task 9 establish compulsory capacity building programmes ... · 9/17/2009  · task 9 background...

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L NeethlingDirector: Curriculum Design

17 September 2009

Task 9

Establish Compulsory Capacity Building Programmes for HR Professionals


Presentation structure

♦ Background

♦ Output

♦Professionalising HR

♦ Compulsory HR courses and programmes


Task 9 Background

♦ In 2007 - Review of the implementation of the HRD Strategy for the Public Service (2002 – 2006)* “HRD still struggles to set its anchor and find meaning and stabilityin the Public Service”* Unevenness in depth of understanding of HRD in Public Service

♦ Result: HRD Strategic Framework for the Public Service♦ Result: HR Competency Framework – central to the

development of currently employed HR Practitioners* Set of competency standards, expected knowledge and capabilities

for HR practitioners


Background (cont)Government Programme of Action

♦ Cabinet Legotla of 27 July 2008 under Capacity of the State within the G&A Cluster resolved that compulsory capacity building programmes for HR Professionals should be developed

♦ For purposes of implementation various decisions get translated into different tasks

♦ Result – Task 9: Compulsory Capacity Building Programmes for HR Professionals

♦ Result – Task 11: Funding Strategies for compulsory programmes


Task 9Output

♦Professionalising Public Service HR practitioners

♦Compulsory generic and specialist HR courses and programmes


Task 9Professionalising HR

Cons ti tu tionof RSA (1996)“A h igh s tandard of profes s ional ethic s

m us t be prom oted and m ainta ined

DPSA Com petenc y Fram ework s – 4 c lus ters

Profes s ional perform anc e area

People perform anc e area

Serv ic e performanc e area

Organis ational perform anc e

Cur ricul a & “Prof Dev”=? Deliv ery


Task 9Professionalising HR (cont)

♦ What should be the philosophy underpinning being a professional in the Public Service?

♦ Use input to develop concept paper


Task 9Compulsory HR courses and programmes

♦ Why compulsory courses?♦ Enable HR practitioners and line managers to:

* support interventions to improve the HR function in the Public Service;

* provide a set of competency standards for the HR function; and

* enhance the effectiveness of HR practitioners in the Public Service.


Compulsory HR courses and programmes DPSA Strategic Frameworks

♦Generic orientation to DPSA Strategic Frameworks:* To enhance knowledge, skills and attributes of public servants to

use a holistic and integrative approach to implement 7 Strategic Frameworks:

• HRD• HRP• Performance Management• Employee Health and Wellness• Gender Equity• Job Access• Leadership Development Management


Compulsory HR courses and programmes (cont)Specialised courses and programmes

♦HR Curriculum Framework:* Vehicle utlised to align the development and delivery of HR training programmes;* HR Practitioners as Strategic Partners, Change agents, Administrative Experts and Employee Champions; and

* Two pillars: HR Programmes and Line Manager Programmes


Specialised courses and programmes (cont)HR Curriculum Framework

HR Curriculum Framework

HR Competency Framework

HR ExecutiveProgramme

(Band 13 & 14)

HR PractitionerProgramme(Level 7 – 8)

Covers the HR competencies attached to the

HR functions performed bythe relevant target groups

Covers all HR Competencies

attachedto the actions Performed by Heads of HR components

Covers HR competencies attached to the HR functions Performed by line managers

HR Specialist Programme (Level 9 - 12)

HR Programme ‘’

Generic HR SupervisoryProgramme

(Level 9 – 12)

Line Manager Programme

Generic HR Executive

Programme(Band 13 &


Generic HR Formative

Programme (Level 7 - 8)


Compulsory HR courses and programmes (cont) Specialised courses and programmes

♦HRD Implementation Plan:* HRD Strategic framework say all depts must submit approved annual HRD Implementation Plans;

* To build capacity in Public Service to compile departmental HRD Implementation Plans; and

* Target group is HRD managers within all 3 spheres of government.


Compulsory HR courses and programmes (cont) Specialised courses and programmes

♦HR Specialist Programme* To design and develop a specialist learning programme in HR, based on the HR Strategic Frameworks and incorporating relevant competencies indicated in the DPSA HRM competency framework;* HR organisational role: Functional specialisation, advisory and consulting;

*Incorporates 6 HR functional areas; and* Target group is HR Specialists (salary level 9 – 12)

♦ Methodology - Blended, multi-mode delivery approach


HR Specialist Programme training model


Re a leboga


Thank you





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