tech update summary from blue mountain data systems july 2015

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Tech UpdateSummaryJuly 2015

Blue Mountain Data Systems

For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs

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For CTOs, CIOs & CISOs

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Here’s the summary of the Daily Tech Updates for July 2015. Hope the information and ideas prove


Best,Paul VeselyPresident and Principal ArchitectBlue Mountain Data Systems Inc.

For the CTO, CIO & CISO

SECURITY LEADERSHIP: Relocation Costs Now A Sticking Point For Job-Hunting Security Managers. In an effort to cut costs, many companies hire local candidates to fill CSO positions. But are they also sacrificing quality for their security program? Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS: Why Your Business Needs A Pinterest Presence. Sure, you know your company needs to be on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you want to be on Instagram to share photos and LinkedIn to find employees. But what about Pinterest? If your company has a story to tell — one that can be told visually — there’s a Pinterest audience on the site for you. Find out more[CIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISO

EMPLOYEE LIFECYCLE: Optimizing Talent Management With Digital Services. As technology continues to rapidly develop the modern workplace, we are seeing how technology and digital services are playing a crucial part in all aspects of the employee lifecycle, whilst also serving wider business objectives. Read more[TRAININGJOURNAL.COM]

HIRING STRATEGIES: CIOs Reveal Top Concerns, Retention Not Getting Its Due. Worries about information and systems security continue to keep most CIOs up at night, and in fact, security is the number one concern among CIOs and CTOs. But many aren’t placing proper priority on IT retention efforts, considering the growing skills gap in the market. Find out more[FIERCECIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS: IT Staff Fearful Of Cloud? Try Cloud Whispering. Business leaders see the cloud in very different ways from IT workers. Business leaders see improved speed to market; the ability to rent instead of own, especially as things relate to new ventures that might not be permanent; and the ability to rent infrequently used assets (like those for disaster recovery). Read more[INFORMATIONWEEK.COM]

HOW-TO: The Three Fundamental Leadership Traits That Support Enduring Organizations. All healthy and fruitful relationships in life require trust at their center. If you don’t trust a person, partner, boss or organization to do what they say they will do or act with transparency and integrity, it is impossible to ever enjoy the full benefit of your relationship. Likewise, if you don’t give trust to others, they will not return it. Find out more[FORBES.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOMANAGEMENT ADVICE: The Implications Of An Increasingly Digital C-Suite. A few months back, Catherine Walsh wrote a post on how to convince the C-Suite, think CFO, CEO, etc., that social media marketing matters. Explaining that it’ll help you better reach your target market, deal with crisis management, and will help immensely to make your brand real are all important to one of the most important aspects of pitching social media: making ROI tangible. Read more[ALLEYWATCH.COM]

DATA PROTECTION: Free, Cheap And Easy Security Tools. When it comes to detecting, preventing and analyzing information security threats, security teams need all the help they can get. Cyber attackers were able to compromise organizations within minutes in 60% of the data breach cases studied in Verizon Enterprise Solutions’ Data Breach Investigations Report 2015. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOMARKETING RESEARCH: Digital Marketers Face A Suite Challenge. Marketers lean on their enterprise marketing software suites to deliver on lofty promises: cross-channel campaign management, analytics, automation, personalization, customer journey mapping, testing and optimization, customer insights and the list goes on. Read more[CIO.COM]

PRIVACY: Cable And Telecom Industries File Emergency Motion To Stop Net Neutrality. Analysts had predicted that the telecom and cable industries would not go down without a fight on the net neutrality debate, and their predictions came true in spades. Read more[FIERCECIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOSOCIAL MEDIA: Reddit’s New Anti-Harassment Rules Anger Some Users. Upon learning of Reddit’s plan to change its rules to prohibit harassment and make the site friendlier, some users reacted with resentment and confusion. Read more[CIO.COM]

SHORTAGE: Confronting The Widening Infosec Skills Gap. For individuals with the right skills, that’s probably enough to break out the champagne – a guarantee of lifetime job security at good wages. But organizations in general, both public and private, are stuck dealing with the very large cloud in front of that silver lining: Nonexistent unemployment means there are not enough people with the right skills to protect them from the multiple online threats they face daily. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISONASCIO: State CIOs Make A Difference Campaign. NASCIO’s launch of the State CIOs Make a Difference campaign emphasizes the innovative work and important role CIOs hold in both government operations and the lives of citizens. Read more[NASCIO.ORG]

PASSION MATTERS: Sun Tzu’s IT Leadership Lessons. The ideal company to invest in, work for or buy from should be run by a product passionate CEO. Columnist Rob Enderle says the writings of Sun Tzu can teach us a great deal about successfully leading with passion. Read more[CIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOPLAN OF ACTION: Angles of Exposure and Countermeasures. The increasing sophistication of outside cyber attacks has been met with advancements in outside cyber threat detection, response tools, and training methods. Still, managers must not underestimate the critical threat posed by individuals within the organization, as opposed to a third party attacker. Read more[GOVERNMENTCIOMAGAZINE.COM]

SLIDESHOW: How to Use Big Data for a Good Cause. News of fraud and data breaches can shake confidence and cause legitimate concerns, but not all data stories have a foreboding end. Experian DataLabs wants to call attention to the good that data can do. Read more[CIOINSIGHT.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOSECURITY LEADERSHIP: Five Tips To Comply With The New PCI Requirements. Merchants that accept payment cards have five new security requirements to comply with — and significant fines and other costs if they don’t. The new rules are part of the new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Here is some advice from Trustwave Holdings, a PCI compliance consulting firm.Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

HIRING: 4 Types Of Geeks You Need And How To Recruit Them. While recruiting and hiring focuses on matching individuals’ unique qualities and qualifications with the needs of an open job, when it comes to hard-core tech recruiting, these ‘geek” candidates tend to fall into one of four specific types, according to insight from Wisegate, an IT research services firm. Read more[CIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOPORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT: Managing IT for a Diverse Portfolio of Businesses. When Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250 million in 2013, the portion of the company that was not purchased was rebranded as Graham Holdings. Its holdings include Kaplan, Slate, multiple television stations, CableOne, and Graham Media Group (which is the former Post-Newsweek Stations), among others. Read more[CIOINSIGHT.COM]

WORKFORCE: Painful Hiring Keeps Tech Talent At Bay (But Does Money Matter?). Highly skilled cyber pros aren’t staying away from government work because of low pay; they’re staying away because the federal hiring process is all too often a soul-sucking mess. Read more[FCW.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOCSO RISING: What It Means for Corporations and Customers. I often say that the CSO is the “corporate rock-star of the future” because exceptional ones possess a combination of skills that rarely appear in one person. The qualities that boards are looking for in today’s CSOs reflect the complexities of safeguarding company and consumer data in this new threat environment. Read more[FORBES.COM]

DATA PROTECTION: 8 Android Security Tips For IT, Corporate Users. A set of security experts shares actionable tips for IT departments and users to help reduce the risk associated with the popular mobile OS. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISO

DRIVING ENERGY INTELLIGENCE: New Approaches to IT Efficiency. Virtually everyone is in favor of an energy-efficient data center. But if that is the case, why has the industry struggled so mightily to reduce power consumption? Read more[ITBUSINESSEDGE.COM]

CIO TO-DO LIST: When It Comes To Risk-Taking, CIOs Must Have Their Team’s Back. It’s no wonder some CIOs are risk averse. It was only five to ten years ago that IT was all about staying under the radar, making sure systems were always available and reliable at the lowest possible cost. Read more[ENTERPRISERSPROJECT.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOWORKFORCE: 6 Ways To Attract And Retain Millennial Workers. For all the talk about millennial workers, many companies are still stymied when it comes to not just hiring millennials, but also retaining them. Here are 6 ways you can not only draw millennial workers to open positions, but also get them to stick around. Read more[CIO.COM]

WHITEPAPER DOWNLOAD: Total Software Management – Turning Compliance into an Opportunity. Do you want to drive more value from your software assets? Just stop looking at it like a compliance task and more like a strategic opportunity–to save some money. This Knowledge Vault, sponsored by CDW, is your one-stop resource center for designing a winning software management strategy with quantifiable bottom-line savings. Read more[RESOURCES.INFOWORLD.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOIT STRATEGY: Four Tips For Kickstarting Your Innovation Story. Innovation has become a bit of a business buzzword. Every CEO and CIO worth their salt wants to be seen to be on the forefront, bringing new products and services to a market. However, it doesn’t always go to plan, and rushing in to things head first without the proper due diligence can land a company in hot water. Read more[INFORMATION-AGE.COM]

