out very difficult to find an appropriate place in Riau with a reasonable price, but with

further negotiations, the price was then suitable for our budget.

In terms of promotion, the marketing division has come out very strong. We produced posters

that are posted online on our very own Instagram page and also Indonesian food blogs on

Instagram. Each product from our menu will have its very own poster.

We chose social media as our platform as it’s the best way to connect with customers,

especially teenagers/ young adults from university and also the high schools in Bandung.

Furthermore, the marketing team also produced videos that would really attract the mass. One

example is a Fast & Furious inspired advertisement that would deliver the product ideation as

premium but witty, which would really raise the curiosity of potential customers.

Lastly, the marketing team also created a statue made out of Styrofoam and it was in the shape

of the famous Statue of Liberty. We placed this statue 2 days before our first launch to really

raise the awareness and curiosity of potential customers, and it turned out to be effective as

customers did give us positive feedback.

Key Resources

Assets like transportation which our external

team mostly have are key resources as some times of

the execution, we offer open delivery and also a drive-

thru experience when it is raining. This would allow

the customers to have the opportunity to enjoy their

Goyork in their own comfort of their home or car.

Other key resources includes our travelling cart

and tent which we fortunately had been given/ rented

for free as we had connections. Without these assets,

we wouldn’t be able to create a type of booth for our

customers, and we wouldn’t be able to cook the


Another key resource includes the people who

have houses in Bandung as it allowed the process of

open delivery possible, and it also allows us to have

space to work and experiment with our initial ideas.

Furthermore, these houses ensured that we have clean

equipment the next day which is very fortunate as it

saves us time and energy.

Value Proposition

Fast servings with a taste of

unusual but tasty gorengan with a sense of

being in New York because customers

have to speak English. The gorengan is

also good value for money because it’s not

only the product that we sell, it’s the

experience. With the value of Rp 15,000,

you get to taste a delicious gorengan with

melted cheese (if you choose the salty

menu) or ice cream (is you choose the

sweet menu).

We also have a mini Liberty statue to

enhance the feel of New York, and it really

is a good marketing strategy as in a place

like Bandung, it is considered to be very weird to put this statue by our location. However, this

makes our brand more differentiated.

We also have a strategic place due to its fashion outlets along the streets which makes the street

as a tourist place. This makes our product to be easily accessed by our potential customers and

it also allows suppliers to deliver products more quickly.

Customer Relationships

Open kitchen which makes the customers can see how the kitchen is like or how trusted

the raw materials are. We have good hygiene and clean working spaces which portrays that we

will not serve them any bad products.

We also have friendly staffs who treat the customers like friends, as they are kings. We always

offer them chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce if they want it or chili sauce too. For loyal

customers, we give them more ice cream than usual so that they feel more satisfied.


We have direct transaction and also via social media.

We get endorsement from people on Instagram with a lot of

followers and we also get famous local bands like Burger Kill

and a famous artist: Tatjana Saphira to create a video for us

to promote on our Instagram. This is fortunately through


Furthermore, the people in goyork has many

connections in Bandung (highschools and families) and also

in Jakarta. This allowed many orders; one person even asked

for 60 portions.

With our suppliers, we have an efficient channel. We

always order D-1 in terms of the raw materials and we always

ensure that our suppliers have ready-stock goods to make us

have less burden (if we have limited stock).

Propaganda strategies: The marketing division has contacted Bandung’s

crew of motorbike riders called Himpunan Driver

Bandung Raya (HDBR) to really make our business

look busy. This would ensure that our business would

also have more awareness as the gojek drivers are

willing to spread pamphlets to people around

Bandung. The condition is only to provide coffee and

a place where they could charge their personal

devices. And furthermore, the business would really

raise the curiosity of potential customers, which

could really attract many people.

Cost Structure

The lease expense is the most expensive even though we have an internal connection

with the outlet but still the highest among all expenses. The production is the second highest

due to the materials which are a lot.

Revenue Streams

Customers are willing to pay for a new taste in their mouth. What they actually paid for

are not only the brand new taste but also the experience of being in New York. We set the price

high to cover the rent expense and also for profits.

