t.a.c. free electron laser facility (t.a.r.l.a.) turkish physical society 5 th international...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • The First Beam 2
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  • 10-11 June 2012 The TARLA aims to obtain FEL between 2.5-250 m ranges out of two different optical cavity systems with undulators of 2.5cm and 9.0cm periods. The electron beam energy is 15-40 MeV. There is also a Bremsstrahlung line after the second accelerating module. The electron source is chosen to be a high average current thermionic DC gun running at up to 250keV, which is in manufacturing phase at the moment. The injector system will be completely based on normal conducting technology with two buncher cavities that operate 260 MHz and 1.3 GHz, respectively The main acceleration structure will consist of two ELBE modules that each houses two TESLA 9-cell SC structure. These modules are designed to operate at 1 mA electron beam current at continuous wave operation (CW) 3 The Goal
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  • Glbasi Campus of Ankara University Lake Mogan ANKARA (15km) Town Glba TARLA 4
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting 7 He Plant RF & PowerElectronicsBrems. Exp.Electronics FEL Experiments Clean Room FEL Experiments Accelerators FELs Layout of TARLA
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  • Layout of T.A.R.L.A
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  • Main Components E-Source (Gun) Buncher Cavities Accelerating units Bunch Compressor Focusing-defocusing magnets Bending magnets Beam Diagnostic tools .. 9 Overview of TARLA
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  • To obtain high quality FEL electron source should supply continuous high bunch charge with lowest emittance We have chosen thermionic DC gun as the source To obtain 1.0 mA average peak current we need approximately 80 pC bunch charge with 77 ns bunch duration 80 pC 10 Electron Gun
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  • The electron bunches should have short bunch length Therefore the bunches at the exit of the gun which has approximately 500ps are needed to be compressed less than 10ps And bunch separation should maintain same distance as 77 ps. +E drift space standing electromagnetic wave ~500ps It is possible to use several Buncher and Buncher frequency should be synchronized with RF frequency in linac. 11 Buncher Cavities
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  • For having higher current, another equipment which should be on beam line is bunch compressor. Using Bunch Compressor, bunch length can be reduced less than 1ps 12 Bunch Compressor
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  • To achieve 40 MeV electron beam energy we are using two 2 accelerating modules with 2 TESLA (9-cell) cavities To have a large application area beam should have continuous structure This modules will able to provide CW electron beam structure 13 Accelerator Structure
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  • 200-250 keV, 1 mA 9-cell Tesla-cavity 1.3 GHz 1.8 K helium reservoir 20 MeV. 1mA = 20kW vacuum isolation liquid N 2 shield solid isolation helium port liquid He @ 1.8K RF ports 10kW 1.3GHz 14 SRF Cavities
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting ParametersValue Energy [MeV]15-38.5 Bunch Charge [pC]80 Average Beam Current [mA]1.0 Bunch Repetition Rate [MHz]13 (16.25) Bunch Length [ps]0.4-6 Norm. RMS Trans. Emit. [mm mrad]< 16 Norm. RMS Long. Emit. [keV.ps] < 100 Macro pulse Duration [s] 40 - CW Macro pulse Reputation Rate [Hz] 10 CW 15 Main Electron Beam Parameters
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  • 16 Obtaining FEL
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting ParametersU1U2 Undulator Magnet MaterialNdFe Undulator Period [cm]2.59 Magnetic Gap [cm]1.54 Effective Field [T]0.350.42 Undulator Strength0.25-0.70.7-2.5 Number of Period6040 Roll-off-field @ 5mm (%)0.03 0.11 Rayleigh Length [m] 0.972.08 Resonator length [m]11.53 1st Mirror Radius of Curvature [m]5.926.51 2nd Mirror Radius of Curvature [m]5.926.51 Radius of Out Coupling Hole [mm]0.5/2 17 Main Und. and Res.Parameters
