talkin' seo - introduction for henley business school

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Benedetto MotisiCo-Founder Linkfloyd

Author of «Interceptor Marketing» (Flaccovio Editore)Contributor of «Le nuove professioni digitali» (Hoepli)

Meet the search engine (yep, one)

Search engines are coolSearch Engines are the battlefield of a particular marketing war: the Search Engine Optimization.

Ok, what the hell are the Search Engines?

Information retrievalA search engine is an automatic system that analyzes and sorts the crazy and huge quantity of data, elaborating in results pages.

The first search engines was born in ‘90-middle when the online information grew and grew like the lovecraftian Old Ones.

The first generation (before Google)

The first generation of search engines used only one factor: the keywords in the content.

This system allowed to connect the search keywords to online documents: this tag report the presence in specific contents.

The search engine elaborated this results in lists.

The second generation (Google was born)

Google, first of his name, king of the search engines, emperor of data, saviour of humanity that navigate online.THE search engine conquered the throne for his capacity of analyze Web specific data (link first and so user navigation, user experience, citation, authority of sites).

The third generation (Google smash!)

Today we see the attempt to give answers at users needs beyond questions through semantic data analysis.

Google studies:

• Social signals.• Multimedia contents.• Spell checking (vocal research with mobile).• Query refinement (Google Suggest).• Local Search.• Trends.

The process beyond Search Engine

1. Crawling2. Indexation3. Ranking

Web crawlers, or spiders, climb the Web through link forimprove the search engines index and calculate the value of sites at same time.

Triforce of Search Engines

SEOs optimize the ranking factors (over 9000..ops, 200!) useful for evaluate a site compared to others for specific researches.

Satisfaction Engine Optimization

Social for conversation,Search for satisfaction.

Users research on Google in the moment they have a need.

In this perfect moment users are in grace: the climax of attention (and purchase intent).

Return on investment for SEO

1.Impressions2.Lead generation 3.Sales

Search Queries Analysis

The Fantastic Four

1. SEMRush (international Market)2. SEOZoom (italian-spoken Market)3. Ubersuggest (free)4. Your Brain (100% free!)

Remember, young padawan


Case History: Impressions

Case History: Lead Generation

Case History: Sales

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

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