Customer Segments

Our target market are adventurous people who likes to taste new food products

and people that is looking for something that is different. We target those in the bigger

cities because the buying power would be higher and it is easier for us to promote our

product because most people in the big cities uses social media.

Since we don’t only offer product but experience as well, our target market is

all age but focuses more on teenagers, families, and young adults. Teenagers and young

adults are trend conscious people that will tend to purchase products that is up to date

with the trend. Teenagers and young adults are also the most likely to buy our products

because they are the most adventurous group of target market, therefore the one that

tends to try new unconventional things/experience. We put families as one of our main

target market because families seek for new experience for the whole family member

to go through.

Our product is gorengan which is enjoyed by any kind of people as it is universal.

However, our main target is the scope of ITB and Bandung who have social media accounts as

most of our marketing is done online. We target people who are going to have an event, so we

can provide gorengan as the snacks too.

Furthermore, for our corporate social responsibility, on the last day Goyork we went to

a Panti Asuhan/ Foster Care in Buah Batu, Bandung and we gave them our products. Even

though we don’t gain any profit from sharing our products, it was a good experience for us to

connect with the community. In the long-term, goyork is really interested in having more

connections with people who have struggles. This would also create a better image of our

business as we can be seen as more established and reputable as well as empathizing.

6.0 SWOT analysis..


- Strong product differentiation

- Unique selling point therefore competitive advantage

- Gorengan market already exists in Indonesia

- Being the market leader for innovative gorengan in Indonesia

- Good value for money for customers as they buy the product and experience

- High profits for us because we sell products that are cheap to produce but would generate

high revenues


- Business could be unsustainable

- Business start-up could be costly


- Riau street has many areas suitable for the opening of a small business

- Create a distinctive way of customer service (Western-inspired)

- A business selling innovative gorengan is not yet discovered by potential customers in


- Using promotion methods through Instagram or established Instagram pages to promote our

food and it’s launching


- New rivalries who my adopt the same idea

- Price could be considered not good value for money because originally the typical gorengan

costs Rp 1,500 each.

..7.0 Execution..

Week 1:

Date: Friday 11th of November 2016

Venue: Jessie James Factory Outlet, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Date: Saturday 12th of November 2016

Venue: Jessie James Factory Outlet, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:00am but opened at 12.00pm

Date: Sunday 13th of November 2016

Venue: Jessie James Factory Outlet, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:00am but opened at 13.00pm

Date: Monday 14th of November 2016

Venue: Adit’s House (Open Delivery)

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:00am but opened at 13.00pm

Date: Tuesday 15th of November 2016

Venue: Adit’s House (Open Delivery)

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:00am but opened at 13.00pm

Date: Wednesday 16th of November 2016

Venue: SBM Umbrella Place (Pre-orders and open orders)

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:00am but opened at 13.00pm

Week 2:

Date: Friday 18th of November 2016

Venue: RM Riung Sari, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Date: Saturday 19th of November 2016

Venue: RM Riung Sari, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Date: Sunday 20th of November 2016

Venue: RM Riung Sari, Jl. Riau

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Date: Monday 21th of November 2016

Venue: Khanza’s House (Open Delivery)

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Date: Tuesday 22th of November 2016

Venue: Khanza’s House to Panti Asuhan Buah Batu

Time: Goyork crew arrived at 10:30am but opened at 14.00pm

Financial records:

Income Statement:

Revenue Gross sales IDR 38,620,000

Other sales IDR 600,000

Net sales IDR 39,220,000

Expenses Lease expense IDR 1,650,000

Sales expenses IDR 8,217,560

Social expense IDR 500,000

Marketing IDR 1,500,000

Assets expenses IDR 1,000,000

Interest expense IDR 2,000,000

Total operating expenses IDR 14,867,560

Profit IDR 24,352,440


.Overview on Issues and Challenges..

