‘te deum’ group

Post on 21-Feb-2022






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Week Commencing: Saturday 19th February 2022

Day Place Time Service Intention

Sat 19th Feb

7th Sunday

in Ordinary


Sun 20th Feb

















Holy Rosary

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday


Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Sarah & John Burke RIP

John McConnell RIP

Win Reeves RIP

Val Waddell RIP

Special Intention

Patsy McLaughlin RIP

Mon SMW 10.00am Mass followed by Coffee Nan Morris RIP







No Mass

Parish Surgery


Wed SJW 11.30am Mass followed by Soup James Smith RIP

Thurs SMW



No Mass

Holy Rosary







Mass followed by coffee

Rene & Bill Corkindale RIP

Sat 26th Feb

8th Sunday

in Ordinary


Sun27th Feb

















Holy Rosary

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday


Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Mass of Sunday

Monsignor John Henslin RIP Jack Smith Birthday

Karen RIP

James & Edith Robinson RIP Fr. Casey RIP

Arthur Dutton RIP

Confessions: Available after weekday masses. Please notify the priest before Mass that you

wish to make use of the Sacrament. Or by appointment.

Second Collection this week: Building Funds

Second Collection next week: Building Funds

The St. John Henry Newman Cluster

Four Churches - One Faith Family



01902 452841

Father Craig Fullard (Parish Priest)

Holy Trinity, Bilston

St. Joseph’s, Darlaston

St. Mary's, Willenhall

St. Joseph’s, Wolves


Ash Wednesday Masses (2nd March)

7.00am at HTB 10.00am at SMW

11.30am at SJW 7.00pm at SJD

Dare to Dream..

...Reaching Outwards

An Update on our Cluster initiatives

re: community engagement and

outreach. We will also discuss what

charities we will support in Lent.

Join and find out what we are up to!


Monday 21st Feb. via Zoom

Meeting ID: 849 3889 7880

Passcode: 735336

Can’t zoom but want to know more

then have a chat with me

(contact via Cluster Office).

God Bless, Lynne Richards

Charity Auction Friday 18th March at

St. Joseph’s Club, Wolverhampton In aid of Compton Care

Message from Fr. George…

“ I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

last September and had surgery before

Christmas, which was only partly successful.

I am just starting chemotherapy to be able

to have another operation.

I have good days and not so good ones,

and have lost over two stones in weight,

though I recommend better ways to do so!

Many thanks for all your prayers and I ask

that to keep them up please”.

God bless, Fr. George.

( I know that we will all want to send Fr. George

our love and prayers, and as so many of you

have said - we look forward to seeing him back

at Mass as soon as he is able to do so. Fr. Craig )

There will be a Choir Practice on Friday

March 4th at 7pm at Holy Trinity

Church - new members welcome!


In years 7 - 13 at school ? Got ideas to share? We want to hear them!

Pizza, fun and have your say! Sun 27th February, Holy Trinity Bilston.

3 - 5pm

If your interested please get in touch via facebook/

twitter or stnewmancluster.wmids@rcaob.org,uk

Consent forms to be filled in ahead of the session.

Youth Forum!

The St. Newman Cluster

wants to hear your views!

Please note change of time!

Thursday’s at 7.00pm

How do you make God laugh….

Tell him your plans!

It’s certainly felt like that for the last couple of years both for me as

a Priest and on personal level as well. I’m sure that you can all

concur on different levels. That rainbow seems to be starting to

shine through in our country (Please Lord - may it shine brighter),

though in other parts of the world the pandemic is still affecting

people’s lives in traumatic ways—lots to pray about.

Even my plans for my recent retreat/pilgirmage were changed, the two priests whom I

was meant to be travelling with couldn't because of covid at the last minute. God had other

ideas about how I was to spend the five days and it was a blessed time in other ways.

Upon returning home I was informed that my operation will have to be delayed.

In all of this it’s important for me to remember that it’s God’s timing and God’s plans that are

important and my duty is to seek to be at one with them, just as St. Francis of Assisi did. I was

privileged to offer mass in Assisi last week and you were all very much prayed for. May we

in our own ways seek to ‘rebuild the church’ in our Cluster as we prepare for the Great

celebration of the Resurrection. May we together listen to Holy Spirit at work today - talking of

which don’t forget to hand back any completed Synod Questionnaires you might have!

Later on in the bulletin you will be able to read about some the ways in which we are going

to help each other, as a faith family, spiritually reach upwards this Lent. Start preparing now

for how you are going to keep a Holy Lent. More next week on our reaching outwards this

Lent. Let’s together move forward in faith, hope and love. God Bless, Fr. Craig

Friday 4th March

at 1.30pm in

St. Lawrence's,

Anyone interested

in helping, come

along on 21st February

at 2.00pm in

St. Lawrence's Hall.

Parish Sacramental Preparation!

No class this coming week due to half term,

then we are back on 28th February for the final

teaching session . Then we will have one final

class Mon 28th March 6:30pm at SJW ahead of

their reconciliation on Thursday 31st March.


Fridays in Lent

Sundays in Lent

Journeying together through Lent . . .

A five week ‘get together’ to reflect on we can live a good Lent now

and how Holy Week effects our lives today..

