target marketing annex "your buzz" starter

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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A brochure that details “Your Buzz,” a real-time target marketing and thought leadership platform that enables clients to market themselves to specific audiences.


Target Market Annex © 2012Confidentiality: This presentation contains confidential information.Unauthorized dissemination, distribution or copying of this presentation is strictly prohibited.


“Your Buzz” is Target Marketing Annex’s real time

Target Marketing and Thought Leadership platform that

enables clients to market themselves to very specific groups

of influencers, investors, stakeholders, and sales prospects.

Target Marketing Annex creates an Organic Following for

our clients by developing and distributing relevant content in

a targeted multi-layered approach.

Film Annex is the parent company of Target Marketing

Annex, and is a leading online video and writing platform,

ranked by Quantcast as high as #31 in website traffic with

over 40 million unique global visitors per month. Film Annex

competes with websites such as The New York Times and

The Huffington Post, in terms of traffic and repeat visits.

“Your Buzz” is a perfect complement to Film Annex’s traffic

and distribution.

YOUR BUZZ STARTER PACKAGE CONSISTS OF: •5 Video Interviews produced using our “Thought

Leadership” style where we position the client company as a Thought Leader in a specific industry or niche topic

•Videos can be posted on other sites, including YouTube

•5 Video Blogs with a focus on a client’s long-tailed keywords

•“Long tail keywords” in Video Blogs position the client with high rankings on search engines

•Video Blogs get read three times as much as traditional blogs; the embedded video acts as a magnet to readers

•Guaranteeof10,000viewsperclient •FreeWebTVchannelonFilmAnnex

“YOUR BUZZ” STARTER ALSO INCLUDES SEO PRIMER: •High ranking of four keywords and 40 “real”

backlinks to client website •RSSFeedandclientblogsubmissionsofURLsto100+

online directories specific to a client’s industry.



“YOUR BUZZ” STARTER GOALS •Attractnewcustomersandincreasesales •Increaseshareholdervaluebybringingyourcompanytotheattentionofrelevantandinterestedinvestors •Enhanceyourcompany’ssocialmediapresenceandsearcheffectiveness •Supportyourcompany’smarketingandcapitalraisingefforts.

WIDE DISTRIBUTION (INCLUDED): •VideoBlogswrittenbyTargetMarketingAnnexaredistributedtoFilmAnnexandhundredsofotherwebsites

viaourRSSfeedsystem •TypicaltraffictoclientWebTV’sincludes: •50,000+uniquevisitors •1,000+willtalkaboutandsharethecompanyintheirnetworks •YourcompanywillbebrandedwithFortune2000advertisersatFilmAnnex.comincludingiconicbrands


NARROW DISTRIBUTION (ADDITIONAL):Identifying Influencers and Direct Engagement – Withthe introduction of individual websites, blogs, and social networks, anyone with key industry knowledge and a large following or fan base can be considered an “Influencer”.Companiesarerealizingtheimpactbloggersand microbloggers can have on their specific products, services, or brands. As part of our narrow distribution, Target Marketing Annex: •Monitors industryrelatedconversationsrelativeto

our clients using proprietary technology •Engages key influencers to target and distribute

a quality message to potential customers and investors

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