task 1 ppm - group 3 - skill development

Post on 25-May-2015






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Mathematics Teaching Planning

Skills Development

Group 3

Elwan Stiadi A1C010015

Ahyar Formadi A1C010016

Tendi Novika A A1C010013

Intan Tia Enggraini A1C010025

Eka Noprianti PP A1C010024

Semester : 5

Lecturer : Dewi Rahimah S.Pd, M.Ed

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Bengkulu




A. Activity : Demostrate this prop in front of class.




Second model instrument of parallelogram area can be used for

study Geometry in the sixth grade elementary school. This model

instrumentis used to help students to derive a formula of

parallelogram area.

In this part there is a affective aspect that is “to help


Cognitive aspect is “to derive a formula of parallelogram


Picture :

This model instrument consist of a frame, 2 pieces of large right triangleare congruent, a piece of small right triangle, and a piece of right trapezoid.



Way of usage :

A. Indicator

Students can derive a formula of parallelogram area with a

approach of rectangle area. (Cognitive aspect)

B. Terms that must be owned by students

Understand the concept of a rectangle area.

Understand about parallelogram and its elments.

C. The steps of usage

1. Place 2 pieces of large right triangle are congruent, a piece

of small right triangle, and a piece of right trapezoid to the

frame to form a parallelogram with base length is a and

height is the distance between the base and top side is t.

(Figure 1)

This part there is a cognitive aspect, because we have to understand about this

There is a psychomotor aspect in the part of step of usage, because we have to practice/demonstrate this prop (for step 1 and 2). We must move/put the part of triangle to the frame.

There is a psychomotor aspect in this part, because to make all of this part of this prop we make a design, to measure length of the parts, and to cut the paper.



Figure 2

2. Move piece of large right triangle, a piece of small right

triangle, and a piece of right trapezoid to form a rectangle

with length = a and width = t. (Figure 2)

3. Because of rectangle area is the product between length

and width has been known before, so rectangle area at

figure 2 is a x t.

4. Considered that rectangle area as same as parallelogram

area, therefore :

Parallelogram area = a x t

Figure 1

There is a cognitive aspect in this part, because we have to remember the material that we have known before.




Affective aspect :

1. The attitude class when practicing.

2. Discipline in practice of step by step of this props


B. Activity: Demonstrate a prop of (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b

+ 3ab2 + b3 in front of class.

“(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3”

Uses :

To shows Algebra identity (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

geometrically as step to abstraction of the Algebra


There is a cognitive aspect in this part, because we

have to understand about Algebra identity (a + b)3 =

a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

Image :

L = base length x height

There is a cognitive aspect in this part, because we have to make a conclution from our demonstrate/proof of this prop.








Step of using / how to use :

1. Put eighth of beams to the uncovered transparent box.

There is psychomotor aspect in this part, because

we have to put/move the beams to the uncovered

transparent box.

2. Maybe there is a student who false on putting the eighth

of beams. As a teacher, we suppose to facilitate it so

that student can put eighth of beams correctly to get

the formula.

There is a affective aspect in this part, because

teacher suppose/help student so the student can

put the beams correctly.

3. We can see that red rectangular prism has volume a2b,

blue rectangular prism has volume a2b, green

rectangular prism has volume a3, and yellow cube has

volume b3.

There is a cognitive aspect in this part because

we have to know the formula of rectangular prism

volume and cube volume. And we must remember

the colour each beams with the formula.

4. We will find that all of the beams will occupy the

transparent box, so we can conclude that

“(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3”

There is a cognitive aspect in this part because we

can make a conclution that “(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b

+ 3ab2 + b3”


Affective aspect :

1. The attitude class when practicing.

2. Discipline in practice of step by step of this props


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