WORKPLACE NAVIGATION: How To Deliver Performance Feedback That Sticks. Have you heard of the feedback sandwich? It’s when you start with something positive, share what needs to change, and finish with something positive. The concept has been around a long time. From what I gather, the foundation of it is sound. Read more[CIO.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISODATA PROTECTION: 6 Hard Truths Security Pros Must Learn To Live With. Nearly every company in the world has thousands of vulnerabilities that hackers can easily exploit. For anyone working in IT, this is not a bombshell announcement. It’s business as usual. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

WS2003 EOS: Is Your C-Suite Prepared for the Windows 2003 Apocalypse? As of July 14, Microsoft no longer issues patches for security vulnerabilities, nonsecurity defects or operational issues, for the Windows Server 2003. Additionally, any third-party products (business applications, etc.) are no longer be supported, leaving an indeterminate number of vulnerabilities that could arise within those apps. Read more[ENTREPRENEUR.COM]

For the CTO, CIO & CISOGOALS AND OBJECTIVES: How A Vision Statement Can Make IT Relevant To The C-Suite. For many organizations or departments, a vision or mission statement is de rigueur. The problem is that this statement isn’t used to drive decision-making. Properly understood and used, a vision or mission can bring a laser-like focus to a business, department or even an individual and help achieve new heights and relevance. In this article, vision and mission are treated as synonyms. Other synonyms include aim, purpose, and direction. Read more[CIO.COM]

STATE OF SECURITY: Six Steps To Get Your C-Suite To Prioritize Cybersecurity. It’s hard out there for an IT professional. IT managers know that a lag in security preparedness will inevitably lead to disaster. The challenge is communicating this to senior management in terms they can understand that will lead them to making it a priority. Read more[HSTODAY.US]

For the CTO, CIO & CISODATA BREACHES: $154 or 58 Cents — What’s The Real Cost Of A Breached Data Record? That’s a significant difference for companies preparing incident response plans, as well as for insurance companies, regulators, auditors and others looking to ensure that companies are adequately prepared or covered for such an event. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

IT WorkforceCAREER GUIDANCE: Five Tech Skills That Will Help Your Career (No Matter What You Do). Almost every single job out there involves being online in some capacity. That means that, at some point in your career—this year or 30 years from now—you’ll likely have to access the back end of a company site, a blog or an email marketing service. Read more[FORBES.COM]

SURVEY RESULTS: Managing Talent Costs with Talent Analytics Technology. The finance function could be missing an opportunity to use talent analytics technology to gain a stronger understanding of talent costs and needs, which is critical to planning and forecasting, according to findings from Deloitte’s third annual Global Human Capital Trends 2015: Leading in the New World of Work report. Read more[DELOITTE.WSJ.COM]

IT WorkforceAWS EDUCATE: Training The Next Generation Cloud Workforce. even though plenty of schools are migrating to mobile devices and cloud technologies, it’s imperative to ensure the workforce of tomorrow is prepared to utilise the technologies they’ll be facing. That’s what Amazon Web Services (AWS) is affirming. Read more[CLOUDCOMPUTING-NEWS.NET]

CAREERS: 7 Tech Jobs That Don’t Feel Like Work. The tech industry is a booming enterprise where the experienced professional can earn enough to live a comfortable lifestyle, to put it modestly. Still, money isn’t everything, and oftentimes, those buried in the tech industry begin to wear out. Read more[TEC.CO]

IT WorkforcePREPARATION: 10 Tips To Help College Tech Grads Enter The Workforce. Finding a new job can be a job in itself. And like any job, you want to approach it with the right tools to help ensure a successful outcome. To help you fill your proverbial toolbox, we spoke with experts in the technology job market to see what employers are looking for and how you can incorporate their advice into your career strategy. Read more[INFOWORLD.COM]

Business IntelligenceIN-MEMORY COMPUTING: Transforming Business Intelligence and the Internet of Things. We are in the midst of a data revolution – deriving business intelligence (BI) from data has graduated from a nice-to-have feature to a business-critical function. As connected devices, sensors, and machines become ubiquitous, organizations increasingly require a solution that can keep up with the real-time data delivered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Read more[DATACENTERKNOWLEDGE.COM]

BLURRED LINES: Reimagining The User Experience For Business Intelligence. Software applications have historically been built with a very specific purpose in mind. Word processors are designed for writing and editing documents, while spreadsheets are for working with numbers. Read more[VENTUREBEAT.COM]

Business IntelligenceBIG DATA TOPICS: Data Visualization is Great News for Data Democracy. Let’s say you’re the CEO of a company and you wants to know what’s going on in your business: Which marketing channels were the most effective in the last two quarters? In which regions are the salespeople underperforming, and what are the possible reasons for this? Read more[ICRUNCHDATANEWS.COM]

Electronic RecordsWATCHDOG SAYS: Metadata Is The Missing Ingredient In Agencies’ Move To Electronic Record Keeping. Faced with virtual mountains of emails, social media missives and other electronic records, federal agencies over the past few years have faced tight deadlines for modernizing their record-keeping process. Read more[NEXTGOV.COM]

U.S. HEALTHCARE: Electronic Record Errors Growing Issue In Lawsuits. Medical errors that can be traced to the automation of the U.S. health care system are increasingly an issue in medical malpractice lawsuits. Some of the doctors, attorneys and health IT experts involved in the litigation fear that safety and data integrity problems could undercut the benefits of electronic health records unless HHS and Congress address them aggressively. Read more [POLITICO.COM]

Document Management SystemsSERIES F INVESTMENTS: Document Management Company DocuSign Raises $233M. Document management company DocuSign has just raised a massive amount of funding, more than doubling its venture capital in one swoop. The company revealed a new $233 million Series F round of funding on Monday, which was led by Brookside Capital and Bain Capital Ventures. Read more[VATOR.TV]

UK IT NEWS: Use Of Cloud-Based Print And Document Management Soars. United Kingdom businesses are starting to use more cloud services for their print and file management, so says the Cloud Industry Forum. According to research carried out by the cloud accreditation company, this usage has increased by almost half since 2014. Read more[PCR-ONLINE.BIZ]

Document Management SystemsORGANIZING CONTENT: Taming SharePoint Document Management. One of the hardest things to do is to get people to put things in the right places. Even when you had “sub-sub-sub-sub” folders on your network drive, people still put things in the wrong spots. With the Content Organizer feature activated in your Document Center site, all they will ever have to do is upload their documents into a Drop-off library. Read more[BUSINESSMANAGEMENTDAILY.COM]

ADVICE: You Can’t Afford to Ignore Content Management. Organizations are facing massive problems with content overload, especially from data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT), according to a recently published market intelligence report from AIIM, the Association for Information and Image Management. Read more[CMSWIRE.COM]

VirtualizationVIRTUALIZATION: Which VM Lifecycle Management Tools Should You Use? With VM lifecycle management, it’s important for administrators and IT pros to know which workloads are more critical than others. Consistently monitoring virtual machines will help keep your environment running smoothly. Read more[SEARCHSERVERVIRTUALIZATION.TECHTARGET.COM]

Application Development

BIG DATA TOOLS: Oracle Tackles Spatial and Graph Big Data Analytics. With nearly 20 years of experience working with spatial and graph data in its flagship relational database, Oracle Corp. is taking that expertise and putting it into a new Big Data tool. Read more[ADTMAG.COM]

DISCOVER OPEN SOURCE: It Has To Be More Than Linux. While the notion of free software has lasted since the days Richard Stallman was sleeping under his desk at MIT, the full thrust of collaboratively and openly licensed software really took off with the advent of Linux. Read more[OPENSOURCE.COM]

Application DevelopmentGARTNER FINDINGS: Hadoop Adoption Remains Steady, But Slow. Is your company planning to invest in Hadoop in the next two years? Well, 54% of Gartner Research Circle members said no. That also means 46% said yes, but that little inversion is turning into a terabyte of commentary, full of sound and fury, signifying business as usual. Read more[INFORMATIONWEEK.COM]

AGILE DEVELOPMENT: Reversibility, Communication and Collaboration. At the inaugural O’Reilly Software Architecture conference, Molly Dishman and Martin Fowler discussed the role of architecture within agile software development. Key takeaways included; architects must remain ‘hands on’; architecture should focus on reducing irreversibility; adaptable documentation is essential in order to ensure clear communication of the architecture… Read more[INFOQ.COM]

Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side

INSIDER REVIEW: 10 JavaScript Editors Compared. JavaScript programmers have many good tools to choose from — almost too many to keep track of. In this roundup, I discuss 10 text editors with good support for developing with JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS, and for documenting with Markdown. Why use an editor for JavaScript programming instead of an IDE? In a word: speed. Read more[INFOWORLD.COM]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: JavaScript Is 20 Years Old. Who could have predicted that a strange little scripting language designed to let beginners add some action to web pages would become the language that threatens to dominate the world. Read more[I-PROGRAMMER.COM]

Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side

SURPRISING RESULTS: Think Google Can’t Handle JavaScript? Think Again. As early as 2008, Google was successfully crawling JavaScript, but probably in a limited fashion. Today, it’s clear that Google has not only evolved what types of JavaScript they crawl and index, but they’ve made significant strides in rendering complete web pages (especially in the last 12-18 months). Read more[SEARCHENGINELAND.COM]

CSL INITIATIVE: Code As A Second Language. On appearance, Kaira Villanueva seems to be an average sophomore student at Columbia University tracing her way through New York with a well-worn backpack, scratched-up MetroCard, and a youthful curiosity. Except she’s not typical. Read more[HUFFINGTONPOST.COM]

Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side

DEVELOPER NEWS: Google Moves Dart to GitHub and Kills the Chrome Dev Editor. Google designed Dart as a better language for the web, for developers who wanted a more solid language and tools than what existed in the JavaScript ecosystem. Also, they aimed for better performance. While Dart is certainly more robust and better designed than JavaScript… Read more[INFORMATION-AGE.COM]

OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE: New Open Digital Humanities Projects. Text/data mining, visualization, information retrieval, and digital publishing are some of the key features of digital humanities research. With computers, it is possible to analyze text, discover patterns, and visualize data with relative ease. In addition, digital projects can be much more accessible to the general public than traditional scholarship. Read more[OPENSOURCE.COM]

Programming & Scripting Development Client & Server-Side

SERVER-SIDE: There’s a Way for Search Engines to Crawl JavaScript Websites and Applications. In the last decade, no other programming language has risen from the depths of the Web development world to the heights and success that JavaScript has. From a quirky scripting language that was generally used to animate menu options in the user’s browser, JavaScript is now a server-side interpreted language with servers and powerful middleware that can outperform even some classic LAMP stack setups. Read more[NEWS.SOFTPEDIA.COM]

BOOK REVIEW: Speaking JavaScript. If you need a “big book of everything JavaScript” this might be the one you are looking for. Read more[I-PROGRAMMER.INFO]


SPENDING SURVEY: As Enterprise Cloud Computing Adoption Matures, Investments In Application Development Increase. Application development (34%), managed services (27%), ERP implementations (22%) and cloud (20%) are the highest spending priorities for enterprises in 2015 according to the latest Cowen & Company IT spending survey. Read more[FORBES.COM]

START UP ADVICE: Why Small Companies Should Use Cloud Computing. Just like information technologies have revolutionized the world, so cloud computing aims to transform the way companies do business. Cloud computing is considered by many IT experts as the tool dominating the next generation, being able to offer cheaper, faster, portable and safer operations for all kinds of companies, whether they are small, medium or large. Read more[TECH.CO]


QUARTERLY REPORT: IBM Cloud Computing Services Earns $7.7 Billion Over The Past Year. IBM’s most recent quarterly earnings report indicates that the company is seeing rapid growth in its cloud business revenues, which increased 75 percent year-over-year, resulting in total cloud revenues of $7.7 billion in the twelve months leading up to the end of 2015’s first quarter. Read more[IPWATCHDOG.COM]

PUBLIC CLOUD: Why Amazon Dominates Cloud Computing Yet Should Not Be Your Knee-Jerk Choice. Will Amazon ultimately dominate the public cloud and IaaS? It’s perhaps the prime question now on the minds of IT strategists today as they develop their organization’s digital roadmap, for key reasons we’ll examine below. Read more[ZDNET.COM]

SharepointREWIND: SharePoint is Back, Yammer… Not So Much. Two things really stood out among the many announcements that came out of Ignite: the rebirth of SharePoint on premises and the end of the line for Yammer. Read more[CMSWIRE.COM]

INSIDE NEWS: Microsoft Looks To Bring Social Back to SharePoint with Office Graph. Within the last two years, Microsoft has gone from laggard to innovator in the enterprise social space but with SharePoint and the Office 365 platform, the company must keep its eyes focused on productivity and demonstrate real business value if it wants to maintain leadership in the enterprise. Read more[REDMONDMAG.COM]

SharepointMICROSOFT SHAREPOINT: Why Are We Still Hearing So Much About Adoption Issues? Although Microsoft SharePoint has been around for 14 years, it is still a major piece of enterprise software that many CIOs struggle to get internal acceptance for. Read more[COMPUTERWEEKLY.COM]

EXPERT OPINION: Why SharePoint 2016 Needs to Address Integration Shortcomings. SharePoint integration must be really hard, judging by this new infographic, “Seven Alcoholic Drinks to Imbibe as Your SharePoint Integration Project Fails.” Read more[ITBUSINESSEDGE.COM]

Federal AgenciesLEGISLATION: Clock Starts On DATA Act Implementation. The DATA Act — legislation requiring agencies to standardize financial reporting in the hopes of improving efficiency and transparency — officially goes into effect May 8, giving agencies two years to put policies in place. Due to a lack of standards in tagging financial data, it can be difficult to compare spending agency-by-agency and identify waste or misappropriated funds. Read more[FEDERALTIMES.COM]

FROM THE HILL: House Panel Closing In On FCC Reform Vote. A House panel is readying the first votes on process reform at the Federal Communications Commission since the agency approved controversial net neutrality rules earlier this year. GOP leaders on the commission have taken an active role in FCC oversight since the commission approved net neutrality rules that would reclassify broadband Internet access under rules governing traditional telephones. Read more[THEHILL.COM]

Federal AgenciesMALWARE SCARE: Dept. of Veteran Affairs Takes on Increasing Number of Cyberthreats. When any federal agency sees its malware instances jump 28 percent, month over month, that’s cause for alarm. But when the raw numbers of those malware instances are in the million and billion ranges, it’s even more frightening.Read more[FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]

IT IN EDUCATION: BYOD, 3-D Printing, Badging Among Top K-12 Trends – Report. Within a year, bring your own device programs and makerspaces will be customary in schools. And in the next five years or so, 3-D printing, adaptive learning technologies, digital badging and wearable technologies will also make their way into classrooms. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

Federal AgenciesIRS TECH: Sorting Fact From Fiction. The failures are high profile, easy to spot and they just keep coming: billions in bogus tax credits paid out, an abysmal customer service rate around 40 percent and the awarding of millions in employee bonuses amid budget cuts, to name a few. Read more[FCW.COM]

USA FREEDOM ACT: House Votes to Ban NSA Bulk Collection Program. By a 338-88 vote, the House on May 13 passed the USA Freedom Act, which would prohibit the NSA’s previously secret practice of conducting large-scale, indiscriminate collection of communications records, such as all records from an entire state, city or ZIP code. Instead, it would allow authorities to seek court approval to obtain specific communications records based on a threat to national security. Read more[GOVINFOSECURITY.COM]

Federal AgenciesFOR CDOS: It’s Data Science, Not Rocket Science. Data scientists and chief data officers are the hot hire these days, and government agencies at all levels are working to get more out of their rapidly growing troves of data. Determining how to approach all that data, however, can be daunting. Read more[GCN.COM]

DCAO PROGRAM: Slow Progress Forces Navy To Change Strategies For Cloud, Data Centers. The Department of the Navy isn’t making as much progress on data center consolidation and moving to the cloud as it wants to. So the Navy is moving the initiatives under a new owner and coming down hard on those who are standing in the way. Read more[FEDERALNEWSRADIO.COM]

Federal Agencies

SHARED SERVICES: High Interest in Self Plus One Expected. OPM has told insurance carriers in the FEHB that a high level of interest is expected in the new self plus one option that will become available in the 2016 plan year, with a “large number of enrollment changes” likely in this fall’s open season. Read more[FEDWEEK.COM]

SCHEDULE 70: GSA Adds New Cloud Special Item Number. The General Services Administration has assigned a single special item number for cloud service offerings on the agency’s Information Technology Schedule 70 federal procurement vehicle. Read more[EXECUTIVEGOV.COM]

