
Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Cellular Respiration

What is Cellular Respiration

Why is it important to me

Key Terms1.Aerobic Respiration2.Anaerobic Respiration3.ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate)4.Glycolysis5.Pyruvate6.Fermentation7.Mitochondria8.Krebs Cycle9.Respiration10.Ventilation

The point of cellular respiration is to harvest electrons from organic componds such as glucose and to use that to make a molecule called ATP.

ATP in turn is used to provide energy for most of the immediate work a cell does

Bringing it together


1.All cells require a continous supply of oxygen

Normal Values

PH: 7.35 - 7.45 Pco2 : 35 - 45Hco3 : 22- 26Po2: 80 - 100

The air we breath is made up of

1. Oxygen 21%2.Carbon Dioxide 0.03%

3. Nitrogen 79%Other .003%

1.Oxygen is drawn into the body through the mouth and nose2.Once it reaches aveoli, O2 is able to tranfer into the blood and taken to the cells3.This is known as tissue oxygenation or cell oxygenation

1.Low oxygen levels is called hypoxia

2.In low oxygen conditions anaerobic cellular oxygenation will occur generating the waste prodct

lactic acid3.If low oxygen continues it will lead to a metabolic acidosis resulting in

cell death

If you cant Breath

Nothing else matters

If you stop or severly slow your breathing your

Ph will go Down, Pco2 up and Po2 will go down

PH: 7.28Pco2: 50Po2: 60

If you hyperventilate your ph will go UP, Pco2 DOWN, PO2 UP

PH : 7.55Pco2: 25Po2 : 100

Works CitesEgans Fundamentals of Respiratory Caremosby 2003


Biology : the Unity and diversity of Lifestar/Taggart/Evers Twelfth Edition

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