technique: knitting - la maglia di marica · size to fi t chest 46 cm 18 in length, measured down...

Post on 01-May-2018






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SizeTo fi t chest46 cm18 in

Length, measured down centre back35 cm 13 ½ in

Sleeve seam, measured down centre3 cm 1 in

YarnPatons Fairytale Soft 4ply 9806555 - (shade 04300)x3 50g balls

Can also be knitted in the wool alternative: Patons Fairytale Dreamtime 4ply 9806509 – (shade 00051)

Please remember to check yarn quantities, as yardage may differ.

Additional RequirementsNeedles: 1 Pair each Milward 3mm (UK 11/USA 3) and 3.25mm (UK 10/USA 3) needles. Milward stitch holder or spare needleX5 Milward buttons 0359

Tension228 sts and 36 rows to 10cm (stocking st) on 3.25mm needles and 20 sts and 40 rows to 10cm (lace patt on Centre Triangular Sections on Shawl, before blocking) on 4.5mm needles or size needed to achieve correct tension.

Technique: Knitting

Brand: Patons

Crafting time: Longer term

Theme: Royal Baby

Deramores exclusive from Patons

Royal Baby Dress

Copyright © 2015 Coats PLC

Knitting abbreviationsK=knit; P=purl; st(s)=stitch(es);garter st=K every row; stocking st=K 1 row, P 1 row; sL1K=slip 1 st knitways; sL2K=slip next 2 sts one st at a time knitways; psso=pass slipped st over; p2sso=pass 2 slipped sts over; yfwd=yarn forward; yrn=yarn round needle; tog=together; tbl=through back of loops; inc=increase 1 stitch by working into front and back of st; dec=decrease by working 2 sts together; beg=-beginning; alt=alternate; rep=repeat; patt=pattern; cont=-continue; meas=measures; foll=following; RS=right side; WS=wrong side; approx=approximate; cm=centimetres; in=inches; mm=millimetres; M1=make a st by picking up horizontal loop lying before next st and working into back of it; MB=Make bobble – (K1, P1, K1) all into front of next st, turn, K3, turn, P3, turn, K3, turn, P3tog.

Instructions:Before starting to knit, please read through the instructions carefully.

Panel patt (31 sts)Row 1 – (WS), P8, K15, P8.Row 2 – K8, P15, K8.Row 3 - P8, K15, P8.Row 4 – K9, (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K9.Row 5 – P8, (K1, P1) 7 times, K1, P8.Row 6 – K9, (MB, K1, P1, MB, P1, K1) twice, MB, K9. Row 7 - P8, (K1, P1) 7 times, K1, P8.Row 8 - K9, (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K9.Row 9 – P14, K1, P1, K1, P14.Row 10 – K7, (K2tog, yfwd) 3 times, K2, MB, K2, (yfwd, sL1K,

K1, psso) 3 times, K7.Row 11 – P6, (P2togtbl, yrn) twice, P4, K1, P1, K1, P4, (yrn, P2tog) twice, P6.Row 12 – K5, *(K2tog, yfwd) twice, K1*; rep from * to * once more, P1, **K1, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice**; rep from ** to ** once more, K5.Row 13 – P4, (P2togtbl, yrn) twice, P15, (yrn, P2tog) twice, P4.Row 14 – K3, (K2tog, yfwd) twice, K2, (K2tog, yfwd) twice, K1, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K1, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice, K2, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice, K3.Row 15 – P2, (P2togtbl, yrn) twice, P19, (yrn, P2tog) twice, P2. Row 16 – K1, (K2tog, yfwd) twice, K3, (K2tog, yfwd) twice, K2, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K2, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice, K3, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice, K1. Row 17 and every alt row to row 25 – P.Row 18 – K2, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K2, (K2tog, yfwd) twice, K3, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K3, (yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso) twice, K2, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K2.Row 20 – (K2, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K1) 5 times, K1. Row 22 – K3, MB, K4, (yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K3) 3 times, K1, MB, K3. Row 24 – K9, MB, K4, yfwd, sL2K, K1, p2sso, yfwd, K4, MB, K9.Row 26 – K15, MB, K15.These 26 rows form panel patt.

SleevesWith 3mm needles, cast on 38 sts and work in garter st for 4 rows. Inc row – (WS), K13, (M1, K1) 12 times, M1, K13 (50 sts).

Change to 3.25mm needles and starting with a K row work in stocking st for 8 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholesRows 1 and 2 - Cast off 2 sts, work to end. Row 3 – K1, K2togtbl, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Row 4 – K1, P to last st, K1. Rep last 2 rows twice more, then row 3 again (37 sts).Slip these sts onto a stitch holder or spare needle.

Deramores exclusive from Patons

Copyright © 2015Coats PLC

Royal Baby Dress

FrontWith 3mm needles, cast on 117 sts and work in garter st for 4 rows. Inc row – (WS), K5, (M1, K12) 9 times, M1, K4 (127 sts).

Change to 3.25mm needles and starting with a K row work in stocking st for 2 rows, ending with RS facing for next row. Work in border patt thus:Row 1 – (RS), K3, *yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K4; rep from * to last 4 sts, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K2.Row 2 and every alt row – P.Row 3 – K1, *K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K1; rep from * to end. Row 5 – K2tog, yfwd, *K3, yfwd, sL1K, K2tog, psso, yfwd; rep from * to last 5 sts, K3, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso.Row 7 – K6, *yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K4; rep from * to last st, K1.Row 8 – P.

