talk of the club (feb-mar 2011)

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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A bimonthly lood at Toastmasters@sdcc, the Toastmasters club at San Diego Christian College


...Continued from page 1


Submission Guidelines

We are learning that producing a timely and

valuable newsletter is a labor of love, planning,

and strategy. These guidelines are intended to

help streamline that process.

Submit What? We want to publish anything

that is fun, helpful, educational, and inspiration-

al for our members and guests. Because we are

limited to four pages, your submission may be

edited for style, grammar, and length. Our

editorial staff will always work hard to preserve

the heart and unique voice of your writing.

Remember... in this issue >>>

* We Want Your Words * Contest Time * Facebook Connected * Creative Minds Among Us * Meet Deb Bertram * Member News & Nods * And Much More!

oftheClub Talk a bimonthly look at Toastmasters@SDCC

Encouragement from

the President

By Sam Keckler

“I don’t really want to be a great public

speaker.” Have you ever used this excuse

to keep you from Toastmasters? Think

again. We all have to communicate on a

daily basis, respond extemporaneously, or

address an audience from time to time. If

you have ever walked away from one of

those scenarios feeling like you could have

communicated better, that’s reason

enough to hone your skills. It’s true that

focus and wisdom will help us express our

thoughts coherently; however, nothing can

replace practice and a proven system for

continual improvement.

People join Toastmasters for different rea-

sons: overcoming the fear of public speak-

ing, learning to communicate ideas intelli-

gently, and being able to think on their

feet, among others. Whatever the reason,

Toastmasters@SDCC is a friendly club

where you can grow as a communicator

and leader. Come visit and see for yourself!

Our newsletter is young but growing. The editorial

staff needs Toastmasters@SDCC club members to

contribute articles, personals, interesting facts,

success stories, prayer requests and answers to

prayer. Let’s make this a great newsletter! We’re

streaming the process to be more timely and

efficient, so read the submission guidelines and

get published in our next issue…

Continues on page 4


How to Submit: Please email your

submission to

Although not required, we would love to have

your picture and name, so we can properly

credit you with a byline. Club pictures are

most welcome too.

Submission Deadlines: Sooner is better!

We are currently accepting submissions for

the April-May newsletter, which will go into

production at the end of March. We will pub-

lish submissions on a first-come, first-served

basis. Depending on the number of submis-

sions we receive, we may include some in a

later issue if the piece is not time sensitive.

It’s Contest Time! We Need Your Words...

I used to think there was no good reason

for going to speech contests (visiting or


One contest season, though, my club

“appointed” me as the representative. I

grudgingly went… Wow! It was one of the

most eye-opening experiences of my

Toastmasters career. How? Let me count

the ways… Continues on page 4

Toastmasters@sdcc is on Facebook! Why is

this important? We can connect with each

other, stay informed about upcoming events,

meeting agendas, and more. It is our club

page, so stop by and share about your club

experience and how Toastmasters@sdcc is

making a growing you as a speaker and lead-

er. What an easier way for potential visitors

to get to know our amazing group.

Connected! Write it Down! Speech, Story, Book... By Maria Keckler

Whether you are writing

down your next speech,

the story of your life, or

the book you always

wanted to publish, words have power to

inspire and change lives—if you know how

to get them from your brain to the page

with power and eloquence.

And that’s exactly why The Ezra Center for

Excellence is bringing author and speaker

Leeana Tankersley. Continues on page 4

...Continued from page 1


WHAT: The Writer Connection: "Learning

& Trusting the Process" is an interactive

workshop in which Leeana Tankersley, au-

thor of Found Art: Discovering Beauty in

Foreign Places, will walk you through the

heart, soul, and craft of the writer—from

blank page to publication. The workshop will

be focused on non-fiction, memoir writing,

but all writers and speakers will benefit

from her creative writing strategies.

WHERE: San Diego Christian Col-

lege/ Shadow Community Church

Campus, Room 7

WHEN: Saturday, April 16th,

9:00 AM - Noon.

RSVP: Reserve your spot today on the web

at or contact

Maria Keckler at for

more information — space is limited.

...Continued from page 1


1) A challenge: speaking in front of unfamiliar

faces grows us!

2) Networking: directly & indirectly increases

our influence and knowledge.

3) Discovering new resources—always a plus.

By Kent Gerhan By Editorial Staff

5) Learning from other clubs makes us better.

6) Sharing our wisdom with others—helps make others better.

7) Fun, food, and prizes! Who couldn’t use more of that?

I didn’t know what I was missing until I went! So, come-on-down

and join the party; don’t you miss out either. we’ll see you there!



