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Tear Down The Wall

David Redmill

30 April 2017

• Do you want to do God’s will?

• Are you fully outworking all of God’s will for you?

• If not, why not?

1. Enemy walls

2. Defensive walls

3. Internal walls

Enemy Walls

• Crossing the Jordan– Making a start

• Circumcision at Gilgal– Purification

• Passover– Celebration

• Marching and trumpets– Prayer & proclamation

• Shouting– Claiming victory

Defensive Walls

• Walls we build for our protection

• Generally good

• Can hinder us:

– Limit growth / expansion

– Limit our interaction with the world

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Isaiah 54:2

Internal Walls

• Walls we build

– which separate us from God

– prevent us from doing his will

Bricks in the wall - 1

Its too big a task for me

I’m scared

I’m not worthy

I don’t know enough

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I’mToo old/young

Too big/small

Wrong race/gender/social class

I’m not called to be a apostle/prophet/teacher/evangelist

I’m not Richard Brown

Bricks in the wall - 3

I’m not good at public speaking

I don’t want to talk to them

I haven't got the time

I haven't got the money

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I’ve got a other things to do

I’ve got a family

I’ve got a full time job

I deserve a rest

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Our church doesn’t do it that way

We don’t want those sort of people in our church

• What’s common about all of these?

• They all centred on I, me or we and not God

Tear Down the Wall

If your “I” causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.

Matthew 5:29

Not my will but yours


• External walls

– Start, purification, celebration, prayer, proclamation, claiming victory

• Defensive walls

– Make room for expansion

– Don’t let them restrict you

• Internal walls

– Tear them down

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