Starting with a K row, work in stocking st for 3 rows, thus end-ing with WS facing for next row.

Cont in stocking st placing panel patt thus:Row 1 – (WS), P8, (work 31 sts as row 1 of panel patt, P9) twice, work 31 sts as row 1 of panel patt, P8. Row 2 – K8, (work 31 sts as row 2 of panel patt, K9) twice, work 31 sts as row 2 of panel patt, K8. Rows 3 to 26 – As rows 1 and 2, 12 times more, working ap-propriate rows of panel patt. Next row – P.

Cont in stocking st on all sts and shape sides by dec 1 st at each end of next and every foll 6th row until 115 sts rem. Cont

straight until work meas 24cm, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholesRows 1 and 2 – Cast off 2 sts, work to end. Row 3 – K1, K3togtbl, K to last 4 sts, K3tog, K1. Row 4 – K1, P to last st, K1. Rep last 2 rows twice more, then row 3 again (95 sts).

Slip these sts onto a stitch holder or spare needle.

BACKWork as Front until 121 sts rem. Work 3 rows, thus ending with RS facing for next row.

Divide for openingNext row – K59, cast off 3 sts, K to end, turn and work across these last 59 sts only.Next row – P59. Cont on these sts and dec 1 st at side edge on next and every foll 6th row until 56 sts rem.

**Work straight until Back matches Front to start of Armhole shaping, ending at side edge on last row. Shape armholeRow 1 – Cast off 2 sts, work to end.** Row 2 – K to last 4 sts, K3tog, K1. Row 3 – K1, P to end.

Rep last 2 rows twice more then row 2 again (46 sts).

Slip these sts onto a stitch holder or spare needle.

With WS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, P to end.

Dec 1 st at side edge on next row, then on every foll 6th row until 56 sts rem.

Work from ** to **.

Row 2 – P to last st, K1. Row 3 – K1, K3togtbl, K to end.

Rep last 2 rows 3 times more (46 sts).

Slip these sts onto a stitch holder or spare needle.

YOKE(Note: You may prefer to use a 3rd needle or circular needle until the number of stitches are reduced)

With 3.25mm needles, and with WS facing, work across right back back thus: P3, (P2tog) 20 times, P3, P38 sts from first Sleeve, then P4, (P2tog) 44 times, P3 from Front, P38 sts from second Sleeve, P37 from first Sleeve, then P3, (P2tog) 20 times, P3 from left back (179 sts).

Row 1 – (RS), K5, *yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K6; rep from * to last 6 sts, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K4. Rows 2, 4, 6 and 8 – P.Row 3 – K3, *K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K3; rep from * to end. Row 5 – K2, *K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 7 – K1, K2tog, yfwd, *K2, MB, K2, yfwd, sL1K, K2tog, psso, yfwd; rep from * to last 8 sts, K2, MB, K2, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, K1.Row 9 – K1, P1, K1, *yfwd, K1, sL1K, K2tog, psso, K1, yfwd, K1, P1, K1; rep from * to end. Row 10 – P1, *K1, P7; rep from * to last 2 sts, K1, P1.Row 11 – P3, *K1, yfwd, sL1K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K1, P3; rep from * to end. Row 12 – K3, *P5, K3; rep from * to end. Row 13 – P4, *K1, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, P5; rep from * to last 7 sts, K1, yfwd, sL1K, K1, psso, P4.

Deramores exclusive from Patons

Copyright © 2015Coats PLC

Royal Baby Dress

Row 14 – K4, *P3, K5; rep from * to last 7 sts, P3, K4.Row 15 – P4, *sL1K, K2tog, psso, P5; rep from * to last 7 sts, sL1K, K2tog, psso, P4 (135 sts). Row 16 – K4, *P1, K5; rep from * to last 5 sts, P1, K4.Keeping rib correct as set on last row, work straight until Yoke meas approx 7cm from start of Yoke, ending with RS facing for next row. Dec row – P1, P2tog, P1, *K1, P2tog, P1, P2tog; rep from * to last 5 sts, K1, P1, P2tog, P1 (91 sts). Keeping rib correct, work straight until Yoke meas approx 9cm from start of yoke patt, ending with WS facing for next row.

Next row – K5, (K2tog) 40 times, K6 (51 sts).

Change to 3mm needles and work in garter st for 4 rows. Cast off evenly.

MAKE UP Do not press. Join armhole, side and sleeve seams.

Button BorderWith 3mm needles, cast on 6 sts. Work in garter st until strip, when slightly stretched, fits up to top of neck edge, sewing in position as you go along. Mark the position of buttons on Button Border with pins, first to come 3-4 rows down from top edge, with remaining 4 spaced evenly between.

Buttonhole borderWork as for Button Border with the addition of 5 buttonholes to correspond with pins.

To make a buttonhole: Next row – K2, cast off 2 sts, K1.

Next row – K, casting on 2 over those cast off. Sew cast-on sts at base of Borders to cast-off sts at centre back. Sew on buttons. Block out to size and cover with a damp cloth. Leave to dry. Do not tumble dry.

Deramores exclusive from Patons

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