tactics winter 2013

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Ambassadors Football Magazine Winter 2013



Cycle for Hope IrelandNew Office in Peru

Ladies FootballEaster Youth Tour

Ambassador s Footba l l I re landSummer 2013





It’s a promise with a condition. If we are willing to take the step of faith, to believe God’s promises, to believe that He has more for you than you could ever possibly do on your own strength, then God promises to give us our heart’s desire. When you delight in Him and commit to His ways, you will have the desires of your heart as your desires will become His desires. I first discovered this truth in Rabat, Morocco during the Cycle for Hope. I believe God called me into ministry on that trip with Ambassadors, and gave me

the desire to see people transformed through football. That trip had a huge impact on me and Ambassadors has had such an impact in the lives of many over the last ten years. My prayer is that God continues to bless the ministry and the people involved in the programmes, events and tours. I also pray that we can all pursue the heavenly desires that God sows in our hearts.

Stewart GlassAmbassadors FootballIreland Director

Mark Ferguson kicked off our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration service by leading us in worship to our great God. Lynne Bogle from WEC Guinea Bissau and Jonny Doey from Ballysally Presbyterian both shared stories of how God has used Ambassadors teams to make an impact in their fields of ministry.Thank you for everyone who turned up on the night to celebrate God’s goodness with us. And a special thanks to former Ambassadors Ladies player Judith at The Butterfly Bakery for the scrumptious cake!

Thank You

“Delight yourself in the Lord;And He will give you the desires of your heart.Commit your way to the Lord,Trust also in Him, and He will do it.”Psalm 37:4-5

Moroccan sunrise on 13th December 2009

2014Up Coming Events

Women’s 7-a-side Tournament10th March—14th April

Ballysally Community Week25th May—1st June

Ladies Preseason Weekend14th-17th March

Cycle For Hope Ireland13th—27th June

Youth Tour to Holland24th—27th April

US Coaching Tour30th June—2nd August

Churches Cup24th May

Europe Coaching Tour1st-17th/24th August



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tAmbassadors Football would not run without our crew of dedicated volunteers. With only a few staff in the office, we rely on many different people to help out in various areas of the ministry. Perhaps their stories will inspire you to get involved in the future!

Andrew Topley

Tell us a little about yourself:

My name is Andy. I have two brothers and a sister. I live in Portadown and am a qualified

youth worker. I enjoy sport in general mainly contact sports like football and rugby, but

also enjoy swimming. I read quite a bit and have just finished a really good book by

Max Lucado, A Gentle Thunder: Hearing God Through the Storm.

What is an interesting fact about yourself that most people don’t know?

I met the Queen at Windsor Castle.

What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?

Raspberry Ripple.What football team do you support?

Manchester United.Do you currently play football?

No, but I coach the under 19s at Portadown F.C. I have been known to come out of

retirement on occasion and generally play keeper, but played outfield for many a year


How did you become a Christian?I was invited to a service at Portadown Elim. I had hit rock bottom. I had run away from God and couldn’t put it off any longer. I got saved on my own in my room in the early hours of the morning and haven’t looked back.How did you get involved with Ambassadors and what have you done so far?Sharon O’Hara put me in touch with Rob Cuthbert. When we met, he asked if I would be interested in coaching at Ballyoran Primary School. I had just recently been saved and was full of fire and wanted to serve. I had played football all my life so I jumped at the chance to combine football and faith. I coach every week at Ballyoran and Little Ambassadors. I’ve also coached at several Ambassadors camps here in Northern Ireland and on the US Coaching Tour last summer.What impact have you seen take place while doing ministry with Ambassadors?Ballysally week was a big one for me. The estate is similar to what I would have grown up in. It was great to see how the church there is open 24-7 and they have such respect in the community. I had the opportunity to share my testimony and everyone really took in what I had to share and even asked questions afterwards. Then in the US, we did a camp in a real rough, underprivileged area. Sixteen kids and five parents were saved. Going to America showed me the impact that Ambassadors is having all around the world.