Internal Operations

This division sometimes fails to purchase the raw materials on time as they do not have a

type of checklist, so therefore a lot of time is consumed in ensuring that we have raw

materials available from the start, as we cannot sell our product without the ingredients.

Furthermore, there’s lack of preparation. This is not completely because the internal

operations division is careless or lazy, it’s mostly because there are not a lot of human

resource within this division so it makes it hard for them to operate effectively. Moreover,

some of the people in this division fails to contribute as much within this business simulation

from the beginning making it harder. However we solved this problem during the execution

stage as some of the members from the marketing team, finance team and the secretary

helped in the flow of the business. As those volunteers helped in the roles as people in the

kitchen, cashier and also as waiters.

Secondly, this division has planned to create eight menus but during the day, only 5 was

released. This is because there were technical difficulties in producing such products

(strawberry pop cake goreng, es d’minyak and coca cola goreng). We solved this problem by

having more stock of our potentially best-selling products such as the oreo goreng,

marshmallow goreng and the tahu meleleh.

External operations

There were some miscommunication between the CEO and the members of this operations

regarding the area/ location of the place where Goyork will sell. However, the problem was

solved by location-hunting and finding a place in the desired area - Jl. Riau.

Because of the slight bad time management of most people including this division, the

external operations team ensured that on their last week of execution, they will go to the

location two hours before execution (around 7.00-8.00am) to set up the tents, stove, tables

and travelling cart so that the internal operations would not have to wait for them to set up

anything else and start cooking

Marketing division

This division hasn’t faced any problems. The only issues they had was dealing with catching

up with the timetable and deadlines for the methods of promotion. However, the end result of

marketing was really effective as videos, posters and a unique instagram feed is made (visit

us at @gorengan.newyork).

Finance division

This division hasn’t faced many problems as well. One slight flaw is that the finance team

may have overestimated sales as the internal operations did mention that they have around

eight menus, but only 5 were available. So the finance team have profit that is slightly off

target but is satisfying enough for Goyork, as it is all a group effort.

To conclude, in terms of management, one major flaw is that we haven’t distributed the

number of people well in terms of each different division. For example, the internal

operations team needed more people than expected and it has caused people from different

divisions to work in that team too. This then means that some people are following more than

one job description, which in the long-term could demotivate a person.

..8.0 Self-reflection..

Teddy Hamonangan Dassa

Gorengan New York taught me a lot of things, As the CEO I’m still far from perfect, but

what I feel I have do my best at this business simulation, “my best” context is not only about

effort but also about my best intention to learn how to understand people even though I’m

little bit egoist. How to keep calm in the chaotic situation even though I’m Panic person. And

how to deal with time as I’m a late person. I really hope all of my bad side will triggered to

transform to be a better person because of this simulation. And last thing!! I’m not really can

to be angry to someone, because I’m can’t mad to people at all, otherwise in late before the

final execution day I can’t control my temper because lot of things is messed up because my

“tolerance” feeling. But I do that because I really love my team.

Sarah Salsabila

My business simulation team project is “Go-York’ Gorengan New York”, we try to make a

concept that gorengan is not just as ordinary as tempe goreng and bala bala, but it can be

daily snack that we eat. We made greater good gorengan. For this project, I’m joining

marketing team as my first priority and internal team as my second priority. I really want to

know how big is marketing influence in a company, and I like to try new things. But in fact I

also help the external team for pre-execution, and internal team for execution. The basic idea

of “go-York” is very stunning and amazing. But in my opinion, the execution is not as good

as it seems, because we do hard-work, full days and that’s exhausting. I do the cooking with

2 other people, that such a fun experience since we always laugh at everything and make fun

of everything. We started at noon and closed at 10-11pm, back to home at 12pm after clean

up the stand. I’m a little bit scared because I have to ride motorcycle alone through Jl dago at

midnight, yet hoping there’s no begal. But the experience worth more than the hard-work. I

learned a lot about people characteristic, how important time management is, human resource

really make a great impact, do smart-work instead of hard-work, how to work with team, and

profit is goals but learn how to interact with customer is the real study case. This business

simulation is a big step to learn business in the real world. Im happy to be the part of go-york