Federal Agencies

STEM AWARENESS: Agencies, Schools Get In The Game. A growing number of government agencies, schools, startups and traditional camps are meeting the demand, offering coding and STEM programs – some lasting a day, others running several weeks – that appeal to kids’ inner technophiles and that are attracting interest among kids at an increasingly earlier age. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK: White House Building A ‘Yelp’ To Rate Federal Services. Lisa Danzig, the associate director for performance and personnel management at OMB, said the administration will be launching a “federal feedback button” pilot in the next few months to give Americans a way to provide instant feedback on their experiences with federal services. Read more[FEDERALTIMES.COM]

Federal AgenciesNET NEUTRALITY: Lawmakers Press FCC For More Transparency. Lawmakers have questioned the FCC’s process for some time, but the agency has come under increasing scrutiny from the public in light of the net neutrality rules. Read more[THEHILL.COM]

ENTERPRISE SERVICES MANAGEMENT: DoD Releases Plans Targeting IT Operations. The DoD Enterprise Services Management Framework provides guidance to standardize the management of IT services across DoD organizations and is the embodiment of the integration of various best practices, frameworks and standards that defines a Department-wide service management approach. Read more[FEDERALTIMES.COM]

Federal AgenciesPASSWORK MANAGEMENT: New Service Enables Single Login To Multiple Gov’t Sites. A new service lets users access multiple government websites using a single login – no password required. MyUSA, a product of the General Services Administration’s 18F, is an account management service that consolidates interactions with government websites. Read more[FIERCEGOVERNMENTIT.COM]

NEXTGEN PROJECT: FAA’s ERAM Takes Off. The Federal Aviation Administration appears to be making progress on the implementation of the NextGen air traffic control system with the announcement of the En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM). Read more[GCN.COM]

Federal AgenciesNEW COMMISSION: Feds, Industry Work To Improve Reporting On IT Spending. Federal agencies spend some $80 billion a year on IT projects and legacy systems, though exactly how that money is spent is often murky and finding out the value of IT dollars difficult. A new commission encompassing industry and public sector employees wants to unravel this knot and help government make better decisions on IT spending in the process. Read more[FEDERALTIMES.COM]

Federal Agencies

MANAGEMENT: News and Notes from GITEC 2015. The 2015 GITEC Summit, held in Baltimore, featured more than 200 government and industry leaders discussing some of the biggest issues facing federal technology leaders today. Here are news and notes from the conference. Read more[FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]

DOWNLOAD REPORT: Department of Defense Cyber Strategy April 2015. In a manner consistent with U.S. and international law, the Department of Defense seeks to deter attacks and defend the United States against any adversary that seeks to harm U.S. national interests during times of peace, crisis, or conflict. Read more[PUBLICINTELLIGENCE.NET]

Federal Agencies

REFORM ROLL-BACKS: Getting Tech to ‘Show Up’. Rolling back reforms sure won’t attract innovative players to the government market. According to the US CTO, the more tech experts from Silicon Valley join the government, the more the government is likely to begin adopting smarter, more contemporary IT and technology practices. Read more[GOVEXEC.COM]

STATE EXECS TALK TECH: How Do We Adopt New Technology? Painfully. In theory, all sorts of great technology is coming online for state government use: Unmanned aerial vehicles for agricultural surveys and building inspections. iBeacons for museums and other tourism centers. Even 3D printing for state labs and cryptocurrencies for online payments. Read more[GCN.COM]

Federal Agencies

HOMELAND SECURITY ALERT: Nepal Earthquake Disaster Email Scams. US-CERT would like to warn users of potential email scams regarding the earthquake in Nepal. The scam emails may contain links or attachments that may direct users to phishing or malware infected websites. Phishing emails and websites requesting donations for fraudulent charitable organizations commonly appear after these types of natural disasters. Read more[US-CERT.GOV]

NEW BATTLEGROUND: Mobile-First Will Not Be Enough. The global mobile revolution is still in its early stages! There will be nearly 3.5 billion individual smartphone users among more than 5 billion individual mobile subscribers by 2019, Forrester forecasts. Mobile will clearly be the new battleground where you must win, serve and retain your customers globally. Read more[INFORMATION-MANAGEMENT.COM]

Federal Agencies

SURVEY FINDINGS: Most Americans Don’t Care About Digital Services. The Obama administration is putting a heavy emphasis on using digital tools to improve the way citizens interact with government. However that might not be what Americans actually want. Read more[FEDERALTIMES.COM]

KODAK PARTNERSHIP: Federal EDA Grant Boosts Technology Innovation And Product Commercialization. With new funding from a federal Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant of over $600,000, the Innovation Accelerator Foundation (IAF) and Kodak’s Eastman Business Park (EBP) are partnering to accelerate the commercialization of technologies for products in the areas of energy and bio-materials advanced manufacturing. Read more[MARKETWATCH.COM]

Federal Agencies

GITEC 2015: Federal Cyber Spending Continues to Grow. Cybersecurity will continue to grow as a large percentage of federal technology spending, likely reaching as much as 20 to 25 percent in the coming years, said Kevin Plexico, Deltek’s vice president of information solutions, in opening remarks at the recent 2015 GITEC Summit. Read more[FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]

FRANK KENDALL: STEM Workforce, Bbp 3.0 Key To U.S. Tech Superiority. Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall outlined the need to develop future workers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math to ensure U.S. technological advantage, the Defense Department‘s Armed with Science blog. Read more[EXECUTIVEGOV.COM]

Federal Agencies

SECURITY: Audits Hamper Federal Cloud Migration. It can safely be said that cloud computing is taking root in government as both use and budgets continue to rise. While adoption issues remain, the results of a 2015 Meritalk survey are encouraging: Seventy-two percent of respondents say cloud security has improved over the last year, and 67 percent believe their data is safer in cloud environments than in legacy systems. Read more[FEDTECHMAGAZINE.COM]

CIVIL LIBERTIES: Law Banning Default Encryption Unlikely. Laws rarely, if ever, keep up with technology, but even if they could, the consequences could prove more harmful than the benefits. That was evident at a recent hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Information Technology that addressed the encryption – and security – of mobile devices. Read more [GOFINFOSECURITY.COM]

Federal Agencies

DIGITAL CRYPTOPARTY: As Patriot Act Debated, Privacy Tools More Accessible. People around the world hold strong views on protecting privacy. A recent survey from the Pew Research Center shows 74 percent of Americans believe control over personal information is “very important,” yet only 9 percent believe they have such control. The tech community is trying to change that. Read more[MISSIONLOCAL.ORG]

DEFENSE TECH: Pentagon Will Relaunch $475 Million Cyber Effort This Fall. Shortly after cancelling its search for bids on a five-year outsourcing contract, U.S. Cyber Command said a retooled version will be out by October. Read more[DEFENSEONE.COM]

Federal Agencies

GOVT IT SPENDING: ISG Executive Named to U.S. Federal IT COST Commission. Todd D. Lavieri, president of ISG Americas, has been named to the newly formed Commission on IT Cost Opportunity, Strategy and Transparency (IT COST), created to help the U.S. Federal Government measure the true cost of its information technology investments using Technology Business Management (TBM) standards and methodology. Read more[PRNEWSWIRE.COM]

FEDERAL CONTRACTING: OMB Issues Challenge on Training Program for Digital IT Acquisition Pros. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy and U.S. Digital Service have launched a $320,000 phased challenge on the training and development of federal contracting professionals specialized in digital service acquisition. Read more[EXECUTIVEGOV.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

TEXAS: App Rewards Austin Drivers To Rethink The Way Home. Officials for the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority are counting on a new mobile app to help alleviate traffic congestion in and around Austin, Texas, which ranks fourth in the nation for having the worst traffic conditions. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

HEADQUARTERS SEARCH: Why One Silicon Valley City Said “No” to Google. The most interesting part of Google’s proposed new headquarters is not the open-air layout, the glass canopies or the wild renderings — it’s how the company had hoped to convince Mountain View to approve the project. Read more[NEXTCITY.COM]

IT - State & Local GovernmentsBIG DATA MINING: Data Fusion Heralds City Attractiveness Ranking. The ability of any city to attract visitors is an important metric for town planners, businesses based on tourism, traffic planners, residents, and so on. And there are increasingly varied ways of measuring this thanks to the growing volumes of city-related data generated by with social media, and location-based data. Read more[TECHNOLOGYREVIEW.COM]

SPENDING PROJECTION: State IT Budgets Show Big Resurgence In 2015. State IT budgets have collectively increased by $4 billion, or about 16 percent, in fiscal year 2015 compared to last year’s figures, as state revenues and overall budgets continue to strengthen, according to a new report from Deltek. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

IT - State & Local GovernmentsGOV2GO: Arkansas Launches First State Government Apple Watch App. Less than a month after the Apple Watch was released widely to the public, the Arkansas Information Consortium — a subsidiary of NIC Inc. — launched the first official government application designed for the Apple Watch. And other state Apple Watch apps are due to show up in Mississippi, Maryland and Texas in the coming weeks. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