How has volunteering with Ambassadors impacted your own life?It has been great serving in an area I really enjoy and having the opportunity to put my qualifications to work. It’s pure joy being given respon

Emily StevensonTell us a little about yourself:My name is Emily. I am from Kilkeel and have two sisters and one brother. I studied Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Ulster. I am currently doing a VIP internship with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland for one year. I am working in Richhill Presbyterian Church as well as with Ambassadors. In my spare time I like to play sport, particularly football and hang out with friends.What is an interesting fact about yourself that most people don’t know?I have a photographic memory!What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?Ben and Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownieWhat football team do you support?Manchester United

Do you currently play football?Yes, I currently play for Loughgall Ladies and usually play left midfield or striker.

How did you become a Christian?

When I was 6 years old, I attended a Holiday Bible Club. I learned a lot about Jesus, who He was, what He

had done for me and what I needed to do. We learned a song to the theme tune of ‘Match of the Day’ and

the words were ‘I want to live my life for Jesus, my Saviour and my King.’ These words stuck in my head

and I was singing it all day long. When I was going to bed that night I decided that I wanted to live my life

for Jesus and make Him my Saviour and my King. I committed my life to Him and asked Him to forgive me

for the sin in my life and to help me live my life for Him and His glory. God has been faithful through the

years, even when I haven’t been.

How did you get involved with Ambassadors and what have you done so far?

I was looking for something to do one summer and decided to google ‘football ministry’ and stumbled upon

the Ambassadors website. Although I ended up not doing anything that year, I was added to an email list

with the latest updates. In 2012, I heard about the USA Coaching Tour and decided to go. I spent 5 weeks

of my summer in the States doing camps in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and California. When I returned home,

I started to get involved with Ambassadors here in Ireland. I then went to Guinea Bissau on a playing tour

in July for 2 weeks and had opportunities to play against local teams there and also coach at a camp. After

I returned, I was part of the Europe Coaching Tour, doing a few camps in Northern Ireland before heading

to Prague for a week of camp. From September I have been interning with Ambassadors and have had

opportunities to be part of Little Ambassadors, coaching in schools and ladies football.

What impact have you seen take place while doing ministry with Ambassadors?

I’ve seen how something as simple as football can draw kids along to somewhere where they develop

their football skills but more importantly they hear about Jesus - some for the very first time. I’ve seen kids

who have never entered a church make a commitment to Christ and who want to live a different life and

live it for Him. It’s also been amazing to see how football can unite communities and how it breaks down all

barriers. Many lives have been transformed during my short time of doing ministry with Ambassadors and

I’m excited about what God will continue to do.

How has volunteering with Ambassadors impacted your own life?

Ambassadors has helped me use the gifts and abilities that God has given me for His glory - whether that’s

playing football, coaching football, having Bible times during camps or getting to know young people. It

has helped me to grow in my walk with Him, as I continue to discover that God can use anyone and will

give us the strength to do what He calls us to do. Jesus came so that we could have life, and so that we

could have life to the full - what better way to experience 5-a-side Football

From the beginning of November, we started a new venture for ladies with the introduction of indoor

5-a-side every Tuesday night in Richhill. A range of girls come along, those who have played at a high

level and those who have never played, those in their teens to those in their 30s, those who are Christians

and those who have


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From the beginning of November, we started a new venture for ladies with the introduction of indoor 5-a-side every Tuesday night in Richhill. A range of girls come along, those who have played at a high level and those who have never played, those in their teens to those in their 30s, those who are Christians and those who have never been to church. What a privilege and opportunity we have to encourage one another to use our gifts and abilities to play for God’s glory and also to represent Jesus through our actions on the field and the words we share during our half time talk. A simple football is all it takes to

bring people together, regardless of age, religion or background to have a bit of fun and provides a platform to share the good news of Jesus. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please come along and join us on Tuesday nights from 8:30-9:30pm in Richhill Presbyterian Church sports hall.

Jo in us up on

the Northcoast for a weekend of footskills, fitness,

and fun. This weekend is targeted toward ladies aged 14+ who would like to sharpen their skills before the start of the NIWFA season. The focus will be on individual footskills, catering for ladies from any skill level and team. Training will be led by Katelyn Reuther, an IFA qualified coach with 3 years of experience coaching at the university level in the States. Katelyn is also a certified Group Fitness Instructor and self-professed gym addict. But don’t worry, the weekend won’t be all sprints and sit-ups. We’ll also be doing some community outreach and an adventure activity! For more information, please contact Katelyn at kreuther@ambassadorsfootball.org or 07512463635.