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  • T.H.M. T.A.R.L.A. Demet Parametreleri Some Calculations 18
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  • T.H.M. T.A.R.L.A. Demet Parametreleri Some Calculations 19
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  • T.H.M. T.A.R.L.A. Demet Parametreleri Some Calculations 20
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting UndulatorsU1U2 Wavelength [m]3 - 1918-250 Micro pulse Repetition Rate [MHz]13 Max Peak Power [MW]~5~2.5 Average Power [W]0.1-400.1-30 Max. Pulse Energy [J]~10~8 Pulse Length [ps]1-10 21 Main FEL Parameters
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting The injector consists of a 250kV DC Gun a 260 MHz S.H.B a 1.3GHz F.B., Solenoids, Diagnostics vacuum equipment's 22 Status of Injector
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  • Gun mechanical manufacturing completed Clean room and cleaning station obtained Vacuum components obtained Test stand and shielding cover manufactured Control units for vacuum and HV devices obtained Bias and filament heater power supply are obtained HV platform holder and isolator legs obtained Selenoid magnet ordered 150 kV HV Power Supply and Pulse Generator 350 kV High Voltage Isolation Transformer High Voltage Cable, Shielded, isolation voltage >350 kV dc. FCT/ ICT current transformer obtained 23 Status of Injector
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  • Control software Control electronics Steerer magnet View ports and cameras Emittance measurement systems designed Other diagnostic tools from NTG company ordered Faraday Cup with feed through Faraday Cup as a beam dump BPM (2) Feed through (3) Different lengths beam pipes 24 Status of Injector
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  • 10-11 June 2012 High Voltage Divider: 37 HV resistors in series 10Meg each resistor 15cm each resistor Each resistor has 8kV and 6.4W @300KV 0.8mA 150kV output @ 300kV 8mA input Since mechanical design is modular, electrical parameters can be modified easily 25 Technical: Voltage Divider
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  • 10-11 June 2012 1.High Voltage Divider 2.Custom Design Devices inside Faraday Cup: Remote Controller for Pulser 13MHz Trigger and Macropulser for Pulser RF Mixer 3.Cathode and connections 4.6 Channel Temperature Controller 5.1.3 GHz Master Oscillator 6.I/O Protection Circuit 7.8 Channel PLL Divider 8.Motor Drivers 26 Technical: Electronics
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  • 10-11 June 2012 Thermionic DC gun RF buncher 260 MHz SRF 1,3 GHz SRF 1,3 GHz RF buncher +1,3GHz Power Supply -250 kV 1.3 GHz Master Oscillator 10 MHz Reference Oscillator PLL System Beam Position Monitor (BPM) 1 kW Amplifier 200 W Amplifier 10 kW (16 kW) Amplifier 1.3 Ghz 260 Mhz 13 Mhz 13/26 Mhz 1.5 kW Amplifier (Grid) 27 Technical: Master Osc. & PLL
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  • 28 Technical: Control System
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting EPICS Extensions: MEDM, Probe, Visual CT Soft Module: ASYN Protocols: RS232, TCP LAB VIEW 29 Technical: Software Development
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  • Technical: LabView 30
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  • E-PERM System 50 LT detectors 6 ST detectors 1 Water test kit 1 Reader EPD response: 0.01mSv-10 Sv Energy range: 50keV-6 MeV (for gamma and X-rays) 2 Portable Survey meters Individual Monitoring 55 EPDs 2 Access control readers database & utility software's respond to gamma and X-rays uses Electret Ion Chambers as a passive device suitable for long term and short term atmospheric radon measurements, as well as radon in water error < %8 For alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray radiations Max dose rate 100 mSv/h Overload indication up to 10 Sv/h Linearity error 10% in the measuring range 31 Technical: Radiation Safety
