taste vs. smell active & healthy living · 2019-02-22 · taste? to describe smell? • what...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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• Do you want to do this adventure indoors, outdoors or at camp?

• What words do you use to describe taste? To describe smell?

• What are some animals that have a strong sense of smell? A strong sense of taste?

• What foods will the White Tails prepare for this adventure?


• The White Tails have collected and prepared foods that smell and taste different.

• With a blindfold on, take turns smelling each food. What do you think it is?

• Now, plug your nose and taste each food. What do you think it is? • Finally, taste each one without plugging your nose. What do you

think it is? • Take off the blindfold, and compare your guesses.

REVIEW:• What do you know now that you did not know before? • How many did you guess right with your nose? With your taste

buds? With both?• How do you think your senses of taste and smell are connected? • What are some foods that smell the same? Taste the same?

Animals use their sense of smell to find their families, find food, spot danger or mark and identify territory. A good sense of taste can tell an animal whether food is safe to eat, and start the digestive process.

How do you know what you are eating? Using only your nose, try to recognize different foods. Then, use your taste buds. Keep track of how many you guessed right.

Use your Five Senses:

Taste vs. SmellRUSTY’S MEADOW Active & Healthy Living


• Do any members of your Colony have allergies? Keep everyone safe by avoiding those foods.

• Ask a Scouter for help when cutting up food. • Remember to wash your hands before touching food.

ONliNe Resources:

• Savory Science www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-jelly-bean-taste-smell/

• Taste and Smell Challenge www.kidspot.com.au/things-to-do/activities/taste-and-smell-challenge?ref=collection_view%2Cscience-experiments

• What are Taste Buds? kidshealth.org/en/kids/taste-buds.html• Your Nose kidshealth.org/en/kids/nose.html• You and your Senses of Smell and Taste www.youtube.com/


• Blindfolds• Different foods cut into pieces, such as: peeled apples, pears and

potatoes, or lemons, oranges and limes. • Small bowls (in kit)

Use your Five Senses:

Taste vs. Smell

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