OKLAHOMA: Get the Results Your Government Needs With Data Center Consolidation. When Oklahoma began its data center consolidation in 2011, each of the state’s more than 170 agencies had been procuring its own IT infrastructure. “We had 129 different email systems and 30 data center and computer room locations,’” says Dustin Crossfield, Oklahoma director of technology services for the Information Services Division of the state’s Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES). Read more [STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

NASCIO: State IT Leaders Dive into Disruptive Technologies. Speaking on a NASCIO panel, IT chiefs share how they explore new initiatives. Although government IT traditionally hasn’t been known as being innovative, that’s beginning to change with efforts from several states. Read more[STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM]

CYBERSECURITY WORK GROUP: Ohio Group Releases Blueprint On Cyber Attack Recovery. A community’s emergency management team is almost always ready to respond to a natural disaster — but does that type of capability translate to cyber attacks? A new group in Ohio is aiming to ensure it does. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

TEXAS.GOV: Launches First-Ever One Page State Government Website. The Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) and Texas NICUSA, LLC (NIC) are proud to announce a transformative state government portal experience with the launch of the new, one-page As the state’s official website, the goal of has always been to provide citizens with simple, secure, and immediate access to government information and services. Read more[YOURHOUSTONNEWS.COM]

OPEN WICHITA: Developer Starts ‘Civic Hacking’ Group. For local developer Seth Etter, the best way to solve a problem is to look at the data. Etter is the organizer behind Open Wichita – a new “civic hacking” group that aims to solve community problems and increase government transparency through public information. Read more[KANSAS.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

BITCOIN: North Carolina Considers Law Regulating Virtual Currencies. North Carolina’s banking commissioner is seeking legislative authority to require that companies circulating digital IOUs meet consumer protection, anti-money laundering and other standards. Legislation passed the state House earlier this month and is pending in the Senate. Read more[THEOLYMPIAN.COM]

PENNSYLVANIA: State Develops App To Streamline Traffic Stop Data Queries. new Web application in Pennsylvania is helping police officers across the state search license plates and other data faster than ever before — and it was built in house. The HTML5-enabled responsive application, called Traffic Stop, combines data from the state police, the state Transportation Department, the state court system and the state Department of Human Services. Read more[STATESCOOP.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

MICHIGAN: State Can’t Compete With Private Firms On Tech Employee Pay. High demand for talented techies is driving salaries higher than most states can pay, leaving the chance to hack for the public good as capitals’ chief selling point. Read more[FREEP.COM]

MINNESOTA: State Employees Spend 15 Minutes Without A Mouse. You may be a quick keys savant, but how productive would you be without your computer mouse? It’s an interesting question, and one Minnesota’s state information technology office, better known as MN.IT, raised for employees on recently, as part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Read more[STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

ILLINOIS: State Recognized For Cyber Defense Education. The Center for Information Assurance and Security Education (CIASE) in Illinois State University’s School of Information Technology has once again been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education. The designation from the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security covers academic years 2014 through 2020. Read more[ILLINOISSTATE.EDU]

VIRGINIA: 5 Facts About Nelson Moe, The State’s New CIO. Virginia recently named Nelson Moe to be the state’s new chief information officer, replacing Sam Nixon. Here are five facts about the man who is taking on one of the country’s most complicated state information technology jobs. Read more[STATETECHMAGAZINE.COM]

IT - State & Local Governments

CALIFORNIA: Proposed Law Could Hamper Police Investigations, Protect Privacy. Proposed new state laws would build new hurdles for police agencies investigating murder, big drug sales and child sex crimes. But privacy advocates say you’d be shocked by how much of your personal information police can access if the laws don’t pass. Read more[ABC30.COM]

MARYLAND: Utilities Spread ‘Smart Meters’ Across The State, But Some Homeowners Hold Out. In August 2010, Baltimore Gas and Electric received permission from the Maryland Public Service Commission to overhaul its network of electric and gas meters that perch on the walls of homes and businesses in 10 counties and the city of Baltimore. Read more[SOMDNEWS.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityNEW ONLINE SECURITY RESEARCH: The Ad Injection Economy. In March, we outlined the problems with unwanted ad injectors, a common symptom of unwanted software. Ad injectors are programs that insert new ads, or replace existing ones, into the pages you visit while browsing the web. We’ve received more than 100,000 user complaints about them in Chrome since the beginning of 2015—more than any other issue. Unwanted ad injectors are not only annoying, they can pose serious security risks to users as well. Read more[GOOGLEONLINESECURITY.BLOGSPOT.COM]

SOCIAL ENGINEERING DEFENSES: Reducing The Human Element. While often viewed as the best defense against social engineering, security awareness training is ineffective and expensive. This topic has been hotly debated by security conference panels, and in various articles, but the focus has usually been on conducting or improving awareness training. Read more[DARKREADING.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityFRAUD SUMMIT: Managing Fraud Investigations. Ridgway, assistant U.S. attorney and deputy chief of the National Security and Cybercrimes division within the Department of Justice, says that while many breached entities would prefer to wait until they have completed an internal investigation before sharing information with law enforcement officials, it’s better to notify authorities early on to help preserve evidence. Read more[GOVINFORMATIONSECURITY.COM]

MALWARE ALERT: New Infostealer Tries To Foil Analysis Attempts By Wiping Hard Drive. Cisco researchers have discovered a new information-stealing Trojan that reads and records any plain-text data the victim types into their browser. But this discovery would be nothing to write home about were it not for the malware’s extremely destructive behavior if it detects malware researchers’ attempts to analyze it. Read more[NET-SECURITY.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityCYBERCRIME: New ‘Breaking Bad’ Ransom Trojan Is No Laughing Matter, Says Symantec. Windows users across the English-speaking world have been warned to be on the lookout for a new Trojan campaign that borrows imagery from the TV show Breaking Bad as part of a not-so-amusing attempt to extort money from anyone infected by it. Read more[CSOONLINE.COM]

WHITEPAPER DOWNLOAD: Ransomware – 7 Defensive Strategies. Ransomware attacks fall into two categories: scareware and lockers. Scareware is a social-engineering attack that displays an official- looking notice of a fine, often for the PC having allegedly been used to view pornographic material. Read more[DATABREACHTODAY.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityLEADERSHIP: Four Big Cyber Security Challenges (And How To Overcome Them). As cyber attacks coming from these organized rings become more complex and effective — and as data becomes an increasingly important resource for businesses — cyber security has risen to the top of executives’ concerns. Read more[FORBES.COM]

SANS INSTITUTE REPORT: Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense. Over the years, many security standards and requirements frameworks have been developed in attempts to address risks to enterprise systems and the critical data in them. However, most of these efforts have essentially become exercises in reporting on compliance and have actually diverted security program resources from the constantly evolving attacks that must be addressed. Read more[SANS.ORG]

IT Security | Cybersecurity

QUICK STEPS: Taking A Security Program From Zero To Hero. Breaking the enigma of InfoSec into smaller bites is a proven method for building up an organization’s security capabilities. Here are six steps to get you started. Read more[DARKREADING.COM]

SOFTWARE PLATFORMS: Remotely Exploitable Vulnerabilities in SAP Compression Algorithms. The two primary compression algorithms used by SAP SE products, some of the most popular enterprise and business management software platforms on the market, contain multiple, remotely exploitable security vulnerabilities. Read more[THREATPOST.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityRANSOMWARE THREAT: TeslaCrypt Used To Extort Over $76K In Recent Months. Cybercriminals have pocketed substantial payments from victims infected by TeslaCrypt, a relatively new ransomware threat known for being distributed through the Angler Exploit Kit (EK). Read more[SCMAGAZINE.COM]

FAST FEED: Want To Make More Money? Get A Cybersecurity Job. A new salary survey indicates that working in cybersecurity—i.e., dealing with script-deploying teenagers and pesky Chinese economic intelligence projects—pays quite well. Tripwire, a Portland-based threat detection firm that markets threat detection tools to Fortune 500 corporations, recently published a guide to top-paying jobs in information security… Read more[FASTCOMPANY.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityNASCIO REPORT: States Struggle To Hire Cybersecurity Experts. State governments, which routinely handle tax records, Social Security numbers and other sensitive data, are struggling to hire cybersecurity experts with the skills to ward off data breaches and stymie hackers. A recent report by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers says uncompetitive pay, a shortage of qualified candidates and slow hiring processes are among the reasons. Read more[SACBEE.COM]