5-a-side Football

Preseason Training Weekend

Cycle for Hope Ireland

13th-27th June 2014


Cycle for Hope is back! In the past 4 years, we have cycled through 27 countries in Europe and Africa spreading the gospel and promoting sports ministry. In June 2014, we are planning to cycle around Ireland and are looking for cyclists and churches who would like to partner with us. We will be cycling between 50-100 miles each day and stopping at local churches to do various sports ministry activities. If you’re looking for a physical and spiritual challenge for the summer, this is it!

During the cycle, Brazil will be hosting the 2014 FIFA World cup, which will be a perfect opportunity to connect with communities around Ireland. If you are interested in joining us on tour or for one of the legs, please get in touch for more details. Or if your church would like to host the team for an outreach event, please contact Katelyn at kreuther@ambassadorsfootball.org.Check out our website to read up on previous cycles and stay tuned for more

“Ever since I signed up for

[the Europe] cycle, I hoped

it would be good, but it's surpassed it.

It's been class. It's been great getting

to know everyone. The entire openness

of the team has been great. Life back

home is pretty hectic sometimes, you

don't get a chance to talk to people in

such a relaxed and open environment,

but I've learned a lot about life. When

my hamstring just went, there was a

miraculous healing. I've cycled 300k and

hardly felt a thing wrong. Thanks to all

who prayed. I definitely think this Cycle for

Hope Europe trip has been a milestone in

my life. So many unforgettable moments

and unforgettable people.”


ruIts about 11:00pm here in Lima, Peru and its a sad time. Venezuela have scored again, Peru will mount a comeback but it will not be enough...Peru will once again not be a part of the greatest sports festival in all of the

world, La Copa Mundial (The World Cup). As we all drag ourselves out of

our seats and say our goodbyes in a tired and somber fashion the native Peruvians

are surprisingly upbeat after this loss. They seem a bit impervious to the pain that would normally be associated with your team not reaching

its goals. Ramon, who is the leader of this group of young adults in our church, addresses everyone saying, “Well, I guess the Lord is waiting for the next

generation.” I believe he was referring to the Israelites entrance to the Promised Land. The group laughed a bit and as always responded with the Peruvian refrain of “Jugamos como nunca, perdimos como siempre.” Translated it means we played better than ever but lost like always....

I believe that is a bit of why God brought us here to Peru. There is something to be said for losing gracefully or being upbeat about the next challenge ahead after failure. However, there is something altogether different in anticipating and preparing for defeat before the battle has even begun. Peruvian football players lack that inner belief in themselves and their country’s ability to improve and overcome future challenges. Peruvians as a whole share this same general life view in many aspects of their lives. It’s a sad reality that the poor stay poor and the rich just get richer. Even with the recent

economic boom in Peru, the poor have remained largely unaffected while the upper middle class and wealthy have experience an immense growth in their personal financial stability.

Giuliana, Elijah, Alessandra, and myself want to change this mentality. We arrived here in mid March of 2013, to bring that hope through Christ. We want to disciple other Christians in helping one another and having “all things in common.” We are working to reach out to the vulnerable populations and through football give them a sense of self worth and confidence in overcoming challenges and going beyond what they see day to day. Overcoming a national crisis of confidence is not a small work and by no means do we see God placing it all upon our small shoulders, however, we see our work as Ambassadors Football Peru as a part of his plan to raise up the people of this nation and bring about a change that will bring favor upon his church and glory to him as his followers move to impact this nation.

Please pray for Matt and his family as they establish this ministry in Peru. Specifically, they

are looking to create a program for children facing living on the street and families formerly

living on the street. They hope to expand their outreach programs as they bring in Peruvians

with new visions for football ministry.


Matt Reuschle, Ambassadors Peru Director

The TREC program consists of comprehensive football-

based courses delivered by Ambassadors staff around the world that train, resource, and equip Christians and churches to conduct effective football outreach in their communities. Will Weaver, a developmental officer in the Hope Academy program in South Africa, trained local coaches at a recent TREC in Nigeria and describes the impact that took place as a result.

