target audience typical viewer of dead lazy

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Target Audience

Typical Viewer of our Product

Typical viewer of our Product

Age, Gender and Race• Age: Our target audience for our product was between the ages 18-35 as we thought

that this age group would enjoy our film the most as this particular age group is fond of the gore and the comedic side of films and our product has both horror and comedy. Some older generations may enjoy this product but many of the older generation dislike the horror and the gory side of films. Also seeing as our product is rated an 18 it fits in perfectly with our typical viewer and our target audience.

• Gender: From our typical viewer it is obvious that our product is more likely to interest men rather than women. We think this as our product is very much about men as the whole cast is men and the jokes and the comedy in the film is aimed at men. That said women may also enjoy our product as many women enjoy horror films so it may attract some women to watch the product.

• Race: Our product is for all races and ethnicity as our product is not particularly focused on any specific race as our product is more focused on the relationships between the two characters. It could possibly lean towards white men due to our cast being predominantly white but our product is aimed at all races and all ethnicity's.

Socio-economic Grouping and Level of Education

• Socio-Economic Grouping: Judging from our typical viewer the main socio-economic groups that our product aims at are the groups E to C1. This is because we don’t think our film would aim at the upper socio-economic class as our film is focused on slackers and workaholic’s so therefore we believe that it would appeal to E to C1. It may attract some of B as one of our characters is a managerial job so maybe parts of B maybe interested in our product. It appeals to E to C1 as it is about the middle of the jobs scale so people may want to watch our product so that they can relate to the product and emphasise or sympathise with the characters.

• Level of Education: We think that our product would appeal most levels of education as there are some clever and witty elements of the product but there is also parts of our product that everyone would be able to understand therefore it would be suitable for most levels of education as we have easy to understand moments within the product. It would also appeal to A level or University students as our characters are around that age group and that type of audience may find it interesting.

Interests and Lifestyle Categories

• Interests: The typical viewer for our product would obviously be interested in the horror, comedy and zombie genres. They would be particularly interested in the zombie comedy genre as films have tried but failed to get the right feeling of a zom-com. Other interests for our typical viewer would that they may have an interest in the gaming industry as our character is seen playing games while also many games have zombies in them which might interest people. We have put the apple sign next to our typical viewer as tech enthusiast may enjoy the film as the film has games within it.

• Lifestyle Categories: We think that our typical viewer would be in the Egoists and Drop-out section of the lifestyle categories as our product has a lot of excitement in it which might attract the Egoists as they want to get the most out of the film that they are watching and we think that our product does that. For the Drop-outs our product has a drop-out of sorts in Rich the slacker we may make them want to see the product so that they can empathise with him.

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