LEGISLATION COLLABORATION: US Tech Firms Targeted In Cybersecurity Talks. US tech firms targeted in cybersecurity talks France, Germany and Spain are pushing to extend legislation over a broad array of Internet companies. Read more[POLITICO.EU]

IT Security | CybersecurityNIST OFFICIAL: Businesses Need To Take More Responsibility For Cybersecurity. When it comes to cybersecurity, the relationship between businesses and the government has been mostly all carrot and no stick. And most federal officials say that’s the only way to make cyber improvements actually stick around in the commercial sector. Read more[NEXTGOV.COM]

EXPERT ADVICE: Time To Move Beyond ‘Medieval’ Cyber Security Approach. The nation’s approach to cyber security has much in common with medieval defense tactics, and that needs to change, says a cyber security expert at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Read more[MST.EDU]

IT Security | Cybersecurity

HITB HAXPO: Richard Thieme’s Call To InfoSec Community To ‘Think Beyond The Edges’. The former priest gone author and futuristic technology guru is well known within the InfoSec community and considered a “father figure” of the hacking convention circuit, keynoting at events such as DefCon and BlackHat. Read more[IDIGITALTIMES.COM]

TAGGING POLICIES: The Challenges Of Data Classification. We are living in a data driven society with globalizing economies, data transfer, and ubiquitous access to everything from everywhere. From information gateways, websites, file shares, and web applications, to instant messaging and on-premises and cloud collaboration systems, data is free-flowing both within and outside an organization’s walls. Read more[NET-SECURITY.COM]

IT Security | Cybersecurity

SPEAR PHISHING: Most People Can’t Spot an Email Scam Plenty of folks think they could never be outsmarted by a hacker; plenty of them are wrong. In fact, perhaps 97% are wrong. Two new studies make this point, and show the devastating consequences of being wrong. Read more[TIME.COM]

WEAPONIZING CODE: America’s Quest To Control The Exploit Market. When the US Bureau of Industry and Security published how it plans to implement the sections on hacking technologies in a global weapons trade pact called the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) last week, it ignited an online firestorm of meltdowns, freakouts, and vicious infighting within the most respected circles of hacking and computer security. Read more[ENGADGET.COM]

IT Security | Cybersecurity

THREAT ADVISORY: Apple Blocks Outdated Flash Player Versions in OS X, Safari. In its advisory, Apple said it will begin blocking out-of-date versions of Flash in its Safari browser. This is not an unprecedented move from Apple, which on several occasions dating back to 2012 has proactively blocked Flash, especially after major updates or publicly reported attacks. Read more[THREATPOST.COM]

PONEMON REPORT: What Data Breaches Now Cost And Why. The actual cost of a data breach is all about industry sector and location, location, location. Healthcare and education sectors incur the highest breach costs of all industries, and Germany and the US cost victim organizations more than anywhere else in the world. Read more[DARKREADING.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityTAX RETURN FRAUD: IRS Is Still Using Windows XP, Has A Cybersecurity Staff Of 363 People. In the last few years, tax return fraud has become a serious problem at the state and federal levels, thanks to the growth of e-filing and security holes in IRS and third-party tax software systems. Is the IRS to blame for this trend? There are really only two options: the IRS is either broke or incompetent. Read more[CONSUMERIST.COM]

INFORMATION PROTECTION: Cybersecurity, User Interface and You. Cybersecurity isn’t what it used to be. Safeguarding the information of companies and customers used to be the sole concern for those in the IT security profession—but no longer. Now, the user experience must be considered, as well. Read more[DELOITTE.WSJ.COM]

IT Security | CybersecurityCONTENT FILTERING: Is Your Web Security Really Cloud Application Proof? From Dropbox to Twitter to WeTransfer and Salesforce, the use of cloud-based applications has become an everyday part of the modern business ecosystem. Research has shown that the average employee uses a staggering 27 apps at work. Read more[INFORMATION-AGE.COM]

PAYSCALE UPDATE: IT Security Pros See Rise in Salaries. Salaries for security tech professionals can greatly exceed the baseline for IT professional salaries, according to a report from Dice, the IT jobs portal. Read more[EWEEK.COM]

IT Security | Cybersecurity

DEFENSE REQUIREMENTS: Navy IT Priorities Stress Security, Efficiency. Recently, the Navy has more overtly aligned its IT requirements around the joint information environment (JIE), a vision centered on universal interoperability, standardizatio and visibility within the Defense Department. The service has four priorities related to the JIE: security, network normalization, infrastructure consolidation and enterprise services. Read more[NATIONALDEFENSEMAGAZINE.ORG]

OUTSOURCING: IRS Cut Its Cybersecurity Staff By 11% Over Four Years. The Internal Revenue Service, which rcently disclosed the breach of 100,000 taxpayer accounts, has been steadily reducing the size of its internal cybersecurity staff as it increases its security spending. This may seem paradoxical, but one observer suggested it could signal a shift to outsourcing. Read more [COMPUTERWORLD.COM]

Web DevelopmentACCESSIBILITY: Even Tiny Updates to Tech Can Be Obstacles for the Disabled. When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed 25 years ago, it was intended to usher in a new age of accessibility. It promised recourse from discrimination in employment, transportation and communication—in other words, greater access to the physical world. Since then, the world has evolved in radical ways. Read more[WIRED.COM]

Network SecurityDATA TRACKING: Do You Know Where Your Sensitive Data Lives? Challenges with tracking where sensitive and regulated data is flowing, and the inability to control that flow in outsourced environments such as SaaS cloud applications, where it can move freely between data centers and cloud provider’s partner’s systems, is a key challenge for enterprises in regulated sectors.Read more[NET-SECURITY.ORG]

CHECKLIST: Eight Things You Need to Know Before Deploying a Cyber-Threat Intelligence Solution. Protecting against cyber-attacks is proving to be a real challenge. A few years ago, defense-in-depth was the recommended methodology to successfully fight cyber-attacks. Despite the proliferation of defense-in-depth mechanisms, a large number of high profile cyber-attacks are still observed. Read more[INFOSECURITY-MAGAZINE.COM]

Network Security

CISCO SUBNET: Security Is a Prisoner of the Network. Cybersecurity professionals must gain experience and get comfortable with virtual network security. Read more[NETWORKWORLD.COM]

TECH DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL: Top 10 Best-Selling Network Security Products In Q1 2015. This quarter’s top-selling network security products included the best of the best from Cisco, Juniper, SonicWall, NetGear and Fortinet, according to data from Port Washington, N.Y.-based NPD Group, which compiles data in its DistributorTrack sales database from leading distributors in the U.S. Global Technology Distribution Council. Read more[CRN.COM]

Network Security

CUSTOMER PRIVACY: United Airlines Launches Bug Bounty Program. It’s the first of its kind in the airline industry — United Airlines is launching a bug bounty program that aims to protect Relevant Products/Services customer personal data Relevant Products/Services and privacy. But at least one technology market watcher said the timing could reflect negatively on the airline. Read more[CIO-TODAY.COM]

GOVERNMENT INVESTMENTS: Mozilla Pushes Web Sites To Adopt Encryption. The organization behind the Firefox Web browser wants to see Web site encryption become standard practice, and it has laid out a two-part plan to help that happen. Mozilla said it plans to set a date by which all new features for its browser will be available only to secure Web sites. Read more[TOPTECHNEWS.COM]


CLOUD ARCHITECTURE: SQL Server 16 to Hybridize Databases. With a typical hybrid cloud architecture, relational databases that span storage volumes across premises into the public cloud are facilitated — rather delicately — by a cloud management platform (CMP). Read more[CMSWIRE.COM]

PRIVATE CLOUD DEPLOYMENT: Oracle Collaborates With Mirantis to Bring Database as a Service. Ahead of the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, British Columbia, Oracle announced a collaboration with Mirantis to enable Oracle Solaris and Mirantis OpenStack users to accelerate application and database provisioning in private cloud environments via Murano, the application project in the OpenStack ecosystem. Read more[MARKETWATCH.COM]


RELATIONAL DBS: NoSQL Database Maker MarkLogic Gets $102M VC Shot in Arm. The NoSQL market is positioned as an alternative to traditional—and most often expensive—relational databases. Read more[EWEEK.COM]