Ambassadors Football Nigeria hosted a TREC Level 1 course this November at Ogbadibo Benue state where they have an on-going ministry in the rural area. Peter Ottache leads the Nigerian office with the support of his wife, Ajuma, and their team of coaches, staff and volunteers. They partner with Otukpa community secondary school to run a Hope Academy project where they work with local boys in the three areas of football, faith, and future. Peter has been sponsoring over 30 boys school fees and facilitating the Hope Academy through selling used phones donated by people in the US, Czech Republic, and other countries as well as through individual donations. This TREC was a huge blessing for the coach directly involved with the academy and others who intend to use football to share Jesus.

The five-day TREC programme was hosted by the school and included use of a classroom facility and football pitch for the duration of the course. Over 20 coaches participated in the training with the majority completing their final assessments. The local council also showed their support of the training

week by arranged for our tutors to stay in a local hotel and presenting the team with two armed police officers. These officers worked twenty-four hours of each day and accompanied us to the training facility and back staying with us for the full duration of our time in Ogbadibo. During the closing ceremony, the chairman of the local council promised equipment for all graduating participants and jobs in coaching across the various wards within the state under his control. Our team were requested to return again

next year and to deliver level 2 with a personal invite to stay with the chairman during our return visit student ministry settings following the camp. It is amazing what God can do with a ball to address the real needs of children--and coaches!

Please pray....• For Peter and Ajuma as they continue in their

ministry in Nigeria.• For the boys in the Hope Academy that they would

develop in all three areas of football, faith, and

future.• For the coaches who attended the TREC course

that they would be able to use the skills they

have learned to share the gospel through football


TREC: Training, Resourcing, and Equipping ChurchesTour












Looking for something to do during

Summer 2014? Take part in the

Ambassadors Football Summer

Experience in the USA! Our Summer

Experience is specifically geared

towards providing valuable, hands-

on experience in the areas of ministry,

coaching, teaching, cross-cultural studies

& leadership. You’ll have many chances

to interact with local churches as well as

learning from & spending time with

Christian coaches around the world!

Last summer, three lads and one

lovely lady from Northern Ireland

joined a group of South Africans,

Brazilians, Americans and many others

for 5 weeks of training and ministry in

the USA. Week one is an inspiring and

educational time filled with worship,

coach education, and stories from

Ambassadors offices around the world.

Weeks two through five are camps at

local churches. Teams of coaches minister

in states from Ohio to Oregon! A typical day

consists of team devotions, coaching from

9am-3pm, and then fellowship time with

host families and coaches in the evenings.

The tour is an incredible experience and

opportunity to serve.

My name is Mark Scott. I am 22 years old

and I am currently in my 2nd year of my

degree of studying Theology in Belfast Bible

College. Ambassadors used to run a soccer

camp with my church at Easter time and so I

helped out as an assistant coach when I was

16 and I loved it. I have a great love for Jesus,

America, and football, so when I heard that

Ambassadors had coaching tours

in the USA over the summer, I was

there in a flash. It was honesty five

of the best weeks of my life and I

am planning on going again next

summer. During the tour, I had the

privilege to coach and talk about

Jesus with many kids and, praise

be to God, seven children in my

teams gave their lives to God. It

was incredible. I also met some

incredible people from all around

the world and so have been able to learn

from them and develop in my coaching,

how I talk to people about Jesus, and this

has also helped in developing my own

relationship with Jesus. I have learned so

much in a short period of time and I cannot

wait to serve with Ambassadors again and I

am excited for what God has in store.

Dates: 30th June – 2nd August

Cost: £300 plus return flight to Cleveland,

Ohio.Contact Katelyn at


for details and how to apply.

Tour to the Czech Republic: 1st – 17th August

Tour to the Netherlands: 1st – 24th August

Cost: £250 plus flights

Contact Katelyn at


for details and how to apply.

Join us for 2-3 weeks of your summer serving

God through sports ministry in Europe!

On this unique tour, coaches jump right in with an intense weekend of coach education before

putting their skills into practice during a week of camp in Northern Ireland. Then it’s off to the

Czech Republic for a week of camp or to the Netherlands for two more weeks of camp! Last

year, we had coaches from the USA, Germany, and of course right here in Northern Ireland.

