taslima nasreen . concept of colonialism

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Controversy of Taslima Nasrin's book Lajja. How is uprootment depicted in her book .


Literature presentation

Taslima nasrin

Brief history of partition1. the partition took place on the 14th august 1947 when the British Indian

province of Bengal was divided between India and Pakistan

2. Hindu west Bengal became a province of India whilst the Eastern predominantly Muslim became a province of Pakistan

3. In 1971 after the Bangladesh liberation War, the Eastern Province of Bengal had now become an independent country now known as Bangladesh

4. In independent Bangladesh, state sponsored discrimination of Hindus largely stopped. But like India, the two communities relationship remains tense and occasional communal violence occurred, such as in the aftermath of Babri mosque demolition, migration to india continues to present day although now it is mostly due to economic reasons and is not limited to Hindus alone.



A new life for some people to start afresh

Discrimination and separation of different classes therefore violence and Communal riots taking place

The poverty rate has declined considerably since independence, and per-capita income has doubled from 1975 levels in Bangladesh

Large sums of refugees, people were lost and isolated, estimated that over 10 million people fleed across the border

More jobs available as new infrastructure and devlopment of the country in progress

Mass destruction and loss of lively hood


Taslima nasrin

Lajja: Synopsis

Lajja is about a Bengali family, the Duttas, who are Hindus by birth, but are atheists in their belief system. The family consists

of Sudhamoy and his wife, Kiranmoyee, and their two adult children, Maya and Suranjan.

Based on 1992 riots in Bangladesh following the babri masjid demolition, during which there was widespread violent riots in

Bangladesh, against its Hindu minority community, it also mentions in detail two other significant events in Bangladesh


Characters of the book.

Sudhamoy (Nilanjana’s father)Kiranmoyee (Nilanjana’s mother) Suranjan (Nilanjana’s brother)Nilanjana aka Maya.

Impact of the book on the people

• The Bangladeshi government filed a case against Nasrin on the charges of "hurting religious feelings of the people". Over 300,000 people demanded her death while general strikes were called all over the country to demand Taslima's execution in 1994. The people also offered $2000 to anyone who killed her. A non-bailable arrest warrant was also issued against her.

Taslima Nasrin- Migration1993 novel Lajja or Shame, in which a Hindu family is persecuted by Muslims this publication changed her life and career dramatically. She had written against Islamic philosophy, angering many Muslims of Bangladesh, who called for a ban on her novel. August 1994 she was brought up on "charges of making inflammatory statements," and faced death threats from Islamic fundamentalists and religious Muslims.. "militant faction threatened to set loose thousands of poisonous snakes in the capital unless she was executed." After spending two months in hiding, at the end of 1994 she escaped to Sweden, consequently ceasing her medical practice and becoming a full-time writer and activist.

Life in Exile-After fleeing Bangladesh in 1994, she spent the next 10 years in exile in the West. She returned to the east and relocated to Kolkata, India, in 2004, where she lived until 2007. Nasrin left for the West again in 2008.

1994–2004, exile in the West -Leaving Bangladesh at the end of 1994, she lived in exile in Western Europe and North America for 10 years. Her Bangladeshi passport had been revoked; she was granted citizenship by the Swedish government and took refuge in Germany . She then had to wait for 6 years (1994–1999) to get a visa to visit India, and never got a Bangladeshi passport . Later In March 2000, she visited Mumbai.

2004–2007, life in Kolkata-In 2004, she was granted a renewable temporary residential permit by India and moved to Kolkata in the state of West Bengal, though it refused to grant her Indian citizenship.

Post- colonialism

Highlighting the post-colonial term in lajja

 Post-colonial literature addresses the problems and consequences of the de-colonization of a

country and of a nation, especially the political and cultural independence of formerly colonial peoples,

it also covers literary, which justify racialism and colonialism and political tension.

Taslima Nasrin a contemporary woman novelist who presents the agony of the post colonial

citizens of Bangladesh. Their quest for self-identity is the pivotal point in her novel 'Lajja' . 

Nasrin questions the conversion of Bangladesh into an Islamist state, leading to the treatment of

Hindus as second class citizens.

"Let us live, let us go away."

when they were tortured and terrorised by the political and religious heads.

When they were uprooted out of the ancestral home along with the other members of the family. They found it hard to adjust to the new surroundings and would often wake up crying at night and

remember the beloved home they had left behind.

All through the book, we can see people tortured, humiliated and living in fear for no fault of their own. People who have fought for the independence of their country, being ostracized due to the

religion they were born into.

It is also written with anger and sadness that anyone who believes in equality, human rights, democracy and secularism, would feel.

Relating to the current situation

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