TRENDS: The Role of Hadoop in Advancing Data Analytics. Hadoop is contributing to the success of data analytics. Anad Rai, IT manager at Verizon Wireless, examined the differences between traditional versus big data at Data Summit 2015 in a session titled “Analytics: Traditional Versus Big Data.” Read more[DBTA.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsMAGIC TECH: Hyperlapse Smooths Out Android Phone Shaky Cams. Last August, Microsoft showed off a seemingly magic technology called hyperlapse. The promise of the prototype was to make even the shakiest videos buttery smooth. Within two weeks, Instagram put out a Hyperlapse app of its own for iOS. Read more[WIRED.COM]

FOR PIRATES: No, You Can’t Have Windows 10 For Free. Free Windows 10 is not really going to be free for everyone. Computers that aren’t running a genuine, paid-for earlier version of Windows will not be eligible for the upgrade, Windows boss Terry Myerson clarified in a recent blog post. Read more[BUSINESSINSIDER.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsGOODBYE IE: With The Launch Of Its Edge Browser, Microsoft Ends An Antitrust Era. In a detailed blog post recently, the team developing Microsoft’s new Windows 10 web browser detailed some of the security improvements it will usher in with the launch of Microsoft Edge.In its antitrust arguments, Microsoft insisted that Internet Explorer was “integrated” into Windows as a core feature that couldn’t be removed. Read more[ZDNET.COM]

INDUSTRY WATCH: Successful Software Development. Software is how organizations compete in today’s marketplace. New companies like Uber and Airbnb are invading existing businesses, using the power of software and services to succeed in this sharing economy. Read more[SDTIMES.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsOUTSOURCING: Communication and Cultural Understanding Key to Software Development Innovation. Getting software development right in an outsourced environment can be tricky, but in the nearshore context time zone and cultural affinity combined with the ability to create blended teams minimizes some of those challenges. Read more[NEARSHOREAMERICAS.COM]

TESTING PLATFORM: Is Microsoft Testing Our Software, Seriously? Building software is important, but that ‘build’ word is just one of several components in the so-called software application development and operations lifecycle. The whole process should ideally be a system of plan, code, build, test, release, deploy, use and then monitor… Read more[FORBES.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsTECH COUNCIL SURVEY: Software Developers Lacking. A greater demand for software development talent and a shortage of professionals to fill these roles is the subject of a new Technology Councils of North America survey. Read more[BIZJOURNALS.COM]

PREVIEW: Here Are The Features Microsoft Is Cutting From Windows 10. Windows 10 is fast approaching and while there’s no immediate need to upgrade from 8.1, or even 7, odds are you’ll want to make the jump eventually. Before you do, you’d best check out the Windows 10 “feature deprecation section”, to make sure your favourite features aren’t being cut from the latest release. Read more[GIZMODO.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsMOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT: How To Differentiate Leading Mobile Operating Systems. Expert Matthew David explains differences between leading mobile operating systems and how they differ from traditional desktop applications. Read more[SEARCHSOFTWAREQUALITY.TECHTARGET.COM]

CONTAINER OPTIMIZED OS: Building Web-Scale Applications? These Operating Systems Will Help You. The rise of Docker has reinvigorated the interest in containers. Microservices and containerized applications are self-contained with minimal dependencies on the operating system. These contemporary, stand-alone services encapsulate the runtime, frameworks, third party libraries and code, eliminating the dependency on the underlying operating system. Read more[FORBES.COM]

Software & Operating SystemsCLOUD: Linux Container Operating Systems: Thin Is In. When is less really more? When it’s a Linux operating system designed to run containers, such as Red Hat Atomic Host, Ubuntu Snappy, or CoreOS. As developers increasingly embrace containers for building and running apps, these small footprint systems could change the operating system’s long-standing role as a catch-all for historic but less-important functions, like fax servers. Read more[INFORMATIONWEEK.COM]

Personal Tech

MOBILE APPS: Google Play Will Allow Pre-Registration For Upcoming Android Apps. Google has introduced a pre-registration feature for upcoming apps on the Google Play Store. “Terminator Genisys: Revolution” by Glu Mobile will be the first app to use the feature, which will allow players to see upcoming apps listed on the Google Play Store. Read more[TECHTIMES.COM]

CABLE NEWS: Comcast Puts Money Where Customer Service Mouth Is. Remember the Comcast customer service fiasco last summer? One of the cable company’s service agents apparently crossed the line of acceptable retention efforts, hassling a former Engadget editor, Ryan Block, who wanted to cancel his service. Block exposed the experience, giving Comcast a black eye.Find out more[TOPTECHNEWS.COM]

Personal Tech

BYOD AND MOBILITY: Why We Shouldn’t Put Too Much Faith In Personal Technology For The Enterprise. Here’s the age old problem. Before the advent of BYOD, you had employees on mobile devices unsuited to them, not working to the best of their ability as a result. By utilizing their home technology for work purposes, they could get all their tasks done. Right? Find out more[APPSTECHNEWS.COM]

MEET LILY: The $499 ‘Selfie Drone’ That’s Your Personal Videographer. Yes, in 2015 we have drones to take selfies for us, because maintaining the perfect duckface while tapping a touchscreen button are sorely testing humanity’s multi-tasking capabilities. Read more[THEGUARDIAN.COM]

Personal Tech

TECH REVIEW: BitTorrent’s Bleep Is a Messaging App Built for Secrecy. Yes, you read that right, BitTorrent-the same company behind everybody’s favorite music, movie and TV show, uh, sharing technology. It’s in the middle of refashioning itself into an upstanding consumer tech company. Read more[BLOGS.WSJ.COM]

Technology NewsWIFI EXPLOIT: Security Flaw Lets Attackers Cripple Your iPhone And There’s No Way To Stop Them. Wondering how difficult it is for attackers to cripple your iPhone? The answer isn’t going to make you happy — in a nutshell, all the have to do is create a Wi-Fi network. That’s right, thanks to a newly detailed security flaw in iOS, malicious hackers can send an iPhone into an endless reboot loop simply by creating a Wi-Fi network. Read more[BGR.COM]

ADD-ONS: Disney Is Using Ultrasonic Sound-Waves To Develop Next Generation Smartphone Accessories. Companies and researchers are always trying to find innovative ways to expand the smartphones and tablets we use everyday, whether it’s a new app or some kind of hardware accessory. And now, a team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research are leveraging ultrasonic audio coming from our devices in order to develop new kinds of interactive mobile controllers. Read more [CSOONLINE.COM]

Technology NewsTECH AND PAY: How Technology Has Affected Wages for the Last 200 Years. Today’s great paradox is that we feel the impact of technology everywhere — in our cars, our phones, the supermarket, the doctor’s office — but not in our paychecks. Read more[HBR.ORG]

TECH JOBS: Why People Who Put Data Scientist On Their Linkedin Profiles Earn More Money. As the White House’s first chief data scientist, Patil — widely credited with coining the term “data scientist” — has become a high-profile champion of the Obama administration’s open data efforts. The possibilities are seemingly endless for data science, Patil explained during his speech. And a lot of that has to do with ambiguous nature of the role. Read more[NEXTGOV.COM]

Technology NewsSTRATEGY: How A Jacksonville Tech Firm Doubled Its Workforce In Less Than A Year. What do you do when you’re a Jacksonville tech company competing in the same niche space as a Panama City tech company that’s going under? Read more[BIZJOURNALS.COM]

Enterprise NewsUSABILITY: Enterprise Software Companies Need to be Customer Centric. Many enterprise software firms are working at improving the usability of their solutions. Further, many enterprise software firms, have embraced the cloud. Read more[FORBES.COM]

UX NEWS: 4 Consumerization Trends That Are Changing Enterprise Software as We Know It. Enterprise software is in the midst of a revolution. In the early 2000s, businesses were the primary users of technology, and they set the rules for how it should be built. The result was clunky, feature-rich software that no one apart from a few power users knew how to use. Read more[ENTREPRENEUR.COM]

Enterprise NewsGOOGLE’S SCHMIDT TO DEVS: Challenge Legacy Enterprise Software. Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt believes there is a big opportunity for software developers building enterprise solutions that combine mobility, ultra-fast connectivity, and true cloud-based services. Read more[PCMAG.COM]

TRANSFORMATION: Connecting Architecture to Business Strategy. Enterprise Architecture, when done well, is a business transformation practice. Transforming a business is not about slogans, mission statements, slick PowerPoints or in-depth strategy documents. It’s about execution and actually changing business operations. Read more[COMPUTERWORLD.COM]

Enterprise NewsBIG DATA: Much Ado about Hyperscale Architectures. Many organizations are looking forward to the future of hyperscale networking. Even if you are not a cloud-scale enterprise like Amazon and Google, you can still capitalize on the ability to manage and manipulate large data stores over a highly commoditized, distributed architecture. Read more[ENTERPRISENETWORKINGPLANET.COM]