Nindy Daniswara

My name with Nindya Daniswara with NIM 19716019. In Go-York, I’m the head of finance

division on this business simulation project. Finance job are to control the income and

outcome, make the report, make the forecast, and count the money we get. I’m the one who

do and control my partners performance. In my opinion, I work clearly in finance. I do my

job well and I don’t ask someone else from other division to help finance. But, my partners

and I work outside the desc job. My partners in finance were being in serving position and

buy the raw material which the internal division job. At first, It was okay because I was in

willing to do it but finance can’t do it again and again because it is not our main job. The

internal seems shortage of human resource but yea we can kind of manage it. Overall, I learn

lot of things from this project like I have to control my emotion, to be more patient, I have to

see everyone’s capability well because not everyone can do what I do and vice versa, I also

have to notice little things that unpredictable, I learn about the “real” characteristic of my

team mate. The most precious thing is we have to be professional even tho we deal with our

own friends. We can’t be unprofessional just because someone is too close to us.

Ihsan Alfian

My time management is still not good, because one time while I work I forgot to take time to

eat then I got a virus which made me can’t work well and I had to absent from several days of

execution. But I still give time for my work even though I was sick. I personally think my

work effort is already great, because from day 1 of planning I was assigned for marketing

team but I gave my time to get gerobak with external and after that I had to take care of it.

And I had to take care of the selling venue and marketing things. But I realize that my time

management is still not that good. I feel that myself is already good when dealing for selling

place, and I worked full as much as I can when I had to approached customers.

Syafrie Bima

In my company Go-York i was in the execution team. The Execution was divided into two

part which is external and internal and i was in the external team. The external job is to take

care the cart that we used to sell our products, rent some tables and chairs, rent a tent to

protect ourselves from the rain, and buy some lamps for our lighting and decoration. I feel

really excited when i did this project because this project could be a place to improve our

skills. I am also grateful that i can worked with some friends that is really serious and want

to suffer in this project. From this project i started to know how hard it is to start a new

business and it is also hard to manage the people that we work with. I also know now that to

make a decisions we have to think about it carefully and have to be fully prepared about what

we will going to do next. We have to plan anything carefully and think about any bad

possibilities that will happen. We can't assume something that we actually don't know, but we

have to do some research and prepare for the worst. From this project, i also know my friends

better. I know how they deal with some problem, how do they works, how do they prepare

something, and how do they manage their time. But i'm quiet relieved because everything

that become my responsibilities are done satisfactorily. I also can learn from mistakes that my

friend and i made in the project so i wouldn't do the mistakes twice. I hope i can improve my

self from this project.

Verona Mentari

Based on the business simulation assignment, I have gained experiences from the mistakes

that i’ve made and also working as a team. As the head of operation (internal division), I am

responsible on the overall operation inside the kitchen area and make sure all of the

ingredients are well-prepared. I have to ensure all of the kitchen staffs understand the

regulation and also comprehend the standard operation procedure (SOP). The most important

thing that I’ve got from working as a team in GOYORK is respect other people opinion to

avoid miscommunication and not blaming others. In my opinion, almost all of the members

did great jobs and they were always stick to their job description. All members in GOYORK

always help each other even if it was not their actual job. Being a part of GOYORK also help

me to enhance my organization skill and collaborating in a team to solve problems, which is

useful for the future.

Shamil Al-Habsyi

As a business student with prior knowledge of business studies, i have learnt many aspects of

what an actual business will feel like that i didn't learn in previous classes. I have learnt what

it is like to cooperate with "co-workers" and how to overcome difficulties in the business,

along with how to deal with individual problems that i have faced.

In conclusion i believe that this simulation of a business has taught me alot which i have not

known previously, and i hope i can work with these people again soon.