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  • 260 MHz Subharmonic 1.3 GHz Fundamental Bunchers - ICT/FCT - View Screens - Selenoid Magnet - Steerer Magnet - BPM - Makro pulser - Multislit Masks - BLM - Lazer Sis. - Aperture - 32
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  • FCT / ICT 33
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  • Average Beam Current Measurement : Electron beam enegry was 165 keV Grid Voltage was -165 kV + -20V Voltage was 0.035 mV Beam Dump IeIe 0.1 ohm Shunt Resistance Average beam current has measured 350 uA Technical: First Beam Measurment 34
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting Research Instruments offers a Super conducting RF accelerating module with 2 TESLA cavities for continuous RF operation. This module is compact and houses two TESLA cavities and is designed for continuous operation at accelerating fields in the range of 15 to 20 MV/m. The cryostat design has been developed by ELBE group (Forschungszentrum Rossendorf) and is used under a license agreement. June 21st, 2012 Tuning range120 kHz External Q of HOM couplers > 5x10 11 Total accelerating voltage of the module > 20 MV Total cryogenic losses at 20 MV cw operation < 75W 35 Delivery December 2014 3.88 M Status of SRFs
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting The supplier is responsible about the subjects and components listed below The supplier should manufacture the SRF modules based on the original ELBE design with some minor changes which are summarized as following: The HOM couplers will use sapphire feed-through suited for CW operation and will be thermally anchored to the helium vessel The thermal shield will be reviewed and eventually produced from copper instead of aluminum The instrumentation will be updated slightly. The surface treatment of the cavities after manufacturing and before cold RF test will be done in accordance with the recipe developed at DESY for the XFEL cavities. 36 Status of SRFs
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  • 10-11 June 2012 Resonance frequency260 MHz Theoretical Q5800 Tuning range1 KHz Bakeable up to200C Leakage rate< 1E -9 mbar l/s Weight121 kg MaterialCu OFHC / Stainless Steel 1.4429 Resonance frequency1300 MHz Theoretical Q13.600 Tuning range2.2 MHz Bakeable up to200C Leakage rate< 1E -9 mbar l/s Weight16.2 kg MaterialCu OFHC / Stainless Steel 1.4429 37 Status of Bucher Cavities
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  • 10-11 June 2012 The supplier is responsible about the subjects and components listed below Design, material and manufacturing of 260 MHz SHB and 1.3 GHz FB cavities Manufacturing of SHB and FB Vacuum brazing and final surface preparation and delivery of SHB and FB Leak checking for SHB and FB RF layout for SHB and FB - including cavities and drive line Complete assembly of buncher cavities - cavities, tuner, input coupler, field probe Complete instrum. Of buncher cavities Factory acceptance tests Shipment and installation at TARLA Acceptance testing Reports of acceptance tests 38 Status of Bucher Cavities
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  • 10-11 June 2012 Kick-off Meeting: October 2 nd - 4 th 2012 Second Meeting for Payment: May 29 th 30 th, 2013 June 15 th, 2012 39 Delivery Novemver 2014 4.359 M Status of He Plant
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  • 10-11 June 2012 Helium compression system (water cooled) Oil removal system Gas controlling panel Refrigeration cold boxes 1 -2 Transfer line from cold box to Dewar 2 transfer lines from box 2 to cryostats Dewar ( 500 l) and Buffer Tank Control system with additional remote monitoring unit as an option The refrigeration plant has to (alternatively) fulfill the following tasks: A1- Cooling of the super conducting cavities from ambient temperature down to the operation temperature of 1.8 K A2- Cooling of the cavities during full load operation at 1.8 K A3- Warm up of the cavity up to ambient temperature B -Cooling of the cavities at 4.5 K in the standby-operation mode and liquefying The Task A2 is the main purpose of the plant - 220 W at 1.8 K (16 mbar) 40 Status of He Plant