There were so many highlights over the two

weeks of the trip. Our team of eight was

certainly one of the highlights for me. From the

start of the trip to the end, we all got along

really well and worked together throughout

both of the camps. Another highlight would

have to be all of the kids that made the camps

possible. Many of the kids were from different

backgrounds and there were certainly many

different kinds of personalities that we met

during the camps. There were children that

gave their lives to Christ at both the Finaghy

camp (Northern Ireland) and the Urk (Holland)

camp which was amazing!

There were some sporting highlights too.

We went to see a PSV Eindhoven match in

Holland, which was brilliant as they are one

of the best teams in Holland. The coaches

also played a match against a local Dutch

team one evening. This was great fun even

though we lost! Overall this trip was a great

experience for me. I loved every part of the

trip and it was brilliant to find a missions trip

that combined football with evangelism.



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Kyle Robinson

Ambassadors had coaching tours

in the USA over the summer, I was

there in a flash. It was honesty five

of the best weeks of my life and I

am planning on going again next

summer. During the tour, I had the

privilege to coach and talk about

Jesus with many kids and, praise

be to God, seven children in my

teams gave their lives to God. It

was incredible. I also met some

incredible people from all around

the world and so have been able to learn

from them and develop in my coaching,

how I talk to people about Jesus, and this

has also helped in developing my own

relationship with Jesus. I have learned so

much in a short period of time and I cannot

wait to serve with Ambassadors again and I

am excited for what God has in store.

Dates: 30th June – 2nd August

Cost: £300 plus return flight to Cleveland,

Ohio.Contact Katelyn at


for details and how to apply.




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A M B A S S A D O R S• F O O T B A L L C L U B •

It’s been a tough few months both personally and for Ambassadors FC, but in times of tribulation it’s often good to reflect and refocus on the way ahead. We’ve had an unexpected change in management so we thank Alan Cooke for all his efforts and wish him all the best for the future. On a temporary basis, Keith Calvin has agreed to look after the 1st team, with Peter Mullan continuing with the 2nd team. I’m sure they would appreciate your prayerful support, as would the committee, as we look for the best way forward for the club. During the first hour of our training, we have been concentrating on the fruits of the spirit and the implications they have for each of us on the pitch and in our everyday lives. They seem quite obvious and well known for a theme but as we’ve explored them further it’s been a good challenge

to the guys involved. We are grateful to have also had guest speakers bringing practical applications to our study. It’s definitely a challenging time for the club, but if we work to glorify God I’m sure it will be a positive time. Please continue to remember us in your prayers and if you feel you would like to get involved, please let us know!

Mid Season Report on the Mid-Ulster League

Kickoff is usually at 2:15pm on Saturdays at the Ambassadors Pitch off the Mahon Road. We’d love for you to come down and support the squad! Check the league website to confirm location and time.


Back into the hot seat again after two seasons, so I count it a privilege to be asked to look after the first team affairs on the pitch. The team time part of training has been very good as we are challenged concerning our daily walk with God and our Christian living. This season we have moved to the new all-weather venue at Brownstown Park in Portadown for our physical training which has proven to be very successful. Reserve manager Peter Mullan, a qualified coach by trade, puts the boys through their paces and prepares the sessions in a detailed manner. Peter and I generally meet after training to finalise our squads for Saturday.

On the field the season has been a little inconsistent with 2nd round exits in both the Irish Junior Cup (2-3 v Willowbank in Belfast) and the Mid Ulster Shield ( 0-2 v Ballybot Utd in Newry).

League form after nine games leaves us with 4 wins, 3 draws and 2 defeats.

Special mention to Stephen Cullen who recently played his 100th 1st team game for the club. An eventful day for him as he captained the team and scored. During November, he has had an operation so we pray that he will make a fit return in the new year.

Keith Calvin, First Team Manager

Reserve team performances have seen a good improvement from our position this time last season. With a solid training turn out across the entire club squad, both teams have had the opportunity to build some momentum and focus on both technical and team improvements. I have been encouraged by the willingness of many of our players, young and old, firsts and reserves to take on board points for individual and team development. Coaching with this united group is worthwhile and something I do really look forward to and enjoy.

