team trolley collection training guide

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Team Trolley Collection Training Guide

V1.5 July 2021

Welcome. Here’s what this guide will cover

Having shopping trolleys clean, ready and available for our customers is a basic function for any store.

Trolleys will be used many times over the day carrying thousands of items and representing many sales dollars for the store.

Trolley collection routines need to be in place so that trolleys are collected and returned to the store promptly and ready for the next customer.

This guide will take you through all the steps and processes so you can complete trolley collection safely and efficiently.

The guide covers multiple topics, followed by some quiz questions to confirm your knowledge

1. Situational Awareness/Interaction with Traffic2. Trolley Terminology3. Trolley Types4. Collection Equipment5. Hazards6. Your Safety – Know your carpark7. Getting Ready – Warmups8. Your Safety – Know your Limits9. Your Safety – Weather

10. Working Smartly 11. Damaged Trolley Guidelines12. Recap 2

Situational Awareness / Interaction with Traffic

Trolley collection has many aspects, however the most important piece is your safety.

Situational awareness is key when collecting trolleys.

This is being fully aware of what is happening around you in terms of where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or anything around you is a threat to your health and safety.

Our knowledge and education enables us to understand what is going on around us and helps us to determine if it is safe. This means that everyone’s situational awareness is individual and potentially different. We use our situational awareness to make decisions and instruct others.

Our situational awareness is only as accurate as our own perception or reading of the situation, so what we think is happening may not accurately reflect reality. How we read a situation can be influenced by many things such as the type of information we have been given, our own experience and distractions in the workplace.

If at any time while collecting trolleys, you feel uncomfortable or threatened return to the store and report to your manager immediately.


Trolley Terminology

What makes up a trolley…..

Child Seat with restraint strap

Trolley Gate

Basket and Divider

Trolley Handle

Wheels (Standard or Travelator)


Trolley Types

We have multiple trolley types.

These should be available to our customers*.

Specialty trolley types have limited numbers so need to be returned to the store as a priority.

Baby capsule trolleys have usable straps and capsules are to be clean.

Toddler trolleys must also have usable straps 2 sets on double seat trolleys

Always remove rubbish from trolleys as part of the collection process.

Large Trolley Small Trolley

Wheelchair Trolley

Dual Baby Capsule Trolley

Single Baby Capsule Trolley


Special Needs Trolley (*Not in stores with travelators)

Collection equipmentOnly use Woolworths supplied equipment.

Straps and Vests are mandatory for use at all times.

Other PPE is available and should be used as required. Wet weather and sun protection

Be sun smart and apply sunscreen.

Sunscreen is supplied directly from the shelf via IDT process.

Wet Weather Jacket Wet Weather Pants Collection Strap

Tinted Glasses Broad Brimmed Hat Hi-Vis Vest


Collection Hazards

Hazards involved in trolley collection include:

• Traffic

• Heat and UV radiation exposure

• Manual handling and musculoskeletal injury

• Losing control of unrestrained trolleys

• Uneven ground

• Extreme weather

Whilst collecting and transporting trolleys, you should also be aware of the following:

•Be aware of traffic movements whilst in the carpark collecting trolleys.

•Be aware of customer movements in and around the carpark and when pushing trolleys through doorways

•Be aware of used syringes left in trolleys and car parks. Refer to OG-Sharp Collection on Store Portal

•Be Alert and not have any phone or music earphones, earpods or head set in use while collecting trolleys

•Remove rubbish from trolleys upon collection. All rubbish to be placed in the approved waste area.

•Despite these hazards there are many ways in which these hazards can be reduced. Let’s take a look at these now…



PATHS OF TRAVEL: Identify the safest routes through the car park.

Keep to walkways where provided. Know your car park

Report any carpark issues to your Store Manager. E.g. issues with lighting, line marking or items blocking your path of travel.

When grouping trolleys ready for collection be mindful to keep walkways clear for customers at all times.

When heading out to the carpark always look out for customers that need a hand.

Parents with children or older customers will always appreciate you offering to help them to their car and returning the trolley for them. Every trolley run is an opportunity to demonstrate moments that matter to our customers

Getting Ready



Trolley Collection is a physical activity and like all physical activity we should warm up our bodies ready to perform the task.

Here is four basic warm-ups you can do. You can of course add more if you need.

Your Safety

Know your limits

How to move trolleys safely

PULLING: When pulling trolleys out of bays do so in a smooth motion. Avoid tugging or jerking movements. Keep a straight back and your hands gripping the trolley handle, shoulder width apart and keep your elbows tucked n.