What’s happening in your lives

Salvation available

Loving communication

Educating & enlightening

Toastmasters training

Telling forth


Rich & relational

Submit your praises and prayer re-quests to

By Marguerite Whitten

Join us Mondays 5:30 – 7:00 PM

San Diego Christian College, RM 12

2100 Greenfield Drive El Cajon, CA 92019




From Julie…

The Toastmasters@SDCC Tattler

Toastmasters@SDCC Tidings

Toastmasters@SDCC Tales

The Toastmasters@SDCC Scoop

From Marguerite

Crème de la Crème

Tantalizing Toasts: a Toastmasters' peri-odical

Newsletter Par Excellence

Toastmasters@SDCC’s “Ta Da”

“Name our Newsletter,” we put out the challenge to our Toastmasters, enticing them with the

prize of a gift card. Although you voted Linda Blackburn’s title the winner (featured on this is-

sue’s masthead) the creative submissions deserve an honorable mention here:

Creativity >>>

Creative Minds Among Us

From Linda

The Communicator

Toastmasters’ Communicator of SDCC

Talk of the Club (our Winner)

From Wanda

Toastmasters@SDCC “Talk Treats”

From Lynn

Lion Lights

Light Toasters

Light ‘n Bold

Light Talk

From Jack

Toastmaster Times

The Toast Post

Toasties Posties

Toastmaster Postmaster

Burnt Toast

Crumbs from the Toastmaster

Anonymous Submission

SDCC’s “A Toast To Us Toastmasters”

Calendar Special Focus >>>

Where are you from? My dad was in the Army & my husband in the Navy – pick a

place. I graduated high school in Colorado.

Tell us about your family: My 2 sons were born in different countries. My son &

grandsons (almost 6 and 3) live with us. I never thought I would be going to

"daycare" on my way to work at this point in my life.

What are some of your life goals? An empty nest at some point would be nice;

Meet Deb Bertram

Share Toastmasters with your friends! District 5 will give us one ticket for each new

or re-instated member for a drawing at the

May 21 Spring Conference. The drawing is

for an official Toastmasters International

Member News & Nods

It’s Official!

Toastmasters International listed our

“Toastmasters@sdcc” Club as one of the new

Corporate Clubs chartered in the last quarter.

You can get a copy on the web at Toastmas-

Treasurer Report

Toastmasters@sdcc had a January balance of

$106.49. These funds come from donations

and are used for ribbons, brochures, club so-

cial events, special awards, etc. Our local club

does not collect local additional club dues. The

$27.00 dues paid every six months go directly

to World Headquarters. We have a donation

basket available on the back counter at each

club meeting if you want to contribute to our

club fund. ~ Linda Blackburn

A Toast to Us

A Toast to Us

Your club newsletter is a must!

Educate and Enlighten

What a way our lives will brighten!

Toastmaster Training

The fun is never draining

So welcome the news

I’m sure all of it you can use!

Anonymously submitted by a poet among us.

Laugh Lines

Jack Higgins, who is always humor-ready,

thought that “Post Toasties” might be a good

name for our newsletter. He then suggested

that it might be better for our obituaries!

Submit your Laugh Lines at

Did you know? >>>

Did you know that if you join the editorial staff of “Talk of the Club” you will receive

credit in your Competent Leadership Manual (project 6, Organization and Delegation)?

The editorial staff needs all Toastmasters@SDCC club members to contribute articles,

personals, interesting facts, prayer requests and answers. Read the submission guide-

lines for more information.

Why should I help “Talk of the Club”?

Editorial staff get project credit!



By Marguerite Whitten

“There isn’t always an audible voice or a sky-

written message, but every moment I spend in

the presence of God I am standing on holy

ground, and it leaves the sweet smell of God-

fire on me. And an impression of direction

begins to come into focus.” Kim Thomas, Liv-

ing in the Sacred Now

I so enjoy hearing focused speeches from our

members! For example, on Feb 7, Ann opened

with a beautifully inspiring message about the

Super Bowl. She reminded us that we are on

God’s Team! Dave spoke on being considerate

and inclusive of workmates. Amanda shared

about the powerful ministry her grandmother

had in her life, and Peggy fondly spoke of four

special friends for the four seasons of life. Lynn

led an electrifying Table Topics session, and Di-

ane gave a thought provoking closing about be-

ing “A Breath of Fresh Air,” echoing our theme

for the evening!

When I left that meeting, I was built up and en-

couraged in my spiritual direction for the whole

week! I am certain these members spent time

with God.

Club Officers Sam Keckler, President

Sharon Paavola, VP of Membership

Marguerite Whitten, VP of Public Relations

Linda Blackburn, Treasurer

David Jones, Secretary

Lynn Bleyle, Sergeant of Arms

Kent Gerhan, Club Mentor

Learn about these leadership positions in your

Competent Leadership Manual.

New Members Welcome! Gail Bones

Amanda Graham

Kellye Laughery

Newsletter Editorial Staff Marguerite Whitten

Peggy Leslie

Maria Keckler

The Editor’s Lens

2 3

Earning my DTM designation, I would also love to travel to Great Britain.

Why did you become a Toastmaster? Nearly 3 years ago I joined Toastmasters after thyroid cancer

had affected my voice & self confidence.

What do you do? I work at San Diego State University as the database & survey analyst for the

College of Business; I’m also the Toastmasters Area 15 Governor.

What do you do for fun? I am a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution – genealogy

is a very fun way to explore your roots. I also enjoy finding old friends through Facebook and con-

necting with them. Of course, the grandsons keep me busy as well.

timing light. Wow, that would be fun to win,

and it is worth $65! During this month and

next try hard to reach others, talk to them

about the club, invite them, and share the per-

sonal benefits you derive from being part of


March 28


qualifying contest

April 9

TI Contest, SDCC, Room #7

Area 4, 9:30- 11:30 AM;

Area 15 (us) noon – 2:00 PM

April 16th

Writing Workshop

9:00-noon (see more information

in the “Write it Down” article below)

April 18th

Food and Fellowship,

Think about Leadership.

Submit calendar items to

top related