After 10 games and halfway through our season, the reserve team sits in a very healthy fourth position, right in the midst of the chasing pack for honours as the league run-in begins to shape up.

What is most pleasing and important for me is to see Reserve players be given and now taking their opportunity at first team level to prove their own personal value as players and the value of our reserve team as a squad of players supporting our club. Above all, I sense a renewed purpose and determined spirit within the group to do things well - to play and conduct ourselves as a team in a way that calmly and assuredly backs up our claim that God is good and in control!

Peter MullanClub CoachReserves player/Manager


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Calling all 4th and 5th year students (15/16 year olds)!

This Easter, Ambassadors Football in partnership with Edenderry CE are taking a youth tour to Holland for 5 days. During the trip we will be based in the fishing town of Urk. We will also take a day trip to Amsterdam for a tour of the Ajax stadium and its youth academy along with some of the other sights of the city. While in Urk, we will play a number of matches against the youth teams of SV Urk and compete in a futsal tournament. We will also be involved in going into the local school, the local church, and running a short coaching clinic. It’s a brilliant opportunity to use your love of football to connect with people in a different country and culture.Each tour member will stay with a host family in Urk, giving them the full experience of Dutch culture. The tour fee covers all food, accommodation, travel in country and tour gear. The cost of the flight is not included, so the sooner you sign up, the cheaper we can get flights!

We took a similar tour to Spain back in 2005 and this is what one of the participants said looking back on it

“Spain impacted me in so many different ways, I gained great friends and learned a lot about what it meant to own your faith from the leaders. I loved the experience of playing aboard and watching how we all upped our game for each match. But most of all I loved the banter. It was great to think we might have made an impact on some of the people we met, but I know for all of us the biggest impact was being away together as a community of footballers, Christians, and friends.”

Dates: Wednesday 23rd April - Sunday 27th AprilCost: £175 + flights and personal travel insurance.Contact: Stewart at sglass@ambassadorsfootball.org for an application formApplication Deadline: 31st January 2014

This program is jam-packed full of football fun for boys and girls aged 3-5 year olds. Every child has a football for the entire program so each player can develop at their own pace. We play fun games pretending to be superfast race cars, silly flamingos, or buzzing bees. Lots of touches on the ball not only develops basic foot skills but coordination and gross-motor skills as well. We gather at the end of the session to learn a Scripture memory verse with motions and hear a Bible story.

“I can speak on behalf of a close group of Little Ambassador mummies, when I say football is a real blessing to our children! Between the five of us, we have 2 boys and 3 girls who attend Monday training in Richhill Presbyterian Church. All five of the children get so excited beforehand and feel so grown up with their new tops! Stewart, Katelyn, and the coaching team and so kind and loving to each individual child; they truly demonstrate Jesus love for children! My

daughter Faith is a real tomboy so playing football is right up her street! Another little girl Emma, is so impressed by coach Stewart, she is eating her meals better knowing that footballers must eat well! In summary, I cannot recommend Little Ambassadors enough. Their physical training and development on gross motor skills can only be of benefit to our little ones, whilst their memory verses and Bible stories can only but enrich the spiritual life of our children.”Lynsey Lucas, Little Ambassadors parent

Please contact us for details on times and locations for our next sessions!Contact Katelyn Reuther at kreuther@ambassadorsfootball.org or 07512463635

Ask one of our Little Ambassadors if they can remember the motions to Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong

and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God

will be with you wherever you go.”


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Office address:Ambassadors Football.

8 Derrylettiff RoadPortadownCo ArmaghBT62 1QU

Mobile: 07739017143

www.ambassadorsfootball.orgsglass@ambassadorsfootball.orgwww.youtube.com/user/AISINTwww.facebook.com/aisirelandCompany number: NI069535

Charity reference number: XT12541

Ambassadors 7sWomen’s Tournament

Mondays 7-9pm@ The AnnaghPortadown

£20 per team per nightTo Register please contact Katelyn: kreuther@ambassadorsfootball.org

or 07512463635Spaces limited • first come, first served

Wishing you all a Happy ChristmasThank you for your support and prayers for Ambassadors Football.

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