Hold the trolley handles to avoid finger jams.

PUSHING: When pushing trolleys apply the same routines. Hold the trolleys by the handle, keep a straight back, keep your elbows tucked in and push in smooth motion.

LIMITS: Push a MAXIMUM of 10 trolleys at a time across the carpark or in the shopping centre. Where you have slopes or curbs you should reduce the limit to a comfortable level. Know your physical capability and apply lower limits.

If your store has a travelator or ramp the MAXIMUM to be moved on a travelator/ramp by a single person is 5 trolleys at time. Use a lift or alternate path if available.

Group and push similar trolley types. You can push multiple trolley types as long as they are grouped together.


Trolley straps are MANDATORY when pushing more than 4 trolleys.

Only use Woolworths approved straps. Speak to your Store Manager if you require replacement straps. They will need replacement as they wear.

Your Safety

Know your limits



5 Trolley Limit Applies


Consider customers and lift size

When using a Travelator

1. Ensure clear access to travelator.

2. Maximum of 5 trolleys, secured with trolley strap.

3. Move towards travelator.

4. Stop at raised plate and check trolleys are secured and aligned straight with middle of the travelator.

5. Enter travelator.

6. Look to check trolley casters have engaged

7. Push off and Exit travelator and push into trolley bay.

When using a Lift

1. Check if a local site limit applies for use of the lift.

2. Always secure trolleys with a strap.

3. Provide right of way to customers is this is a shared lift.

4. Enter and exit the lift with caution always checking that the path is clear.

Your Safety


Hot and Humid conditions

Wet Weather

During periods of HOT AND HUMID CONDITIONS the following should be applied remembering prevention is the best way to reduce risk.

• Apply sunscreen in hot weather conditions and always wear your hat.

• Reduce the maximum number of trolleys you push.

• Increase breaks and job rotation so you spend more time in the cool of the store, verandah or shaded area of the carpark.

• Remain hydrated: Ensure you have access to fresh water and take regular drinks.

• Use the Green Machine Trolley Pusher where supplied.

• If at any point you feel unwell, cease work and advise your manager


During periods of WET WEATHER the following should be applied:

• Wear the supplied wet weather PPE.

• Increase vigilance of car movements in the car park.

• Clean up any water from wet trolleys immediately and install controls (e.g. placing mats in appropriate areas, use of caution signs, move trolleys to areas where they can dry off before moving in to the store, etc.).

Working Smartly

If your store is part of a centre, ensure you follow any rules and

guidelines mandated by the centre.

Customers will generally park as close as possible to the store. You will soon get to know the primary, secondary and perimeter parking zones. Most collection activity should be concentrated within the primary zone where most people park. The secondary zones should be covered but less often and the outer or perimeter checked consistently each day but less often.

Get to know your collection hotspots, these are areas where trolleys may be discarded but not directly located in the carpark for example in waste areas, alley ways, taxi ranks, bus stops etc... Pre-dark routines: Minimise late collection by clearing the perimeter parking zones as early as possible.


Damaged Trolley

GuidelinesIf you find any damaged trolleys, they must be isolated, danger tagged and moved to a quarantine area. Inform your Manager if this occurs.

This includes trolleys that may have rubber wheels when it is a site with a travelator.


Damaged Trolley

GuidelinesComplete the following checks on the trolleys to ensure they are safe for use, let’s look at the wheels first:

Standard Wheel:• Ensure wheels are free running (No

obstruction). Aligned and stable with minimum treadwear.

• Trolley gates are inside the basket.BAD: • The wheel shows signs of separating

from the centre of the wheel.• Rubber is brittle• The bearings have collapsed• Rear gate swings through the rear of

the trolley


Danger Tag Damaged Trolleys and remove from use.

Damaged Trolley

GuidelinesTravelator wheels(Dual Disc Raised Brake Pad):

• Wheel discs free running (No obstructions stopping wheels from moving)

• Centre brake pad has minimal grooving

Bad: • Centre Brake pad missing • Showing severe signs of grooving on

brake pad• Chunks out of the wheel disc.


Danger Tag Damaged Trolleys and remove from use.

RecapKey Messages

✔ Your safety is your responsibility.

✔ Be aware of your surroundings

✔ If any concerns at any time return to the store.

✔ Always use vest and strap

✔ Never push more than 10 trolleys

✔ Danger Tag damaged trolleys and remove from use

✔ Take the opportunity to assist customers as you move in or out of the store and around the carpark.


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