tcs focus

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Codrington school


The Codrington School swimming gala is coming....

Thursday 4th October at the Aquatic Centre

All students are expected to be at the Aquatic Centre at 8 a.m. for the 8.30 a.m. start. Any students who

travel on the Hole Town bus will be brought straight to the pool.

Important things for students to remember are:

Come to the pool wearing their house t-shirts.

If they are swimming or assisting students in the pool, they must have a swim cap and goggles.

Come with sun cream, a hat, water, snacks and a packed lunch.

Come with no glass bottles...they are banned!

If your child normally has hot lunch from Miss Lisa, please rest assured, she will be there with a choice of

chicken rotie or roast beef sandwich., with vegetarian options.

The event should finish by 1.30 p.m.

Please liaise with Miss Summer regarding school buses

as she will need to know whether your child is travelling back to

Hole Town after this school event.

PLEASE COME ALONG! Click here for the gala programme Click here for the hot food menu

S w i m g a l a n e x t w e e k ! T h u r s d a y 4 t h O c t o b e r

T C S F O C U S 2 0 1 2 - 1 3 : E d i t i o n 3 F r i d a y 2 8 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 2

D a t e s f o r y o u r d i a r y

La mejor parte

de la semana...

Starting my MYP 5

personal project—I am

really excited about it!

One of my PE

lessons, where we

played Catch The

Flag, it is like a tag

game. It was really

good fun!

Was my PE lesson

when I played

dodge ball.

Dylan Thompson, MYP 1

P l e a s e a l s o s e e

Ben Kelly, PYP 6

Ariela St-Pierre-Collins, MYP 5

Swimming Gala— Aquatic Centre—all day event Thu. 4th Oct.

PTA Wine & Cheese Evening – Glitter Bay. Alleynes Bay, 6-11 p.m. Fri. 5th Oct.

School photographs Wed. 17th Oct.

PYP 3-way Conference Thu. 18th Oct.

Secondary school reports sent to parents Fri. 19th Oct.

Teachers work day & start of half-term for students Fri. 19th Oct.

Half-term continues Monday 22.10.12—Friday 26.10.12

As the week draws to a close and so does the first month back to school, I would like to share my thoughts on ‘support’ both for the school and students and within the school. Support, in whatever form it takes, is the lifeblood of every school no matter the size, type or location. From the perspective of the school our role is to guide and support the students through their journey from PYP to MYP to DP and beyond. It terms of the community, support comes in many forms such as assisting students with their study, volunteering for events, donating time and resources and most importantly being involved and engaged in your child’s education .

In my short time here I have been bowled over by the level of support and commitment of the community towards the school. From sponsorship of events; to parental attendance at workshops; to donation of equipment for our clubs; to sharing opinions and giving feedback on the school as well as devoting time and energies to making the ‘experience’ more fulfilling for the students. On the last point I would like to single out the efforts of the PTA. In a nutshell they have been wonderful – manning the library, organizing “pizza days’ and beach parties and really supporting the mission of the school in building community and enhancing the experiences of the students. In saying that, our PTA is a small group who could really use additional hands to do all that they need to. If you can and are willing to help out, in whatever form, please contact the PTA on

From within the school we have sought to enhance the educational experiences for the students by increasing our after school offerings. In the secondary school, we have established a number of ‘tutoring’ sessions to support learning through both the MYP and DP (click here) In the primary school, we have endeavored to support the students learning experiences through a number of after school activities (Click here) Please encourage your children to take part in and utilize these offerings. Another opportunity to support the students is the Swimming gala on Thursday, where there will pit their skills against each other and also the ‘clock’ in the hope of qualifying for the national school’s championship.

One chance to show your support… and this is an easy, painless and definitely enjoyable opportunity for all..…is to attend the Wine and Cheese on Friday 5th October at Glitter Bay (click here). Not only is this another chance for us to get together as a community; but a chance to invite others into our community; a time to wind down from the week with friends; share ideas on the school and ultimately any proceeds raised will go towards a much needed server to support the school’s IT framework and initiatives. I hope to see as many of you there as possible and a huge thank you from the PTA and the owners of Glitter Bay for their support.

A final note, we received a lovely e-mail from a family who used to be with us: “We just wanted to let you know of the success of a previous student that was a member of your family between September 2007 and June 2009. George Kenyon joined Codrington in September 2007 in MYP1 with a group of new starters. He quickly made friends with both the students and teachers. I believe he could be quite a character, even though he was a quiet student. George has dyslexia and dyspraxia but with the support of the school he became a confident young man who got on well with everyone. Due to personnel circumstances we had to leave the Island during the summer of 2009 and return to England. George was enrolled in the local comprehensive school in September 2009 and continued to do well. This year he sat his GCSE and gained 11 with grades A-C, he has now enrolled at Sixth Form to do 4 A-levels. George believes that Codrington gave him the belief and confidence in himself so that he would achieve, when other schools during his primary years did not.” The Kenyon family, the UK

T C S P r i n c i p a l – M r . D a r r y l

T C S H e a d s o f S c h o o l - M r . P i e r s & M s . J a n e t

One of the perils of having a Principal who is younger than you, is that he creates intellectual and physical demands upon you. As a competitive person, I tend to take up most challenges, and Mr. Darryl used this knowledge unfairly in suggesting that I attend rugby practice with him yesterday. I promised Miss Armelle 4 years ago that I had played my last game, however I may have just a bit more left in me. The problem is that I am feeling it today and may not have the energy for a huge note in this TCS focus. Miss Armelle may let me off going to rugby if I plead with parents for any

assistance that may be offered in terms of the recycling centre. If you drop off your child in the morning and have 15 minutes spare in which you can help in keeping the area tidy, she would definitely like to hear from you.

