take your workplace wellness program from blah to brilliant

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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What makes a worksite wellness program brilliant, and not "blah?" Well, utlimately it's about results - but in order get results you need to engage employees. Many wellness professionals struggle to get the most out of their welllness program. Don't let that happen to you. Flip through these five strategies to inspire your own workplace wellness program


Take Your Wellness Program from “Blah” to bril liant


Here’s f ive simple strategies.      

Capture Multilevel Leadership Support Create a Health-Promoting Environment Build Effective Programming Communicate to Engage Make Health Social

Capture Multilevel Leadership Support  


Give Managers a Speci"c Role

•  Describe what you expect from managers.

•  Provide tools – create a “Meeting in a Box” so they have everything needed to present to their staff.

Real-Life Example: Once a month have senior management hold a workout session and invite all employees to join.  

Measure Success

•  Set participation, engagement and satisfaction goals.

•  Report on progress in operations meetings.

Real-Life Example: Tie wellness goals directly to your merit increase and/or bonuses for your company.  

Create a Health-Promoting Environment


Align Wellness Program with Culture •  The wellness program

should be a natural extension of your company’s core mission and values.

•  Make wellness one of the top priorities.

Real-Life Example: Change cultural norms so that walking during lunch is an established expectation.  

Healthy Policies •  Ensure policies enhance employee health

and productivity. Some sample policies: – Replacing unhealthy food in vending machines  – Ergonomically correct office furniture – Smoke free campus – Opportunities for physical activity – Healthy food at company events

Build Effective Programming

Base Interventions on Data

•  Interventions should match the health risks and challenges of your workforce.

•  Match some programming with employee interests.

•  Follow latest trends & research in health promotion.  


Real-Life Example: Sit for 60, Move for 3 a Physical Activity Intervention  

Take a Holistic View

•  Focus on the whole person: – Career – Social – Financial – Physical – Community

Real-Life Example: Offering Personal Financial Wellness Checkups can lower stress and improve productivity.  


•  Reward behaviors that are realistically achievable.

•  Make programs easily available to employees.

•  Provide employees with regular feedback regarding progress toward incentives.

Real-Life Example: The Go! TotalWellness Portal has incentive tracking built in so employees always know where they stand.  

C ommunicate to Engage

Give Your Program an Identity

•  Get a great logo. •  Develop a tagline. •  Design templates and create

standards for your communication materials.

•  Be consistent.

Real-Life Example: Healthy Pfizer. Helping You Be Your Best  

Personalize Messages

•  Address the needs and desires of key employee groups.

•  Answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

Real-Life Example: Have educational materials at health screenings directly related to each health risk – like high blood pressure.  

Be Clear & Concise

•  Pick one main concept for each promotional piece.

•  Think teasers and billboards. •  Make your messages

scannable. •  Provide a clear call to action.

Real-Life Example: Call to Action: Take your Health Risk Assessment now to get your reward.  

Use Multiple Channels

Vary your content types. Some examples include: –  Intranet/Web Portal –  Face-to-Face Meetings –  Email –  Internal Office Mailing – Home Mailings

– On-site Posters/Table Tents

–  Screen Savers – Articles in

organizational publications

–  Phone Based Outreach –  Text Messages

Make Health Social


•  People love stories. •  Include personal anecdotes

and success stories in your communication materials.

Real-Life Example: Develop a peer-to-peer recognition program.  

Utilize New Technology

•  The interactive nature of Social Media makes it a great place to engage with employees.

•  Videos can be used to generate excitement and get employees involved.

Real-Life Example: Create community page on Facebook to share updates and connect with employees.  

Need some more help?    

TotalWellnessHealth.com 888.434.4358  

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