teaser trailer planning

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Planning.Script, Setting, Costume and Props, Lighting and Sound.


For my teaser trailer in order to follow the conventions of a lot of the romance teaser trailers I have analysed and seen there seems to be only a small amount of dialogue.

I have followed these conventions and decided to only have dialogue in the first part of the trailer when the couple meet.

The only other dialogue is going to be a voice over of the main male character saying the name of the film: “ A letter for you”.

Script:(Characters walk into each other and pick things ups.)Tom: “I’m so sorry!”Ella: “I’m sorry” (said almost in sync with one another)

Tom: “Sorry. Let me help you?”Ella: “It’s okay, thank you.”(Standing up with Ellas things)Ella: “Don’t worry about it.”

(Holding hands)Both: “laugh”

Tom: “ I am really sorry about that. Hi I’m Tom”Ella: (Smiles) “I’m Ella”


I am going to use various different settings throughout my trailer due to there being so many different short shots of the couple together.

The use of lots of shots will help to create the sense of time of the relationship.

The first 14 shots will be situated in the same place, the setting will be down a street with cars on one side of the road. This street will be surrounded by houses creating a very normal and realistic feeling.

After this shot the settings will vary, dependent on the contents of the shot. The different settings which I will use will be:A field, In shops, On a street at night under street lamps, A meadow/field, At a romantic meal, A desk or table in a house, In a bedroom in bed, In a shop or restaurant, In the street they met, In a house, Under a tree, In a car, In a kitchen at their home, Standing outside a train station.

I will use different settings to portray a certain mood, I will do this using the weather, time of day and the lighting that this creates.

Costume and Props

Through out the trailer the costume will be very casual clothing in order to create a realistic feeling and also so that the audience will be able to connect.

I will have various props dependent on the scene but they will all be very natural and realistic.

Some of the props are: The beginning shots will require headphones for the male character and the female

character will be carrying a bag and lots of books. Shot 15 will have the male character holding an umbrella. Shot 19 will be at a romantic dinner so there will be candles and flowers along with

food and drinks. Shot 21, 22, 28, 29 and 34 will all have notes at a desk (pen and paper). Shot 23 will have bedding: duvet and pillows. Shot 32 will have house hold furniture and the female character will have a suit case. Shot 33 will be on the male character coming through the front door so will be

holding keys.

The costumes will be very casual throughout and will varying depending on the setting in order to create a realistic feeling.


The lighting will be very natural throughout the teaser trailer and will depend on the setting, time of day and the weather.

Some of the lighting will be: Sunlight Street light Candlelight Dark rainy clouds And evening sunset.These lightings will help to set the mood of the moment in the trailer. And will help to create a progression in time by varying from day to night.


Sound is very important part of my teaser trailer I will having various sounds throughout varying from diegetic, non diegetic and scores.

The different sounds will be: At the beginning of the trailer the male character will be listening to music

through his headphones, this music will be the only sound heard to the viewers. It will be a piece of music which suits the character. I have few different pieces which I think would work:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADP65wbBUpc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVrp7ZSiAM8 But I am going to listen to other songs to try and find the one which suits the moment the most.

Other moments which I need find music to suit are: I will have music changes from when they first meet. The different romantic moments. When she leaves. When he finds the letter. When the actors are shown. Etc.

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