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting UnitCyromodule ICyromodule II HeliumHeat LoadDynamicW80 StaticW15 ContingencyW10 TotalW105 TemperatureMaximumK2.1 MinimumK1.8 Pressure Stabilitymbar 0.2 Liquid Level StabilityL LHe 2 InventoryL70 LN2Total Heat LoadW35 TemperatureK70-80 He Plant Parameters 41
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  • 10-11 June 2012 16 kW solid state power amplifiers (SSPA) were planned for high power RF (HPRF). We have been in contact with both Bruker and Thomson Broadcast for the solid state amplifiers. Mechanic and thermal studies of SRF Power couplers (input & HOM) are completed (CST), Design Simulation (CST), Production studies (if it is possible in TURKEY) are ongoing 42 Status of RF
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  • 10-11 June 2012 Conceptual design of waveguide is finished and components for transmission lines are determined. HPRF transmission line simulations (HFSS) are finished. The procurement process has been planned to complete by the end of 2013. 43 Status of RF Transmition Lines
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  • FEL Pervin Arkan FEL Pervin Arkan HV B. Ko . ara HV B. Ko . ara Infrastructure E. Kazanc . ara M. Yldz Infrastructure E. Kazanc . ara M. Yldz Diagnostic . Kaya A.Aksoy .Polat Diagnostic . Kaya A.Aksoy .Polat RF . Karsl A. Aksoy Z.Sali B.Dursun .Polat RF . Karsl A. Aksoy Z.Sali B.Dursun .Polat Control Y.Barutu S. Kuday E.Kazanc Control Y.Barutu S. Kuday E.Kazanc Electronic B. Ko G. Kalayc Electronic B. Ko G. Kalayc Vacuum . Kaya E. Kazanc M. Yldz Vacuum . Kaya E. Kazanc M. Yldz Beamline A.Aksoy . Kaya Beamline A.Aksoy . Kaya Cryogenics A.Aksoy .Kaya Cryogenics A.Aksoy .Kaya Resonators A.Aksoy H. Tugay Resonators A.Aksoy H. Tugay 44 Status of Personel
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting FEL Pervin Arkan Diagnostic .Tapan Diagnostic .Tapan Gen. IR Lab. A.Aydinl Gen. IR Lab. A.Aydinl Ultrafast PAL H. Altan O. Esentrk Ultrafast PAL H. Altan O. Esentrk Bio-Micro SL F. Severcan. Bio-Micro SL F. Severcan. Material PL . lday Material PL . lday BREMSSTRAHLUNG skender Akkurt Detector M.Do ru S. ahin Detector M.Do ru S. ahin Photon Dump H.O. Tekin Photon Dump H.O. Tekin e. Dump G. Ye in S.Sariaydin e. Dump G. Ye in S.Sariaydin Radiator N. Demir Z.Demirci Radiator N. Demir Z.Demirci Simulation N. Karpuzcu Simulation N. Karpuzcu 45 Experimental Groups
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  • 46 IR FEL Stations (5): Photon science and diagnostics Ultrafast photonics applications General IR spectroscopy Material characterization Bio-micro spectroscopy and biomedicine Bremsstrahlung station (1): Nuclear spectroscopy Commissioning of TARLA accelerator is expected in 2016 TARLA is an official member of EU-FP7 Project named as CALIPSO for training of users in any 20 European Light Source Facilities 46 Planned Experiments
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  • Peter MICHEL (HZDR-ELBE, Germany) (Head) Hideaki OHGAKI (Kyoto University, Japan) Dieter TRINES (DESY, Germany) Ernst WEIHRETER (HZB-BESSY, Germany) Jean R. DELAYEN (JLab, USA) 1st Meeting: December 4-5, 2009 Ankara University 2nd Meeting: September 2-3, 2010 Bodrum, Mugla 3rd Meeting: May 12-13, 2011 IAT, Ankara University 2010 4th Meeting: March 8-9, 2012 IAT, Ankara University 47 5th Meeting: April 22-23 2013 IAT, Ankara University iMAC
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  • TARLA WBS 48
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting http://tarla.ankara.edu.tr http://www.tarla-fel.org 49 IT & Network --- Follow us
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  • 10-11 June 2012 IV. iSAC Meeting 50

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