Utami Fatma

As a member of finance of Gorengan New-York (Go-York). I think i contribute enough for

this business simulation project, even though i believe i can do better for Go-York. As a

member of finance division, what i actually do is basically help Go-York with the financial

thingy such as count the money, input the data for the financial report later on, etc. Other than

that, i also help the operation division to buy the ingredients, and help them to chop few

ingredients. What i learned from this business simulation is that we should be professional

with anyone, treat the customers like a king, and be more discipline with time because it is

one of the most important aspect when doing business. In the future, i hope Gorengan New-

York will become one of the best company of SBM ITB 2019 students.

Dhiyaa Puspita

In business simulation, I got a chance to work with my team in a company called Gorengan

New York. I was in internal division. A few days before the execution day, my friend and I

did some experiments for Go-York Menu. After that, the marketing team took a photo of our

product. D-1, I got a job to find some equipments such as gas stove, gas regulator, oil filter,

plastic bag and etc. In the execution day, I was the Person In Charge for the sweet menu. I

made the dough for fried oreo and fried marshmallow. After that, Sarah, Deep, and I share

our job. Sarah will be the one who put the raw material into to frying pan, Deep will be the

one who fry it and I have to put all the order into the cup, give some seasonings, and passed it

to Vira and Fatin, and they will be the one who put the toppings. One day, all my finance

friends were not able to come so I replace their position as a cashier. Sometimes, I also help

my marketing friends to do some approaching to attract customers to buy our Gorengan New

York. Every day after we sold our GoYork, Adit, Utami and I share our job. Sometimes, Adit

took all the equipments to his home and washed it for the next execution day, and the same

thing goes to Utami and I. From Business Simulation, I can took many lessons. This project

help me to figure out about people’s personality. Now I know there are some people that

don’t really care about their surroundings. There are some people that only prioritise their

self. There are some people that don’t have an initiative to help their friends even though they

know that their friends need a help. In this project, we have to work all day long without any

shift time, but I was happy doing our Business Simulation. This was a lifetime experience

that I can't get anywhere else.

Elvira Benita

This term’s business simulation takes 2 weeks. I respect the lecturers’ decision to make it

longer than years before us. But, even though there are a lot of benefits, the report making is

harder because we have to make longer reports and some details are being missed. The

experience of having business is precious, it taught me a lot of things such as time

management and how to value money even more, also more skills. We also learn on how to

deal with people and know their strengths, because each person has their own forte. For

myself, since this task really pushed my limits such as going home after midnight or working

10 hours a day, I feel like there is nothing impossible for myself to do. But I still feel like I

can do even more, even though I do extra job (my division is finance but I handle the

operation too). The finance report making can also be better if I spend more time on it such as

writing it after selling not writing it after the session ends.

Sepvina Mutikasari

My team simulation business project is Go-York or Gorengan Newyork and I’m positioned in

external operation division, actually I can choose more than one division since my company

adopt the matrix structure but I want to focus on one division. That doesn’t mean I’m not

willing to help another division because for me once my responsibility in my division are

clear then I will help another division even not labeled as one of their member, less

responsibility burden and more flexible to help another division. I worked hard on the pre-

execution days to do package surveys, bought the cup for the gorengan, print the sticker of

the logo for the package, cut the sticker to circle shape and stick it to the cup but since I

commit to my job, I don’t felt burdened . I’m feeling grateful to be team up with several

member in this company, they help me a lot, really, without them I think I can’t finish all my

job on time. For examples, my friends from marketing division help me to do package

surveys by accompany me went to several places and there is also my friends from finance

division and the secretary of this company who’s help me to cut the sticker and stick it to the

cup, without them I think I can’t finish my jobs on time. On the execution days, I turn into

marketing division to approach the customers, well, to be honest I felt a little bit burdened

that time because approaching people and persuading them to buy are not my passion, but

I’m still did that tho, with effort. I learned so many things from this project like how to deal

with people who have different personality, how to manage time, and how to appreciate

others work. I also gained so many precious experiences here.