Where? St. Joseph’s, Darlaston When? 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Each session will include:

Prayer, Gospel Reading, Time for Reflection & Sharing

Participation by Zoom will be possible: Meeting ID: 873 8157 9423 Passcode: 541136

Sunday 6th March - Lent: Pray + Fast + Give How can we live the three pillars of Lent today?

Sunday 13th March - God’s Love + Forgiveness What does it mean to be reconciled with God and our neighbour?

Sunday 20th March - Eucharist + Priesthood + Service How does the Last Super help us to serve today?

Sunday 27th March - The Cross & A Mother’s Loss How did Jesus’ suffering change our suffering and loss?

Sunday 3rd April - Light + Hope What does it mean to be an ‘Easter People’ today?

Adoration at 6.30pm &

Stations of the Cross at 7.15pm 4th March - SJW 11th March - SJD

18th March - HTB 25th March - SJD

1st April - SJW 8th April - HTB

Stations of the Cross

at 9.20am

Each Friday of Lent at

St. Mary's, Willenhall

Wednesdays in Lent

Online Lent Chat reflecting on

some themes in the book & film

‘The Shack’ at 8 - 8.45pm via Zoom

9th March - How do we view God?

23rd March - Where is God ?

6th April - Do we need to let go?

The book can be ordered via

Amazon or the film watched on You

Tube or Netflix. Zoom Meeting

ID: 875 1265 2721 Passcode: 750876

Mass at 7.00am

Holy Trinity,


Followed by

breakfast bars

& Coffee

Reaching Upwards

Things we are doing spiritually in addition to our weekly routine this Lent

Rosary at 11.00am

St. Joseph’s,


Followed by Mass at

11.30am & Soups at

12noon (Money from

which donated to our

Lenten charity)


Essential Cluster Information Parish Priest: Father Craig Fullard (01902 452841) Cluster Deacon: Rev Mr Maxcel Biakai Ngamsha

Cluster Retired Priests: Fr. George Grynowski & Fr. John Greatbatch

Cluster Office: St. Joseph’s Presbytery, Stowheath Lane, Wolves. WV1 2QN.

Cluster Tel: 01902 452841 Cluster Email: stnewmancluster.wmids@rcaob.org.uk

Website: www.stnewmancluster.org

Cluster Safeguarding Reps: Katy Carthy, Theresa Price, Jan Rollason, Irene Gutteridge, Mike Harvey

Cluster Schools: Holy Rosary (HRSC) : 01902 878440 Holy Trinity (HTSC): 01902 558977

St. Joseph’s (SJSC): 0121 568 6496 St. Thomas More Secondary: 01902 368798

Mass Intentions: Mass envelopes at the back of each church

Cluster Church Address (For Sat Nav):

St. Mary's, Leveson St. Willenhall. WV13 1DA St. Joseph’s, Willenhall Road. WV1 2QN

Holy Trinity, Oxford St. Bilston WV14 0PX St. Joseph’s, Church St. Darlaston. WS10 8DY

The Cluster Churches are part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity Number 234216

How Can I support the work of our

Cluster Financially.

Standing Order (this is the most cost effective way for

the parish to receive donations). A standing order

means that your bank pays the parish directly a set

amount each week or month, enabling a secure and

direct transfer. You can set up a standing order either

by filling in a standing order form which you can collect

from the Cluster Office for the individual church bank

details and arranging a standing order directly with the


Planned Giving

If you prefer to make your offerings to the parish using

cash, it is often helpful to use the planned giving enve-

lopes. This gives you privacy in making your offerings,

and you can set aside a particular sum of money each

week to place in our envelopes


You can donate via our website, from your home, by

visiting the cluster website & clicking on the donation

page. You can make donations to the parish of your


Donation by Credit/ Debt Card at the back of each


You can use your credit/debit cards in the contactless/

chip and pin terminals in church.

Gift Aid

For those who are tax payers, making a Gift Aid

declaration enables the parish to claim back tax that

has been paid. This means that for every £1 that you

give to the Cluster, the parish you choose receives

an additional 25p in reclaimed tax.

The Cluster Prayer Loving and Merciful Father, bless,

we pray, our cluster of communities.

May we always seek your will &,

united in our endeavours,

may we proclaim your love to the world

and glorify you in all that we do.

We make this our prayer in the power

of the Spirit and through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Cluster Vision

Our vision is to be a Cluster of communities

which are faithful to the mission

entrusted to us by Jesus Christ,

full of missionary disciples who work

together co-responsibly in vibrant

communities of faith, joyful in their service

of God and neighbour.

Dates for the Diary...

18th Mar Auction Night (Compton Care)

12th Mar Jumble Sale (SMW)

25th Mar Jumble Sale (HTB)

16th Apr Easter Vigil Party & Fireworks


18th Apr Focolare Easter Family Party


8th May May Devotions (SMW)

14th May Diocesan Day Pilgirmage

to Walsingham (Cluster Coach)

27th May Race Night at Parish Club (SJW)

3rd Jun Queen’s Jubilee Afternoon

Teas, Stalls & Song of Praise (SJD)

9th Jul Cluster Candlelight Dinner (HTB)

23rd Jul Summer Fair (SJW)

25th Jul Cluster Pilgirmage to Assisi &


11th Sep Autumn Fair (SMW)

9th Oct Feast Day of Parish Patron

& Sponsored Walk

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