As a result of last week’s back to school session, I have had a number of parents who have been trying out “Moodle” at home with varying levels of success. Keep going back and trying it and remember I will be having a workshop this side of half term, once I have ironed out any small issues. Sitting in my office today I had a great “only in Codrington” moment. I was listening to the MYP3 music lesson being conducted under the trees; the whole group had African Djembe drums and percussion instruments which were bought thanks to PTA fund raising events. It sounded great and I wanted to know how it fit into the curriculum. Of course, Moodle. I went to the music pages and there it was – unit question – How are different cultures represented in music? Have a look at it yourself… there is even a photo of the session up on there already… remember you can access by clicking guest access on front page -

An early further plea for assistance – after half term we will be having an inter-disciplinary week concentrating on tourism in Barbados and in particular, how niche tourism can be developed e..g heritage, sports, ecotourism, educational etc.. If you have any expertise in this matter or contacts who might help us, I would be grateful if you would get in touch with me. Well it has been another successful week at school. A lot of things going on, and a great deal of work by both teachers and students. Expectations are high, and we do expect responses from students. As you may know Mr. Ryan has taken over as pastoral head and is keeping a very tight rein on homework and is more than willing to take detentions on a Thursday for “catch up” time. However, all the other afternoons (except Friday), students are welcome to come to any of the drop-in tutoring sessions mentioned above by Mr. Darryl. Have a great weekend everyone. Mr. Piers.

Greetings from the Primary School

Firstly, our new PYP 6 teacher, Holly Clegg, has arrived and has been with her class all week. She’s very excited to be here and the children have very clearly reciprocated the feeling. As a community please feel free to contact Holly and help her settle into life on the island. Secondly, the teachers have, and will continue, updating the Wiki spaces. We’re hoping to get some fun photos and examples of work up on the site for you to view. If you have any issues regarding access, please send me an e-mail to let me know. Finally, just a mention on preparation. Could you please ensure that every student comes to school with appropriate shoes and a hat to wear at break time.? We’ve had recurring issues with children not having the right clothing for the climate and the grounds; we would appreciate parental support in this matter. The same goes with classroom materials and every child bringing what they need to their classes. I look forward to seeing

a strong PYP parent body at the swimming gala next Thursday and hopefully a full and healthy student body! Kindly, Mr. James

Holly Clegg

Over the summer vacation Anish Persaud (MYP

2) represented Barbados in the Caribbean Dinghy

Championships in Antigua, in the optimist class

and he placed third! He only started sailing last

year and this is a tremendous achievement.

Anish told us: “It was a constant battle to keep

control of the boat. During my races my

Antiguan friend was my main rival! It was the

best experience of my life, sailing for my country.

Overall Barbados came third out of all the

coun tr ies” .

We are very

proud that


A n i s h & h i s s a i l i n g a c h i e v e m e n t s a n d

T h e b e a c h c l e a n - u p g r o u p !

The mission of The Codrington School is to empower all children and adults within the community to become internationally-minded learners who embrace and respect academic excellence and a love of life-long learning land who exemplify the traits of the IB learner profile.

O t h e r a n n o u n c e m e n t s … .

Please join and you can always contact us at:

Or keep informed at by joining our Facebook


The Codrington School PTA

Parent and Teacher Volunteers Committed to

Enhancing Your Codrington Experience

Please check your kids' bags for an important letter from the PTA

This Wednesday your child was given a letter regarding volunteering with the PTA. If you did not receive it yet please

take a moment to check their bag. If you cannot find the letter please contact

us at Thank you!

Our after-school activities started this week as part of our goals to increase

the focus and support of academics across the school.

Just as a reminder, students can sign up at any time before 10:40 a.m. on the

day of the session and up to a week or more in advance.

Any ‘bus riders’ who sign up for these sessions will need to liaise with

Miss Summer with regards to transportation.




Just a little

reminder to those parents &

guardians who have been in-

voiced by Miss Lisa & Happy

Delight Catering Services, please

send cash or cheques to Miss.

Vicky at your earliest


Do you have any unwanted play items?

If so, please could you donate them to

the school for use at play and lunch


Please drop them off to Miss Vicky!

Thank-you very much!


Click here to see the various classified

advertisements that those in our community ask us

to bring to the attention of all!

Bibi Brown-Esteban, Megan Bradd, Aurora Rose, Fayola

Wetzels, (MYP 1) Laura Verdina, & Isabella Forsberg (MYP 5)

Brianna Skeete (MYP 1)

Last week a number of students were involved in a beach clean-up as part of their involvement with “Interact” group and community service. As Bibi Esteban-Brown said: “We went to Morgan Lewis Beach; we went to participate with the Rotary Club. We were ready to help at 7 a.m. We worked there for 4 hours. In this cleanup the beauty of Barbados has been conserved. Next year, if people are more care-ful we might not have to do it! Well done to all the volunteers!

Pictures coming soon!!! Click here for more on INTERACT

Sign up for Pizza Days by Oct 1st

Just a little reminder pizza day forms

and payments are due

back by no later than

this Monday 1st


Click here for the form

and please drop it in to Miss Vicky



Click here


We have been in Barbados Today this week!

Please follow this link to read the article

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