Irfan Nurhadi

Based on my experiences on working with my group in this simulation business, I have

learned a lot of things from the mistakes I made and it will surely be useful for me in the

future. My self-reflection is that I should have anticipated a lot of things in the external part

of Goyork because during the execution day, what I’ve done is not good enough to what the

possible challenges such as rain, electric problem, lights, etc. I should be able to understand

other division too just for my knowledge and I did learn couple of things from my colleagues

on how they solve their problems. I should also learn on how to take big decisions like some

of my colleagues who are a leader in their own division. Overall, I think I did well on what

I’m responsible for, I also help other division when they need me and I’m happy to help

when needed, I’m glad that I attend everyday since the first day so that I would know what’s

going on in my team or what will we face the next day. Goyork also enhances my skill in

organization, working as a team, solving problems as a team and facing them together as a

team. All of this will help me as an individual one day.

Khanza Syahla

Due to the work assign by the class of introduction of business, the students were require to

create a business simulation which lasted for 2 weeks. Where my group and I gave birth to

Gorengan New York or also known as GOYORK. GOYORK’s undeniable success can be

seen by its mass media marketing which reach customers even outside Bandung (ex: Jakarta).

One of the most fundamental key of GOYORK’s success is the teamwork that each member

has. Every member has their own role and is important in their own way. Another aspect that

made GOYORK successful was the concept that we picked. The feedback from our

customers were positive also our flashy tent and the creation such as the statue of liberty help

to attract many people and made them curious of the products that we were selling. The are

some challenges and obstacles that we faced during the execution day due to the extreme

climate, so as the feedback, in weekdays we overcame it by making a new feature which

delivery service. But So far, the performance of most members of Gorengan New York were

good, they stick to the job description of their duties.

Aditya Kalipah

had a lot of experience in this SimBis thing. My team created a culinary business called Go-

York (Gorengan New York) sounds interesting right? Yup, for now on I can still memorize

how happy I am to run and get involved in this business. I was the cashier in this business

and I’m from the finance team of this business. I learned to deal with a lot of people with a

lot of different personality, sometimes I was bored for being a cashier because I did the same

things again and again and I have to pretend to be happy because as a cashier I have to give

the best service to the costumer so they will come to our stall again and felt happy to buy

some food from our business. Being a cashier I’ve seen a lot of things in this business, I felt

sad for some of my friends because they have to work in a wrong position, for example I had

a friend and she’s from finance team but her position was an ice cream server and had

nothing to do with a finance thing. I think something is wrong with the internal team because

some of the internal team member were not had any position on the stall and I couldn’t figure

it out. Not just that, when I was in the stall I had to work all day like there were no shift in

this business so everyone had to work all day long, as a result everyone felt so tired. I worked

really hard in this Business like I said before I worked all day long because there was not any

shift system in the business. but after all, I think I will miss that experience and miss the taste

of our gorengan.

Shaznaya Hanan

As a part of my company Goyork who is responsible in the Marketing team to manage the

marketing system including the placement in the market and promotion to introduce our

brand, I feel very grateful to contribute and participate in the overall running of the company.

I have learned so much from this project such as knowing how the marketing system is quite

dominant in the beginning of the business and attract customers with the finest advertisement

but with lowest cost. Not only on the Marketing aspect, I also learned how cash flows have a

very important role in keeping the business sustainable and obtain maximum profits and how

to arrange the money, also getting contacted with suppliers and people who helped

supporting by renting the materials. I really hope that I could do better if I am given a chance

to do the simulation from the scratch. First of all, I would discuss with people who I am

working with so that there is no miscommunication and late works, and also being with more

professional people who responsible of their job and their division. Timing is very important

and based from what I have experienced with my company was we were very unprofessional

with time management. We opened late, the restocking process was very unprepared and not

listed, many things were done in sudden so that the effort could not be maximized. I really

hope the clumsiness would not be repeated twice and we could be more professional and

responsible with any responsibility given.

Subhodeep Ganguly

I as a part of the Marketing Team responsible for creating and publishing promotional

materials feel like I have done my part and more. I feel that I have done my job quite well

even though there are some to little late works. If I could repeat the Business Simulation I

would create a legitimate Job Description so that my job sounds more credible and people

cannot move me around to other divisions because it’s not my responsibility to do so.

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