IT BUDGETS: The Enterprise Technologies To Watch In 2015. It is impressive how much the enterprise technology landscape has changed in just a year. While some priorities remain unchanged, important new players have emerged that business and IT leaders must consider in their plans this year. Read more[ZDNET.COM]

Enterprise NewsC-SUITE GOALS: New Battleground In Enterprise Technology. Businesses today are grabbling with the challenge of using new technologies and new sets of data to improve performance, create excellent customer experiences, and empower their staff to innovate and collaborate more fluidly, says Vishal Barapatre, CTO In2IT Technologies South Africa. Read more[IT-ONLINE.COM]

Mobile Apps & DevelopmentENTERPRISE APPS: 7 Mobile App Development Best Practices. The enterprise mobile app developer is under constant pressure. There is a growing backlog of mobile apps to build and expectations to deliver faster than ever. Technology and tools are evolving rapidly and making it difficult to even get started, let alone deliver fast. Read more[ENTERPRISEAPPSTODAY.COM]

DIGITAL ADS: Amazon Unveils Advertising Platform for Mobile-App Developers. Inc. unveiled a new advertising platform for mobile-applications developers, a push by the largest Web retailer to grab a bigger piece of the smartphone advertising market dominated by Google Inc. and Facebook Inc.Read more[BLOOMBERG.COM]

Mobile Apps & DevelopmentSTARBUCKS VERDICT: Mobile App Not Hacked, Get a Stronger Password. According to a report from blogger Bob Sullivan, some Starbucks app-using customers have found that nefarious folk have found a way to break into their online accounts. Once inside, they add new gift cards and transfer funds from a person’s bank, taking advantage of Starbucks’ auto-reloading feature to basically siphon hundreds of dollars from a person. Read more[PCMAG.COM]

MOBILE APPS: Codeless Development Is One Solution To Rising Costs, Delays In Enterprise App Deployment. The demand for mobile apps in the enterprise has surged, but companies have trouble keeping up with demand due to a lack of skilled in-house mobile programmers, as well as app development costs and delays. Read more[FIERCEMOBILEIT.COM]

Mobile Apps & DevelopmentHYBRID VS. NATIVE: Understanding The Hybrid Technology Of Mobile Application Development. We all are aware of the term hybrid. It’s mixture two or more. In mobile application development, hybrid means the same. An application based on hybrid technology is the blend two technologies known as web development and native mobile application development. Read more[WHATECH.COM]

GROWTH AND CHANGE: Trends Emerge In The World Of App Development. The app development world is always growing and changing. As more people turn to apps on their mobile devices, it’s only natural that app development should grow and change with the times, too. Read more[HOSTREVIEW.COM]

Mobile Apps & DevelopmentLATEST GENERATION: The New Era Of App Development – Mobile Vs. Legacy. Mobile applications have come a long way. Just 15 years ago you were lucky to have the game Snake installed on your phone – today, mobile apps have become so integral to both working and daily lives that it’s hard to believe people were happy with such limited options. Read more[INFORMATION-AGE.COM]

BUSINESS SPIN-OFF: PayPal’s New Chief Promises New Services for a Mobile World. As PayPal prepares to split from its corporate parent, its new chief executive is promising to expand the popular online payment system, adding a variety of services for consumers to use when shopping on their phones or in traditional stores. Read more[TOPTECHNEWS.COM]

Mobile Apps & DevelopmentTECH REPORT: Next Version Of Android Will Let You Log Into Apps With A Fingerprint. Say goodbye to remembering long passwords. The next version of Android — tentatively called Android M — will reportedly include “native fingerprint authentication,” according to a report from BuzzFeed. Read more[MASHABLE.COM]

Continuous MonitoringTENABLE NEWS: Eliminate Blind Spots In Your Network Security. Recent security breaches in major organisations have highlighted the difficulties of protecting networks in an ever-changing dynamic IT landscape. While companies have invested in multiple, preventative security technologies such as authentication, anti-virus, automated patching, next generation firewalls and security event management, cyber criminals… Find out more[SOURCEWIRE.COM]

QUALSYS CM: Continuous Monitoring Of Perimeter And Internal IT Assets. Today’s cyber attacks are often a result of cyber criminals scanning and attacking networks on a continuous basis, coupled with an event-driven approach to monitoring an organization’s perimeter. As a result, vulnerable machines can be exploited within hours with toxic combinations of scenarios… Find out more[NET-SECURITY.COM]

Software Patch NewsBIG NEWS: The Launch Of Windows 10 May Signal The End Of ‘Patch Tuesday’. Several years ago, Microsoft launched what later became known as “Patch Tuesday” as a way to deliver security updates and bug fixes for Windows and other software products on the second Tuesday of each month. The upcoming launch of Windows 10 will likely do away with that “once a month” pattern for releasing patches as Microsoft moves to a release model where updates are launched when they are ready. Read more[WINDOWSCENTRAL.COM]

PREINSTALLED SOFTWARE: Lenovo Patches Critical PC Flaws. Lenovo issued an emergency patch to fix flaws in software that it preinstalls on many of its Windows PCs after security researchers warned that it contained vulnerabilities that attackers could use to remotely seize control of systems. Find out more[GOVINFOSECURITY.COM]

Software Patch NewsBROWSER BUG FIXES: Apple Patches Multiple Security Bugs In Safari. Apple has released new versions of Safari with security updates for OS X Mountain Lion, Mavericks, and Yosemite. The first set of new flaws in Safari were discovered by Apple and affect its browser engine WebKit in Safari 8.0.5, Safari 7.1.5, and Safari 6.2.5 due to three memory corruption issues that can be exploited through a maliciously crafted website, and can cause the browser to crash or execute arbitrary code. Read more[ZDNET.COM]

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Three-Dimensional Governance for the CIO

7 Reasons to Take Control of IT Incidents

Breach Mitigation Response Time Too Long, Survey Says

Six Tactics for Cyberdefense

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Feds Report Mixed Responses to Shared Services

Federal Employees Are Not Security Experts

Survival Guide for Network Administrators

DBaaS: OpenStack Trove Changes DB Management

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Help Wanted: Certified Cybersecurity Professionals

Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center Preview

Cloud Moves in 1-2-3

Change Management for Disaster Recovery

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Jeffersonian Advice For C-Suite Career Advancement

Ways To Survive The “Mobile-Pocalypse”

Microsoft Cloud Services Receive FedRAMP Authority to Operate

Hiring Pentesters? Here Are 10 Things You Need to Know

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Home Router Malware Alert

Threat Model Deconstruction

Business Email Scam Nets $214 Million

How to Prevent Unauthorized Software from Taking Over Your Organization

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Digital Marketing Predictions for 2015

SDN: Network Administrator’s Friend or Foe?

Mobile Payments: A Must for Federal Agencies

Soft Skills Are A Must-Have For Careers In IT

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

Security Risks Most Prevalent in Younger Workers

The Security World’s Maturation

Data Breach Concerns Keep CISOs Up At Night

Personalized Govt Equals Instant Gratification for Citizens

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems Blog

People-Centric Security

Pentagon Tries BYOD To Strike Work/Life Balance

Open Source Model Considered for MS Windows

Open Internet: To Be or Not to Be?

From the Blue Mountain Data Systems BlogMalware Stays A Step Ahead Infecting One Third of Websites

Machine-Generated Data: Potential Goldmine for the CIO

Government Legacy Programs: Reuse vs. Replacement

It Takes a Whole Village to Protect Networks and Systems


Blue Mountain Data Systems Inc.

Blue Mountain Data Systems Inc. is dedicated to application and systems development, electronic document management, IT security support, and the automation of workflow processes.

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Recent Experience

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration

1994 to Present

Responsible to the Office of Technology and Information Systems for information systems architecture, planning, applications development, networking, administration and IT security, supporting the enforcement of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act — ERISA. Within the EBSA, Blue Mountain is responsible for design, development and support for its various enforcement database management systems, as well as all case tracking and customer service inquiry systems. Blue Mountain also provides IT security services to the EBSA, in the form of FISMA Assessment and Authorization, System Security Plans, Risk and vulnerability assessments, monitoring and investigation support.


Paul T. Vesely Founder, President, CEO and Principal Architect

Mr. Vesely is a recognized thought leader in systems architecture and delivery, having designed and delivered many enterprise wide information and document management solutions. Mr. Vesely’s history includes 33 years experience in the information systems industry, with Unisys, Grumman, PRC and a host of clients in both government and private sectors.


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PHONE 703-502-3416

FAX 703-745-9110


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